Wednesday, May 23, 2018

How truth died in America.

Image result for The american press image

Remember when Hillary's e-mail was a thing?

"Late on Monday we learned that President Trump has stubbornly resisted staff efforts to secure his smartphones, leaving his cameras and microphones vulnerable to bugging, and turning his lengthy evening gab sessions with friends and former aides into broadcasts for the world’s intelligence services.

It has been airbrushed out of popular lore, replaced with gauzy platitudes about populism, but the 2016 election turned to a comical degree on a fabricated consensus among Republicans and the political media that strict adherence to information security protocols was a central qualification for the presidency. Specifically, Republicans pretended to believe Hillary Clinton had committed a disqualifying and imprisonable crime by using a personal email server to do work when she was secretary of state, and reporters pretended to believe that these infosec concerns were offered up in good faith.

The notion that Republicans didn’t actually care about infosec practices, and that reporters knew they didn’t care, isn’t just bitter gloss on bygone reporting decisions. It is a fact reporters themselves have let on in their collective response to serial Trump-era infosec lapses. It is so taken for granted in the halls of power that Republicans don’t actually care about this issue, and never did, that nobody even bothers to ask them to square their hair-on-fire behavior in 2016 with their insouciance today. Two years ago, House Speaker Paul Ryan repeatedly and publicly requested that Clinton be stripped of her security clearance because of her email practices. On Tuesday, less than 24 hours after the Trump phone-breach story broke, he held a routine Capitol briefing for reporters and fielded zero questions about it.

Trump’s laziness has probably left the country’s secrets more vulnerable to capture by hostile powers than Clinton’s email server, which was more secure than Trump’s phone and contained none of the codeword intelligence Trump has nonchalantly shared with senior Russian officials, the authoritarian president of the Philippines, and others. To the extent that Trump—an inveterate crook and philanderer—keeps blackmail material on his phone, his insistence on using easily hacked equipment creates further risk to the national security.

Nevertheless, it is arguably reasonable of reporters to tuck this scandal under other, larger ones. Trump’s administration teems with corruption. He is at the center of a federal criminal investigation which looks more and more every day like an effort to ascertain whether he and his aides sold out the country’s foreign policy to a consortium of authoritarian foreign governments who offered to help him get elected. The fact that Trump is passively lax with national security when he fires up his smartphone pales in comparison to the fact that he actively trades away national security to autocrats.
But the fact that Republicans played the political press corps—and, worse, that the political press corps consciously allowed itself to be played—is a huge professional failing that should, but by all appearances won’t, be accounted for and corrected going forward.

Trump’s behavior is aberrant enough, and Republican indifference to it so stark, that many reporters now freely acknowledge it calls the sincerity of past conservative fixations (with Clinton’s email, or her health, or Bill Clinton’s tarmac encounter with Loretta Lynch, or Benghazi) into question.
There’s a broad (and correct) media consensus that Republicans feign outrage about alleged infractions, then proceed to do much worse when in power—that right-wing politics is built on a foundation of feigned outrage and bad faith. But there’s also a broad (and incorrect) consensus that this should not factor in to how journalists interpret and report on the parties.

If the standard journalists set for themselves is that anything Republicans claim to be outraged about must be treated as a live controversy, then journalists disclaim a major potential point of failure, and become conduits for propaganda. This insulates media organizations from accountability for their handling of the email server matter, but also guarantees that the patterns of the past years will repeat themselves. One month ago, a handful of conservatives pretended to be upset about a standup comedy routine at the White House correspondents dinner, which they pretended to consider indecorous. Everyone knew they were pretending because they had a wonderful time at the dinner and continued to hobnob with their supposed elite media antagonists at black-tie afterparties when the dinner ended. Everyone knew they were pretending because these self-professed keepers of decorum support Donald Trump. And yet rather than dismiss their complaints as obvious fabrications, the White House press corps publicly disassociated itself with the comedian Michelle Wolf, who was the correspondents association’s invited guest.

The Wolf incident was the talk of the chattering classes for several days, but for all the wrong reasons. It was only really important as a window into the future. It showed that when the balance of political power shifts again, the right will resume pretending to be outraged over nonsense as if the Trump presidency had never happened, and most reporters will proceed as if it’s all sincere. This standard of newsworthiness can be changed in theory, but only if our media institutions decide that bad faith politics should be treated as such, and not rewarded indefinitely at the expense of the truth."

Lets be honest, the American press is a joke. And, thanks to them, we have a joke of  a president in the White House. 

*Pic from


  1. Did you catch Jeff Flake's comments? Wow.

  2. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit9:16 PM

    "Truth" is a non-existent word in the tr**p era. He and his dumbed downed supporters don't know the meaning of the word.

  3. Anonymous9:49 PM

    "Lets be honest, the American press is a joke"

    That's for sure, but if don't understand that the "press" has been in an all out war against Trump since the day he started leading in the Republican primaries, then you are a deluded simpleton.

  4. Anonymous9:57 PM

    But of course Trump voters control the commanding heights of American discourse, such as, uh, one news network, Breitbart and certain sub-Reddits, along with a thinktank in the Inland Empire.

    The fact that anti-Trump pro liberal journalism dominates the other five networks, every newspaper and opinion journal, all major internet news sites, and all social network sites is of little importance if they don't obsess over every single Fake News smear of Trump that Field thinks is important.

  5. The current ideological extremism of Democrats on identity politics emerged during Obama’s get-out-the-vote drive in 2012. After all, as the Democrats try to assemble a Coalition of the Marginalized, how do you possibly keep it all together except by demonizing non-immigrant cishet white males to give all your supporters somebody in common to hate?

    Since then, Democrats have carried on by turning on each other — targeting Silicon Valley, Hollywood, universities, etc. — since there is not all that much left too loot from Red State America.

  6. Wokemon10:35 PM

    In order for racism to blight the lives of its targets it has to have power over those it would harm. Just where in modern America do ‘racists’ hold the upper hand? Academia? Government? Corporate America? Does it matter if some low income resident of a trailer park holds ‘racist’ views? Even a racist cop will soon run into career ending trouble should he express his views publicly.

    1. Wokemon, objectively speaking, the president is a racist.You can't get more powerful than that.

  7. Daniel H.10:38 PM

    Democrats are betting the house on racial politics, believing that demographic trends are on their side. It is just as likely – in my reasoning, more likely – that demographic trends will work against the Democrats.

    As the nation becomes less white, possibly with a non-white majority within 50 years, even the offspring of today’s virtue signaling Democrats are likely to experience curtailed professional opportunities, economic and environmental decline, financial oppression and a sense of racial alienation. This alienation is impossible to forestall; it’s built into human nature. These erstwhile Democrats will find their way to the white party. Of course they will bring their obsession with sex matters along with them so the Republican party will change also, but there will be plenty of pushback, so they won’t have their way with the party likely they do now with the Democrats. Democrats will be a loser, minority party, comprised largely of angry, seething coloreds with a rump remnant of die-hard white leftists, desperately clinging to a few positions of leadership, who will have to take second place to the non-white majority of the party. Other than technical expertise, there will be little need or room for whites with the coming colored majority in the Democrat party. This is how I anticipate things will work out.

    1. I see the opposite Daniel. The Dems are the inclusive party that allows people to be people and the Republicans cling to some old warped view of a bygone era when whites ruled everything. Just look at the demographics if the parties and hell look at the candidates. I see a better future for the Dems and a realignment necessary for the GOP. If anyone is seething it's the Repubs. Inclusion is the wave of the future.


    New Jersey principal apologized to minority students for the phrase “party like it’s 1776” imprinted on tickets to the school’s upcoming senior prom to be held at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

    Cherry Hill High School East Principal Dennis Perry sent a letter to students, parents and other community members Friday apologizing for the “insensitive” wording that led to complaints from African-American and minority students. Perry said it was “irresponsible” for he and other prom organizers to overlook the historical fact that “not all communities can celebrate what life was like in 1776,” a time of slavery in America.

    Is this really a thing now? Black people are offended by celebrations of the nation's founding, because they were slaves then? That nation is the one who fought a war to end slavery, a universal human practice for thousands of years.

    If that's the way blacks feel, then y'all should have said "thanks but no thanks" to American citizenship and demanded passage somewhere else. Because otherwise, this ain't going to work.

  9. Daniel H.10:57 PM

    PilotX said...
    >I see the opposite Daniel. The Dems are the inclusive party that allows people to be people and the Republicans cling to some old warped view of a bygone era when whites ruled everything<

    The Dems are the party of identity politics, which explicitly does not allow people to be anything other than what their assigned group identity permits them to be.

    The Republicans have clung to some warped view of civic nationalism, where the only thing that mattered was shared ideals, not group identities. But that time has passed, and whites must adopt identity politics or be steamrolled. In my opinion, whites are going to start playing the game that's being played.

  10. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Quote Christopher Langan:

    My view on identity politics is that it can be justified only if everyone of any ethnicity is entitled to participate, in which case it is necessary for all (because failing to assert it, as when White people of European ancestry fail to assert it lest they be branded as “racists”, means leaving oneself and one’s group defenseless against competition for resources and opportunity). Alternatively, lest any group be denied its identity while others assert their own, group identity must be equitably denied to everyone.

    Human identity is stratified, and thus has both individual and group levels. Accordingly, we can (and sometimes must) reason in terms of group identity. But when group self-identification is officially granted to some groups yet denied to others against which they compete, this can only result in imbalance and injustice. For example, when some overpopulating groups which have overtaxed their own resources by reproductive incontinence and homegrown oligarchy are allowed to migrate into the sovereign territories of worldwide ethnic minorities - e.g., people of European descent - and enjoy special “oppressed” status whereby they reap special benefits such as free food, free housing, free education, free healthcare, affirmative action, reproductive subsidies, and special treatment under the law, and are even credited with moral superiority due to their alleged “oppression”, this can result in the destruction of the national, cultural, and ethnic identity of the hosts, leading ultimately to their extinction. Incoming groups which assert their own collective identities while denying their hosts any reciprocal right of political group cohesion thus amount to noxious, invasive, and ultimately lethal socioeconomic parasites. Obviously, any governmental authority which enforces or encourages such asymmetry - e.g., the European Union - is illegitimate.

    Bear in mind that once we cease to treat individuals as individuals per se, thus allowing members of their respective groups to assert their ethnic, cultural, or religious (etc.) identities against their “oppressors”, their group properties and statistics are automatically opened to scrutiny and comparative analysis. For example, if after several generations of special treatment in the educational sphere (compulsory school integration, special programs, modifications of educational procedure, racially defined college admission preferences, etc.), a particular “oppressed” group fails as a whole to outgrow these measures, its members are no longer entitled to exemption from objective characterization in terms of associated group statistics; if one wants to enjoy the social benefits attending ethically loaded group-defined properties like “belonging to an oppressed group”, one must submit to rational policies formed on the basis of not just individual assessment, but empirically confirmed group-defined properties such as “belonging to a group exhibiting a relatively low mean IQ and a tendency to violently disrupt the educational environment”. Continuing to pursue racially parameterized measures of human worth and achievement can only lead to personal injustice, social degradation, and biological degeneration (because such measures inevitably supplant any rational form of social, economic, and reproductive selection).

    In short, identity politics should either be shut down immediately, or the majority populations of Europe and North America should be encouraged to assert their own ethnic and cultural identities and group interests with full force. Any governmental, academic, religious, or media authority which tries to prevent it is clearly unworthy of respect and obedience.

  11. Anonymous11:12 PM

    The Dems are the inclusive party that allows people to be people

    Unless they're white (68%), heterosexual (something like 98%), Christian (well over 50%), or male (almost 50%).  If you keep demonizing anyone who's even one of those things you're down to a fraction of a percent.

    The Demonrat "coalition of the fringes" is already tearing itself apart, with feminists battling against trannies for who is considered female.  The muslim head-choppers are against both... and itching to re-enslave Africans, who they are still openly buying and selling in places like Libya.

    Americans are going to look at post-Quadaffi Libya vs. pre-Civil Rights America, and kill anyone who thinks we should go for the former.

  12. I think most persons paying attention now realize, the investigation into foreign interference with the 2016 election was created as a cover for domestic interference with the 2016 election.

  13. Your Democratic Party11:35 PM

    AP Politics reports:
    BREAKING: Openly gay, Hispanic ex-sheriff wins Democratic nomination for Texas governor to take on Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in November.

    She doesn't have a name, but she's got a whole bunch of liberal identity politics labels.

  14. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Blacks: Fuck whitey

    Hispanics: Fuck whitey

    Whitey: Let's judge people as individuals

  15. "That's for sure, but if don't understand that the "press" has been in an all out war against Trump since the day he started leading in the Republican primaries, then you are a deluded simpleton."

    That's why they gave him a billion dollars in free media, right? Because they were in an all out war against him?

    The news media here have had serious problems ever since they were required to make their own money and not exist as a public interest good given by the networks in exchange for the use of the public's airwaves to make money.

    And chief among those money-centered problems is their "both sides do it" business model, where the currency is access, which they believe they would lose if they told the truth about how the goddamn Republican party has lost it's damn mind and is shambling around the government wrecking everything it can while the Democrats, who do have their own problems like any functioning political party does, follow around behind the bastards trying to fix the damage and hold the goddamn government together.

    And y'all really want the Democrats to be running on nothing but "identity politics" bad, because you think you can sell that to your idiot hordes in an ironic actual example of identity politics, but over here in reality, that's not what we're running on.

    What we're running on is mostly healthcare, as after Fergus and his felons threatened to kill a bunch of us by taking it away, it's a really good motivator.

    And then there's anti-corruption, which is handed to us on a silver platter each and every day by Republicans now unchained and acting like the corrupt fucks they really are right out in the light of day.

    Then there's a living wage, the right to vote, climate change, clean air and water, a sane foreign policy run by the fucking state department with a full staff, clean energy jobs that we are now ceding to China, and an end to the motherfucking drug war (which includes legal pot).

    And more. We want to actually, you know, govern.

    Democrats have a lot of minorities in their party because they are the only one of the two parties not actively trying to fuck up the lives of those minorities, whereas the Republicans have almost no minorities by design. See also: Southern Strategy, The.

    If you really want to break the population into party-aligned chunks, the most useful way is economic, not racial. If you have a million dollars, the Republicans can do stuff to help you out. If you don't, your only hope is the Democrats.

    If you're too brainwashed and stupid to vote your own economic interests, you're probably a Fergus supporting Republican, and as much as I'd like to see you in a better situation, as long as you keep trying to take health insurance away from me and my family, fuck you, you can get what you deserve when the buggering begins in earnest. See also: Carrier, Harley-Davidson, soybean farmers, et al.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. Anonymous2:30 AM

    "Specifically, Republicans pretended to believe Hillary Clinton had committed a disqualifying and imprisonable crime by using a personal email server to do work when she was secretary of state, and reporters pretended to believe that these infosec concerns were offered up in good faith.”

    It wasn’t only reporters who played along with this fantastical charade.

    Worse, it was the FBI who carried out an entire months-long investigation of the baseless email allegations, when they knew at the outset that “bad infosec” is not a felony violation of the Espionage Act. Hillary Clinton would have had to give classified information to agents of a hostile foreign power in order to have seriously run afoul of the law. Sticking a few files on a server where someone theoretically could have stolen it doesn’t cut it. There was never, ever any chance that Trump’s “lock her up” dreams would come true.

    So why did the FBI conduct an investigation at all, instead of telling congressional Republicans to shove it?

    The answer is that they’re spineless. Which is something to keep in mind when James Comey paints himself as a martyr for doing the right thing and standing up to Trump.

    He was only forced into the position of refusing to ignore the blatant criminality of Mike Flynn and other Trump associates, and be fired for this, because Trump became president. And that happened, in no small part, because Comey, many months earlier, did not have the integrity to stand up to congressional Republicans and deny them their witch hunt of Hillary Clinton.

    Nobody should let him forget this.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Daniel H. says:

    As the nation becomes less white, possibly with a non-white majority within 50 years, even the offspring of today’s virtue signaling Democrats are likely to experience curtailed professional opportunities, economic and environmental decline, financial oppression and a sense of racial alienation. This alienation is impossible to forestall; it’s built into human nature. These erstwhile Democrats will find their way to the white party. Of course they will bring their obsession with sex matters along with them so the Republican party will change also, but there will be plenty of pushback, so they won’t have their way with the party like they do now with the Democrats. Democrats will be a loser, minority party, comprised largely of angry, seething coloreds with a rump remnant of die-hard white leftists, desperately clinging to a few positions of leadership, who will have to take second place to the non-white majority of the party.


    Y'all are sick friend. Sick in the head. You are evidence that extreme RW politics today should be treated as a mental health crisis. That is the single most misguided analysis of racial politics and the difference between the two major parties that I have ever read. I bolded the dumbest two sentences as sort of a monument to self-delusion. News for you kiddo. No matter what you batshit-crazy, thumb-sucking, little boy Trumpies would wish to think, the republican party is not the white party. The republicans will come to their senses and disavow Trump just like Germany disavowed the Nazis. In the mean time the good people of the U.S.A. are going to kick y'all's asses into submission. You will be cowering in a little crumples pile as you damn well should be after this latest crime against all that is decent and good about the U.S.

  20. Truth died with the rise of black entitlement 50 plus years ago, and has only gotten worse in the last decade. Good job, darkies.

  21. Lance Cockstrong5:15 AM

    It's a joke that another limp dick, micro dick white boy could be President again after the well endowed Barack Obama left his mark on the "White" House.

  22. Anymoose said- Unless they're white (68%), heterosexual (something like 98%), Christian (well over 50%), or male (almost 50%). Perfect description of the non-inclusive stoopid fucking wasicu wastey in the wingnut party.

  23. Matt is kinda dumb8:01 AM

    Truth died with the rise of black entitlement 50 plus years ago, and has only gotten worse in the last decade. Good job, darkies.
    Intelligence and commin sense died the day Matt was born. Thanks asshole!

  24. I keep forgetting how good Field is at finding excellent articles I'd have missed.

    The article's end, though, reaches a conclusion I think is simplistic. The media aren't wholly to blame for Trump. A public all too willing to fall for his con, to delude itself about the source of its problems, has been a disappointment since Reagan. I used to think even badly educated Americans could sniff out a hoax, that you didn't need a college degree, only a walk around the block a couple of times. After all, we've been plied with flattery all our lives to sell us stuff, we must have the greatest sales resistance on the planet. We know a lie when we meet one. Except the ones we fervently WANT to believe, I guess, and that's the big disappointment. So the snake oil salesmen crowbar their way into the White House, then get re-elected, for crissakes. Some in the press do their valiant best--the commentators certainly--and get beneath the hype, the red herrings. No, the buck has to stop with the dumbass voter.

  25. "In my opinion, whites are going to start playing the game that's being played."

    Always have. Republicans started in the 60's after the Civil Rights Act was passed. A few decades late there pal.


  26. The Dems will find their footing as we enter a new guilded age and the gulf between rich and poor gets wider and people see trump enriching himself and his friends. Young people already see that his version of populism is bunk and are capable of seeing through the constant lies. The destruction of truth and science mean something to some people and those people will reject, well already reject, the Republican trajectory. Now racists who hate any non-whites, Jews, gays ect will flock to and take over the GOP if things don't change soon. That may be good for some but not most.

  27. Anonymous9:56 AM

    "Remember when Hillary's e-mail was a thing?"

    Still is...….

  28. I was raised to be a liberal by nuns. We sang negro spirituals together. We learned that everyone was equal. Then you informed me that my skin color, my "white privilege," as you would have it, made me eternally wicked. Thereby you made of me an enemy that cannot be gainsaid or withstood. Hope you're happy now.

  29. Clinton News Network10:00 AM

    "Specifically, Republicans pretended to believe Hillary Clinton had committed a disqualifying and imprisonable crime by using a personal email server to do work when she was secretary of state, and reporters pretended to believe that these infosec concerns were offered up in good faith.”

    Republicans were right, she had committed a disqualifying and imprisonable crime, actually, a number of them. The American media tried to downplay and bury theses allegations, but they were too serious for half the country to ignore.

  30. Wokemon10:16 AM

    field negro said...
    Wokemon, objectively speaking, the president is a racist.You can't get more powerful than that.

    There is noting objective about that statement, as it is based entirely on projection.

    In your view, any politician who is not explicitly anti-white is a racist. By "not explicitly anti-white" I mean someone who is not committed to demographically dispossessing whites from the country they built and continuing to build legal and economic advantages for non-whites enforced through government, academic, and corporate power structures.

    Trump won because he was the first politician in decades who told white people that he would pursue policies that would be in the interest of everyone, including them. Because he does not specifically exclude whites from America's future, you think he is a racist.

    That's fucked up. You are livid not because you will be treated unfairly, but because whites won't. You are far more 'racist' than Donald Trump.

  31. Anonymous11:16 AM

    So Trump’s sit-down with Kim Jong-Un is now canceled.

    I thought the Korean War was supposed to be over. North Korea’s nukes were supposed to be going away. The Very Stable Genius just had to call Kim “little rocket man” and that would hurt his feelings so much he would be forced to give us whatever concessions we wanted.

    No? That’s not how it works?


  32. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Progressive Center Left types are the new Nazis. They learned the art of disinformation.

  33. Anonymous11:46 AM


  34. Eight Women Accuse Morgan Freeman of Sexual Harassment, Inappropriate Behavior

    Another high-profile figure of the entertainment industry is now facing allegations of sexual misconduct: Morgan Freeman.

    CNN has spoken to 16 people claiming that the star actor has displayed a pattern of inappropriate behavior on movie sets

  35. Why the lies field? If this was a nothing burger, why the lies?

    Comey challenges truthfulness of Clinton's email defenses

    Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) questions FBI Director Comey on Hillary Clinton Email Investigation (C-SPAN)

    Hillary lied all day long.....So why?


  36. Trump is going to pardon boxer Jack Johnson. Something obama never had the balls to do.

  37. This copy/paste job is where field and his ilk lose credibility. Field and his ilk talk about a two tiered justice system.A justice system that often treats blacks and whites different.A justice system that treats rich and poor different.

    Hillary Clinton is a product of a tiered justice system. If a black low level state dept employee had did what Hillary did, she and her girl Huma would be in prison.

    And yet Field and his ilk defend Hillary benefiting from rich white justice.

  38. Dinky Juan, been there done that over and over and over again. BORING!

  39. Dinky Juan would have been the first of millions of stoopid fucking wasicus demanding Obama's hide for pardoning a Black man addicted to white women.

    Obama save Dinky Juan and other the embarrassment of Hypocrisy and being labeled totally racist by not pardoning Johnson.

    As for stoopid fucking wingnuts bawling about HRC's server over and over and over, how many white fuckers in Drumpf's illegal White House handled highly classified info without benefit of proper clearance? Answer that Dinky Juan.

  40. Speaking of HRC, after all the investigations of her for the last 30 years, just exactly how many times was she indicted, charged and found guilty of any crime? Come on, you can admit it hasn't happened because she is squeaky clean.

  41. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Again, if you got to mount the magnificent mustache of the Montana Border Patrol agent, you'd be mellowed out.

  42. Not into taxidermy. @ 12:49

  43. "Hillary Clinton would have had to give classified information to agents of a hostile foreign power in order to have seriously run afoul of the law."

    You mean like Fergus did to the Russian foreign minister in the oval office?

    Or Carter Page did with the goddamn Kremlin?

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. Johnson got his pardon and stoopid fucking wingnuts were denied their racist diatribes at Obama because the white woman loving Black guy was a favorite and personal hero of Drumpf.

  45. HRC's server was not compromised and no secret shit got out. OTOH, Drumpf's daughter was allowed access to secret meetings with no clearance whatsoever and wingnuts have said boo about her being compromised.

    You can bet the farm she squealed every thing she ever heard in those meetings to Israel.

  46. Anonymous2:03 PM

    > That's why they gave him a billion dollars in free media, right? Because they were in an all out war against him?

    Because they thought he was the joke candidate and couldn't win.  They thought El Jeb had it sewn up and would lose to HIllary.  They gave him press to make HIM the story and ridicule the GOP... and by the time he started winning primaries, he was too much THE story to change focus.  Jiu-jitsu; he used all their strengths against them.

    > What we're running on is mostly healthcare, as after Fergus and his felons threatened to kill a bunch of us by taking it away, it's a really good motivator.

    Compared to people who were forced to do without healthcare, because they couldn't pay the Obamacare premiums and were getting hit with fines they couldn't pay either.  At least that's gone now.

    > Democrats have a lot of minorities in their party because they are the only one of the two parties not actively trying to fuck up the lives of those minorities

    Democrats actively fucked up the black family by making it more profitable to head a single-parent household than to get married and have a father in the house.  Johnson bragged that he'd have the niggers (yes, he used that word) voting Democrat for 200 years.

    > it was the FBI who carried out an entire months-long investigation of the baseless email allegations, when they knew at the outset that “bad infosec” is not a felony violation of the Espionage Act.

    Yes it is.  Nobody can even be careless with classified info and keep their security clearance.

    > Y'all are sick friend. Sick in the head. You are evidence that extreme RW politics today should be treated as a mental health crisis.

    The Soviets pioneered the tactic of declaring dissidents "insane" and sending them to mental hospitals.  I see none of you Stalinists have changed.

  47. So Fergus said to Kim "If you're gonna be mean about it, I'll pull up my pants and go home."
    Turns out that having your veep suggest to the despot you're trying to negotiate with that sodomizing him with a bayonet might be a good idea doesn't really work as diplomacy.
    Who could have guessed that it wouldn't work?
    The state department, that's who.
    Too bad we don't have one any more, Fergus probably doesn't make very good decisions when he's really embarrassed, and a functioning state department could cut down on major embarrassments for him.
    But not for us. He is THE major embarrassment of our time.

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. "Nobody can even be careless with classified info and keep their security clearance."

    Uh, Jared Kushner? Mike Flynn? Devin Nunes?

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Hostages freed. Nuke site destroyed. All without secret planes full of obama cash and no terrorists were released.

  50. This is when you know the whole sick thing is just one big grift:

    "Larry Murphy


    WH Gift shop is still taking orders for the NK summit coin.🤞
    7:32 AM - May 24, 2018"

    -Doug in Oakland

  51. mike from iowa said...
    Speaking of HRC, after all the investigations of her for the last 30 years, just exactly how many times was she indicted, charged and found guilty of any crime? Come on, you can admit it hasn't happened because she is squeaky clean.

    Using your standard, Reagan and Cheney are squeaky clean.Right?

  52. "Nuke site destroyed."

    And I suppose that was the only one, right?
    Kim will never give up his nukes. He doesn't fancy being sodomized with a bayonet or entering into deals the US will renege on after making him sit up and bark like a fox.

    -Doug in Oakland

  53. "Using your standard, Reagan and Cheney are squeaky clean.Right?"

    Cheney wasn't investigated (a policy that may not survive the Fergus maladministration) and Reagan admitted criminal wrongdoing on live TV.

    -Doug in Oakland


    Ohio wingnuts apparently engaged in fraudulent election campaign donations.

    Wasicu street racers killed a mom and the child she was pushing in a stroller is probably going to die.

    Guy left his one year old daughter in pickup in Atlanta all day and she fried.

    Stoopid fucking wasicus.

    Raygun and dickless cheney both are guilty of treason and should still be dealt with appropriately.

  55. 24 May 2018. Meters of wall built = 0.

  56. Anonymous3:58 PM

    ”Yes it is. Nobody can even be careless with classified info and keep their security clearance.”

    The FBI did not investigate Hillary Clinton to determine whether she should keep her security clearance. She was investigated under the phony pretense that she could potentially have committed a crime. Even though the FBI knew damn well she hadn’t.

    And Donald Trump didn’t campaign on the idea that Hillary Clinton would lose her security clearance, but on the idea that she would go to jail. Want to know why? Because nobody would have given a shit about that. Presidents don’t need to be approved for a security clearance — they get one automatically in any event. Earning clearances is for the peons.

    How do we know? Because Donald Trump, with the skeletons in his closet stacked up like skyscrapers, would never receive a security clearance on his own merits. And yet, he is still president, still receiving all the daily briefings from our intelligence services. Which he continues to be careless with and risk exposing to hackers, just like Republicans said was terrible to do when Hillary did it.

  57. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Again, if you got to mount the magnificent mustache of the Montana Border Patrol agent, you'd be mellowed out.

    12:49 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Not into taxidermy. @ 12:49

    1:44 PM

    No taxidermy. But stuffing and mounting take on a new meaning with that Border Patrol agent. He likely sports a long and thick phallus to get stuffed with. Both his dick and mustache are very much alive, and once you ride either or both, you too will be alive--with pleasure.

  58. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Thank heaven for White people in America.

  59. So it looks like Flake may be mounting a run against Fergus. The Pig People will stomp him into the dirt in the primary. He seems to have forgotten which party he belongs to.

    -Doug in Oakland

  60. The pathological lying bogus potus deliberately lies about remarks James Clapper said about WH spying. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is the stoopidest and worst fucking moron ever to disgrace 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue- ever. And he is owned by stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts.

  61. If I wanted mellowing out I'd pack a pipe with some weed and crank up some decent R&R on the stereo and just kick back. My lungs are shot so I can't mellow out that way anymore.

  62. Anonymous6:14 PM

    DNC Playbook:

    1. Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial. Destroy their ruggedness.
    2. Get control of all means of publicity.
    3. Get people’s minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and other trivialities.
    4. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.
    5. Destroy the people’s faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule and obloquy.
    6. Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.
    7. By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit and produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.
    8. Foment unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders, and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward such disorders.
    9. By specious argument cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues, honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.
    10. Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with a view to confiscating them and leaving the populace helpless.

  63. The Purple Cow said...
    24 May 2018. Meters of wall built = 0.

    There's not enough angry white men in this country to elect Trump....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  64. Stacey Abrams admits she's part of the resistance. That ought work out well for her in Georgia. 😆😆

  65. "Stacey Abrams admits she's part of the resistance. That ought work out well for her in Georgia."

    It should. Her constituency is in the ATL area and that plays well there as well as Athens and other more populated areas.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. "There's not enough angry white men in this country to elect Trump....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"

    Romney in a landslide.

  68. There's not enough angry white men in this country to elect Trump....

    Dinky Juan got one thing right. That is why wingnuts recruited and accepted Putin's help so they could steal another WH.

  69. Mustache ride was funnier in Sooper Troopers movie. Plus the blonde with the accent was eminently breedable.

  70. Meeting with N.Korea cancelled. Gee, I'm shocked. So no Nobel Peace Prize?🤔

  71. Interesting townhall hosted by Chris Hayes on msnbc about racism. Tuesday 9pm EDT.

  72. Anonymous7:43 PM

    ”Meeting with N.Korea cancelled. Gee, I'm shocked. So no Nobel Peace Prize?”

    They award “Ig Nobel Prizes” to scientists who’ve done lame or useless scientific research. Maybe they should award them for bad political leadership, too.

    Trump can have one of those.

  73. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Chris Hayes has black balls on his chin 24/7 MSNBC= Mostly Suck Negro Balls & Cock.

  74. Mandingo11:19 PM

    Mostly Suck Negro Balls & Cock.
    Nah, that would be your mom anon 10:18pm.

  75. So, conservatives are boycotting Netflix. The level of hatred of this man and his family is astounding.

  76. Anonymous1:11 AM

    “So, conservatives are boycotting Netflix. The level of hatred of this man and his family is astounding.”

    Obama has made assurances that his Netflix programming will not rip Trump or conservative media a new one.

    Don’t know why he bothered making that promise, though. The wingnuts will hate him the same regardless.

  77. Conservatives have been boycotting reality for a generation. It won't work, but Fox News will make a lot of money off of them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  78. So now we're building machines to lie to our robots:

    -Doug in Oakland

  79. This is for all of you idiots who still believe that DJT has miraculously brought about world peace by ending NK's nuclear ambitions.

    Y'all have been saying this all year long. Don't you remember how Trump reacted to the provocative tests in 2017 that brought about a NK H-Bomb and subsequently ICBM testing that proved that he could accurately lob a nuclear warhead not only at Hawaii but anywhere on the California coast that he wished?

    Allow me to refresh your memories. DJT said that if the little fat guy didn't capitulate, the U.S.A. would literally blow the entire country off of the map. Never mind that they occupy the same Peninsula as our allies in South Korea.

    So the little guy figures out a way to majorly pwn the big, fat idiot in the WH and dangles a summit...

    Who the hell does DJT think he is? Richard Nixon? Remember his initial response was to threaten the entire Korean Peninsula with nuclear annihilation.

    This ignorant blowhard missed his Kennedy moment.

    You dumb cocksuckers called Obama feckless? Who the hell do you think justified Kim's way clear to be an uncontested nuclear power complete with ICBM capability?

    That's right. Your boy. Your god-emperor.

    So his reaction to the guy who has been pwning him all along?

    That's right. Back to complete destruction of the Korean Peninsula.

    Fuck you dumb Trumpies. Why can't you just be happy worshipping the ghost of Hitler?

  80. early 120lbs (54kg) of fentanyl, a powerful synthetic painkiller, has been seized by police in Nebraska - one of the largest busts in US history.

    The drugs, seized last month, could kill over 26 million people, according to estimates by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

    Police found the fentanyl in a fake compartment of a lorry. The driver and a passenger were arrested.

    Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 30-50 times more potent than heroin.

    It was the largest seizure of fentanyl in state history, Nebraska State Patrol said in a Twitter post on Thursday.

    What hath Drumpfuck the dumbfuck wrought?


    This stoopid fucking moron will get us all killed and it is all the fault of stoopid fucking racist wasicus and Putin.


    This article does a very excellent job of explaining why Magats are dumber than cowshit.


    Failed BIGLY!!!! How do you like him now, Magats? Tired of losing, yet?

  84. FIRST ON KHQ: Former Spokane NAACP president Rachel Dolezal facing felony theft charges for welfare fraud

    Former Spokane Chapter NAACP President Rachel Dolezal is now facing legal trouble that could land her behind bars. KHQ has confirmed that Dolezal, who legally changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016, is accused of 1st Degree Theft by Welfare Fraud, Perjury in the 2nd Degree, and False Verification for Public Assistance. Her potential punishment under RCW 74.08.331 could include up to 15 years in prison.

    Rachel Dolezal really is black!!!!

  85. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Rachel Dolezal really is black!!!!
    Stinky Con really is a racist asshole!!!!

  86. How are the whooteemoos liking the increases in gas prices since Stormy’s former side-piece pulled out of the Iran deal?

    Kinda hard to fill up that F150, huh?


    1. They don't care. Try to talk to them about gas mileage and you'll hear some of the dumbest shit ever. As long as they can make libertards and snowflakes mad they'll starve to death. We've always been a big dumb country.😖


    70 sistas running for office in Bama and 600 throughout the country. Say what you will about trump he has inspired all types of activism. The wife brought up a good point, other than the SC seat, which would have been blocked anyway, would you rather have Hillary and lose even more state and congressional seats or have the donald and have a chance to get more and better local candidates? This may work out for the best.

  88. Yo, Dinky Juan- from an outfit with yer biases in mind--

    Kushner had to redo his financial disclosures any number of times because he is a tax cheat like his FIL. but, you see his Wasicu privilege keeps him safe from any threat of jail, unlike Rachel Dolezal whose indiscretions amounted to less than 10 grand.

    Yes. Blacks really are treated differently in court than privileged wasicus. Ain't you prowd of yer heritage, yet?

  89. So true about wasicu Drumpftards, PilotX.

  90. Toddler injured by wasicu street racers has joined his mother in heaven. Doctors expected the child to die. Excellent job, wasicus.

    Drumpfuck says summit might still happen on the 12th. Stoopid fucker.

  91. It's like the old Onion headline:

    ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

    (h/t: Harry Hamid)

    -Doug in Oakland

  92. Anonymous4:03 PM

    “Kushner had to redo his financial disclosures any number of times because he is a tax cheat like his FIL. but, you see his Wasicu privilege keeps him safe from any threat of jail, unlike Rachel Dolezal whose indiscretions amounted to less than 10 grand.”

    Are we now accepting that Rachel Dolezal is being persecuted out of racial prejudice because she really is black?! Crazy Rachel would be ecstatic to hear you say this, Mike.

    Anyway, I very much doubt she’ll go to jail. She’ll probably end up paying a fine for receiving food stamps while earning an income of $80K+ in the year she got her book advance.

  93. Her name-Anymoose- is Nikechi Amare Diallo. If she wants to identify as Black, what is it to you?

    Kushner won't be fined or anything because of his white privilege while she is looking at a possible 15 years in prison.

  94. Drumpf lies his fat ass off every time he claims FBI spied on his campaign. Drumpf, the pathological liar, is single handedly killing truth in America. Stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  95. Well wingnuts, here's yer boy and his approval rating from around the world is at historic low 0f 30%, 18% lower than Obama's.

    He's all urine. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  96. And since none of you wingnuts have the guts to check on yer loser in the WH, he has not brought a single Drumpf company or job back to America, even while talking about fines for companies that don't repatriate.

  97. Anonymous8:14 PM

    “Her name-Anymoose- is Nikechi Amare Diallo. If she wants to identify as Black, what is it to you?”

    What it is to me is hilarious. But also a reason for her to seek psychiatric care.

  98. Anonymous8:35 PM

    What is this white privilege???

  99. So you are basically saying you meddle in people's lives because you are a meddlesome moron? You need a hobby. May I suggest catching bullets with yer teeth?

  100. Anonymous10:12 PM

    White Privilege is going to work everyday for 50 years and paying taxes for minorities that are killing your country. Negroes know they are useless, they just can't air that dirty laundry in front of whitey. But they know they ain't capable of first world results in anything.

  101. Anonymous11:09 PM

    > Her name-Anymoose- is Nikechi Amare Diallo. If she wants to identify as Black, what is it to you?

    Funny, "identifying as black" wasn't enough to save her teaching and NAACP positions.  Can I "Identify as black" and get Affirmative Action now?  Sure would be nice.  I've been on the wrong side of that all my life.

  102. Ian Douglas Rushlau8:29 AM

    "right-wing politics is built on a foundation of feigned outrage and bad faith"


    But the Paul Ryans and Mitch McConnells of the world are permitted to go about their pantomime of governance (from a 'conservative' perspective) winking and smirking, while the Beltway press feigns seriousness.

    That's you problem, right there.

  103. Doc, if gss was $10 a gallon they would say it's ok to save face. These trumpbots are just that dumb.

  104. Gambler210:53 AM

    To dinthebeast, I agree with you . I am white and have been welcome in the Democratic Party my entire adult life. As you already know, the right wingers pay people to post propaganda, which I call sh*t. We all must hang in there until the current madness passes. But while we are hanging in there, we must work to defeat the forces of evil that are currently in control.
    We need to turn out the vote in November and take back control of congress.
