Sunday, July 22, 2018

A standing ovation for a racist tweet, and a threat of fines and suspensions for taking a knee for social justice.

I will never understand the majority population's psyche when it comes to matters of race.

I give you the story of the aptly named major league baseball pitcher, Josh Hader (Pronounced H-a-t-er).

Mr Hader is now 24 years old, and when he was 17 years old he tweeted praise for the KKK and white power, dropped the n word,  and he made offensive comments about Gays. All of this came to light because he has now become a good pitcher in baseball and participated in the All Star game. Well, with fame comes scrutiny, and Mr. Hader's tweets of seven years ago is all of a sudden national news.

Mr. Hader was forced to address his past, and he even had, from all accounts, an emotional closed door meeting with his teammates,where he profusely apologized and asked them for their trust.

OK, here is the deal. Josh Hader should not lose his job because of his racist and insensitive tweets when he was seventeen. I get nuance and context when it comes to comments and actions on matters of race. I do think, however, that he should have to answer for his actions. He should be scrutinized going forward and we can judge just how sincere his apologies really are. He very well might be a racist, but so are a ton of other people who just d a better job of hiding their racism.

 But back to my opening sentence--- and this is where this story takes a dark turn for me. On his return to baseball in front of his hometown fans, Josh Hader was given a standing ovation. A standing ovation! Think about that for a minute. Why a standing ovation? I get that he should be able to continue playing baseball and that we should give him a chance to earn a living, but a standing ovation?

Was this trump's America saying f**k you to what they perceive as "political correctness" run amok?
I am not sure how being a flat-out racist is just being politically incorrect, but that's how we are rolling these days in this country. 

NFL players take a knee to bring attention to the need for social justice and they get booed and verbally assaulted by the president. A baseball player sends a racist tweet,  and he is given  a standing ovation.

That kind of sums things up perfectly. 


  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Yup. Maybe you mentioned it earlier there is also the racist tweets by the Minnesota congressman. 2020 can't come fast enough. By the by, had my first passenger wearing a MAGA hat. Ha! Bet he was surprised to see who his captain was.


  2. Anonymous9:14 PM

    A Football game is not for political protest....Twitter is.

  3. Anonymous9:21 PM

    All background noise... external stimuli does not affect a secure individual's sense of identity. When one experience who one really is , all suffering ends in that external forces has no affect.

  4. Lance Cockstrong9:29 PM

    Hader was probably under the false assumption that the queers and homos actually have big dicks, so he was just taking out his frustration and bitterness on them.

  5. Anonymous9:30 PM

    "nuance and context?"

    He was 17, not 7! He was in Milwaukee: gays and blacks helped him graduate! He's just as full of shit as that idiot swimmer from the 2016 Olympics who got drunk, trashed a store, and blamed it on a black man.

    Oh, and 24 now? HAHAHAHAHA! I saw a picture; he doesn't pass for a day under 35! No wonder he hates blacks; we don't crack!

  6. Anonymous9:38 PM

    If Black Americans worried about insignificant nonsense, Black Americans would still be in bondage like post civil rights immigrants who are trying to take over the country. One needs a translator just to understand most customer service representative and even store managers at Home Depot. Imagine that! Again Obama's administration unspoken code -- empowering all post Civil Right immigrants

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Across all companies, the average CEO pay was $13.8 million per year, the average median worker pay was about $77,800, and the average ratio of CEO pay to median worker pay was 204. In other words, on average, CEOs earn around 204 times what his or her median worker earns.

      The combined net worth of the 2017 class of the richest Americans was $2.7 trillion, up from $2.4 trillion in the previous year. As of November 2017, the U.S. had a total of 576 billionaires the most of any country.

      Immigrants are not the problem.

  7. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:57 PM

    Trump supporters aren't real Americans! They are the real terrorists!

  8. Dave Zirin = faggot kike10:34 PM

    Of course a shit hole, white bread town like Milwaukee would cheer this asshole. Wisconsin and its people are terrible.

  9. Anonymous10:54 PM

    If all illegal immigrants figure out how to conquer their slaveholder, they can stay in their own country and not be a drag on US society.

  10. Maybe it's you11:17 PM

    NFL players take a knee to bring attention to the need for social justice and they get booed and verbally assaulted by the president."

    NFL players took a knee to to advocate for the right of black criminals to violently resist arrest without suffering any consequences.

    They deserve all the boos and verbal assaults they get.

  11. I love homos11:33 PM

    The fact that one of the greatest predictors of a person being white is owning a flashlight should tell you all you need to know about the high time preference and lack of future planning done by Blacks and Hispanics.

  12. Obama illegally spied on the Trump campaign.

  13. That's a shame, Field. I understand your anger.

  14. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Trump cannot be stopped. The deep state is on the run. And he's only just begun.

    Watching you little-dicked lefty faggots melt down is delicious.

    Trump's second term is going to be EPIC.

  15. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Herbalife is the shit. I have been with the co. for ten years, and I have made over two million USD $$$. And I've never been healthier.

    You need to hook up with Herbalife, Field. t would be a tremendous boost to your site.

  16. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I am a gay black man and I have been taking Herbalife products for six months, and I have been getting more ass than ever before. I don't even need to wear condoms - my AIDS has disappeared! Plus my beautiful chocolate skin has never been clearer.

    Herbalife will give you a boost to your life. Try it today!

  17. Anonymous5:22 AM

    I took herbalife and three of my children were born black.

  18. Anonymous5:26 AM

    I took Herbalife and I farted out a kidney.

  19. Anonymous5:32 AM

    I took Herbalife and now my Cocker Spaniel is pregnant.

    I can't remember a thing, honest!

  20. Anonymous5:43 AM

    I took Herbalife and now I'm dating George Zimmerman.

    Hung like a horse, he is. And charming.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. But Hillary is 'shocked and appalled' by Weinstein don'tcha know....

    PICTURED: Hillary and Bill's intimate dinner with Harvey Weinstein weeks after her election loss - showing just how close the Clintons were to the 'serial rapist' movie mogul

    Photos of Hillary Clinton having dinner with longtime pal Harvey Weinstein weeks after her election loss have emerged.

    The Clintons were reported to have dined with the disgraced film producer, his wife Georgina Chapman and lawyer David Boies at Rao's in Harlem, five weeks after Trump was elected president.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    A Football game is not for political protest....Twitter is.

    Public schools aren't to be used for prayers, but whiny wingnuts cried and cried and finally got to have their prayers in public schools- against their lord and saviours express wishes.

  24. NFL players took a knee to to advocate for the right of black criminals to violently resist arrest without suffering any consequences.

    They deserve all the boos and verbal assaults they get.

    You are a god damned fucking wasicu wastey stoopid fucking lying wingnut and wear pink panties so yer homophobic wasicu buddies can give you pink snuggies to make you feel like a man with a micro dick.

  25. Top US commander in Korea: Material needed for North Korea to make nuclear bombs is still intact

    Tired of winning, yet, stoopid fucking Drumpfuck losers?


  26. Donald J. Trump


    10:24 PM - Jul 22, 2018

    This is one severely unhinged stable genius who needs a white coat intervention in spades. He is begging to be institutionalized.

  27. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit9:04 AM

    tr**p is probably going to invite this guy to the White House in the near future. They are both losers.

  28. The Ministry of Truth9:10 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Donald Trump is reportedly fuming over North Korea’s failure to honor his handshake
    It turns out North Korea experts know more about North Korea than Donald Trump.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Now we will be treated to a hissy fit the likes of which the world has never seen. Two year old's orange tantrums. Priceless.

  30. Mike from Iowa is a faggot9:42 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. Mike from Iowa is a retard9:44 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. The Ministry of Truth9:59 AM

    Mike from Iowa, who do you jerk off to the most: Field, PilotX, or Purple Cow?

  33. Anonymous10:07 AM

    @ Gagana Vaijayati

    Perhaps you can give that Herbalife to your people so as to stop India's rapist from raping India's women.

  34. Anonymous10:12 AM

    India's women can not go out at night and must travel in groups because of India's barbaric rapists.

  35. Anonymous10:38 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  36. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Stand corrected; Mike from Iowa STILL the dumbest mufocker in America!

  37. I'm not black, I'm OJ10:46 AM

    I'm just glad mike from iowa isn't black.

  38. Anonymous10:50 AM

    “India's women can not go out at night and must travel in groups because of India's barbaric rapists.”

    Female White House staffers can not go out at night and must travel in groups because of the White House’s barbaric rapist (aka the president).

  39. Gambler210:54 AM

    T0 I love homos, Your post regarding Blacks and flashlights is by far the dumbest post I have ever read on the internet. Therefore I assume you must be joking. No person with even half a brain would show how ignorant he/she was by posting this nonsense.

    White Woman, ASKA Gambler2

  40. I find it hilarious to see a black person deriding someone for being homophobic when blacks are the most homophobic race in America bar none. It's ironic too, since black men are obsessed with dicks.

  41. I love homos10:58 AM

    Not joking:

  42. Anonymous11:06 AM

    The standing ovation does not shock me. The U.S. was built on the belief system of white supremacy. It flourished under the system of globalization through the slave trade. It continues to thrive through exploitation of people here and abroad through unlivable wages and simply taking what it wants.

    Racism is endemic. Most of White America is comfortable in its racist beliefs and they now have a president who says show your hatred, be proud.

    The standing ovation was a show of force. Rallying not just for Hader but for the ability to kidnap, lynch, maim, torture, rape, kill people who do not look nor sound like them. That is what they bemoan when they speak of the good old days. They are dangerous.

    Nothing will change unless we people of color along with the very few enlightened whites band together in all shows of protest: boycotts, lawsuits, information distribution (like your website), mass demonstrations, ensurance of an inclusive media, and of course vote in every single election.

    We need to push back on every level. Nothing is insignificant.

    Civil Disobedience is in order.

  43. La Raza11:18 AM

    "the ability to kidnap, lynch, maim, torture, rape, kill people who do not look nor sound like them."

    Isn't that what the NFL players are taking a knee for?

  44. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Chicago July 2018 To Date
    Shot & Killed: 42
    Shot & Wounded: 176
    Total Shot: 218
    Total Homicides: 46

  45. Fight the Power12:50 PM

    Walk down Times Square with a g-string, a giant dildo, and AIDS, and you are praised as a brave example of culture.

    Express moral revulsion at public displays of degeneracy, and you are decried as a "hater".

  46. Confirmed: DOJ Used Materially False Information To Secure Wiretaps On Trump Associate:

  47. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Stand corrected; Mike from Iowa STILL the dumbest mufocker in America!

    10:40 AM

    Am not1

  48. Much-maligned Nunes memo turns out to be correct on FISA warrant application:

  49. With New D.C. Policy Group, Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons:

    One of the most under-discussed yet consequential changes in the American political landscape is the reunion between the Democratic Party and the country’s most extreme and discredited neocons. While the rise of Donald Trump, whom neocons loathe, has accelerated this realignment, it began long before the ascension of Trump and is driven by far more common beliefs than contempt for the current president.

    All you democrats who opposed W's war in Iraq are now reunited with Team Neocon.

    Feels good, doesn't it?

  50. Anyfuckinggmoose- What I was- you couldn't hold my jock strap

    What I am- you'll never even get close enough to smell it.

    Numbnuts memo is/was/a;ways will be wrong on all counts. You stoopid fuckers just keep telling yourselves your right. Lighten up on the salt, I don't like salty tears you'll soon be crying.

  51. ps stoopid fucking wingnuts- nothing in the dossier has been proven false and much has been proven ro be true. You're grasping at straws that aren't there.

  52. Barack "Red Line" Obama1:52 PM

    If Trump is supposedly a 'traitor' for giving Vladimir Putin a stupid meeting, imagine what the guy who gave Putin a reset button, 20% of our uranium, and the Crimean peninsula is!

  53. mike from iowa said...
    ps stoopid fucking wingnuts- nothing in the dossier has been proven false..

    Nothing in the Weekly World News story about aliens transporting Elvis to Mars has been proven false either.

  54. Hey mike from iowa let me get this straight you're a racist right? A racist posting on field-negro blog and calling people stupid is laughable. So you're the genius that found this site, and now you enacting all heyah on its posters. Great work there mike. Give'em heyah mike.

  55. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Kike from Iowa has been mixing his medications again ...


    A racist posting on field-negro blog and calling people stupid is laughable. A racist posting on Field Negro and calling people stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts. At least try to be correct.

    Clinton had nothing to do with selling any small amounts of uranium to anyone for any contributions. If you believe different, you are a totally stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnut with no concept of reality.

  57. Gambler24:56 PM

    To anonymous who posted,
    "The standing ovation does not shock me....". I agree with nearly every thing you said. However I disagree with your opinion that "very few whites ......" I think there are more of us than you realize. We do march, we donate money to organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and Color of Change, we boycott, and in our personal lives we practice the principles that we preach as an example to our friends and families.

    Perhaps you have more supporters in whitie land than you realize. Just sayin.

  58. Gambler25:08 PM



  59. La Raza5:51 PM

    The Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate group.

  60. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  61. In yer infinite wisdumb, how do you figure I'm racist, Phil4Real? Ever hear me call a POC the N-word or call Hispanics the S or W words? Or Chinese the C word? Or Japanese the N word?

    Just you wasicu wasteys get my wrath because you totally deserve it.


    Drumpfuck is a pathological lying POS, stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts! You deserve it. The rest of decent America deserve much, much better.

  63. Stoopid fucking wingnuts- When Republicans delivered $1.5 trillion in tax cuts last December and slashed the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent, they said it would come with a big wage boost for American workers. Except it hasn’t.

    Over the weekend, this chart from Bloomberg showing private data from PayScale’s wage index swept across Twitter. It shows a drop in wages in the second quarter of the year. While wages have risen by 12.9 percent overall since 2006, wages adjusted for inflation (so-called “real wages”) have actually fallen by 9.3 percent.

    And between the first and second quarters of 2018 — after the tax cuts were enacted — real wages fell by 1.8 percent.

  64. Anonymous1:55 AM

    There's a very thin line between love and hate.

    Most that claim to HATE Blacks secretly love and envy them.

    Basic psychology 101

    "Black Is Beautiful...and the Darker They Are Makes Them Even More Beautiful!"

  65. Anonymous2:08 AM


    Black male (NFL players):
    Exercise their constitutional rights by taking a knee to show honor for their country while at the same time making a stand for social justice are falsely accused of being unpatriotic.

    White POTUS:
    1)Dodges the draft,

    2)Insults and demeans decorated war veterans and service men that died for our country,

    3)Denounces the American Intelligence Agencies put in place to protect our national security,

    4)Goes overseas and denounces America,

    5)Makes a tax reform which over a short period of time, will benefit only wealthy corporations while at the same time end up taking away significant tax write offs for low and middle class workers.

    ...And you call Black NFL players unpatriotic!!!!!!!!



  66. Anonymous9:05 AM

    The libturds who say that NFL players who are on the clock should be able to "exercise their First Amendment rights" while offending the people who ultimately underwrite their grossly inflated paychecks, are the same libturds who want normal people (but especially public servants like cops) fired for saying anything negative about black people on their own time.

    The hate of libturds and their double standards are so transparent.

  67. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Free speech

  68. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt
