Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The worst lie of all.

The body of  25-year-old Sgt. La David T. Johnson laid rotting for 48 hours in the West African sun before it could be retrieved. He was one of four Special Forces troops ambushed and killed in Niger by terrorists in that region. He was a true American hero, who gave the ultimate sacrifice for a country that is still struggling with seeing others who look like him as equals.

Thankfully, the American government is investigating what happened to those soldiers. And I will not go all Benghazi  like the right-wingnuts did when president Obama was leading the nation, and scream Niger at every turn. I just hope that they get to the bottom of it so that it never happens again.

The president of the United States made no mention of this tragedy for days, and now we are learning that he did not even contact the families of these fallen heroes to console them and thank them for giving us their sons. Rather than thank them on behalf of a grateful nation, he was busy tweeting about the NFL and playing golf. Rather than meet the bodies of these fallen heroes at Dover, he was bragging about his golf game in the third person. 

To make matters worse, he lied about his predecessors  not calling the families who lost loved ones in battle, and  he singled out the man who occupies a space rent free in his head for a particularly egregious lie.  Fortunately he was fact checked in real time, and the nation got a chance to see first- hand what a duplicitous and deceitful president we elected.

Sadly, we have come to expect no less from Mr. trump, it just seems that every day he goes even lower than the day before. 

Today he declared war on John McCain, a man who spent time as a prisoner of war and who was tortured while in captivity. Think about that for a minute; the man who found excuses not to serve is once again attacking a man who served honorably. We shouldn't be surprised, though. This is a ma n who attacked a Gold Star mother for crying out loud.

To all you trump supporters out there, remember that the next time your leader questions the patriotism of some football players because they didn't stand for the anthem. 

Donald trump is a liar and a coward. He always was, and he always will be. Most of America now knows that. The thirty five percent of the American people who still support him cannot believe otherwise. So what is it then? Are they themselves so morally bankrupt that they refuse to see the obvious?  Maybe.

Although it could all just boil down to the fact that they hate to admit that they were wrong about Mr. trump and we were right.   

*Pic from theroot.com 


  1. Loretta Lynch9:35 PM

    "And I will not go all Benghazi like the right-wingnuts did when president Obama was leading the nation, and scream Niger at every turn"

    Why would you want to scream the "N" word at every turn?

    What a racist POS you are.

  2. Nah, you won't go all right-wing-nut "political" on it by yelling "Niger!" You'll instead go all left-wing-nut "political" on it by yelling "[T]rump" to the top of your lungs, early and often. LMMFAO!

    But, seriously -- any individual willing to put his or her life on the line in our armed forces deserves the respect of an investigation over shit like this. And maybe, just maybe, America will one day decide to stop giving all the fucking HUD houses to illegal Mexicans and Muslim visa faggots and instead set up our homeless troops. If there is any oppressed group in America, a great argument can be made that it's our vets. They have SHITTY healthcare (that's government-run Ameri-care for ya). They have big problems readjusting to civilian life. And many are jobless and homeless. It's a fucking shame.

    Maybe by the time my kids are grown up, we'll have a government that DOESN'T get us into fucking pointless wars and doesn't station our troops overseas where they're not wanted or needed.

    1. Jamie and Joshy sitting in a tree10:50 PM

      Wow, Josh you got finished sucking James' dick that fast? You must be good or you had a cat butt for him to rub. I guess you know what he likes.

  3. "Today he declared war on John McCain, a man who spent time as a prisoner of war and who was tortured while in captivity. Think about that for a minute; the man who found excuses not to serve is once again attacking a man who served honorably. We shouldn't be surprised, though. This is a man who attacked a Gold Star mother for crying out loud."

    The same John McCain you called racist when he ran against Affirmative Action Barry?

    And the "Gold Star mother" who stood by silently while her husband lied and exploited his son's death to further the political agenda of the administration who sent him needlessly to his death was not "attacked" by the President, who merely asked why she had nothing to say.

    Does a man who went to war get a free pass for the rest of his life for all the bullshit he pulls?

    Is a person whose son dies in the service of the country get to attack anyone they want without the object of their attack being allowed to defend themselves?

    You are a lying idiot.

  4. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Ask General Kelly about the phone call he got from Obama when Kelly's son was killed in Afghanistan.

    Cherry picking the facts again, eh Field?

    1. Don't have to. The family spent time in the White House with the Obamas a couple of months after their son died. So there is that.😌

  5. Limpbaugh11:31 PM

    Benghazi was a CIA outpost involved in transporting arms from terrorists in Libya to terrorists in Syria. Only Rand Paul talked about that in the Benghazi hearings and they didn't have him come back after he did. Both parties wanted Obama to arm McCain's "moderate rebels". At best, neither party wanted to publicize it. Do you think they just didn't think to ask what the CIA was doing there in the first place? Now Field is an Obama fan who praises John McCain. Someone who screams "RUSSIA!" and complains about people screaming "BENGHAZI!". That blog should be in The Onion.

  6. "Someone who screams "RUSSIA!" and complains about people screaming "BENGHAZI!". That blog should be in The Onion."


  7. No, those dead-ender Pig-People don't care that Fergus lies. They are addicted to lies, and the withdrawal from their flavor of propaganda is worse than cold turkey on anything but alcohol, which can actually kill you.
    Without the upload of the latest lie to their place-where-the-mind-should-be they start getting all twitchy and paranoid that some reality might get in and make them face the ugly truth that they have been swindled, used, and lied to by their heroes for their entire adult lives, and that the dirty fucking hippies have been right about them all along.
    That can strike such a blow to their identities as to drive them to the harder stuff, which used to be Glenn Beck, and now is Alex Jones, or more frequently these days, to the smooth racist mainline mendacity of Breitbart.
    Every so often one of them OD's and shows up at a pizza parlor and shoots the place up, but those are rare occasions, and mostly they just spend a few psychotic hours in front of the computer, getting jolt after jolt of lie-fueled dopamine from the content of their favorite propaganda pusher.
    The side effects on the health of the lie-addict aren't well studied, as none of them will admit to their behavior for long enough to be studied.
    The only mitigation in evidence thus far is a strict regimen of both-sides-do-it methadone, which has many of the same toxicities as the actual propaganda, but somehow shields their identities from the full scale collapse that it is said the uncut truth induces in them, and allows them to have lucrative careers as apologists on cable teevee such as Charlie Sykes and Steve Schmidt, without ever having to admit the part they played in creating the problem they now decry as if it just happened last week.

    Yup, Fergus is a lying sack of shit, and he doesn't give a rat's ass who his lies hurt, or which norms or institutions of governance they damage. He would have to know how the government works to know how he is fucking it up, and he just doesn't. Doesn't want to, either.
    Gotta hand it to those Pig-People: they elected the perfect Pig-Person-in-chief.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Did you happen to catch the interesting hypothesis from Don Lemon of why the donald is obsessed with Barack?

  9. https://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/cnns-don-lemon-has-pretty-good-idea-why-trump-so-furiously-jealous-obama

  10. So Newton Leroy Gingrich thinks the "presideent" was "...remarkably stgroing in hius joint..." among other hilarities. He must be really excited about his wife being ambassador to the Vatican...

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. https://thinkprogress.org/north-carolina-airport-bomber-2edbc03a1a8b/

    Never heard this. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. PX: John Cleese said that about Republicans in general before the 2008 election:

    And Motorhead said it a long time ago:

    "You might be a financial wizard,
    With a sack of loot,
    All I see is a slimy lizard,
    With an expensive suit,
    Go on and run your corporation,
    Go and kiss some ass,
    You might buy half of the nation,
    But you can't buy class"

    And they were wondering the same thing about Estes a few days ago over at Comrade Misfit's place.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. John Cleese was in Chicago a few months back but his show was sold out😡
      I'm out your way again here in San Fran. Be flying over your spot about 8:45am.

  14. McCain's speech was written by his long-time associate, advisor and speech-writer who was actually his chief of staff for a time before the 2008 election.

    It was a beautiful speech and cheered by honest and decent Americans. McCain delivered it with as much grace as Reagan, Clinton or Obama ever mustered. It was an important moment in our history, when a good American speaks truth to a despicable power.

    God bless you, Senator McCain!

    There are things which need to be said and cannot be left unsaid. This was McCain's time to fulfill a need for his country.

  15. Bold, James Bold5:05 AM

    "I will not go all Benghazi like the right-wingnuts did when president Obama was leading the nation, and scream Niger at every turn."

    That's because YDGAF except when the soldier who dies is a NAPA like you.

    You have to go back.  No, not to the Carribean.  To Afreaka, where you belong.

    "Today he declared war on John McCain, a man who spent time as a prisoner of war and who was tortured while in captivity."

    A man who was incompetent in service and collaborated with the North Vietnamese.  He fits SO well with you, you belong together.

    And Doug-E-Fresh is into it too:

    "those dead-ender Pig-People don't care that Fergus lies. They are addicted to lies, and the withdrawal from their flavor of propaganda is worse than cold turkey on anything but alcohol, which can actually kill you."

    Such projection.  You don't care that your Narrative has been a lie since you were a teenager.  Withdrawal from your Narrative would kill you period, because it would require you to repudidiate everything you've thought and said for half a century.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Hey James, are you a veteran?

  16. Bold, James Bold5:08 AM


  17. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Add this newest insult to the American flag, fallen soldiers, and patriotism by the POTUS to his growing list:

    The POTUS of the United States telephones the grieving widow of a Black fallen soldier with
    INSULTING WORDS but tells NFL players that their "kneeling" on one knee during the national anthem is unpatriotic.

    Those NFL players can teach the POTUS about, respect for our soldiers, and patriotism.
    At least they had the decency and common courtesy to consult with veterans, after which it was suggested by the veterans that the most respectful way would be to "kneel on one knee."

  18. Anonymous9:17 AM

    With the POTUS telling widows of fallen soldiers that they willfully signed up to be killed and the
    POTUS cowardly staying out of military with a deferment 5 TIMES and the
    POTUS insulting John McCain (a war hero) and continually degrading him

    With the leader of the USA saying and doing all of these UNPATRIOTIC things how in the hell does he expect any young man or woman to want to sign up to protect and defend America?


    ...As the whole world watches this madness and insanity, America's POTUS has now sunken down another thousand notches of "ALL TIME LOW."

  19. Anonymous said...

    Ask General Kelly about the phone call he got from Obama when Kelly's son was killed in Afghanistan.

    Cherry picking the facts again, eh Field?
    9:53 PM

    No, shit fer brains, you are. Read real facts, not right wing propaganda and you will find out Kelly did not want his son's death to be used as a Drumpfuck football. He never mentioned it when it happened and does not want to talk about it today. I'm sure Obama was aware if the General's wishes. Drumpfuck, the stoopid fucking moron that Russia installed in the White House, doesn't care about people's feelings when he can score political points.

  20. Trump: Ask Gen. Kelly If He Got A Call From Obama 2:19

    According to a 2011 profile in The Boston Globe, Kelly has avoided speaking publicly about his son so as not to draw attention.

    "We are not inclined to make ourselves out to be any different, just because I’m a lieutenant general in the Marines," Kelly said then. "We are just one family. It's not worse for us; it's not easier for us."

    A White House official told NBC News on Tuesday that Obama did not call Kelly after the death of his son. But a person familiar with the breakfast for Gold Star Families at the White House on May 30, 2011, told NBC News that Kelly and his wife attended the private event and were seated at first lady Michelle Obama’s table.

    Fuck all you racist whiteys.

  21. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Fuck all you racist whiteys.
    9:58 AM

    Tick Tock Tick Tock............

  22. told NBC News that Kelly and his wife attended the private event and were seated at first lady Michelle Obama’s table.

    One minor adjustment- since the event was private there is no official record of whether the Kellys actally were there, only that they were registered and would be seated with Michelle Obama.

  23. Why would you want to scream the "N" word at every turn?

    What a racist POS you are.

    Niger is not the 'N' word, moron.

  24. Anonymous1:18 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Niger is not the 'N' word, moron.

    Stop right there mike.

    Whootemoos are definitely not allowed to use that word.

    DON'T DO IT AGAIN!!!!!


  25. The tables have turned and what was once the media’s favorite message — President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election — has now grown silent.

    Apparently, it’s Bill and Hillary Clinton who’ve been doing the behind-scenes and suspicious dealings with Russia all along. Oh, and perhaps others in the Barack Obama administration, too.

    You think special counsel Robert Mueller might switch the target of his investigation any time soon? Seems a bit time-wasting — not to mention taxpayer dollar-wasting — to keep on the Trump trail, desperately searching for signs of a collusion that just didn’t happen.

    Futile is a word that comes to mind.

    Better to dig deeper into this, as reported by The Hill:

    “Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States.”

    Intercepted emails shows that Russia had actually gained an inroad in America and compromised a U.S. uranium trucking firm with bribes.

    But this is the bigger news: The feds also found an eyewitness who provided documented evidence to show that these Russia nuke officials had sent millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation — at a time when Hillary was serving as secretary of state and on a government body that extended favor to Russia.

    The American people want to know — was U.S. security compromised by the Obama-Clinton deals with Russia?

    Mueller’s tasked with the wrong job. If he really wants to find out if America’s interests were compromised in any way by Russia, he needs to quit looking Trump’s way and start digging deep into the Clintons and yes, the Obama administration.

    The Hill asked both Clinton and then-attorney general Eric Holder for comment. Curiously, neither had anything to say at this time. Their silence is both telling, and unacceptable. Now if only the same leftists who’ve been clamoring for impeachment of Trump over supposed collusion with Russia would similarly demand answers about Clinton, Holder and Obama — maybe we’d get to the finally get to the bottom of this.

    Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

  26. Hearing Trump's claim that Obama didn't call mothers and spouses of fallen servicemen, Alyssa Mastromonaco, an Obama staff member, said "That's a fucking lie. To say President Obama (or past presidents) didn't call the family members of soldiers KIA--he's a deranged animal."

    I've been saying "moronic sociopath," but maybe she's closer to the truth.


  27. Anonymous Cheryl K. Chumley said..

    But this is the bigger news: The feds also found an eyewitness who provided documented evidence to show that these Russia nuke officials had sent millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation — at a time when Hillary was serving as secretary of state and on a government body that extended favor to Russia.

    Let's see some names of Russian officials involved, because this has been debunked a gazillion times and HRC had nada to do with approving this deal. ( agencies involved. How come no one has ever bothered to see if there was any crooked activity at any of those agencies?

    This is just the second coming of the same old bullshit that has been disptoven over and over again. You exagerate the amount of uranium involved and it will never leave the United States because we won't give Russia export license to take the stuff.

  28. Whootemoos are definitely not allowed to use that word.

    DON'T DO IT AGAIN!!!!!

    IDIOT!!!!! You can't spell and I'm the idiot? Riiiiight!

  29. Nice try, Jimmie poo-poo. You almost read my point back to me like a parrot. If you try really, really hard, like you do when you go poopie, you might someday understand the things you read and be able to make your own points, in sincerity or mockery.
    Meanwhile, watch out for Etsy merchants who might want to make things out of your feathers and sell them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. That so called FBI report on the Clinton Foundation got their info from debunked Clinton Cash book.

  31. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Let's clear this up. My grandfather was military, as was my father, as was I, as are my sons.

    We know who hates us.....and it isn't Trump.

  32. pterochromics3:24 PM

    Another missed point:

    Dead Ambassador said...

    Field Negro wrote: "Today he declared war on John McCain, a man who spent time as a prisoner of war and who was tortured while in captivity. Think about that for a minute; the man who found excuses not to serve is once again attacking a man who served honorably. We shouldn't be surprised, though. This is a man who attacked a Gold Star mother for crying out loud."

    The same John McCain you called racist when he ran against Affirmative Action Barry?

    - The POINT is not whether FN has criticized specific actions McCain has taken in the past - the POINT is that Trump uses veterans that same way he has used everyone else throughout the decades of his life where he was putting himself into the public eye.
    - It's sad that people - be they Trump supporters, Bernie supporters, HRC supporters, Stein supporters, or whatever - are sooooooo eager to take pot-shots at whomever they've gotten the whim to label "enemies" that, before, during, and after the election, they've been completely overlooking and ignoring Trump's decades of hypocrisy, bullying, serial bankruptcies, and self-glorification.
    - He's definitely no Eisenhower!, nor is he any Huntsman - and pathetically and sadly, he is not even George "Dubya" Bush. Trump is not a Republican at all - he's a Corporatist, pure and simple. Always has been, always will be.

  33. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Hey Field,

    I see you are still holding it down. Speaking truth and pissing off racist saltines.

    BTW did I mention that Donald Trump is living proof that Austrians fucked pink mountain sheep?

  34. The Trumpening4:10 PM

    "Trump is not a Republican"

    That's why we love him.

  35. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Hey Pilot! How are you?

  36. Same ol bro, trying to decide what I want to do when I grow up. I can stay in Chicago on the 757/767 and keep a good schedule and do weather stuff on the side or mess my life up conmuting to San Fran to fly as an Airbus captain. Good thing I'm married the wife will tell me what she's willing to put up with.

  37. Anonymous5:31 PM

    "Whootemoos are definitely not allowed to use that word."

    free speech....NIGGER

  38. Cheryl K Chumley- http://thehill.com/policy/technology/355879-mueller-interviews-cyber-expert-who-said-he-was-recruited-to-collude-with

    This guy was recruited by Drumpfuck buddy Peter Smith to collude with Russia during the election.

  39. Whootemehoos are dumb6:11 PM

    free speech....NIGGER
    That's NIGER dumbass!

  40. Some of the Trump campaign’s most prominent names and supporters, including Trump’s campaign manager, digital director and son, pushed tweets from professional trolls paid by the Russian government in the heat of the 2016 election campaign.

    More collusion.

  41. The fact that the mainstream media is inventing outrages and distracting with nonsense to hide Hillary's Russian collusion simply reinforces the need for us to do everything we can to destroy the fake news media.

  42. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Re: Anonymous @ 9:17 A.M. ... DITTO
    With the POTUS telling widows of fallen soldiers that they willfully signed up to be killed and the
    POTUS cowardly staying out of military with a deferment 5 TIMES and the
    POTUS insulting John McCain (a war hero) and continually degrading him

    With the leader of the USA saying and doing all of these UNPATRIOTIC things how in the hell does he expect any young man or woman to want to sign up to protect and defend America?


    ...As the whole world watches this madness and insanity, America's POTUS has now sunken down another thousand notches of "ALL TIME LOW."

  43. Anonymous7:45 PM

    "Some people are so racist that they think a black man "KNEELING" is more racist than telling a black soldier's widow that,"...He knew what he signed up for."

  44. Hail the Trumpenreich7:47 PM

    The NFL will kneel for Trump, and Trump alone.

  45. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Tawana Brawley!!!

  46. Anonymous9:19 PM


    whaaaaa whaaaaaa whaaaa white mens are soooooooooo oppressed! It's not fair! whaaaaaa whaaaaa whaaaa

  47. Thanks for linking my article, bro!

    Free advertising is awesome. Although you obviously only read the title, it's mighty white of you!

    1. Josh is James' bitch2:52 AM

      Yep, me and your boyfriend James are the only people on the entire planet who read it. You're right, I didn't real the whole thing your writing is tedious and repetitive.

  48. Yet I get paid nearly $1,000 per article. Write 52 per year and make $45,000 -- extra cash in dat bank, yo.

    Thankfully your lying-just-to-be-contrary opinion isn't one that matters.

    Just imagine if you had the talent to do the same! Hell, you wouldn't have to report the income. Just get it through PayPal. Then you could keep your SNAP card and still have extra loot in the bank!

    Or you could just continue to spam nonsense for $0. Your choice.

    As one of the editors of the site, I promise that I'll post an article of yours, if you're willing to write it! And the boss might even give you some $$ for it, if it's worth a shit.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Ok we read it the first time, now will you STFU about your lies about getting paid to be a writer? What's next, you'll be bragging about being an engineer/inventor like your boyfriend? Ok, if we give you a cookie will you STFU? Jesus, you are worse than a teenaged girl in your need for attention.

  49. "we" being you and the 12 fake names you create every time you post here?

    Somebody's a little jealous, I see.

    It's all good.

    I also got offered a 4th job, at Hard News Network. Think I'm taking it. But don't worry -- I'll link you those too, so you can read them then come in here and insult me and pretend you didn't...


    Keep your eyes peeled from shits from Brian Hendrix! Not sure what the pay will be, but no matter what I say, your jealous, no-argument-having stupid ass will call it a lie. LOL Now I see why James likes goading you buffoons. You think if you can't do something, nobody else can do it either. Stupid people and their limitations. Sad.

    1. Josh is.......well you know10:18 AM

      Ooooh, lookie lookie I get paid to write. Did I mention I get paid to write? Hey guys I get paid to write! Flash tits ad nausium. Oh yeah take some time to stroke James' dick too.

  50. At the end of the day those Marines are still dead and the fucking slime Drumpfuck is still in some low level of consciousness.

  51. pterochromics1:55 PM

    Anonymous Josh is.......well you know said...

    Ooooh, lookie lookie I get paid to write. Did I mention I get paid to write? Hey guys I get paid to write!

    - LOL!!!
    - It is kind of sad, though, that some folks have such a deep-seated and driving emotional NEED to hype themselves in an attempt to "prove" something or other to a bunch of total strangers on a blog comment area where the most common ID is "Anonymous"...

  52. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Hey, Josh. I tried to contact you at the e-mail under your article, and it bounced. Then I couldn't get the recaptcha on the site's contact page to work (using 2 different browsers). Just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Try joshisabitch@joshsucksjamesdick.com

  53. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Black people are ALWAYS thinking about dick this and dick that. They can't leave it out of any discussion.

    No wonder they're all on the down-low. Muh dik!

    1. Big Johnson6:50 PM

      Well if I were a little dicked white boy I'd steer the conversation elsewhere too.

  54. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Black Lives matter? Just another ghetto negro in a fight that he lost and so what? so many blacks die every day in Chicago where is the outrage?

    1. Fuck white racists6:49 PM

      You worry about white people shit and we'll deal with our shit. Where's your outrage about Las Vegas or Sandyhook asshole?

  55. Yeah, the site got kinda wonky when they navigated servers. Now we lost all of our previous comments from Disqus and it's set up only for Facebook comments. It's an issue that they're working on, but it's something way above my pay grade.

    The guy in charge says it's a "good problem" because we were receiving so much traffic that they had to jump servers. I only write and edit for them; I have no clue WTF is going on with their functionality, but I reckon sites face this shit from time to time.

    If you want to contact me, reach me through the Twitter @ provided at the bottom of my articles.

  56. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I don't do Twatter, but thanks for the pointer at least.

  57. My site, for which I'm Editor-in-Chief, DIRE Online, will be officially launching in about two weeks. I'm hoping the guys designing it will figure out simple shit like email. Seems to me it'd be the easiest shit about site design. But maybe not.

    1. Anonymous10:20 PM

      More like bitch-in-chief of DICK online. You go girl!

  58. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Oh look!, a video clip of "Josh"!

  59. pterochromics3:53 PM

    Fuck white racists said...

    You worry about white people shit and we'll deal with our shit. Where's your outrage about Las Vegas or Sandyhook asshole?

    6:49 PM

    - Don't you know? Those things are all conspiratorial set-ups funded by the all-powerful George Soros and carried out by LIH-brooolz to try and make White people look bad!
    - [mega-eye-roll!]

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Forgot about the all powerful Soros.

  60. Lt.Commander Johnson7:09 PM

    "4:11 PM
    Blogger uptownsteve55 said...
    Hey Pilot! How are you?

    4:26 PM"

    Hi, Steve. It's nice to see you back in the field's pasture.

  61. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Big Johnson said...
    Well if I were a little dicked white boy I'd steer the conversation elsewhere too.
    6:50 PM

    Ron Jeremy wants to talk

    1. Yeah right12:13 AM


  62. Anonymous11:25 AM

    In the word's of the late Rodney King,can't we all just get along?We are all smarter than this people.Let us stop them from keeping us devided!We are all God's children,I believe anyway,if you don't believe in God,I know you know we are all facing the same struggles.We are broke,we are hungry we are going to die some day.Let us find common ground and stand UNITED!If you are an American,you have a dog in this fight!I beg my brothers and sisters in the USA to stand together,walk together,fight together.It really is us versus them.
