Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Dining while black.

Image result for tamaa young angels imagesDyamn! Black women can't eat at a restaurant in peace up in HARLEM?!  What is America coming to?

 I mean we knew it was tough to just chill and have a nice meal as  a person of color away from home here in America. But Harlem?!

"Two African-American women are suing a popular Harlem eatery, alleging they felt “violated” after an employee racially profiled and falsely accused them of dining and dashing.

Tara Fitzgibbon visited the Angel of Harlem restaurant on Frederick Douglass Blvd. near W. 122nd St. for the first time on Feb. 10 with her friend Tamara Young. As they ordered drinks, a manager came up behind them and gruffly accused them of racking up a tab during a previous visit.

Fitzgibbon, of New Rochelle, Westchester County, and Young, of Harlem, charge in a complaint filed with the city’s human rights commission earlier this month that they felt “dehumanized” by the experience, as the manager snatched menus from their hands, violently banged his hands on the bar and accused them of “lying and stealing.”

“It was a public embarrassment and humiliating to us and to everyone else who was in the restaurant,” Fitzgibbon told the Daily News over the phone Tuesday. “There was a lot of people there.”

The two women tried to ease the situation, telling the fuming manager that they had never been to the restaurant before.

But the unidentified manager was unrelenting and told Fitzgibbon that he had surveillance footage of her dining and dashing at the eatery the week before. “Look at your tape because I was not in Angel last week,” Fitzgibbon said, according to the complaint.

To her shock, the manager then showed Fitzgibbon surveillance footage of a woman who she says looked nothing like her — except that she was also black.

“What, do all black people look alike to you?” Young exclaimed in response, according to Fitzgibbon.

The manager became “violently defensive” after Young’s comment and pushed her as she and Fitzgibbon left the restaurant, the complaint states.

Richard St. Paul, a Westchester attorney representing Fitzgibbon and Young, said the women will seek damages in the “hundreds of thousands” for the emotional distress and embarrassment that the manager inflicted.

Fitzgibbon also says she hopes that their complaint will force restaurant management to retrain the staff.

“This shouldn’t have to happen to anyone else,” she said.

Anahi Angelone, the owner of Angel of Harlem, did not return several requests for comment on Tuesday.

When The News first reported on the allegations in February, Angelone insisted that “there are two sides to every story” but declined to specifically address the women’s allegations.
“It’s very sad that it went down the way it went down,” Angelone said at the time.

Angelone is also facing flak over a sexual harassment lawsuit filed last month by an employeeource] at Angel of Harlem’s sister restaurant, Corner Social, on Lenox Ave. near W. 126th St."  [Source]

Ladies, next time take it down to Amy Ruth's, and I promise you that there will be no such problems.

Besides, the food will be a lot better and less expensive.

*Pic from the New York Daily News. 


  1. They're bad tippers, too9:18 PM

    Wow, yet another story of black women behaving badly. If it's not preventing patrons from using a golf course, it's "dining and dashing" at a popular Harlem restaurant. When you think about it, it's no wonder businesses aren't all that enthusiastic about being frequented by black women customers. Thanks for highlighting this problem, Field.

  2. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Hmmm, the U2 song didn't mention anything about falsely accusing restaurant diners of being thieves. Bono must have forgotten to include that part.

  3. Offense of the Day10:11 PM

    Fully 90% of the news is about disgruntled colorful people acting out.

    Without aggrieved POC here, America would hardly have any news - except for the homos.

    I guess we'd have 24/7 homo news.

  4. Black folks should patronize Black owned businesses until pee pee man quits.

  5. I worked in restaurants for ten years and I'm here to say that that's not how you do it.
    If you suspect a customer of earlier misdeeds, you call the shift manager, who will politely take the customer aside with security and ask them about it out of sight and earshot of the other customers.
    Anything you do that either interrupts the atmosphere or disrupts the routine in a restaurant is incredibly damaging to the prospects of getting the diners present at the disruption (and everyone they know) to ever return, and you really need them to do so.
    Even before the racism gets factored in, and I would imagine it would be very bad PR in Harlem, they have already shot themselves in the foot with incompetent management.
    In my experience, there is a lot of drug use in restaurant work, so perhaps the "unidentified manager" wasn't able to score before their shift and wasn't in any condition to deal with the public?
    Or maybe they're just a racist asshole with impulse issues who would have been OK as a dishwasher or a prep cook but should never have been allowed to interact with the customers.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Got some bad news about Joy Reid, for those who are fans of hers. It looks like she may have said some homophobic stuff on her old blog, back in the day, which is coming back to bite her.

    She claims that some of the offensive things she is accused of saying are things that she didn't actually say, and that she has been hacked. Okay. Maybe so. I would not rule anything out in this era of nasty online troll skullduggery, but still ... this does not look good.

    EXCLUSIVE: Joy Reid Claims Newly Discovered Homophobic Posts From Her Blog Were ‘Fabricated’

    If it turns out that she has made up the story about being hacked, she will almost certainly end up regretting it. Better to admit she previously held some ugly prejudices, learned some lessons, apologize, and move on. For a journalist, brazenly lying will ultimately be way more damaging to her career (unless, of course, she worked at Fox News).

    Just ask Brian Williams, who lost his anchor job over telling some truly inconsequential fibs.

  7. Nipples doesn’t want to hold pee-pee’s hand. AGAIN.

    I’ll bet he curses her out for HOURS afterwards, poor thing!

    Joy Reid is whooteemoo enemy #1. Sooner or later, setting her up to fail was going to work.

  8. Yisheng = nigger8:47 AM

    Trump is a buffoon and his supporters are demented.

  9. This is why the vast majority of blacks get their food from fast food joints, convenience stores and gas stations. It's just their natural environment.

  10. Dave Zirin is a dumb fuckboi9:14 AM

    This is why the vast majority of fat assed white country ass white fuckboys eat squirrels and live in the goddamed woods like Dave Zirin's dumb ass.

  11. Sounds like a misogynistic racist to me. Got his jollies abusing those poor women!

    “It was a public embarrassment and humiliating to us and to everyone else who was in the restaurant,” Fitzgibbon told the Daily News over the phone Tuesday. “There was a lot of people there.”

    And yet in today's society of meek sheeple, nobody got up protested and/or just left! They sat there and put up with the ruckus,embarrassment,humiliation and just plain nastiness that these women were subjected to, as they ate their food. Not knowing what and how it was prepared if one was to judge by the virulent 'manager'! This didn't bother them?

    1. If they protested there was a chance the cops could turn their ire on them. We're in interesting times Desert, you don't know what these cops are up to. Be careful.

  12. PilotX said...

    If they protested there was a chance the cops could turn their ire on them. We're in interesting times Desert, you don't know what these cops are up to. Be careful.

    9:53 AM

    Not if everyone would have left, simply gotten up and paid their bill or cancelled their order and left!

    That was a very abusive situation! Even if it was true that they had been in there before and not paid, that's no way to handle that! If only out of, as Doug mentioned, respect for the other clients who were eating. Ugh! Ugly!

  13. @Pilot, it's not illegal to pay your bill and leave a restaurant as far as I know. Or does one have to be held hostage to witness the degradement of other human beings? and then have a hearty appetite also? I'll be damned if I'm going to sit there and continue eating with a crazy like that loose, what if they decide to do it to me next?

  14. Anonymous12:58 PM

    “And yet in today's society of meek sheeple, nobody got up protested and/or just left! They sat there and put up with the ruckus,embarrassment,humiliation and just plain nastiness that these women were subjected to”

    This surprises you?

    While I’m sure everyone in the restaurant was made very uncomfortable by the manager’s tirade and bad attitude, the problem is the other diners had no way of knowing whether he was right or wrong on the facts. For all they knew, the women really might have pulled a “dine and dash” on a previous occasion. The only thing that was certain was that, regardless of the women’s innocence or guilt, he was handling things very badly.

    Consequently, everyone just kept their heads down and hoped the situation would resolve itself quickly so they could get back to eating.

  15. CBO Projects: GDP Headed To 15-Year High:


    So much winning.

  16. Yīshēng, WAKANDA FOREVER!!!������������ said...
    Nipples doesn’t want to hold pee-pee’s hand. AGAIN.

    Fake news.

    You sure are jealous of attractive white women, aren't you?

  17. Anonymous1:49 PM

    "Fully 90% of the news is about disgruntled colorful people acting out."

    More like 90% of the news in America is from Donald Trump and his regime loyalists spouting ever more delusional "alternative facts" from the alternative universe that they reside in.

    Travis "Taylor Swift is stalking me" Reichking is the poster child for Trump America.

  18. Drumpf has already unleashed the wasicu wastey terrorists on POC. Stoopid fucking whitey hates it when POC fight back. POC are supposed to say yassa to their betters and otherwise stay out of sight until a cop wants to use an unarmed POC for late night target practice.

  19. Terry Jeffries is full of more shit than a wingnut x-mas turkey. Another stoopid fucking wingnut disgraced talking head.

  20. Anybody find it curious that the guy with the world's best memory has to rely on unnamed people to tell him he didn't spend a night in Moscow?

  21. "... nobody got up protested and/or just left!"

    But chances are they won't be coming back any time soon, nor will anyone they know.
    Stupid, racist, mismanagement is just bad for business, and there's no shortage of other options competing for those diners' dollars.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. mike from the twilight zone said...
    "Drumpf has already unleashed the wasicu wastey terrorists on POC."

    Is mike's presence on Earth really necessary?

    Just asking for a friend.

  23. All this could have been avoided if these negresses had just gone to their local ghetto KFC or Popeye's like usual.

  24. Bill Maher is a kike4:33 PM

    Remember to vote Libertarian in 2020.

  25. Get with the program4:35 PM

    The Kanye-Trump pact means that racism is officially over, dog.

    No more whining about being asked to play golf faster or pay for your dinner.

    Y'all need to start pulling your own weight as we MAGA!

  26. Anonymous4:46 PM

    The white race is useless.

  27. Anonymous4:49 PM


  28. Listen god, you schmuck, my presence is the only essential white person needed. Wait until I get my superpowers and you stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts will be distant memories.

    You'll have yer very own wasicu utopia with no minorities to kick around. Soon you will be at each other's throats until you are ex-stinked. Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!

  29. Vackscene5:32 PM

    As a Chinese-American I know that whenever blacks enter an establishment the noise level and disorderliness will increase substantially. It's just what happens with you people.

    See more at:

  30. Kill white men, fuck white women5:37 PM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  31. god- Hi inchi ya nani?

    Whose land is this?



  32. Wasicu wingnuts have outdone themselves some more. I'd think there were enough so called kristian wingnuts in need of salvation that whitey wouldn't have time to bitch about POC. Here is another fine example of stoopid fucking wingnuttery- http://juanitajean.com/republicans-dirty-in-so-many-ways/

  33. K. West5:46 PM

    Whites created the greatest countries on earth. Everyone wants to come to white countries BECAUSE they are white countries AND because whites are the only non-racist people on earth. Some Asian countries are really nice, but nobody wants to move there because Asians actually ARE racist.

    Immigration turns white countries into non-white countries that no one wants to be in.

    You gotta know when to stop.

  34. President Trump could bring Kanye on as VP for the 3rd and 4th terms

  35. Toronto terrorist turns out to be a maggot infested Trumpaholic with similar ideas about women as Drumpf.

    Alek Minassian, the man who killed 10 people by driving a van down a busy street in Toronto on Monday, is a terrorist.

    We know this because he told us so. On Tuesday afternoon, Facebook confirmed the authenticity of a post in his name, in which he pledged allegiance to something called the “Incel Rebellion.” This is not an organized militant group but rather an ideal developed by the so-called “incel” movement — an online community of men united by their inability to convince women to have sex with them. (“Incel” stands for “involuntarily celibate.”)

  36. Anonymous said...

    “And yet in today's society of meek sheeple, nobody got up protested and/or just left! They sat there and put up with the ruckus,embarrassment,humiliation and just plain nastiness that these women were subjected to”

    This surprises you?

    While I’m sure everyone in the restaurant was made very uncomfortable by the manager’s tirade and bad attitude, the problem is the other diners had no way of knowing whether he was right or wrong on the facts. For all they knew, the women really might have pulled a “dine and dash” on a previous occasion. The only thing that was certain was that, regardless of the women’s innocence or guilt, he was handling things very badly.

    Consequently, everyone just kept their heads down and hoped the situation would resolve itself quickly so they could get back to eating.

    12:58 PM

    It doesn't surprise me, I'm just stating a fact. What does surprise me is that you would think that they would think the manager was telling the truth, why because they were black women?

  37. Pope Francis6:19 PM

    mike would be involuntarily celibate if that goat could run a little faster.

  38. Ivan Beatinov7:25 PM

    Kanye West is a Russian bot.


    Eminem probably mad as hell right now.

  40. Note to white boys thinking of murdering folks because you can't get laid:

    1. Grow the fuck up.

    2. Women are human beings with free will and the same rights and responsibilities as men, and none of them owe you, or anyone else, a damn thing, much less the use of their bodies for your sick pleasure.

    3. Grow the fuck up. A real man would not whine about not getting laid, much less invent stupid names for not being able to get laid, or, and I can't stress this enough, kill people in a goddamn tantrum over not being able to get laid.

    4. Nobody can always get laid every time they want to. Get over it. Perhaps try masturbating to less violent imagery, or (!) no imagery at all.

    5. Guns and romance do not mix. Put down one or the other before you leave the house.

    6. If you want to be with a woman, try talking to some women and paying enough attention to them to figure out what they like and dislike. They have to be attracted to you before they will let you have sex with them. Understand that you aren't the only one interested in this and they don't want to fuck everyone, so you need to distinguish yourself on a personal and individual level. You may see them as items to collect, but they do not see you that way, so trying to outcompete other males most likely not only won't work, but will leave you feeling slighted and prone to murderous tantrums.

    7. In other words, grow the fuck up, calm the fuck down, and get a grip on something besides your dick or your gun.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. So they caught the "Golden State Killer", a white cop who terrorized a generation of folks all across the state for decades, killing a dozen and raping 45 that they know of.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. "All this could have been avoided if these negresses had just gone to their local ghetto KFC or Popeye's like usual."

    Says the redneck who thinks that his local Bob Evans is a five star restaurant.

    Doug, I saw that story. I guess we kind of all knew that it would end this way.

  43. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  44. The Lady's Man10:02 PM

    Doug has obviously never been with a woman.

    1. Papa was a homosexual stone10:13 PM

      Neither has your Pappy.

  45. Kill whitey10:04 PM

    field negro said...
    "Doug, I saw that story. I guess we kind of all knew that it would end this way."

    Since were solving Bay Area murders from the 70's, maybe we can re-open the Zebra Murders investigation.


  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. Shaka Zulu had hisself a fine time mistreating the Majesty's brilliant, trained armies back in the day. Eventually a superior barbarism thwarted even the great Zulu nation.

    Egyptians and Mongol hordes weren't wasicu wasteys, either.

  48. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Wouldn't they be more at home at Chucky Cheese??

  49. Anonymous12:54 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    So they caught the "Golden State Killer", a white cop who terrorized a generation of folks all across the state for decades, killing a dozen and raping 45 that they know of.

    -Doug in Oakland
    8:10 PM

    Niggers do this every week in all major cities in America.....so what is your point??

  50. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  51. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Unfortunately blacks do a lot of "dining and dashing" so little wonder ths manager was mad.

  52. Anonymous5:47 AM

    ...and I'll say it again, IF your race could somehow behave like human beings, you'd probably not have half the problems you claim to have, but you can't! Name anyplace you live that isn't a shithole! ANYWHERE? Even Africa is a shit hole because of...YOU!!! Whites left, YOU destroyed it

    We don't want to be around you not because you're black but because of your propensity towards violence! Anywhere you live in numbers are absolute shitholes, yet YOU live there, created the shitholes, yet somehow believe blaming YT is going to make everything ok? Your fucking feral savages attempting to live in the 21st century when the 20th century more than proved you can't!

    Suck it up, assholes, YOU made YOUR mess, live in it!

  53. Anonymous5:56 AM

    9:08 AM

    Dave Zirin is a dumb fuckboi said...
    This is why the vast majority of fat assed white country ass white fuckboys eat squirrels and live in the goddamed woods like Dave Zirin's dumb ass.

    Yeah but when the food trucks stop coming to the cities, and eventually they'll have to, us white bois will survive very well and still prosper, while you WILL starve because you're too stupid not to burn down the stores that moved there to help YOU eat! Think about just that, those folks moved into your neighborhoods to help you eat, you showed your appreciation by robbing them and burning their stores down when your whittle fewwings get hurted!

    ROFLMFAO...there has NEVER been a race so effed up as yours!
