Friday, February 09, 2018

Another black eye for the White House.

Image result for porter black eye imagesApparently Donald trump and the rest of the members of his white male boys club in the White House didn't get the memo that it's 2018.

The other part of that memo says that you just can't go around assaulting and dehumanizing women like you did in the past.

Today, in a stunning statement, Donald trump took the side of an alleged wife beater over his ("alleged") victims.

"President Donald Trump on Friday called the departure of his former staff secretary Rob Porter following allegations of domestic abuse "very sad" and said he wishes Porter "well."

The President, in his first public comments since Porter's resignation on Wednesday, did not express any sympathy for the women Porter allegedly abused -- instead pointing to Porter's claim that "he's innocent."

"I found out about it recently and I was surprised by it," Trump said. "We certainly wish him well. It's obviously a very tough time for him. He did a very good job while he was in the White House."
"We hope that he will have a wonderful career," Trump added.
    Trump said "it was very sad when we heard about it."

    Trump focused on Porter's denial of the allegations that he struck his two-ex-wives while they were married.

    "He says he's innocent, and I think you have to remember that," Trump said. "He said very strongly yesterday that he's innocent, but you'll have to talk to him about that." [Source]

    "You wish him well" What about the poor women who he ("allegedly") went all Mike Tyson on? 
    My lord! trump will do anything to protect and defend white men doing bad things. ("There are bad people on both sides.")

    Remember the Central Park Five? trump still thinks that they are guilty, even though they have been found innocent and vindicated by our judicial system. But he will never hope that they have a "wonderful career". In fact, if it were up to him, they would all be dead.   

    But trump has a history of defending certain types of men who abuse women. Maybe it's because he has admitted to being an abuser himself and thus can totally relate to them.  

    Anyway, now comes the fun part. The White House will try to convince the American people that they were not aware of this man's past, and that they are "shocked" to hear of these allegations of domestic abuse against him. 

    Of course we know now that the man charged with overseeing Mr. Porter's hire is no better than trump. Chief of Staff John Kelly has had his issues believing women who have had these types of sad encounters with men in the past. Frankly, though, his word is not worth much anymore. He has been proven to be a racist and a liar. 

    This will be a tough sell to all but trump's minions. Rob Porter couldn't pass an FBI background check because of these allegations and the FBI made the trump boys club aware of this months ago. And yet, he continued to thrive with team trump. He was even dating another member of team trump with trump's blessing.   

    "Jennifer Willoughby, an ex-wife of former White House staff secretary Rob Porter, told NBC News on Friday that "shame" once kept her from coming forward with allegations of spousal abuse.
    But telling her story in recent days has been "really cathartic," she said.

    "I think anybody who has been in a toxic or abusive relationship recognizes that, [to] some degree, you feel as though it's your fault and you carry that shame with you," Willoughby told Savannah Guthrie on NBC's "

    No need to be ashamed Ms. Willoughby, you are the victim here, not Mr. Porter.

    Although if you listened to the president today, you would think it's the other way around.  

    *Pic from  the




    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      The word racist holds no power anymore, it's overuse for decades has rendered it moot.

    2. Lance Cockstrong9:38 PM

      All these white boys are compensating for their micro dicks by taking out their anger and bitterness on innocent women.

    3. A Drumpf speechwriter was given the boot as well for violence issues.

      Might as well kick 'em while they are down. Another Utah wingnut lege resigned after people learned the state paid for his motel trysts with a woman not married to him. I believe he used a state paid for phone to arrange his dalliances, as well. Why not go Dutch and save your ass?

    4. Anonymous9:53 PM

      Uranium One!!

    5. Fact Jack10:09 PM

      "Remember the Central Park Five? trump still thinks that they are guilty, even though they have been found to innocent and vindicated by our judicial system."


      They all admitted in taking part in the violent beatings and the rape, but were exonerated because their semen was not identified in the DNA analysis. They just punched and kicked the woman and held her down while she was being raped, so they're cool, right Field?

    6. Clarence Darrow10:11 PM

      Do they teach the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" in Jamaican law schools?

    7. Juanita Broaddrick10:14 PM

      Bill Clinton is a rapist.

    8. Hey anon,


      On other blogs, I have noticed a very disturbing trend amongst the He-man Woman-haters Club to discount the veracity of rape and abuse victims showing the courage to confront or accuse their attackers. This has mostly been about attacking the #metoo movement. Today I heard a woman's advocate on the radio explaining how she always takes the word of the female victim at face value. This was for three reasons. Number one, it is very affirming for the victim to be believed when she first has the courage to tell her story. Imagine the pain of being doubted or dismissed. Second, the woman was an advocate of victims. Thirdly, incidence of false claims of abuse against women are extremely rare.

      Maybe Trump could pull his head out of his ass and tune in NPR one of these days. Sure would be a better president if he did.

    9. They all admitted in taking part in the violent beatings and the rape, but were exonerated because their semen was not identified in the DNA analysis. They just punched and kicked the woman and held her down while she was being raped, so they're cool, right Field?

      They admitted under duress, which I suppose helps explain why the city was found guilty and paid a huge sum of money to the 5 victims. And the actual perp, who was none of the 5, confessed and his DNA matched.

    10. Anonymous10:22 PM

      A guy that worked for Trump punched his wife. This was unconfirmed until Jennifer Willoughby came forward last week, at which point he was fired. A second guy was charged with abuse by an ex-wife, which he denies, but he is gone as well.

      Hillary Clinton sold 20% of American uranium reserves to Russia to line her own pockets. She kept classified information on an unsecured private server, lied about it, and destroyed evidence to cover her crimes. She also protected a staffer who was accused of sexual harassment, and did not fire him. Yet you wanted her to be President.

    11. 8 years of Barack with no indictments and no firings because of domestic abuse but with trump this is a weekly reality show. Elect a clown expect a circus.😖

    12. There is nothing wrong with a man disciplining his wife. Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property. The good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded.

      And as to those on whose part you fear desertion, the husband must admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them. Then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them. Surely Allah is High, Great.

    13. Anonymous10:36 PM

      PilotX said...
      8 years of Barack with no indictments and no firings

      Eric Holder was the first attorney general in US history to be held in contempt of congress.

    14. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Uranium One!!

    15. Missing nipples10:42 PM

      When an accused sex abuser in the WH, abusers among his staff is a given.

      And my tiny nipples went to France.


    16. Half Naked FLOTUS with no ass10:43 PM

      I’m staying married to prevent ICE from showing up at the WH.

    17. "Eric Holder was the first attorney general in US history to be held in contempt of congress."

      And how did that turn out? No charges. No prison time. No loss of law licenses. Not even close to having four staff members indicted and many more fired or forced to resign. Apples and oranges.

    18. Have y’all seen how the whooteemoos have defaced the Black Panther posters with watermelon and the n word?

      I sencerky hope y’all ain’t mad, this is Cheeto America these days and VERY expected.

    19. PilotX said...
      8 years of Barack with no indictments and no firings


      The Obama administration was the most corrupt in American history.

      From the NYT today:

      After months of secret negotiations, a shadowy Russian bilked American spies out of $100,000 last year, promising to deliver stolen National Security Agency cyberweapons in a deal that he insisted would also include compromising material on President Trump, according to American and European intelligence officials.

      The cash, delivered in a suitcase to a Berlin hotel room in September, was intended as the first installment of a $1 million payout, according to American officials, the Russian and communications reviewed by The New York Times. The theft of the secret hacking tools had been devastating to the N.S.A., and the agency was struggling to get a full inventory of what was missing.

      Several American intelligence officials said they made clear that they did not want the Trump material from the Russian -- who was suspected of having murky ties to Russian intelligence and to Eastern European cybercriminals. He claimed the information would link the president and his associates to Russia.

      But instead of providing the hacking tools, the Russian produced unverified and possibly fabricated information involving Mr. Trump and others, including bank records, emails and purported Russian intelligence data.

      The United States intelligence officials said they cut off the deal because they were wary of being entangled in a Russian operation to create discord inside the American government. They were also fearful of political fallout in Washington if they were seen to be buying scurrilous information on the president.

      from The Hill yesterday:

      Informant: Russia Routed Millions of Dollars to Bill and Hillary Clinton as Part of Uranium One Swindle
      An FBI informant connected to the Uranium One controversy told three congressional committees in a written statement that Moscow routed millions of dollars to America with the expectation it would be used to benefit Bill Clinton's charitable efforts while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quarterbacked a "reset" in U.S.-Russian relations.

      The informant, Douglas Campbell, said in the statement obtained by The Hill that he was told by Russian nuclear executives that Moscow had hired the American lobbying firm APCO Worldwide specifically because it was in position to influence the Obama administration, and more specifically Hillary Clinton.

      Campbell added in the testimony that Russian nuclear officials "told me at various times that they expected APCO to apply a portion of the $3 million annual lobbying fee it was receiving from the Russians to provide in-kind support for the Clintons' Global Initiative."

    20. Anonymous10:47 PM

      When is Yisheng moving to Wakanda?

    21. Lance Cockstrong10:50 PM

      Here's what is clear right now, the bottom line on what we've learned this week and the one thing worth remembering: The Obama administration spied on a rival political campaign. There had better be a legitimate reason for that. Increasingly it looks like there wasn't.


    23. Anonymous11:08 PM

      Michelle Obama is Bath-House Barr's beard.

    24. To be the most corrupt administration it sure doesn't seem like it. Zero indictments over 8 years. History shows it was the least corrupt. Now you say just wait how long do we have to wait? If in a year from now there are still no indictments can we agree Barack was clean? I mean for real, the GOP is in charge of both houses of congress and no major indictments? That's pretty clean man because they HATED him and went after his administration tooth and nail and still came up empty.

    25. I can pass with the whooteemoo news this month, bruh!👎🏽

    26. The Tooth11:16 PM

      Obama and Trump are both shit presidents.

    27. Huh? After 8 years all you have on Barack is a vague NYT article about spys paying for info and a hit piece on the Clintons? Really? Give up.

    28. Anonymous11:19 PM

      PilotX said...
      "Getting away with a crime means you are innocent"

      Whatever you say, man.

    29. Above your head11:21 PM

      PilotX said...
      Huh? After 8 years all you have on Barack is a vague NYT article about spys paying for info and a hit piece on the Clintons?


      Obama used the FBI and CIA to spy on the opposition candidate in an attempt to sway the election. People will be going to jail for this.

    30. Yīshēng said...
      I can pass with the whooteemoo news this month, bruh

      You can pass a watermelon out your pussy.

    31. PilotX said...
      "Getting away with a crime means you are innocent"

      I said that? When?

    32. "Obama used the FBI and CIA to spy on the opposition candidate in an attempt to sway the election. People will be going to jail for this."

      The FBI and CIA were montitoring communications between hostile foreign powers and American citizens. Happens all the time but it's rare when presidential candidates are the central focus. It would bother me if trump didn't 1. refuse to release his tax returns, 2. have extensive relations with Russia including possible money laundering 3. appoint Rex Tillerson as SoS 4. have four admiiistration officials indicted for working with said foreign power. If anyone is going to jail it'll be trump officials.

      1. Not to mention said foreign power was trying to tamper with our elections.


      A link to the story about Russia attemting to hack state voting machines yet trump refuses to enact sanctions and has said nothing about this. There's a reason Mueller is investigating this guy.

    34. Rachel Maddcow11:54 PM

      The Russians tried to hack PilotX's HBO Go account so they could pirate copies of Big Momma's House 2.

    35. Mighty white of you.

    36. Vladimir Putin12:37 AM

      The Russians tried to hack the GOP database so they could access pedophilia videos.

    37. Where I come from, if you hit a woman, you get your ass kicked.

      -Doug in Oakland

    38. Where I come from, if your name is Doug, you get your ass kicked.

    39. Two trump officials resign in one day for domestic abuse. MAGA ya'll😖

    40. Start the countdown clock. How long until John Kelly resigns? I say a week.

    41. That's the difference between now and the last administration. Trump holds people to account.

    42. Everybody funny. Now PilotX funny too.

    43. Center of your tootsie pop1:24 AM

      Anonymous Beau Jocque said...
      Where I come from, if your name is Doug, you get your ass licked.

    44. Ass licking po-po patrol1:26 AM

      ^^^^ You nasty mutha.......

    45. You gonna burn in hell Doug.

    46. Hygiene, por favor1:31 AM

      Anonymous Center of your tootsie pop said...
      Anonymous Beau Jocque said...
      Where I come from, if your name is Doug, you get your ass licked.

      I bet you don’t make your customers take an enema first.


    47. WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In comments to reporters at the White House on Friday, Donald J. Trump stirred controversy by lavishing an alleged wife beater with praise that he historically has reserved for child molesters and Nazis.

      -Doug in Oakland

    48. The Future: a liberaltarian dystopia where it’s legal for billionaires to throw people they don’t like out of helicopters, but only if they employ genderqueer of color PR professionals to explain why Intersectionality proves the dead guys had it coming.

      I hope Doug lives long enough to get thrown out of a helicopter.

    49. Hillary Clinton sold 20% of American uranium reserves to Russia to line her own pockets. She kept classified information on an unsecured private server, lied about it, and destroyed evidence to cover her crimes.

      Better HRC than a bald face pathological liar like you, Anymoose. Prove HRC sold anything to anyone for donations.

      Prove the intel on her server was classified before it ever became a nothingburger for desperate wasicu wasteys.

    50. Eric Holder was the first attorney general in US history to be held in contempt of congress.

      That is neither a crime nor an indictment. Matter of fact, coming from the incompetent stoopid fucking wingnut congress it is a badge of honor.

      You have no evidence HRC did anything wrong with William jefferson Clinton foundation yet you keep repeating the same disproven lies over and over. So fuck you and the stoopid fucking wingnut whores you rode in on.

    51. Drumpf repeatedly raped a minor. Then he went on to rape coal miners.

    52. Anonymous9:58 AM


    53. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Vladimir Putin said...
      The Russians tried to hack the GOP database so they could access pedophilia videos.
      12:37 AM

      Nope,that is Hollywood

    54. All stoopid fucking wingnuts beat women and newborn babies. And then they lie about it when they brag.

    55. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Bill Maher Defends Pedophilia Teacher That Raped 12 Year Old Student:

    56. Maher was filmed in 98. Drumpf kicked a puppy tomorrow.

    57. Anonymous12:30 PM

      That's the difference between now and the last administration. Trump holds people to account.
      trump hires abusers. Yeah, great plan.

    58. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Bill Maher Defends Pedophilia Teacher That Raped 12 Year Old Student:
      President trump defends Roy Moore child molestor for senate.

    59. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Nope,that is Hollywood
      Nope, still the GOP (grand old pedophiles)

    60. Anonymous12:59 PM

      White men beat the shit out of their women and treat them like crap behind closed doors.
      Than they pretend to be POSTER BOYS as great husbands... They're bull shitters.

      White men love to judge the way other cultures treat their women and children but they are just as bad or WORSE.
      Hypocrites.... Hypocrites...Hypocrites.
      ..and since his minions worship him and copy what he does...get ready for some more ass whipping.

      White women unite. Stand up against your racist, sexist men. Make this country great again!
      Vote Trump out of office. He has no respect for you at all.


    61. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Just white boys showing their true colors.

      ABC executives paying Matt Lauer 20 million a year to be a total FUCK UP and sexual predator.

      And only giving Hoda Kotb (a black woman from Egypt which is a country in the continent of AFRICA) one forth of what they were paying Matt Lauer . She gets $5 million and they were paying Matt $20 million.
      Hoda Kotb is a true journalist and reporter with more experience than both "Fuck Up Lauer" and her co-anchor Guthrie.

      Every women in America (black, white, yellow green and purple) should have protested and boycotted ABC until they paid Hoda Kotb the same 20 million dollars that Fuck Up Matt Lauer was making.

      Women unite! You don't need to keep making your money by lying on your back....Stop letting white men take your power from you due to their insecurities and the need to control everyone.

    62. Anonymous1:21 PM

      It always amazes me how these men make excuses for their bad behavior and pretend that they can't control their animal instincts and expect to get a "free pass" for their behavior but then want to call everyone else UNCIVILIZED and expect people to buy into this nonsense.

      And these animals always want to "blame their victims" which is also bullshit.

      You can't have it both ways.
      Either you're going to be a civilized adult with self control or you're going to be a juvenile animal.
      The choice is yours...but don't expect decent people to accept your bullshit.

    63. Nothing but clowns and fuckboys2:19 PM

      Either you're going to be a civilized adult with self control or you're going to be a juvenile animal.
      They've shown themselves to be the latter by electing a clown to the presidency. Do you not read the comments here?

    64. WikiLeaks2:54 PM

      Did Hillary Clinton mishandle classified info? Yes.

      Did Hillary Clinton obstruct Justice? Yes.

      Did Hillary Clinton take bribes? Yes.

      Did Hillary Clinton make up the Russian hoax and provide info to Steele for fake dossier? Yes.

      Should Hillary Clinton be in prison? Yes.

    65. Yisheng wishes she looked like Melania Trump.

      She turns her self-hatred outward at the object of her envy.


    66. Why is nobody surprised that Republicans support men beating women? Perhaps because Republicans are terrified little chumps who can't deal with real, live, women who think for themselves and make their own way through the world.

      "Nope, still the GOP (grand old pedophiles)"

      Gross old pedophiles, get it right.

      -Doug in Oakland

      1. And in other news Doug, water is wet.

    67. Countdown to Black Panther!!!

      And that Black Panther soundtrack is pure FIRE!!!

    68. dinthebeast said...
      Why is nobody surprised that Republicans support men beating women?

      We support beating Doug.

    69. We support Republican men beating Doug.

    70. Bill Clinton is a rapist who bites3:28 PM

      I first pushed him away and just told him “No, please don’t do that,” and I forget, it’s been 21 years, Lisa, and I forget exactly what he was saying. It seems like he was making statements that would relate to “Did you not know why I was coming up here?” and I told him at the time, I said, “I’m married, and I have other things going on in my life, and this is something that I’m not interested in. . . . Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip [she cries]. Just a minute . . . He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. [crying] And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him “No,” that I didn’t want this to happen [crying] but he wouldn’t listen to me. After the assault, “He walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses,” Broaddrick said. “And before he goes out the door he says, ‘You better get some ice on that.’” And then he left.

      In 1998, after previously denying any such rumors, actress Elizabeth Gracen admitted to having a one-night stand with Bill Clinton in 1982. She claimed that, during rough sexual intercourse, Clinton bit her lip.

    71. Why most liberals can also kiss my black ass!!👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽

    72. 2:19 PM
      WikiLeaks said...derp bullshit.

      Did Hillary Clinton mishandle classified info? Yes.

      Did Hillary Clinton obstruct Justice? Yes.

      Did Hillary Clinton take bribes? Yes.

      Did Hillary Clinton make up the Russian hoax and provide info to Steele for fake dossier? Yes.
      2:19 PM
      WikiLeaks said...

      Did Hillary Clinton mishandle classified info? Yes.

      Did Hillary Clinton obstruct Justice? Yes.

      Did Hillary Clinton take bribes? Yes.

      Did Hillary Clinton make up the Russian hoax and provide info to Steele for fake dossier? Yes.

      Should Hillary Clinton be in prison? Yes.

      Now all you have to do is show some actual proof that doesn't exist because it is not true, SFW.

    73. Yīshēng said...
      Why most liberals can also kiss my black ass!!������������

      You notice the more ghetto the person the more emojis they use? It's because they're illiterate.

    74. Robert Mueller5:07 PM

      Did trump get bailed out of his financial problems by Russians? Yes.

      Did trump launder money for Russian mobsters? Yes.

      Did trump screw his workers and contractors? Yes.

      Did trump admit to watching young girls change clothes at his beauty pageants? Yes

      Did trump appoint a personal friend of Putin's as SoS? Yes.

      Did trump refuse to enact sanctions against Russia? Yes.

      Should trump be in prison? Absolutely!

    75. Anonymous5:09 PM

      You notice the more hillbilly heroin a person does the more hillbillish they are?

    76. PilotX said...
      To be the most corrupt administration it sure doesn't seem like it. Zero indictments over 8 years

      That tends to happen when you politicize and appoint political hacks to head every agency in our government and have them willing to lie and cover-up for you...

    77. "The other part of that memo says that you just can't go around assaulting and dehumanizing women like you did in the past."

      Gee field, shouldn't you be spreading that message in the fields before you talk about what goes on in the house?

      Racial and Ethnic Differences in Homicides of Adult Women and the Role of Intimate Partner Violence — United States, 2003–2014

      Dancing With the Devils We Know: What the CDC’s New ‘Intimate Partner Violence’ Report Tells Us About the Value of Black Women

    78. Pimp Hand6:00 PM

      Wow, black men are horrible abusers.

      But if black women are anything like Yisheng, can you blame them?

    79. Puny Penis Patrol6:46 PM

      Wow, White men politicians are frequent abusers.

      But if women are anything like me, their tiny penis' will lost.

    80. In a sworn affidavit on Dec 23, 1998, Juanita Broaddrick denied an “unsubstantiated, hearsay claim” made by the Paula Jones’ legal team that Bill Clinton had invited her (as Jane Doe #5) to a hotel room and forced her to have sex.

      Under oath, Broaddrick said the rumors were “untrue”. Here are the relevant sections of her affidavit, per the Washington Post (my bold):

      3. I met President Clinton more than twenty years ago through family friends. Our introduction was not arranged or facilitated, in any way, by the Arkansas State Police. I have never been an Arkansas state employee or a federal employee. I have never discussed with Mr. Clinton the possibility of state or federal employment nor has he offered me any such position. I have had no further relations with him for the past (15) years.

      4. During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family’s privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family.

      Shit- shot the false rape allegation rumor to shit, again.

    81. "That tends to happen when you politicize and appoint political hacks to head every agency in our government and have them willing to lie and cover-up for you..."

      You are referring to trump right?

    82. I guess it doesn't bother stoopid fucking wingnuts to know the Benghazi hearings were only called to damage HRC's chances to become Potus. Wingnuts have weaponized congress ever since Bill Clinton was Potus and used their investigative powers to dig dirt on Dems and now Drumpfuck whines dang Dems are trying to damage his administration. Payback is a bitch.

    83. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Trump raped and abused his wife

      1. Golden showers bring Russian flowers9:18 PM

        And Russian Prostitutes too.

    84. mp tweeted Saturday that the Democrats deliberately sent a "very political and long response memo" which they knew would have to be heavily redacted, so they could blame the White House for lack of transparency.
      "Told them to re-do and send back in proper form!" he wrote.

      Had the Schiff memo been blank, the pathological lying Drumpfuck would not have released it w/o redactions. He is playing fast and loose with the truth and he is going to pay for it and so will treasonous wingnuts who abet him.

    85. Drumpf's America First used to be a Klan slogan. Now I wonder which Fred Drumpf Drumpfuck got that idea from? Prolly the former Klan daddy.

    86. Maame Biney on to the next round! USA! USA!

    87. Anonymous9:09 PM

      PilotX pulls for black athletes exclusively.

      How cute.


      This would make a good movie.

    89. PilotX pulls for black athletes exclusively.

    90. The DNC9:37 PM

      We need immigrants to pick the cotton.

    91. Wanda Wakanda9:41 PM

      Black Panther was created by two Jewish guys and is owned by Jewish companies Disney and Marvel.

      Just sayin'.

    92. Anonymous9:53 PM

      Pink panther will always be better than black panther end of story.


      1. White supremacists running for office.

    94. GOP=kkk10:07 PM

      Duke isn’t running for office in 2018, but he’s encouraged by what he sees as a growing number of Republican congressional candidates who appear sympathetic to white supremacist causes or who are openly white supremacists themselves.

    95. Anonymous8:38 AM

      If you clowns, especially Feeled, didn't believe in white supremacy you wouldn't be moving to or staying in white countries.  You'd be scrambling to get away from the "racists" just like the sub-saharans are scrambling to get into Europe.

      How many of you have the courage to actually go live in a black country?  A few thousand have gone to Ghana.  Nobody here posts from Ghana.

      How many of you have the honesty to admit that if you actually built America as some of you claim, that all of Africa should be a wonderland?  Haiti too?  Not one of you here.

      Your revealed preferences prove that even you believe white people and white societies are superior.  If you didn't you wouldn't be here.

    96. JUST IN: Trump campaign chair in KY pleads guilty to sex trafficking of minors: 21 counts against 19 victims, to get 20 yrs in prison, “felony trafficking of a minor, felony inducing a minor to engage in sex, and a third count of giving alcohol to a minor” …

      Barely a year for each victim. What did the Olympic team doc get? Would a black man receive the death penalty? Can you say white privilege for wasicu wasteys? I can.


      Kris Kobach is running for Kansas guv and he sits on a board for a veteran's charity. 94% of the money raised goes to the board members. While he spouts stoopid fucking wingnut bullshit about how we must help veterans. Wasicu wastey personified.

    98. 56-year-old white man born in East St. Louis2:27 PM

      The white people who post ignorant, hateful things here are embarrassments to my race. Even when you have a legitimate point, it’s lost in the hatred.


      Wasicu wastey kills Mom, Dad, Girlfriend and her Mother and himself.

      Drumpf lover he was.

    100. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Nothing says loony bin like meaningless made-up words.

    101. Anonymous Anonymous said...

      Nothing says loony bin like meaningless made-up words.

      Maybe you ought to stop, then?

    102. Anonymous9:15 PM

      > Maybe you ought to stop, then?

      Which word in "Nothing says loony bin like meaningless made-up words." is not in Webster's?

      What dictionary does "wasicu" appear in?  What is it supposed to mean?

    103. Anonymous10:55 PM

      Does anyone intelligent, articulate or literate read this blog?

      Some of the nonsense that is written, the spelling, the grammar, and the punctuation shows the quality of education that is being given to the people in this country is substandard.

      It's no wonder that black Americans children in urban schools remain 2 years behind their current grade level. And it's no wonder why white Americans have to pay for their grades.
      And it's no wonder why America has to go to Asia for their scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.

      The dumbing of America really shows itself in some of the people on this blog.

      FYI: there, their, and they're (learn which is which and how to use them correctly in a sentence).

      FYI: your, and you're (learn which is which and how to use them correctly in a sentence).

      FYI: Periods and question marks (usually) go inside of quotation marks.

      FYI: The word is "mine" not "mineS" (400 years in America and black folks still speak like they just got off of a slave ship).

    104. teh stupid12:02 AM

      FYI: The word is "mine" not "mineS" (400 years in America and black folks still speak like they just got off of a slave ship).
      Because white southern venacular is soooooo articulate. Fuck off ya fake ass genius. I guess brainiac misses the irony of his dumbass posting after commenting about non-intelligent people posting here.

    105. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Fuck the gooks and chinks!

    106. It really is sad. Guys have to beat women. Pitiful.

      Though she's probably lucky it was a white guy.

      A black guy woulda raped, murdered, beheaded and burned her, and it wouldn't have even made the news. LOL
