Saturday, February 17, 2018


    • Image result for trump putin image

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: I think they are getting closer.


  1. Putin: You are performing better than we expected.

    Fergus: See? He says I'm a genius!

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Trump: Sure is funny that every Leftist answer to perceived problems is taking away freedom and curtailing rights. Speech codes, assaulting political rallies, shutting down lectures, banning guns, taxing, regulating.

    Putin: When you're a Commie, every solution looks like a hammer and sickle.

  3. Now that's the pucker I wanna see. I'm gone bend over nah!

  4. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Trump: Vlad, you gotta stop running Facebook ads, ok?

    Putin: Can we still troll?

    Trump: Just Field Negro. And no more fake protests. No more sending operatives out to cause trouble.

    Putin: How about sending people into theaters to talk during Black Panther?

    Trump: Ha! That's a good one.

  5. trump: I’ll grab her pu$$y, you grab her boobs.

    US/Russian President: Aye, comrade!

  6. Anonymous6:17 AM

    "And then I told Little Barry we're disinfecting the White House after (ahem) he and his (ahem) wife move out!"

    "Da! Da! Is very funny, Meester Trahmp-a! Tell more negro story!"

  7. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Yisheng, I love you. I need you. I can't hide it any longer. I know you've always dreamed of having a white man for yourself, but no white man would ever go near you - well, all that's about to change. I know that in between all those rolls and rolls of fat is a sensitive, shy black queen. I'll feed you KFC and rub cocoa butter on you every day. I'll buy you a new weave for every day of the week. I'll take you to see Black Panther 25 times. Anything. Just let me have you.

    -A White Man In Love

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      All you have to do is wait while I brush my one tooth which is brown from the meth er I mean the dip and drink Natural Light with me because that's all I can afford with my EBT er I mean "workman's comp" because my back went out because you know all us good white men are hardworking and industrious. Now the fact that I smell like a wet dog when I get wet might take a little getting used to as well as the smaller, well you know. Now if all if that sounds appealing I'm all yours. Just as soon as my fat ass can get back from the Golden Corral on my scooter.

      -Still a white man in love

    2. You lost me with "Yisheng, I love you".


  8. The 1980's just called...They want they foreign policy back..BHO AKA Barry O.

    1. Kinky Anne Conway9:03 AM

      The American people just called, they want their country back from President Comrade Vlad.

  9. Hey Vlad, I'll trade you the rest of America for a bucket of extra crispy but you also have to take Eric.

  10. Go ahead and stand up, Vlad. Unzip 'em. I'm hungry.

    Experiment time. Let's put Vlad's .45 up against our 45 and see what happens.

    Comrade Donnie, I mean this in the nicest possible way- Keep yer pie-hole shut!


    Drumpfuck's a killer alright.

  12. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Trump says to Putin," She's mine, the woman next to her is yours! But be forewarned, my personal attorney will not pay her hush money."

  13. Just how flexible was obama?

    1. Kinky Anne Conway11:10 AM

      Actually I don't care because what you're making me do is illegal in several states.

  14. Anonymous4:05 PM

    It's funny because no one loves Yisheng, which is sad.

  15. It's funny because no one loves Yisheng, which is sad.

    And like usual you have no wy of knowing whether thatis true and you certainly have no proof.

    Tell me, how do you like lying Drumofuck? Everyday he lies more and more. He has told more lies in 13 months than we have dollars of debt. And yet stoopid fucking wingnuts believe he is doing a heckuva job Brownie.

    1. Dearest Mike, a VERY well lived life that doesn't need to be defended. Like EVER.

      But do y'all EVER get tired of reading/responding to dumb ass shit EVERYDAY? Like EVER?

  16. Anonymous4:51 PM

    President Trump never looked into the camera and told me I could keep my doctor and my health plan when he knew I couldn't. He never looked into the camera and told me there was not a smidgen of corruption in federal agencies when he knew he was using them to target his political opposition. He never told me that an ambassador was murdered and an embassy burnt because some locals were upset about a You Tube video, when he knew it was a terrorist attack that he did nothing to prepare for.

    I'll take Trump.

  17. Anymoose, your Benghazi gripe has been debunked over and over by at least 5 failed wingnut investigations that reached the same conclusion- nothing anyone could have done would have saved those 4 men's lives. Get over it.

    There is nothing to tie Obama into the scandal that wasn't A scandal at IRS. A simple reading of the facts is the IRS targeted liberal groups and the wingnut groups that were targeted for illegal campaign activities were found to have done just that. They were using tax exempt status to funnel money to campaigns illegally and wingnuts protected them from the justice system.

  18. Anonymous7:01 PM

  19. Not into poorly written and researched fiction, Anymoose. You wasted 8 years plus and found no crimes.

  20. Robert Mueller7:35 PM

    Not into poorly written and researched fiction, Anymoose. You wasted 8 years plus and found no crimes.
    And yet in only one year 4 people in the trump administration are indicted already. Yeah yeah I know just wait. Bwahahahahahahaha!

  21. Anonymous7:36 PM

    The DACA Executive Order was and is an Illegal act for one thing.

    1. "The DACA Executive Order was and is an Illegal act for one thing."

      Not true, there has been no decision yet.

  22. Anonymous9:17 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Not into poorly written and researched fiction

    Says the guy who links Think Progress...

  23. Anonymous10:43 PM

    If DACA is not Illegal, why are Illegal Aliens shitting their pants about March 5th 2018? Obama did break the law with said EO.

  24. Anonymous11:30 PM

    "Hey stupid...I've got you and your country by the balls...and I'm holding on tight."

    "Before long, America will be mine!"

  25. "If DACA is not Illegal, why are Illegal Aliens shitting their pants about March 5th 2018? Obama did break the law with said EO."

    Barack's E.O. was legal but trump recended it therefore it will end.

  26. Anonymous12:54 PM

    "Marriage is no longer a must have for anyone, including stoopid fucking wingnuts. Their idea of marital bliss - cheating on the little woman, beating the hell out of her and then pretend she and yer lord forgives you for going all postal on her ass."

    What a weird, awful place mike's head is in.

  27. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Obongo's EO was not legal, it violated Federal Law. Only because Loretta lynch and company would not obey Federal Law did the EO remain. DACA is a myth, a bullshit created myth by Democrats who need votes from non citizens.
