Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Trump fails his "consoler-in chief" moment.

Image result for trump hurricane harvey images   * “Thank you everybody. What a crowd! What a turnout!”

That was the president of the United States talking to the people of South Texas. He had come to see the storm damage (illegal  immigrant former fashion model wife in tow) first hand and offer comfort and assurance to a distressed part of our country.

Sadly, he did no such thing. Rather, he basked in the size of the crowd in  a typical vainglorious fashion that we have come to expect from trump. I mean I knew that the man was obsessed with crowd sizes, but you would think that just for once he would let up on his fixation with crowd sizes and focus on the victims and the people feeling real pain. 

We know, of course, that he cannot do that, and this is why we see no real empathy coming from the man, no matter how hard he tries  to play the role. That is not who he is. 

And so, once again, we will hear from the clueless media about how presidential he looked for a moment, and  maybe, just maybe, he is finally "turning the corner". The bar is low for this man that Peggy Noonan actually said that he had a good press conference yesterday because he seemed "stable". Think about that for a minute: Just being "stable" means that you are being presidential. Anyway, it has already started.  Some in the press are already declaring that trump will d do a great job because he is more comfortable with domestic issues and he is great at rebuilding things. Get ready for it, because it's coming.

Finally, I have always had issues with republicans in the South, and now I see why.

Check out the latest poll with republicans in Louisiana about Hurricane Katrina.

 "A large number of Louisiana Republicans think President Barack Obama is to blame for the federal government’s poor response to Hurricane Katrina, according to a new Public Policy Polling survey released Wednesday — despite the fact that the storm occurred three years before he took office.
The Democratic-leaning polling firm, which provided its results to Talking Points Memo, found that 29 percent of Louisiana Republicans said Obama was responsible for the Katrina response. Twenty-eight percent put the blame on President George W. Bush, whose administration did in fact oversee the federal response to Katrina. Nearly half (44 percent) of the Louisiana Republicans polled didn’t know who to blame." [Source]
What's that saying? "The stupid is really strong with some people."
*Pic from usatoday.com




  1. Anonymous12:24 AM

    I don't know what's worse, the Gerrymandered Goblin's words about crowd size during a disaster (showing his penis envy yet again), or the simpleminded idiocy of 73% of polled morons blaming the wrong person or not knowing who to blame.

    The stupid isn't just strong, it's their way of life. They live, eat, and breathe it.

  2. Well, as Kurt Vonnegut said about Katrina and Bush, the president didn't cause that hurricane.
    That said, this president did sign an EO eliminating an Obama era rule called the federal flood risk management standard a little more than a week ago, so I can understand it if a bunch of soggy Texans didn't find him much of a comfort.
    Also notable in their absence from Fergus' pronouncements were any information about how they're gonna cope with the damaged refineries that are leaking shit into the floodwaters, or the French chemical plant that produces liquid peroxides for industrial use that has lost its power, backup power, and tertiary cold storage power that is required to keep those chemicals from exploding and/or catching fire. There's a mile and a half evacuation zone around it, but there is nobody on-site and the temperatures are being monitored remotely.
    Fergus doesn't give a rat's ass about any of those people, and he doesn't even tell a convincing lie about that fact.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. The next 4 years are going to be characterized by the phrase "the worst":

    The worst POTUS.

    The worst civil rights enforcement i.e. Klanzis

    The worst flooding financial support.

    The worst WH/administration employment record.

  4. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Yeah these folks are as dumb as the idiots who did and continue to believe "Hands Up Don't Shoot" Was real. Somebody call central casting quick and tell them to let Cory Booker and Kamala Harris know they're on deck.....Surely this magic duo can save us???

  5. Anonymous1:24 AM

    The Mayor of Houston is the leadership fail here. We were in Pasadena, Texas on Thursday to shop for a decent used car for our college daughter. We had called ahead and stated we wanted to be out of Houston before 4 pm because of the inbound storm and everyone laughed at us for our "concern". Leaving Houston there were cars evacuating from the coast, but no one inside Houston proper seemed to be all that concerned. We stopped at a Walmart in South Houston to stock up on water, propane cylinders for our tailgating grill, batteries and a few essentials and were again struck by how blase everyone was.

    I continue to hold the people of Houston in my prayers, but the Mayor's decision to underplay this and advise people not to evacuate has needlessly cost lives.

  6. Bold, James Bold1:39 AM

    The current mayor of Houston, one Sylvester Turner (a nog), has been in office since 1/2/2016 and has had plenty of time to work on emergency management plans if his predecessors were delinquent in their duties to do so.

    Almost 20 months after he took office, a natural disaster clearly among those foreseeable strikes... and he is totally without responses to it; he says there was no response because there was no plan.  The considerable resources of the city were put to zero use in removing its occupants to safety.  Rescuing people from flooded neighborhoods fell to the "Cajun Navy", a rag-tag group of private (and mostly White) citizens filling in for what the shitty (excuse me, city) government should have taken care of in advance.  But the government didn't, because it is led by an idiot.

    Black people should neither be allowed to serve in public office, nor vote for same.  They are too stupid and produce bad government Every. Single. Time.

  7. On the other hand the population of Houston proper is around two and a half million, and they still remember the clusterfuck the roads turned into in the evacuation of the coastal areas during Rita, and they decided that people would be easier to save in their houses than on the roads where they would become stuck in the traffic jam, inaccessible to first responders and prone to drowning in their cars.
    Also, they weren't prepared for fifty inches of rain, because how do you prepare for fifty inches of rain in a city that flooded five to ten feet deep in 1936 after fifteen inches?

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Maybe if you put some numbers in perspective. If 3,000 people were displaced as reported- that is less than one percent of the population. That means that the mayor's plan worked for 99 percent of the residents. I have heartbreak for each and everyone that is suffering in this catastrophic event. Having a citywide evacuation may require shutting down ALL services due to total gridlock.

    Also, like all decisions about people's lives- seldom will the leader be seen in a positive manner when things go wrong. Let's appreciate the positive. The good people of Houston are rallying for all without regard for the artificial schemes that separate. The government players are just secondary for this rescue. The last time a total evacuation was called , the results of that one was used as a barometer to this current decision. Lastly, the mayor makes no decision alone. The decision had input from the police chiefs, ems and others, having a Black face brings joy to the same people that showed up at.......

    Praying for Houston, Texas

  9. StillaPanther22:13 AM

    StillaPanther at last entry, not anon 2:09

  10. Houston always floods - it's built on the bayou.
    I'm currently in one of my homes about 90 miles to the east. I'm five feet above grade and about 100 feet from the curb so I'm hoping to avoid any water in my home.

    We were warned the storm was coming and advised of its erratic path on the spaghetti models.
    I happened to be blessed with a home that was built with natural disasters in mind but others are not so lucky.
    Even though the storm wasn't supposed to come this way most of my neighbors made sure they had gas, water, generators, food, guns and bullets in case of looters, weather gear, boats backed into driveways,... . Just whatever one could think of to prepare for the worst.
    I haven't lived in Texas/Louisiana for long but I've been through enough hurricanes, tropical storms, and ice storms to know to prepare for the worst.

    More than one hundred people died in the evacuation of Rita.
    I'm pretty sure fewer people will die by staying through Harvey.

    Bold James mentions the Cajun Navy.
    Honestly, fuck those dudes in the hood who tried to rob and shoot people who were there trying to help them.

    The more I experience the more I begin to believe that I need to start looking for John Galt.

  11. James sucks for meth3:20 AM

    More than one hundred people died in the evacuation of Rita.
    I'm pretty sure fewer people will die by staying through Harvey.
    James isn't too bright and we don't expect him to have the capacity for any type of complex thought. Well, at least he's predictable. Now he'll go back to blowing dudes for meth.

  12. Baldingo gets paid every time he rants about blacks, which is everytime his mommy lets him play with her keyboard.

    Get to Houston, Baldy, and tell the drowning victims to stroke, stroke, stroke. Make yourself useful for once.

  13. White folks blame Obama for Katrina and the stormfront crew above are calling black people stupid. Ok then.👌

  14. Lilacpr7:41 AM

    I'm wondering if and when all of the country's super,mega rich evangelizers will utter at least one word of comfort?
    Well at least we now know how Joel Osteen feels about sheltering people anyway :D

    Or the likes of a Pat Robertson and what he said about Katrina, that this was caused by the Lords wrath upon the sinful state of Texas!!! xD

    But...nary a peep...from any of the Lords ambassadors x*D

  15. Republican Science8:35 AM

    "Or the likes of a Pat Robertson and what he said about Katrina, that this was caused by the Lords wrath upon the sinful state of Texas!!! xD"

    Yep, according to the evangelicals, natural disasters are caused by people being gay, and not, of course, global warming.

    So, it only follows that Texas must be a-sinnin'. You know what they say -- only steers and queers come from Texas.

  16. Yisheng is a Genius8:37 AM

    Whooteemoos are saying Michelle Obama was shopping during Katrina.

    Of course, President Obama wasn't elected get. But hey, common sense isn't their strong suit.


  17. Lilacpr9:33 AM

    Republican Science said...

    Yep, according to the evangelicals, natural disasters are caused by people being gay, and not, of course, global warming.

    So, it only follows that Texas must be a-sinnin'. You know what they say -- only steers and queers come from Texas.

    8:35 AM

    :D funny clip! Yeah, I'm waiting to hear these tele-evangelists weigh in! But I guess this time they're not gonna say what they really think! xD

  18. Evangoatfuckers will say exactly what they mean about gays and everyone else once they get invited to Fake Noize. They let it all hang out on Fake Noize.

  19. Anonymous11:53 AM

    "More than one hundred people died in the evacuation of Rita.
    I'm pretty sure fewer people will die by staying through Harvey."

    Sure, that's why they're bringing in experienced urban search & rescue teams as far as way as Miami-Dade with cadaver sniffing dogs.

    1. Black James a SAR expert as well as an orbital engineer1:54 PM

      Sure, that's why they're bringing in experienced urban search & rescue teams as far as way as Miami-Dade with cadaver sniffing dogs.
      We'll have to see if it was the right call.

  20. Lilacpr1:53 PM

    Puerto Rico is also sending a team out there today.

  21. Lilacpr1:55 PM


  22. Wesley R2:12 PM

    Ditto Field @ 6:52am. The flooding in Texas and Louisiana are terrible. There's flooding going on right now all over the world. See for yourself


  23. "Now he'll go back to blowing dudes for meth."

    None of the meth dealers I have known would let James anywhere near their nether regions. They'd be more likely to give him a half gram to get him to go away and avoid them for a month or so to weasel out of paying for it. It's worth the half gram to be rid of him for a while.

    And I sure hope these bozos can shoot better than they can spell:


    -Doug in Oakland

  24. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/gop-eyes-1-billion-disaster-funds-border-wall

    Wingnuts are talking about taking a billion from disaster relief and giving it to Hatrian's Wall.

    Harvey dumped a record amount of rain north of Houston - 52 inches and experts guestimate disaster funding could reach 160 billion bucks.

  25. Well, I pretty much called it on my cynical comment two or three posts back. Trump kept referring to the disaster as "epic," "never seen before," as if the swath of destruction and human suffering were really only nothing more than a great opportunity to celebrate his presidency. He didn't have the brains not to mention the crowd size. Didn't have to be a genius to call that one. He kept on and on about what a great state is Texas, even waving a flag.

    No empathy, not one iota of sympathy for the victims. No real understanding of what the brave and untiring responders were going through in effecting rescues. Not so much as a word about suffering or hardship. He didn't seem to have much time either, called that!

    So just save yourself some time and read my version. Pretty much spot on.

  26. Anonymous4:25 PM

    How come the Netherlands figured their flooding problem out and the US cant?? Is it that they are smarter than the stupid engineers here? Or did some of the intelligence get lost in the migration of europeon "settlers"to this land?

  27. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Trump Derangement Syndrome!!

  28. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Or did some of the intelligence get lost in the migration of europeon "settlers"to this land?
    4:25 PM

    why you don't mix with mud people........

  29. Lilacpr5:52 PM

    I dunno...I'm seeing in my FB feed rowboats and boats of rescuers loaded with cages and cages of dogs! I mean...have all the people been rescued already...

  30. Flying Junior said...

    Well, I pretty much called it on my cynical comment two or three posts back. Trump kept referring to the disaster as "epic," "never seen before," as if the swath of destruction and human suffering were really only nothing more than a great opportunity to celebrate his presidency

    The only thing larger than this disaster was the size of the crowd Drumpf drew because that seemed to be the only thing important to Drumpfuck.

  31. Black James Bold, a real engineer7:38 PM

    Is it that they are smarter than the stupid engineers here?
    Well, James' dumb ass claims to be an engineer so yeah pretty much.

    James and engineer. BwahahahahahahahahahHhHHahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaa!

  32. Drumpf doesn't have money for disaster relief, but he tells Missourians he needs to cust taxes by massive amounts.

    I am still not sure how stoopid fucking wingnuts can figure cutting tax revenues increases tax revenues. Maybe they multiply by dividing.

  33. Bold, James Bold9:30 PM

    "Wingnuts are talking about taking a billion from disaster relief and giving it to Hatrian's Wall."

    Trump could probably raise several billion by fundraising on Hatreon.  The commissions would make the site owners rich overnight.

    The criminal scum who ran from NOLA to Houston after Katrina and are now running back need to be re-directed to Monrovia.  It's where they were taken from and where they belong.  Let them shit on the beaches, as Africans do.

    "How come the Netherlands figured their flooding problem out and the US cant??"

    Zuiderzee storms don't dump 1.5+ meters of rain on Dutch polders, and the Netherlands don't have to cope with corrupt "chocolate city" levee maintenance authorities who feather their own nests instead of... maintaining levees.

    "Well, James' dumb ass claims to be an engineer so yeah pretty much.

    James and engineer. BwahahahahahahahahahHhHHahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaa!"

    I've seen so much of idiots giggling it doesn't entertain me very much any more, but I thought I'd let you know you turned up at least one corner of my mouth.

  34. Was that the corner with the dick, or the corner with the turd?

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. Black James Bold1:54 AM

    Was that the corner with the dick, or the corner with the turd?
    Now Doug, we all know which one it was. He might not wanna do it but he has to.

  36. Bold, James Bold10:50 AM

    It was the corner holding the straw from my whiskey sour.  The corner with yo mama's nipple in it was otherwise occupied.

  37. Anonymous2:11 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!
