Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Night off.

MORE DISCLAIMERS Off tonight field hands, and no I am not in Arizona at the trump rally.



  1. Bold, James Bold10:59 PM

    If you're saying nothing, you're saying nothing stupid.

  2. Lilacpr11:10 PM

    Good night everybody! Relax and restore yourselves Field and everyone. Sweet dreams!

  3. Wow, Don Lemon and Rick Wilson went the F off on your president. Just wow!

  4. Now there's a riot outside of stadium. Well, America had a good run until we decided to elect dumbass.

  5. Anonymous11:55 PM


  6. Anonymous11:57 PM



  7. CNN is just going in on that guy. James Clapper said he is worried dumb ass has the nuclear codes and also said he is acting like he doean't want the job. I think he became unhinged because Mueller has access to his business dealings and his tax returns. Something is embarrassing and he has to distract.

  8. President four-year-old may not be smart enough to realize that the obstruction of justice statutes apply to congressional investigations as well as DOJ/criminal ones, so screaming at Mitch McConnell for not sufficiently protecting him from the senate's Russia investigation was, in fact, obstruction of justice.
    He's definitely not smart enough to realize that picking fights with Mitchie-poo is a bad idea, at least if he wants to serve out his whole term in offtce.
    With 45's poll numbers tanking out of the primary threat range, what incentive does a reptile like McConnell have for putting up with abuse from a moron like Trump when he knows his whole hideous agenda would already be law if Pence was president?
    So time for another Nuremberg rally to rile up the Pig People enough to sharpen up the blade on that primary threat, except no primary is gonna take out the Evil Mutant Ninja Turdle in motherfucking Kentucky, so Trump is really only holding a gun to the head of the senate majority that is his main insurance from being removed from office.
    And if he didn't think McConnell protected him enough so far, how much does he think he'll protect him now after he repeatedly humiliated him and made his wife stand next to him at his press freak-out?
    And even if there were a new majority leader, how loyal does he think they'd be after watching him randomly threaten senators from his own party every time his agenda failed?
    But there I go using that word again. There's obviously some sort of biological activity going on beneath that thing on his head, but I'm not sure I've ever seen it rise to the level of thought.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. trump seems to have really freaked out when Mueller went after his business dealings and tax returns. Hmmmm, seems somebody has something to hide.

  9. James Bold's Alter-ego...

    If you're saying nothing, then we're missing your brilliance. Won't you reconsider.

  10. Holy shit, here's a Richard Thompson song from 2014 called "Fergus Laing", and if it isn't specifically about Trump, it should be:

    "Fergus he builds and builds
    Yet small is his erection
    Fergus has a fine head of hair
    When the wind's in the right direction"


    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Black James Bold2:01 AM


  12. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Oh No! and Saints preserve us! It's completely new and unheard of...we will all surely die.

  13. The fascist-on-fascist food fight is beginning4:59 AM

    Bannon is back at Breitbart and already beginning to snipe at his former boss. He's trying to confine his attacks to Trump's other advisers, but inevitably, he'll end up trashing Trump. Which is delicious.

    Breitbart published an article with the following headline about Trump's decision to increase troop levels in Afghanistan:

    “His McMaster’s Voice: is Trump’s Afghanistan policy that different from Obama’s?”

    Bannon must be furious that he is no longer the puppetmaster, and it just hurts so bad, he couldn't stop himself from pointing out that Trump is H.R. McMaster's bitch now.


    Fuck Trump.

  14. Limpbaugh5:00 AM

    Heroin addicts probably cheered Trump's speech on Afghanistan. I would have been very impressed with Trump if he had announced he was pulling the U.S. troops out of Afghanistan. But I do realize that could open it to a flood of terrorists. I was more disappointed by Trump reciting establishment rhetoric. Afghanistan offered to turn over bin Laden if we showed proof he was involved in 9/11. I believe he was involved, but Al Qaeda didn't set up controlled demolitions, shoot a missile into the Pentagon, or shut up the media. I don't know if bin Laden's involvement was more as a terrorist or more as a CIA asset, though.

    Pakistan harbored bin Laden and we give them money. They were also involved in 9/11 and they wired money to Mohamed Atta. Bush wanted an UNOCAL pipeline through Afghanistan and Pakistan wanted us to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan because they feared a spillover of Taliban influence that would strengthen the Taliban in their own country. Before they denied access to build the pipeline, Bush had the Taliban come to his ranch. I'm not opposed to fighting the Taliban because they oppress people, but not for the reasons we are told. At least Trump alluding to a shift favoring India over Pakistan. That seems like a small positive. But a retired Pakistani naval officer tells me the current sore point is roadways that connect China to the Indian Ocean and India is a proxy for countries that don't want them.

    Iraqi Kurdish intelligence estimated that the U.S. killed 40,000 civilians freeing Mosul. But when civilians died in the liberation of Aleppo, we were told Assad committed war crimes. We oppose ISIS in already overthrown Iraq and supported them in Syria. Our government and media are ISIS.

    Trump escalating the war in Afghanistan reminds me of "the Surge". It was considered a military success. Most of the "success" came from the "Sunni Awakening" that took place during the Surge, not from sending more troops. Sunnis decided Al Qaeda was worse than the Americans and they let you pay them to fight Al Qaeda. That didn't go unreported in the mainstream media, but I know the Huffington Post didn't allow any mention of it.

  15. Limpbaugh5:13 AM

    Trump sets bad examples. Even looking at the eclipse without tinted glasses was a bad example. Maybe the most offensive thing he said about Charlottesville was that there were good people on both sides.There were bad people on both sides, but there are no good Nazis or Klansmen. But if Trump pardons Shariff Apiro that would be Trump's most blatant support of racism yet.

  16. And to think wingnuts wasted years and millions investigating Bill Clinton's zippers and finally impeached him for lying about sex.

    Has Drumpfuck ever told the truth? No, he has not and he won't tell the truth under oath and wingnuts won't give a shit because he is all theirs. They are conjoined miscarriages and are stuck with each other.

  17. Yisheng is brilliant9:33 AM

    What kind of narcissistic, whooteemoo jerk has "praise me, I'm really great" rallys every other month?


    1. You mean the man who has to have good news praising himself brought to him everyday?

  18. And did you catch the pictures of the crowds in Phoenix that were really parades for the Cubs and the Cavs, when the auditorium was half empty?
    Maybe Nuremberg rallies get old after a while, especially when it becomes too obvious to ignore that he's just lying and trying to jerk them off...

    -Doug in Oakland

  19. So that Richard Thompson song is definitely about Trump, who he describes as a "wanker" and a "tosser" in this video:


    Trump definitely does not deserve to be in a song with guitar this good, but that's Richard Thompson for you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Anonymous7:30 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  21. The Donald2:41 AM

    Trump 20 to life.
