Friday, October 06, 2017

One of "us."

America's obsession with why this monster in Las Vegas committed this despicable incomprehensible act continues.

We are leaving no stone unturned until we find out his motivation and what could have made him "snap" like this.

I have an idea: He is just an evil SOB that snapped. Unfortunately, in our society, it happens all the time. We just don't like to acknowledge it when the murderer looks like "us". 

Had this killer been a person of color (especially one of a certain religion) we would not be marshaling every resource available find out why he did what he did. A Muslim? It's their crazy religion. An African American? Well those people are just evil. It's what they do. Someone  from the majority? He must have been crazy. Something must have happened to him in his past.

“In the spirit of the safety of this community or anywhere else in the United States I think it’s important to provide that information, but I don’t have it,” Sheriff Joseph Lombardo of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department said in an interview Thursday. “We don’t know it yet.”
No grandiose manifesto has been found. No account of Mr. Paddock behaving dangerously or holding extremist views has emerged from neighbors or relatives. Unlike past killers, Mr. Paddock did not dial up the police to explain his actions.

The F.B.I. took Mr. Paddock’s computers and cellphones to its laboratory in Quantico, Va., for review, law enforcement officials said. Agents interviewed his girlfriend, Marilou Danley, in an attempt to determine his mental state at the time of the shooting, but Sheriff Lombardo said he was “not at liberty to say” what information had been learned.

Of course, investigators could at any time come across evidence that reveals Mr. Paddock’s thinking. “I’m pretty confident we’ll get there,” Sheriff Lombardo said."

Sheriff, I will tell you what he was thinking: Tonight I am going to kill as much people as I can. Period. 

Finally, did you hear the one about the ex-Apprentice producer who said that our your president made all kinds of racist, sexist, and anti Semitic comments while he appeared on the show? And wait, it gets better. The former producer says that there is video tape of it.  

I am waiting for Mr. trump to call this fake news and then for Mark Burnett to grow a pair and release all of the videos.  Sadly, it probably won't happen, because Burnett fears a lawsuit.   

That's  too bad. Maybe we should all chip in and contribute to whatever cost he will have to pay for breaching his non-disclosure agreement. I think it would be worth every penny.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Definitely a bho/hrc supporter.

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    This evil murderer didn't "snap". He planed for months and months to murder Americans. Have you been reading about him scoping out other music venues as potential places to slaughter people?

    I would want to know why he killed my loved one if I was a family member. You wouldn't, FN/

  3. Been proven that as far back as 1900 whitey is by far the largest group of mass murderers in America- bar none.

    This white mass murdering scum also targeted Lolapalloza so it isn't like he hated only country music.

    Tfucker Carlson claims the use of automatic weapons saved lives because they aren't very accurate. Delusion runs side by side with gross stoopidity in whitey wingnut wirld.

  4. DOJ says religious freedom trumps other rights so this killer could say he sincerely believed he had the right to slaughter people and he'd go scott-free in Drumpfuck's world.

  5. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I cannot agree with this. People do not do things for no reason. There is always some sort of thinking behind people's actions, even if it is not rational. The reason could be that he is insane and mysterious voices in his head told him to do it and this would not be comprehensible to the rest of us. But that would still be a reason.

    Having a reason for committing mass murder is not mutually exclusive with being evil. It's very possible to be violently mentally ill AND evil (not in all cases, but in some). It's also very possible to believe in an extremist political ideology AND be evil; some political ideologies are considered evil by most people.

    We may never know Mr. Paddock's specific reason for machine-gunning a crowd of peaceful concert-goers who'd done nothing to him. That does not mean he didn't have one.

  6. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sixty-seven percent of Americans now think Trump is doing a shitty job as president.
    9:01 PM


  7. Fake News10:06 PM


  8. CNN is ISIS10:07 PM

    "We may never know Mr. Paddock's specific reason"

    The FBI does.

    They won't tell us though.

  9. Anonymous10:09 PM

  10. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Tfucker Carlson claims the use of automatic weapons saved lives because they aren't very accurate.
    8:48 PM

    While automatic weapons WERE NOT used we will find out shortly that out of 22,000 concert attendees many of the wounded were not shot but trampled or suffered secondary wounds from fragmentation.

    It could have been worse. The LV shooter put a lot of effort into his madness but was not highly skilled or trained.

  11. Anonymous10:50 PM

    "While automatic weapons WERE NOT used we will find out shortly that out of 22,000 concert attendees many of the wounded were not shot but trampled or suffered secondary wounds from fragmentation."

    This became a meaningless distinction. Shooter used bump stocks with his non-automatic weapons that allowed them to perform like automatic weapons.

    Most of the victims were shot by one of the vast number of rounds fired into the crowd, not trampled, so no, we will not "find that out."

  12. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Most of the victims were shot by one of the vast number of rounds fired into the crowd, not trampled, so no, we will not "find that out."
    10:50 PM

    Yes we will. SPARKLEFARTS!!

  13. Anonymous11:40 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    DOJ says religious freedom trumps other rights so this killer could say he sincerely believed he had the right to slaughter people and he'd go scott-free in Drumpfuck's world.
    8:52 PM

    Classic Alt-left delusion.

  14. Does it EVER occur to these dumb ass, psychopathic future mass murders disguised as 2nd amendment protectors, that when the constitution was written, these mass weapons of murder hadn't been invented yet?

    Of course not, that would require a high school or college level history class!!


  15. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Soros funded the whole operation.

  16. Anonymous12:08 AM

    yishthing, all of those old honkeys were children of the enlightenment. Yes, I believe they could have imagined future inventions, including advancement in firearms/weapon. You seem rather stupid.

  17. Anonymous12:10 AM

    "mass weapons" LOL

    That would be your ass yishthing.

  18. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    Does it EVER occur to these dumb ass, psychopathic future mass murders disguised as 2nd amendment protectors, that when the constitution was written, these mass weapons of murder hadn't been invented yet?

    Of course not, that would require a high school or college level history class!!

    11:58 PM

    Hmmm,so you are saying then that the 1st Amendment would not apply to this blog,internet,computers,film,radio.etc because it did not exist in the late 1700s.

    Who is the idiot??

  19. Definitely a bho/hrc supporter.

    Soros funded the whole operation.

    Some of the wingnuts are saying he was Antifa or a radicalized democrat.

    Where do you maniacs come up with this shit? Right now there is zero publicly available evidence to support any of these wacko theories. There is scant evidence that he is a right-wing kook like you guys. The FBI is being very tight-lipped. They will let us know what they find in due time.

    Don't you guys get that the purveyors of alternative facts simply make this shit up. They pull it out of their assholes, lile Limbaugh made shit up before them. They just publish it on all the usual talking point blogs and news sites just so that pinhead Trump supporters like yourselves can get a little pleasure bump in your tiny brains.

    Wake the fuck up Trumpies. You guys are the victims of fake news, not the keepers of the truth.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. My mother worked for criminal defense attorneys for thirty years, and after typing up depositions for a trial of a pair of brothers who did two or three pairs of double murders with no obvious motive, she came to the conclusion that some people were just born mean.
    Perhaps the Las Vegas asswipe did "snap" in a certain sense, and no longer felt any inhibition against hunting people for sport, and then began stockpiling his arsenal.
    What sets him apart is his wealth. In that sense he isn't one of anyone I could call "us". He had the resources of money and time to come up with, test, and execute a complicated plan, whereas most people with serious mental illnesses don't have those available to them and tend to either just fantasize about slaughtering people or use what resources are at hand, which in this country usually means a cheap handgun.
    The rich, white, mass murderers we all know best usually all have the same form of mental illness: they are Republicans.
    (See also: Cheney, Richard; Bush, George W.: Rumsfeld, Donald.)
    For that matter, Paul Ryan is still doing his dead level best to kill tens of thousands of poor people as are all of the Republicans in the house and all but three of them in the senate, so I guess it's the sensationalist press coverage, complete with blood, terror, and inscrutable villains that has our attention on this awful but much smaller crime.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. I think that one characteristic that these mass murderers have in common is that they are cowards. They generally choose safe targets of non-violent or passive gatherings where not very many people are likely to be armed, where there is no clear exit or escape and usually where there is little chance that they will be caught or threatened in any way. Of course, usually these guys do get caught even if it takes a couple of days.

    From Tim McVeigh who had a beef with the FBI and the BATF to the gay-hating murdering in Orlando. These guys went after people that were basically trapped in buildings that were impossible to leave quickly. Sure McVeigh hated the government. But did he risk his life stalking an agent or a chief? No, he blew up a federal building full of working moms and dads, their children and innocent people not even remotely connected to Ruby Ridge or Waco.

    The Virginia Tech shooter, Columbine, these guys disrupted safe spaces to turn them into killing zones. Absolutely cowardly and without bravery. The Aurora shooter, Jared Loughner, these guys were little men, bullies who used their guns to give themselves a false sense of power and manhood. They did have the power to end lives. But no real power beyond that.

    The Las Vegas shooter is perhaps the most cowardly of all. And clearly the most elaborately pre-meditated murderer of perhaps all time. But he foolishly fantasized about maybe getting out of the hotel unnoticed. He probably didn't want to off himself with the cops at the door.

    And like Doug points out. It's a cheap ticket to fame. I still blame NBC's Matt Lauer for airing portions of the Virginia Tech shooters home video. They should have shit-canned it and never allowed it to see the light of day.

  23. Anonymous3:08 AM

    "My mother worked for criminal defense attorneys for thirty years, and after typing up depositions for a trial of a pair of brothers who did two or three pairs of double murders with no obvious motive, she came to the conclusion that some people were just born mean."

    Born mean? Probably not. When you look into the histories of serial killers and the like, they usually have pretty awful childhoods. That clearly doesn't explain everything, though, because most people with awful childhoods still don't turn out to be serial killers. So there may be a biological factor as well. Maybe, a defective brain + abusive childhood = psychopath.

    "What sets him apart is his wealth. In that sense he isn't one of anyone I could call 'us'. He had the resources of money and time to come up with, test, and execute a complicated plan, whereas most people with serious mental illnesses don't have those available to them and tend to either just fantasize about slaughtering people or use what resources are at hand, which in this country usually means a cheap handgun."

    No, what sets him apart is that, so far, nobody has discovered a sinister history for the man. He was weird and not very likable, but there was no indication of monstrous beliefs or an extensive criminal history. He had a gambling habit, but that alone isn't predictive of someone committing a horrific atrocity.

    Rich people can be thoroughly despicable, but usually it's not a complete secret that they're despicable. This guy was mostly unremarkable by all accounts -- until he started shooting.

  24. Anonymous3:22 AM

    To clarify, by "what sets him apart," I meant what sets him apart from the people who typically commit these kinds of acts.

    Usually, the person has an ugly backstory. Usually, there is someone close to the murderer who, when asked, responds, "I always knew that guy would do something heinous eventually."

    The wife of Omar Mateen (the Orlando shooter) was not at all surprised to hear he had committed a massacre. She knew he was severely messed-up. She was terrified of him.

  25. Anonymous3:22 AM

    *First wife of Omar Mateen, not his second.

  26. Limpbaugh3:23 AM

    A softer type of underlying bias might be common in reporting, but I know a lot people do think like Field described. If Paddock had killed people of a racial or religious minority, that kind of hatred would explain his motive. If he were a minority race himself, I would assume he was a victim of racism and pissed about oppression of his race. That could also be be true if he were Muslim, plus there are all the atrocities we committed against places like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and financed against Palestinians, etc.

    But Paddock was a white millionaire. Not oppressed at all. If he really did scope out those sites in Chicago, he wasn't targeting conservatives or gamblers. I suppose he could have been targeting white people for their race, or people in general, but his motive is a mystery.

  27. O/T

    I have been searching for this particular song by Fela Ransome Kuti for years. With the explosion of the great Gazoogle and their partnership with YouTube, I finally found it.

    "Who No Know Go Know"

    It's not the exact version I heard in the 1970s but its damn close. There was also a really bitchen instrumental with mostly just saxophone and electric in D-minor which I will find if it still exists.

  28. Looks like Tillerson may be on the way out for telling the truth. So who is the moron gonna appoint next? My money is on Sarah Palin.

  29. Anymoose @ 8:52-

    New report issued recently sez the IRS targeted liberal groups as well as fucking wingnut groups cheating on tax exempt status. Of course the lying wingnut koyote kerfluffle only reported on getting their feelers hurt.

  30. Fragmentations count as bullet wounds, goofy. If the crowd was service members there'd be nearly 600 purplr hearts awarded.

  31. Anonymous10:41 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    Fragmentations count as bullet wounds, goofy. If the crowd was service members there'd be nearly 600 purplr hearts awarded.
    9:37 AM

    No Mr. delusional. When a bullet hits the pavement or building and cause,or blacktop to act ass a secondary missile its not a gunshot wound.

    Military awards and "back in the world" are two separate entities.

  32. Ricochets are bullet wounds, fragmented or not. Tool.

  33. Gator2:44 PM

    The response of the mainstream media and lefty blogs to the Las Vegas shooting was typically shameful. They were gleefully reporting that white men are responsible ‘for a majority’ of mass shootings in the country. You read, and the number is 54%, while they are only 35% of the US population. A clear sign that white men are extremely dangerous. Everyone in the handful of comments I could handle reading accepted these numbers at face value and ran with it.

    Since mass shootings are nearly all done by men, its pointless to bother including women in the numbers. So, based on the fact that this is something men do, that means that white men, at 70% of the male population, are under represented among mass shooters.

    Another little ‘trick’ they like to do is use the statistics that don’t bother separating hispanics from the white crime numbers. These often show white people committing something like 70 % of crimes. But, once you remove the hispanics, its back well below the white percentage of the population.

    The REALLY funny ones are when they show “white people” committing the same number of crimes as black people and act like they’ve made some kind of big point, until you point out that there are 6 times more white people in the US.

    In many crime stats, whites and hispanics combined STILL don’t reach the numbers of black crimes, despite being 80% of the population vs 13%. I’ve seen professional liars do some amazingly deceptive things with numbers, but not even they can make the obvious go away in this case.

  34. PilotX said...
    Looks like Tillerson may be on the way out for telling the truth. So who is the moron gonna appoint next? My money is on Sarah Palin.

    I feel not an ounce of sympathy for people willing to work for someone so soft, sensitive, and vindictive.

  35. "I feel not an ounce of sympathy for people willing to work"

    Lazy bitch.

  36. "If he were a minority race himself, I would assume he was a victim of racism and pissed about oppression of his race."

    Of course you would, way before you actually knew anything about him, which is why your commentary isn't very useful.

    And about the "born mean" conclusion my mom came up with: The case she was talking about was the Tidwell brothers, and the deposition she typed that caused that reaction was a description of the first double murder in Northeastern California in which they killed a retired couple in their apartment. The younger brother slit the old lady's throat while making her suck his dick while the old man watched.

    The younger brother is either dead or still in prison, and the older brother has been living in Chico for twenty years or so.

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. Gator sez if you don't accept my handiwork as the gospel then I will take my skewed stats back where ever the hell he came from. Whites are the preponderence of mass murderers. Over and out.

    If one billionaire had been kille,d then since billionaires are a small fraction of the pop. the largest % of people killed will be billionaires. I'd like to see that one happen.

    1. There's STATS and damn lies told by whooteemoos7:35 PM

      Coorelation is not causation but I wouldn't expect an illiterate PEEOTUS ass kissing sycophant whooteeemoo to understand that.

  38. Ricky6:06 PM

    "mike from iowa" really is retarded.


  39. "nother example of whitey behaving badly. I hadn't heard of this one before, but since it was just negroes getting lynched by white WW1 vets- no biggie.

    "mike from iowa" really is retarded. No he isn't. He is just crawling down to whitey's depth so you don't feel overmatched by superior superiors. You can play dumb, I can play dumb only you aren't playing dumb.

  40. Ricky8:42 PM

    Yisheng doesn't understand basic statistics.


  41. Hey Doug, just flew over yer house a few hours ago. Saw the Blue Angels performing as we climbed out. Next time light a fire in your yard so I can do a fly by.😂

  42. PilotX said...
    Hey Doug, just flew over yer house a few hours ago. Saw the Blue Angels performing as we climbed out. Next time light a fire in your yard so I can do a fly by.😂

    Being a Pilot is so damn cool!!

  43. Limpbaugh9:52 PM

    Field Negro should be on Facebook. I see all kinds of short video tapes of police brutality there. Yesterday I would of shared a cartoon picture of a cop checking a weirdly dressed Peter, The Family Guy, on a chart. It had lighter colors marked as mentally disturbed and darker colors marked as terrorist. Also a cartoon picture of a graveyard, where all the graves say things like failed to signal, no front license plate, sold loose cigarettes, etc. And a meme about America being so racist that people assume you are protesting America if you protest racism.

  44. PX: They take a dim view of outside fires here this time of year, but thanks for looking. The drought may have been proclaimed officially "over" after the rains and snows last winter and spring, but my friend who lives near Yosemite just spent ten days evacuated from her house while the "Railroad Fire" crept down from the ridge across from her front yard.
    This place does look cool from the air.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Man, screw "the man" light that fire Doug.😂

  45. Again:
    "The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office says three children were left "unrestrained and unsupervised" by two adults and that the boy got hold of an unsecured gun in the car and then accidentally shot the girl while she was in the backseat."

    -Doug in Oakland

  46. Anonymous9:51 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    Ricochets are bullet wounds, fragmented or not. Tool.
    1:26 PM

    Secondary missiles are not GSW/Do you require some crayons??


    It's even worse for whitey than originally thought. There are even more whitey mass murders than ever.

  48. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Most assuredly a left wing nut job.

  49. Anonymous11:42 AM

    There are even more whitey mass murders than ever.
    10:07 AM

    and blacks to this to each other in Chicago every month!!

  50. and blacks to this to each other in Chicago every month!!
    Right wing fucking echo chamber. everymonth,every month, every month, every infinitum.

  51. Drumpf's standard non-disclosure fine runs around 5 mils.

    NRA's chief asshole never leaves home without a couple armed body guards. La PeePee Tail must be a girlie man and can't defend himself. If he learned not to lie to the public all the time he might not be hated so much.

    Stoopid wingnut Sinator from South Dakota sez people need to learn to defend themselves. Riiiiight. The next white mass shooter must tell everyone in advance how he is armed and where he will be shooting from so the public will know which weapons to fight fire with fire they need to have on hand. Sinator Marlboro Barbie is the third highest rated wingnut in Dee Cee, so that shows you the brain power wingnuts have stockpiled over the years. Barbie's claim to hometown fame is he dresses like a rancher and played basketball.

  52. Another stupid conservative1:58 PM

    and blacks to this to each other in Chicago every month!!
    once again is that even English? You rightwing racists are certainly stupid.

  53. Anonymous5:06 PM


    Last Week’s Totals (10/1 – 10/7)
    Shot & Killed: 13
    Shot & Wounded: 62
    Total Shot: 75
    Total Homicides: 13

  54. Anonymous5:09 PM


    Year to Date
    Shot & Killed: 508
    Shot & Wounded: 2445
    Total Shot: 2953
    Total Homicides: 545

  55. Al Capone7:54 PM

    Yippe! A racist asshole knows gun stats in Chicago. Now if we can just figure out how this info can help anyone. Just curious, what state has the most shootings?

  56. Anonymous8:30 PM

    One crazy white guy kills as many people as an entire gang. Gotta watch out for white guys with guns.

  57. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Al Capone said...
    Yippe! A racist asshole knows gun stats in Chicago. Now if we can just figure out how this info can help anyone. Just curious, what state has the most shootings?
    7:54 PM

    Why is it racist to post the truth. Why are you afraid of this info???

  58. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    One crazy white guy kills as many people as an entire gang. Gotta watch out for white guys with guns.
    8:30 PM

    yes he did, and this was fortunately an "isolated event". Chicago does this every month, month after month.......

  59. Had this been a person of "color"*, it wouldn't have even made the fucking news! The MAJORITY of mass murderers in America are POC, yet they only ever make headlines when they're white.

    White privilege at it again LMFAO!!

    *Seriously, enough of you pussies whining about being "othered" when you other your fucking selves! You instantly dismiss "white" as being NO color, having NO culture, and you pit white people against black people, and then act in shock and awe when white people cling to an identity that YOU GAVE THEM.

    Morons. You might be accused of a lot of things in your lives; being intelligent won't be among them.

  60. pterochromics8:32 PM

    - Speak for yourself, Josh.
    - People are always trying to define one another; sometimes it's because they're trying to figure folks out, and other times it's malicious. So what? All sorts of people say all sorts of shit. Do you SERIOUSLY "cling to an identity" that someone else "gave you"? Have you really been unable to form your own identity?
    - And, since you obviously judge all Blacks to be inferior to any Whites ((or does that only depend upon the "purity" of one's genetic whiteness...?)),
    why do you care what they do or don't say about Whites?
    - Why is it even worth your making a comment if people whom you clearly see as inferior do or do not "dismiss "white" as being NO color, having NO culture", as you had put it...???
    - For that matter, why do you and others so closely follow, and comment prolifically on, a blog written by a Black man, when you believe yourselves to be 'superior'? WHy not jst go out into the world and prove it, rather than blithering about it? - I get online mostly because my back is FUBARed and I can't walk more than a few yards, and chattering online gives me a break from the work I do at the table - but what's your/their excuse for spending your time nattering at people whom you all so obviously despise?
    - I'm just wondering, is all. I don't care whether or not you've decided to hate/despise me, because one I close the "Blogger" comment window, and the pixels disappear, you literally cease to exist. But I do admit to having some curiosity regarding the psychology of seeking out, and spending time talking at, those whom you obvious see as being lower than whale feces...

  61. "since you obviously judge all Blacks to be inferior to any Whites"

    Wow. Didn't take me too long to be straw-manned here. I see the intellectual quality of Field's house O'Negro is deteriorating in proportion to the posting quality.

    Tell me, oh ye oracle of mind vibes, when did I say such a thing?

    That's right. I didn't. You can't show where I did. You can't even quote-mine me to make it look like I did. You'll just use the typical butthurt-as-a-victim deflection tactic and say it's true I think that because (a) you hope it helps your non-case presented and (b) because it's what you're supposed to do. It's what you've been brainwashed to do. Someone disagrees with you? Someone has a different point of view? Obviously this person MUST be a racist who finds blacks to be inferior! DUH!

    It's so fucking blatantly vapid and without merit. You low-IQ bozos can't even see the forest for the trees here and can't realize that THIS is why a guy like Trump wins -- because normal, regular people are sick of your fucking whiny-ass DEFCON-1 bullshit over every single opinion that wasn't given to you by your masters.

    You folks clamor to think alike, thought policing and holding purity tests, and then claim it's everyone else with the issue. Poor useful idiot bastards. You're nothing more than tools for Marxist controllers. That's it.

  62. pterochromics12:16 AM

    - As if you have to say something outright. It comes out in what you write, and in what you wrote above - every line oozes contempt.
    - As for vapid assumption-making, look in the mirror. Every line of your rant is silly, especially assuming I'm a Black Marxist.
    - And still, you did not answer even one of the questions I asked. That's alright, kiddo - they were rhetorical anyway.

  63. I'm not answering anything your retarded ass asks me. You decided to straw-man me, without any material to back you up. And here you're right back at it again: Nothing to which you can point or quote to say "This is what I mean." Instead, the useful idiot tact of simply vaguely asserting, and then doubling-down on it.

    You're worse then a Marxist. You're just a low-IQ tool they use so more white people can seize more power over minorities, and you retards seal-clap and go along with it because you've never been taught to think for yourselves.

    But, sure, yeah, I'm racist and I said ALL black people are X or Y or whatever the fuck you're babbling on about. That's all you're good for anyway: Babbling on about shit. So have at it. It's your world; I'm just living in it. Makes me no never mind.

  64. Anonymous5:17 AM

    If all negro crime was reported everyday here in America the news would have to be 10 hours long. Black dysfunction and inadequacy are woefully underreported purposefully by the electric rabbi media.

  65. pterochromics2:53 PM

    Josh said...
    blah blah blah Marxist blah blah blah low-IQ blah blah blah...
    Anonymous said..
    blah blah negro crime blah blah blah electric rabbi media

    - Hey!, here's your theme song!:

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