Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Another "unwelcome" touching.

 Everyone is talking about Hillary's new book, and everyone has an opinion about some of the things she said about the elections. It has some interesting revelations, but nothing that we didn't already know: Hillary is Hillary, and she will always have her supporters and her haters.

Another book came out recently as well,  and it was by journalist Katy Tur, who wrote about her experience covering the man who beat the aforementioned Hillary, Donald trump.

"NBC News correspondent Katy Tur wrote in her book published Tuesday that Donald Trump, then a Republican candidate for president, gave her an unwelcome kiss on the cheek during his campaign.
Describing the incident in her book “Unbelievable,” published Tuesday, Tur said Trump kissed her before an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
“Before I know what’s happening, his hands are on my shoulders and his lips are on my cheek,” she wrote. “My eyes widen. My body freezes. My heart stops.” Her next thought, according to Tur, was, “I hope the cameras didn’t see that. My bosses are never going to take me seriously.”
Tur was one of Trump’s favorite targets on the campaign trail; he derided her as “little Katy” and called her a “third rate reporter” during a rally, after which Tur said the Secret Service walked her to her car.
The President on Tuesday lashed out at “people writing books and major articles” about him with “zero access,” an attack that coincided with the release of Tur’s book.
The nature of Trump’s unwanted attentions was not specific to Tur, either. After the Washington Post published the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape in October 2016, a recording where Trump bragged about kissing and grabbing women “by the pussy,” multiple women came forward to accuse him of similar unwelcome misconduct." [Source]
Again, there is nothing in this latest revelation about Mr. trump that should surprise us. He is exactly who we thought he was as well.
Finally, I don't know if Jemele Hill is woke or not, but what I do know is that she gave her honest and heartfelt opinion about the president, and now she is getting vilified for it.       
The scary thing is that if you look at what she said objectively you would be hard pressed not to agree with her. 
"So last night, SportsCenter anchor Jemele Hill got into a heated Twitter discussion that quickly devolved into her calling President Donald Trump a “white supremacist.” ESPN has since issued a statement stating that Hill’s actions have been addressed.  

She sent out more tweets throughout the evening, including one that called the president a “bigot” and another saying he was the “most ignorant” president in history:


This afternoon, after the tweets grabbed a lot of attention, ESPN sent out the following statement, noting that Hill recognizes her actions were “inappropriate.”
Ms. Hill, I suspect that you might be out of a job soon,  because unlike the president,  whose racist and misogynistic behavior is excused or forgotten every time he reads a teleprompter or stays off twitter for a couple of days; you actually answer to someone.   
*Pic from pinterest.com


  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    When a black person dances to the beat of the "white man's drum" when you say something they don't like then you're subjected to being "blacklisted."

    I hope this young lady still has a job at the end of the day.

  2. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Billary eats snatch......

  3. Anonymous11:33 PM

    White men can't play drums....

  4. ESPN pays her to be independent and critical. I remember a conversation with a local sports radio personality who unprovoked gave his opinion of Jemele "I like her because she criticizes Black athletes". He was a Trump supporter, I wonder what he thinks of her now.

  5. stillaPanther212:31 AM

    Let us see how the weak house negroes rally to her support. As long as we are going along to get along, things are great in white America. I remembered how so many pundits called President Obama weak, less intelligent and not American- as the "standard statement of the day". Who got reprimanded?

    In order to keep her job and to show the power of white supremacy, she has to be humbled. Maybe we as Blacks could insure that she has at least one year's salary for her to "stand your ground".

  6. "White men can't play drums...."

    Some of them can:


    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Limpbaugh3:38 AM

    Jemele Hill cares about more than herself. Unless they are Libyans or Syrians. She shouldn't be ostracized for her opinions, but she sounds like someone who wouldn't read Wikileaks because CNN told her not to. People can prefer killing people overseas to racism at home, but they should realize that is what their choice was.

  8. Limpbaugh4:32 AM

    My guess is most of congress goes along with war propaganda lies because they fear the deep state and war profiteer sponsored media. As Chuck Schumer said, "Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you". Some want wars. That amounts to kissing up to the deep state. And maybe some are duped by the propaganda. They are just plain ignorant. It is interesting that the only two senators who voted against increasing sanctions on Russia were Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. A progressive and a libertarian. Establishment Democrats and Republicans are sheep.

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Can we move on from giving "entertainers" so much oxygen? At the end of the day, we know who signs her checks.


  10. @Doug 1:27AM

    Excellent. I've enjoyed Bruford's drumming for 40 years.

  11. Donald J Trump10:48 AM


    I was told I can get away with that.

  12. Oozy Drumpfuck touched the White House. There went that neighborhood.

  13. This quack decided to reach out and touch a homeless man asking her to mover her Porsche so he could sleep. She shot him twice and fled the scene.

    Her dad is a lawyer in Texas and claims she wasn't trying to kill him. She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger- just as the NRA sez you must do to protect yerself.


  14. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Her dad is a lawyer in Texas and claims she wasn't trying to kill him. She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger- just as the NRA sez you must do to protect yerself.

    It seems like he might not be a very good lawyer if he told his daughter to lie and say she closed her eyes and fired "warning shots" in a random direction. A jury will either realize she's lying, or they'll believe her and decide she's an irresponsible wackjob, because who fires a gun with their eyes closed?

    She'd have done better to stick with the story that she truly believed the man was about to attack her and shot him intentionally in self-defense. She's already got society's prejudices working in her favor: She's a young, pretty woman; the guy she shot is smelly and gross and probably has mental issues, and most of the jury will be able to imagine being scared of him if they were to run into him on the street.

  15. pterochromics5:17 PM

    - Too many people are waaaaaaaaay too tightly wound and ready to shatter explosively without provocation. It seems to me that the vast majority of people like this woman have never actually *been* attacked, and are basically paranoiacs.

    - Meanwhile, re: the original post:
    Her next thought, according to Tur, was, “I hope the cameras didn’t see that. My bosses are never going to take me seriously.”
    - Well, if they realize that tRump has always treated other people as though they are his personal property, and that he can grab anyone whom he gets the whim to grab, then his boorish behavior will only reflect badly on him, and not on her.
    - At the same time, it's pretty dang pathetic that ANY one even *has* to think that Tur thought - namely, that someone else's boorish behavior could be treated as though it says something about the victim of the behavior...

  16. pterochromics5:44 PM

    - Regarding Ms. Hill,
    Although there is no hard'n'fast boundary between "professional behavior" and "unprofessional behavior", it's always good to err on the side of caution, because there are a heck of a lot of petty, vindictive, small-minded people who get their jollies by finding some excuse, ANY excuse, no matter how minor, to screw-up someone else's career and life. And anyone whose head in not stuck in the proverbial sand ((or up their own butts...)) sees quite clearly that this is especially true for melanin-enriched professionals.
    - Things seemed to be getting better for a while in that regard, but then the paranoiacs got into even more of a tizzy, and the backlash has been gong on for nearly 4 decades now.
    - Personally, I think what it is, is that a hell of a lot of people are deeply afraid that equal rights, and equal opportunity, are some kind of code for making THEM endure the repressions they've dumped onto others for so long. What they can't ((or won't...???)) get through their thick skulls is that nobody is interested enough in them *TO* go out of the way to repress them.
    - Of course, I guess it's also possible that it depends upon how they define "repression". Just as "it's only socialism when someone else gets the goodies", maybe it is only repression when they cannot take from others, and are also expected to contribute to maintaining the Nation which they talk so much about loving. Sadly, the end result is that Ms. Hill will no doubt be subjected to huge amounts of vilification for her "gall" in believing she has a right to the exercise of free speech.

  17. Everyone should read the latest Andy Borowitz at the New Yorker.

  18. Anonymous9:06 PM

    "Everyone should read the latest Andy Borowitz at the New Yorker.

    The headline from Borowitz's previous article is funnier:

    Porn Industry Irrevocably Damaged by Association with Ted Cruz

  19. Anonymous9:36 PM

    White folks always want to decide for us which of their racist behaviors we should or shouldn't be offended by. Throughout the history of this country, when a black defends or speaks out about injustice...the "OFFENDERS" can't handle it and try to demonize the victim.

    In the 60's it was Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Muhammad Ali. All of who later became recognized as some of the most remarkable people in history.

    Now it's Hill, and Kaepernick.

    It's not only white lives that matter...Black Lives Matter too.

  20. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Re: What Still A Panther 2 said:
    In order to keep her job and to show the power of white supremacy, she has to be humbled. Maybe we as Blacks could insure that she has at least one year's salary for her to "stand your ground".

    I agree with what you said and it made me think of the shit that Kaepernick was going through.

    If nobody signed Kaepernick each black player in the NFL could afford to donate a million dollars to Kaepernick for the year.

  21. Anonymous9:47 PM

    The only thing White Folks want is for you Negroes to get away from us. We don't want to own you, we don't want to kill you, we don't want anything to do with you. We just want you to stay out of our neighborhoods and out of our tax paying wallets. Two things you all can't seem to do. If only Trump and the majority of whites were as racist as you all whine about....I could be at the pier waving bye bye to millions of out of date farm equipment Negroes as they sail back to the Muddaland.

  22. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Dear Negroes, When we whites judge you on your character instead of your skin, you bitch. Is not this what Martin Loser King wanted us to do? It is your characters, mostly lack of character that we will not tolerate. Please go to Africa and fix that Hell hole with your superior abilities that you are always bragging about but, show no signs of such in America. BLM...Black Lies Metastasize.

  23. Anonymous10:17 PM

    It always amuses me as to how many white folks honestly believe that the only reason god created blacks was just to piss white people off.

    You claim to hate us so much and with such a vengeance...but alas,
    there is a very thin line between love and hate.

    ...jealousy...just plain old jealousy.

  24. "The only thing White Folks want is for you Negroes to get away from us"

    Says a person who posts here to be among us. Lack of irony much?

  25. "Dear Negroes, When we whites judge you on your character instead of your skin, you bitch"

    My character is pretty good. Go ahead and judge I promise I won't bitch. Hmmmmm, my guess is you've never judged any of us except by our skin color.

  26. pterochromics2:10 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    The only thing White Folks want is for you Negroes to get away from us.

    - I can't bring myself to even quote the rest of that steaming verbal dung-heap.
    - What THIS white person, meaning me, wants is to not be associated with chickenshits who say crap like that, as if we are all supposed to long for the company of nitwits like them just because we have blue eyes.
    - I live in a very nice neighborhood, one of the premier neighborhoods in the area actually, of hard-working people. It's a mixed neighborhood, all different colors. My neighbors are nice. I don't want them to go away.
    - I'll take my neighbors over lying narcissistic racist knuckleheads *ANY* day.

  27. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Black Balls on Chin Much ?

  28. Anon@10:03, maybe we will go to Africa after we fix the mess u created here.

  29. Bold, James Bold12:04 PM

    "You claim to hate us so much and with such a vengeance...but alas,
    there is a very thin line between love and hate.

    ...jealousy...just plain old jealousy."

    The Africoon always projects.  Every accusation he makes is an implicit admission of guilt.  If he were actually capable of doing or making anything, he'd be back in Africa where he can do it free of "white oppression".

    "my guess is you've never judged any of us except by our skin color. "

    Defending the likes of Trayvon Martin and still standing up for BLM after the cold-blooded murders of cops is damning right there, no matter what color you are.

    "maybe we will go to Africa after we fix the mess u created here."

    Try fixing Detroit and Newark.  They weren't messes until you got them; it's all on you.

    I'm not sure what's worse:  believing that you're a highly skilled liar, or that you're actually stupid enough to believe what you write.

  30. teh stupid1:44 PM

    I'm not sure what's worse: believing that you're a highly skilled liar, or that you're actually stupid enough to believe what you write.
    Oh if stupid people understood irony.

  31. Bold, Big Black James Bold who doesn't live in a shitty trailer park1:52 PM

    Try fixing Detroit and Newark. They weren't messes until you got them; it's all on you.
    All on me? I've been to Detroit maybe once. Didn't know I had that much power. I guess it's a different story in West Virginia though. I'll take Detroit or Newark over the white shitholes in Appalachia where you live, you know the trailer parks that make the worst part of Detroit look like paradise.

  32. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Goldigger extortionist..........

  33. Bold, James Bold5:45 PM

    "All on me? I've been to Detroit maybe once. Didn't know I had that much power."

    If I'm to blame for any of your "oppression", then yes, you are PERSONALLY responsible for Detroit and Newark (and every other exemplar of the Visible Black Hand of Economics).

    All of it, on every last one of you.

    You can expiate your Black guilt by un-doing the "historic injustice" you believe you've suffered and return to Africa.

  34. Bold, Black James Bold who actually built this country5:58 PM

    You can expiate your Black guilt by un-doing the "historic injustice" you believe you've suffered and return to Africa.
    No thanks, I have no guilt and I like living in the country my people built and screwing "your" women that won't you touch them. I thought you were supposed to be making me leave smart ass, oh that's right you changed that to sometime in the future long after we're all dead. Why don't you hold your breath until I leave ok?

  35. Anonymous8:31 PM

    What's up with that field negro?? You remove my post but let all of this racist nonsense remain? Please explain.


  36. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Hahahaha.....Field you must be on the pipe? You and the Bruthas are gonna fix something ? yeah right? You all can't even create intact families or at a minimum not kill each other by the thousands every year over dumb shit. Negro please, take away white support systems and the Jew induced welfare system and you all would be done in 6 months.

  37. The previous author was "brave" enough to be anonymous...


  38. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Anonymous said...
    White men can't play drums....
    11:33 PM

    Ringo can......

  39. Bold, James Bold9:45 AM

    "Ringo can......"

    Ringo Starr?  Ringo Starr is a joke.  He's an argument for re-uniting the Beatles using two more bullets.

    White men invented drums, you clowns.  Kick drums, snare drums, bodhran, bass drums, tympani... used from rock bands to fife-and-drum corps to marching bands to symphony orchestras.  White men play them better than anyone.

  40. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Pure PRAVDA!!

  41. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Anonymous said...
    White men can't play drums....
    11:33 PM

    Richard Starkey can......

  42. So sensitive about your overall lack of drumming acumen...

  43. @Anon 10:25 AM

    I don't follow links. I'm afraid you will have to speak for yourself.

  44. Anonymous2:15 PM


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