Monday, November 13, 2017

Besties with "the same soul."

Tonight I am going to flip the script and post a positive story about where we are as humans for once.

I don't usually fall for feel good stories about random people, but when I saw the story about these two adorable little girls it almost brought tears to my Field Negro eyes....

"Jia Sarnicola and Zuri Copeland are possibly the cutest best friends on the internet right now. The 4-year-old girls from Miami met at school, and when they found out they had similar birthdays, they even had a joint party together.

Jia, born on June 3, and Zuri, born on June 5, decided to wear matching outfits that day – as besties do, of course - and now they've taken their friendship to the next level by telling everyone they're twins.

"[They have] the same vibrant energy, intelligence, heart to take care of others and both [are] extremely vocal about their needs," mom Ashley Sarnicola told BuzzFeed News. "They love to dance and sing."

But when a group of girls allegedly told they them that they were "no way" related, Jia decided to clap back. "You don't know anything," she reportedly said. "We are twins because we have the same birthday!"

The incident made her cry, but Jia is sticking by her twin. The besties later told Zuri's older sister Victoria Williams that "we have the same birthday and we share the same soul." 

They were crying, but they were defending each other," Williams, 23, told BuzzFeed. "It was so sweet." She thought their relationship was so cute that she tweeted about it, and the internet couldn't get enough." [Source] 


Anyway, in 2017, why is this even a story? And doesn't it say how far we have to go as a society if two children of different races are all over the news and social media because they happen to be really close? 




  1. It's ok to be white8:56 PM

    "Anyway, in 2017, why is this even a story?"

    Because people like you relentlessly pound the message of racial animus.

    That makes white people desperate for any validation that blacks don't always hate them.

  2. It's ok to be stupid9:47 PM

    That makes white people desperate for any validation that blacks don't always hate them.
    You know because negroes have a long history of lynching, harassing, discriminating against and segregating white people (eye roll)

  3. J. Burton9:49 PM

    What gave those racist inbred crackers, who ought to have the statues of their war dead bulldozed while they are made to bake cakes for the gay weddings that SCOTUS forced them to legalize, the impression they're under attack?

  4. It's ok to be a nazi9:50 PM

    Because people like you relentlessly pound the message of racial animus.
    Yeah Field, it's always people like you and not neo nazis and sites like stormfront that pound the message of racial animus(eye roll)

  5. it's cool to hate white people10:11 PM

    Fringe sites like Stormfront have been censored from the internet. Veryt few people ever visited them, and now they are gone.

    Meanwhile, mainstream news sites publish anti-white agitprop 24/7. Millions of people consume this shit every day.

    If you can't see that, you're not paying attention, you're just regurgitating agitprop.

  6. We have always been at war with East Eurasia10:40 PM

    Meanwhile, mainstream news sites publish anti-white agitprop 24/7.
    Sure, and every single site has nothing but love for negroes. I'll go to brightfart and see all the love for us from everybody. Not a single post about negroes being lazy or lacking intelligence.

  7. A real tough white guy10:47 PM

    Whaaaa whaaa whaaa, if being a white guy is so tough and Mr. Field hurts your delicate feelings why don't you go to your safe space before you melt snowflake?

  8. Limpbaugh11:02 PM

    a cute story

  9. They look like cute kids. Too bad they have to find out that something as simple as a childhood friendship is subject to the societal illness of racism.
    But they do.
    It may end up coloring the way they think about that social illness later on in their lives, but since their just little kids, it's kinda hard to tell, and perhaps none of our business anyway.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Anonymous1:15 AM

    It reminds me of going to NJ with my grand kids when the were 4 and 5,we went to a laundromat,because,as kids do,all of their clothes were a mess.While there the 5 year old had a blast playing with a young boy about his age,driving me and his mother crazy.When we made them sit on a bench and behave,the young boy,who was black,said "just look at us,being friends!" My grand son said"like 2 peas in a pod".

    Kids are not born racist.

  11. Damn right they are not born racist. I had learned racism from schoolmates. I guess mom got word of it because she prayed that I might make a black friend. It happened Christmas of 1967. My first and best friend of that year was a boy from Kensington named Michael Boyce. I visited his family's apartment and we always hung out at school.

  12. Anonymous8:22 AM

    We live in a school district that is about 25% black/75% white. We didn't acknowledge race when they were little, and they just assumed some people had light skin and some had dark skin. All the kids got along fine the first couple of years, but by the end of elementary school the blacks kids mostly sat together at lunch and started dividing themselves at recess.

    Maybe it was because they started teaching how oppressive America was by third grade. Maybe it was because black parents were teaching their kids not to trust white kids. Maybe it was because black kids tend to mature earlier. Maybe its just human nature. In any event, things were much different by the time they went to middle school.

    All of my kids have had black friends all the way through school, but in general, there was a separation of the two populations by high school.

  13. Replace the douchebags in the WH with these two and let the love flow until whitey gets wind of it.

    The best ending would entail wingnuts being beaten with Drumpfuck's jawbone.

  14. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Sociology 101
    Politically incorrect but straight to the point....
    A young black kid asks his mother, "Mama, what is Socialism and what is Racism?”
    "Well, Child.....Socialism is when the white folks work every day so we can get all our governmental entitlement stuff for free.
    You our free cell phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, EBT, WIC, free school breakfast, lunch, and in some places supper; free healthcare, utility subsidy, and a Riot every now and then, and on and know, that’s Socialism.”
    "But, mama, don't the white people get pissed off about that?”
    "Sure they do, Honey.  That's called Racism.”

  15. Mark Pantano10:53 AM

    There is no place in American society where racism is more encouraged, practiced, and celebrated than on college campuses.

    Anti-White racism is the norm.

  16. Nutterism is when racist wasicu wingnuts claim all blacks are a drag on society and rattle off Fake Noize dishonest talking points verbatim.

    Then they band together to give every penny in Fort Knox to Chuck and Dave-the koch brothers. Recipients of more billions in welfare than the rest of America has ever seen.

    Fucking wingnuts need to go back to pre-school and learn how to play well and get along withpeople of different hues. Watching Sesame Street is a must for stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  17. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I speak from experience and It is a well known fact that most whites train their children to be prejudice and hateful against people of color. The indoctrination begins as early as 1 year old.

    On the other hand, blacks and people of color train their children on ways they can defend themselves when they encounter prejudice, racist, discriminatory and hateful behaviors from whites.
    Also, Blacks and people of color are always more accepting of inter-racial relationships.

    However, there are whites that are an exception to their race, as is the case of the little white girl in the story. Her family has apparently taught her to accept a person for who they are and NOT because of the color of their skin. Now while their relationship may undoubtedly ANGER some people, it makes God very happy.

  18. Anonymous3:42 PM

    "You've got to be taught to hate and fear,
    It's got to be drummed in your dear little ear,
    It's got to be carefully taught,
    To hate all the people your relatives hate,
    You've got to be carefully taught.

  19. Fact of the Day4:15 PM

    Most white parents go to great lengths to inculcate anti-racism in their children.

    Whites are the least racist people on the planet.

    They are the only people who adopt children of other races.

    They are the only people who donate to charities that help people of other races.

    They are the only people who bestow academic/job preferences and special legal protections on other races.

    "Minority rights" don't exist outside of white countries.

  20. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Re: Welfare... The straight facts..
    Welfare was started by whites for poor whites. Over the years it has been abused by all races.

    The biggest most recent welfare fraud scandal involves thousands of wealthy white Hasidic Jews and their families that live in mansions, own businesses and have been receiving welfare and food stamps for decades.

  21. Punk assed whiteboy5:19 PM

    Anti-White racism is the norm.
    Go find a safe place snowflake.

  22. James Biatch is a child molestor5:28 PM

    "What kind of grown assed man trolls high schools for dates?"

    One looking for a virgin to wife up for the long term.

    A foreign concept to Blacks and libtards, obviously.
    Looks like our resident white supremacist is ok with child molestation. He must have dibs on his younger sister.

  23. Whoa, GOP pulls funding from Rudy Ray Moore's campaign. This is getting interesting.

  24. White L.A copvideos himself putting cocaine in suspect's billfold.

    He could use a lesson from these two young ladies in how to treat yer fellow men.

    Of course Neanderthal wasicus will defend the cops right to frame black suspects because because.

  25. Just anothe White Old Fart7:22 PM

    Anonymous A real tough white guy said...

    Whaaaa whaaa whaaa, if being a white guy is so tough and Mr. Field hurts your delicate feelings why don't you go to your safe space before you melt snowflake?

    10:47 PM

    - I second that!
    - While these losers are obsessed with feeling all sorry for themselves, and mad at the world, just because some people don't like them, MOST White people are just getting on with living their lives and finding, even achieving, their own definition of "success" and "the American dream" despite this supposed "war against white people" that the whiny haters claim holds them back.
    - Somehow, the "poor little White me" types never acknowledge even the *possibility* that, maybe, juuuuuust maybe, people don't dislike them because they're "white", but rather, that people dislike them because they talk and act like nasty vindictive little assholes.

  26. James Biatch is a pedophile7:34 PM

    Pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescents. Moore was courting 16-17 yr olds, who are physically grown women and entirely legal in most states.
    James Biatch is cool with grown assed men in their 30's trolling for teen girls. Why does that not surprise me.


    They do like 'em young.

  28. Anonymous8:14 PM

    In matters of the opposite sex, some men are looking to dominate females and they don't want to put in the time or the effort to cultivate healthy mature relationships with women their own age. They seek out something easy.

    When this happens, their "urge to merge" causes them to seek out girls or women young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters. They see these girls as young, dumb and less of a threat than a mature woman. They can be controlled and led in the direction that these old men want them to go in. It's a boost to the male ego.

    But what men forget is that sooner or later, these girls grow up, mature and grow a brain. They realize they've been taken advantage of and are being used as a "sperm receptacle" and that's when the shit hits the fan. They no longer want to have their lives controlled and manipulated by an old man.

  29. James is a homeschooled weirdo8:17 PM

    In matters of the opposite sex, some men are looking to dominate females and they don't want to put in the time or the effort to cultivate healthy mature relationships with women their own age
    Or like James they can't create a healthy mature relationship.

  30. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Welfare Cheats...The United State's Dirty Little Secret

  31. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Hollyweird is a bastion of rape and pedophilia......

  32. Anonymous12:54 PM

    The Republican Party is a bastion of rape and pedophilia......

  33. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The Republican Party is a bastion of rape and pedophilia......
    12:54 PM

    What an infantile response. Keep crying wolf......

  34. A 14 year old girl3:21 PM

    What an infantile response. Keep crying wolf......
    You mean keep crying rape!

  35. Anonymous5:37 PM

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM
