Monday, September 24, 2018

Brett's PR push.

While his accusers remain quiet, Brett Kavanaugh went on trump state television (AKA FOX) to plead his case to the older white males who make up the bulk of that  network's viewing audience.

Ironically, the person interviewing him was one of the females who stood by and watched as Roger Ailes and company created a culture where sexually harassing your co-worker was cool , and she did nothing about it.

There he was with his wife, who dutifully sat still and did her best Tammy Wynette impression. Anything to protect the franchise, huh Mrs Kavanaugh? Folks, you can go ahead and  compare her to Melania now.

Anywhoo, watching Brett Kavanaugh go on and on about what a friend he has been to women his entire life, and how much he loves and respects the fairer sex was almost laughable. The evidence that has been coming in over the past few days says otherwise. By his own admission he used to like to play the frat boy and get his drink on back in the day. So why should we believe him when he says that what these women accusing him of did not take place?  His self-serving social calendar of events he prepared at 17 for this very day? I need a break!

"We’re looking for a fair process where I can be heard and defend my integrity my lifelong record,..... My lifelong record of promoting dignity and equality for women starting with the women who knew me when I was 14 years old. I’m not going anywhere.

I want a fair process where I can defend my integrity, and I know I’m telling the truth. I know my lifelong record, and I’m not going to let false accusations drive me out of this process. I have faith in God and I have faith in the fairness of the American people.” 

I believe that those survivors want a "fair process" as well Mr. Kavanaugh. 

The right wing says that this is a "vast left wing conspiracy" against a good man. But ask yourself this right-wingnuts: Why didn't you hear these accusations from the left about Neil Gorsuch or any of the other conservative federal Judges trump appointed to the bench? I have a theory. Maybe it's because there was nothing there to report about them. Unlike our friend Mr. Kavanugh, where we have not one, but two women who are willing to stick their necks out and come forward and relive a horrible experience from their past.

*Pic from



  1. Wesley R8:42 PM

    The Judge is a Right Wing Tool, who now looks like a fool. His drunken sins have come back to haunt him. Grab the popcorn, this season of The Apprentice gets crazier with each episode.

  2. Lance Cockstrong9:27 PM

    Kavernous-nog is going to have to try to convince people to get over his micro dick and he and Butt Trumpet's mutual man crushes on each other.

  3. Dave Zirin = faggot kike9:42 PM

    Kavanaugh is considered an alpha amongst white people. That's how pathetic their race is.

  4. Love scratching my asshole9:49 PM

    This whole Trump/Kavanaugh affair is almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.

  5. With respect to the Ramirez allegation, how does being an alleged virgin preclude one from getting stink-ass drunk at a party and whipping out his ween?

    Kavanaugh's 'choir boy' defense is flimsy at best.

  6. Kavanaugh's 'choir boy' defense is flimsy at best.

    As opposed to the accusers fuzzy memories brought out through "memory therapy" coaching, neither of which can put a time or a place on the alleged grinding/weiner whipping?

    Fuck you Aunt Bea.

    The evidence that has been coming in over the past few days says otherwise

  7. Zero evidence10:40 PM

    Four of the five people Ford claims were at the party say they were not at the party and that there was no party.

    Only Ford says differently.

    As of this moment, four of the five people Christine Blasey Ford says were at the party where she claims she was sexually assaulted have denied there ever being such a party. Only Ford herself, also the only person not to speak under oath, says this party occurred, and only she says she was sexually assaulted.
    The most recent witness, Leland Keyser, has no recollection of the party and has never met Kavanaugh.

    This is compelling in that not only doesn't she have any reason to lie, but she's actually a lifelong friend of Blasey Ford and a staunch liberal who doesn't want Kavanaugh on the court.

  8. So this idiot thinks a virgin can't attempt rape (which assnon's uncle says isn't true)? The idea that he equates sex with violence is VERY problematic. Especially for his wife.

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:52 PM

    Dave Zirin = faggot kike said...

    "Kavanaugh is considered an alpha amongst white people. That's how pathetic their race is."

    A come on, Dave. Not all of us white folks are dumb enough to consider Kavanaugh an alpha anything. He's typical woman hater who considers females to be less than human. And he's a slime ball.

  10. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Yīshēng, WAKANDA FOREVER!!!������������ said...
    "The idea that he equates sex with violence is VERY problematic."

    That's your idea, he never said anything like that.

    Jesus, you are stupid.

  11. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:02 PM

    Zero evidence said...

    "......she's actually a lifelong friend of Blasey Ford and a staunch liberal who doesn't want Kavanaugh on the court.

    Most women don't want Kavanaugh on the court. Check the polling results.

  12. Repeal the 19th amendment11:04 PM

    Most women shouldn't vote.

    Exhibit Number 1: You.

  13. Ian T,D. Wilson11:11 PM

    The Left does nothing but project, project, project. Their hypocrisy is obvious to anyone who pays the slightest attention. But they don't care. They say the Right is shameless while they lie to our faces every day. I hate these people and all the damage they've caused.

    Left: "The Right are fascists who want to control everyone!"
    Right: "No, we just want to be left alone to live the way we want."
    Left: "We can't allow that! Your way is wrong!"

    Left: "We need to stop giving corporations so much power!"
    Right: "Agreed. We want our own culture and customs that aren't dictated to us by globalists through their media and academic minions."
    Left: "'Globalists?' LOL. Anti-Semitic much? Ever watch anything besides Fox News?"

    Left: "We take sexual assault very seriously, and all women should be believed!"
    Right: "Do you care about the stories of Karen Monahan, or the Rotherham victims, or...?"
    Left: "Get out of here with your right-wing conspiracies!"

    Left: "We oppose this rape culture White Christian men have created!"
    Right: "Check out which demographic groups commit the most rape and it isn't White Christian men."
    Left: "OMG racist!"
    Right: "Not an argument."
    Left: "I'm triggered! Someone dox and fire this guy! PLEASE!?!"

  14. We should set women's "rights" back about 300 years, not just 50.

  15. Even if he's not guilty of sexual assault he's still guilty of perjury worse than what they impeached Bill Clinton for.
    And you can bet your bottom dollar that a creep like him is fucking guilty.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. If the Dems pull off keeping Kavanaugh off the SC and take the senate I'll take back every bad thing I've said about them. This would be a coup for the ages.😝

  17. Akire8:11 AM

    Kavanaugh: "I have always treated women with dignity and respect"

    Not according to Renate of 'RenateAlumni' infamy. Kavanaugh and his entitled white home-boys made mockery of Renate repeatedly in their high school yearbook, insinuating that she was but notch on their belts. Renate was also one of the women who signed the letter supporting Kavanaugh BEFORE she was aware of the "Renate" yearbook references. Now?

    According to the NY Times:" I can’t begin to comprehend what goes through the minds of 17-year-old boys who write such things, but the insinuation is horrible, hurtful and simply untrue,"

    Who the fuck does that - humiliates a young girl for bragging right, laughing at her behind her back. And the penny has only just dropped. HIDEOUS. And a lesson to white women who are only to keen to back up their arrogant male counterparts. As for him, it paints a far different picture from the one he was trying to paint for himself on Fox. Which means not only is he a blatant LIAR (not news), but he's either stupid to boot (given the wide availability of his yearbook) or just so entitled he believes he can say what he likes and he won't be questioned. I vote for a mix of the two. Disgusting.

  18. Michael Dean Miller8:38 AM


    If she won't swear out a police report, she has no credibility.
    And tomorrow, fewer people will believe any other woman's story.


  19. The simple truth- keeping Kavanaugh off the bench if he is innocent is a far better outcome than putting him on the bench and finding out he lied some more. (he has already perjured himself but perjury doesn't matter when wingnuts do it)

    Kavanaugh's stated closed mind on issues of the day, the reason he was picked and groomed to sit on the court disqualify him for the highest court in the land where knowledge of the constitution and impartiality are supposed to be important.

    Kavanaugh and other activist right wing nut jobs on the court almost always vote in lockstep for the wealthy and against the workers, unions, women, immigrants and POC. Too much baggage. When the Dems get both houses of congress in November, the impeachments of the five right wing rubberstamps should be on the agenda first thing.

  20. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:45 AM

    Trump supporters have low standards, which is why they love someone like Kavanaugh.

  21. I Speak Only the Truth9:52 AM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:59 AM

    Anonymous Ian T,D. Wilson said...

    "Right: "Check out which demographic groups commit the most rape and it isn't White Christian men."

    It's impossible to know "which demographic groups commit the most rapes" other than their gender, which is male. This is because only a small percentage of rapes are reported.

  23. Hey darkies, want to stop filling up prisons and getting shot by cops? Want white people to not see you as animals and criminals? Learn to behave better. Talk without your retarded ebonics. Pull up your pants. Stop being ghetto and ratchet. Listen to better music. Stop worshipping pieces of shit like Obama and Farrakhan. Stop acting like petulant children all the time.

    I know all of these are difficult for your small brains to handle, and I won't be holding my breath.

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:05 AM

    Anonymous Repeal the 19th amendment said...

    "Most women shouldn't vote.

    Exhibit Number 1: You."

    Most men shouldn't vote. Men commit about 90 percent of all crimes and start virtually all of the wars. Women should run the world for awhile. We couldn't possibly do a worse job of it than men have done.


    This guy sure enuf sounds like a boy scout in is yearbook postings. He may have changed. He may not have, but he is a perjurer and a typical stoopid fucking white privileged wingnut.

  26. If Kavanaugh and stoopid fucking wingnuts want sympathy it is found in the dictionary between shit and syphilis. Appropriately so.

  27. And now, more than two women. Though Avenatti is a publicity hound with an eye on the White House (!), I believe him when he says another woman has come to him with similar stories. And then there are those women who could corroborate Ford's and others' words who don't want the grief.

    But I love the fact that other classmates are volunteering anecdotes. And it's the duty of the press to relay them.

    Let the good times roll.

  28. Jack Ketch11:25 AM

    "Most men shouldn't vote. Men commit about 90 percent of all crimes and start virtually all of the wars. Women should run the world for awhile. We couldn't possibly do a worse job of it than men have done"

    Until you need a light bulb changed.

  29. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Who the fuck does that - humiliates a young girl for bragging right, laughing at her behind her back

    A lot of 17 year old guys.

    A lot of 17 year old girls do worse.

    What exactly is the point of parsing someone's high school yearbook signatures when considering who they are at 55?

  30. Scipio Africanus11:38 AM

    Not to say there wouldn't be other problems, but all of the current political and societal dysfunction in America and the West is due to giving women political equality.

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:58 AM

    Anonymous Jack Ketch said...

    "Most men shouldn't vote. Men commit about 90 percent of all crimes and start virtually all of the wars. Women should run the world for awhile. We couldn't possibly do a worse job of it than men have done"

    "Until you need a light bulb changed."

    Cute, but what has changing a light bulb have to do with voting and running the world? Regardless, I change light bulbs and often do.

    Moreover, I didn't say the world doesn't need men, but not running everything and having all the power to decide women's fate.

  32. Because a guy who writes insidious shit about women, drinking, etc as a teen and lies about it later in life does not deserve a government job of any type, let alone a lifetime appointment of a court where his Misogynistic views will surely be called upon in numerous court cases. Give it up, dudes. All you are trying to do is destroy America through illegal and unfathomable court appointees.

    Don't believe Dems aren't gonna take names and kick asses in the near future.

  33. Whitey Bulger2:27 PM

    You've got a big mouth now mike ...should I tell people about the night outside Bar Dupont in late July and Jeff Toobin offered me $500 for my "prime man foam" (wtf?); asked me to spit in your mouths? Tried to grab my crotch, fondled were very aggressive!

  34. Aw Whitey the weasel, didn't I tell you take pics? Stoopid fucking lying wingnut. I am not a public figure and such statements without verification can be legitimate legal slander in court.

  35. The problem for stoopid fucking wingnuts is they have already tipped their hand about confirming Kavanaugh even if he is shown on tape raping and eating puppies. Truth and the facts do not matter to wingnuts. They want a wingnut korporate rubber stamp on the court to tilt the balance so far right, stoopid fucking wingnuts will all slide into California before they march into the sea.

    We know in advance there is virtually nothing about kavanaugh that will prevent the majority of fucking nut jobs in the sinate to confirm him.

    Next year, Dems will have the pleasure of impeaching Kavanaugh and Drumpfuck's lying asses. Then they can go after Pencel head and the rest of the traitors who overthrew out country for Putin.

  36. Anonymous4:57 PM

    In essence, what it really comes down to is that blacks don't want there to be any consequences for anything they do. Even tickets for traffic infractions are considered an attack on their freedom to do as they please and any consequences of not paying for their misbehavior is just considered a continuation of the attack. More and more, they remind me of out of control obnoxious children screaming, "Leave me alone! I don't care! I'm gonna do whatever I want! You're just being mean to me!" Of course, this always segues into shouts of discrimination, racism, profiling, disparate impact and oppression. It doesn't matter whether it's traffic offenses, their children breaking the rules in school and misbehaving and getting punished for it or blacks wanting to walk around carrying illegal concealed weapons in public. They want to get away with all of it and get outraged, offended and feel disrespected when not allowed to and claim they're being unfairly targeted and affected. You're supposed to ignore the fact that they engage in far more inappropriate behaviors and thus suffer far more consequences. Please buy into their victim narrative- they're "being done wrong" and "kept down."

    Put simply, due to their low IQ's and juvenile mentality, they're simply not capable of existing in a first world civilization without being highly disruptive, destructive and a major pain in the ass. You will never see a first world civilization comprised entirely of blacks- it's beyond their comprehension and capability except perhaps for the magical ten percent and that's simply not enough to make a difference. The entire goal of the other 90 percent is to drag everything down to their low level so they can feel "free" and do anything they want. Of course, then they blame everyone else for the horrible conditions that result and scream for everyone else to "help and make a difference" because "you caused all dis! It yo fault! You owes us!"

    Bottom line: they're not ready for civilization and need to be off on their own somewhere to revel in their stupidity. They can be free of the requirements of first world civilizations and first world civilizations can be gloriously free of them.

  37. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  38. Bill Cosby sentenced 3 to 10 years in prison. Just another perverted criminal black. What else is new?

  39. DeMarcus5:40 PM

    White boys are pussies and retards.

  40. Do they serve pudding in prison?

  41. Pussy grabbing is for "Whine" men7:08 PM

    Is Cosby going to be in a jail cell next to 45, Weinstein, Kavanaugh, and others? Naw, only the Blacks get convicted for sex crimes.

  42. Only blacks put roofies in pudding.

  43. Bloviating Ignoramus7:39 PM

    Grassley's secret "sex crimse prosecutor"

  44. Put simply, due to their low IQ's and juvenile mentality, they're simply not capable of existing in a first world civilization without being highly disruptive, destructive and a major pain in the ass. You will never see a first world civilization comprised entirely of Drumpfucks and Magats.

    Ficks tit for you again.

  45. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Chicago September 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 32
    Shot & Wounded: 174
    Total Shot: 206
    Total Homicides: 35

  46. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I can’t wait until Kavanaugh bitch slaps Ruth Bader Ginsburg with his dick.

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:59 PM

    "Bottom line: they're not ready for civilization and need to be off on their own somewhere to revel in their stupidity. They can be free of the requirements of first world civilizations and first world civilizations can be gloriously free of them."

    Congratulations! You have just described yourself and other white supremacists who hate other people just like you do.

  48. Poor Fergus, they just up and laughed at his bullshit at the UN.
    Why he thought he could use the same material that he uses on the Pig People at his rallies in front of real, live, functioning human beings is anybody's guess.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Bloviating Ignoramus11:20 PM

    Butt Trumpet will personally blow every one of those countries that laughed off the map ... except of course the one laughing the loudest and has been since 11/9/2016

  50. Fake News12:37 AM

    We already know more about what Kavanaugh was doing in high school and college than we do about Barack Obama, after 8 years in office.

  51. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Sterilization in 2020 !!!!!

  52. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Thank Heaven for Trump and White people !

  53. This will become the norm if Kavanaugh and crooked wingnuts win-

  54. Hey darkies, how do you like Bill Cosby being in jail but Brett Kavanaugh is close to a SCOTUS position? Hahahahahahah!!!! Your race is not only annoying as hell, but incompetent as well.

  55. White feminists are retarded cunts9:17 AM

    We live in trying times. We always have though, so this is same old same old.

  56. Dave Zirin = faggot kike9:40 AM

    Most white people aren't worth giving a shit about.

  57. Anonymous11:49 AM

    God is working it out while others are trying to figure it out.

    By faith; a miracle is on the way!

  58. Anonymous12:00 PM

    To hear from God, one must listen silently to prepare to hear from the Holy spirit.

    No doubt!

    Didn't HE wake you up this morning?

  59. Anonymous12:19 PM

    The gift of God is eternal life…the way, the truth, and the light.

    Those enmeshed in the visible world exist in the allegory playhouse wherein the unmanifested invisible spiritual world manifest the primary reality.

  60. For their part, many of Trump's supporters experience a world dominated by a seemingly hypocritical unity of civility and barbaric identity group narcissism, where those with power and wealth celebrate the ethnic, sexual, racial, religious, national and gender particularism of specific groups (including, for example, the various contradictory forms of ethnic vulgarity, ostentatious sexual expression, sexually restrictive mores, and nationalism of each group) while at the same time demanding self-effacing respect, deference, tolerance, and restraint of Trump supporters......

    To heed liberal calls for civility is therefore experienced as a command to submit to the social superiority of a hypocritical liberal establishment. This leads us to a third factor underlying Trump's success: incivility and spite rituals effect social equalization. Trump supporters revel in their leader's spiteful profanation of the ruling class' civility rituals and strive to tear down the ritual social distance between themselves and the establishment. For every public "Pocahontas", "somebody's doing the raping", "John Liebowitz Stewart", or "blood coming out of her wherever", Trump punctures the sacralized narcissistic womb of an institutionalized victim group and thereby supplies his pariah supporters with another boost of emotional energy.

    ....the moral basis of our civil religion is arbitrary, reflecting nothing more than the self-protective rationalizations of a powerful and detached ruling class. Hiding behind the Christlike meekness of select identity and victim groups, the establishment projects a hypocritical show of civility and tolerance that legitimates their wealth, power, and most importantly for Trump supporters, social distance from the mob. can't indulge identities predicated on narratives of victimization by an oppressor group and expect those identities to enjoy peaceful political coexistence with the oppressor group. Peaceful coexistence would instead demand that victim and oppressor be stripped as properties from individual identities. This is unlikely.

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      ... and the point is what, exactly?!

  61. Wheels are falling off the Kavanaugh gravy train. New alleged victim has a sworn affidavit that says women were drugged and gang raped and Kavanaugh and Judge both were PRESENT.

    Wingnuts still want to rush a vote before any more members get the crazy idea kavanaugh ain't fit for garbage collector.

    I love watching worms turn.

  62. "Butt Trumpet will personally blow every one of those countries that laughed..."


    Wait, I thought he paid others to do the blowing for him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  63. Anonymous3:08 PM

    worm from iowa said...
    "New alleged victim has a sworn affidavit that says women were drugged and gang raped and Kavanaugh and Judge both were PRESENT."

    But she says they did not PARTICIPATE.

    I hope someone asks her why she kept going back to all these parties where girls were getting "gang raped".

  64. Anonymous3:15 PM

    According to her letter:

    •Swetnick was in COLLEGE
    •She went to HIGH SCHOOL parties
    •Girls were drugged and gang raped
    •She watched it all happen
    •She kept going back to those high school parties 10+ times
    •She never reported any of this
    •She is now telling us 37 years later

  65. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  66. This place is boring af.

  67. Why would kavanaugh the virgin and Judge keep attending gang rapes? Hope you stoopid fucking wingnuts know you got some 'splaining to do.

  68. Drumpf already paid a couple women off, so obviously not all the 20 or so that have accused him have been liars, now have they? Nevermind, you can't answer honestly because yer stoopid fucking wingnuts and have this boy's code of blame the victims to uphold.

  69. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Swetnick graduated high school three years before Kavanaugh, in case your bullshit detector isn't going off.

  70. Maybe the third accuser liked to watch women get drugged and raped on weekends. Whatever trips yer trigger. Why do people attend cockfights or bullfights or fight clubs?

    As for not wanting to ruin this guy's reputation by denying him a seat on the court, he is not so entitled, no one has a divine right to sit on the court. He still has a lifetime court job waiting for him. He just can't make near the moolah as he could on the Scotus.


  71. Donald J. Trump

    · 3h

    Avenatti is a third rate lawyer who is good at making false accusations, like he did on me and like he is now doing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He is just looking for attention and doesn’t want people to look at his past record and relationships - a total low-life!

    Michael Avenatti


    “False accusations?” Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to? You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your “best and brightest” are Cohen and Giuliani. Let’s go.
    12:02 PM - Sep 26, 201

    I'd say Drumpf just had his lunch handed to him. This is a pissing match Drumpfuck with his micro dick and brain has no shot at winning.


  72. Kill white men, fuck white women4:19 PM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  73. (((Feinstein)))4:20 PM

    Didn’t Putin travel to the US in the 80’s?

    Was he at this party?

    This is all starting to make sense.

  74. Now it is revealed Eric Prince colluded with Russians during the campaign on behalf of the Drumpf campaign to set up back channel clandestine operations of some sort with our enemy Russia.

  75. Anonymous6:08 PM

    PART I

    1) Lie about how big your dick is all the time, and about how many white women you fucked while their husbands were away at work. This way, you feel wanted by someone other than law enforcement.

    2) Bounce as much as you can, bobble your head up & down and back & forth, and hold your crotch when you walk. Don't forget to lick your lips as much as possible.

    3) Wear the largest clothes you can find. Wear you cap backwards or sideways. Wear a bandana underneath the cap if possible.

    4) Screw as many fat negro sows as you can, this way Your illegitimate children help the mothers bleed the government dry, and you can lie to yourself about what a "playa you is".

    5) Only drink malt liquor, Colt 45, or Thunderbird.

    6)When you get pulled over and arrested for the trunkful of weed in your Sedan deVille, yell racism and racial profiling (even if the cop is black, he's an oreo). Make sure the Nation of Islam and the NAACP hear about your case. Don't forget the ACLU.

    7) All negresses will allow their heathen children to run wild in stores and break things. When they want you to pay for the items, tell them, "you just want me to pay for that shit cuz I'm black. You'd let me go if I was white, muthafucka."

    8) All negresses will converse with the black check-out clerks at the grocery store and hold up the line, especially when there's a lot of white folks behind you. Act like you can't find your money and hold up the line even further.

    9) Talk about how much you hate white people with your buddies when soliciting downtown street corners, then lose all focus and hose your shorts when watching all the fine, white businesswomen walking past.

    10) It doesn't matter how shitty your car is, put the biggest diameter rims on you can find, and the most expensive stereo system. Ride around in white neighborhoods at night and play rap music as loud as you can. We love the rattling trunk, we really, really do.

  76. Drumpf supporter tells daughters on live tv that being groped is no big deal.

    Ditzy Queen Nikki Haley tells America that laughter at Drumpf was a signal of respect for his honesty. Now THAT is fucking Hillary-ous.


    Walter 'Freedom Fries' Jones of North Carolina finally understands how much the truth really matters when selecting life time appointments.

    Now if someone would muzzle Putin's Poodle in the Kremlin Annex, we could get stuff done.

  78. Anonymous7:02 PM

    No comments or a thread on Bill Cosby???

  79. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:06 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    " PART I

    1) Lie about how big your dick is "

    What planet are you posting from? Can't wait for part 2. Naught!

  80. Amanda7:23 PM

    Kavanaugh's real crime is being EVERYTHING the Left hates: a white male who belonged to a frat, played football, worked hard, stayed chaste throughout HS/most of college, good family man, and succeeded in life.

  81. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Black Americans would NOT be a part of the SCOTUS nomination conversation, had the self-righteous black American ‘Messiah,’ (who promised “hope and change” for immigrants only), appointed a qualified slave descendant SCOTUS.

    Election Day presents voters with a stark choice between 'live birth' baby killing racist leftwing obstructionists or conventional wisdom. The country (((not personal emotions))) IS better off today than four years ago i.e., Veterans, the American economy, former unemployed Black American etc.

  82. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Kavanaugh WILL be appointed to SCOTUS.

  83. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Hollyweird is rife with rapists and pedophiles.

  84. Fun Fact: Grabbing a ho’s tit at a party wasn’t even a crime in 1982, unless the man’s skin color was darker than a grocery bag. Brett Kavanaugh dindu nuffin wrong!

  85. girdleofvenus8:37 PM

    I'm Chinese-American and think it's odd that blacks are so wrapped up in Kavanaugh that they turn a blind eye to all the rapes and sexual harassment perpetrated by black men. Priorities priorities.

    See more at:

  86. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Interesting Fact:

    In the United States Congress , 268 accusations of sexual harrassment against congressmen and senators. the House agreed to disclose; but the US Senate Ethics Committee refused to disclose the identity members of the Senate and the House of Representatives who sexual Senators who harassed; $17,000,000 in hush money paid to women, with claims, in 2017.

    How does that work?

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

  87. A New Yorker8:57 PM

    Bill Clinton is and was a rapist. These allegations are too stupid to be believable and come across as desperate ploy by the Democrats (who love homos and pedophilia by the way) to stall the nomination.

    Obama was a stupid n111gger president who is a homo along with his tranny wife Michelle.

  88. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Under 44 , American lost its AAA credit rating; he increased the national debt by nearly 5 trillion- with T; pushed a trillion-dollar health care spending containing a 4.5% tax increase; moved 400,000 illegal aliens from deportation to amnesty; and used an executive order allowing gays to openly serve in the military to further advance the leftist agenda

    1. Move on to 2018 you insolent retard!

  89. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Actually, Obama granted nearly 400,000 illegal immigrants amnesty, in years 2014,2015, and 2016.

  90. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Interesting Fact:

    In the United States Congress , 268 accusations of sexual harrassment against congressmen and senators. the House agreed to disclose; but the US Senate Ethics Committee refused to disclose the identity members of the Senate and the House of Representatives who sexual who harassed women; $17,000,000 in hush money paid to women, with claims, in 2017.

    How does that work?

    8:49 PM

  91. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Chicago September 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 32
    Shot & Wounded: 174
    Total Shot: 206
    Total Homicides: 35

    Numbers of aborted live birth babies killed as a result of Obama's political ideologies many to count. Those babies will never breath in 2018!

  92. Anonymous9:28 PM

    @ Yīshēng, WAKANDA FOREVER!!!������������

    Numbers of aborted live birth babies killed as a result of yo black (giver of life) messiah Obama's political ideologies many to count. Those babies will never breath in 2018!

  93. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Yīshēng, WAKANDA FOREVER!!!������������

    A typical uninform Nickgu *SMH*

  94. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Hey Yīshēng, WAKANDA FOREVER!!!������������ spell
    wakanda forever.

  95. Anonymous10:01 PM

    "Wakanda forever."

    The PERFECT symbol of black delusions of grandeur, when the average can't even achieve adequacy in Western society.  Forcing you to go create Wakanda or die trying... that is the dream of Negro Fatigued America.

  96. Numbers of aborted live birth babies killed as a result of yo black (giver of life) messiah Obama's political ideologies many to count. Those babies will never breath in 2018!

    Quit yer incessant whining, bitch. Without them dead babies, what the fuck would you stoopid fucking wingnuts snack on between meals?


  97. Ashley Ward
    ‏ @ashleyjward
    Sep 25

    The Venn diagram of people who absolutely believe that Hillary Clinton ran a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza shop and those who cannot believe Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted women is just a butthole.

    -Doug in Oakland

  98. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Yet another claim: "GANG RAPE" / This is getting out of hand and morphing into the childhood story "The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf"

  99. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Isn't Bill Cosby the rapist???

  100. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  101. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I AM A SCOTUS member.

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