Sunday, February 11, 2018

"As American as apple pie."

Image result for trump racist imagesThe following article was written back in September. But since it's Black History Month and trump is still president, I thought that I would post it here again.

"I’ve been in mourning since the election. My America is gone. Racists and “alt-right” fascists have seized control of my country. And the villain, the fiend, who made this happen was Donald J. Trump, along with various helpers, most notably the cowardly Republican establishment and the Russians.
Well, I’m done with that stage of mourning. I still despise Trump but I no longer think he is responsible for this catastrophe. No, the catastrophe began a long, long time ago, even before independence from Great Britain when we built our state on the backs of the enslaved and the extermination of the native peoples who lived here.

I know this is no startling revelation. So-called “revisionist” historians have been proving this for decades. But I’ve remained a patriot anyway, viewing the hundreds of years of evil as anomalies while exceptional moments and personalities like Lincoln, the Civil War, the New Deal, the Great Society and Obama represented who we really are.
How naive! Didn’t I get it?

What did I think when, in my own lifetime, the solid Democratic south switched to the GOP virtually in unison when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Didn’t I get it when four presidents, starting with Dwight Eisenhower, led the country into a horrific war to prevent the Vietnamese people from choosing the government it wanted, or when George W. Bush invaded Iraq, without provocation, shattering the fragile Middle East, displacing millions of people and giving sustenance to some of the worst terrorists the world has ever seen?

Didn’t I get it when, successive Republican presidents and enthusiastic Members of Congress of both parties, rewrote the tax code to intentionally reverse the trend toward growing economic equality that began when FDR enacted the New Deal. And how about our immigration policy, all “Statue of Liberty” when we needed cheap labor, but coldly vicious — like now and during the Holocaust — when we preferred to allow millions to die rather than let them find asylum here.

Exactly when did the phrase “America is the greatest country in the world” mean anything more than “the greatest country I happen to live in?”

Yes, the “Greatest Generation” that fought World War II was great but we didn’t get in until Hawaii was attacked. FDR, who knew about all the Nazi atrocities, dared not even suggest that we help save Europe, including Britain, until we were directly attacked. As for helping the Jews, the American people was overwhelmingly against it and FDR, fearing electoral defeat if he tried to help, never even mentioned them. (A 1939 Gallup poll found that by a margin of 61 percent - 30 percent, Americans opposed allowing 10,000 European Jewish children to come here to escape near certain deaths in the concentration camps).

We can’t blame Trump for all that and certainly not for the racism, the Jim Crow, the lynchings, the police brutality, the sheer unending hate that African Americans have experienced from the very beginning.

All we can blame him for is for understanding this country better than we do and untapping the forces of hatred that were there all along. It’s as if there was some giant Hoover Dam behind which the real America was being held back until Trump figured out the secret to tearing it down. His innovation was to run a racist campaign not with dog whistles (the kind you get from the Gingriches, Huckabees, Cruz’s, etc) but to shout his hatred so loud and clear so that even the dimmest racist got the message: I hate them as much as you do. And, hearing that, they came out in astonishing numbers to vote their hate: against African-Americans, Muslims, gays, liberated women, and immigrants.

We may call Trump dumb but he figured out this country while we never did, understanding as the black militant H. Rap Brown put it 50 years ago, when he said that “racism is as American as apple pie.” And 46 percent of Americans voted for him, not in spite of that racism but because of it.
The bottom line is that the United States was never the America of our dreams. It has always been a cold, hard place and Trump is, in his own way, an appropriate American leader. We need to understand that.

But that does not mean that we shouldn’t resist. On the contrary, we must resist because we live here, our children live here, and the people under attack are either us or our neighbors. But we need to resist without illusions.

Those people we despise, including Trump, can make at least as strong a claim to representing the real America as we can. Obama was wrong when he said that we are not two countries, one blue and one red. Because, in fact, we are. Our job is to make sure that our country prevails." [Source]

*Pic from



  1. Is that convicted murderer H. Rap Brown being quoted?

    Talk about violence and hatred..You on the left are insanely dangerous...

    1. Why don't you go back to GAB and play with your friends.

  2. stillaPanther29:28 PM

    Let the norm prevail.

  3. A serious wrong was done in the creating of this Country. And you don't have to be a Hindu to understand that until it makes amends with itself, Karma will ultimately have the last say.

    That was a great article!

  4. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Get over it...

  5. Only the best live in Wakanda9:59 PM

    There are NO whooteemoos in Wakanda!!


  6. Anonymous10:08 PM

    and there is not one Negro who created the technology for the film to exist. 80 IQ constant whining parasites truly need to go back to the land of Yakub and quit fucking up America. And no....cotton picking did not "Build" the country. You all are a bullshit race with a bullshit fake history and bullshit 24/7 complaints. Wakanda my ass, if you were there you'd kill each other over tennis shoes.

  7. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Field .......How many of you Black Kings and Queens volunteered to intervene in the Hutu and Tutsi massacre? or, are any of you all going to go take on Boko Haram? How about if you stay home and give a shit about the thousands of Blacks killed by Blacks in America. Cherry picking events in US history to suit your narrative of hate America at all costs is bullshit.

  8. Don't let the door hit you in the ass10:25 PM

    "I’ve been in mourning since the election. My America is gone.

    Time to go back to Jamaica.

  9. George Soros10:27 PM

    A 1939 Gallup poll found that by a margin of 61 percent - 30 percent, Americans opposed allowing 10,000 European Jewish children to come here to escape near certain deaths in the concentration camps

    History has proven them right, wouldn't you say?

  10. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Field Negro: "we built our state on the backs of the enslaved"

    The Dreamers built America.

  11. Out the House10:41 PM

    Wow Field, congratulations for penning a piece composed completely of false history, misconceptions, and logical fallacies.

    Remember: If you're hearing dog whistles, you're the dog.

  12. Apple Pie10:47 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    A serious wrong was done in the creating of this Country

    You can make it right by moving to Wakanda.

  13. Anyone wanna bet the Nazibillies pull an Oklahoma or Vegas this weekend?

  14. And how man of them have a Russian bot in their back/ass?


  15. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I feel TERRIBLE for Shani Davis. He lost the coin toss because he was black. Racist acts are on the rise since Trump's election.

  16. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Does anyone intelligent, articulate or literate read this blog?

    Some of the nonsense that is written, the spelling, the grammar, and the punctuation shows the quality of education that is being given to the people in this country is substandard.

    It's no wonder why black American children in urban schools remain 2 years behind their current grade level. It's no wonder why white Americans have to pay for their grades.
    It's no wonder why America has to go to Asia for their scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.

    The dumbing of America really shows itself in some of the people on this blog.

    FYI: there, their, and they're (learn which is which and how to use them correctly in a sentence).

    FYI: your, and you're (learn which is which and how to use them correctly in a sentence).

    FYI: Periods and question marks (usually) go inside of quotation marks.

    FYI: The word is "mine" not "mineS" (400 years in America and black folks still speak like they just got off of a slave ship).

  17. "It's no wonder why black American children in urban schools remain 2 years behind their current grade level."

    Yīshēng is 40 years behind!


  18. 3 days to Black Panther!!

    Yes, yes, YES!!

  19. 13 Black Athletes in the 2018 Winter Olympics!!

  20. And in other “Nazibillies ain’t shit even in the Olympics” news, why is a 2 time gold medalist like Shani Davis competing with a BRONZE medalist to carry the flag during opening ceremonies?

    Oh yeah, ‘cause the BRONZE mentalist is White!

  21. And the Chicago tribune agrees!

  22. Team Shani Davis!!👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿

  23. "Our job is to make sure that our country prevails."

    It will.

    "And, hearing that, they came out in astonishing numbers to vote their hate: against African-Americans, Muslims, gays, liberated women, and immigrants."

    ...And still lost the popular vote by nearly three million votes.
    As Langston Hughes so famously pointed out, America never has lived up to its own creed, but it must, and soon.
    There is no stopping the tide of history, and we all know where that is going, whether we admit it with our words or not.
    There would not be such violence and desperation in the language of the dead enders were they not, in fact, dead enders.

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. teh stupid12:57 AM

    Does anyone intelligent, articulate or literate read this blog?
    We know anon 10:59pm doesn't fall into this category. For someone who is so against this particular blog this dumbass seems to post here quite frequently. Irony is lost on stupid people.

  25. Kinky Anne Conway12:59 AM

    Is that convicted murderer H. Rap Brown being quoted?
    As long as racist assholes carry tiki torches and defend confederate statues I'll quote H. Rap Brown every damned day and twice on Sunday. The right was never sane.

  26. The Civil Rights Act was the beginning of the end for freedom of association in this country. It should be repealed.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hey Reigning Dickhead Prince of Irony at 10:59 P.M.,

    Let's have some fun red-penciling your grammar.

    Anonymous said...

    Does anyone intelligent, articulate or literate read this blog?

    Some of the nonsense that is written, the spelling, the grammar, and the punctuation shows the quality of education that is being given to the people in this country is substandard.

    In this sentence, the verb should be,"show," indicating more than one subject, i.e. nonsense, spelling, grammar and punctuation.

    It's no wonder why black American children in urban schools remain 2 years behind their current grade level. It's no wonder why white Americans have to pay for their grades.

    Explain, "pay for their grades." What, exactly does that mean?

    It's no wonder why America has to go to Asia for their scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.

    Actually, it's the Asians who come here. They come because we have the greatest universities in the world. I graduated from the University of California, you?

    The dumbing of America really shows itself in some of the people on this blog.

    Please take the time to choose your clichés properly. I believe the expression is, "dumbing down."

    FYI: there, their, and they're (learn which is which and how to use them correctly in a sentence).

    This is a nice sentence structure, buddy, for a kid in third grade barely earning a passing grade.

    FYI: your, and you're (learn which is which and how to use them correctly in a sentence).

    See your own rant. Learn how to use either quotation marks or italics.

    FYI: Periods and question marks (usually) go inside of quotation marks.

    If you want to get anal about it, here is the classical way to punctuate that sentence.

    "Periods and question marks, (usually,) go inside of quotation marks."

    FYI: The word is "mine" not "mineS" (400 years in America and black folks still speak like they just got off of a slave ship)

    Where are the periods for these two sentences? Commas?

    I know plenty of black people with better writing skills than yourself. Who needs bigots? Maybe you're on the wrong blog, pal. What do you have to contribute of value? Ever ask yourself that?

    Happy Black History Month, Field. From where I am standing, your are a part of Black History today.

  29. This folks, is where Flying Junior drops the microphone.

  30. Lance Cockstrong8:01 AM

    Ugly white boys with tiny dicks ruining black lives and black communities is also as American as apple pie.

  31. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Posters stealing the name of gay pornstars is also as American as apple pie.

    Right lance?

    1. Truth hurts9:02 AM

      And the reason you know that @8:23, is because you watch gay porn, right?

  32. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Black dog whistle "white boys with tiny dicks" equals a negro with a 70 IQ. Well done and happy negro history month.

  33. Anonymous9:07 AM

    "This folks, is where Flying Junior drops the microphone."

    Or "muh dik"

  34. Wasicu wastey trolls must get paid this month. Out in full force. I nominate Anymoose for "Cunt of the Month" and the rest of the whitey trolls get the "cuntlet of the month" prize. Pretty easy to tell they never had one stretched over there heads. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  35. Take this fucking racists- the first American woman ever to land a triple axel in Olympic competition is of Japanese descent (see non wasicu). Interesting fact of the three women Olympic skaters to have managed the triple axel all three are Japanese. Yippy, Japanese are far superior figure skaters than white privileged racists.

    Send whitey back to England where the first Britons were black. Kismet is gonna be a big bitch.

  36. Butt Hurts9:42 AM

    butt hurts @9:02 AM

  37. Mike posts like a racist.

    But then again, the people who post about racists the most are often the most racist....

    A FN who took a knee to protest police violence is arrested for domestic violence.

    Report: 49ers’ Reuben Foster arrested in domestic violence case

    Hypocrisy is nothing new to the fields...

  38. Speaking of hypocrisy Kinky Con- noticed a black guy gets arrested for domestic violence but privileged whites in the government don't. I guess that makes you more racist than me.

  39. After each new Trump travesty, my friends and family have taken to asking each other the same question: “Who the hell could still support this buffoon? How stupid would someone have to be to drink this particular Kool-aid?”

    A recent study conducted by Oxford University apparently answers that (not-so-rhetorical) question.

    Low-quality, extremist, sensationalist and conspiratorial news published in the US was overwhelmingly consumed and shared by rightwing social network users, according to a new study from the University of Oxford.

    The study, from the university’s “computational propaganda project”, looked at the most significant sources of “junk news” shared in the three months leading up to Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address this January, and tried to find out who was sharing them and why.

    “On Twitter, a network of Trump supporters consumes the largest volume of junk news, and junk news is the largest proportion of news links they share,” the researchers concluded. On Facebook, the skew was even greater. There, “extreme hard right pages – distinct from Republican pages – share more junk news than all the other audiences put together.”

    From Sheila Kennedy's blog today.

  40. Melanoma Drumpf has 5 Twitter feeds she follows. Two by the dumbfucker in the WH. One each by vice bogus potus and his wife and the 5th and best is Obama's. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Prison must be hell for that illegal immigrant woman.

  41. Yīshēng said...
    And the Chicago tribune agrees

    That absolutely everything, even the Winter Olympics has to be about black people.

  42. Speed skater Shani Davis did this after he lost a coin flip tiebreaker to luger Erin Hamlin for the right to carry the American flag at the Winter Olympic opening ceremonies:

    I am an American and when I won the 1000m in 2010 I became the first American to 2-peat in that event. @TeamUSA dishonorably tossed a coin to decide its 2018 flag bearer. No problem. I can wait until 2022. #BlackHistoryMonth2018

    A racist coin toss, because he lost to a woman.

    The Negro mind is a terrible waste of a thing.

  43. Anonymous10:23 AM

    > It's no wonder why black American children in urban schools remain 2 years behind their current grade level.

    Four years.  The average black 12th grader reads and calculates at about the level of the average white 8th grader.  One year of progress is about 10 points on the NAEP scale.  In 2015, black 8th graders averaged 36 points behind whites:

    Blacks have the lowest NAEP performance of any racial group, with hispanics next-to-last.

    > "And, hearing that, they came out in astonishing numbers to vote their hate: against African-Americans, Muslims, gays, liberated women, and immigrants."

    > ...And still lost the popular vote by nearly three million votes.

    A lot more than 3 million votes were cast by illegals and fraudsters.  The Alabama special election was thrown by ringers voting on student ID cards printed by "resist" organizations.

    > I graduated from the University of California

    That would be a solid endorsement, except... affirmative-action grading.

    > This folks, is where Flying Junior drops the microphone.

    He turned what was a clear and concise indictment of the average commenter into a tangled mish-mash.  But, like a bear riding a tricycle, we're all supposed to be impressed because it was done by someone of African descent.

  44. Blacks have the lowest NAEP performance of any racial group, with hispanics next-to-last.

    Blacks have the highest % of kids living in poverty with Hispanics in second place. Any wonder why they haven't caught up with whitey?

  45. For your entertainment pleasure- James O'keefe is over at Daily Caller whining about how he gets sued for his video journalism even if it is truthful by his non-existent standards. He whines as badly and as bigly as the stoopid fucking wingnut in the WH.

  46. mike from iowa said...
    Blacks have the lowest NAEP performance of any racial group, with hispanics next-to-last.

    Blacks have the highest % of kids living in poverty with Hispanics in second place

    These thing are correlated, but not in the way you imply, numbnut.

    Being born rich is of course a huge advantage, but it does not make you smart.

    In general, lower IQ causes poverty; poverty does not cause low IQ.

    The poorest white kids score as well the richest black kids on the SAT:

  47. Then it has to be white privilege that makes wasicus so smart, right? Maybe the teachers in all white schools are biased.

  48. Black brilliance can NEVER be duplicated by Wasian Nazibillies!👊🏾

  49. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Something has to exist before it can be duplicated you twit.

  50. Anonymous12:26 PM

    "Maybe the teachers in all white schools are biased."

    Teachers unions are some of the most left-wing associations in America, and are also some of the biggest donors to the Democratic party.

    The primary initiative in American schools for the past couple of decades has been the reduction of the "Achievement Gap" between black and white students. No longer is providing each child with the best possible education seen as the mission, rather is has been to achieve equal outcomes between the races.

    And how would teacher bias in an "all-white school" affect the black students who aren't there?

  51. 40 years a slabe12:32 PM

    Yisheng is mouth-breathing proof that the idea extra time in school can raise your IQ is false.

    She is the poster child for the "achievement gap".

  52. We have always been at war with reality1:20 PM

    If you divide people up into different groups, whether that be by race, sex, nationality, hair color, height, or which hand they sign their name with, they will have some differences in group average abilities. These may or may not be insignificant, but they will exist.

    This is natural. It doesn't mean one group is superior to another overall, it just means that some groups will outperform some others at some things. Note that group characteristics describe average group abilities, not the abilities of individuals, regardless of the group they belong to.

    With equal treatment, certain groups will be outperformed at some things because they have a lower average IQ. But our leftist religious/ideological dogma states all groups are equal. So any disparity must be due to "racism."

    Leftists are anti-science. They desperately hold to the religious dogma of "equality."

    They want equality of outcomes, not equal treatment. That is the fundamental difference they don't want discussed, because equality of outcomes is unnatural and must be artificially enforced. This enforcement requires the threat of violence from the state, and since group equality cannot be forced into existence, always ends in totalitarian oppression and genocide.

  53. 2 days to Black Panther!!👊🏾

  54. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Blacks have the highest % of kids living in poverty with Hispanics in second place.

    Because their parents aren't bright enough to do any better, and the kids inherit the parents' deficiencies.

    Any wonder why they haven't caught up with whitey?

    The $2 billion-dollar rework of KCMO schools to benefit blacks had zero effect on black student achievement.

    All but the very lowest income tier of whites outperform the children of the richest blacks on the SAT, and even the richest blacks only edge out the poorest whites by a few points.

    Giving someone money doesn't change their IQ.  Adult IQ is 50-80% determined by genes, about 0% by "shared environment".

    Then it has to be white privilege that makes wasicus so smart, right?

    Love the leftard idea that the "privilege" of a thousand generations of selection for intelligence to survive in harsh conditions where planning and restraint rather than impulsiveness is the key to raising the next generation is something that can be un-done or simply handed to sub-Saharans.  They've stopped believing in Santa Claus, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy, but that's one bit of magic they simply cannot give up because they think that anyone who does is a Horrible Person and facts simply don't matter.  They're like fundamentalists who have absorbed the idea that science is a trick of the devil to steal their souls.

    They're as stupid as the blacks who think that white people stole the knowledge of technology from them, as in literally took it out of their heads so they didn't understand it any more.  Yes, THAT stupid.

    So much stupid cannot be corrected.  It can and will be silenced, though.

  55. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Wakanda is proof of what Africa would have been like if whites had never colonized it.

  56. Anonymous said...
    Wakanda is proof of what Africa would have been like if whites had never colonized it.


    To wit, MANY of us succeed thanks to our resiliency AND African roots!! 👩🏽‍⚕️🔬👩🏽‍💻👸🏽

  57. Anonymous2:26 PM

    If anything like Wakanda ever arises in Africa, it will be because the Chinese exterminated the Africans and took over.

  58. Akeno2:29 PM

    Sooooo sad your nappy roots and resiliency won't be enough to help you be smart and talented like Asians.

  59. Akeno, so sad yer white privilege makes you stoopider than Asians in yer own kuntry.

    Why aren't you emulating Drumpfuck's pelt on his head?

  60. Responsibility: It's a white thing3:05 PM

    Asian success in America proves there is no such thing as "white privilege".

  61. Anymooses, how you put on airs. Whites have been given educations in America since its founding while blacks were left out until the 1960's. Yer white privilege for hundreds of years versus 2 generations of blacks being educated, to racists like you, is a level playing field.

    Take it from me, you ain't "all that."

    Under dumbass dubya's Texas birthed all children left behind education program, kids failing in schools could be shipped to another poor performing school so their grades didn't reflect badly on their original schools. Dropouts were counted as graduates to bolster graduation rates. No wonder so many minorities are not ready for college or even high school. Blame wasicu wasteys. I do.

  62. Anonymous Responsibility: It's a white thing said...

    Asian success in America proves there is Asian success in America, nothing more.

    Japanese have been getting educated far longer than wasted wasicus, they get inherently harder classes and take education more seriously.

  63. Anonymous said...

    Something has to exist before it can be duplicated you twit.

    I'm not sure if you exist, but you certainly have been duped.

    Being a Drumpfuck devotee drops yer IQ from the low single digits to even lower single digits.


    Racist Perjurer and pretend Attorney DeGenerate praised Anglo-Saxon heritage of Sheriffs Office. His pre-raped marks mentioned legal heritage, not wasicu wastey heritage. Once a racist.....

  65. Anonymous3:31 PM

    white idiot from iowa said...
    "Asian success in America proves there is Asian success in America, nothing more. "

    No, it proves American is an open and meritocratic society that does forbid non-whites from full participation.

  66. "And how would teacher bias in an "all-white school" affect the black students who aren't there?"

    It doesn't. But the higher property values in the all-white school districts see to it that they are paid much better and teach in better conditions than teachers in poorer districts.

    The history of red lining and housing discrimination persists in the sort of neighborhoods we have today, and is difficult to counter with legislation, but the funding of education is all kinds of fucked up.

    So the black students it affects are in different schools, just like they always have been.

    -Doug in Oakland

  67. Yīshēng said...
    Wakanda is proof of what Africa would have been like if whites had never colonized it.

    To wit, MANY of us succeed thanks to our resiliency AND African roots!!

    To wit, your inability to get into medical school.



  69. This is sweet-

    But Drumpf was coerced into admitting guilt by fake mainstream media.

  70. Stoopid Anonymous Anonymous said...

    white idiot from iowa said...
    "Asian success in America proves there is Asian success in America, nothing more. "

    No, it proves American is an open and meritocratic society that does forbid non-whites from full participation.

    Tell that to Dreamers who were born here! Many Hispanics are whiter than you.

  71. We have always been at war with reality4:08 PM

    "It doesn't. But the higher property values in the all-white school districts see to it that they are paid much better and teach in better conditions than teachers in poorer districts."

    But the "gap" persists in all settings, from black majority schools to mostly white schools to everything in between. If it is apparent within the same school, it cannot be due to better teachers and classrooms.

    And urban schools that are mostly non-white receive funding levels over 200% higher than rural schools in poor white areas, yet the white kids have better educational results. It cannot just be disparate resources.

    American public schools are becoming more segregated partly because school districts have decided that since things like busing didn't produce results, the money would be better spent on resources at the local level, but mostly because demographic change means there are less white students to go around. Accelerating this change, many white parents are doing whatever they can to get their kids into private school and away of a public school curriculum that is increasingly anti-white, anti-American, and obsessed with things like normalizing sexual deviancy.

    All kids would be better served by a non-political education system that doesn't worry about things it can't change (like group differences) and things it has no business changing (like cultural views on sexuality) and instead on teaching every kid to the best of their ability the things he or she needs to know to make their way in the world.

  72. Akeno4:11 PM

    Everyone knows Asians are smarter than blacks. Which is why all of Yīshēng's supervisors are Asian.

    You get no extra credit for being captain obvious.

  73. mike from iowa said...
    Stoopid Anonymous Anonymous said...

    white idiot from iowa said...
    "Asian success in America proves there is Asian success in America, nothing more. "

    No, it proves American is an open and meritocratic society that does forbid non-whites from full participation.

    Tell that to Dreamers who were born here!


    Dreamers are not born here. If they were, they would be called citizens......

  74. Baltimore is celebrating 11 days without obama's sons and daughters killing each other...

    11 days.

    Can Philly celebrate a milestone like that?

  75. Kinky Anne Conway4:26 PM

    Baltimore is celebrating 11 days without obama's sons and daughters killing each other..
    Wonder if Hillbillystonia can celebrate 11 days without trump's sons ODing on hillbilly heroin? Probably not.

  76. Anonymous4:36 PM

    "Dreamers are not born here. If they were, they would be called citizens......"

    DREAMers built America! It's going to be ours!

  77. I wouldn't let a black guy borrow my bike or anything (cuz it's never coming back). But that's not racism that's just obvious.

  78. Drumpfuck's deficits- as high as an elephant's eye and as stoopid fucking wingnutty American as stoopid fucking wingnuts claiming(again) taxcuts raise tax revenues.

    & olus trillion in the next 10 years and probably many times higher.Why? Because stoopid fucking wingnuts can't govern. They don't have a clew about economics and besides they are stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  79. Kill white men, Fuck white women4:58 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  80. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit5:08 PM

    tr**p is as divisive and untrustworthy a "president" as Obama was uniting and full of integrity. America doesn't deserve to have this pathetic excuse for a human occupying the White House.

  81. Black Doctor on Call5:13 PM

    Wasian Nazibilly jealous tears WOULD be delicious save for the meth spiked, noodle bowls meals that permeate through their lacrimal ducts.


  82. "Baltimore is celebrating 11 days without obama's sons and daughters killing each other...

    11 days.

    Can Philly celebrate a milestone like that?"

    We would if trump's Opioid addicts would just lay off the stuff.

    1. Black Doctor on Call6:02 PM

      Those meth addicts are increasing HIV White folks.

      But VP "I don't give a shit about HIV" pence is on the job.��

  83. Black Failure on Call5:16 PM

    No one will ever call Yisheng.


  84. Barack Obama5:39 PM

    "it proves American is an open and meritocratic society that doesn't forbid non-whites from full participation."

    Yes. And the existence of successful blacks like Field Negro and PilotX highlights that Yisheng's failures are her own, and not the fault of racism.

  85. Black Doctor On Call6:06 PM

    Will poor White folks blame Cheeto when they start contracting HIV in greater numbers? He DID cut the Ryan White budget which funds poor folks with HIV.

    Or will they find a way to blame Obama like they always do? IDIOTS!

  86. Anonymous6:17 PM

    "Will poor White folks blame Cheeto when they start contracting HIV in greater numbers?"

    HIV is now almost exclusively a black problem. Like most STDs.

  87. In a gentle and somber moment, the White House portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama are visually stunning and both were painted by Black artists- a first.

  88. White South Africans have a higher rate of HIV than anywhere else in the world. 6% of WSA must love them some dark meats, huh?


    HIV infections isn't almost exclusively Black in the USA or probably anywhere else in the world.

    People are statistically more likely to get GSTCCs from stoopid fucking wingnuts. What are GSTCCs you ask? Giant Saber Toothed Crotch Crickets and they are passed from wingnuts to normal people by thought and deed.

  90. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  91. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Over half of all American HIV cases over the past decade have been blacks, who make up 12% of the population.

  92. mike from iowa said...
    In a gentle and somber moment, the White House portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama are visually stunning and both were painted by Black artists- a first.

    Another first - artist who painted Obama's portraits known for his paintings of black women decapitating white children:

    Yisheng must be a big fan.

  93. Without Yisheng trolls have no life9:14 PM

    Hey Mike, those portraits of the Obamas were pretty stunning!����

    Black brains and beauty on Fleek!

  94. Anonymous10:02 PM

    > Whites have been given educations in America since its founding

    This timeline of public education shows that this was hardly a uniform thing.  For many years, most parents taught their own children to read and write.  It cannot have been too difficult even for un-trained parents to do, which begs the question why black families turn out illiterates even with 13 years of professional help.

    > blacks were left out until the 1960's.

    Blacks were forcibly entered into white schools starting in Little Rock in 1954, and had their own schools before that even in the Jim Crow south dating from Reconstruction.

    > Yer white privilege for hundreds of years versus 2 generations of blacks being educated, to racists like you, is a level playing field.

    From 1965 to present is 53 years, which is easily 3+ generations in the ghetto.  Illiterate E. European Jews took a lot less than 1 generation to get on top of things, so why can't black people be expected to have gotten their culture changed given more than twice as long to do it?

    If they're equal, why can't we demand they stop sloughing off and make something of themselves already?  The Vietnamese boat people arrived penniless and were doing quite well within 10 years, and they didn't even have the advantage of speaking English for the last 10 generations.  What's the excuse for blacks?

    > Japanese have been getting educated far longer than wasted wasicus

    Japanese were imprisoned and all their property taken in WWII.  I notice that none of them are using this as an excuse for educational, social and criminal failure today.  So what excuse do black people have again?

    > the higher property values in the all-white school districts see to it that they are paid much better and teach in better conditions than teachers in poorer districts.

    Teacher pay does not create educational results.  That was proved in Kansas City.

    Why would property values be higher in all-white school districts?  Why should white people be forced to endure loss of property value by moving minorities in?  What makes property values lower in "minority" areas (which I notice does not include Chinese and Japanese)?

    > the funding of education is all kinds of fucked up.

    The funding of education is all about the middle class trying to prevent social engineers from taking their taxes to squander them on literal morons while their own children have their needs neglected and subject to physical abuse.

    > White South Africans have a higher rate of HIV than anywhere else in the world.

    Because they're forced to visit malicious black doctors who re-use infected needles just to infect them.  Black Economic Empowerment, you see.  Can't insist on competence and medical ethics in the New South Africa; that's racist.

  95. Who’s collecting to money to buy wacky Wasian a Black Panther onesie?


  96. Anonymous9:59 PM

    HIV is now almost exclusively a black problem. Like most STDs.
    6:17 PM

    Most black men are on the down lo and many are hypes/drug users.

  97. Anymoose you pathetic stoopid fucking wingnut. I'd feel bad for you if you weren't a stoopid fucking wingnut.

    Where is the full scale house investigation of Giuliani colluding with New York's FBI office to leak sekret details of HRC email investigation?
