Sunday, December 31, 2017

A beating in Alabama.

Image result for alabama beating troy imagesOne of my New Year's resolutions is to never get comfortable with stories like the one I am posting tonight.

This can never become the new normal in America. Even if it is trump's America. (At least for now.)

"TROY, Alabama (KTRK) --

An Alabama prosecutor says police body cameras recorded the arrest of a teenager whose family says he was severely beaten by officers.

District Attorney Tom Anderson did not tell The Troy Messenger what the video and audio shows. He is waiting for the State Bureau of Investigation to finish its probe before commenting further.

The mother of 17-year-old Ulysses Wilkerson, Angela Williams, posted an image of her son's swollen face on Facebook. The family says Wilkerson was startled by police in Troy on Dec. 23 and ran from officers who caught up with him and beat him while he was handcuffed.

"I just want to know. I don't know till this day, I don't know what happened," Williams told CNN. "Police told me nothing. I hear what they telling the reporters but they hadn't told me nothing."

Police Chief Randall Barr has said the teen struggled with officers and reached toward his waistband as if he was trying to grab a weapon.

"We will not settle until we know the truth behind the brutal beating of my dear son and until these police officers are held accountable for their crimes," Williams added."

Don't hold your breath Ms. Williams, but rest assured that those of us who have a voice and who can expose these types of atrocities to the world will continue to do just that.

Pic from


  1. Our fault is not bringing you back home. AWAY from the evil, vicious, Whites who shoot down and lynch you noble Africans who kill Africans continuously.

  2. What did they do-drop a refrigerator on that kid's head? He will probably have permanent brain damage. Lordy what is wrong with cops?

  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Mike already has permanent brain damage.

  4. Anonymous11:03 PM

    If they dropped a refrigerator on that pavement ape's head, it would be squashed flat.

    No brains inside it.

  5. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Maybe the apparatus of BRA is being taken into custody and prosecuted for sedition at Gitmo.

    Get out of the USA before they get down to you.

  6. More big fireworks than gunfire tonight, so the cops should be less nervous and twitchy...

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. We need a study of the sociopaths who beat up (and shoot!) people already cuffed. I don't get it. Did they have preparatory childhoods torturing small animals? Get regularly beat up themselves by drunken parents? From news reports it seems to be the most widely practiced form of sadism in our society.

    So common nobody thinks twice about it. Goons. Thugs. Uniformed mistakes.

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Maybe they were playing "The Knockout Game" like many urban youths and teens.

  9. A brand new year and already the sour milk of inhumane wingnut kindness flows forth. Inbred white trash that is all you are and ever will be.

  10. Remember the shitshow when Chicago youths tied up mentally incapacitated person and beat and filmed that. Wasn't so fucking Hillary-ous then, was it.

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Final Chicago December 2017 Totals
    Shot & Killed: 39
    Shot & Wounded: 167
    Total Shot: 206
    Total Homicides: 41

  12. Chicagohomicides are down by over a hunnert this past year. But then Drumpf sez he ficksed all that so there should not be any dead bodies. Maybe you are making these totals up?

  13. Anonymous12:03 PM

    And the total KIA for the year in Chicago? 675.

    To be fair however, we must point out that 11 of those were at the hands of the racist Chicago Police so if it weren't for THEM, it would ONLY be 664 killed.

    Damn cops.

  14. Anonymous12:10 PM

    ”Maybe the apparatus of BRA is being taken into custody and prosecuted for sedition at Gitmo.

    Get out of the USA before they get down to you.”

    So you’re not even hiding the fact anymore that you get your information from Vladimir Putin. A hostile foreign dictatorship’s state-run propaganda network: Excellent news source you’ve got there.

  15. Anonymous12:11 PM

    "Chicagohomicides are down by over a hunnert this past year. But then Drumpf sez he ficksed all that so there should not be any dead bodies. Maybe you are making these totals up?"

    2015 we had 500 dead but thanks to the ACLU & other organizations that care about the rights of the downtrodden it skyrocketed to 800 in 2016. Are we down in murders? Absolutely. But UP 175 from 2 years ago is not exactly progress now, is it?

  16. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "Remember the shitshow when Chicago youths tied up mentally incapacitated person and beat and filmed that. Wasn't so fucking Hillary-ous then, was it."

    As it turns out, it actually was hilarious for the juvenile that was arrested for it. She received the harsh sentence of PROBATION for kidnapping, torture, and a hate crime.

    You can bet that thanks to the wrist slap of the Cook County judicial system, a "teen" Will have to Think twice before attempting THAT again!

  17. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Final Chicago December 2017 Totals
    Shot & Killed: 39
    Shot & Wounded: 167
    Total Shot: 206
    Total Homicides: 41
    Fake news!

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    2. Anonymous12:56 PM

      If it's fake news, can you please research & publsh the REAL totals?

  18. Absolutely. But UP 175 from 2 years ago is not exactly progress now, is it?

    Depends on whether you are okay with blacks killing blacks. In that case it might not be enough progress to suit racist whitey wingnuts.

    If only guns were harder to get/If only everyone had more guns.

    My crystal ball sees tough sledding for George Zimurderinthefirstdegreemerman.

    Justice delayed....meets Kismet.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      So wait, are you saying that black-on-black violence is REAL?????

  19. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    If it's fake news, can you please research & publsh the REAL totals?
    12:56 PM

    Those are the REAL totals from Chimpcongo. Its safer in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    1. Anon@1:10, did u see the tragic story from New Jersey today? A young man killed 4 members of his own family. He was 16.

  20. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Those are the REAL totals from Chimpcongo. Its safer in Iraq or Afghanistan
    Nope. A site named heyjackass is a real news source? Fake news!

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Touché, he jack ass is a fake new site. But you should have no trouble finding the real numbers, correct?

  21. Black James Bold2:46 PM

    The superior race of geniuses and all they can do is post crime stats from Chicago. We should all strive to be so successful. Oy vey.

  22. Crazy gringo2:49 PM

    Wow, no pregnant women or babies shot in church in Chicago. I guess only white guys do shit like that and kill 4% of the population of an entire town. They also shoot 500 people at a concert. Such carnage.



  25. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Wow, no pregnant women or babies shot in church in Chicago.

    Man and pregnant woman killed in South Side (black) Chicago, Sept. 29 2017:

    Pregnant woman shot in Back Of The Yards, Dec. 28 2017:

    2 pregnant women shot in less than 36 hours, Sept. 17 2017:

    Plenty more to find for anyone with the IQ to use a search engine.  None of the libTARDS here do.

    That is why nobody with two brain cells to rub together gives a shit about "black lives" or libTARD opinions any more.  Blacks need to give a shit first and address the problem of their own behavior, and libTARDS need to be disenfranchised and put in mental treatment.  They are not competent to vote or hold office.

  26. 2017, the year of the Black woman mayor!!

  27. That hurt, Bal;dingo or should I say wasicu wastey Nigerian Prince.

    Actually what you have to ejaculate doesn't affect me at all. I pay scant attention to racist whitey wingnuts who do nothing but hate. I don't have to deal with the likes of you.

  28. Baldingo, how many of those few black women you copied and pasted were actually shot in a church? Talk about someone incapable of using a search engine.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If they dropped a refrigerator on that pavement ape's head, it would be squashed flat.

    No brains inside it.

    Stoopid fucking wingnut. Refrigerators don't have brains, you fucking moron.

  30. Anonymous4:56 PM


    -- Notes that none of the pregnant women listed were shot in a church.

    -- Thinks that makes it all okay.


    Interesting times we live in.

  32. "Blacks need to give a shit first and address the problem of their own behavior,"

    Already on it. Tanks for the tip.😂

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Well now that you're on it, when will we see the results?


  34. @PX, these “times” were predicted by many (including me), after President Obama was elected twice.

    Now the world knows what Blacks in America learned from slavery, people of majority European ancestry living in America, are some of the worst humans that have EVER lived on earth.

  35. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Feel free to go back to Afreaka if we're so bad, queenie.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...


    -- Notes that none of the pregnant women listed were shot in a church.

    -- Thinks that makes it all okay.

    4:56 PM

    The lesson for today, which went right over your head, was the fact that whitey killed pregnant black woman in a church. How many pregnant black women in Chicago were killed in church? I realize the handicaps of being stoopid fucking wingnuts, but do try to stick to the sublect.


    My kid got her first client for her small business recently, so she'll be well on her way to running her own Engineering firm when she graduates.

    And in the spirit of starting a legacy of Georgetown graduates in our family, she'll be attending B-school there following graduation!

    Hoya Saxa!!

  38. Anyfuckingmoose is quoting fake news ABC?

  39. @Mike, when are y'all going to realize that you're wasting your time? Is there REALLY a whooteemoo wingnut worthy of this much attention in 2018?

  40. Happy Haitian Independence Day, check out the avi!

  41. A realworld liberal7:04 PM

    They are not competent to vote or hold office.
    Nonsense. Conservatives have never been able to govern. They don't value competence at any level. Look no farther than who's currently occupying the White House. He nominated several judges who have never even seen the inside of a courtroom and embarrassed themselves in their hearings. Add to that science chairs in the house and senate who think the earth is 6,000 years old. Conservatives have never been good legislators as they like to live in fantasy worlds in which invisible deities control the real world and it doesn't matter how bad things get because Jeezus is coming back.

  42. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Liberal Logic 101:

    You are much MORE dead if you're shot inside a church than outside.

    That's why all those pregnant black women shot in Chicago last year aren't as bad as the one in Sutherland Springs Texas.  Oh, and if we can't blame white people for them they don't count.  Black killers of pregnant black women are blameless victims of racism, the legacy of slavery and white people taking away the magic dirt leaving only mean streets behind them, so we have to point fingers at and punish whites exclusively.

  43. I knew I could get through to stoopid fucking wingnut Anyfuckingmoose. Now put on yer pointy white hood and go stand in the corner with Drumpfuck.

  44. Anonymous8:24 PM

  45. Conservative logic (or lack thereof)8:27 PM

    That's why all those pregnant black women shot in Chicago last year aren't as bad as the one in Sutherland Springs Texas.
    There were no pregnant women shot in Chicago dumbass. Now take your hillbilly ass back to your trailer park.

  46. Crazy white guy8:29 PM

    And remember the babies and elderly murdered in church by the crazy white guy.

  47. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Chicago January 2018 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 2
    Shot & Wounded: 8
    Total Shot: 10
    Total Homicides: 3

  48. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Chicago January 2018 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 2
    Shot & Wounded: 8
    Total Shot: 10
    Total Homicides: 3

    Fake news!

    1. Anonymous9:54 PM

      Same number as the white teen boy killed in Jersey. White boys are as murderous as an entire city.

  49. Anonymous9:57 PM

    The amount of sheer stupid here is breathtaking to behold.

    Mike says something truly (and typically) stupid.

    Anon satirizes his position, taking the libtard POV that blacks have no agency and whites are responsible for everything everyone does, including blacks.  (Also implying that black lives only matter if some non-black person or agent of the greater society take them.)


    And then stupid anon tries to refute another anon's documented incidents of pregnant women shot in Chicago by saying "There were no pregnant women shot in Chicago dumbass."

    This is a show that you could not write as fiction.  Nobody would believe it.

    We know why black people do this, but why do white people do this?  Probably because they get their ideas about crime and criminals from television, which lies shamelessly about who is doing what to whom.

    "5.1. Depictions in police dramas

    Evident from this investigation and consistent with previous research (Britto et al., 2007 Britto, S., Hughes, T., Saltzman, K., & Stroh, C. (2007). Does “Special” mean young, white and female? Deconstructing the meaning of “Special” in Law & Order: Special victims unit. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 14, 39–57. [Google Scholar]), whites continue to be portrayed as violent criminals in a greater proportion than actual crime statistics indicate. Whites never accounted for more than 11% of violent criminal arrests in New York City in 1992, 1995, or 2003 (DCJS, personal communication, February 10, 2009, December 6, 2011), but were depicted as violent offenders 65, 79, and 61% of the time across the three respective seasons examined of Law & Order. Although blacks made up more than half of all violent felony arrests during those three years, they were shown as 21% of violent criminals in Season 14, but as low as 9% in Seasons 3 and 6. People of Hispanic or Latino origin were arrested for nearly one-third of all violent crimes in 1992, 1995, and 2003, but Hispanics were only depicted as violent criminals 26, 12, and 6% of the time during the respective seasons. This apparent disconnect might help explain what became a controversy on June 28, 2013, when then New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced police “disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little” as compared to murder suspect’s descriptions when speaking about the then controversial New York City Police tactic known as “stop and frisk” (Peltz, 2013 Peltz, J. (2013, June 28). NYC Mayor: Police stop minorities “too little”. Retrieved July 7, 2013, from Associated Press:
    [Google Scholar]). Bloomberg based his comments on reports from New York City officials showing more than 90% of suspects in murders in the city from 2011 to 2013 were described as black or Hispanic (Peltz, 2013 Peltz, J. (2013, June 28). NYC Mayor: Police stop minorities “too little”. Retrieved July 7, 2013, from Associated Press:
    [Google Scholar])."

    Culprit:  The TV (TalmudVision).

  50. Anonymous10:07 PM


  51. Anonymous10:08 PM

  52. Anonymous10:09 PM

  53. And on the lighter side, Roger Ailes is still dead.

    -Doug in Oakland

  54. Anonymous11:14 PM

    How many more days till Juneteenth?

  55. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Man i can't wait to follow this site during Black Hysteria Month...

  56. And in Chicago whooteemoo news:

  57. America’s favorite President Obama’s list of favorite books/songs of 2017:

  58. Hey Doc, you see Barack is still the most admired man and Michelle is the third most respected woman with Hillary number one?


  60. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The amount of sheer stupid here is breathtaking to behold.

    Too easy to get inside stoopid heads. Do you eat poop, too?

  61. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Everything here goes to prove that it is impossible to satirize today's left.  No matter how extreme you go, they will adopt it and get out ahead of it—if they are not already out ahead of it.

    If you substituted white people for Irish children in Swift's "Modest Proposal", they would probably introduce it as legislation.

  62. Libs don't have to squeeze their sphincters tight to utter a word or thought. Drumpfuck squeezes his mouth in the shape of a sphincter to make sounds at all.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts over analyze every word a lib sez because they are anal retentive and snobbish. And never have fun.

  63. Troy police said they retraced the chase route and JUST happened to find a handgun lying there. Isn't that convenient. So if he had a gun and lost it during the chase, why would they claim he kept reaching to his waistband to get a weapon?

    I wonder if bodycam footage can be doctored to show a gun fall out of suspects pants while running?

  64. Tiny hands, orange dicked, Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is taking personal credit for the safest year in aviation, ever. Must have been all that hot air kept planes from even landing, let alone crashing. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  65. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    "My kid got her first client for her small business recently, so she'll be well on her way to running her own Engineering firm when she graduates"

    Minority and women set-asides should help.

    Hope she's more competent than her mother.

  66. 2017 was the first year in commercial aviation history where there were zero deaths.

    Unlike Obama, Trump won't let any planes crash. Not even a little bit. He's very strict.

  67. " Do you eat poop, too?"

    Probably not. Coprophagy is too difficult to manage on their own. They prefer to let Rush and Sean take daily dumps in their skulls instead.

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Why piss with planes when he stands a great chance of crashing the largest economy in the world and, of course, it will be Obama and HRC's fault.

  69. Utah Scumator Whorin Atch is retiring, now that he has insured his financial future with taxpayer's bucks.

    Too bad, so sad he couldn't have had his skanky white ass tossed out decades ago. When this piss ant passes I hope Jews convert his corpse.

  70. Colonel Bernie Sanders4:20 PM

    2018 is the coldest year ever.

    If ever you needed proof global warming was over, this is it.

  71. Something Drumpfuck alone is responsible for- coal workplace deaths doubled since Drumpfuck was picked as bogus potus by Putin.

  72. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Do you think they'll let Huma share a cell with Weiner?

  73. Drumpf and Weiner make a cuter couple. Drumpf's tiny hands will make Weiner's wiener look bigly yooge.

  74. "If ever you needed proof global warming was over, this is it."

    The atmosphere tries to keep a certain balance. Check temps in the southern hemisphere. Warmer summers in one hemisphere normally results in cooler winters in the other. Most heating is in the higher latitudes.

    1. A few weeks of abnormally cooler temps do not negate the overall trend. This is why climatologists use 30 year normals to establish a trend.

  75. Colonel Bernie Sanders7:06 PM

    No, PilotX, as we learned last summer, weather IS climate. This current cold snap proves global warming isn't real.


    Do poor whitey wingnuts vote against their best interests? Fucking-A!

    Once upon a time a rich white man made a bargain with a poor white man. The rich guy says you boss the negro and I will boss the money. It has been like that ever since. Stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  77. Business Boss7:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Minority and women set-asides should help.

    Hope she's more competent than her mother.

    Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to look for set-asides in the predicted trillion dollar Data analytics industry.

    And my kid is an entrepreneur at age 21 most likely due to having 2 parents that are also business owners. I didn't start mine until I was in my late 40's, so yes she's already exceeding me in that regard.

    YOU OTOH, have parents that don't own jack shit business wise, which explains YOUR lack of business chops as well. And being a high priced call guy in Cali doesn't help.

    Being half-gook didn't help you worth a damn either, EVERY Vietnamese I know personally had a business. EXCEPT YOU.


  78. Listen up you fucking deplorables, you can always trust advice from "mike form iowa":

  79. "No, PilotX, as we learned last summer, weather IS climate. This current cold snap proves global warming isn't real."

    Ha! No atmospheric science course at any university I'm aware of taught that. Not sure who learned that😜


  80. Dr. I.Q. Necessary8:10 PM

    Not a Dr. Queen said...
    "And my kid is an entrepreneur at age 21 most likely due to having 2 parents that are also business owners. I didn't start mine until I was in my late 40's, so yes she's already exceeding me in that regard."

    Most third graders in Shanghai are already exceeding you, so that's not saying much.

    So your kid is lining up clients for her business before she even graduates. Wow. That's almost as believable as someone like you in your 50's who hasn't even graduated yet.

  81. Lance Cockstrong8:30 PM

    RIP Erica Garner

  82. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Erica Garner was congenitally prone to heart attacks, just like her father.

    Please consider a donation the American Heart Association.

  83. PX, you're speaking science to folks who were too dumb to major in STEM.


  84. I'z smart enough to major in STEM for 40 years!

    I wish I was smart enough to graduate!


  85. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Ballou High School, Atlanta GA. City Schools, Filthadelphia PA. City Schools, Baltimore MD. City Schools, NYC Schools, Chicago City Schools, Kansas City MO. Detroit City schools, Etc, Etc, ..... Whole lot of STEM Candidates fo sure. Long Live WAKANDA!

  86. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Moorish Science Temple does not count........Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  87. Ballou High School, Atlanta GA. City Schools, Filthadelphia PA. City Schools, Baltimore MD. City Schools, NYC Schools, Chicago City Schools, Kansas City MO. Detroit City schools, Etc, Etc, ..... Whole lot of STEM Candidates fo sure. Long Live WAKANDA!"

    Can't speak for the majority of those schools but there are some really good STEM schools in Chicago. Whitney Young, King, Lindblom, Lane Tech, Curie, among others in the CPS.

    1. Also Jones College Prep and Kenwood Academy. All good public schools in Chicago that I would definitely let my kids attend.

    2. Actually I can speak of a few schools in the ATL and the D. Detroit actually has an aviation high school where kids can leave with their A&P licenses. There's also one in NYC. The closest thing we have in Chicago is the Air Force Academy High which was featured on WGN tv not long ago showcasing their flight laboratory which is pretty cool. Simulator mock up of an F-22 and a real live ATC simulator so kids can learn fundamentals of flight and air traffic control. It's also a public school. Lots of good stuff going on if you know where to look.


  89. Deplorable Me- advice you should have taken.

  90. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Climate changes..................

  91. "Climate changes.................."

    True, but human involvement is causing warming that may be detremental to the planet.

  92. Geez, Field, I know you leave these messages up as an object lesson in what we're facing, but I'm having trouble with my gag reflex. And if some of these slugs posting on here want to make something of that, it's their problem, not mine.

    I guess, as long as you are posting truth, the slimeball slugs just can't take it and have leave their filthy secretions all over the comments section. Here's hoping they get their share of that which they're attempting to make sport of.

    Keep pouring the Top Job, it'll clean up behind them. Thanks for the great job you're doing!

  93. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Dat boy dindu nuffin....cue the riots and looting.

  94. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Obey the law.

    Stop committing crimes.

    Obey officers direction.

    Do not run and gun.

    Do all that and you wont get beat.

  95. Interesting how widespread the family of Anonymous is. They seldom tell you their first names - Coward, Wimp, Chicken, Scared, Frightened, Wuss, Fearful, Daunted, Terrified, Skulker, Rabbit, Troll, Faintheart, Gutless, Craven, Lilyliver, Yellowbelly, Cur, Snake, and lots of their worthless cousins who married into other lines like the Anonymous family.

    Gotta love it.

  96. Anonymous10:28 AM

    True, but human involvement is causing warming that may be detremental to the planet.
    12:58 PM

    You mean like in the Midwest right now and down south with record snowfalls for 2018.


  97. "You mean like in the Midwest right now and down south with record snowfalls for 2018"

    Thirty year averages man, that's how we track trends. Study climatology at a reputable university and this kind of stuff wouldn't be so hard to understand. Check posted article above.

  98. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Is there a "like" button for the beating ??? When arew blacks going to realize that if you resist , you get broken off ??? OH , OH !!! ME ME ME !!! I KNOEW THE ANSWER FOR THAT ONE !!! Never. And that's the way it should be no matter what color your "ignit" ass is .

  99. Anonymous, there should be an "ignt" button for you and all your cuzins.

  100. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Beatings like that were the way the police used to keep the jigaboos in line.  Physical pain is the only language they understand; jail is a vacation with 3 hots and a cot along with all their friends from the 'hood.

  101. Yawn, yet another fuckboi4:41 PM

    Beatings like that were the way the police used to keep the jigaboos in line.
    Try your theory out fuckboy, I dare ya. I swear you bitches talk a lot of shit online but are pussies in real life. Ha!

  102. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "Try your theory out fuckboy, I dare ya."

    We already did.  Remember the name Eugene "Bull" Connor?  Nightsticks, firehoses and police dogs did a bang-up job of keeping spooks in line.  Then we got the traitor Lyndon Baines Johnson and "civil rights", and that went all to hell because the controls were dismantled.

    Guess what happens when FedGov collapses because it can't pay its enforcers, and people sick of TNB become the law in their own cities?  Your "civil rights" become worthless, and very likely you become worm food.

    1. I smell pussy12:58 AM

      Your "civil rights" become worthless, and very likely you become worm food.
      Yawn. Nah you end up like Jessica Chambers for talking too much shit fuckboi. We ain't no singing negro spirituals type folks no more. Bring yo bitch ass to New York or Chicago and talk your smack pussy.

  103. Anonymous8:29 AM

    So said the Negro whose people burn down their own stores and neighborhoods. You Monkeys are not smart enough to survive chaotic times.

  104. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Indeed.  They live in "food deserts" because they steal or destroy everything that isn't nailed down and armored, but think that when TSHTF they are going to be fed if they riot.

    They don't get that when the EBT cards stop working, that's game-over for them.  Nobody will give them food.  They will probably be without electricity and water too.  After the first few raids on grocery stores the buses will be shut down (by burning them out if necessary) and checkpoints will be set up to keep them in the ghetto.  They won't have any gasoline either; once the 2 gallons in their cars runs out they will be stuck on foot.  They are too dumb to keep their own water clean, so they will drink bad water and get dysentery; after a few days many of them will be too starved and dehydrated to be able to walk.  They will lie down and die where they are, by the millions.

    The ones who live will be the ones who get out before it all goes down.  The ones here talking trash are going to be among the first to die, either talking trash to someone carrying a rifle or killed and robbed of their loot when they get back to the hood with the proceeds from the first few raids (before they're shut down).

  105. Alt-righters are pussies11:06 AM

    Blah blah blah blah. Now sit your punk ass down you pussy. Get all bad assed behind the keyboard huh? Just like all the rest of your trailer living, squirrel eating kinfolk. You're not a "survivalist" you just can't afford decent housing and clothes. You wish you lived as well as I do or any of the posters here. Guess what, millions of your fellow fat assed poor white trash would starve if you cut off EBT's so stop talking about it like it's gonna affect me. Now what other fucking fantasies are you going to post? I love science fiction about how you idiots are gonna rise up and take what's yours when you fucks can't even have a march without getting your bitch asses kicked. Bwahahaha! Now scurry back to the trailer fuckboi.

  106. Big Black James Bold11:32 AM

    Oh no! The keyboard warrior army is rising up! What am I to do? Bwahahahahahahahahaha! This shit is funnier than when they claim they have high IQ's and invent shit. Bwahahahahahahahaha! What would I do without pussy assed white fuckbois and their delusions to make me laugh. Yeah yeah I know I won't be laughing when your super secret army marches through the hood blah blah blah fucking blah blah. Morons would probably shoot themselves in the foot before I slapped the shit out of em and took their guns er I mean slingshot because their broke asses can't afford guns and bullets.

  107. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Nobody's going to bother to march through your 'hood.

    Know what they'll do?  They'll shoot you when you try to drive out, and when they have enough cars they'll block the street with them under covering fire and torch them.  Do this a few times and they'll have excellent cover and concealment for snipers.

    None of you get out.  No food or water gets in.  You'll be killing each other for the remaining food in a day, and killing each to eat within 3.  You have always done this in Africa and always will.  All that will happen is that your misconceptions of what you are will be torn away from you, maybe about the time your arm gets torn off so Shitavious can put it on the barbecue.

  108. Tatoo and his Fantasy Island6:36 PM

    Yawn. Whatever sport.
