Sunday, December 17, 2017

Coup d'état?

Image result for fox news coup  images  The folks at FOX VIEWS are now suggesting that we have a "coup on our hands" ,and  that the president's enemies have a shadow government within Washington working furiously to bring him down.

They have gone as far to suggest that Special Counsel Mueller's team should be disbanded because of bias against trump. Go figure.

We all know, of course, that this is not true, and it is sadly a lame attempt by trump and his minions to sway public opinion against a man and his team that is getting closer to the truth. Of course there is no bias, career legal professionals such as Mr. Mueller will not have their life work tarnished by showing bias in an investigation that cost millions. 

I still can't figure out why trump and his people are so afraid of. They swear up and down that there is nothing to see and that trump did not commit a crime. If that's the case why aren't they encouraging Mr. Mueller and giving him everything he needs to complete the investigation? Unless of course there is something to be afraid of, and the people who are yelling from the FOX VIEWS cheap seats sense that there might be something that the trump crime family is hiding.   

"On Fox News last night, Jesse Watters suggested that there may be an anti-Trump “coup” going on.
Watters brought up the anti-Trump texts from Peter Strzok and another FBI agent, including the “insurance policy” wording, and concluded this is “smoking gun evidence” that agents investigating Trump believed it was their duty to protect the country from him:
“The investigation into Donald Trump’s campaign has been crooked from the jump. But the scary part is we may now have proof the investigation was weaponized to destroy his presidency for partisan political purposes and to disenfranchise millions of American voters. Now, if that’s true, we have a coup on our hands in America.”
And in case there was any ambiguity about whether this word choice was deliberate, this chyron appeared on screen during Watters’ interview with Kellyanne Conway:"

Wait, what? These people have lost their minds.

First of all, Mr. Strzok was let go by the Mueller team months ago. And they let him go as soon as they found out about his e-mail exchange with some woman he was trying to impress. Besides, he called trump an "idiot", I am  pretty sure that most people would agree with that assessment.

But FOX has to do what FOX. They pride themselves on being the president's own state run network, and they are giddy that he takes his daily cues from them.

They better be careful, because if there is a coup, the FOX VIEWS studios will be ground zero.

*Pic from



  1. Trump is bad, Hillary Clinton was worse. Field does not want to run for potus. Who ya gonna get to replace Trump? Pence? LOL!

  2. There is a coup happening. Conservatives believe they have jeezus on their side and whatever they do is accpetable. For example, Roy Moore and his ignoring the law which got him fired twice. God's law trumps man's law in their eyes so anything to that end is ok. Think also about the judiciary. They blocked Barack's appointments and are now ramming through all comers. Conservatives even gloat about this and don't even care if the person is qualified as long as they're conservative. If one side doesn't give a damn about the law and wants to remake the country in their image we may have a problem. Don't get me started on the dominionists and how trump struck the first blow for them by moving the embassy in Israel.

  3. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Chicago December 2017 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 24
    Shot & Wounded: 95
    Total Shot: 119
    Total Homicides: 25

  4. Lance Cockstrong9:20 PM

    Nixon is turning over in his grave why he didn't think of this ...

  5. J. Burton9:45 PM

    We can add "The Russia investigation is a politically motivated witch hunt" to the list of unthinkable, beyond-the-pale, Republic-shattering statements that Trump was 100% justified in making.

  6. Mr. Inside9:55 PM

    I am increasingly convinced that Mr. Mueller will resign.

  7. No justice, no peace10:06 PM

    -Bride is shot dead by Muslim cop after calling police: No charge
    -Disabled boy is kidnapped & tortured: Probation
    -Woman is killed by illegal alien: Acquitted
    -Father is executed by cop: Acquitted

    -Vandalize a mosque with bacon: 15 years

    In America, there's No Justice For Whites

  8. If the Foxbots say there will be a coup, then that means that their bosses are plotting one themselves, because they project like an IMAX.

  9. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Chicago December 2017 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 24
    Shot & Wounded: 95
    Total Shot: 119
    Total Homicides: 25

    Fake news!

  10. Senior snowflake11:51 PM

    In America, there's No Justice For Whites
    White people are such snow flakes. Centuries of laws and society in their favor and the slightest thing that doesn't go their way then cue the waterworks!
    Wha wha wha, it's so hard to be a white man in America. Boo hoo hoo.


  12. "... for partisan political purposes..."

    Uh, Robert Mueller is a Republican.

    The coup underway is against fucking reality, so you know they're gonna lose. It's just a matter of how much damage they leave us with to fix and clean up when they get run out on a rail.

    It turns out that it's not just the CDC that are forbidden from speaking any of the words that make them cry, they are enacting similar rules in other agencies as well.

    Like Bad Tux said, is it still OK to say Orwellian?

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. It seems improbable that anyone could give credit to this tempest in a teapot. But to the hardcore Trumpies this is very real and serious as a heart attack. The problem with Peter Strzok is only the tip of the iceberg. As far as I know, his emails were leaked illegally by the DOJ to the media.

    There is another name that enters the fray. Bruce Ohr, a senior member of the DOJ in 2016, is married to a woman who was hired by Fusion GPS to aid in the investigation of Trump during the election to dig up dirt on Hillary's behalf. The infamous Trump dossier. Like anybody gives a fuck what Trump did with whores in Russia.

    The wingnuts are fired up about all of this and screaming treason. They have a two-edged sword. They claim that the DOJ under Obama tried to sabotage a legitimate election. Apparently they feel that democratic efforts to win at any cost were somehow immoral and illegal. Never mind what Karl Rove and his operatives in every republican state did in 2004. They also claim that Trump's political opponents are seeking any means possible to remove him from office. Obviously it is all part of an elaborate scheme for Trump to be able to justify firing Mueller and pulling the plug on any investigation whatsoever.

    I could provide you with examples. They charge that the Obama DOJ violated the Hatch Act. If there was ever any insurance policy discussed to prevent a Trump presidency, obviously it was ineffective.

    This is a fucking showdown. The Trump team is giving it everything that they have. I wouldn't just laugh it off. If he wins this one, we are all fucked. They are betting the farm and the base is quite excited. Kellyanne is smiling so sweetly she almost looks pretty.

  14. No justice, no peace said...

    -Vandalize a mosque with bacon: 15 years

    10:06 PM

    BACON?!!! BACON!!! did anybody say bacon??? I loooove bacon, I just ate bacon!...

    shouldnta said that right? That's not politically correct right?...

  15. No Justice no peace said- derp.

    Remember this little whitey privileged shithook?

    15-16 year old whitey with a rap sheet longer than Long Dong Silver's 24 inch python, stole beer from WalMart, gets drunk, smashes into a car alongside the road getting a tire changed, kills four innocent people, severely injures at least one other in the truck he wrecked, was 3 times the legal limit of alcohol, told the cops his dad would tke care of this, walks away from accident and gets probation from judge because he is wealthy and had never been held responsible for anything he ever did. He also skipped bail and went to Mexico with his mother and when finally caught and returned, the judge did not charge him for flight from lawful prosecution, bail jumping, nothing.

    Had he been black or Hispanic he would not be alive today.

  16. Move On11:32 AM

    Flying Junior said...
    It seems improbable that anyone could give credit to this tempest in a teapot

    Senior FBI official working now with Mueller special investigation texts his side bitch about the "insurance policy" they had in case "the plan" for derailing Trump's campaign should somehow fail to stop him from being elected is a "tempest in a teapot". Nothing to see here.

  17. The Republican tax bill:

    *Eliminates over 4 trillion dollars in special deductions rigged to help the wealthy and well connected?

    *No more deduction for Member of Congress living expenses

    *No more deduction for local lobbying expenses

    *No more tax breaks to ship jobs overseas

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      The estatetax increased from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000

      Ends business travel deductions for truck drivers, pilots, flight attendants

      Gives special tax relief to the fossilw fuel industry

      Adds 1.5 trillion to the debt. Republicans can no longer claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility as if they ever were.

  18. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Hopefully after they drain the swamp, they drain the ghettos.


  19. "Senior FBI official working now with Mueller special investigation..."

    No, he's not. They fired him immediately as soon as his private texts were leaked for political reasons.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Hopefully after they drain the swamp and the ghettos they drain the trailer parks and monster truck rallies.

  21. 18th December 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  22. Hopefully after he's through draining Putin's testicles, Fergus will get run out of DC on a rail.

    -Doug in Oakland


  23. *No more tax breaks to ship jobs overseas

    Blatant lie. Workers who get transferred can not deduct expenses but the company/korporation sure as hell can.

  24. Winning!6:36 PM

    Growth hits 4%

    Dow up 5,000 points

    ISIS on the ropes

  25. Lance Cockstrong6:52 PM

    Crooked Corker retiring doesn't need the donor class anymore could have told them to fuck off ... but then again doesn't need voters anymore either so took his kickback and fucked them over instead

  26. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Chicago December 2017 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 24
    Shot & Wounded: 95
    Total Shot: 119
    Total Homicides: 25

    Fake news!
    11:48 PM

    Check the morgue and hospitals!

  27. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Check the morgue and hospitals!
    Have you done that? Still fake news!

  28. Killer Trailer Troll8:22 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Chicago December 2017 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 24
    Shot & Wounded: 95
    Total Shot: 119
    Total Homicides: 25

    Wow, a city of millions and still fewer homicides than Sutherland Springs in one day. Hell, one hour. Trailer park killer trolls are deadly.

  29. This FBI/DOJ nonsense is front page now on the National Enquirer. It must all be true.

    Disturbing detail to tax bill. Although it doubles the standard deduction for most, it eliminates personal exemptions. That makes it almost a wash for many.

  30. The Democrats8:59 PM

    "That makes it almost a wash for many."

    Yes, but let's still pretend it is the end of the world, because that's what we do.

  31. It's not a wash for millionaires.

  32. Anonymous Winning! said...

    Growth hits 4%

    Dow up 5,000 points

    ISIS on the ropes

    And you still cannot point to one thing Drumpfuck did that caused any of this stuff to happen. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  33. President Downgrade9:59 PM

    Why couldn't Obama generate growth during his term?

  34. It become clearer each day that Obama should have been impeached, and would have been, if we had a real media in this country.

  35. Reality10:03 PM

    It become clearer each day that Obama should have been impeached, and would have been, if we had a real media in this country.
    But he wasn't and had zero indictments. Now trump on the otherhand........

  36. Rod Johnson10:04 PM

    It is not unreasonable to conclude that this pseudo-investigation is an elaborate bit of FBI dinner theater to obscure Strzok and others' attempt to subvert the election.

  37. trump is a chump10:07 PM

    Why couldn't Obama generate growth during his term?
    He was too busy fixing the economy after the last Republican president destroyed it. He created more jobs than any other president in history even after the last guy was losing 200,000 jobs a month.

  38. Anonymous10:36 PM

    It is not unreasonable to conclude that this pseudo-investigation is an elaborate bit of FBI dinner theater to obscure Strzok and others' attempt to subvert the election.
    That is a very unreasonable conclusion unless you're an idiot like Sean Hannity

  39. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Obama was a failure of historic proportions.

    Trump is our savior.

  40. Loretta Lynch Mob10:52 PM

    Eric holder is desperately lashing out as he sees the noose being readied for him.


  41. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Winning! said...
    Growth hits 4%

    Dow up 5,000 points

    ISIS on the ropes

    Amazing what happens when you put a businessman instead of a liberal ideologue in the White House

  42. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Wow, a city of millions and still fewer homicides than Sutherland Springs in one day. Hell, one hour. Trailer park killer trolls are deadly.
    8:22 PM

    Chicago exceeds the Texas one time event every month,December isn't over.

  43. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Chicago December 2017 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 26
    Shot & Wounded: 107
    Total Shot: 133
    Total Homicides: 28

    Keeps going up,what did Sugarland Texas do for December 2017??

  44. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Chicago exceeds the Texas one time event every month,December isn't over.
    Well of course it takes a city of 3 mil to exceed what one crazy eyed trailer troll can do. It takes how many gangs? Jeez

  45. trump is a criminal11:24 PM

    Eric holder is desperately lashing out as he sees the noose being readied for him.
    Hmmmmm let's see.
    8 years of Obama=0 arrests and/or indictments.
    Less than one year of trump=2 guilty pleas and 4 indictments.

  46. Anonymous11:27 PM

    4% of the entire population of Sutherland Springs was killed in less than an hour. Yup, but but but Chicago.
    And stay away from country music concerts in Vegas when crazy eyed trailer trolls are around.

  47. trump sucks!11:31 PM

    Amazing what happens when you put a businessman instead of a liberal ideologue in the White House
    Yeah, you get indictments and collusion with foreign enemies. Not to mention embarrasingly unqualified appointments that have to withdraw because they become youtube sensations.

  48. Anonymous11:33 PM

    of course it takes a city of 3 mil to exceed what one crazy eyed trailer troll can do. It takes how many gangs?

    It's exceeded many times per year.  Why won't you admit this FACT?

    Oh, right.  Facts are irrelevant to you.  Only The Narrative matters.

  49. Hangman is coming11:35 PM

    "Yeah, you get indictments and collusion with foreign enemies"

    The indictments are going to be against Obama administration officials.

    The end is near.


  50. The end of the Obama administration was in January.

    And 4% growth? You are perhaps talking about the malignant growth on your brain stem that's causing your delusions?

    Or perhaps you were referring to 2014 when we had 4.6% and 5.2% in the second and third quarters, respectively.

    And Chicago is in Illinois, and Illinois isn't even in the top 15 states where you're most likely to be killed by a gun.

    The top state is Alaska, but don't tell that to Track Palin or you might give him an idea, and you know how Palins get around ideas...

    -Doug in Oakland

  51. Eric motha fucking Holder bitches!12:34 AM

    The indictments are going to be against Obama administration officials.
    Um yeah sure, just like all the other conservative "investigations". Let's see, Fast and Furious was going to bring down Holder and the Obama administration (steeeeerike one). Next up was the IRS "scandal" (steeeerike two). Next was Uranium One (steeeeerike three). Next agent Strzok (steeeerike four). Then the unmasking scandal (steeeeerike five). Next up to bat the Christopher Steele docier. K6.
    I guess Holder and Obama will go to jail the same day the 4,000 indictments you wingnuts keep squawking about come out huh?
    Here are the facts jack, 2 trump administration officials plead guilty and two more were indicted while after 8 years and thousands of hours searching not one person in the Obama administration has been indicted, not one! Keep dreaming and Holder will keep going to his high paying job everyday while you play in fairy dust along with Sean Hannity. Oh btw, Mueller has thousands of trump transition team emails and they are freaking out. I bet they ain't freaking out because Eric Holder was doing dirt!

  52. That's the facts jack12:36 AM

    It's exceeded many times per year. Why won't you admit this FACT?
    Here's a fact, 4% of an entire town was wiped out in one day.

    1. That's the facts jack12:40 AM

      Wow, trailer park trolls have trouble with statistics it seems. 4% of Chicago's population would be 120,000. Damn, when the fuck has there EVER been that many homicides in Chicago? I mean is there that many in the entire history of Chicago? Let's not forget that in Sutherland Springs babies and pregnant women were shot! That's some sick shit.

  53. I guess trump fans are using the Pee Wee Herman defense as Mueller is closing in. What say you Mr. Field Esq.?

    1. Talk about delicious and hilarious irony if the orange foolius goes down because of email😂 Maybe they were right about Hillary being the devil because that would be some The Omen type shit.😂

  54. Comment of the year from senator Kennedy about trump's judicial nominee "just because you've seen My Cousin Vinny doesn't qualify you to be a judge".

  55. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Always a good laugh at ANN Ape News Network

  56. Anonymous7:35 AM

    So....the very same FBI that harrassed Martin Luther King and tried to convince him to commit suicide is suddenly trustworthy when they're investigating someone that you don't like??
    One minute America is a nation plagued by "institutionalized" racism that manifests itself with the murder of young Black men at the hands of America's racist & murderous Justice System, but now that very same Justice System is suddenly honorable & praiseworthy as it investigates Trump??

    Communism (i.e. Leftism, Liberalism, etc.) is indeed a mental disorder.

  57. A communist, leftist, liberal1:09 PM

    but now that very same Justice System is suddenly honorable & praiseworthy as it investigates Trump??
    Do you think the justice system is rife with institutional racism anon 7:35am? What is your opinion?

  58. Robert Mueller1:15 PM

    So....the very same FBI that harrassed Martin Luther King and tried to convince him to commit suicide is suddenly trustworthy when they're investigating someone that you don't like??
    That was the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover. Using your logic conservatives should hate the Republican Party as they used to be the liberal party then and created Affirmative Action,the EPA and amnesty. Do you hate Republicans now? Wow, you're going out of your way to try to exonerate the guilty as sin trump. So fucking what if it isn't honorable, who says it is? I never said that but yes I do want Mueller to drag the insane cheeto down for the good of the planet!

  59. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Let's not forget that in Sutherland Springs babies and pregnant women were shot! That's some sick shit.
    12:40 AM

    Niggers do that everyday in Chicago,throw em out windows,elevator shafts,stair wells,you TNB.

  60. Just another White Old Fart1:41 PM

    Field Negro said...

    I still can't figure out why trump and his people are so afraid of.

    - Everything and nothing.
    - It's called "free-floating paranoia" because it's a generalized and pervasive feeling of fear that harm to oneself both imminent, AND being planned.
    - There is a narcissistic component to it, in that the individual lacks ANY recognition of the fact that the vast majority of people are actually too busy trying to live their own lives to waste time and energy on hounding the paranoid person.
    - There also is a delusional component to it, in that the paranoiac is unable to differentiate actual threats from imagined threats, and therefore, completely lacks lacks any mechanism for coping appropriately and effectively with real threats.

  61. Just another White Old Fart1:45 PM

    - One writer's perspective:

  62. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Niggers do that everyday in Chicago,throw em out windows,elevator shafts,stair wells,you TNB.
    No asshole, didn't happen today, didn't happen yesterday or the day before. That's trailer trash shit. Adam Lanza anyone? You don't hear about brothas shooting up a classroom full of babies, that's ya'lls second amendment shit. Own it loser!

  63. Bill Moyers? The guy who worked with the FBI to wiretap MLK? LMAO!

  64. Just another Piece of Shit said...
    - It's called "free-floating paranoia"

    This just in - Republicans have slipped a provision into the tax bill legalizing slavery! To add insult to injury, they have added tax breaks for slave owners!

    All of this is being done at the direction of the Russians.

    Also, carbon dioxide emissions will destroy all life on earth.

  65. Somewhat of a monumental waste of brain power musing about Fox News. Case in point is Huff Post piece noting “Despite Unprecedented Upheaval, Fox News Ends The Year On Top.”

    Reality is Pres. Trump’s approval rating is now close to 40% with senior officials inching ever closer to compromise the special counsel investigation.

    However, if this effort progresses to it’s logical conclusion, must say I agree with Meet the Press 12/17 segment featuring U.S. WV Sen. Joe Manchin in response to any impeachment process.

    Given the complicated efforts of senate/congressional committes plus special counsel investigationsj, the DNC and progressive movement should focus on clarifying concrete policies to restore economic, environmental and social equality.

    Not to mention, far more effective expending the proper resources on voter suppresion instead of rallying the electorate for impeaching the president.

    Insane the way we get distracted by trolls, bots and the president’s twitter escapades. 2018 electoral races are soon approaching. Let’s stay focused...

  66. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Bill Moyers? The guy who worked with the FBI to wiretap MLK? LMAO!
    Since when did you assholes start giving a fuck about MLK? gtfoh

  67. Donald J. Trump2:16 PM

    Also, carbon dioxide emissions will destroy all life on earth.
    No, carbon emissions from coal plants are good for every life on the planet. Now lets go build more 18th century fuel sources.

  68. White people don't act like this:

    This is why malls are dead.

    This is why we had Jim Crow laws.

  69. Adam Lanza3:33 PM

    White people don't act like this
    Yeah, you just shoot up classrooms full of five year olds and old people in church. Bunch of assholes!

  70. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Or white bitches trading their babies for heroin.

  71. JJ Evans4:09 PM

    West Virginia is in the midst of a drug epidemic. This couple tries to sell their baby for drugs. Oh, the superior race is soooooo much better than everyone else. Now excuse me I have to go throw a baby down an elevator shaft.

  72. Don't bother trying to tell a Republican about history. They are allergic to it and so are their fake centrist "both sides do it" enablers, without whom the whole of their lie built farce would come crashing down.
    But get this: It's coming down anyway. That's why they are scurrying for the exits, just like they did when the wheels came off of the Bush administration.
    This time they aren't getting away, though. No funny hats, no Gadsden flags made in China, and no calling Republicanism Trumpism.
    This time we burn the goddamn lifeboats.
    This time they own it until nobody will let them manage a parking lot, much less the government.

    -Doug in Oakland

  73. CNN released a new poll today that has Trump hitting a historic low rating of 35% for any sitting president in December of their first year in office.

    Of course, the spokesporker for Drumpfuck blames mainstream media for telling the truth.

    Drumpfuck the dumbfuck takes credit for the 70 times the Dow hit new records this year. Conveniently forgets the Dow was already setting new records before he benefitted from them. You can't explain things like this to the stoopid fucking idiots who voted for him. They apparently enjoy getting kicked in the teeth by the wealthy.

  74. This time we burn the goddamn lifeboats.
    This time they own it until nobody will let them manage a parking lot, much less the government.

    -Doug in Oakland

    PREDICTION: This comment does not age well.

  75. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Anonymous Jeff Bezos said...

    White people don't act like this:
    (links to video of stupid behavior)

    - OF COURSE there are white people who like that.
    - It's plain dirt-stupid to claim that all human goodness resides on one and only one color, and all evil resides in some other.

  76. Jeff Bezos6:02 PM

    "It's plain dirt-stupid to claim that all human goodness resides on one and only one color, and all evil resides in some other."

    Of course not, but white women do not regularly get in public brawls with one another, to anywhere near the frequency black women do.

  77. Wesley Pipes8:06 PM

    Of course not, but white women do not regularly get in public brawls with one another, to anywhere near the frequency black women do.
    Yeah sure Jethro. Wanna see what white women are REALLY doing? Check out

  78. Anonymous8:22 PM

    You really think that White Men give a shit about what mudsharks are doing on a porn site? Have at these skanks with no sense of smell.

  79. Anonymous8:23 PM

    It's funny to see that black people believe that a few washed-up whores at the end of their porn careers represent all white women.

  80. Anonymous8:35 PM

    it's called...I have a dream..... lmfao

  81. Mandingo8:36 PM

    Funny that stooopid trailer trolls think white women don't have fights in the trailer parks. Youtube says otherwise.
    Hmmmmmm, some mighty young and cuties at Not washed up at all. You like blondes? Check out and you can see what fine white chicks really want. Check your mom's browser, bet it's there.

  82. www.blacked.com8:39 PM

    It's funny to see that black people believe that a few washed-up whores at the end of their porn careers represent all white women.
    Of course not, most are more discrete like all the chicks I hit back in high school and college. It takes all types man. Your girlfriend, wife, sister and mom all want what we got. Check their browser history and I bet BBC was the most searched term and they weren't looking for a tv station in the UK.

  83. The ABA8:45 PM

    Bwahahahahahahaha! Wow, an unqualified nominee? Noooooooo! I'm so glad we elected trump because he hires the best people!

  84. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Maybe they were looking for BBC...Brainless Black Chimps?

  85. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Why don't you BBC dudes check your mother's web browser and see if she knows who your daddy's are ?

  86. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Maybe they were looking for BBC...Brainless Black Chimps?
    Doubt it. We do know they don't search LWC. Well maybe a few do.

  87. The ABA9:21 PM

    If there is so much WhitePrivilege™ at Harvard, then why did Elizabeth Warren have to lie about being Native American and use affirmative action to get her Harvard gig?

    1. The American Bar Association9:25 PM

      I don't know, let's ask the last three judicial nominees who happened to be white males and wholely unqualified. White male Affirmative Action in living color.
      Just like the unqualified chump at 1600 Pennsylvania.!

    2. My cousin Vinnie9:27 PM

      White guys don't even have to be able to answer basic questions that a second year law student can answer to be nominated to the federal bench.

  88. Can we hang him yet?9:30 PM

    It has been revealed how the Obama Admin deliberately undercut efforts to bring down a billion-dollar drug cartel linked to Hezbollah to help push the Iran deal.

    1. The hangman's noose only fits trump10:12 PM

      Oh yeah? Where has that been revealed?Out of the crack of your ass?

  89. Anonymous9:53 PM

    That not one Democrat voted to cut your taxes today is indicative of the sad, ideologically bankrupt, group of failures they’ve become.

  90. The GOP10:11 PM

    That Republicans voted to saddle their kids with a trillion dollars of debt is indicative of the greedy, selfish, hypocritical gang of losers they have become.

  91. Resist!11:23 PM

    Republicans are stealing from the government to give to the middle class!

  92. Republicans are kinda dumb11:27 PM

    Republicans are stealing from the government to give to the middle class!
    Because to Republicans anyone who makes over 20 million a year but less than a billion is middle class.

  93. Robert Mueller11:29 PM

    Jared Kushner is going to jail. Hope they bought him some soap on a rope.
