Saturday, July 07, 2018

Caption Saturday.

  • Image result for jeff session images
I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous10:25 PM

    When is Trump going to fire me?

  2. Whew! No more Pruitt!

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Waters and Winfrey 2020!

  4. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Who let those nigras in here?

  5. Ctrl+Halt+Del11:49 PM

    What do Keebler Zesta, Nabisco Premium, Hidden Valley Oyster and Hillbilly Red neck Jeff Sessions all have in common?

    They're all crackers!

  6. So that's what happened to Granny after the Beverly Hillbillies.

  7. "What's sneaking up on me?"

  8. Ctrl+Halt+Del5:16 AM

    The look on Jeff's face if Truth walked thru the door

  9. I told you bitches. Don't F*ck with Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.....

  10. I stopped going to the gym because of Trump. Now I can't open jars

    🤣🤣🤣🤣The left is beyond repair!

  11. Asshat thought bubble: “If I could just get my finger a wee bit higher and to the right, I could pick this bougar right in the middle of the here press conference. I hope it’s green and juicy!”😁

  12. Little Magat asshat wearer wouldn't tell Fake Noize about his racist comments before he was so brutally assaulted by losing his hat. When you won't even come clean to your mother ship, you are truly racist magats.

  13. Mike is spreading fake news.

  14. Lance Cockstrong10:51 AM

    "Wait, does that guy over there have a bigger or smaller dick than I do?"

  15. The Ministry of Truth10:52 AM

    Hey Yisheng, do you secretly think of Trump or Pence when having sex with your lame husband?

  16. Yisheng dreams of being Trump's and Pence's spit roast...

  17. This is my secret signal for 'stfu' you're saying the wrong thing!



    Them dang violent libs ou...wait, what? This was a wingnut saying vile and disgusting things about Maxine Waters and Michelle Obama? That's right folks. A gubmint employee saying these deplorable things.

  20. No where outside of raw story(which has a history of pushing fake news) and liberal blogs is this fake news being pushed.

    "The news outlet has since redacted quotes from the anonymous witness, stating it had "concerns about the legitimacy of the statements.""

  21. Secret klan signal to let the rest of the members know the meeting is still on.

  22. Wah, fucking, wah, wingnut. A guilty as charged little Magat that won't deny making racist remarks versus a witness who rightfully fears for his life because of stoopid fucking wingnut threats sez he overheard the remarks. I'm going with the truth. The little Drumpfucking dumbass made the remarks and it will eventually be bragged about because that is the way of Drumpf supporters. They get away with shit then sooner or later brag about it, just like the dumbfucker in the WH.

  23. SAPD releases affidavit in Fourth of July MAGA hat Whataburger attack

    The victim told police he was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat and the suspect approached their table asked him why he was wearing it.

    San Antonio police have released the warrant paperwork Friday that led to the arrest 30-year-old Kino Jimenez, the suspect in the MAGA hat Whataburger attack.

    According to the arrest warrant, the victim and two witnesses were dining at the Whataburger restaurant in the 12300 block of Nacogdoches Road around 2 a.m. on the Fourth of July when a man approached their table.

    The victim told police he was wearing a “Make America Great Again,” and the suspect approached their table asked him why he was wearing it.

    According to the paperwork, the victim told the suspect that he “was supporting the president.”

    The suspect became upset with his response and ripped the hat off of his head, according to the arrest warrant.

    The victim told police this is when he removed his cell phone from his pocket and began recording the incident. At that point, the suspect grabbed a cup containing ‘a liquid beverage with ice’ and tossed it in the victim’s face. The suspect then left the restaurant with the victim’s hat in hand.

    The victim’s mother later posted the cellphone video of the incident the victim was able to capture. Numerous individuals were able to identify Jimenez from the post. A family member later also called the police and reported Jimenez, according to the arrest paperwork.

  24. Wait, whatabugger? Why were they at a place called whatabugger? Is that some new GOP/teen boy hangout?

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. So they didn't catch the alleged suspect ripping anybody's hat off.

    The alleged perp was not interviewed for your one sided diatribe.

    You repeat the same shit at least twice.

    I'm going with the little fucker's failure to deny he said racist shit.

  26. Try it this way- Jimenez was afraid for his life of that hat and acted in self defense by grabbing it. He also claims the magat fucker's face was on fire and he threw the drink in his face to put it out. Prove him wrong.

  27. "According to KSAT, Jimenez told reporters that what happened “was a lapse in judgment that was out of character for him.” The station added, “Jimenez said seeing the hat had the same effect on him that a Ku Klux Klan hood would have had.”"

    No mention of hearing anything the kids said. And the one lying wittiness went to a liberal blog not the police.

  28. dinthebeast said...
    Wait, whatabugger? Why were they at a place called whatabugger? Is that some new GOP/teen boy hangout?

    -Doug in Oakland

    They have the best shakes and fries. Their burgers are little to much for my taste.

  29. And the lying little magat hat wearer went to Fake Noize to get his feelers massaged because they would write the narrative for him and blame HRC and oBAMA FOR THE HATE.And you fell for it hook line and sinker.

  30. UK woman just died from Russian poisoning. Drumpf and Devin Numbnuts demand investigation into HRC's whereabouts for the last 30 fucking years.

  31. Sessions to dumbass Drumpfuck- How many fingers do I have up?

    Drumpfuck screams, my gawd my ass is paralyzed.

  32. Irrefutable proof Drumpf is a Russian agent-

    Drumpf says no to breastfeeding around the world until Putin corrects his langwidge.


    Drumpf threatened Ecuador with trade sanctions and withdrawal of military aid if they passed res on breast feeding.

  34. Sessions, I can't get the picture of Drumpfuck's fat ass in a tutu out of my head. Poke my eyes out, please.

  35. "They have the best shakes and fries. Their burgers are little to much for my taste."

    I'm not up for any buggery, but suit yourself.

    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Mike from Iowa is a retard9:20 PM

    Mike from Iowa is a faggot.

  37. Mike from Iowa is a faggot9:20 PM

    Mike from Iowa is a retard.

  38. Kill white men, fuck white women10:12 PM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  39. After Perjurer Sessions fisted Drumpf's paralyzed ass, he is trying to sneak a sniff of the world's greatest shit.
