Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The "bravest" man with the "best" people. Not!

Image result for trump umbrella president' image   Donald trump wants you to believe that he is a very brave man. He actually had the nerve to say that he would have "run" into the high school in Parkland, Florida and taken on the gunman even without a "weapon". Go figure, the guy who won't even protect his own family from the rain would have saved a high school full of children from being slaughtered.

Seriously, who can believe this man? He was too cowardly to serve his country in Vietnam; he is too afraid to fire someone face to face; and, he is afraid of a bird.And we are supposed to believe that this coward would have rushed into a building to take on a gunman with an AR-5 semi-assault rifle? I know that I don't. Only a deranged trump supporter would believe such a declaration. The rest of us aren't buying it. We know a coward when we see one.

Finally, remember when trump promised us that he would drain the swamp and rid Washington of corruption? Well, as we are learning more and more every day, trump being in office has had the exact opposite effect of what goes on in Washington. In fact, this might be the most corrupt regime in the history of the republic. They have gotten so brazen that they are actually cutting back on anti-corruption measures in various industries.

We have case after case of trump and his cronies using our tax dollars for their own benefit. And yet, he was sent to Washington by his minions to clean up the place and "drain the swamp".

Just today we learn that a HUD official was demoted because she wouldn't  break the law and spend a ridiculous amount of money to refurnish Ben Carson's office. (When in Rome huh Uncle Ben?)

"With his space-cadet demeanor and penchant for casually bringing up the apocalypse in conversation, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson is a lot weirder than most Trump cabinet secretaries. But he does share at least one important commonality with most of his fellow swamp-dwellers: The department he runs is an ethical nightmare.

The Guardian reported on Tuesday that a senior career official at HUD filed a lawsuit claiming that she was replaced with a Trump appointee after she declined to find extra (read: illegal) funds to help luxurify Carson’s office.

With his space-cadet demeanor and penchant for casually bringing up the apocalypse in conversation, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson is a lot weirder than most Trump cabinet secretaries. But he does share at least one important commonality with most of his fellow swamp-dwellers: The department he runs is an ethical nightmare.

The Guardian reported on Tuesday that a senior career official at HUD filed a lawsuit claiming that she was replaced with a Trump appointee after she declined to find extra (read: illegal) funds to help luxurify Carson’s office.' [Source]

Oh well, I guess that unlike Omarosa Uncle Ben is going to make sure that he enjoys the "plantation" life while he is there. 

*Pic from yahoo.com


  1. Fake News Update9:38 PM

    "The Guardian reported on Tuesday that a senior career official at HUD filed a lawsuit claiming that she was replaced with a Trump appointee after she declined to find extra (read: illegal) funds to help luxurify Carson’s office.'"

    Oh, we are supposed to take the word of disgruntled Obama holdover who got fired for not doing her job? LMAO!

  2. Everything is going to be all-White!9:43 PM

    Ben Carson, Michael Steele, Ian B. Walters, Omarosa....it's clear that the GOP needs to stop hiring negroes.

    Affirmative Action is ok at the post office, but you can't fuck around when it comes to important positions in the government. Did we learn nothing from the eight years of Obama?

  3. "Donald trump wants you to believe that he is a very brave man"

    He did get out of his limo and confront a mugger who was beating a guy with a baseball bat. I bet Field would have rolled his window up and let that nigga get his head bashed in.

  4. Kersey10:19 PM

    The $31,000 for Ben Carson's office furniture is the best money HUD has ever spent in the history of the organization. Seriously.

  5. Crackalackin’10:47 PM

    Crackers ain’t shit.

  6. Truth Hurts10:52 PM

    Doozie trump, Melania “ I need to keep my green card while buck naked” trump, Ivanka trump, her bitch ass, law breaking Russian hoe husband, and EVERY trump appointee.

    The exact OPPOSITE of President Obama, his family, and Administration.

  7. Uncle Ben is going to be the first to take the fall for this joke of an administration.


  8. Beauregard11:01 PM

    Boy, the DNC Media is sure gonna freak out when that Tony Podesta indictment gets unsealed by Mueller.

  9. "The exact OPPOSITE of President Obama, his family, and Administration."

    Yes, Melania is so beautiful, and President Trump is Making America Great again!

  10. So can we field test Fergus' assertion that he would run into AR-15 fire, armed or no? According to Wikipedia, he should have another opportunity around 64 days from the last one.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I remember the "plantation" life as if it were yesterday.

  12. Scandalous11:48 PM

    IRS -Libyan War -Benghazi -Fast & Furious -AP Phone Records -VA Hospitals -James Rosen -GAO - Uranium One - Syrian War -Obamagate.........

  13. Scab Jackson11:52 PM

    "I remember the "plantation" life as if it were yesterday."

    Field likes to fantasize about being a slave, standing out in the Field, glowering menacingly at the House as he chops sugar cane while whistling a Harry Belafonte tune.

  14. Anonymous12:32 AM

    How to tell when you have a Jack A __ _ and a SENILE COWARD running your country:

    1) They Dodge the draft during times of war but then claim they would go into a school building UNARMED to try to capture an armed gunman.

    2) They ridicule and shame a school security guard for not going into a school building to try and take down an armed sniper.

    3) They think it's ok for school lunch ladies and female teachers who are not trained in SWAT operations to take down an armed sniper ...even when an armed guard thought it was too dangerous.


  15. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Join the NRA!!


    That they are suffering from Rovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, where your toxic right wing ideology actually eats your brain.

    We just flipped two more statehouse seats tonight, in New Hampshire and Connecticut, bringing our total since the 2016 election up to 39, and while we lost in Kentucky, because Kentucky, we still swung the results 28 points our way compared to 2016.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. "Join the NRA!!"

    Nah, I let my membership lapse in the late seventies, even before they turned into the giant turd they are at present.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Here is a fun story about Trump's bravery paraphrased from his own words talking with his dickhead friend, Howard Stern about an incident which occurred at Mar-A-Lago in 2008 wherein an elderly gentleman stumbled and fell on his face which quickly began bleeding all over the marble floor. Trump tells us that he felt terrible. That's right. He felt bad about all of the disgusting blood on his beautiful floor. He did nothing to help the man. A group of U.S. Marines ended up carrying him out of the room so that he could be picked up by an ambulance.

    From the Howard Stern radio program, paraphrased by someone who could actually stand to listen to the whole thing:

    Trump said the story took place at his Mar-A-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, during a Red Cross charity ball, when a man of about 80 who, “a lot of people didn’t like,” was badly injured in a fall.

    “So what happens is this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died.” Trump said. “And you know what I did? I said, ‘Oh my god, that’s disgusting,' and I turned away. I couldn’t, you know — he was right in front of me. I turned away, I didn’t want to touch him.”

    “He’s bleeding all over the place. I felt terrible, you know?” Trump continued. “Beautiful marble floor, it didn’t look so good. It changed color, it became very red. And you have this poor guy, 80 years old, lying on the floor, conscious, and all of the rich people are turning away, ‘Oh my god, this is terrible. This is disgusting.’ And, you know, they’re turning away. Nobody wants to help the guy. And his wife is screaming. She's sitting right next to him and she’s screaming.”

    He told Stern that some U.S. Marines, whom he said had been given the worst table in the ballroom despite being guests of honor, rushed to the man’s aide as he and the wealthy donors in attendance watched in horror.

    “So from the back of the room they come running forward, they grabbed him. They put the blood all over the place. It’s all over their uniforms, they’re taking it. They swipe — they ran him out. They created a stretcher — They call it a human stretcher, their arms out, like five guys on each side.” Trump said. “They ran him out, I never saw it, they ran him out. I was saying, ‘Get that blood cleaned up, it’s disgusting.'”

    Trump eventually learned the man had survived, but he admitted that he neglected to check on him.

    “I forgot to call, The next day I forgot to call to say, is he OK?” Trump said. “He was OK. It’s just not my thing. I just don’t like looking at blood.”

    This was transcribed by a bloggy friend who I can personally attest is a very reliable source and an excellent writer.

  19. VJayJay Showers bring MAGA flowers8:49 AM

    “Yes, Melania is so beautiful, and President Trump is Making America Great again!”

    Well if Me-Labia hadn’t put her cakes, boobs, and other body parts on a magazine cover, you would know just how beautiful her labia really are, now would you?

  20. He did get out of his limo and confront a mugger who was beating a guy with a baseball bat. I bet Field would have rolled his window up and let that nigga get his head bashed in.

    A witness, at the scene who identified herself, said Drumpfuck showed up after the party was over. Then another witness, who declined to be identified, claimed Drumpf was a hero.

    There is no police report as the incident never got reported. You'll have to settle for what might have been if Drumpfuck wasn't such a pathological liar. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Join the NRA!!

    FUCK the nra and the stoopid fucking wingnut whores it rode in on!

  22. Anonymous Scandalous said...

    IRS -Libyan War -Benghazi -Fast & Furious -AP Phone Records -VA Hospitals -James Rosen -GAO - Uranium One - Syrian War -Obamagate..

    Now that you done creamed yer britches a dozen times, go through that list and point out which phony scandals were actual crimes with criminal charges and indictments. Plus provide evidence.

    Then, we get to walk you one year into an administration that is a criminal enterprise that stoopid fuckers like you probably voted for and support all the way to prison and beyond.

    While you stand around with yer fingers in yer nose, look up the definition of debunked scandals and you will see nearly everyone of these so-called scandals listed. Some multi million times they have been debunked so often. Stoopid.

  23. whistling a Harry Belafonte tune.

    Field has impeccable taste in music. Winguts listening to Drumpf's constant whining and lying- not so much.

  24. "When you let in refugees, they bring their problems with them, and then Wakanda will be like anyplace else."

    - W'Kabi

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. And the hits just keep on coming


  27. trump is just like his followers, cowards who need big guns and big talk over the internet(twitter).

  28. Interesting article.


  29. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Chicago 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 67
    Shot & Wounded: 288
    Total Shot: 355
    Total Homicides: 81

    Niggers do not obey gun laws, any laws for that matter.

  30. 50% of crime is committed by black males from about age 12 to 30, who make up less than 2% of the population.

    Older black men do become totally and completely different people, post-40. Even after they get to be 30, they are like, some number of thousands of times less likely to commit a violent crime.

    When I was younger, the impression that I was given about this situation was that younger black men were somehow being corrupted – a “kids these days” type phenomenon, due to drugs and rap music. But then when I got #woke, it was clear that no, extreme violence and hyper-impulsiveness are just natural biological traits of the teenage and twenties black male, and as they age, some hormonal thing happens where they cool off. Even Ben Carson was out there stabbing niggas on the street when he was a yoof.

    If you just automatically sent black males to prison from the age of 12 to 30, for crimes that they were obviously going to commit anyway pretty much no matter what, you wouldn’t really have an issue of black violence in America.

    As they age they also do start to generally view whites less as enemies, and more as people they should be looking up to and trying to emulate. Sometimes one of these 50-year-old blacks will move into a white apartment complex because he doesn’t want to deal with the shit that goes on in the black community, and just act chill. Like The Field Negro.

    I’m also not sure how much of this general phenomenon that I’m describing here is due to extreme violence-orient blacks dying young, with only Kanye-tier ones making it to 50. That definitely contributes in some part, though even the most violent blacks chill-out a whole lot after they age, if they make it.

  31. So Hope (for) Hicks has admitted to telling "white lies" for Fergus. I'll bet that they were the very whitest lies on the whole planet.

    -Doug in Oakland

  32. Anonymous1:35 PM

    It’s deeply disturbing watching elected Democrats continue to defend the Obamagate spying operation. It’s crystal clear now that the Democrats are the police-state Party. They’re at war with the Bill of Rights and specifically the 4th, 2nd, and 1st Amendments. Disgusting stuff.

  33. Truth Hurts3:32 PM

    Why mass shootings don't happen at Black schools besides the fact that evil people that are White are entitled criminals:


  34. Troof Hurts3:55 PM

    "Why mass shootings don't happen at Black schools"

    1. Black schools have secured entrances with metal detectors.
    2. Black schools have armed security inside the facilities.
    3. Black people are generally poor at organizing and planning and lack shooting skills.

  35. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/teacher-in-custody-at-school_us_5a96ea0ce4b09c872bb0b648

    One lousy day after stoopid fucking Drumpf wants to arm teachers he gets his wish in Georgia. Teacher barricaded himself in classroom and fired his gun while students were standing outside the door.

    Hey, shit fer brains in the WH, got anymore brilliant ideas?

  36. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Black students in Chicago like to beat fellow students to death with 2 x 6 lumber......

  37. Hope is resigning from the white house.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Anonymous5:01 PM

    "The British are coming! The British are coming!"
    Now, the ride of Paul Revere
    Set the nation on its ear,
    And the shot at Lexington heard 'round the world,
    When the British fired in the early dawn
    The War of Independence had begun,
    The die was cast, the rebel flag unfurled.
    And on to Concord marched the foe
    To seize the arsenal there you know,
    Waking folks searching all around
    Till our militia stopped them in their tracks,
    At the old North Bridge we turned them back
    And chased those Redcoats back to Boston town.
    And the shot heard 'round the world
    Was the start of the Revolution.
    The Minute Men were ready, on the move.
    Take your powder, and take your gun.
    Report to General Washington.
    Hurry men, there's not an hour to lose!
    Now, at famous Bunker Hill,
    Even though we lost, it was quite a thrill,
    The rebel Colonel Prescott proved he was wise;
    Outnumbered and low on ammunition
    As the British stormed his position
    He said, "Hold your fire till you see the whites of their eyes!"
    Though the next few years were rough,
    General Washington's men proved they were tough,
    Those hungry, ragged boys would not be beat.
    One night they crossed the Delaware,
    Surprised the Hessians in their lair,
    And at Valley Forge they just bundled up their feet!
    And the shot heard 'round the world
    Was the start of the Revolution.
    The Minute Men were ready, on the move.
    Take your blanket, and take your son.
    Report to General Washington.
    We've got our rights and now it's time to prove.
    Well, they showed such determination
    That they won the admiration
    Of countries across the sea like France and Spain,
    Who loaned the colonies ships and guns
    And put the British on the run
    And the Continental Army on its feet again.
    And though they lost some battles too,
    The Americans swore they'd see it through,
    Their raiding parties kept up, hit and run.
    At Yorktown the British could not retreat,
    Bottled up by Washington and the French Fleet,
    Cornwallis surrendered and finally we had won!
    The winner!
    From the shot heard 'round the world
    To the end of the Revolution
    The continental rabble took the day
    And the father of our country
    Beat the British there at Yorktown
    And brought freedom to you and me and the U.S.A.!
    God bless America, Let Freedom Ring!

  39. So, a teacher fired a gun at Dalton High School in the midst of a debate about arming teachers?

    And right on cue, the little high school snowflakes are all ready with their Democrat talking points.

    How strangely convenient.

  40. Anonymous5:34 PM

    False Flag!!!!

  41. From Taegan Goddard:

    President Trump voiced support for confiscating guns from certain dangerous individuals, even if it violates due process rights, The Hill reports.

    Said Trump: “I like taking the guns early like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida … to go to court would have taken a long time. Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

    Still think Fergus has your back on gun rights?

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Anon@ 5:35:
    My boss at the auto body shop had one of those. Some kids broke into his house and stole it, and got caught shooting it on Samoa beach, after which they confessed to stealing it and my boss both lost his Thompson and got in trouble for having it in the first place.

    -Doug in Oakland

  43. Hope’s Hickups6:33 PM

    I need another job where I can get away with telling more white lies!!


  44. Yisheng6:39 PM

    I need job so I can stop lying about being a doctor!!


  45. Youfs today6:53 PM

    "Some kids broke into his house and stole it, and got caught shooting it on Samoa beach"

    Those crazy kids! What a couple of rascals!

  46. School and law enforcement officials knew Cruz was a ticking time bomb. They did nothing because of a deliberate, willful, bragged-about policy to end the “school-to-prison pipeline.” This is the feature part of the story, not the bug part.

    If Cruz had taken out full-page ads in the local newspapers, he could not have demonstrated more clearly that he was a dangerous psychotic. He assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other “red flags.”

    Over and over again, students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School reported Cruz’s terrifying behavior to school administrators, including Kelvin Greenleaf, “security specialist,” and Peter Mahmood, head of JROTC.

    At least three students showed school administrators Cruz’s near-constant messages threatening to kill them—e.g., “I am going to enjoy seeing you down on the grass,” “Im going to watch ypu bleed,” “i am going to shoot you dead”—including one that came with a photo of Cruz’s guns. They warned school authorities that he was bringing weapons to school. They filed written reports.

    Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.

    All the school had to do was risk Cruz not going to college, and depriving Yale University of a Latino class member, by reporting a few of his felonies—and there would have been no mass shooting.

    But Cruz was never arrested. He wasn’t referred to law enforcement. He wasn’t even expelled.

    Instead, Cruz was just moved around from school to school—six transfers in three years. But he was always sent back to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in order to mainstream him, so that he could get a good job someday!

    Nikolas Cruz may be crazy, but the parties to that agreement are crazy, too. They decided to make high school students their guinea pigs for an experiment based on a noxious ideology. The blood of 17 people is on their hands.


  47. Those Russian bot stories....are based on information from a partisan group that tracks 600 "Russia-linked" accounts, and the list of those accounts is NOT shared with journalists.


  48. All of the Florida law enforcement interviewed agreed that he didn't meet the criteria for the Baker Act.
    And do you really want to give law enforcement the power to say "He might do something bad so we will arrest him."?

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Anonymous7:25 AM

    "All of the Florida law enforcement interviewed agreed that he didn't meet the criteria for the Baker Act."

    Because they made a concerted effort to avoid putting all the data together.  For instance, Cruz's "career school shooter" remark was reported but LE never associated it with him until after the fact.

    They wanted Cruz to go off.  They were ready to exploit him, just like the FBI agent who followed the jihadis to the shooting scene in Garland in 2015.  These are all false-flag ops using "assets" to maintain plausible deniability.

  50. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  51. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
    6:33 PM

