Saturday, September 02, 2017


Image result for trump images houston

I need  a caption for this pic.

Example: "Hi little fella, are you related to the Mayor?"   

*Pic from


  1. Kid with the lightning bolt on his shirt: "Get him in his nuts while you can!"

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. I know y'all are having a good time!

  3. Anonymous1:26 AM

    1. Idiot man-child, I'm about to channel Samuel L Jackson with this light saber...
    2. (lightning bolt shirt) Yeah, man, zap him good!

  4. Anonymous3:29 AM

    "Why are you so much shorter than the white kids? Is it because your mommy smokes that crack rock?"


  5. Hey, my little man, you wanna be my African-American in about 15 years?

  6. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Mr. Trump, them shoes is wack. Ain't you supposed to be a billionaire? You should buy better shoes.

  7. Anonymous6:12 AM

    President Donald J. Trump loves people of ALL colors. This photo proves it.

    Unlike the racist, white-hating pieces of shit that post on this site.



  8. "Arise, my young apprentice...feel the power of the Dark-side!"

  9. Or, kid and Donnie at the same time, "Anyone got some hand-sanitizer?"

  10. In reply to the little boy's question, Trump says: "Sorry, son, we can't get that president from Kenya, umm... I mean Pres. Obama back."

  11. Kid, ever been fellated with a wire brush?

  12. From the late Dick Gregory-

  13. StillaPanther29:59 AM

    How can I see one picture of a president shaking a Black child hand a positive affirmation that Donald loves all. The bar is sooo low when it comes to him. Years and many reports of him demeaning other races could not convince this anon of donny, but ONE picture has been used by him to form a belief. This is understanding of trump's supporters.

  14. So this is the dumbass everyone keeps telling me about?

  15. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Did you get your tax payer LINK card??

  16. This child of a slave died on Sept 1, 2017:



    Former Minnesota Supreme Court Justice and former Vikings great, Alan Page has lots of mementoes from slavery/Jim Crow days for display.

  18. StillaPanther2 said... Don't lose any sleep over trying to decipher the diseased minds of whitey wingnuts. The bar is so low for Drumpf, wingnuts believe he is godlike if he can safely navigate a stairwell-which he absolutely hates.

  19. Come on, man2:34 PM

    StillaPanther2 said...
    Years and many reports of him demeaning other races

    Name one that has any credibility to it. Just one.

  20. The Central Park Five.

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. Come on, man3:19 PM

    Rapists aren't a race.

  22. Drumpf wasn't talking about rapists in generaL, he specifically referred to the five blacks who were charged and originally convicted-without any evidence that tied them to the rape.

    But Obama showed you his birth certificate, long form included.

    Yeah, but......... we didn't want THOSE certificates. We wanted the one that proves he was born in Kenya, see?

    You Drumpfucker supporters always have an excuse about why evidence isn't good enough for you.

  23. Anonymous4:33 PM

    That birth certificate was faker than He-Shell Obama's tits.

  24. They weren't rapists, that's the point. What they were was black, and Fergus still wants to execute them after they were exonerated.


    -Doug in Oakland

  25. That birth certificate was faker than He-Shell Obama's tits.

    Prove it, sport. Put up or shut up. Real simple. That's right, you can't prove it it is fake or it would have been all over the news. You can't prove Michelle O was a man any more than I can prove Melanoma was a hooker when Drumpfuck hooked her. Actually, it is easy to prove she is or isn't a hooker. Just watch how she tees off and see where the ball goes. Left means she's a hooker. Right would make her a slicer.

  26. Come on, man5:57 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Drumpf wasn't talking about rapists in generaL, he specifically referred to the five blacks who were charged and originally convicted-without any evidence that tied them to the rape.
    From Wikipedia:

    Between 9 and 10 pm on the night of April 19, 1989, approximately 30 teenage perpetrators committed several attacks, assaults, and robberies in the northernmost part of Manhattan's Central Park.[26][27] According to The New York Times, the attacks on Meili and on others in the park that night were "one of the most widely publicized crimes of the 1980s".[1]

    Trisha Meili went for a run on her usual path in Central Park shortly before 9 pm.[27][28][29] While jogging in the park, she was knocked down, dragged or chased nearly 300 feet (91 m), and violently assaulted.[10] She was stabbed five times, raped, sodomized, and almost beaten to death.[30]

    About four hours later at 1:30 am, she was found naked, gagged, tied up, and covered in mud and blood. Meili was discovered in a shallow ravine in a wooded area of the park about 300 feet (91 m) north of the 102nd Street Transverse.[10][29][30][31][32] The first policeman who saw her said: "She was beaten as badly as anybody I've ever seen beaten. She looked like she was tortured."[9]

    She was comatose for 12 days.[33] She suffered severe hypothermia, severe brain damage, Class 4 (the most severe) hemorrhagic shock, and loss of 75–80 percent of her blood from five deep stab wounds and a gash on one of her thighs, and internal bleeding.[5][25][32][33][34] Her skull had been fractured so badly that her left eye was dislodged from its socket, which in turn was fractured in 21 places, and she suffered as well from facial fractures.[5][25][35]
    April 19 was a night when such a series of gang attacks occurred. A group of over 30 teenagers who lived in East Harlem, including the suspects, entered Central Park at an entrance in Harlem, near Central Park North, at approximately 9 pm.[10]

    The teenagers attacked and beat people as they moved south, on the park's East Drive and the 97th Street Transverse, between 9 pm and 10 pm.[10] Between 102nd and 105th Streets they attacked several bicyclists, hurled rocks at a cab, and attacked a man who was walking, whom they knocked to the ground, assaulted, robbed, and left unconscious.[10][29] A schoolteacher out for a run was severely beaten and kicked between 9:40 and 9:50.[10] Then, at the 97th Street Transverse at the northwest end of the Central Park Reservoir running track, at about 10 pm, they attacked another jogger, hitting him in the back of the head with a pipe and stick.[10][31] They pummeled two men into unconsciousness, hitting them with a metal pipe, stones, and punches, and kicking them in the head.[29][35] A police officer testified that one male jogger, who said he had been jumped by four or five black youths, was bleeding so badly he "looked like he was dunked in a bucket of blood".[41]
    All five confessed to a number of the attacks committed in the park that night, and implicated one or more of the others.[29][43] None of the five said they themselves actually raped the jogger, but each confessed to being an accomplice to the rape.[29] All five said that they themselves had only helped restrain the jogger, or touched her, while one or more others raped her.[43] Antron McCray said that a "Puerto Rican kid with a hoodie" had been the one who raped the jogger.[29] While he was incarcerated in the Rikers Island jail, Korey Wise told the older sister of a friend of his, according to her testimony, that he'd only held the jogger down.[43] Yusef Salaam made verbal admissions, but refused to sign a confession or make one on videotape. Salaam was, however, implicated by all of the other four, and convicted at trial.

  27. Come on, man5:58 PM

    Poor kids, all they did was beat a bunch of random white people senseless, and held down one of them while she was raped. They had to be locked up for a few years, but then the mayor gave them $41 million for their trouble. America is so oppressive to black people.

  28. Anonymous6:10 PM

    "Poor kids, all they did was beat a bunch of random white people senseless, and held down one of them while she was raped. They had to be locked up for a few years, but then the mayor gave them $41 million for their trouble. America is so oppressive to black people.

    None of them held down the woman while she was raped. They were not involved in her rape in any way, but only made false confessions to the crime following abusive treatment by the police.

    This was proven to be the case when, years later, the actual rapist confessed to the crime.

    Donald Trump did not care and did not change his opinion on the five men who'd been wrongfully imprisoned because he is a ... what's that word again ...?

  29. Police said there were no stab wounds. They couldn't find a knife. The only DNA found matched the admitted rapist 13 years later.

    I cannot find any mention of stab wounds from the hospital. She had been beaten and raped. Her head was struck so hard her eye popped out of its socket. No stab wounds mentioned.

    You need to direct yer anger at the police and Drumpfuck for stirring up racial tensions claiming the kids should still be executed for a crime they did not commit.

  30. Come on man said one truthful thing- America is so oppressive to black people.

  31. So tell me just how that exonerates Fergus from the charge that he wants, to this day, to execute some black guys (they're not kids anymore) for something they have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to not be guilty of?
    They have the perp, and they have his DNA.
    It's a lie, and Fergus wants to execute them for it, still.


    -Doug in Oakland

  32. Come on, man8:57 PM

    They were there. They participated in robbing and beating people. They helped beat her. They held her down while another guy raped her. They admitted it all on videotape, with their parents present.

    Did they deserve the death penalty? No.

    Twenty years in prison would have been just.

  33. twamp's tax returns10:07 PM

    Youth channels "Sandman Sims" and escorts Don, the hunchback of voter shame, exit stage right.

  34. So what you're saying is that not only is Fergus a racist moron, but that you think that's just ducky because you are just as much of a racist moron as he is.
    In fact, probably more, because he most likely doesn't really give a rat's ass about it except for how it helps sell his "brand" to the Pig People.
    What's your fucking excuse?

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. Come on, man12:36 AM

    You're a worm, who excuses horrific criminality because you hate the victims.

  36. You didn't answer my question. But that's OK, I already answered it, you're a racist moron, and there is no excuse for that.
    To be a racist moron like yourself requires you to keep deciding to lie to yourself all the time, and nobody is holding a gun to your head and saying "Be a racist moron or I'll blow your brains out". You're deciding that over and over all the damn time and always coming up with the same despicable lie.
    I don't hate your precious goddamn victims, I just doubt that you know jack shit about them, and would give the merest of rat's asses about them if they weren't props in your specious argument.
    And I've actually seen some violent crime, right up close and personal, so I at least have the mental equipment to care about victims of it.
    So next?
    How about next you go fuck yourself.

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. The Central Park Five held her down and beat her. Yet not one iota of any of the five;s DNA was found at the scene. They must have been wise beyond their years and carried a Dust Buster with them.

    No, no Dust Buster was found among the five. And WIKI is not the most accurate source for materials, although it is light years ahead of Fake Noize. Wiki can be edited by anyone pretty much at anytime.

  38. Come on, man9:58 AM

    The first policeman who saw her said: "She was beaten as badly as anybody I've ever seen beaten. She looked like she was tortured."[9]. She was comatose for 12 days.[33] She suffered severe hypothermia, severe brain damage, Class 4 (the most severe) hemorrhagic shock, and loss of 75–80 percent of her blood from five deep stab wounds and a gash on one of her thighs, and internal bleeding.[5][25][32][33][34] Her skull had been fractured so badly that her left eye was dislodged from its socket, which in turn was fractured in 21 places, and she suffered as well from facial fractures.[5][25][35]

    If thinking that the people who did this need to be punished makes me a "racist moron", than I am proud to be one.

  39. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Show that winky!!

  40. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Want more proof!!

  41. He is being punished, you racist moron. They caught him. Those five black kids were also punished for years and years despite having nothing to do with the attack, and, back to the subject, Fergus still wants to fucking execute them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Anonymous11:58 AM

  43. I know y'all are having a good time!

