Saturday, February 03, 2018


I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

  2. Anonymous11:41 PM

    I have more money in my paycheck due to Trump!!

  3. My dearly departed friend Dirty Dan used to say that while there's no substitute for experience, he'd take enthusiasm every time...

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Fuck the NFL1:13 AM

    The celebration after the Eagles win and Kaep gets a job.


  5. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Doug pooped in Dan's panties.

  6. I lost my job at Walmart, Harley Davidson, Sam's Club, the president didn't pay me for the work I did in his casino but at least the Iggles are in the SB!

  7. Rumour has it there was a planned Saturday Night Massacre where Drumpfuck the dumbfuck was to get everyone in gubmint except hisself fired, but everyone knows stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys can't govern or anything else. The plan was put on hold so wingnuts could attempt to round up more guts and a spine.

    Another rumour has it Drumpfuck has matching Ivanka blowup dolls so he has one to grope while the other is getting fumigated after each use.

    No matter who wins the SB that will be the team Drumpfuck will claim was his pick.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Damn Mike,

      "Drumpfuck the dumbfuck"

      Classi. Did you make that up all by yourself? If so, have you thought about being a writer for Conan or SNL?

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I have more money in my paycheck due to Trump!!

    Of course you do. That 2 bucks and change came directly from my SS check. You owe me, not the dumbest son of a bitch to ever disgrace the White House.

  9. On Saturday, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) tweeted — and then deleted — an item about a public school employee seeing an extra $1.50 in her weekly paycheck thanks to the Republican tax bill. After being slammed on social media, the Wisconsin Republican apparently figured out the amount isn’t exactly something to write home about — let alone highlight as a major feature of a $1.5 trillion tax cut.

    Ryan tweeted a link to an Associated Press report detailing how the tax bill, passed in December, is starting to deliver bigger paychecks to workers. The section of the story he chose to highlight raised eyebrows: Julia Ketchum, a Pennsylvania high school secretary, saw her paycheck increase $78 a year — enough to cover the cost of her yearly Costco membership.

  10. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Mike pooped his panties again.

  11. Anonymous9:43 AM

    "That 2 bucks and change came directly from my SS check."

    Further proof that the moron's IQ is less than room temperature.

    I'll call you the oxymoron from now on.

  12. How original, wasicu wastey!

  13. Rumour has it I am a crazy old shut-in consumed with hatred for Drumpf who obsessively posts anti-white gibberish all day on black blogs in a pathetic attempt to curry favor with people who despise me and would leave me for dead after looting everything I have. I've never been outside of my 98% white town and have no idea what I'm talking about but that won't stop me from defending ignorance and resentment until the day I die.


  14. "Drumpfuck the dumbfuck" Is 100% true and accurate. Unlike the shit wasicu wasteys post.

    Fauxknee mfi- victim much? No you aren't a victim. You are not even the victim. Get over your wasicu privilege. You make real whites look embarrassingly awful. Thanks for noticing.

  15. "I have more money in my paycheck due to Trump!!"

    Paul Ryan says it's $1.50. Is that true?

  16. "in a pathetic attempt to curry favor with people who despise me and would leave me for dead after looting everything I have."

    That'a an interesting comment. Who would do that?

  17. You Know Who1:45 PM

    PilotX said...
    "in a pathetic attempt to curry favor with people who despise me and would leave me for dead after looting everything I have."

    That'a an interesting comment. Who would do that?

    Blacks do this to whites every time they get the chance.

    Every single historical example of how blacks treat whites when they are in control of a society results in dispossession and genocide of the white population. Refer to Haiti, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

    On a smaller scale, try being a white person living in a 90% black neighborhood, or a white student in a majority black school. You have no idea.

    Minorities in white countries are protected. Minorities in black countries are murdered.

  18. Shuckin' and jivin'1:49 PM

    field negro said...
    "I have more money in my paycheck due to Trump!!"

    Paul Ryan says it's $1.50. Is that true?

    I'll bet you got a good bit more than $1.50 bump in your paycheck. But keep playing dumb, you are really good at it.

  19. "Blacks do this to whites every time they get the chance."

    Really? Hey Doc, you ever loot a white person take everything they have and leave them for dead? How about you Field? PC? Anybody you know ever do this? I know quite a few blah people and no one I know has ever done this. If Mike ever comes to Chicago and wants to hang out with us scary negroes I'll take him to get some good food, hear some good music and take in some cool sites. Guarantee he won't be looted or left for dead but then again people of low intelligence base their ideas on cheap stereotypes. Now back to figuring out how I'm gonna spend my extra $1.50 a week. Maybe a Tesla or a plane? Vacation house? Hmmmmmmm🤔

  20. For five years, Obama could not stop ISIS, couldn't even contain them.

    Trump, with the same military, wiped out ISIS in 10 months.

    Obama was not incompetent.

    Obama was a traitor.

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Bush couldn't find bin laden for 7 years but Obama did. The only thing trump can do is eat McDonald's in bed, get fat and watch tv. GTFOH

  21. And yet ANOTHER white fuckboi2:58 PM

    Every single historical example of how blacks treat whites when they are in control of a society results in dispossession and genocide of the white population.
    Because whites never treat negroes badly. Whoohoo, it was all gravy for negroes in South Africa and even in the US south. Lynchings and outright destruction of entire negro towns by whites. Oh no whaaaaa whaaaa whaaaa it's sooooo hard to be white we are sooooooooo oppressed. Take your dumb young ass to a library and read a damn book you stupid fuck. I guess the negroes who simply wanted to ride a damn bus who and were damn near burned to death by ignorant whites were really oppressing the whites. Oh the stoooooopid is strong in these fuckboy trolls.

  22. "On a smaller scale, try being a white person living in a 90% black neighborhood, or a white student in a majority black school. You have no idea."

    I can do you one better, Mr, Racial Brain Wizard: I've lived in >90% black neighborhoods several times: Magnolia Street in West O in '87, behind the MacArthur BART station on MLK from '88 to '91 at the height of the crack epidemic, on Clara south of the Coliseum after that (during the Rodney King riots) and on Humboldt Ave just west of the Chinese neighborhoods from 2002 until 2007.
    And get this, twice I've been the only white person in otherwise all black households.

    So what were you saying would happen to me again in those neighborhoods? Crime? I've had three burglaries, all when I lived in majority white neighborhoods: twice on 62ond street just south of the Berkeley border, and once when I lived on California street in Berkeley.
    Now I try to avoid living in Berkeley or in white neighborhoods where the neighbors don't know one another and I haven't had my guitars stolen in years.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. My downstairs neighbor in our condo is white and she and her sons have no problems. They love living in Bronzeville and I'm sure her story would be similar to whites who aren't teenaged racist trolls who live in diverse areas. I bet they prefer our nice condo to an all white trailer park in Mississippi or Kentucky.

  23. Reginald Denny4:44 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I know quite a few blah people and no one I know has ever done this."

    Since PilotX hasn't seen it himself, it didn't happen.

    Did you ever see the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increase? Ever see the sea level rise because of coal-fired power plants? Me neither. Must not be real.

  24. PilotX said...
    "Really? Hey Doc, you ever loot a white person take everything they have and leave them for dead?"

    Maybe you should ask "Doc" what her profile picture represents.

    1. Fuck your slave holding ancestors in the ass with a pole. Then chop their heads off!6:31 PM

      It represents a collective rejection of being enslaved when "diplomacy" wouldn't cut it, muthafucka'!

      Next question!

  25. "Since PilotX hasn't seen it himself, it didn't happen."

    Well since I was responding to someone who stated that blah people in general hurt whites and take from them when that's not the case. The vast majority of crimes against whites are committed by fellow whites. Excuse me for trying to set the record straight.
    For the record I have seen the levels of CO2 rise and have seen sea level rise. The data is self evident.

  26. PilotX said...
    "The vast majority of crimes against whites are committed by fellow whites."

    The vast majority of interracial crimes are black on white. About 50 times the frequency.

    Excuse me for trying to set the record straight.

  27. PilotX has superpowers5:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    "For the record I have seen the levels of CO2 rise and have seen sea level rise."

    You can see carbon dioxide? And how are you eyeballing global sea levels?

  28. Pilot X- stoopid fucking wingnuts really are stoopid fucking wingnuts. They can't help themselves and no one else can help them.

  29. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Climate Change Religion=Scientology

  30. If you're a white person afraid of black crime, you're an idiot. A useful idiot, though. I only wish you would find less stupid assholes to be useful to.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. “A secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week ... she said [that] will more than cover her Costco membership for the year,” Mr. Ryan posted on Twitter, sharing an Associated Press report about paycheck increases under the $1.5 trillion tax overhaul.

    Charles, a Koch brother in Wichita, said he was pleasantly surprised that his pay went up $26,923,076 a week… he said [that] will more than cover the cost of buying several more Paul Ryans."

    -Doug in Oakland

  32. Courtesy of Time:

    Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page bragged that he was an adviser to the Kremlin in a letter obtained by TIME that raises new questions about the extent of Page’s contacts with the Russian government over the years.

    The letter, dated Aug. 25, 2013, was sent by Page to an academic press during a dispute over edits to an unpublished manuscript he had submitted for publication, according to an editor who worked with Page.

    “Over the past half year, I have had the privilege to serve as an informal advisor to the staff of the Kremlin in preparation for their Presidency of the G-20 Summit next month, where energy issues will be a prominent point on the agenda,” the letter reads.

    But wait, I thought the whole point of the Devin Nunes "secret memo" was that there was no legitimate reason to issue a FISA warrant against Page, and that the ONLY reason the FBI obtained one was due to that Christopher Steele dossier?

  33. "The vast majority of interracial crimes are black on white. About 50 times the frequency."

    Sure but the vast majority of crimes committed against whites is by fellow whites. The vast vast vast majority of blah people are honest hardworking folks and only a few. racist trolls want to convince people otherwise. A game for fools.

  34. "You can see carbon dioxide? And how are you eyeballing global sea levels?"

    You can see concentration levels rising and in certain places such as Saipan or even some islands off the coast of Maryland you can very much see the ocean level higher than in the past.

  35. "Climate Change Religion=Scientology"

    Not to atmospheric scientists. Now to people whom have never taken even an intro level college atmospheric science course yes that may very well be true.

  36. You can't be a doctor7:46 PM

    Yisheng said...
    Fuck your slave holding ancestors in the ass with a pole. Then chop their heads off!
    It represents a collective rejection of being enslaved when "diplomacy" wouldn't cut it, muthafucka'

    My ancestors never owned slaves, but you want to dig them up and defile and mutilate their corpses. You advocate for the murder of people merely because they look like people who enslaved your ancestors. You proudly advertise this sentiment with your profile picture.

    You feel this way despite never having suffered any such injury yourself. In fact, you are a beneficiary of privilege and the largesse of the people you hate.

    And you wonder why white America is tiring of this game.

  37. "And you wonder why white America is tiring of this game."

    No-one with two working neurons to rub together wonders, or cares about, that.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. My downstairs neighbor in our condo is white and she and her sons have no problems. They love living in Bronzeville and I'm sure her story would be similar to whites who aren't teenaged racist trolls who live in diverse areas. I bet they prefer our nice condo to an all white trailer park in Mississippi or Kentucky.

    My neighbors are White too, but they’re educated so there’s that VERY important fact which distinguishes civilized White folks from Whooteemoos!✌������

  39. Anonymous8:07 PM

    "No-one with two working neurons to rub together wonders, or cares about, that."

    Spoken like a shut-in loser with no progeny and no stake in the future.

  40. Way more educated than you8:09 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    My neighbors are White too

    Even Yisheng can't stand living with black people.

    Now you know how your neighbors feel.

  41. "No-one with two working neurons to rub together wonders, or cares about, that."

    Exactly, only the few trolls who post Chicago crime stats everday and threaten to "take back" THEIR country. Probably not the most successful of people.

  42. Reginald Denny8:20 PM

    PilotX said...
    "You can see concentration levels rising and in certain places such as Saipan or even some islands off the coast of Maryland you can very much see the ocean level higher than in the past."

    You cannot see carbon dioxide.

    Sea level has risen about four inches during your lifetime. This is not unusual and has been happening since the end of the last ice age, when sea levels were about 400 feet lower than today. There can be local variations due to temperature affecting density, but excluding tidal and gravitational effects, sea levels differ across the globe by about 8 inches.

    Where you "see" sea level rising is where the land is sinking, like in southern Louisiana. In Alaska, sea level appears to be falling, because the land is still rebounding from the weight of the glaciers that melted as the last ice age ended.

    The point of all this was that you dismissed concerns of black criminality because you had never seen evidence of this yourself, yet you firmly believe in global warming despite never seeing any effects of such that impact your life. Both topics have facts and theories associated with them, yet you rely on personal experience over data for the former and data over personnel experience for the latter.

  43. I think you best go back to Alaska and see how many coastal villages are going to have to be moved miles inland because of rising sea levels.

    Islands in the Indian Ocean are about to disappear due to higher sea levels.

    Pilot X never said he could see Carbon Dioxide. It can be measured and the levels are definitely rising, just like the oceans. Drumpf Dump South is in danger of being swallowed. Not tht I give a shit about that crooked fucker and his crooked money stealing schemes.

  44. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Which is why everybody is selling their beachfront property for pennies on the dollar.

    STFU moron.

  45. "yet you firmly believe in global warming despite never seeing any effects of such that impact your life."

    No need to "believe" when the data proves that the earth is warming. Every single nation on the earth with a governmental scientific authority agrees on the fact the planet is warming and increased carbon emissions is the cause. The only dissenters are internet trolls who have no training in atmospheric science.

  46. "The point of all this was that you dismissed concerns of black criminality because you had never seen evidence of this yourself"

    Nope, that wasn't my assertion. My point was that you cannot attach the lable criminal to all blah people. I am a blah person and know many more and none of us are criminals. If you want to play semantics go ahead but right now you're being silly.


  48. Reginald Denny10:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Nope, that wasn't my assertion. My point was that you cannot attach the lable criminal to all blah people. I am a blah person and know many more and none of us are criminals. If you want to play semantics go ahead but right now you're being silly."

    Actually, you did assert that:

    "I know quite a few blah people and no one I know has ever done this."

    Since you never saw a black-controlled society exterminate the white population, and you have no personal experience with the level of violence blacks inflict on whites when they are in the majority, you reject the historical record.

    It's a straw man argument to say all blacks aren't criminals. Of course the vast majority are not. But collectively, black societies are no place for minorities.

  49. Actually, you did assert that:

    "I know quite a few blah people and no one I know has ever done this."

    And that is a true statement.

  50. Reginald Denny10:52 PM

    I know quite a few sea levels and none have risen significantly.

    And that is a true statement.

  51. "It's a straw man argument to say all blacks aren't criminals. Of course the vast majority are not. But collectively, black societies are no place for minorities."

    Glad you can admit the vast majority of blah people are not criminals. It is also important to note the historical record shows minority and hell even sometimes majority populations were oppressed by whites. Are you familiar with the history of people of color in America from its inception until recent history. Not to play tit for tat but white treatment of certain populations isn't spot free.

  52. "I know quite a few sea levels and none have risen significantly."

    They are rising at an increasing level. Read the link I provided. Not a problem now but will be in the future if we remain on our current pace.

  53. Woot woot, my #3 team has won their 1st super bowl!!

    Now ALL 3 of my teams have rings!!

  54. “ Not to play tit for tat but white treatment of certain populations isn't spot free.”

    PX, you DO realize that no matter how many times you say this or how factual this is, a whooteemoo will NEVER believe you.

    1. I mean. Like 6,000,000 Jews (for those who are not Holocaust deniers) and the almost outright elimination of the entire Indigenous population of the US never occurred😖 Do we just get to ignore that history? It goes to show how unserious certain folks are.

  55. Anonymous12:41 AM

    98% of the people who died in WWII were non-Jewish. Jewish communists exterminated orders of magnitude more Christians.

    Native Americans died primarily of disease, as they would have eventually no matter how the two populations came in contact.

  56. "98% of the people who died in WWII were non-Jewish. Jewish communists exterminated orders of magnitude more Christians.

    Native Americans died primarily of disease, as they would have eventually no matter how the two populations came in contact."

    Speaking specifically of the extermination of the Jews by the Germans. Also referring to the forced displacement and outright slaughter of Indigenous peoples here. There were specific actions by the US that directly led to the deaths of thousands of Indigenous people. These facts are not in dispute so let's not try to marginalize these events.


    More German genocide.


  59. Does anybody ever feel sorry for Europeans who seem to never feel satisfied with the breath they take every second? I say that to say this, what culture complains more than they thank the creator?

  60. Native Americans died primarily of disease, as they would have eventually no matter how the two populations came in contact with.

    Also referring to the forced displacement and outright slaughter of Indigenous peoples here. There were specific actions by the US that directly led to the deaths of thousands of Indigenous people. These facts are not in dispute so let's not try to marginalize these events.

    You know PX, I’ll bet the resident whooteemoos don’t know that NAs got many diseases as a result of biological warfare, I learned that in Medical Microbiology. As an example, those pox contaminated blankets were the first recorded case of biowarfare in the US too.

    BUt yeah, I guess they’ll continue to sanatize history so they don’t look as bad as the world already knows they’re just pure evil, ALWAYS have been, ALWAYS will be.

  61. Anonymous10:34 AM

    You know PX, I’ll bet the resident whooteemoos don’t know that NAs got many diseases as a result of biological warfare, I learned that in Medical Microbiology.

    This is not true. Germ theory was not understood until much later, therefore biological warfare would have been impossible.

    The "small pox blankets" myth was invented in the 1970's.

  62. Anonymous10:39 AM

    "Speaking specifically of the extermination of the Jews by the Germans."

    Hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered by the Nazis. Up to a million died of starvation and disease at the end of the war when food and supplies ran short. But there were no gas chambers and mass killing facilities at the camps.

    1. Well that settles it then, ONLY a couple of hundred thousand Jews were murdered by nazis. Nothing to see there. 🙄

  63. Anonymous4:42 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Well that settles it then, ONLY a couple of hundred thousand Jews were murdered by nazis. Nothing to see there"

    It's all relative. Jews in charge of communist Russia murdered 30 million Russians, Ukrainians, Poles and Germans.

    More Germans died from execution, starvation and internment after the war than Jews did during it.

    War is nasty business. Especially if you lose.


  64. Blogger PilotX said...
    Well that settles it then, ONLY a couple of hundred thousand Jews were murdered by nazis. Nothing to see there. 🙄

    Whooteemooism will NEVER be logical.

    BTW, the YUGEST market drop in market history under Cheeto.


