Saturday, March 31, 2018


    • Image result for stephon clark protests images

I need a caption for this pic.

*Image from


  1. "Fuck. This shit again."

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Al Sharpcoon10:58 PM

    "Some day maybe we'll share a prison cell together"

  3. Al Sharpcoon11:03 PM

    "I'll take you on down to Freddy’s Fashion Mart and get you some fresh kicks"

  4. "We should pick up a few 40's and look up Tawana Brawley"

  5. "But resist we much… We must and we will much… about … that … be committed."

  6. Stay strong little brother.

  7. Anonymous8:22 AM

    The guy on the left seems to be jealous of something. Why is he wringing his hands?

    Anyway, I just wanted to say Happy Easter to all the atheist here. He has risen.

  8. Anonymous9:21 AM

    "I not only deny the allegations, I deny the alligator"

    Oops! Wrong revrun...

    Here it is...

    "We was philosophizing long before any of them Greek homos"

  9. Anonymous9:37 AM

    " gots the thins bad....."

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sharpton thinks: This kid gonna knock me over! I'm frail!

  12. Anonymous9:51 AM

    "Before you go to prison again can I toss your salad?"


  13. Anyway, I just wanted to say Happy Easter to all the atheist here. He has risen.

    Excuse me, who the fuck cares if you take Viagra to get the little one to stand at half mast?

  14. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Cops are bastards but so are 90% of the blacks they encounter when trying to enforce the law. In fact, they are a synergistic force: more blacks resisting arrest = more trigger happy pigs. The J-Left ignores the dynamic, and ignores cases like Daniel Shaver who was executed in cold blood in a hotel corridor for no reason. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

  15. During a candle light march in Sacremento last evening a female marcher was struck by a deputy's car. Pigs say the car was moving slowly when she was struck. Not according to a guy who filmed the run in-

    The incident was captured on video by Guy Danilowitz of the National Lawyers Guild, according to the Sacramento Bee.

    The video shows the sheriff's SUV slowly moving as protesters walk in front and around the vehicle. The officer in the vehicle tells protesters to stand away from the cars on the street. At one point, the sheriff's vehicle speeds up, hitting the female demonstrator walking in front of the SUV.

    This keeps up the streets will run with fire - like in the 1960's.

  16. Isn’t this photo from a funeral?Yeah that’s a questionable choice in today’s climate, I’ll pass on any characterization of that one.

    BTW, it’s obvious that the main commenter on this post witnessed lynchings/ castrations in their youth.

  17. Anonymous11:02 AM

    mike from iowa is a jew.

  18. Anonymous11:14 AM

    "This keeps up the streets will run with fire - like in the 1960's."

    I sure hope so!

    I think Carl Lemon from that school in Connecticut is on to something. We need to execute white people.

  19. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Its a goddamn shame!But just remember easter bunnies,if you believe in something you have no physical or historical evidence of,you could be considered suffering from a mental illness!!!!

  20. As an atheist, I'm finding Easter on April Fool's Day to be a fucking hoot...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. What Doug said@ 9:23 PM has me on the floor.😂🤣

  21. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Doug would never dare diss a Muslim holiday.

  22. "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."

    - Malcolm X

    Wayne sure wound up in the House, didn't he?

  23. Anonymous3:18 PM

    "We are going to burn this bitch to the ground regardless how much we win in the ghetto lottery."

  24. Anonymous3:20 PM

    "As an atheist, I'm finding Easter on April Fool's Day to be a fucking hoot..."

    Because you are a fool?

  25. Trump 10 to 205:17 PM

  26. Hey Mike from Iowa, how many eggs did you stick up your ass today?

  27. Hey Phillip Bump, how many black dicks did you volunteer to swallow today? Excuse me, how many black dicks did you pay to swallow today? You get an extra point to go down on Nugent's diseased li'l Teddy. Remember Uncle Teddy sez you can't suck it til you butt fuck it.

  28. Christians, Muslims and Jews are losers.

  29. Poor Ted, he never really came all of the way back from that "trance" he was in onstage at CalJamII.
    He's a so-so guitar player and a repetitive meathead kind of songwriter, so he had to do something to hold on to the little bit of fame he had.
    It's ugly, but it's him, so I guess he's happy now that all of the musicians he respected know him for the dork he really is.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. Keith V.6:32 PM

    Which NFL team has the hottest cheerleaders? My vote goes to the Miami Dolphins.

  31. Al Sharpton is into young boys now, I see. TNB

  32. Anonymous6:43 PM

    field negro said...
    What Doug said@ 9:23 PM has me on the floor

    It's nice that Mr. Field Negro was able to remember today that the true miracle of Easter is the opportunity it provides to make both snarky comments denigrating Christianity as well as self righteous comments cynically invoking the name of Jesus to further a political agenda.

    Maybe you should just stay down there on the floor.

  33. Anonymous7:09 PM

    The attempt to find humor in a funeral service is both tasteless and ill-mannered.

  34. There is humor in every situation in life. All you need do is look for it. It is there. Like it or not.

  35. Anonymous8:50 AM

    With regard to Blacks and Police Brutality:

    You can't expect a race of people who are raised to believe that Blacks are "less than human" to all of a sudden put their brainwashed racist upbringing aside when confronting anyone Black during a police stop.

    If Blacks are regarded as "less than animals" by most whites then they shouldn't expect the "slave master" to stop police brutality. It just AIN"t gonna happen. They take great pleasure in shooting unarmed Blacks in the back and WORSE.

    The question is: What are Blacks going to do about it?

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