Saturday, May 26, 2018

Caption Saturday.

Image result for images trump supporters

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. Airborne Ranger9:08 PM

    WASPS who are tired of losing!

  2. Tolerant Progressive9:14 PM

    People who disagree with Globohomo™ policies that seek to exterminate them and erase their history are deplorable old white losers who deserve to be extermianted!

  3. He won. Get over it.

  4. The children of these poor White men will still be better than your illegitimate niglets...

  5. I think if more white children had mammies there would be less racism in America. I don't understand anyone could hate a black person.

  6. Man in yellow: These two are my nephews, but at the same time they're my stepbrothers, and also my brothers in law...

  7. Anonymous10:03 PM

    White people don't hate black people.

    They hate the other (((white))) people who promote black misery in order to use it as a weapon against them.

    White people don't hate immigrants.

    They hate the other (((white))) people who use mass immigration as a weapon against them.

    The hatred and division will never stop as long as it continues be useful to those other (((white))) people.

  8. Hate Fact™10:04 PM

    "Man in yellow: These two are my nephews, but at the same time they're my stepbrothers, and also my brothers in law.."

    White people are the least inbred people on the planet.

  9. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Turkeys who voted for Thanksgiving.

  10. Trumpanzees need to free themselves from the Republican zoo10:23 PM

    They terk ur jerbs!

  11. Ctrl+Halt+Del10:37 PM

    Invented the internet, computer, airplane, automobile, telephone, civilization... not!

  12. Plantation Ape10:38 PM

    Dey took ar gibs!

  13. Onion headline above this picture:

    "Diehard Trump Voters Confirm Rest Of Nation Should Stop Wasting Time Trying To Reach Them"

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. Crawford8:28 AM

    "They promised us they would be serving delicious Southern cooking. Instead all we got is this nasty Puerto Rican shit. Blech!"

  15. Ctrl+Halt+Del8:46 AM

    Number of Dumbold Trump voters it takes to create one original thought.

  16. Franklin9:16 AM

    White male is synonymous with piece of shit.

  17. Anonymous9:55 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  18. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Chicago Year 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 164
    Shot & Wounded: 840
    Total Shot: 1004
    Total Homicides: 198

  19. Anonymous9:58 AM

    "ok class pay attention...….Heat+Negroe=Shooting....."

  20. Identity free politics here... look away nothing to see.

  21. Drumpf fambly reunion. Not an IQ to be seen anywhere.

    I'm guessing that is Anyfuckingmoose front right. Bwahahahahahahaha!

  22. Drumpf fucking Virginians- they're all relatives.

  23. Trump University Alumni Reunion/Job Fair

  24. Lance Cockstrong12:54 PM

    ♪♫ Beauty's only skin deep ... yeah yeah yeah ♪♫

  25. Anonymous1:41 PM

    If multiculturalism makes our societies better why do we have more crime, less money, crippled police, stretched healthcare systems, industrial scale rape, a fear of asserting our own culture, constant ethnic complaints, and the claim this won’t end until we are wiped out?

  26. How to become filthy rich on a government salary1:51 PM

    How it works: Netflix exec and his wife bundle big donations to Obama in '08.

    Wife is rewarded with ambassadorship.

    Now Netflix exec steers $50 million contract to the Obamas through 'Higher Ground Productions.'

  27. Anonymous2:05 PM

    “If multiculturalism makes our societies better why do we have more crime, less money, crippled police, stretched healthcare systems, industrial scale rape, a fear of asserting our own culture, constant ethnic complaints, and the claim this won’t end until we are wiped out?”

    Because racist rednecks are so irrationally terrified of brown people that they keep voting to prioritize the economic interests of the rich. And thereby harm themselves as well.

    Next question?

  28. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Still without a pot to piss in.

  29. Rudy Giuliani, world’s worst defense attorney3:04 PM

    Oops, I did it again.

    Rudy Giuliani admits 'Spygate' is Trump PR tactic against Robert Mueller

  30. "...this won’t end until we are wiped out?"

    Wrong again. It will end as soon as you grow the fuck up and act like a goddamn adult for a minute.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. And now for a musical interlude4:46 PM

    A Message To You, Rudy

    “Keep on fooling around
    Time to point Trump’s lies out
    Do not think of his future
    Help him wind up in jail“

  32. From the Onion on Twitter:

    The Onion
    ‏Verified account @TheOnion

    Other 193 Countries Begin Insulting Mike Pence In Hopes Of Avoiding Future Meetings With Trump

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  34. Drumpfuck is blaming Dems for Sessions policy of taking children from immigrants at the border.

    Screwdy Rudy acknowledges Drumpf's attacks on the Russia investigation are only trying to divert attention away fro crooked Drumpfuck's entire administration.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts would never have allowed a Democrat to diss the Justice Dept and the judiciary like they ignore Drumpfuck's daily rants.

    Fuck all stoopid fucking wingnuts and put voodoo curses on their offspring for ever.

  35. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Lilacpr says:
    Man in yellow: These two are my nephews, but at the same time they're my stepbrothers, and also my brothers in law...

    That's pretty funny. I've figured out how many times they could vote, and it comes to not as many as the dead in Maxine Waters' district voted.

  36. When Drumpfuck the dumbfuck and stoopid fucking wingnuts get done taking healthcare away from sick people and foodstamps from the truly needy, there will be many more dead people who can vote and the majority are likely stoopid fucking wingnut inbred trailer trash voters.


  38. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Descendants of the Europeon savages!!!

  39. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Rural white America year to date 2018:

    Number of OD's: 50,000
    Number of babies sold for meth: 60,000
    Number of showers taken: 4
    Number of high school diplomas: 3
    Number of teeth: 5


  40. "Blogger EhD said...
    Trump University Alumni Reunion/Job Fair."

    We have a leader for Caption Saturday. :)

  41. See, Obama not only took our guns and bibles but soap, shampoo and water. Thanks Obama.

  42. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Did you ever stop to think in a quiet moment of self reflection (wuz dat?) why everyone hates blacks? Whitee, Chinese, Mexicans, Japanese? They all hate you. Why is that?

  43. Anonymous11:49 PM

    A $1.50 and a Trump food-box momma said it would be days like this.
