Friday, September 22, 2017

Guns kill people if people aren't trained how to use them.

Image result for firearm imagesSo I am in my office today when a co-worker comes in and tells me that there was a shooting just up the block from our building.

Philly, like most big cities, has a lot of crime, but you have to understand that Center City, Philadelphia does not often have this type of serious crime. Especially in the middle of the day.

"But wait",  my friend says, "wanna hear the kicker? The shooter was three." Now I'm like, "Get the f*** outta here!" And he was like "No, I'm serious, the shooter was a three year old!"

Now trust me when I tell you, Philly is hardcore, and I have seen some hardcore shit in this city. Nothing really surprises me anymore. I have actually gotten the stare down a time or two from little  kindergarten thugs in training. But a three year old popping a cap in someone?  That's a whole different level of gangster.

 "A 3-year-old boy accidentally shot his uncle in the shoulder just before noon Friday as they sat in an SUV in Center City, police said.

The boy found the handgun hidden under the passenger seat after police say another uncle, who is a Philadelphia Housing Authority police officer, put it there. 

The shooting at 16th and Arch streets occurred as downtown streets began to fill with lunchtime crowds. The little boy, police said, was sitting in the back seat of a sports utility vehicle parked at the corner while the man shot was sitting in the driver's seat." [Source]

OK, so the poor little guy accidentally shot his uncle.  

But seriously, how stupid do you have to be to leave a 3 year old in a car with a loaded  9 in under the seat? I swear some of you fools should just swear off of having--- or even being around children. Now this poor child is traumatized for life and a man is fighting for his life. 

Guns are everywhere. Both legal and illegal. Here in Philly we have more guns than bicycles. (And we have a lot of bicycles.) You legal gun owners, I get it, you have the right to  pack your heat, but the least you could do is be careful and take the proper safety training. This is what the NRA should be doing every day: properly training folks how to use their firearms. They should stop trying to arm every damn American, and playing politics with the Second Amendment. 

Of course this might be too much to ask, since they can't even practice proper firearm safety in their own headquarters. 

And in case you non urban dwellers (see white folks) think that this kind of thing only happens in large urban areas, think again.

What happened here, and here, and here, and at all these damn Walmart stores.   says different. 



  1. Philly Cheese10:31 PM

    But seriously, how stupid do you have to be to leave a 3 year old in a car with a loaded 9 in under the seat?

    You are right, Field. Black people should not be allowed to have guns.

  2. Big Black James Bold, a brotha with a gun10:57 PM

    You are right, Field. Black people should not be allowed to have guns
    Actually many more whites are accidently shot than negroes so pale faces shouldn't have guns either. Geez Field, where do these racist assholes come from? You need to fumigate.

  3. @10:57, America needs to fumigate.

  4. Lt.Commander Johnson11:23 PM

    Sounds like a serious case of irresponsibility by the owner of the firearm.
    That's all it is. Not racial, in any way.

    I have several firearms. I have hunted all my life. I only have one child, a daughter, who is now 33, married, with a child. She's a nurse, and carries.

    When she was just a young sprout, she was told not to play with fire. She also knew her dad had firearms, and that to come within a foot of them would be hazardous to her health, and that the firearm might be the least of her worries, if her dad or mom found out that she did.

    When she turned 10, I started her off shooting .22 rifles and .410 shotguns.
    Never tried to teach her how to hunt, and she gave no inclination as ever wanting to learn. But, she did like to shoot.

    Today, she's a better shot than me with a handgun. She still doesn't like rifles or shotguns.

    I swear, it's all about responsibility in the parents. Yes, kids do stupid things. You try to teach them not to, but God only knows how many times I should have been dead just riding a bicycle. I still have the scars to prove it.

    But. I never shot anyone, or have even actually accidentally discharged a firearm.

    It's all responsibility.

    If you don't have it, you shouldn't have a firearm. Or, a kid.

  5. Let's do this11:24 PM

    On the whole, blacks would be much better off if they lost the rights to bear arms and vote.

    Taking guns away would greatly reduce the horrific scourge of murder blacks inflict on one another.

    Taking away the right to vote would end the misery of living under dysfunctional black leadership. It would also eliminate the need of white politicians to pander to the ridiculous demands of black constituencies.

    Blacks could then enjoy the benefits of living under white paternalism, and with the restoration of the right of free association, whites could be secure in their own communities and enjoy the benefits of reducing the threat of black violence.

    Everybody wins.

  6. Guns and black folk don't mix. I knows that for sure.

  7. Lt.Commander Johnson11:39 PM did the three year old get out of his car seat and get the weapon under the seat?

    Something stinks here, and someone should maybe looking at some jail-time.

  8. Jules Bakengresse11:50 PM

    That three year-old should be the one looking at some jail time. He should be tried as an adult, if you ask me.

  9. Anonymous12:17 AM

    "The boy found the handgun hidden under the passenger seat after police say another uncle, who is a Philadelphia Housing Authority police officer, put it there."

    That's the money quote.

  10. Limpbaugh12:47 AM

    It is interesting that Jesse Ventura got concealed carry rights in Minnesota by adding all kinds of restrictions that the NRA didn't want, like background checks, target shooting tests, safety courses, psychiatric evaluations, and a zero blood alcohol content requirement when you carry. He supports 2nd Amendment rights and reasonable controls like closing gun show loopholes. He thinks it is good for honest qualified people to have guns if they want them and he stands up to lobbyists, like the NRA gun manufacturer NRA lobby. Applying an approach like this to healthcare, for example, might accomplish things like bargaining for whole sale drug prices and eliminating the insurance company middlemen. Standing up to military industrial complex lobbyists could help avoid wars.

  11. Anonymous12:50 AM

    FN:"This is what the NRA should be doing every day: properly training folks how to use their firearms.:

    Field,did you know that that is EXACTLY what NRA does everyday.The primary mission is to promote safety and marksmanship.

    Most police officers are trained by NRA trained instructors.

    Sounds like 3 year old ghetto ratt got hold of uncle affirmative action hire unsecured pistol.

  12. Anonymous12:53 AM

    FN:"They should stop trying to arm every damn American, and playing politics with the Second Amendment." 

    Could you expand on this statement?? How does the NRA try to arm everyone and what is this politics thing??

    Details please.

  13. I'm gonna have to mostly agree with Lt. Commander on this one. I grew up in a house where the gun cabinet was in the dining room, and just outside the sliding glass doors from there was the deck, off of which there was a 100 yard shooting range, with Humboldt Hill as a backstop.
    I had a BB gun at five, and a rifle and shotgun at nine.
    I don't remember exactly what my parents did to keep the three of us out of the guns until we were old enough to be taught how to handle them, as I was the youngest and didn't see them apply it to my siblings, but what I do remember is that we were taught about the guns quite young, and shown what they could do to an animal when my dad or mom shot one hunting, or when one of our livestock got slaughtered.
    I thought it was gross at the time, and my sister was upset by it, but none of us had any misconceptions about what a bullet did to living flesh, or how a bullet might come into contact with some.
    I have never accidentally discharged a firearm, and neither has my sister, who is now in possession of that gun cabinet and its contents, but I watched my brother break a cardinal gun safety rule once and shoot s hole through the ceiling with his .22 rifle that he should have unloaded and cleaned before he went to put away. He hadn't fired it when he took it out, so he was going to put it away without cleaning it. He ejected the magazine, pointed it at the ceiling and pulled the trigger. Blam. He swore me to secrecy as he was certain the old man would kick his ass about it if he found out.
    Anyway, most of the kids I grew up around just thought of guns as something you had and occasionally needed and had to know how to handle safely, like a power tool or a vehicle. In short, they had a healthy and sane relationship with guns, and none of them shot anyone or got shot themselves. Or not until Vietnam, anyway.
    Things aren't like that in Oakland, to say the least. Here, guns are hidden, which makes kids curious as hell about them, and when those kids only have TV to tell them about guns, well, they turn them into a power symbol, and never get any real instruction on how not to hurt someone with them. And they don't learn what the hole a bullet makes looks like in something that is alive, and what that actually means.
    On TV, the hero gets shot, and by the next scene, he's running, jumping, and acting like there's nothing wrong with him, and by the end of the show, he doesn't even have a bandage.
    I don't think it's possible for most kids to be trained by age three, so allowing one access to a loaded gun at that age, even when you don't think the kid will find it, is wrong. They will find it. Out of your sight isn't out of their mind.
    If you're gonna have guns, you should have to follow the rules. Those rules aren't there to oppress you, they're there to keep you from shooting anyone or getting shot yourself, and they were arrived at by years and years of trial and error. You don't want to repeat those errors. They are bloody and they hurt like hell.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. Lt.Commander Johnson12:57 AM

    It all sounds fine.'s responsibility as far as the "parents" are concerned.

    Field doesn't designate the owner of the vehicle, who was the child's father....many holes in this story.

    A Prosecutor would rip it to field's own reckoning.

    I smell a stink, here.

  15. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Actually many more whites are accidently shot than negroes so pale faces shouldn't have guns either. Geez Field, where do these racist assholes come from? You need to fumigate.
    10:57 PM

    Baloney. Negros try to slaughter each other everyday in all major cities across the nation.

  16. Anonymous1:09 AM

    What is the "gun show loophole"???

  17. Only those who are for me are not against me.

    I likes titties.

  18. Lt.Commander Johnson1:15 AM

    Well. I am impressed, Doug.

    Yeah, that 'hidden guns" thing would be a detriment where kids are concerned. It would seem to "scare" them.

    Here in the South, where I live, no one freaks if a kid hops out of the car with a pistol...just to put into a case in the back hatch. 'Specially if Dad is going in to buy them burgers.

    BTW....the A of the worst television series EVER!

    They fire 15 million rounds each episode....and NO ONE ever gets dead.

    NOW. That's good for kids. impress me, Doug.

  19. September 23, 2017. Doug in Oakland made a sensible, sincere comment. Something based on personal experience, not something he read on Rude Pundit.


  20. Lt.Commander Johnson1:35 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    What is the "gun show loophole"???

    1:09 AM"

    I don't know. I wish you could tell me, and the millions of mindless drones who spout this shit. I agree...what is "THE LOOPHOLE"?

    You still have to fill-out the same paperwork. They run it thru that FBI/ATF whatever stuff they do....what's the diff?

    I don't go to Gun Shows. I have a reputable local gun dealer (the best in my town), anything I want...they do.

  21. Lt.Commander Johnson2:00 AM

    BTW, field....if you're going to put a pic of a handgun at the top of your post, use a pic of a Model 1911.

    It will make you look like you know what you are talking about...instead of those pussy guns.

  22. Obviously the trolls here have never even thought about gun violence before, let alone gave a fuck. It would be a lot more fun to talk to some real gun owners and have some truthful back and forth.

    Most accidental shootings happen with young, college age white kids and their friends. Typically they are young, affluent and bored. The get drunk or high and enjoy show and tell or playing with their guns. Gunshot wounds and deaths from toddlers are more or less a weekly occurrence, particularly in the South. A lot of dumbshits are playing with their guns alone and shoot a bullet through the wall at their neighbors. People in Tennessee like to shoot bullets in the air on New Year's Eve. The list is endless.

    But gun blogging with real gun guys is a kick in the pants. The ultimate gun fantasy is, of course, that holy grail of self-affirmation, the justifiable homicide or DGU. That's why the gun guys tried so hard to justify the shooting of Trayvon.

    As much fun as I have had with gun bloggers, I don't recall one single instance of a black idiot killing his friends with a gun or drinking beer on a hunting trip and killing his best buddy. I'm not saying it never happens, but it does appear to be the exclusive province of the great American redneck.

  23. Personal favorite, the right-wing crazy politicians that push for guns in bars and loaded guns in their cars on the seat next to the driver. Of course, it's still not legal to carry with any alcohol in the blood whatsoever. I'm sure a lot of guys like to check out a bar and have a Seven-Up or a glass of milk just to keep the peace.

  24. Lt.Commander Johnson2:31 AM

    Let me tell you something, you flying ass piece of shit.

    I live in Mississippi. I was born riding with a loaded gun in the car, whether it was me, my father, mother, sister, or three brothers.

    We never shot ANYONE.

    BUT. We damn sure could have.

  25. Anonymous2:40 AM

    A lot of people now own guns who are frankly so stupid that they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near them. This is one of the things wrong with the Second Amendment: A universal right to bear arms does not take account of the general dumbassery of a sizable segment of the population. There is no test for intelligence or a reasonable level of responsibility required to gain access to a handgun.

    Aside from that, though, there has been an unfortunate trend in the design of handguns away from incorporating safety switches. I understand why that has occurred. People are afraid that in a life-or-death situation, they may mentally freeze up and forget to take the safety off, which would allow an attacker to get the best of them.

    But Glock introducing pistols that only require a shooter to pull them out and pull the trigger, and other handgun manufacturers copying Glock in this respect, has inadvertently also made it easier for toddlers to get hold of a gun and successfully shoot themselves or another person. I have heard way too many stories of nursery-school-age tykes shooting mom at the supermarket, or their sibling, etc.


  26. Mississippi muddog4:19 AM

    I live in Mississippi. I was born riding with a loaded gun in the car, whether it was me, my father, mother, sister, or three brothers.
    should have know this idiotic pussy lives in the dumbest state in the union. Shocker huh? Trailer park capital of the fucking planet.

  27. Conservatives are kinda dumb4:26 AM

    Baloney. Negros try to slaughter each other everyday in all major cities across the nation.
    Hey dummy, you so understand what the word "accidental" means right? Holy fuck conservatives and racist whites (one in the same) are really really dumb. Tarzan can't speak the language, Lt. Commander Pussy likes to play dress up soldier and the rest of the morons. Sheesh. At least LTC pussy has an excuse, he's from an idiotic inbred family from Mississippi.

  28. LTC no Johnson is a pussy4:28 AM

    BUT. We damn sure could have
    No you couldn't, you're too dumb and too much of a pussy.

  29. Just the facts jack4:31 AM

  30. Anonymous6:40 AM

    "As much fun as I have had with gun bloggers, I don't recall one single instance of a black idiot killing his friends with a gun or drinking beer on a hunting trip and killing his best buddy. I'm not saying it never happens, but it does appear to be the exclusive province of the great American redneck.

    No, the black idiot is known for firing guns into the air in "celebration" of whatever very important event, in densely packed urban neighborhoods, and not giving a crap where the bullet comes down (often into someone's living room where a kid is watching cartoons).

    The white idiot is known for getting drunk and shooting "critters" down by the dump, and occasionally shooting other white idiots cause their aim is bad.

    Both types of idiots are known for leaving their guns unsecured where kids can find them.

  31. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Officials are rushing to evacuate tens of thousands of people from their homes in western Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria inflicted structural damage on a dam and unleashed “extremely dangerous” flash floods.

    Some 70,000 residents in the municipalities of Isabela and Quebradillas were being evacuated by bus after a crack appeared in the nearly 90-year old Guajataca dam.

    “It’s a structural failure. I don’t have any more details,” Governor Ricardo Rossello said from the capital, San Juan. “We’re trying to evacuate as many people as possible.”

  32. Mr. Macoute8:59 AM

    Glad we didn't allow them to become the 51st State.

    As if, that makes a damn difference. Get your checkbook out, US taxpayers.

    Maybe the dam had a warranty. Who built it?

  33. Water Wings9:08 AM

    That would be the US Army Corps of Engineers.

    You're right. Get the checkbook out.

  34. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "Glad we didn't allow them to become the 51st State.

    As if, that makes a damn difference. Get your checkbook out, US taxpayers.

    Maybe the dam had a warranty. Who built it?"

    Nah, let's make them the 50th state and get rid of Texas.

    After all, Texas is going to have lots of tax-revenue-sucking Hurricane expenses, too -- and it's full of assholes.

    And Puerto Rico has better beaches.

  35. Lt.Commander Johnson9:18 AM

    BTW, I mistaken, or did Walmart quit selling handguns years and years ago?

    We are talking about a handgun, yes?

    I get your point, but you shouldn't drag Walmart into this tragedy.

  36. Could you expand on this statement?? How does the NRA try to arm everyone and what is this politics thing??

    Details please

    All you need to know is every year Obama was our twice legally elected Potus, the NRA falsely claimed Obama was going to take away your guns.

    Obama actually expanded gun rights. The NRA has for at least the past 30 years done nothing but promote expansion of 2nd amendment imaginary rights and threaten any and every lawmaker that did not toe the NRA line with a political challenger in the next election.

    4 year old white girl found a gun in Grandma's purse and proceeded to off herself with one shot to the chest. Dad's lament was she was just reaching for some candy. Apparently this candy had a real kick. Could have and should have been prevented by common sense which goes out the window when wannabe Rambos get armed.


    If this isn't politicking by the NRA, you don't know what politicking is.

    Anonymous Lt.Commander Johnson said there are any number of write ups about this three year old on the wed. Google one or a hundred and learn what happened.

  38. And yet, Remington is allowed to manufacture rifles with faulty trigger mechanisms that have accidentally been going off for decades.

    If Remington was forced to fix all those faulty guns they would go bankrupt. It would be worth it to get faulty guns out of the public's hands since some fire when the safety is pushed off. Some fired in cold weather w/o the trigger being touched. People have been killed and wounded by guns that don't kill people unless they do.

  39. Anonymous10:05 AM

    "And yet, Remington is allowed to manufacture rifles with faulty trigger mechanisms that have accidentally been going off for decades.

    Hmmm. I've seen a couple YouTube videos now in which rifles fell over and went off on their own. In one of the videos, the guy got shot by his own rifle. Now I am wondering if those were Remingtons.

    It's hard for me to believe it is financially smarter for the company to wait for a lawsuit than to issue a recall and fix them, but I guess it depends on how many such faulty guns are out there.

    Totally unethical, regardless of the financial details, of course.

  40. Lt.Commander Johnson10:16 AM

    What in the hell are you talking about, cornhole down-low mike?

    I didn't say a damn this about this three-year old on the Net, or Google for that matter.

    Mebbe you should eat that corn, instead of distilling it.

  41. Senile Commandeered Queenie- Lt.Commander Johnson said...

    It all sounds fine.'s responsibility as far as the "parents" are concerned.

    Field doesn't designate the owner of the vehicle, who was the child's father....many holes in this story.

    The story is out there so you can see for I said.

    ps I have nothing to do with corn farming or distillation and haven't for nearly 10 years.

  42. Anonymous Mississippi muddog said...
    should have know this idiotic pussy lives in the dumbest state in the union. Shocker huh? Trailer park capital of the fucking planet.


    No surprises that the FN Grand Whooteemoo lives in the state with the poorest, least healthy Blacks in America.

    It's also no wonder highly educated and successful Black folks chaps his ass to infinity and beyond!!


  43. Anonymous10:59 AM

    "As much fun as I have had with gun bloggers, I don't recall one single instance of a black idiot killing his friends with a gun or drinking beer on a hunting trip and killing his best buddy. I'm not saying it never happens, but it does appear to be the exclusive province of the great American redneck."

    Niggers kill each other and others each day across America in unprecedented numbers. The Nigger is public enemy #1 to US citizens......

  44. Anonymous11:00 AM

    The only time any of my Remington rifles went of in the last 50 years is when I pressed the trigger correctly.

  45. Lt.Commander Johnson11:02 AM

    I wonder why the po starving blacks in Mississippi are so fat, half can't lift their feet...they just shuffle along, slow as hell, and use dey gubbmint EBT card...(wouldn't want to embarrass them wit the Food Stamps anymo)

    You want to go after somebody about the "unhealthy blacks" Queenie?

    Go after the owners of Golden Corral restaurants and their all you can eat buffet. I'll bet they take EBT cards, too.

    BTW, Queen Leech-off the've been going to school on the taxpayers dime for what....30 years now?

    I cannot name a single white folk I know who would eat in that shithouse. It's like the Superdome after Katrina.

    Another, BTW...just who gives you the info that Mississippi is the "Trailer Park Of The South"

    You're damn wrong.

    Prove it, or STFU.

    Corn boy still ain't making no damn sense. Your two posts don't work.

    1. Lt. Commander is a pussy12:34 PM

      Yeah right Ltc. Pussy, because there are no fat or poor whites in Mississippi on de welfare. Sure chief.

  46. Anonymous11:03 AM

    "Obama actually expanded gun rights."

    Total bullshit!!!!!!! Barry found out the hard way, as did many dummycrats not to fuck around with the 2nd amendment. Why did you retards loose so big in 2016,you never learn because you have an EVIL agenda.

  47. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Join Today!! Be a Patriot!!!

  48. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Field, please make this a link since your into gun safety for all:

  49. Anonymous11:14 AM

    "The boy found the handgun hidden under the passenger seat after police say another uncle, who is a Philadelphia Housing Authority police officer, put it there."

    Affirmative Action in Action!!

  50. Commandeered Queenie shows the world why Mississippi is last in education. He wants posters to spoon feed him information. He apparently cannot read or comprehend. He whines about stuff Field didn't draw pics for him to look at and doesn't bother to seek any info on his own. What an uneducated maroon.

    I guess from now on Queenie, you can remain shit simple.

  51. Former Fake Noize loudmouth Major Garrett-

    What say you now, Anymoose?

    Obama took away zero gun rights from responsible owners. Because of the politicized/militarized lying sacks of shit at the NRA.


    NRA is a/the major gun lobby today and has been since the late 70's.

  53. Mississippi Masala12:37 PM

    I bet LTC Pussy's fellow inbred trailer dwellers actually believe his dumb ass is a Navy officer. You know since he wears dingy white pants sometimes. You know how dumb they are in Mississippi. Fattest and dumbest state in the union. Wanna bet they'd be in the top ten if James and LTC Pussy moved?

  54. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Yīshēng is a failure said...
    It's also no wonder highly educated and successful Black folks chaps his ass to infinity and beyond!!

    Yīshēng is neither!


  55. Know your statistics12:39 PM

    "Fattest and dumbest state in the union."

    That's because Mississippi has the highest percentage black population of any state.

    1. Just the facts jack12:53 PM

      Because there are no fat dumb whites in Mississippi. Sure chief. Everyone on the planet knows the truth.

  56. Lt.Commander Johnson12:44 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Commandeered Queenie shows the world why Mississippi is last in education. He wants posters to spoon feed him information. He apparently cannot read or comprehend. He whines about stuff Field didn't draw pics for him to look at and doesn't bother to seek any info on his own. What an uneducated maroon.

    I guess from now on Queenie, you can remain shit simple.

    11:20 AM

    Now, cornhole boy.

    You tell me how these previous posts of your own making match:

    mike from iowa said...

    If this isn't politicking by the NRA, you don't know what politicking is.

    Anonymous Lt.Commander Johnson said there are any number of write ups about this three year old on the wed. Google one or a hundred and learn what happened.

    9:47 AM


    mike from iowa said...
    Senile Commandeered Queenie- Lt.Commander Johnson said...'s responsibility as far as the "parents" are concerned.

    Field doesn't designate the owner of the vehicle, who was the child's father....many holes in this story.

    The story is out there so you can see for I said.

    10:28 AM

    So? I would have. What is your problem?

    YOU are stupid, you bastard.

    BTW. Mississippi is NOT last in education. We ain't the Trailer Park Of the South, either. Gotta have somewhere for those chicken-pluckers to live, tho. Niggers will clean a chicken to the bone...(where do you think all the cheap dark meat goes?), but the damned sure won't clean one.

    Thank god for the Mexicans.

  57. LTC is a pussy12:51 PM

    Oh jesus, it's the dumb no serving pussy who represents the trailer park capital of the world. Yeah, I bet Kentucky, W. Virginia and Alabama hillbillies might be fatter and dumber but it's pretty close. Ltc Pussy caught a catfish once so his dumb assed trailer dwellers believe he's a Navy officer.

  58. Lt.Commander Johnson1:03 PM

    what is the deal with you niggers and trailers? You live in TAXPAYER money subsidized Section 8 Housing.

    Most folks who live in a trailer...and YES, there are millions of blacks who do, make payments on the bastard.

    You want to compare? I don't feel like it, but I will, just to shut your ingrate mouths.

    Why don't you go back to being Nubian Kings and Queens.

    BTW...I've noticed...since this Ancestry.Com thing came along, I expected you negroes to start spouting this and that bullshit.

    So far....I can't name a single one.

    What's the deal, former tree-dwellers?

    1. Lt. Commander no-Johnson is a no serving pussy2:06 PM

      You can't spout anything because you're dumb and you have to pretend to be an officer while attempting to make fun of a negro who actually served the country and graduated from college. You are one dumb jealous sob. Now go back to your singlewide and play army. Your pathetic life is kinda sad.

  59. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Did you know the Army M24 and USMC M40 series are both based on the Remington 700??? Both service branches have been using them for DECADES. If there was a problem they would have replaced them eons ago.........

  60. Anonymous1:28 PM

    NRA does marksmanship and safety training. The NRAs ILA does the legislative thing.

  61. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Thank god for the Mexicans.

    12:44 PM

    Latinos work....niggers do not.

  62. PEEOTUS didinvited the Warriors AFTER they told him to stuff his invite up his wide ass!

    This weak attempt to keep dotard from trending did NOT work!!


  63. lt. Commander Johnson2:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Did you know the Army M24 and USMC M40 series are both based on the Remington 700??? Both service branches have been using them for DECADES. If there was a problem they would have replaced them eons ago.........

    1:27 PM

    Anon, most of those rifles you mentioned were hand-made for the military. They wouldn't even shoot them, unless the rounds were individually hand loaded. Sniper rifles.

    Yet. The by above in the thread, acts like he knows all about it.


    There is an hour-long show about the Remington screw-up with the triggers, in it's commercial version.

    I myself, do not own any Remington rifles. I choose Browning or Weatherby.

    Those Remington guns mentioned apparently DID have a defect in the trigger mechanism, but, I think that was resolved years ago.

    1. Lt. Commander is a pussy2:14 PM

      Ooooooh, Lt. Commander Pussy really likes to play army. I bet he even pretends to be Uptown Steve so he can pretend to drive a ship just like trump pretends to drive trucks. Do you go to the army/navy surplus store and buy patches too?
      What a pussy! Bwahahahahaha!

  64. Big Black James Bold who is a hard working brotha2:09 PM

    Thank god for the Mexicans.

    12:44 PM

    Latinos work....poor white trash does not.

  65. Lt.Commander Johnson2:28 PM

    It's sort of funny....I'll bet 95% of the folks who attack me about my moniker, never use their moniker.

    They use words like trailer, trash, baby-rapist....shit that is sooooo unfounded, even folks who hate me understand.

    I'm going fishing now, for some accommodating, while the barometer is rising, and the storm front is coming.

    1. Lt. Commander is a real pussy2:31 PM

      Yeah we know you're going fishing, pretending to be in the navy huh? Go play kid.

    2. LTC Pussy is like Warren2:38 PM

      His mommy/auntie bought LTC pussy a sailor suit to wear like Warren in There's Something About Mary.
      Bwahahahahahahaha! I bet he wears it to his special ed classes.

  66. Documents obtained by CNBC through FOI requests
    indicate that some of the problems in the civilian version of the Remington 700 have also been encountered in the military. The U.S. Marine Corps furnished reports from the elite sniper training school at Camp Lejeune, NC in 2003, where officials found multiple rifles to be “deficient.” According to one report, some rifles were “slam firing”—firing without a trigger pull—“once every 20 rounds.”

    “This has become a safety issue for the school,” the report notes

  67. Remington knew back in 1946 there was a problem with that particular trigger system and a solution was proposed that could have fixed the problem at a cost of about a nickel per, but Remington said no way. Today will cost them a billion or more to fix what should have been done decades ago.

  68. Tarzan Lord Of The Apes2:41 PM

    Lt. Commander is a pussy said...
    Ooooooh, Lt. Commander Pussy really likes to play army. I bet he even pretends to be Uptown Steve so he can pretend to drive a ship just like trump pretends to drive trucks. Do you go to the army/navy surplus store and buy patches too?
    What a pussy! Bwahahahahaha!

    2:14 PM

    You know you're the Queen bitch of failure for 20+years.

    Remember when you got your "Doctorate"? Oooooh wee. We had pics!

    Unfortunately, you didn't get a job.

    Remember your Jaguar?

    Remember your Dodge Ram?

    1. Tarzan is kinda dumb, well more than kinda2:52 PM

      Remember your dumb ass can't even use the English language properly? Just another poor white trash moron.


    Read the history of Remington's denials of trigger malfunctions.

  70. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "Anon, most of those rifles you mentioned were hand-made for the military. They wouldn't even shoot them, unless the rounds were individually hand loaded. Sniper rifles."

    Not completely true. Snipers are issued M118LR that is loaded at the Lake City Plant. Marksmanship units do handload ammo for the shooting teams for competition, they have also used M118 and M852.

    The Army is switching to 300 win mag but still using the Remington 700 based SWS.

    The Armourers for the Army,USMC,Navy do customize and tune the Rem 700,its still a Remington 700 action and fire control with a match barrel and custom stock.

  71. Anonymous3:06 PM

    "There is an hour-long show about the Remington screw-up with the triggers, in it's commercial version"

    Don't believe everything on TV is real..........

  72. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Another situation of irresponsible adults in a child's life...

    Guns should be kept in locked boxes at all times when not being carried.

    Sad, very sad.

  73. Tarzan smells like his mom's rotten cootch3:20 PM

    Surprised Tarzan isn't too busy screwing his momma/auntie Jane. That's why he always smells like rotten cootch.

  74. It's twice as bad as you think3:32 PM

    "You know you're the Queen bitch of failure for 20+years."

    Yisheng has actually been trying to be a doctor for 40+ years.

  75. Remingtons are OK, but I like Brownings better. I had an 870, but I didn't like it much. My Browning 12 gauge is so old that it has a 2 3/4" chamber, and is so smooth that you can fire all three shots without breaking your bead. I got it from my dad, who got it from his. Also, my dad's Browning 9mm is the only handgun I ever really liked shooting.

    Guns are a tricky issue. My life would be easier if there were fewer of them in Oakland, but these days, not very much. It isn't like it was in the late eighties any more, when there were gunfights in the street outside my front door at least weekly. There were 88 homicides in Oakland in 2016, which is still a lot, but not the omnipresent factor you have to figure into your plans when just doing your business like it was at the height of the crack epidemic.
    If you read up on crime here, you also find out that the homicide rate is kind of artificially suppressed by the awesome skill of the Highland Hospital Trauma Team, who let very few of the gunshot victims they work on die.
    But the real truth is that those guns are out there, and they're not going away. Just like with drugs and alcohol, prohibition doesn't work. We have some fairly strict gun purchase laws here, but given the cash, I could have any firearm you could want in my hands along with the ammunition to fire out of it today, up to and including an M60 with extra barrels.
    If we want to reduce the level of gun violence, we will have to address the root causes of it. Some restrictions on some gun purchases might keep some crazy people from going on murder sprees, but they are a very small percentage of the gun violence we have. They just get a lot of news coverage.
    My friend Jack once responded to someone who asked him how he could live around so much gun violence (in 1989) by saying "And I don't suppose any of those guys had a reason to shoot whoever they killed, right?"
    I don't know what the answer is, but I do believe a good place to start would be the repeal of the drug prohibition laws that create the black market that underpins the workings of most of the worst gangs we keep having so many problems with.
    Portugal did it, and it seems to be working pretty well for them.
    It would also have the side effect of lowering the tension between poor neighborhoods and the cops who serve them, and a little less hate and fear and distrust might go a long way toward reducing the number of unnecessary police shootings. Cops are people too, and they would be less likely to perceive a mortal threat from citizens who don't hate them for busting their friends and family and fear them for busting them and sending them to prison for something they do every day.

    Also, that dam in Puerto Rico is especially dangerous because almost all communication is down there, and they are having to try and find everyone who needs to evacuate in person to tell them about it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. lt. Commander Johnson4:07 PM

    Doug, I'm sure you know....but you'd have to have a class 3 license, and a buttload of money, to buy that M60.

    BTW...I just got off the boat! Caught 12 really nice slab crappie.
    Took my cat with me. She likes to just ride, stays hunkered down in the boat.

    This time, I jerked one in the boat, and she put the kill shot on it. All teeth. She has no front claws.

    Her "boat Attitude" changed dramatically.

  77. Lt. Commander: That was my point. No matter how not legal, regulated, or permit required, if I have the cash, I can get the item, even something as absurd as an M60. And yes I mean it, that's how I know about the extra barrels.

    -Doug in Oakland

  78. lt. Commander Johnson4:34 PM

    That's a relatively big chunk of hardware.

    Given the opportunity, I'd go with the SAW.

  79. Lt. Commander is a no serving pussy5:23 PM

    BTW...I just got off the boat
    Aw, LTC Pussy was playing navy. He means he was watching an old McDonald's cup float around a puddle while throwing rocks at it pretending he's a naval officer. Who's momma's big boy?


    It is still out there.

  81. Tarzan Lord Of The Apes5:57 PM

    Yuk, refugees from de Congo just refernce blacks+triler parks.

    THEN....keep your lying asses STFU, as to making white folks the trailer park shit.

    1. Tarzan is kinda dumb and can't spell6:08 PM

      Yeah Tarzan because no whites live in trailer parks. Sure chief.

    2. Tarzan is almost as dumb as James and Bill6:21 PM

      Was that English? WTF did that Tarzan idiot just write? Holy fuck he is stupid. Yep, too dumb to know damn near 30% of the white population in the south lives in a trailer. Yeah, he's pretty dumb.

  82. Anonymous7:21 PM

  83. Lets do this said- Blacks could then enjoy the benefits of living under white paternalism, and with the restoration of the right of free association, whites could be secure in their own communities and enjoy the benefits of reducing the threat of black violence.

    Everybody wins.

    Whites would be secure when they hop into 4 wheel drive trucks with confederate flags and join the police in shooting unarmed blacks for sport.

    Sooner or later there would be massive retaliation by blacks and whitey be whining how angry and dangerous blacks are and should be forced to leave minority white America for whitey's sake.

  84. Anonymous7:26 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Read the history of Remington's denials of trigger malfunctions.
    2:44 PM

    There a credible source of news...CNBC.Communist News Bullshit Channel.

  85. Anonymous7:28 PM

  86. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Because of the politicized/militarized lying sacks of shit at the NRA.
    12:07 PM


  87. Roger Ailes7:50 PM

    There a credible source of news...CNBC.Communist News Bullshit Channel.
    Convervatards only trust breitbart and fox. Dumbasses


    Maybe someone with a gun should pay a visit to Florida's asswipe Guv. The nursing home where 11 people died called Scott's personal cell phone four times before the patients started dying. Scott erased the messages so they can't be used in a criminal probe. Now he has taken away the home's Medicare and Medicaid monies.

  89. Anymoose @ 7:26 pm read the article and try to refute the company's own admissions. There are documents from employees at Remington admitting the company was aware of all the problems they denied in public. Refute it if you can.

  90. Big Black James Bold a brotha who hates illiteracy8:28 PM

    There a credible source of news...CNBC.Communist News Bullshit Channel.
    "There a credible source"?
    Is that Tarzan or are all of these white racists illiterate? Holy fuck, must be some kind of hillbilly language.

  91. teh stupid8:43 PM

    There? You mean THEY'RE?
    There is a lot of stupid going around today. Trailer park ignorance. Master race my ass, master the English language first you poor ignorant white trash racists.

  92. Bold, James Bold9:53 PM

    "The boy found the handgun hidden under the passenger seat after police say another uncle, who is a Philadelphia Housing Authority police officer, put it there."

    Wait, whut?  This Philly officer wasn't bright enough to keep the gun under his control at all times, or have at least a trigger lock for it?

    He's Black, guaran-damn-teed.

    "the least you could do is be careful and take the proper safety training."

    The best we could do is keep incompetent Blacks out of our police forces.  Better yet, out of the country.  All the ones descended from slaves complain endlessly about having been brought here, and if that was a mistake and a sin there is definitely one good remedy.

    Hey, you realize that Obama is eligible to run for president in Kenya, and if you moved there you could help elect him?  It's your dream, make it happen!

    1. Big Black James Bold a brotha who is actually smart enough to get a perfect SAT10:20 PM

      You know James if you moved to dumbfuckistan David Duke could run for president and you could help elect him.

  93. Baldingo- fuck you and all yer skanky ass black wannabes. Black cops don't make it a habit going around shooting unarmed whites although if they wanted to make an example of you, well, it isn't like you ain't been asking for it. Have a nice day.

  94. Bold, James Bold10:51 PM

    "Obviously the trolls here have never even thought about gun violence before, let alone gave a fuck."

    Yeah, delude yourselves.  The KFF cowardly omits the population average for the USA, but its on-line tool for analyzing firearm deaths show that the Black per-capita rate is higher than the White wherever there are enough of both to get meaningful statistics.  Interesting numbers; California's Black firearms death rate is more than twice the White, and Illinois is almost 5x.

    But that's barely half the story.  77% of White firearms deaths are suicides.  If you are talking about homicides, there are probably more Black firearms homicide deaths than White despite Whites being 5x as much of the population.

    "Obviously the trolls here have never even thought about gun violence before, let alone gave a fuck."

    I've been on the edge of having to do gun violence in self-defense against an idiot.  Fortunately, he got a good look at my gun that was damn near swallowed up by my two massive paws, pointed straight at his head and finger on the trigger, and backed off and went away.  He stayed alive and I got to finish my job instead of doing a lot of awkward explaining.  I had plenty of witnesses plus security cameras, though, so I probably would have been okay... eventually.

    Yes, I carry whenever I'm out of the house.

    "That's why the gun guys tried so hard to justify the shooting of Trayvon."

    Everyone except the Obammy administration and that SJW special prosecutor thought Martin's shooting was lawful self-defense.  You noticed that he WAS initially no-billed and then WAS acquitted, didn't you?

    "I don't recall one single instance of a black idiot killing his friends with a gun"

    You don't get out much, do you?

    1. James is kinda dumb2:18 AM

      Are you ever going to give us some inkling that you really have a genius IQ? Anything? I mean there was that one time you said you were trying to figure out a simple math problem but other than that nothing. I'm forced to believe you're just another dumb troll James.

  95. Zimmerclusterfuck committed pre-meditated murder and got away with it. Cop in St Louis committed pre-meditated murder and got away with it. You'll get yers one day, Baldingo and all the whining and crying and shitting yer pants when the bullets come yer way, not even white privilege will save yer pastey white hide. That will give you something to look forward to.

  96. Anonymous10:38 AM

    "That's why the gun guys tried so hard to justify the shooting of Trayvon."

    Trayvon was a burglar and a thug(nigger).he was expelled from school because he got caught with weed and proceeds(jewelry) from his burglaries. That apt complex had recent complaints of burglaries. Trayvon was going to make a drop to the daddy's GF.

    He had LEAN or Purple Drank plus thc in his system when he tried to smash Zimms head in with a large piece of concrete.

    Trayvon was killed in self defense. Thats why niggers hate CCW,SYOG laws. It prevents their thug lifestyle.

  97. Anonymous10:41 AM

    teh stupid said...
    There? You mean THEY'RE?
    There is a lot of stupid going around today. Trailer park ignorance. Master race my ass, master the English language first you poor ignorant white trash racists.
    8:43 PM

    Francis, is that all you got???

  98. Pretty sure that this soon to be "former" housing authority officer will be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor and REAP. (Recklessly endangering another person.)

    We will see what happens.

  99. Zimmerclusterfuck told the dispatcher Martin looked like other kids that had gotten away. He stated Martin would not get away ( that is pre-meditation) and went out and shot an unarmed blsck kid.

    When Kismet comes calling, Zimmerclusterfuck will be bawling and dead.

  100. Anonymous12:52 PM

  101. Big Black James Bold the brotha with an education12:53 PM

    Francis, is that all you got???
    My hope is that you ignorant sob's go back and finish 8th grade so you won't end up like James and have to make up achievements.

  102. Anonymous12:53 PM

    "and went out and shot an unarmed blsck kid."

    Trayvon had a large piece of concrete and tried to smash zimms head in. Get over it,keep playing the fool.

  103. Anonymous12:56 PM

    "I don't recall one single instance of a black idiot killing his friends with a gun"

    Shines kill each other at unprecedented rates each day across America.

  104. Bold, James Bold3:21 PM

    "Black cops don't make it a habit going around shooting unarmed whites"

    Really?  Justine Damond ring any bells?  How about Jeremy Mardis?

    Police are more reluctant to shoot Blacks than Whites.

    "fuck you and all yer skanky ass black wannabes."

    Aside from a few psychiatric and abuse cases like Rachel Dolezal, nobody wants to be Black.  Not even Blacks.

    Two black guys are walking down a street.  One has 98 cents and 1 has a dollar.  They spot a sign that says, "we can turn you white for 99 cents."  So they make a plan where the guy with the dollar will go in, then when he comes out he will give the penny to the other guy so he can do it too.

    So the guy with the dollar goes in.  When he comes out he looks amazingly white!

    His buddy says "Oh man that looks amazing, give me your penny!"

    The newly white man sneers, "get a job nigger."

    "Zimmerclusterfuck committed pre-meditated murder and got away with it."

    So you think he called the cops on himself?  When he was planning a murder?  But damn are you stupid.

    "He stated Martin would not get away ( that is pre-meditation)"

    He never said that, and you know it.  I've given you that audio link at least 5 times now.  You're a premeditated liar, Mikey.  That's why you hate the truth so much.

  105. Anonymous3:57 PM

  106. PremedicAted black wannabe Baldingo- Zimmerclusterfuck confessed. He says you held him at gunpoint and forced him to shoot Martin. He then said you were the second gunman on the grassy knoll in 63 Dull Ass, Texass.

    I've read every transcript ever written about the case an no two are exactly alike. They a;; mention a crazy as fuck whitey wingnut running around begging someone to make him black. I assume that is you- fucknuts.

  107. Scientists have found the missing link between brainless right wing nut jobs-especially Baldingo- and their nearest ancestors whatever they are.

  108. Firstly, the fact is that the three year old should have been in his car seat. Why is he free to roam around the back of the car, find a pistol, and learn how to use it? What's uncle up to?

    What also comes to mind is the prevalence and saturation of handguns in this country. Do they always have to be so nearby? I mean, you're out in public; do you really a level of threat in your community so severe that you'd be compelled to actually use it? I understand the right to bear arms and I exercise that right. But I don't feel that I need a concealed carry permit to go grocery shopping.

    Imagine using that weapon in the normal course of your daily routine; that would be a life altering experience on so many different levels.

  109. Guns kill people if YOU ARE TRAINED to use them. The reason to own a gun is to kill something otherwise what's the purpose of ownership. One thing's for certain, one only dies ONCE. No matter HOW IT'S ACCOMPLISHED, once it's done, you're done.

  110. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Omigosh said...
    The reason to own a gun is to kill something otherwise what's the purpose of ownership. 10:02 PM

    Target shooting

    Collecting:many own them and never use them.

    Self defense:many never fire a shot but the bad guys leave.

    Hunting:yes you kill an animal but they are really tasty!!!!

  111. Kemelyen- I believe the initial report said child was sitting in seat and later got out on his own. It happens frequently, from what I have read.

  112. Lt.Commander Johnson4:48 AM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Pretty sure that this soon to be "former" housing authority officer will be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor and REAP. (Recklessly endangering another person.)

    We will see what happens.

    11:31 AM

    THAT'S what I said WAY up the thread, field.

    No one gave a shit about it then....why should you, Counselor?

  113. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Venison is so tasty!!

  114. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I love my Glock 19 and carry it every day...everywhere.

  115. (DOWNLOAD) $12,234 within 2 months Casino Software?

    Let me get it right.

    I dont care about sports. Never cared less.

    I tried EVERYTHING from forex & stocks to internet marketing and affiliate programs.. I even made some money but then blew it all when the stock market went south.

    I think I finally found it. Get It Now!!

  116. Anonymous6:11 PM

    If we prosecute drug dealers in America who are fingered for selling drugs to someone resulting in death, then the laws should be changed to prosecute gun manufacturers for selling and manufacturing military grade weapons which resulted in mass deaths. what 's good for the goose is good for the gander. Once again we have a situation of negligence resulting in death not being treated equally under the law
