Monday, October 30, 2017

Hillary will not be the one that is locked up.

Image result for trump arrest jail imagesEveryone waited with bated breath today yo see if  Mr. Mueller's ongoing investigation would nab someone in trump's inner circle. Or, stop the presses,  maybe even the orange one himself.

As it turns out, someone halfway up the food chain, as well as trump's former campaign manager,  had to turn themselves in and face numerous federal charges. This was not a good day for Paul Manafort.  Needless to say that it was not a good day for his former boss, either.

Still, as bad as this all was for team trump, it was not the worst news from the day for them. Not by a long shot. The worst news of the day for team trump is that a former foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, pled guilty to lying to FBI agents a few weeks ago, and he might be singing like Chaka Khan to the guys in the dark suits.

I think it's safe to say that Mr. Mueller is not done, and that has to be the scariest part about all of this to trump's inner circle. I will give them credit, though, they are lying spinning harder than ever, but only the most ardent trump supporter (and FOX NEWS hosts) believes that there is no fire to go with all this smoke. 

Poor Mr. trump is begging us to look at Hillary Clinton and any other shiny object to distract us from the matter at hand: His campaign's collusion with the Russian government to win an American election. It. Will. Not. Work.

"Trump told the packed crowd that if “Crooked Hillary” had won the election, they “would not have a Second Amendment.”

“You'd be handing in your rifles,” Trump said. “You'd be turning over your rifles.”
Trump’s comments were met with instant chants of “lock her up” from the crowd — the same chants that were routine at his campaign rallies during the 2016 election.

Trump replied to the chants by saying, “You got to speak to Jeff Sessions about that.”

Fortunately Mr. trump, we will not be speaking to anyone other than Bob Mueller when it comes to making arrests.

Sadly for you, the main topic of discussion will be collusion.   

*Pic from


  1. It's just a matter of time before the orange one gets impeached.

  2. Anonymous9:14 PM

    You must admit that Manafort is sexy.

  3. I am probably one of the few contributing to this forum who does not believe the 45th President will be impeached.

    Quite frankly, I believe the primary goal should be understanding and safeguarding our electoral processes from foreign influences hostile to American democracy.

    And those in the center and far left need to get over themselves in order to map out strategy that resolves gerrymandering and other voter suppression tactics.

    1. The gerrymandering issue is being taken up in the SC as we speak. As far as impeachment I agree with you that it won't happen with Paul Ryan as speaker. And for Field, I've heard arguments from both sides is it even legal to indict a sitting president?


  4. I think it's safe to say that Mr. Mueller is not done

    That's what I'm afraid of.

  5. Yīshēng said...
    "It's just a matter of time before the orange one gets impeached."

    I'll bet you your medical degree Trump is never impeached.

    Oh that's right, you don't have one.

    I'll bet you $7.00 and a pound of hamburger meat.

  6. Lance Cockstrong10:16 PM

    ♪♫... You can't always get what you want ... ♪♫

    Party's over Trumptwats.

  7. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    "I am probably one of the few contributing to this forum who does not believe the 45th President will be impeached."

    We don't take kindly to reasonable opinions around here, my good woman. You have to know the right opinions and ignore the wrong facts. Thinking for yourself and weighing evidence objectively will get you labelled a House Negro.

  8. Lance Cockstrong10:46 PM

    "Hey Mitch old buddy ... just joking about that war thing ... teeheeheehee ... Can we all get along and unite behind our fearless leader ... President Butt Trumpet" - Steve Bannonymouse

    Party's over Trumptwats

  9. Lance Cockstrong10:57 PM

    "Papa ... who? ... - President Butt Trumpet

    Make America Opiate Again Trumptwats

  10. Lance Cockstrong11:01 PM

    Tony Podesta threatened "Tucker Carlson Tonight" after resigning. After he goes down, so will Hillary, then Obama.

    Party's over Trumptwats

  11. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I've always liked Chaka Khan.

  12. Lance Cockstrong11:13 PM

    Experts looking at Manafort Indictment: ’Not Much There’

    You know what is there? Uranium One and 10 Million Spent on a Fake Dossier by HRC.

    Kumquats for Trumptwats

  13. Kevin Spacey11:45 PM

    If we’ve learned anything from Hillary, Weinstein, and the media, it’s always those who are most outspoken who have the most to hide.

  14. Anonymous11:55 PM

    I wonder if Tony Podesta's resignation from his own company today has anything to do with this "investigation" by Mueller. I hope da' Mueller will follow the trail of rat shit all the way to HRC and BO.

    Don't worry you guys still have John McCain. Of course, he is a big rodent much like Doug.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. @Faith_and_Fairness: Trump won't be impeached. Like Nixon before him, he will merely quit, resign.

  17. you-know-who12:53 AM

    The anonymous Russian-troll Comrades are coming out of the woodwork. It's like an episode of the old "Outer Limits".

    BTW, "impeachment" and "DOJ indictment" are different things, no...? It seems so, given the following:
    Article I, Section 2,
    "5: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."
    Article I, Section 3 -
    "6: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. [...]"
    "7: Judgment in Cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."
    And then, Article II:
    "Section 4 - The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

    I also found:
    - formal accusation of wrongdoing
    - formal charges

    So, it seems they can occur separately, and I'm not clear on whether an indictment can be made before impeachment has occurred. It might be in "The U.S. Code", but I'm too tired to look it up right now.

  18. All of your distractions don't matter. Fergus won, remember? Hillary could be shoveling babies and endangered species of animals into a wood chipper and it would not make Fergus one iota less guilty.
    I read the indictment. They have them dead to rights. Multiple felonies in multiple years.
    Whether the unsealing of both actions simultaneously was 1) a warning to others to cooperate or suffer the consequences (the last part of the indictment specifies how they plan to take everything Manafort has if he is convicted), 2) the first play in a case that extends Manafort's years long relationship with dirty Russian money into the campaign while he ran it, or 3) what Mueller had handy to demonstrate the substance of his investigation as a preemptive maneuver against the rising tide of Republican pressure to end his investigation, or something else harder to figure out, remains to be seen.

    For the record, I don't think Fergus will be impeached either. Or perhaps if the Democrats take full control of congress he may be impeached, but even if he is, I don't believe the senate will remove him.
    The Republicans won't do it because they are Republicans, and Fergus could be shoveling babies and endangered species of animals into a wood chipper and they wouldn't give a rat's ass about anything but primary challenges and tax cuts, and the Democrats probably won't do it because they are Democrats and unless someone can figure out a way to implant artificial spines into them, they probably just won't.

    So we have to beat him at the ballot box. And that means overcoming all of the cheating the Republicans will be doing.
    The scariest thing about that is having to trust the Democrats to win an election. Those fuckers can lose an election no matter how many more votes they have available to them.
    So we have to do it. And right away, in 2018. We have to get one house of congress, preferably the senate, to stop Fergus' hideous legislative agenda and slam the brakes on his judicial appointments. The longer he has full control, the more damage he will do, and the longer it will take the next Democratic administration to repair before they can even start on their own agenda.
    Meanwhile, maybe a few of his hideous spawn might catch a state-level case safely out of reach of any pardon Fergus might issue.

    -Doug in Oakland

  19. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Calm down Doug, step off the ledge. Never mind, jump you idiot, JUMP!

  20. I agree, trump will not be impeached. I do believe that there is a chance that he will resign from office. Just a chance.

    Look, the right-wingnuts found a new bogeyman: John Podesta's brother.

    BTW, if he broke the law, he too should go to jail.

  21. Blogger Faith_and_Fairness said...
    I am probably one of the few contributing to this forum who does not believe the 45th President will be impeached.

    I don’t think he will either, it’s just one of those things I put into the universe regularly hoping she’ll listen.

    But I don’t see him resigning either, he’s too much of a narcissistic egomaniac for that.

  22. BTW, y’all check out my Black Lives Matter and Afro centric Halloween pumpkins in my avatar pic, those things are 🔥 🔥 🔥!! 👍🏽👍🏽👊🏽👊🏽

  23. Progtard9:31 AM

    @Yisheng: Halloween is a white custom, and when POC celebrate it's called cultural appropriation.

    Hand off my culture!

  24. Limpbaugh10:08 AM

    Do you remember why this started? Russia supposedly gave the DNC and Podesta emails to WikiLeaks. That was a lie. Of course Hillary's emails were hacked. She used an unsecure blackberry when she met with Russians, Chinese, and who knows who else. They should be looking into Israeli interference into the election. AIPAC runs ads against candidates who don't kiss Israel's ass. So we supported ISIS to overthrow Syria for Israel. Hillary wrote that in an email to Podesta.

    So far Mueller's charges seem to be financial crimes and not registering as a foreign agent to the Ukraine. If Flynn is charged it would be for not registering as an agent to Turkey. There has been one conviction for not registering as a lobbyist to a foreign government in the past 51 years. It is a regulation that isn't enforced. It is legitimate to use it to pressure people to turn informant. Don't use the investigation to falsely charge one of the few honest publishers of information we have, Julian Assange, with espionage. Or to demonize a country because they fight our ISIS surrogates. Of course field hands are afraid to read WikiLeaks. Most people realize it is true, even if they don't know where it came from. Field hands believe the Mueller sanctioned sham 9/11 investigation. They probably believe he was honestly mistaken about Iraq having WMDs. Field hands support the neocon establishment war machine. Neither Trump or Julian Assange has contacted Julian Assange, who knows where he got the information. Genocide of the darker Libyans is ok. Stealing 10 billion from poor Haitians is ok. Let's just chose not to believe it. I think Field Negro is trying to get in the house.

  25. As for gerrymndering case, GoSuck has already signalled he is in favor of gerrymandering for political gain.

    Libs will need Kennedy or Roberts to swing the vote to prevent blatant cheating by wingnuts.

    Court watchers say Go Suck can't keep his mouth shut about anything. Prolly argues in his sleep.

  26. Don't forget, kiddies. The denials started with Drumpfuck-no one in my campaign met with any Russian officials.

  27. Anonymous10:37 AM

    The working consensus amongst legal minds is that Trump campaign aid George Papadopoulos who plead guilty probably has been wearing a wire since his arrest in July up until two weeks ago when he charged. This possibly could mean bad news for Sessions, Trump Jr, Carter Page and any other Trump eunuch who emailed or engaged in conversation with Papadopoulos. The one person it won't affect, Hillary Clinton.

  28. VOX debunks the HRC gave Russia our uranium non-starter for the 10 millionth time in easy to understand langwidge which wingnuts, no doubt, won't understand.

    Look, a shiny squirrel. This time HRC goes down-or maybe in the next 10 million times.

  29. Flynn was the first of the shitwads to get caught lying about contacting Russia about sanctions. Flynn was not recognized as an employee of the government when he was doing deals with Russia which is illegal. He had no power to conduct fed business until lying Drumpfuck was sworn in and Flynn was approved.

  30. One day in the not too distant future, calling someone a tRump supporter will be equivalent to calling someone a $hithead.

    1. You mean it isn't already?😆

  31. "BTW, if he broke the law, he too should go to jail."

    You mean you're not going to fight for "your team" regardless? Hmmm, that seems odd.

  32. you-know-who1:52 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "HRC gave Russia our uranium"

    Which is why she should go to jail.

    And she didn't give it to them, she sold it to them for a $150 million bribe.

  33. HRC didn't sell shit to nobody- not even for 150 million bucks. That iis all bullshit and has been debunked 10 million times. If you haven't figured it out by now., yer too stoopid to be alive.

  34. Uranium One? Pfft.

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. Hollywood elitist James Wood picked up on the fake news story about Morgan Freeman saying HRC needed to go to jail. He went right directly to the website and got it. What a maroon.

  36. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Keep dreaming lil libtards.......

  37. Anonymous5:56 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      James' mom 2020!

  38. Anonymous5:56 PM

    James Woods is a crazy wingnut d-bag. His views are straight out of Breitbart.

    It also would not surprise me if he turns out to be the next "Weinstein revelation." Amber Tamblyn has accused him of trying to pick her up when she was 16.

    In an open letter, Amber Tamblyn destroys James Woods for hitting on her when she was 16

  39. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Looks like brown and black mischief in NYC......

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Glad it wasn't like the white mischief in Vegas or Sandyhook.

  40. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Yes, Manafort is sexy, but so is his lawyer Kevin Downing. Both guys have enormous pairs of kumquats. And Dr. Pecker, I'm sure that's an apt name for you, as you use your sizable one to bring all the ladies to orgasm.

  41. goat from muscatine6:34 PM

    mike from iowa forced himself on me when I was just a kid.

  42. Ready for Halloween?

    We are!:

  43. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Josh's bra 2020!

  44. Lt.Commander Johnson6:57 PM

    Ya know, I'll tell you a little "Halloween Story"

    Many years ago, I read gas meters for the local company, for a year and a half. I never made mistakes. I could read a meter while walking past it without slowing down. It's kinda like reading a clock with no numbers on it. Plus, I had 20/10 vision then.

    Anyway, because I was so error-free, they decide to hire this fat Negro girl, and assign me to show her the ropes.

    She lasted about 1/2 a neighborhood route. We come up to one large hedge, surrounding the meter, and I tell her you have to deal with this. She sticks her nose in the hedges, and backs out like she was terrified.
    I asked her what was wrong.

    She said there was a black cat under the meter, and she could feel it's "power". Of course, I asked her what the hell she was talking about.

    Now, gas meters have changed somewhat since then, but, they used to make a noise which was sort of soothing to cats. I had seen umpteen cats under meters, and they would usually just ignore you, if they didn't run.

    Her fat ass couldn't survive the physical exertion to walk three to five miles a day, deal with mean-assed dogs, nor even black cats.

    After about the third street, I just told her to sit and wait for me at the end of each street, and that was the end of her "experiment" trial. I refused to ever take her out again. Slowed me down.

    What is the deal with black cats and Negroes?

    1. Lt. Commander Pussy8:39 PM

      What is it with lying assed fake pussies who never served pretending to be military officers? I guess it is Halloween.

  45. you-know-who6:58 PM

    - Why does anyone care what James Woods or James Woods' 5th cousin thrice remove, or James Woods' childhood friend's third cousin's spouse's boss's dominatrix, or whomever, says or doesn't say?
    - "Celebrites" are just people who managed to get their mugs in front of cameras. Woods, like fellow dim-bulb Sarandon, is a celebrity because he's an ACTOR. Meaning, someone who repeats lines of dialogue ((no mater how bad...)) written by other people, and emoting as the director tells him to, in exchange for money...
    ...sort of the same way my parrot says "Hello" and gives me a bird-kiss in exchange for a sesame cracker.
    - I guess I just don't really "get" why people go into a froth over what this or that actor says or does or eats for lunch or so on...

  46. you-know-who7:27 PM

    dinthebeast / Doug in Oakland said...

    Hillary could be shoveling babies and endangered species of animals into a wood chipper and it would not make Fergus one iota less guilty.

    - There is a strong tendendcy for people who place an inordinately-high value on "group loyalty" ((and a correspondingly *low* value on things like truth, ethics, and the like)) to operate under the delusion that ANY wrongdoing, by ANY member of their own group, is negated by even the most minor infraction by any member of any "enemy group".

    I read the indictment. They have them dead to rights. Multiple felonies in multiple years.
    - Doesn't matter to the loyalty-above-ALL-else types. They'll come up with all sorts of excuses, absurd conspiracy "theories", and so on, to reject the facts, while howling and braying at the top of their collective lungs that it's Everyone Else who is lying and/or wrong.

    For the record, I don't think Fergus will be impeached either. Or perhaps if the Democrats take full control of congress he may be impeached, but even if he is, I don't believe the senate will remove him.
    The Republicans won't do it because they are Republicans, and Fergus could be shoveling babies and endangered species of animals into a wood chipper and they wouldn't give a rat's ass about anything but primary challenges and tax cuts, and the Democrats probably won't do it because they are Democrats and unless someone can figure out a way to implant artificial spines into them, they probably just won't.

    - Which is why I keep saying that the vast majority of people ((meaning, the Centrists, and the Left- and Right-leaning Moderates)) need to reject both parties, STOP looking for "leaders" and remember that We The People are supposed to be the leaders, and politicians are **our employees** and are supposed to be our *representatives*. The regular people who are Democrats are not the proble - the problem is that the nabobs and poobahs and moghuls of BOTH parties, and especially, both "National Committees" , have become exactly what Big Cheeses become when We The People ALLOW them to be nabobs and poobahs and moghuls - they withdraw into their respective Echo Chambers and rely upon omphaloskepsis to "reveal" to them the path to more power.
    - If Congressional Democrats are spineless, it's because too many eligible Democratic voters are complacent and/or see the political process as "stupid shit", wnd thereby created their own self-fulfilling prophecy by ALLOWING the process to be reduced to "stupid shit".

    The scariest thing about that is having to trust the Democrats to win an election. Those fuckers can lose an election no matter how many more votes they have available to them.

    - Yup. The campaigns here in TX have been pathetic; and the national campaigns have been pathetic. They ignore vast swathes of people - including people who *should* be natural allies, **if** the nabobs and poobahs and moghuls got down off of their collective Golden Dias and worked towards the ideals in the platform. The Democrats who *do* work to try to do the best for all their constituents also *do* win elections.

    So we have to do it.

    - But that smacks of effort... I know, I know, SOME people do put a hell of a lot of effort into it all, but the vast majority are too complacent - otherwise, we would not regularly and repeatedly see only a bit over 1/3 of eligible voters voting, and nearly 2/3 not voting.

  47. Bold, James Bold7:57 PM

    "There is a strong tendendcy for people who place an inordinately-high value on "group loyalty" ((and a correspondingly *low* value on things like truth, ethics, and the like)) to operate under the delusion that ANY wrongdoing, by ANY member of their own group, is negated by even the most minor infraction by any member of any "enemy group"."

    This explains all the "Whitey does it too!" comments we find here at FN.  E.g., one White guy rapes a baby and that excuses every bit of the massive excess of Black criminality which ruins entire cities.  If your thinking is THAT pathological, you have to go.

    1. Big Black James Bold who actually did get 1600 on his SAT8:41 PM

      One guy rapes a baby? That shit goes on all the fucking time you lying assed piece of shit. You just like to excuse everything whitey does no matter how morally depraved. What do you expect from a known liar who likes to lie about everything from his nonexistant education to his job.

  48. Oh no you don't. There's nothing "both sides" about this. The Republican party is insane and dysfunctional. The Democrats have their problems, as you quoted me about, but they are a functional political party.

    You can't have a political debate with a Republican, because they just start lying and insisting that you accept their lies because "they are entitled to their opinion" even when that opinion is the most thoroughly debunked lie you can think of, "tax cuts pay for themselves" for instance.

    A healthy political debate on the issues in this country right now would pretty much look like Hillary Clinton debating Bernie Sanders, not that I think either of them should be running much of anything at this point.

    One thing we do have going for us right now is the largest influx of candidates for office in many decades, so that effort you talk about is actually there. And the generic poll for congress has the Democrats up by eight points, and has more or less been like that for months. Whether that can overcome gerrymandering, vote suppression, and billionaire support, remains to be seen, but a lot of those candidates are for state level races, where we have been criminally weak for more than a decade, and as much as I'd like to see them focus on taking congress back, this is something we have to do or else we're doomed to the minority.

    It would also be nice to have majorities in some more statehouses before 2021 rolls around to level the playing field a little.

    Every election is its own thing, and my congresswoman, Barbara Lee, won hers with 90% of the vote last year. I want her in congress.

    As far as the DNC is concerned, what do they really even do? Raise money? Good luck with that, but we don't have many Mercers or Adelsons or Kochs, and really, the most important issue we need to have a Democratic administration in order to address is campaign finance, as it is at the very root of all of the shenanigans you listed above.

    The Republicans will never do anything about it, because it works for them really well. It is why they have majority control of the government with only a minority of the electorate.

    And that is the one thing I want to fix. Everyone deserves to be represented in government. When that representation gets too far out of proportion with the actual constituencies, the government becomes vulnerable to the kind of broad based rejection the Republicans have been trying to push since the eighties. And that drives down voter participation more than anything else "They're all crooks, so why bother?"

    But low turnouts tend to elect Republicans, so Republicans will be doing everything they can to keep them low, like making the entire process look so ugly and corrupt that ordinary people want no part of it.

    And they'll keep doing it as long as it works; that is, as long as we let them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Lt.Commander Johnson9:51 AM

    Funny. Insults are hurled....but no Negro seems to tell me about they are scared of black cats.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Why is trump scared of Bob Mueller?

  50. Anonymous10:16 AM

    When society goes brown...society goes down.....

  51. Bold, James Bold11:39 AM

    "One guy rapes a baby? That shit goes on all the fucking time you lying assed piece of shit."

    It goes on all the time in the hood.  To a lesser extent, in the barrios.

    It happens daily in Africa, where your cousins gave themselves the idea that you can cure AIDS by fucking a virgin.  Babies are virgins, so they fuck babies.

    "You just like to excuse everything whitey does no matter how morally depraved."

    Excuses?  We threw the MFer in jail.  Nobody is holding a rally for him because there are "too many White men in prison."  That's a Black thing.  The crime in Baltimore and Chicago and so many other places proves that there aren't nearly ENOUGH Black men in prison, and we should probably extend that to those who provide moral cover for the criminals.  Namely, you.

    1. James is a dummy12:57 PM

      How many white guys are in prison for raping babies? How many white meth moms sold their babies to be raped for meth? Lots of em. Do a simple search James because we know you don't have a job so you have plenty of time Jamie. Please one day show some kind of inkling of intelligence. You're supposed to be smart but you have never ever shown any sign of the smarts. Just another shitty troll who is so dumb he steals material from teenagers.


    2. James is a sick fuck1:01 PM

      Hey James, why do white guys like to shoot kids? I mean what do you guys have against babies and kids? Nobody else shoots a classroom full of kids except white guys. Now that is some serious moral deficiency.

  52. you-know-who1:17 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why is trump scared of Bob Mueller?
    12:59 PM

    - Same reason why he's been scared for all of 50 his "adult" years by people he can't buy and can't bully with his lawyers and inherited social connections...

  53. you-know-who1:32 PM

    A small Commandeered Johnson said...

    Funny. Insults are hurled....but no Negro seems to tell me about they are scared of black cats.
    9:51 AM

    - Nobody can tell a person about asinine stuff that the voices in said person's own head tell him/her :p
    - And, not that the self-proclaimed Übermenschen will give a gnat's crap, but my sister's black kitten, that had gotten out and yes, did have a collar, was tortured to death by white people because the paranoid pea-brained nut-jobs idiotically claimed that black cats "are the devil's familiars".

  54. you-know-who2:15 PM

    - OK, getting off of silly stuff about cats...

    dinthebeast said...

    Oh no you don't. There's nothing "both sides" about this. The Republican party is insane and dysfunctional. The Democrats have their problems, as you quoted me about, but they are a functional political party.

    - I didn't mean it to come out sounding like I meant they're equivalent, but obviously that's how it did come out. Ooooooops...
    - I mention the DNC because the so-called "left" extremists go on and on about how it and the Party elites set up a "coronation" of Hillary. And because power *does* corrupt, but *mostly* because too many people *are* saying "we need leaders". I won't rehash that point, because I think I said enough about it ;) and especially, because I want to move on to this point you made:

    "One thing we do have going for us right now is the largest influx of candidates for office in many decades, so that effort you talk about is actually there."

    - I'm not out there in the thick of things so to speak, so I'll take your word for it and try have a bit more optimism, though it's difficult, living in TX as I do.

    "[...] we need to have a Democratic administration in order to address is campaign finance, as it is at the very root of all of the shenanigans you listed..."

    - I would like to see more people *voting*. Of course, part of it is overcoming the polling-place closures and intimidation tactics ((both of which will undoubtedly 'inspire' a slew of invectives and denials, but we've *seen* it, and no amount of "whitesplaining" can convince me that it was not seen and did not happen)).
    - I don't know why the Dem Party doesn't organize some sort of transportation drive, where people could volunteer to take people to the polls ((bus service here is very limited)). But the only volunteers that they want here is "phone workers" - I had asked.
    - So part of my jaded view of the party bureaucracy is due to my experiences here...

    - The, too, I get irked ((well, OK, I suppose "incensed", or even "inflamed", are more apt...)) because of the very cycle that you described.
    - I think there is too wide of a disconnect between the party extremists, the party moghuls/elites/"aristocracy", and the vast majority of People.
    Part of the problem with "the internet age" is that one extremist nut ((or the tool of any particular government...)) can not only spew nonsense literally world-wide within seconds, but also, can set up kaboodles of fake accounts and falsely multiply his/her own voice, out-shouting the vast majority of people who don't have the time or inclination to do that.
    - You hit the other problems spot-on; I just don't know how all of these things can be addressed. My actions are limited, and will me more limited for at least a while following my spinal surgery in December. I *can* type, of course ;) , but it gets frustrating, seeing things I'd helped work for, get trodden underfoot so easily.
    - Civilization and Democracy ((and a representative constitutional democracy *is* still a democracy, regardless of the wingnut claims)) are not self-sustaining - both require input, maintenance, much as does a garden, and also similarly, it takes a heck of a lot of work, and of many different sorts, to reclaim that which has become overgrown with weeds, stricken by drought, and stripped of nutrients. How is that to be done? I don't know, and what I see is much bickering and few solutions, so I sometimes despair.

  55. Anonymous Lt.Commander Johnson said...

    Funny. Insults are hurled....but no Negro seems to tell me about they are scared of black cats.

    Why would any self respecting Negro bother talking to you?

  56. Bold, James Bold10:54 PM

    "Nobody else shoots a classroom full of kids except white guys."

    We had to put metal detectors on the entrances of your schools to keep you from shooting up your own classrooms on a daily basis.  When it's one White classroom in 5 years in the whole country, it's not worth it.

    "Now that is some serious moral deficiency."

    When we have to put prison-level security in your schools to avoid daily shootings and that STILL doesn't get rid of the mayhem, yes, you have some serious moral deficiency.

    1. James is a dummy11:52 PM

      Shooting a class full of 6 year olds shows serious moral deficincies. Raping a 9 month old shows serious moral deficincies. You white guys have no room to talk about moral deficincies. James, you certainly are a dumb mother fucker.
      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
      750K house bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  57. Lt.Commander Johnson4:34 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Anonymous Lt.Commander Johnson said...

    Funny. Insults are hurled....but no Negro seems to tell me about they are scared of black cats.

    Why would any self respecting Negro bother talking to you?

    2:50 PM

    You assholes "talk to me" all the damn time. Just like you just did, Queenie.

    I noticed, none of you "self-respecting" Negroes won't answer a simple question.....What is the deal with black folks and black cats?

    Don't tell me it doesn't exist. I've seen it with my own eyes.

  58. you-know-who3:57 PM

    - Small Commandeered Johnson obsesses over cats, but ONLY when Black people are involved.
    - While childishly DEMANDING someone address his overinflation of *one* observed episode of a Black woman who feared black cats, he's got absolutely nothing to say about white people torturing black cats to death because of some micro-minded beeeeeLEEEEF that they hang around with "the Devil".
    - Yes, because the private voices in his head tell him that all "white" people are perfect and without sin, whereas everyone else should be used to feed pigs.

  59. you-knw-who6:45 PM

    - OH WAIT . . . my error, and rather a large one at that.
    - Small Commandeered Johnson does NOT believe that all "white" people are perfect and without sin - only the ones who agree 100% with him on everything.
    - Any White person who disagrees with his recitations of what the voices in his head tell him to say, is a "marxist", or an "idiot", or a "self-hating white", or some such thing, and therefore, THOSE white people also should be used to feed pigs.
    - I apologize deeply and sincerely for my egregious error!

  60. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Remember one thing little sparklefarters about the Donald. You have always been WRONG about all things Donald and he got elected.
    You continue this delusional path and cannot see anything rational.
