Thursday, April 05, 2018

Tired of "winning".

Matt Bai is still one of the best writers in America.

This is his latest on America's leader.

The Field Negro education series continues.

"These should be President Trump’s best days in office. The tax bill that marked his first (and only) real legislative achievement has grown more popular in recent weeks. His blowhard rhetoric toward North Korea appears to have yielded a rare diplomatic opening. He’s revived a couple of his most resonant campaign themes, slapping tariffs on China and threatening to send soldiers to patrol the southern border.

And yet, Trump’s approval ratings seem barely to have budged. According to a series of polls in the last few weeks (leaving aside a single conservative-leaning outlier), four in 10 Americans, give or take, are happy with his presidency.
How can this be?

Trump loyalists will point out that his ratings are several points higher than his all-time low, and that no less revered a president than Ronald Reagan was in the same ballpark at this time in his presidency. But Reagan was battling a prolonged recession; Trump should be riding a wave of recovery.

No, a Trump Malaise descends on the country, and it can only be about one thing, as the president himself surely understands. After all, he warned us it would happen, and now his prophecy has come to pass.

We’re tired of winning already.

We laughed at the oracle when he made this prediction. But we didn’t really hear him.
When Trump first started appearing on our television screens as a candidate, sometimes for hours at a time without paying a dollar for the privilege or being interrupted by any pesky interviewers, America was beset by pessimism.

For decades, we had watched as automation and the rise of foreign manufacturers decimated our industries and hollowed out whole communities. We had seen America’s preeminent role as a superpower shaken by rivals with nuclear ambitions and by zealots living in caves.

“Win the future” had been one of President Obama’s hundred slogans — for about 10 minutes, anyway. The truth was we were fighting the future to a draw, at best, and everybody knew it.
And then along came Trump, like a real-life Music Man with a truckload of fetching red hats. If he became president, Trump said, America would all of a sudden start winning again. Our rural areas and small cities would bounce back. Our borders would be safe. Our government would work for everyone.

There was just one catch. We’d win so much, Trump said, that we’d eventually grow tired of winning. He knew what he was talking about. Because Trump had been winning all his life.
He was born a winner, with a dad who made a small fortune in real estate. He gambled that fortune on big-city skyscrapers and faux-classic casinos and exclusive golf courses the color of money, and he won again and again, if you don’t count a couple of nettlesome bankruptcies and a huge payout to victims of his scam university. (And, you know, the frozen steaks.)

So Trump understood how empty winning can be. How you think it’s going to soothe all your demons and wipe away all your cares, how you assume that once your team finally wins the championship you will wake up every morning with a smile on your face, but in the end it just leads to a void of disappointment and self-doubt.
And here we are.

Trump’s been pretty much the president he said he would be, even before he seized control of his own administration a few weeks ago and started replacing milquetoast policymakers with like-minded TV celebrities.

He’s told the Europeans and other allies who relied on our leadership for the last century to go figure things out for themselves.

He’s done his damnedest to discredit the entire idea of America as a nation of immigrants who share common values.

He’s responded to the Russian czar’s threat to nuke Florida by congratulating him on his hard-fought fake-election win and suggesting he visit Washington.

Thanks to Trump’s tax cuts and military buildup, we’re now rocketing toward an economic calamity in which just servicing the interest on our spiraling debt, coupled with our other obligations, will push interest rates higher and crowd out almost everything else the federal government does.
Oh, I know what you’re saying: This doesn’t sound like winning at all. But that’s only because you misunderstood what Trump was trying to say.

Trump doesn’t define winning the way you and I do. It’s not about giving back or improving people’s lives; as I’ve written before, Trump has never done that anywhere, unless you count remodeling a skating rink.

Winning, in Trump’s mind, wasn’t about us. It was about him.

It’s about ratings and primacy. Trump wants more than anything to exist outside of himself, to occupy your screens and your emotions. He always has.

Losing, to Trump, is receding from center stage. Winning is finding one way after another to keep us riveted to the show.

So Trump is absolutely delivering on his promise. He’s winning and winning and winning. Every day, it seems, he taps some new well of audacity, willing himself to become the overarching story of our time.

Even the reimagining of an old TV sitcom becomes a national conversation not because of anything that happens on the show itself, but because of what its star says about Trump, in the script and in real life. They should call it “Roseanne in Trumpland.”
Another win for the president.

And yes, we’re winning, too. Because like it or not, America has become the world’s Donald Trump. We’re shameless, unpredictable, outrageous. We’re a never-ending spectacle from which no one can look away. We’re the topic of all conversation, too.

We horrify and fascinate, and then we get up the next morning and somehow figure out how to do it again.

And we haven’t yet seen just how crazy and sordid this whole Russia investigation might become, dragging the country into yet another prolonged legal drama with unbelievable ratings, amazing, like you’ve never seen.

Of course Trump’s idea of winning feels deflating to most of us. It’s exhausting. It’s disorienting. It’s like putting your face up to an industrial fan every hour of the day.

It seeps into our dreams — all this dissembling and smallness and provocation bursting onto our TV crawls and iPhone screens — and when we wake up, we’re not an inch closer to giving our kids the America we promised them.

But you can’t really blame the president. He told us right from the start that we’d get tired of the whole noisy routine.

We were just too busy gawking to listen." [Source]

*Pic from


  1. Drumpfuck sez China's retaliation on tariffs in unfair. I guess the Chinese don't see the need to coddle Drumpf and play by his rules, whatever they may be.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Trumpism is predicated on a lot of foolish beliefs.

      One of the main beliefs is that America is omnipotent, and we can bully the rest of the world into doing whatever we want, but somehow we have not been using our mighty power, because of wimpy liberals and “cuckservatives” who all care too much about the welfare of foreigners. And, of course, Trump is going to fix all that by turning the country into a global bully, in his own image.

      It does not seem to occur to Trump and his dumbass followers that the rest of the world can punch back.

      Trump can do “America First.”

      But China can also do China First.

      And Japan can do Japan First.

      And Canada can do Canada First.

      And Europe can do Europe First.

      And Brazil can do Brazil First.

      And so on.

      If these countries are smart, they will target their revenge tariffs to destroy industries located in US states that voted for Trump, and watch his approval ratings plummet as the rednecks starve.

  2. No matter how bad the trump experiment goes the right will spin the truth and people will believe he is the best president ever. Sinclair will see to that.👍🏾

    1. Anonymous10:56 PM

      I don’t know about that. I do think it is possible that Trump can screw his followers badly enough that they start to hate him. No idea how bad things will have to get for the rest of us before that happens, though.

      In my opinion, the actual problem with wingnuts is that they always manage to learn the wrong lessons from the catastrophes they create. It never occurs to them that their ideology might be garbage; instead, they always blame it on the individual Republican politician, and swear that the next jackass they nominate will do a better job.

      “Conservatism can never fail — it can only be failed.”

      This is how we ended up with Tea Party nitwits claiming that, yeah, okay, Bush was a total disaster, but so what? He wasn’t a “real” conservative.

      When Trump fucks things up, they’ll probably say he wasn’t racist enough, not xenophobic enough, not protectionist enough, not fascistic authoritarian enough.

      It makes my head hurt predicting the historical revisionism and goalpost-moving that will ensue after Trump crashes and burns, to avoid accepting the reality that hatemongering and hyperpatriotism isn’t an effective way to run a country.

    2. Anon@10:56, I might have to go with Pilot on this one. Remember him bragging about being able to shoot someone on 5th Avenue and none of his supporters would care?

  3. "I don’t know about that. I do think it is possible that Trump can screw his followers badly enough that they start to hate him"

    I'll put $50 that that won't happen😂

  4. Tired of whining, which is something negroes excel at.

  5. Lance Cockstrong12:28 AM

    The only people not tired of Butt Trumpet's bullshit are his fellow micro dick white boys.

  6. Bum Phillips12:29 AM

    Tired of whining, which is something conservative white men excel at.

  7. White feminists are retarded cunts12:33 AM

    Trump never had much of a chance at "winning," especially when the stocked his cabinet full of incompetence.

  8. Anonymous1:12 AM

    And yet, Trump’s approval ratings seem barely to have budged. .... four in 10 Americans, give or take, are happy with his presidency.

    The same pollsters who lied about his popularity leading up to the election... are lying now.  Don't you know that America—ACTUAL America, not you fake Americans—is onto that scam?

    When Trump first started appearing on our television screens as a candidate, sometimes for hours at a time without paying a dollar for the privilege or being interrupted by any pesky interviewers, America was beset by pessimism.

    You mean not-America was beset by pessimism.  America was energized enough to overcome your margin of fraud and elect him by a massive margin where it counted.

    He’s told the Europeans and other allies who relied on our leadership for the last century to go figure things out for themselves.

    He's told them we're not going to be their sugar-daddy.  He told them to grow the fuck up.  Which you should do too, Feeled.

    He’s done his damnedest to discredit the entire idea of America as a nation of immigrants who share common values.

    As little as 50 years ago, America understood itself to be a nation of pioneers and settlers.  The "nation of immigrants" nonsense is the retconning of American history by people who came to an established nation and griped about how their ancestors were treated at Ellis Island... which 99.9% of the ancestors of actual Americans never set foot on.  The "nation of immigrants" is as bogus as Judeo-Christ, another fraud perpetrated by (((the tribe))).

    Trump doesn’t define winning the way you and I do.

    Funny, Trump just got a lot of attention aimed at a bunch of largely-Honduran invaders headed our way through Mexico.  This bunch of invaders looks like it's mostly going home again, unlike previous bunches.  That's definitely winning the way I define it.  Removing all the previous ones who got here is REALLY winning.

    We'll see if the Army Corps of Engineers continues the border barrier improvement beyond the bits currently authorized, under the POTUS's national security authority.  Maybe if we get some involvement of the Mexican government in promoting invasion or attacking US persons we can declare a police action and build our border barrier on former-Mexico.  That would neatly deal with eminent domain issues in the US.  It would also give us an excuse to throw a lot of business to the people who make land mines.  I'm sure they'd be happy, and Americans would be employed.

    America has become the world’s Donald Trump. We’re shameless, unpredictable, outrageous. We’re a never-ending spectacle from which no one can look away.

    You need to pay more attention to the world.  Hungary (emulating Israel) threw up a serious border fence last year, cutting the Third World Invasion from a flood to next to nothing.  Libtards called Viktor Orban shameless and outrageous.  Americans called him brilliant, and insisted the POTUS do the same for the USA.

    That is why the ACTUAL approval rating of GEOTUS Trump is now over 50%, your lying pollsters notwithstanding.

    When the Lying Liberal Media collapses, you're going to be so disoriented you won't know whether to shit or go blind.  And that, ma nigga, is gonna be a laff riot.

  9. And another worthless troll1:21 AM

    That is why the ACTUAL approval rating of GEOTUS Trump is now over 50%, your lying pollsters notwithstanding.
    Wow, surprised this window licker can even breathe without instructions.

  10. All in all a good article, but I take exception to a few of the "we"s he used.

    As for when/if his Pig People will abandon him, if past is prologue, it'll begin right before he leaves office, with +/- 27% hanging on to the bitter end, but the ones who can't remain in polite society as Fergus supporters launching another Tea Party style rebranding effort where they will claim that they never liked the tweeting, didn't want to vote for him but they couldn't abide Hillary's emails, or perhaps reach all the way back to '09 and claim to be newly minted constitutional conservatives who have never even heard of this Fergus fellow you are going on at such tedious length about, but instead are concerned about nothing but out-of-control government spending they are certain the incoming Democratic administration will use to ruin 'murica and tread all over our freedumb...

    You see the groundwork being laid for the rebranding already, with the careful characterization of the catastrophe as "Trumpism" by the beltway media in a naked attempt at exempting Republicans from any responsibility for what they've done, as if they didn't vote for him in historic numbers in the primaries.

    But get real: there is no damn Trumpism or Trump doctrine, Fergus could not give two hairs on a rat's furry ass about doctrine or policy and would cheerfully enact Bernie Sanders' or Dennis Kucinich's agendas if he thought he could piss off his enemies or make the Pig People cheer at him by doing so.

    But the call to political arms has already gone out this time, months ago. No weaseling out of it this time. No Trumpism, only Republicanism, same as it ever was, and that smoke from down by the shoreline? That's the lifeboats, motherfuckers, you're gonna own this for a long, long time.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Maybe Doug but as you say if the past is prologue we will elect a Dem to clean up the mess trump caused and in 4-8 years we'll elect a simpleminded Republican who runs on a three word slogan (drill baby drill, lock her up, build that wall) who will do the bidding of the corporate masters. Rinse and repeat.

    2. Anonymous2:53 AM

      ”But the call to political arms has already gone out this time, months ago. No weaseling out of it this time.”

      It’s hard to see how to stop the weaseling. It happens over and over again.

      It’s never the fault of Republican voters that they voted for dumb stuff and it led to disaster. Nope, they were BETRAYED, by dastardly BELTWAY INSIDERS who didn’t live up to their principles.

      But surely that won’t happen again next time.

      Until it happens again.

  11. Trump wins more than most blacks. Hence why Trump has more money and better looking women around him.

  12. P.T.W3:55 AM

    Trump is the most interesting person in the White House in at least 50 years.

  13. The Fixer4:33 AM

    Trump is the dumbest person in the White House in at least 50 years.


  14. Anonymous5:29 AM

    I'm genuinely getting hard over the 2018 elections.

  15. Anonymous7:44 AM

    ...and your point is?

    Look...bottom line is..TRUMP WILL WIN ANOTHER ELECTION

    The racial hatred, fear mongering, and the false belief that "those coloreds are taking over OUR country and we're becoming a minority" will keep just enough white trash fearful enough to pull the lever for Trump one more time.

    All while the real enemy "White Corporate America") keeps racking in the bucks, paying no taxes, giving their executives billion dollar bonuses, and passing none of it on to their low and middle class employees in the form of fair wages, and bonuses.

    No surprise at all..especially when the POTUS can get millions of dumb ass Americans to believe that millions of hard working, law abiding hispanics fleeing their country in desperation are only coming her to rape, rob, pilage and go on welfare.

    P.S. Speaking of about the millions of orthodox Hasidic Jews that have been cheating the welfare system for decades... with food stamps and welfare checks.NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT THEM.

  16. Anonymous7:52 AM lease the white Jews that abuse the welfare system use all the money that they save to buy houses to live in and apartment buildings that they rent out to others.

    Black folks stay on welfare from generation to generation and have nothing to show for it except a rent check, 5 baby daddies, and a crack pipe.

  17. Guys, be careful using the word prologue. Stoopid fucking wingnuts will come and take yer trees and not even pay you for them.

  18. Trump's approval rating is over 50% in some polls. Stop trying to gaslight people.

  19. Anonymous11:34 AM

    The Field Negro disinformation series continues.

  20. Anonymous11:36 AM

    The Fixer said...
    Trump is the dumbest person in the White House in at least 50 years.

    4:33 AM

    Classic infant alt left behavior. Playground level.
    Go to your safe space and suck your thumb.

  21. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Chicago 2018 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 97
    Shot & Wounded: 456
    Total Shot: 553
    Total Homicides: 119

  22. PilotX said...

    "I don’t know about that. I do think it is possible that Trump can screw his followers badly enough that they start to hate him"

    I'll put $50 that that won't happen😂

    11:56 PM

    and you would win that bet my friend! :)

    Ovah heah, we have Republicans also, and the only ones throwing shade at him are the Dems or the Partido Popular (Popular Party). Republicans or the PNP ( Partido Nuevo Progresista) here and the rest of the folks are peachy dandy, hunky dory, califragilisticexpialedocious with the man!

    No criticisms, no problems. They are quite satisfied with what he's done for us and frankly things are chugging along as usual if not better, he sent the gringos to give us light which they did, a bunch of highly engaging rednecks by the way, (which I recently read that some are even relocating here, you know that island enchantment thing I once told youse about. Ya gotta be careful when you come here, the island may decide to keep you, then it's really out of your hands, the island decides whether she wants you or not, and bewitches you after that, faggedaboudit, time to move!xD Thug killings and crime are the same, the poverty, the high cost of living, electric, water, everything is quite well, so there is that...

    Heyyyyy! Come on down, the waters fineee! You may not vant to leeaavee! (in my best Count Dracula voice) BUAAAHAAAHAAAHAAHAAA...

  23. Anonymous1:01 PM


    Morgan Freeman has died at the age of 80. He was found unresponsive in his 17 year old niece's bed at 10:32 am EST. Toxicology reports indicate traces of crystal meth and Viagra in his system. His niece had no comment.

    R.I.P. Mr. Freeman. Your voice will be missed. You were a gem of a man.

  24. 6 April 2018. Meters of wall built = 0.

  25. Morgan Freeman's death was reported last fall and debunked over and over again.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts need watering again.

  26. "and you would win that bet my friend! :)"

    Good, I need the money😂

  27. "Guys, be careful using the word prologue. Stoopid fucking wingnuts will come and take yer trees and not even pay you for them."

    I worked on a logging operation when I was 19 and in the best shape of my life, and the only more strenuous work I ever did was fight forest fires, so I'm not worried about the safety of the trees.

    And PX, yeah, I hear you. We've got to push the next Democratic administration to do something real about campaign finance and gerrymandering. Republicans should be represented in government, but at levels proportional to their actual numbers.

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. I'm definitely tired of HIS winning. Profiting from his power and the prestige of his office--doubling the annual fee at Mar-a-Lago, refusing to divest himself of the Trump International Hotel, having his kids negotiate for the Trump Organization with foreign investors, costing us a fortune every time Melanoma flies between New York and Washington--all the ways he's going to reap billions off his time in office, not to mention the gigantic tax break he's given himself.

    As long as he gives Congress what it wants, i.e. signs whatever plutocratic legislation they put in front of him, nobody will question him or touch him. Mueller will present them with 500 reasons to impeach but they won't listen unless Democrats retake the House.

    It's a lotta winning.

  29. Just last week the orange shit stain in the WH contemplated firing Sessions and replacing him with embattled EPA fucking joke Scott Pruitt.

    The most corrupt administration in the universe just keeps finding ways to make it worse. Draining the swamp, my ass. Ted Nugent is calling for people to shoot libs and Dems and Rinos. Imagine of a Parkland student said something like that.

  30. Anonymous5:49 PM

    "Just last week the orange shit stain in the WH contemplated firing Sessions and replacing him with embattled EPA fucking joke Scott Pruitt.

    The most corrupt administration in the universe just keeps finding ways to make it worse. Draining the swamp, my ass."

    It appears that Scott Pruitt is a swamp all to himself. Just shamelessly crooked.

    He should post a sign outside his federal agency, listing environmental atrocities and, for each atrocity, the suggested bribe to be deposited into the Pruitt family bank account by the polluter to get the EPA to turn a blind eye:

    Violating Air Quality Standard: New BMW
    Driving A Species To Extinction : Free Apartment
    Major Oil Spill: Private Island In the Caribbean

    Et cetera.

    This will save time, as Pruitt will often not be reachable by unethical businessmen to discuss the appropriate size of a bribe, when Pruitt is flushing taxpayer money down the toilet by zooming around in that private jet he is planning on leasing for no reason. (Okay, for no good reason. Pruitt wants the jet because when he is forced to fly commercial airlines and sit amongst the peasants, they tend to tell him to his face that he is a dick. I hear this is a common hazard of working for Trump.)

  31. "We've got to push the next Democratic administration to do something real about campaign finance and gerrymandering."

    That has to be done at the state level. This is where I think the Dems fall short, they focus their attention on the high profile national races while the GOP focused on taking seats at every level from dig catcher to school board member. They spent 30 mil on local races and the Dems spent an equal amount on one congressional race in Georgia and still lost. They need a change in strategy which is why I think Dr. Howard Dean would have made a good DNC chair.

  32. On a lighter note, Texas stoopid fucking wasicu wastey congressweasel Blake "ducky pajama boy" Farenthold finally resigned his seat. You'll recognize ducky boy by the 18 minute gap between his front teeth.

    The bad news for America is his district was specifically gerrymandered to be a safe stoopid fucking wingnut seat like forever.

  33. the0clean0slate6:27 PM

    As a Chinese-American the only thing I observe black people winning at is basketball. Could be why there are more blacks who succeed in the NBA than in academics.

    See more at:

  34. "Could be why there are more blacks who succeed in the NBA than in academics."

    Wow, dumbest comment of the day.

  35. I agree with you about Howard Dean. The "run everywhere like you mean it" strategy shouldn't even be a strategy, it should be base level behavior, but the party is still acting like it was the seventies with the bosses allocating the only funding to be had to their preferred candidates... It ain't like that any more, there's this thing called the internet, which as I recall was how Dean changed the landscape by raising his money online before anyone else knew that was a thing...

    And for a bit of good news (for a change) Richmond, just to the north of here, hasn't had a homicide since November, and the chief of police is crediting the community with bringing the change by engaging and communicating with the police more effectively and with less hesitation than in the past.
    The police have done some effective programs, also, with more community engagement building much needed trust of the force among the different neighborhoods they serve.
    There have been some shootings, but no murders for five months.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Richmond has had some innovative ideas of which I tried to interest my alderman but she only looks at the dollar signs but I think she should look at the long term costs of not trying proven successful ideas.

  36. Anonymous7:27 PM

    "There have been some shootings, but no murders for five months."

    In other words, highly skilled (white) EMTs and trauma surgeons kept any of the shootings from becoming fatalities.  Thus, no murders.  Maimings for life?  Probably.

    Civilized areas don't have the shootings in the first place.

  37. field negro said...

    Anon@10:56, I might have to go with Pilot on this one. Remember him bragging about being able to shoot someone on 5th Avenue and none of his supporters would care?

    1:00 PM

    They wouldn't care! You know how much work $ he gave to all those guys in those power companies! I heard through the grapevine that they were making upwards of $300 a day, and they were here months! Granted it's a rumor but who knows right. Not that I'm criticizing it, by no means, it takes a special kind of chutzpah to dangle from a helicopter while jimmying a 200 or more foot electrical pole into place, while your buddies struggle with it on the ground on a slippery, muddy slope, in hot, humid drizzling, or blazing hot searing sunny weather! So they deserve whatever they got, and they did a great job too! But who do you think they and their families are gonna vote forrrr???? Yassssss indeedy yas! Money talks and bull crap walks xD

    Everybody's out for themselves and their money, we all know that! You're gonna go with whoever you're better off with, plain and simple.

  38. Anonymous8:35 PM

    "Anon@10:56, I might have to go with Pilot on this one. Remember him bragging about being able to shoot someone on 5th Avenue and none of his supporters would care?"

    He has lost support already, though. His popularity fell significantly in the first few months of his presidency.

    He's still got a hardcore backing of, like, 40% of the country that won't desert him so far. But even some of those guys will fall off once it finally dawns on them that things aren't going to get better for them and are in fact getting worse. The only folks he can truly never lose are those so spiteful and warped and racist that they truly don't seem to care about improving their own quality of life and really only get their jollies off of the government inflicting misery on minorities, or "triggering the libs."

    Like I said, the problem with Republicans isn't that they don't learn lessons; it's that they always seem to learn the wrong ones.

    If Trump doesn't deliver on what was promised, a great many Republicans won't conclude that the ideology of Trumpism was a bad joke and those promises could never have been delivered on. They'll just decide that THIS PARTICULAR Trump was a failed Trump, and they'll start looking for a better Trump to be the next standard bearer for their dumb ideas.

  39. "The only folks he can truly never lose are those so spiteful and warped and racist that they truly don't seem to care about improving their own quality of life and really only get their jollies off of the government inflicting misery on minorities, or "triggering the libs."

    So basically 99% of the Republican base.

  40. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  41. Anonymous9:10 PM

    "So basically 99% of the Republican base."

    Haha, nah. They're not all like that. They're not all loathsome "alt-right" reddit troll bastards.

    Every person who votes Republican doesn't do so for the same reason. To be clear, I think all of their reasons are bad, but they're not all the exact same reason.

    1. "Every person who votes Republican doesn't do so for the same reason. To be clear, I think all of their reasons are bad, but they're not all the exact same reason."

      True, it's only 99%.😝

  42. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit9:13 PM

    Seeing tr**p lose will never get old.

  43. Seeing negroes lose will never get old.

  44. Bill Maher is a kike9:24 PM

    Remember to vote Libertarian in 2020.

  45. White feminists are retarded cunts9:32 PM

    Alt-right, alt-left..both are full of losers and lowlifes.

  46. Chinese Checkers11:23 PM

    “Could be why there are more blacks who succeed in the NBA than in academics."

    Proofs that some Chinese not only have small d*cks, but small brains to match.

  47. "So basically 99% of the Republican base."

    Maybe a bit fewer, not that it matters much. It was about 27% who still supported W when the wheels came off of his administration and the economy went down in flames while the Middle East exploded unnecessarily, but I don't recall how that translates into percentage of Republicans, and it's hard to nail down a baseline number of voters to just do the math on it: last year there were about 250 million voting-age citizens, which is close to twice the number of actual participants...
    So maybe somewhere in the 70%~80% range?
    It's a little hard for me to tell if that's right, though, as I only know one Republican, and there really aren't any more of them around here to get to know, either.

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. Kill white men, fuck white women11:40 PM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  49. Love scratching my asshole12:53 AM

    Trump is the most gimmick President ever.

  50. Anonymous1:14 AM

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  51. Anonymous2:19 AM

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  52. Anonymous2:20 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. And another4:30 PM

      anon 2:20. = fuckboi

  53. Anonymous2:21 AM

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  54. Anonymous2:22 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. Anonymous11:06 AM

    One more dump on a comment section that is already a dump of CultMarx insanity.

  56. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Choosey Parker, the Memphis "peace activist" who was hit when her illegally-armed boyfriend got into a shootout with another illegally-armed thug outside a club, has died.

    inb4 Doug, Mike and everyone else blame white people for inventing guns.  Their motto:  "Make the world safe for machetes!  Rwanda everywhere!"

  57. Anonymous11:36 AM


  58. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Love scratching my asshole said...
    Trump is the most gimmick President ever.
    12:53 AM

    You are thinking of Obama.

  59. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Black Man Wrecks Council Meeting With Passionate Pro Gun Speech!!

  60. Can't help reading anystoopidfuckingwasicuwasteymoose and several other stoopid fucking wingnut posters and think what a cracking good pile of birdshit these wasicus could have been.

  61. Update on bird shit should have beens. You haters need to be glued into Hatrian's border fence immediately and permanently. On the south facing side so you don't scare little children and animasls.

  62. That troll is stuck, someone whack it with a stick a couple of times.

    -Doug in Oakland

  63. Tired of Fake Noise lies? Here is another one, easily debunked.

    Fake news says CNN "pulled the plug" during YouTube shooting coverage

    This one rated "Pants On Fire".

  64. So much idiocy, so little time2:46 PM

    Anon @ 1:12 AM's comment has more insight and truth than anything Field has ever posted.

  65. What explains Rasmussen’s result?

    One reason why Rasmussen has shown higher ratings for Trump stems from its methodology. For one, it polls likely voters.

    Registered voters tend to offer higher job approval than surveys of adults more generally. And surveys of likely voters -- Rasmussen’s approach -- offer higher job approval ratings still.

    "As we move from all Americans, to registered voters, to likely voters, and to actual voters, the sample becomes more educated, more wealthy, and more Republican," said Steven S. Smith, a political scientist at Washington University in St. Louis. "Statistical weighting can reduce the bias. Rasmussen weights, but we know little about Rasmussen’s weighting procedures. The details matter."

    Meanwhile, polls that use live callers have been showing lower approval ratings than polls conducted by online or automated survey. Rasmussen uses automated surveys.

  66. Stoopid fucking Drumpf and his stoopid fucking wasicu wastey mouth breathers actually believe he has defeated ISIS. What fools these stoopid fucking wasicu wastey mortals be.

  67. teh stupid4:31 PM

    inb4 Doug, Mike and everyone else blame white people for inventing guns.
    now that is just stupid.

  68. Inbred 45:10 PM

    inb4 Doug, Mike and everyone else blame white people for inventing guns.
    No we blame your parents for having you.

  69. Trump's defeat of ISIS means yet another chapter of Obama's legacy has been erased.

  70. Stoopid fucking Drumpf is too stoopid to know you do not defeat Islamic ideals. He has defeated no one.

  71. Anonymous7:46 PM

    NEWS FLASH....





  72. I never "blamed" anyone for inventing guns. I did, however, get trained as a machinist so I could make one from scratch if I wanted to.

    -Doug in Oakland

  73. Anonymous10:25 PM



  74. Anonymous8:55 AM

    The Jews are very happy with the success of BP.

  75. Oh Happy Day. Oh Happy Day...... Judge rules that AR-15's and other assualt weapons "fall outside the scope of the 2nd Amendment."

    Massachuset's assault weapons ban stands.

  76. So it’is cool to say Yisheng = nigger, Lilac = cunt 6 or so times? But not 1 zillion times? How about after 10 fucking years, this assneck not be allowed to continue posting this bullshit at all.

  77. Perhaps someone should tell Fergus that there's no "h" in winning.

    -Doug in Oakland
