Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Weasels, 3-D guns, and immigration.

And now, one of my favorite tweets of the day.
"BREAKING: Manafort trial begins, but questions remain about how to trap a jury of his peers."

Classic stuff. 

Anyway folks, please be careful out there in social media world. Apparently the Russian troll farms are working overtime to disrupt the upcoming midterm elections. (I already see some on this site.)

They did such a great job getting trump elected that it would definitely be worth another shot to launch another assault on American democracy via the Internet.  The stakes are high this time. If they lose the majority in Congress their guy trump could find himself out of a job. 

Speaking of trump, I see he had to get permission from the NRA to speak out against 3-D guns. Remember all his tough talk after Parkland? Most of us knew that he was lying then, and it was just going to be a matter of time before he was sucking at the tit of the NRA again. 

I am looking into 3-D Plastic Guns being sold to the public. Already spoke to NRA, doesn’t seem to make much sense."

Why do you have to speak to the NRA? 3-D guns?! Are you insane?! 

Thing is, the 2nd Amendment gun nuts are already saying that we should leave 3-D guns alone. The right to bear arms will not be compromised, even if they have to download a gun made of plastic. Unbelievable!

Finally, Jesse Watters (the funny looking guy with the big head on FOX), might have inadvertently let out trump's true intentions when it comes to immigration in this country. 

  "The Five held a conversation on Monday about President Donald Trump‘s demands that Congress throw support behind an omnibus bill that will provide funding for tougher immigration policies. 

When Greg Gutfeld argued that Trump has used the wall as an idea to spark more conversation about border security, Juan Williams countered by arguing that Trump wants to stop immigration altogether, both legal and illegal.

That’s when Jesse Watters made this statement:

“He wants merit-based,” said Watters. “That would cut legal immigration by bringing in the best and brightest. So we don’t bring in some guy’s uncle from Zimbabwe.”'  [Source]

Got it! So "some guy's uncle from Zimbabwe" couldn't be one of the "best and brightest" because he is from that shit hole of a place called Africa, or, for that matter, one of those Third World countries full of brown people. 

I am sure that the folks in this link would tend to disagree. 



  1. Ivan Beatinov9:47 PM

    "Apparently the Russian troll farms are working overtime to disrupt the upcoming midterm elections. (I already see some on this site.)"

    Putin vs. "mike from iowa" for the hearts and souls of negros.

    You believe some strange things, Field.

  2. "Got it! So "some guy's uncle from Zimbabwe" couldn't be one of the "best and brightest" because he is from that shit hole of a place called Africa, or, for that matter, one of those Third World countries full of brown people."

    Pretty much that's the case.


  3. How long do you think the Bill of Rights would last if whites were to become a minority in America?

  4. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:14 PM

    Cyril Ramaphosa said...

    How long do you think the Bill of Rights would last if whites were to become a minority in America?

    Probably forever, Cyril. It's hard to believe any other group could govern worse than the white good ole boys.

  5. Lance Cockstrong11:17 PM

    Micro dick white boys like Butt Trumpet and his klan are threatened by men from countries like Zimbabwe because they are packing more between their legs.

  6. You know, I read your posts and think, "People - real people - can't be as bad at heart as what's reflected in these prominent conservatives' actions. And then I read the comments here and realize some people are even worse than the ones in the posts.

    You have more patience and calm than I do. There's no way I'd be able to keep from hitting the delete button on most of these folks' words.

  7. Dave Zirin = faggot kike11:37 PM

    Any "shit hole" in the world is 100% the fault of white people. The white race always leaves death and destruction wherever they go.

  8. StillaPanther211:41 PM

    President Obama gave the white man a look to his position if he ever lose his position as white is supreme. Several aces have been in America long enough to be in the position to lead this country in a more equitable and just land. Prez showed them at least there was one Black man that could maintain this ship upright. The white man also has learned by his military that there are some Blacks that are apable to lead. At present, theBlack man has had diminished numbers in the military..... which is untenable position for my people. Our numbers reflect lowering in important roles in America society. Donald Trump will erase all evidence of our role in this country's fratricidal push. Still a Black Panther.

  9. Anonymous11:46 PM

    " Speaking of trump, I see he had to get permission from the NRA to speak out against 3-D guns. Remember all his tough talk after Parkland? Most of us knew that he was lying then, and it was just going to be a matter of time before he was sucking at the tit of the NRA again."

    The NRA mostly represents gun manufacturers. That's just the truth. Also, a relatively small but vocal population of gun nutters (some racist scum, some survivalist paranoiac fruticakes, plus genuine gun hobbyists who are childish and selfish enough to care more about the fun of shooting stuff than having a functioning society). But let's be real -- the NRA is really the marketing arm of the gun makers.

    So I wouldn't expect the NRA to push too hard in favor of defending 3D-printed guns. There is no profit for Smith & Wesson or Ruger in some piece-o-crap homebrew pistol made from plans downloaded off the Internet. They'd frankly like to shut all that stuff down, for purely greed-based reasons.

    That Cody Wilson fool who is the main one pushing this idea of 3D guns is quite likely to end up in a prison cell, eventually. He is Johnny No-Friends. Liberal politicians hate him for trying to undermine the already-weak gun control we have. Conservative politicians, who are the lackeys of the gun industry, will soon be ordered to hate him for putting their masters' profits at risk. Nobody who matters will be on his side.

    Basically, he's fucking with forces he doesn't understand, and will soon end up roasting on a spit.

  10. Wow, Sessions believes we need a religious liberty force because "dark forces" are threatening religious liberties.
    Jesse Waters is a smug prick.

  11. A lot of black men in the ghetto own guns, and love owning those guns. They also love using said guns on other blacks. Funny how white liberals only target the NRA but let you people kill yourselves off.

  12. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt11:59 PM

    Trump supporters think any place that isn't full of white people is a shit hole. They genuinely don't believe brown people are human beings.

  13. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit12:04 AM

    The NRA and tr**p are so stupid they probably think virtual reality guns are a viable option for the future.

  14. Manafort's trial is going down. Let's see how this goes.

  15. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Why have a plastic toy gun when you can make a proper one with real tools.

  16. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Join the NRA TODAY!!


  17. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Chicago July 2018 To Date:
    Shot & Killed: 59
    Shot & Wounded: 266
    Total Shot: 325
    Total Homicides: 64

  18. White feminists are retarded cunts12:14 AM

    The NRA had some merit back when it first formed, but now it's just a fucking joke.

  19. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Rural white America July 2018 to date:

    OD's: 27,000
    Babies sold for meth: 30,000
    Showers taken: 3
    High school diplomas: 7
    Teeth: 0

  20. Most of Africa is a shit hole. That's why nobody is yearning to move there, and so many Africans are yearning to leave. You could say pretty much the same thing about black "communities."

  21. mmjames12:41 AM

    As a Chinese-American I find it odd that blacks believed EVERYTHING Obama told you, yet now that Trump is in office everything is a lie. Get over yourselves.

    See more at:

  22. PilotX is a pussy12:42 AM

    Never trust a black pilot. They only got in that position because of Affirmative Action.

  23. "Never trust a black pilot. They only got in that position because of Affirmative Action."

    Never trust an intetnet troll. They're pretty stupid.😂

  24. Mike from Iowa is a faggot1:19 AM

    Mike from Iowa is a retard.

  25. Mike from Iowa is a retard1:20 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. https://www.theroot.com/cue-the-worlds-smallest-violin-white-driver-who-follow-1827998730

    Now this guy is surprised he lost business after following a brotha home and going on a racist diatribe. MAGA people. Welcome to trump's America.

  27. "yet now that Trump is in office everything is a lie."

    As Tupac would say, the truest words that you've ever wrote.

    1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/opinions/trump-lies-and-lies-and-lies/2018/07/25/3f19d0fa-9048-11e8-bcd5-9d911c784c38_story.html

  28. Kill white men, fuck white women1:31 AM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  29. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?utm_term=.86b88f600c09

  30. Both of the gunsmiths I know say that with the right ammunition a plastic gun should work fine... once. After that you'd be risking your safety, and the accuracy of the gun would dramatically deteriorate.
    And the whole "won't show up on a metal detector or x-ray machine" still doesn't apply to ammunition, as far as I know.

    "How long do you think the Bill of Rights would last if whites were to become a minority in America?"

    You mean how long will it last after 2043?
    That will depend on who we elect to the executive and legislative branches of the government, and who they appoint to the judiciary, mostly, just like it does right now.
    A better question would be "will the bill of rights still mean anything after the goddamn Republicans are through buggering the norms and traditions they are supposed to be the party that conserves?"

    Except that they will never be through, buggery is just what they do and who they are.

    Sadly, I don't think I'll be around to see it. My dad made it to 84, but I don't feel like I have another 25 years in me.

    Oh well, I live in California, and we've been majority-minority for a while now, and I seem to still have most of the rights I was born with, being a white guy and all.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. Black men whining 24/7. What else is new?

  32. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Niggers ruin everything.

    No smart person in any country would want more of them.


  33. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Man shutup lil wite fuckboi. U just jelose are dick's our so big. We all up in here fuckin you're woman. Ha ha lil wite faggot's. U wish u was Black but you wont be. But you're wive's babies will be ha ha.

    -A Howard Unevercity Gradate

  34. DeMarcus4:19 AM

    White people,

    -Country music is shit
    -Your food is bland
    -You're bland

    You suck.

  35. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  36. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Q predicted that Field is a faggot.

    And he was right.

  37. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Trump kicked ASS down in Tampa yesterday. I wish I could have driven down there from here in Macon, but some damn beaner woman sideswiped me in my F-150 and I broke my clavicle. Damn Mexicans. Eight kids and no insurance, sucking off the welfare that I pay for. They're almost as bad as you blacks.

    But anyway, Trump is #Winning. Trump ALWAYS wins. You cowards and sissies and homos can whine and screech all you want, but Trump is fundamentally changing this country for the better. And it feels so right.

    We Love You, Trump! Make America Greater Than Ever!

  38. The CoatesvilleExPat7:58 AM

    This is a storm over nothing Judge. 3D printed firearms are already illegal under a number of existing Federal laws. Would have expected a Judge to know that before he opined.

  39. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Yes !!!! The 80 IQ Wizards will lead America boldly into the future.....Bwahahahahahaha Yeah right. I can see it now, NASA ...Negroes and Spics Agency. For Negroes the delusions continue....

  40. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-war-nfl-since-1986-200933386.html

    A little old but still informative.

  41. Anonymous9:15 AM

    "Black men whining 24/7. What else is new?"

    White women looking for negro dick. Nope nothing new.

  42. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Eight kids and no insurance, sucking off the welfare that I pay for. They're almost as bad as you blacks.
    But the white geniuses here don't know the majority of people on welfare er I mean disability are white.

    no university because the dumb rednecks here can't even spell college

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:04 AM

    Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt said...

    " Trump supporters think any place that isn't full of white people is a shit hole. They genuinely don't believe brown people are human beings."

    Hey Yisheng, I agree with your analysis of the Trump's strong supporters. They don't believe brown people are human beings. They feel the same way about women, otherwise why do they try to take away our right to control our own bodies?

  44. Math: It's a White Thing10:07 AM

    "But the white geniuses here don't know the majority of people on welfare er I mean disability are white."

    That's because the vast majority of people in America are white. There are six whites fro every black.

    Wit roughly equal numbers of blacks and whites on welfare, that means blacks are six times as likely to be on welfare.

    Per capita. Look it up.

  45. "Hey Yisheng, I agree with your analysis of the Trump's strong supporters. They don't believe brown people are human beings. They feel the same way about women, otherwise why do they try to take away our right to control our own bodies"

    What a cartoon view of the other side y'all have.

    How many strong Trump supporters do you know? Have you ever spoken with them about what they believe?

  46. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Does anyone know where Jesus is?

    Tell your relatives, in prison, he or she MAY get a 'free get out of jail pass' if they found HIM in prison and recruited an army of salvation soldiers committed to furthering Christian ministry.

    The rest kick rocks!


  47. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Wit roughly equal numbers of blacks and whites on welfare, that means blacks are six times as likely to be on welfare.
    1. The numbers are not nearly equal.
    2. There are MILLIONS of whites on wefare. If you are so smart and hard working there shouldn't be ANY whites on wefare. It's almost as if they don't exist in your world. The number goes up if you consider subsidies for farmers as welfare. 70% of all whites in Indiana are on some form of public assistance.

  48. Anonymous10:40 AM

    @ StillaPanther2

    ...so a black bisexual man who bestow NO permanant power unto black inluential society i.e. Bernice King (MLK's daugher), Vernon Jordon etc.

    Yo dawg, Black Panthers have lost thier edge!

  49. @10:33 AM:

    Whites are a net source of revenue to the government. Hispanics and blacks are a net cost to the government.

    On net, whites generate a $249.52 billion surplus, or $1,260 per person if you assign 100% of military spending to whites. If you just give whites a proportional share of military spending, their surplus goes up to $553.52 billion total and $2,795 per capita.

    Blacks, by contrast, run a budget deficit of $389.71 billion, or $10,016 per capita. If 100% of military spending is assigned to whites, blacks STILL run a $306.53 billion deficit, or $7,700 per capita.

    Hispanics run a budget deficit of $411.95 billion of $7,289 per capita if military spending is proportional. If 100% of military spending is assigned to whites hispanics run a deficit of $291.3 billion, or $5,160 per capita.

    The negative fiscal impact of blacks and Hispanics is significant. All of this discussion of a “national debt” and “deficit” is primarily of function of blacks and Hispanics. Without them, we would be running budget surpluses today, even when keeping the military the same size.


  50. Anonymous10:47 AM

    How many prisioners did the black "B" EOTCH convince 44 to release from prison?

    Stats please!

  51. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Oh that's right the only one B was concerned - her husband the ex-jail bird (Lucifer's illuminatee who membership has NO rewards).

  52. Anonymous10:56 AM


    ...so the black panthers' role model is a black bisexual man who bestow NO permanant power unto black inluential society i.e. Bernice King (MLK's daugher), Vernon Jordon etc.

    Yo dawg, Black Panthers have lost thier edge!

  53. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Chicago Final July 2018 Totals:
    Shot & Killed: 59
    Shot & Wounded: 267
    Total Shot: 326
    Total Homicides: 64

  54. Anonymous11:28 AM

    If you want to be free stick with Special "K" if you want remain enslaved stick with "B"

  55. Drumpfuck and his dastardly cabinet should be forced to wear signs that say, "Right up front you know we are weasels."

  56. Drumpfuck to Putie, "got time for a quickie?" Putie asks, "afterall these years I've had a choice?"

  57. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Rural white America July 2018 totals:

    ODs: 28,000
    Babies sold for meth: 35,000
    Showers taken: 8
    High school diplomas: 9
    Teeth: 4

  58. Anonymous12:28 PM

    > It's hard to believe any other group could govern worse than the white good ole boys.

    Yeah, how IS the rule of law doing over in the brown world?  Do the names Mugabe, Mobutu, Ortega, Castro, Noriega and Suharto mean anything to you?  Ever think about what they mean?

    Not that there's any point educating you.  You're a race traitor.  You'll be decorating a lamp post sooner than you think.  But maybe some other people can be moved to think.

    > Any "shit hole" in the world is 100% the fault of white people.

    Despite it being documented historical fact that sub-Saharan Africa was a shithole when the Arabs first sailed down there, long before any white men came, you still think it's all white people's fault rather than the natural state of Africans.

    Saying things like this is a handy identifier.  It means you need to become a decoration too.

    > They genuinely don't believe brown people are human beings.

    Might be easier to believe you were if you behaved human for a change.  Remember, the difference between chimpanzees and bonobos which makes them two different species is their behavior.

    First thing you need to change?  Stop blaming white people for your faults.

  59. https://www.vox.com/2018/7/31/17637426/robert-mueller-ukraine-lobbyists-tony-podesta-vin-weber-greg-craig

    Mueller referred several people, including Dems, to Manhattan Federal Prosecutors for not signing up as agents.

    Also, a federal judge has blocked downloading of blueprints to make 3-D guns.

  60. Anonymous12:34 PM

    "3D printed firearms are already illegal under a number of existing Federal laws."

    It's legal to make your own guns with regular machine tools.  It's legal to print them too.  It's just not legal to transfer them.  Of course, you can always loan your printer to anyone you wish....

    The "Liberator" name is deliberate.  In WWII, the Allies dropped tens of thousands of cheap "Liberator" single-shot pistols to the resistance.  The idea was to sneak up behind a German, shoot him in the back and take HIS gun.  73 years later, that will still work.

  61. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-answer-to-corruption-more-corruption?ref=home

    Remember the good old days when a civil servant was made to resign if they didn't pay taxes or report domestic labor? Pruitt had 18 federal investigations against him before he resignesdStinky Zinke has a dozen. Wilbur Ross lied to congress several times and has conflicts of interests and still won't resign.Every thing about Drumpfuck is corrupted.

  62. https://crooksandliars.com/2018/08/kris-kobach-conned-multiple-towns-bigot

    Goatfuck (kobach) convinced small towns to write illegal ordinances and when they inevitably got sued offered to help defend them in court-which they would lose bigtime.

    Quite another scam and profitable for Gobitch.

  63. Alex Jones is suing a Sandy Hook family for 100k for some inexplicable reason. He is the one that claimed the shooting never happened and was fake and no kids died and is, himself, involved in 2 trials where he claims to be the victim.

  64. "First thing you need to change? Stop blaming white people for your faults."

    Great advice but seeing that the Blah people who post here don't need any advice from you it's kind of wated. Maybe you should make your advice more universal because I've traveled all over these United States and have seen as many white people who could benefit from the advice of not blaming others as any other group. In fact, many of them could get some good advice and tips from yours truly. But thanks for trying anon.

  65. Trollski1:35 PM

    mike from iowa is a Russian plant.

  66. https://crooksandliars.com/2018/08/trump-demands-jeff-sessions-end-mueller

    And so the meltdown begins.

  67. Anonymous1:53 PM

    “It's legal to make your own guns with regular machine tools. It's legal to print them too. It's just not legal to transfer them. Of course, you can always loan your printer to anyone you wish....”

    For now.

    Courtesy of libertarian crackpots like Cody Wilson, that probably won’t last long. In addition to demands for greater gun control, get ready for 3D printer control. Lots of people will soon find they do not qualify for a 3D printer ownership license.

    So the scumbags have ruined yet another thing for everyone else, as they are wont to do.

  68. Anonymous1:54 PM

    mike from iowa is a Cockroaches

  69. Anonymous1:55 PM

    mike from iowa is a cockroach

  70. Does anyone know where Jesus is?

    He was murdered by cops outside a convenience store in Chicago, St Louis, Dallas, Nawlins, Miami, DC, Atlanta-pick one or several- for selling copies of cds or drinking ice tea with Skittles, while standing around minding his own black business, for walking in a public park, for wearing a hoodie, for being black- pick one or several.

    Of course, since he was a POC no wasicu wastey bothered to care. They all blamed the victim for not having white privilege.

  71. Then they gathered round and said the per capita deaths of a POC martyr is way higher than the deaths of none of the wasicu wasteys that wasted him. To let POC know their white privilege is smarter than yer white privilege, since you don't have any.

    Then they start slinging names around.

  72. Anonymous2:29 PM

    White Privilege does not exist. Made up term by progressives....

  73. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "3D printed firearms are already illegal under a number of existing Federal laws."

    It's legal to make your own guns with regular machine tools. It's legal to print them too. It's just not legal to transfer them. Of course, you can always loan your printer to anyone you wish....

    The "Liberator" name is deliberate. In WWII, the Allies dropped tens of thousands of cheap "Liberator" single-shot pistols to the resistance. The idea was to sneak up behind a German, shoot him in the back and take HIS gun. 73 years later, that will still work.
    12:34 PM

    You can sell them to another once you pay The Treasury Dept the 11% excise tax.

  74. White privilege is a thing and stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys denying it exists proves it does exist.

    It is all stoopid fucking trailer trash wasicus have to separate themselves from POC in poor districts. Well, that and moonshine.

  75. Anonymous3:06 PM

    If Jesus came back the Jews would kill him again.

  76. King weasels (aka SKUNKS) decided that since we have an arrogant fucking asshole in the WH presiding over his very own stinky swamp, king weasels needed their own family to prove they are arrogant fucking assholes so skunks no longer belong to the Mustelid family. They are Mephitidae, meaning white privileged stinkers with a black coat and zero class.

  77. "If Jesus came back the Jews would kill him again."

    Jesus or Yeshua was a Jew.

  78. If Jesus came back the Republicans would send him to Guantanamo.

    There, I fixed it for you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  79. From the New York Review of Books on Twitter:

    "Trump knew that Michael Flynn was under criminal investigation when he asked James Comey to “see your way clear to letting this go.” Murray Waas has seen the White House memo, which implicates the president in an obstruction of justice"

    The noose tightens.

    -Doug in Oakland

  80. Anonymous4:48 PM

    "From the New York Review of Books on Twitter:

    'Trump knew that Michael Flynn was under criminal investigation when he asked James Comey to “see your way clear to letting this go.” Murray Waas has seen the White House memo, which implicates the president in an obstruction of justice'

    The noose tightens."

    The frequency of rage-tweeting is escalating precipitously.

    Trump is, as the kids say, "big mad."

    Trump appears to be about five minutes away from pitching a literal tantrum, not a metaphorical one, on national TV.

  81. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The noose tightens

    I think your collar is too tight and restricting blood to your brain.

  82. Anonymous4:54 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    If Jesus came back the Republicans would send him to Guantanamo.

    To protect him from the Jews.

  83. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  84. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/08/a-devil-in-disguise-christain-music-festival-founder-gets-hit-with-an18-year-sentence-after-molesting-young-girls-report/

    Child molesters don't last long among hardened criminals. Too bad, so sad.

  85. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/08/a-devil-in-disguise-christain-music-festival-founder-gets-hit-with-an18-year-sentence-after-molesting-young-girls-report/

    At least one Fake Noize employee knows the truth when he sees it.

  86. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/08/white-americans-support-welfare-programs-new-research/

    Wasicus love welfare, if it for themselves only.

  87. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/08/gun-shop-owner-tells-las-vegas-massacre-victim-prnography-can-irreparable-harm-3d-printed-guns/

    Ammosexuals have got to be the most stoopid of all Mother Nature's animals.

  88. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/08/2017-memo-shows-even-trumps-doj-thinks-colluding-russia-crime/

  89. Anonymous6:10 PM

    @mike from Iowa

    Does anyone know where Jesus is?

    What you meant to write is the one who thinks he's Jesus------ Jay-Z esqe Neeeegros was murdered by cops outside of convenience store....

  90. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Is it a coincidence that he calls himself Jay-Z?

  91. relondo6:29 PM

    I voted in 2016 against Hillary Clinton. Like so many I didn’t vote FOR Donald Trump, so much as AGAINST Hillary Clinton. We are now astonished at what Trump has accomplished in so short a time. Millions voted as I did. Now we will be voting FOR Trump in 2020, and deservedly so.

  92. Anonymous6:33 PM

    @ Pilot X

    Okay trying to convince yourself , you earned a degree; but unlike you , we recognize letter J does not exist in the Hebrew language

  93. Dear relondo, sorry to burst yer deflated bubble, but Drumpf won't be Potus in 2020 or 2019 for that matter. His only accomplishments are crimes and his rotten orange ass is going down. Kiss it goodbye on the way past yer nose, buddy. Pleasant dreams.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. So a slimeball Republican (but I repeat myself) in Illinois resigned after being caught using naked pictures of his ex-girlfriend to lure men online into "graphic conversations of a sexual nature” in which he revealed private details of her life to the men he catfished with the pictures of her.

    -Doug in Oakland

  96. That's right, Doug, but HRC had emails doncha know?

    I find it amazing stoopid fucking wingnuts ignore the batshit crazy loser in the WH. There ain't a stoopid fucking wingnut out there with the decency to stand up for America and remove this stain from the history books. As long as they can still stock the judiciary with unqualified, religious zealots to fuck with people's lives they don't care how much damage Drumpfuck does.

    Pols used to be honored to serve the public. Now they get well paid serving korporate amerika.

  97. I recently watched a video of US backed troops in Cameroon murder two women and two young kids. It is all on tape and even shows soldiers shooting all the victims in the head afterwards. Makes me prowd to be an American- not! But what the hell. All participants were black and black lives don't matter. Not even the young. Right racists?

  98. doug from iowa8:22 PM

    I heard about this guy one time who did something really bad and guess what? He was a Republican!

  99. mike from oakland8:23 PM

    If one Republican does something bad that means all Republicans are bad.

  100. mike from iowa said...
    I recently watched a video of US backed troops in Cameroon murder two women and two young kids.

    Gonna go out on a limb here and wager that those troops were African.

  101. "Okay trying to convince yourself , you earned a degree; but unlike you , we recognize letter J does not exist in the Hebrew language".

    Uh yeah, I saw that Indiana Jones movie too. Known that for about 25 years. You should never assume what a person knows or doesn't. It's always better to ask.

  102. Anonymous11:07 PM

    @ Pilot X

    You sure spend a lot of time
    on this blog shouldn't you be in a cockpit"piloting" planes?

  103. "You sure spend a lot of time
    on this blog shouldn't you be in a cockpit"piloting" planes?"

    Be back at it in a few days. Don't worry they get their pound of flesh out of me.

  104. Anonymous12:28 AM

    It's good to know that the flying public is safe for a little while.

  105. "It's good to know that the flying public is safe for a little while."


  106. Gonna go out on a limb here and wager that those troops were African.

    US backed troops in CAMEROON murder two women and two young kids. It is all on tape and even shows soldiers shooting all the victims in the head afterwards. Makes me prowd to be an American- not! But what the hell. ALL participants were BLACK and black lives don't matter. Not even the young. Right racists?

    What gave you your first clew, Sherlock?

  107. PilotX, I feel safe as can be firmly grounded in iowa when you are flying. The chances are your plane falling on me in this remote section of a remote township in flyover state are beyond bothering about. Just smile and wave as you flyover any iowa cornfield.

  108. Anonymous11:14 AM

    What quite amusing is Pilot X his own bulshi

  109. "What quite amusing is Pilot X his own bulshi"

    Try being more specific in the areas you believe are questionable. Pretty sure I can answer any questions you may have. Thanks for contacting us.😂

    1. I mean I know it gives racists serious heartburn when they find out a blah man is more successful and accomplished than they. I get it and I'm used to it.

  110. "Does anyone know where Jesus is?"

    Yup. He's over at Carlos' house where he and Mildred have been living since 2010. Their daughter moved out to go to school last year if I remember correctly.

    -Doug in Oakland
