Monday, April 09, 2018

The heat is on.

"just heard that they broke into the office of one of my personal attorneys,” praising Cohen as a “good man” and saying this is a “disgraceful situation.”

I"It's an attack on our country,....It's an attack on what we all stand for."

The President said he’s been cooperating with the special counsel and he wants to tackle serious issues but there’s this “witch hunt constantly going on for over 12 months now”

“It’s a disgrace,”  It’s frankly a real disgrace. It’s an attack on our country, in a true sense. It’s an attack on what we all stand for… A whole new level of unfairness.”

Extraordinary stuff! Think about this. The office of the personal lawyer to the president of the United Sates was raided by federal agents today. This will not end well.

And FYI Mr. trump, they did not "break" into your attorney's office. They had a warrant, and in order to get that warrant they had to go to a Judge.  Apparently the Judge found that there was enough probable cause to believe that there is something there.  And it's not a "witch hunt"; it's a crook hunt, and I hope that they catch the biggest crook to sit in the office of the president since Richard Nixon.  

Shamefully, the president also tried to make this a partisan matter, and he made some dangerous and extraordinary statements in front of his military leaders. Of course there is nothing partisan about what is happening to trump and his lawyer. Why do I say this? Because almost all of the major players in trump's nightmare are republicans, and his own appointees have their prints all over this matter.

"It's an attack on our country" 

No it's not. It's the chickens coming home to roost, and Mr Mueller and company getting closer to the truth. The fact that Mr. trump is in full panic mode should tell us all something.

During the campaign against Hilary Clinton, trump and his supporters were chanting "lock her up".
Of course no one is laughing harder than Hillary Clinton these days.

Someone will be definitely locked up soon, but it won't be Hillary Clinton.

*Pic from


  1. Clarence Darrow9:30 PM

    The cheap theatrical stunt of raiding Michael Cohen's office is more proof that a year later Mueller has found zero evidence of Russia collusion and is now looking into Stormy Daniels. Next he'll be looking into Gary Busey's firing on the Apprentice.

  2. FBI raids Trump’s Lawyer – Apparently for files relating to Stormy Daniels. Right in the middle of the Syria crisis - WHAT A STRANGE COINCIDENCE!

    It’s very, very funny that this comes exactly as Trump is being pressured to get us into an insane war over a false flag hoax.

  3. Whether or not Trump banged that porn star, I have no idea.

    What I do know is that it is not illegal to have sex with a porn star, and it is not illegal to pay her off afterward.

    So what is this raid about?

    And what is the likelihood that it is a coincidence that it is happening right now?

    Look: Trump knows this Syria thing is a hoax. He has to know. Any child or adult looking at this and knowing just the most basic facts of it can see that it is a hoax. There is simply no way Assad would do this, right now.

    And Russia said they were planning a false flag using chemical weapons in that exact area.

    Everybody knows.

    Assad didn’t do this.

    Trump was in the process of pulling out troops, then this happens, and he’s on TV saying he’s going to “do something” in the next 48 hours.

    What he doesn’t say is that this “something” will be military action.

    And then, just hours after that – minutes even – we get this raid.

  4. Anonymous9:39 PM

    “The cheap theatrical stunt of raiding Michael Cohen's office is more proof that a year later Mueller has found zero evidence of Russia collusion and is now looking into Stormy Daniels. Next he'll be looking into Gary Busey's firing on the Apprentice.”

    Wouldn’t be surprised if the Apprentice does get investigated. Trump is already being sued by one of the show’s contestants who says he sexually harassed her. Literally everything Trump is involved in somehow ends up stinking of ethics violations and crime.

    Weird coincidence, that.

  5. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Make no mistake about it, what we are witnessing right before our eyes with the Mueller, FISA, Rosenstein, Comey, Obama, Hillary, Lynch, FBI scandal, is the biggest scandal in history.

  6. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Fishing expedition. Nothing will come of this. Anything they found can't be used in court due to the attorney/client privilege.

  7. Mueller’s scope is we don’t like Trump, his win was illegitimate heteronormative white supremacy and we’re nullifying this election. Deal with it!

  8. Anonymous9:46 PM

    “Look: Trump knows this Syria thing is a hoax. He has to know. Any child or adult looking at this and knowing just the most basic facts of it can see that it is a hoax. There is simply no way Assad would do this, right now.”

    No, there is plenty of reason he would do it.

    Putin and Assad are both evil scumbags and formal allies, but they don’t always see eye to eye on war strategy. The Russians were making a deal with a group of rebels to let them remain in Douma (at least temporarily). Assad didn’t like this decision, so he gassed the city to make the rebels leave.

  9. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Notice who has NOT been raided by Mueller or FBI: FusionGPS, Steele, Perkins Cole, Averatti, Podesta Group, Skadden Arps, Clinton Foundation, or anybody connected on the Democratic side to the issues ACTUALLY under investigation.

  10. "Assad didn’t like this decision, so he gassed the city to make the rebels leave."

    So, two days after Trump announces the US is pulling out of Syria, Assad does the one thing possible to reverse the decision and get the world's most powerful military back into the effort to depose him?

    AND, per your theory, nix a deal his main backer made, right when he needs their support the most?


  11. Tucker Carlson: "What US national security interest is served by invading Syria ?"

    Senator Wicker: "Well, if you care about Israel..."

  12. Democracy Dies in Darkness10:06 PM

    Make no mistake, this is an attempted coup by the deep state.

    In end-stage America, the swamp drains you

  13. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Looks like Trump didn't bomb Syria fast enough to stop this FBI raid on his lawyer.

  14. Evil Empire10:19 PM

    The USA: A global force for spreading egalitarianism, requiring the destabilizing of hierarchy, tradition, order and morality one nation at a time.

  15. Anonymous10:23 PM

    "Other seized docs include business records and communications between Cohen and Trump, but the raid does not appear to be directly connected to Mueller’s probe of Russian meddling in the election, according to NYT."

    Federal agents are stealing and reading communications between an attorney and his client, but the liberals and Fredocons are cool with it because they don't like the client.

    1. One word. Whitewater. Goose, meet Gander.

  16. Anonymous10:24 PM

    “So, two days after Trump announces the US is pulling out of Syria, Assad does the one thing possible to reverse the decision and get the world's most powerful military back into the effort to depose him?

    AND, per your theory, nix a deal his main backer made, right when he needs their support the most?”

    Trump isn’t going to do shit. He’ll blow up another Syrian airfield, like he did the last time Assad gassed civilians. Or he’ll do something equally useless and purely symbolic that Assad will have a good laugh about.

    No reasonable person believes our president would escalate U.S. involvement in Syria for humanitarian reasons. He is a sociopath who doesn’t care about the welfare of any human beings not named Trump. And it’s doubly hilarious to suggest Mr. Muslim Ban would do it because he’s suddenly super upset over some dead Muslims.

    As for Assad, he ain’t exactly the savviest of world leaders. If he had known what the hell he was doing, he would never have stupidly massacred pro-democracy protesters in his country and caused this awful civil war in the first place.

  17. J.B. White10:29 PM

    Today was a turning point.

    Irreversible damage has been done to the nation.

    All because a drunken, old, brittle-boned, selfish, fall-risk bitch couldn’t handle losing an election.

  18. "No reasonable person believes our president would escalate U.S. involvement in Syria for humanitarian reasons."

    Tell that to the people of Iraq. Or Libya. A half million people have been killed in our latest humanitarian escapade. Anyone who says they think Assad pulled this outrageous stunt just when it looked as though this proxy war was resolving in his favor is either a fool or an Israeli shill.

  19. Anonymous10:41 PM

    The damage done by Mueller’s special counsel is irreversible. These are police state tactics and if you think this sort of thing can’t happen to you, you’re dead wrong.

  20. Anonymous10:53 PM

    “Tell that to the people of Iraq. Or Libya. A half million people have been killed in our latest humanitarian escapade.”

    You think Trump has allowed troops to remain in Iraq or Syria for humanitarian reasons? They have been in both of those countries recently only to fight ISIS, a group dedicated to murdering Americans (among other Westerners). There’s nothing humanitarian about it; that’s called “national self-interest.”

    As for our providing air support in the Libyan Civil War, that was humanitarian in motive — but it was Obama’s action, not Trump’s. The results in Libya have been shitty, but they’d almost certainly have been even shittier if Qaddafi had been allowed to win and then taken genocidal action against the losing side. There weren’t really any great options in that situation if you cared about Libyan civilians.

  21. It's interesting that Mueller dealt this off to the US Attorney's office and didn't do it in house.

    And the more frightening circumstance than even Fergus being faced with military decisions while the legal noose closes in is the fact that his NSA is now John the fuck Bolton.

    Also, spare a thought for who is really getting boned, Fergus style, in Syria: the Kurds.

    It's textbook Fergus- we get the Kurds to do most of the actual fighting for us because although we want war in Syria (and Iraq) we don't want to actually, you know, fight it.

    So as soon as the word comes out of Syria that ISIS is going down, Fergus announces that he wants to withdraw and hang the Kurds out to dry now that they've done his bidding and he doesn't think he needs them any more.

    That mentality, if you can call it that, will come back to masticate Fergus' posterior, just you watch.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Also interesting is that the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, whose office executed this raid, is a recent Fergus appointee who contributed to Fergus' campaign and was previously a partner in Giuliani's law firm.
    So partisan witch hunt? Not so much.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. "Notice who has NOT been raided by Mueller or FBI: FusionGPS, Steele, Perkins Cole, Averatti, Podesta Group, Skadden Arps, Clinton Foundation, or anybody connected on the Democratic side to the issues ACTUALLY under investigation."

    Well......if this were true AG Sessions would be investigating right?

  24. I really feel sorry for Jebbers. He has got to feel some kind of way losing to THAT guy😂

  25. Anonymous2:03 AM

    Emotional weather report for the next few days:

    Constant rage-tweeting from the Very Stable Genius.

    According to the VSG, investigation of his numerous misdeeds is an “attack on the nation.” (Because, of course, the VSG and “the nation” are one and the same. Never mind that the majority voted against him in the 2016 election, and an even greater majority of the populace now hate his guts.)

    L'état, c'est moi!

  26. Thank you Doug and PilotX for the supporting information.

    It's time to just wait and see what will happen. But it won't be long until it's time to start laughing this entire nightmare off as Trump slinks away with his dick between his legs in just over two and one-half years.

    Dammit it is going to feel good to look at that cock-sucking son-of-a-bitch in the rear-view mirror. What a disastrous and shameful presidency it has been. It feels like having some tough guy maniac break into your sideyard and rape your prize-winning, purebred mama dog who produces only the finest litters of pedigreed puppies. Sure, you call the cops. The guy is arrested. But it breaks your heart that your favorite bitch had to endure the rape. It's like having a big Russian guy rape your favorite cow. Unsupportable.

    I sure as hell hope nothing this horrendous ever happens to my country again.

    It will be more than a decade until we can claim to have substantially rebuilt our economy and international stature.

    The national debt will stand at between thirty and forty trillion $$ when the monster finally leaves office January 20, 2021. It will be at least three more years until the Great Republican Tax Heist of 2017 is reversed. Remember all of the younger millenials that didn't believe that there would be any Social Security when they all retired in the year 2050? Well, of course, they were republicans, so they were deluded. But they just might turn out to be right.

    Hopefully the youth and the anti-NRA vote can carry us through to at least 2030 so we can get out of this thing.

  27. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I love the hysteria of some of the commenters here about all powerful democrats
    and ghost Hilary, Obama---other black people in the former Obama administrator yadda yadda, yadda. You are delusional

    Like Field said-----these are republicans people.
    Republican house, senate, presidency, conservative court. Mueller, McCabe
    Rosenstein, Sessions, the prosecutor who was handpicked by Trump got the warrant for Cohen. R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N-S.

    Democrats have no power! Weak ass whiners.

  28. Black men are just unattractive and unappealing. So what if you have big dicks? You have tiny brains.

  29. I love it. HRC is in control of stoopid fucking wingnut heads. She's in there tight and she's in there deep. She's making asses of stoopid wingnut sheep. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Miss Davidson, it isn't their brains you've been sucking.

  30. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Says the guy who rants about "Drumpf" 800 times a day.

  31. Anonymous J.B. White said...

    Today was a turning point.

    Irreversible damage has been done to the nation.

    All because a drunken, old, brittle-boned, selfish, fall-risk bitch couldn’t handle losing an election.

    Not a discouraging word about illegal collusion between ratfucking wasicu wingnuts and Russia to steal the election for wingnuts. That isn't a turning point or damage to America? Stoopid fucking wingnuts!

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Says the guy who rants about "Drumpf" 800 times a day.

    Sez the fluffer that sucks Drumpf's micro dick 801 times a day. Is Drumpf the other white meat or just the hog?

  33. Environmental Protection Agency Chief of Staff Ryan Jackson is taking the fall for the controversial, hefty raises given to two of Scott Pruitt’s closest aides who joined the EPA after working with Administrator Pruitt in Oklahoma.

    The Atlantic was first to report on Monday, citing EPA internal emails, that Pruitt was aware of the new salaries for aides Sarah Greenwalt and Millan Hupp. CNN obtained those emails, which reportedly indicate at least twice that “the administrator” had signed off on the salary increases.

  34. And yet, Trump is still more successful than the vast majority of negroes.

  35. Anonymous10:27 AM

    ”And yet, Trump is still more successful than the vast majority of negroes.”

    And yet, Trump inherited gobs of cash from his dad, managed it badly, went bankrupt four times, cheated his suppliers/employees, and ran a fraudulent business education scheme (Trump “University”). That’s hardly my definition of “success.”

    Trump actually envies and resents anybody who acquired their wealth by making some sort of useful contribution to the economy. Other rich people laugh at trashy Trump, which only fuels his false sense of victimhood.

  36. J. Burton10:31 AM

    Iraq and Libya are hellscapes. We're approaching seventeen years—seventeen YEARS—in Afghanistan with no end in sight. Sure, let's fight in Syria too while we're at it. Obama killed a half million Syrians, let's make it an even million!

  37. It's really funny that "white supremacists" are the only people right now vigorously trying to stop a war that would result in the deaths of millions of brown people.

    Who will stop these evil "white supremacists" in their anti-war campaign of hate?

  38. Wasicu scumbags aren't trying to stop any war, they are trying to distract attention from criminal activities perpetrated by the criminal occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  39. Anonymous11:11 AM

    ”Obama killed a half million Syrians, let's make it an even million!”

    God, you’re dumb. Seriously, have you ever encountered such a thing as a fact in your life, or do you waste literally all your time on lie-filled Reddit message boards and Stormfront?

    We’ve killed nothing like half a million in Syria. U.S. involvement in the war has been pretty minimal, mostly confined to bombing ISIS.

    The half a million number is the total deaths in the war — most of which have been at the hands of Assad. That’s what the fighting has overwhelmingly been about: Assad’s efforts to block democracy by murdering Syrian citizens who oppose him. The jihadis in Syria (who are a direct threat to Americans) are a minor aspect of this war.

  40. J. Burton11:20 AM

    "We’ve killed nothing like half a million in Syria. U.S. involvement in the war has been pretty minimal, mostly confined to bombing ISIS."

    This war never would have started without Obama's backing of the "rebels". Our continued support is what has kept the slaughter going. The minute we leave, it's over and Assad wins, which is why every time Trump tries to get out, we conveniently get a chemical weapons attack by Assad to pull us back in.

    Utter propaganda.

  41. Anonymous11:44 AM

    ”This war never would have started without Obama's backing of the ‘rebels’. Our continued support is what has kept the slaughter going. ”

    Revisionist history. The U.S. didn’t get involved at all until well after the fighting started, and our backing of a handful of anti-Assad rebels has been insignificant.

    The only meaningful involvement the U.S. has had has been in fighting ISIS, and that is for our own benefit, not the benefit of Syrian civilians.

    Obama might have liked to get further involved, to stop the slaughter. Congress and American popular opinion would not let him.

  42. I can't decide what black men are more obsessed with: their dicks, or every minute detail of what white people do.

  43. J. Burton12:02 PM

    "The only meaningful involvement the U.S. has had has been in fighting ISIS"

    Nonsense. The people we have been supporting in Syria are allies of ISIS. Some of the weaponry we have provided has gone to ISIS. The rebels holding Douma are Jaysh al-Islam, radical Islamists supported by US ally Saudi Arabia. The US and ISIS are on the same side in Syria.

  44. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Ahahaha, loving this tweet from the Hoarse Whisperer:

    When your raid nabs the client AND the attorney.

  45. Anonymous12:10 PM


    Don’t really need to read past the “sen paul claims” part of the url to know this is gonna be some bullshit.

    Sen. Paul, renowned Ayn Rand expert.

    “Atlas shrugged” at his understanding of foreign policy.

  46. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Michael Cohen may have committed an FEC violation, punishable by a fine.

    Hilllary had highly classified data on her private email server, refused to comply with a subpoena, and then destroyed all evidence demanded by the FBI.

    Only one of these people had the DOJ treat them like a dangerous enemy of the state.

  47. Robert Mueller12:21 PM

    Hilllary had highly classified data on her private email server, refused to comply with a subpoena, and then destroyed all evidence demanded by the FBI.
    Let it go bro. Let it go.

  48. Dave the fuckboi12:23 PM

    I can't decide what black men are more obsessed with: their dicks, or every minute detail of what white people do.
    Says the white guy who obsesses about negroes every single day. Introspection is not a strong trait of fuckboi pussies obviously.

  49. Anonymous12:25 PM

    And yet, Trump is still more successful than the vast majority of negroes.
    And Phillip is less successful than everyone on the planet.

  50. As a Chinese-American I've always wondered why black people waste so much of their time worrying about stupid shit. You could be trying to improve your communities and stop all that black on black violence that is prevalent amongst you people. Just a thought.

  51. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit1:26 PM

    tr**p could end up being worse than James Buchanan.

  52. Hilllary had highly classified data on her private email server, refused to comply with a subpoena, and then destroyed all evidence demanded by the FBI.

    Only one of these people had the DOJ treat them like a dangerous enemy of the state.

    So sayeth the ventriloquist's dummy spewing Fake Noize talking points verbatim.

  53. Black People1:33 PM


    Yes, that might be good, but it is a lot easier to just take the social status conferred by claiming to be victimized by those we are taught to hate.

  54. Another day goes by where HRC has yet to sell any uranium to Russia, has not taken any bribes from anyone for Bill's speeches, had no quid pro quo for contributions to WJC Foundation.

    Meanwhile Drumpf lied again and again about his little problem with Mueller. Mueller is making all the right moves and is doing so legally, something stoopid fucking wingnuts can't fathom because they are stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  55. Payback is a bitch1:40 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Another day goes by where HRC has yet to sell any uranium to Russia, has not taken any bribes from anyone for Bill's speeches, had no quid pro quo for contributions to WJC Foundation.

    She had to retire from all that because she lost.

  56. Anonymous1:49 PM

    "Hilllary had highly classified data on her private email server, refused to comply with a subpoena, and then destroyed all evidence demanded by the FBI.”

    Hillary’s personal emails were deleted before the FBI ever even opened any investigation of her emails. There is literally no reason to believe they constituted “evidence” of anything.

    Oh, and also, mishandling classified emails isn’t actually a felony in any case, despite the lies to the contrary on wingnut media. So that whole investigation was a farce from the outset, and the FBI only went through the motions, wasting taxpayer money, to mollify congressional GOP dirtbags.

    Just FYI.

  57. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Destroying subpoenaed evidence is a felony, which is what Hillary did when she had her IT guy use Bleach Bit to wipe her server clean AFTER it had been subpoenaed.

    Also, she had no right to delete "personal" emails, as she was mandated by law to turn over everything in any account that she used for government business.

  58. Anonymous2:13 PM

    "Destroying subpoenaed evidence is a felony, which is what Hillary did when she had her IT guy use Bleach Bit to wipe her server clean AFTER it had been subpoenaed."

    Didn’t. Happen.

    Her server was shut down and destroyed, and all relevant emails handed over to the State Department, at their request, so departmental emails could be properly archived as governmental records. Anything personal was deleted.

    The FBI investigation came later. She didn’t fail to comply with any subpoenas. She handed over all emails that existed at the time of the subpoenas.

  59. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  60. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Her server was shut down and destroyed, and all relevant emails handed over to the State Department, at their request, so departmental emails could be properly archived as governmental records. Anything personal was deleted.

    Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!

    Everyone under investigation is always allowed to pick and choose what evidence they will hand over and what they will destroy. It's the foundation of our system of justice!

    Just shut the fuck up already.

  61. You stoopid fucking wingnuts just don't get it, do you? HRC did not lose. Putin, Drumpfuck, Wikileaks, Russian bots and who knows all else conspired to steal the election. Drumpf is the bogus potus whose illegal reign is quickly coming to a bad end for the pelt wearing fucking criminal.

    You'll soon be whining about how unfair it is because Drumpf and his entire crooked family are pissing and moaning in Sing Sing because his friends sang sang to prosecutors and got him convicted. Hope the scuzbucket lives forever on the government in prison.

  62. As Slate’s Laura Wagner has explained, BleachBit is one of a number of free, open-source software programs that anyone can use to clear unneeded files from computers to free up space and keep systems running smoothly. As one computer security expert put it to CNN last week: “Someone trying to cover their tracks would likely pay for and use a much more expensive, specialized data destruction tool.” Meanwhile, the software’s creator has even said that some of the emails that Clinton deleted could still be recovered from third-party servers, which in theory Gowdy’s omniscient creator would have knowledge of.

    Just shut the fuck up already.

  63. This is why stoopid fucking wingnuts can't investigate anyone and get any convictions. They think smart people like HRC would use ineffective means to disappear evidence like stoopid fucking wingnuts would use.

    Gawd are these stoopid fucking wingnuts stoopid? Yes, yes they are!

  64. Remember when the goddamn Republicans were crowing about how the Iraq war wasn't a total loss because the fall of Saddam Hussein helped inspire the Arab Spring?
    Yeah, well, that Arab Spring was what started the uprising that led to the civil war in Syria, as anyone who remembered what Assad's dad did the last time there was an uprising

    was loudly saying would happen at the time, although nobody wanted to listen to anything that sounded that much like history, because Republicans are allergic to history and get really cranky when you bring up stuff that happened before their latest revision to year zero, which is currently set at a little after 11:05 Eastern on June 16, 2015, and previous to that was set at January 20, 2009.
    So, no, Obama didn't kill all of those Syrians, Assad did it with a major assist from George W. Bush and his merry band of neocons, one of whom was just made NSA for the goddamn Trump administration.

    And it would appear that Berman has recused himself, so at least that part of DoJ might still be functional.

    And this from Comerade Misfit:

    "Word is that Mueller showed what he had found to Rosenstein, who told him that subject wasn't in his wheelhouse and to pass it off to the appropriate Federal prosecutor's office.

    The other thing is that getting a search warrant to raid an attorney's office isn't just a matter of a FBI agent going to the assigned prosecutor and then to the judge. There are between five to seven other people in the application chain, including DoJ HQ, who have to sign off on it before it's presented to the judge.

    That suggests to me that what they have is pretty damned solid."

    -Doug in Oakland


    Rxplains in detail how Mueller and crew were able to raid a lawyer's office and ignore attorney/client privilege. They did it to Manafort's lawyer earlier.

  66. Director Homey4:00 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Hillary would never destroy evidence, but she is really good at destroying evidence."

    Just shut the fuck up already.

  67. Obama is the one who riled up the "Arab Spring", took down Egypt's government and replaced it with the Muslim brotherhood, refused to support democracy protesters in Iran, illegally attacked Libya, killing its leader and plunging the country into anarchy and chaos, doubled down in Afghanistan and sacrificed thousands of US troops, prematurely left Iraq thus allowing the formation of ISIS, initiated the war in Syria that has killed 500,000 people and displaced millions more, and funneled arms to Islamic terrorists through Libya, resulting in a dead ambassador and ISIS control of large parts of Iraq and Syria.

  68. So I wonder who it was who just kicked down more than a billion dollars to bail Kushy Kushkush out of his impending mortgage obligations on the aging property at 666 5th Ave,?

    -Doug in Oakland

  69. J. Burton4:44 PM

    In the violent chaos of post-regime-collapse Syria, all the innocent civilians who will be blown up, shot, beheaded, drowned, burned alive by roving jihadi militias can die with the comforting thought that "Hey, at least I wasn't killed by a chemical weapon!"

  70. Director Homey said...

    mike from iowa said...
    "Hillary would never destroy evidence, but she is really good at destroying evidence."

    Just shut the fuck up already.

    Truth hurts, donut?

    As for Drumpfuck's expected illegal military strike against Syria, if he does anything at all w/o UN resolution(which Russia will veto) he is a war criminal the same as Assad.

  71. How time flies, Russia has already vetoed UN resolution about Syria. Drumpf and butt buddy Vlad aren't seeing cock to mouth.

  72. Muumar5:21 PM

    "As for Drumpfuck's expected illegal military strike against Syria, if he does anything at all w/o UN resolution(which Russia will veto) he is a war criminal the same as Assad."

    You mean the same as Obama.

  73. So Uncle Rupert's London offices were raided by agents of the European Commission, who seized computer records and documents.

    -Doug in Oakland

  74. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Man runs for President and wins. Turns out he was spied on for two years by government in an attempt to derail his candidacy. Is attacked by media nonstop, gets special counsel assigned to investigate why he won, some associates are convicted of lying by FBI. Others charged with crimes from 10 years ago. His attorney's office is raided by FBI over a separate issue. I am really embarrassed to be an American now

  75. We have always been at war with Eastasia5:57 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "So Uncle Rupert's London offices were raided by agents of the European Commission, who seized computer records and documents."

    Leftist establishment governments are waging all out war on non-conforming press and outsider politicians, using media control and state institutions to subvert democratic movements and stop competing narratives. The results are endless wars, techno-corporatism, and totalitarian censorship, all in the name of promoting progressive cultural hegemony.

    And Doug cheers.

  76. Drumpfuck and his non-stop mouth and no brain activity got his silly ass in his own red line in the sand, like he excoriated Obama for.

    Dtrumpf retaliated last year and thAt didn't stop chemical attacks so he has to escalate and use warplanes in Syrian airspace and with the chance of engaging Russian warplanes and broadening the conflict.

    Then there is the problem of how to handle Panama's prez who wouldn't interfere in the judiciary and rescue Drumpf's hotel from its rightful owner and save Drumpf's 650k yearly management fees. The Drumpf lads were there and leaned on the prez who would not do their bidding for them.

    What's a dumbfucker to do when he can't do anything right?

  77. What are the chances Kushners file bankruptcy to save their money and empire? It worked bigly for Drumpfuck.

  78. I am really embarrassed to be an American now

    I'm really embarrassed you're an American. That makes it unanimous.

  79. Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

    The term was previously used beginning in March 2005 by numerous media commentators to suggest that a spin-off benefit of the invasion of Iraq would be the flowering of Western-friendly Middle East democracies.

  80. Anonymous6:27 PM

    "Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan."

    They did not arise independently, they were CIA operations, just like the 2014 coup in Ukraine.

  81. “There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little—if anything—to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

  82. Anonymous7:24 PM


  83. Anonymous7:26 PM

    This shows how desperate the Dems/progressives are. The border will be sealed off soon and their illegal voters deported soon.

  84. Anonymous7:32 PM

    The epic meltdown of Psycho from Iowa is a joy and a wonder.  The left is losing its shit at an astounding rate.

  85. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Chicago April 2018 To Date:
    Shot & Killed: 5
    Shot & Wounded: 51
    Total Shot: 56
    Total Homicides: 10

  86. White American7:45 PM

    Rural white America April to date:

    number of OD's 20,000

    number of white babies sold to white men for sex in exchange foe meth 20,000

    number of teeth 3

    number of showers taken 0

  87. Equal Pay Day.......except for women of color.

    Anystoopidfuckingmoose, go check out the subdued Michael Cohen interview with Don Lemon. Sounds like a contrite criminal about to get the ban hammer. Beautiful. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  88. "Leftist establishment governments are waging all out war on non-conforming press and outsider politicians, using media control and state institutions to subvert democratic movements and stop competing narratives. The results are endless wars, techno-corporatism, and totalitarian censorship, all in the name of promoting progressive cultural hegemony."

    Nope, they're examining the records for evidence of monopolistic activity prior to deciding on a major media consolidation, you know, like we used to do before the goddamn Republican propagandists took over.

    And I don't recall cheering about it, but if Rupert hates it, it's probably good for the country.

    -Doug in Oakland

  89. 87% Fortune 500 companies tell their employees they are too poor to give raises or bonuses. Nice. Plus the taxcuts for the koch bros adds another 240 billion to the deficit above what had already been reported. Fiscally responsible stoopid fucking lying wingnuts.


    Let's use Drumpf's government to threaten Panama.

  91. Stop the madness9:02 PM

    Okay Syria hawks. How long does the US have to occupy Syria to secure a post-Assad future that isn’t dominated by Iran and Russia? Which Sunni beheaders do you want as partners? Who will tell the Russians they can’t have their naval base anymore? How will they react?

  92. (((They)))9:15 PM

    They lied about Iraq.

    They lied about Libya.

    They're lying about Syria.

  93. Anonymous11:48 PM

    If WW3 breaks out will the Wakoondans save us from imminent death?

  94. Erik Killmonger12:57 AM

    If WW3 breaks out will the Wakoondans save us from imminent death?
    Not you.

  95. Attorney-client privledge is a constitutional right.

  96. Anonymous4:51 AM

    The only people crazy enough to believe that Trump's tax cuts were going to cause corporations to give their workers bonuses are the people that voted for him.

    While the executives at these rich corporations continue to pay themselves million dollar bonuses...don't hold your breath waiting for them to throw their "peasant" workers a bone.

  97. An Affirmative Action candidate worked for the Democrats in 2008. Who are they going to put up in 2020? A Latino maybe? Would negroes even vote for a Latino considering how Afrocentric you all are?

  98. Kill white men, fuck white women9:30 AM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  99. Attorney-client privledge is a constitutional right.

    If Drumpf told the truth about not knowing anything about payments to Stormy Daniels and his lawyer made payments anyway, there is no lawyer client privilege because Cohen acted on his own.

    Scream all you want, but the law is pretty clear unless you watch Fake Noize all the time.

  100. Anonymous9:39 AM

    White boys are pussies and retards.

  101. Another stoopid fucking wingnut abandons ship. Lying Paul Ryan of Fitzwalkerstan won't seek re-election this fall. Buh bye scumbag.
    Ryan's idea of cutting the deficit from a few years ago consisted of cutting social programs by 5 trillion and giving 4.3 trillion of that to the koch bros as taxcuts.

  102. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Woo-hoo! Paul Ryan is quitting!

    Well, not immediately, but he’s not running for re-election, so he’ll be gone next year.

    I guess that, much like John Boehner, being speaker and having to ride herd on the GOP made him realize he heading up a party of clowns. Actually, having the Very Stable Genius as president probably made him come to that realization even faster.

    Anyway, good riddance. We won’t have to hear any more of Ryan’s malarkey about how he’s going to balance the budget by cutting taxes (which will UNbalance the budget). One less Randroid in the House is a good thing.

    And we won’t have to hear any more of his lectures about how “urban men” have no “culture of work” (English translation: black men are lazy bums).

    Eff off back to Wisconsin, Ryan, you lying weasel. You will not be missed.

  103. Mission Accomplished10:04 AM

    Ryan did his job, which was to get the GOP establishment agenda passed and block Trump's agenda. Now he will collect his payoff.

  104. Fuck Nebraska10:14 AM

    Fuck Wisconsin.

  105. Dorian and Dexter are gay lovers10:20 AM

    I wonder who will be the next loser to be Speaker of the House.

  106. If this chemical gas thing fails again, then what happens next?

    These Jews are foaming at the friggin mouth for a war with Russia, and the situation with Iran in Syria makes the need for it immediate.

    So is there something bigger coming?

    The Skripal hoax was pretty big. And that’s now fallen apart too.

    I think they’re going to do something bigger next time. Maybe soon.

    Trump needs to start calling this stuff out instead of just trying to dodge it. Because they’re not going to stop throwing it at him, and eventually something is going to stick.

    He needs to understand that no one cares about Russia. None of his people do. I don’t even think the liberals do, and only talk about it in so much as they think it hurts Trump.

    A false flag that was out of hand, involving American deaths, would put him in a very rough position if he hadn’t preempted it.

    And let’s be honest here – the guy’s not that stupid. He doesn’t believe this shit. He just feels he’s got so much pressure on him to go along with it, that he has to take the narrative as it comes and then just try to dodge the Jew attempts to push him into a mess.

    That might work this time, but it isn’t going to work forever.

    He needs to aggressively take control of the situation and put forward his own narrative. He has no other choice.


  107. Raw Story
    Former GOP House Speaker John Boehner just announced he has ‘evolved’ — and will start selling weed

  108. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Trump and Cohen are the Ren and Stimpy of the real-estate underworld. Both should have stayed under the radar but like so many greedy Americans who want more and more to the point that money comes before country, these to traitorous tunes have a date with a federal judge in the very near future, they just don't know it.

  109. Here's yer false flag AA-
    Donald J. Trump
    ‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

    Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!
    3:57 AM - 11 Apr 2018

    Fer some reason or other Drumpfuck can't remember Putin's name.

  110. Wingnuts Dennis Ross of Florida and Charlie Dent of Penns. are leaving Congress as well as SOH Ryan. Ae this rate Dems will take over by default. ''What took wingnuts so long to figure out their obstructionist ways along with a Drumpfuck potus was a zero sum game?

    Dems should politely refuse to clean up this wingnut shithole again.

  111. And another FB11:51 AM

    An Affirmative Action candidate worked for the Democrats in 2008.
    And an ignorant racist fuckboi won in 2016. Who's next for the rethugs? Clint Eastwood?

  112. Anonymous12:11 PM

    "Ryan did his job, which was to get the GOP establishment agenda passed and block Trump's agenda. Now he will collect his payoff."

    Passing a tax cut that only benefits rich people was Ryan’s job. His donors will handsomely reward him.

    Blocking Trump’s agenda is the job of any sane person. You will never get your stupid wall.

  113. Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Wednesday requested 35 sets of subpoenas from a judge for witnesses to appear at the trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

    Bloomberg News reported that Mueller sought the subpoenas from a judge in Alexandria, Va., where Manafort’s trial is set to get underway on July 10.

    Mueller asked for blank subpoenas, with the names to be filled in later, Bloomberg reported.

  114. Drumpf's latest legal strategerie is since he wasn't legally elected, he can't be legally liable for his actions.


  116. So I wonder, would Ayn Rand approve of scuttlefish Paul Ryan "leaving politics to spend more time with his family" (read that: getting the hell out of the way before the ass-kicking Randy Bryce is about to administer sullies his resume before his turn for a run at the presidency comes around)?

    The zombie-eyed granny starver was almost as bad at the job of speaker as Boehner was, but that's not entirely his fault: the "Tea Party" wave of 2010 were, by definition, "outsiders" (read that: right-wing extremists who didn't understand what the job of representative was or how to do it and especially why you don't want to do it, say, the way Ted the fuck Cruz tells you to) who were elected to make a series of symbolic votes against the ACA and never had what it takes to get anything done in government, mostly because they despise the whole concept of government, so no Republican speaker was ever gonna, say, pass their president's entire agenda in one session like Nancy Pelosi did.

    They were lucky if they kept the government open and didn't deliberately crash the economy for two years at a time.

    The next speaker, whoever it may be, will most likely have it a bit easier, as the "freedumb cock-us" is poised to be neutered in the midterms, and won't be in possession of as large of a wrench to throw into the works as they have been for the last eight years.

    -Doug in Oakland


    Russia/NRA discloses 2 dozen more contributions from the motherland. Traitors all.


  118. News You Can Use

    April 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself

    Okay, if you ever drive through Louisiana, I need to let you know where you should not take any household pets you may own.

    The Louisiana State Legislature voted yesterday to make having sex with animals illegal. It passed 25 to 10.

    Who are the ten who voted against it, you ask? Well, aren’t you lucky because that’s what I do for a living.

    Here are the ten:

    • LA Senate President Alario
    • Allain
    • Claitor
    • Donahue
    • Fannin
    • Gatti
    • Long
    • Mizell
    • Perry
    • Riser

    Next, I went to this page and discovered … ta da! that they are all Repubicans

  119. Globohomo Enterprises,Inc.5:11 PM

    "Blocking Trump’s agenda is the job of any sane person. You will never get your stupid wall."

    But you will get your stupid war.

    Yay, Deep State!

  120. Cletus5:25 PM

    Ain't no Russian ever called me Cracker.

  121. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Blaxit in 2020 !

  122. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Thank Heaven for White People !

  123. Anonymous9:36 PM

    “‘Blocking Trump’s agenda is the job of any sane person. You will never get your stupid wall.’

    But you will get your stupid war.

    Yay, Deep State!”

    If you mean a major war in Syria, it won’t happen. The U.S. will end up bombing another airfield, and that’s about it. All the recent discussion of the “price” Trump will make Assad pay is much ado about nothing. Trump ain’t gonna do squat.

    If a major war does take place:

    1) It will be a war with either Iran or North Korea, not Syria.
    2) There will be catastrophic casualties.
    3) It will not be the fault of the “Deep State”; it will be the fault of Moron Trump (and his deranged little buddy, John Bolton).

  124. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  125. "Thank Heaven for White People !"

    Well, at least you got the religion right.

    -Doug in Oakland

  126. Also, the president just might have a love child running (or crawling) around out here. And he might have had the child with his housekeeper. I guess Thomas Jefferson was one of his heroes as well.

    Freaking me out, bro. You had me thinking that the monster actually checked the oil on a brown woman.

    Somehow I didn't think so.

    It's time to quit caring about Trump's dick and whether or not it has been wetted.
