Saturday, September 15, 2018

Caption Saturday.

  • Image result for manafort jail images  

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from the


  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    What Trump sees when he turns on CNN. That’s why he makes Melania watch Fox.

  2. Stoopid Drumpf should be on this side of the grill. The side he is on gets all the heat. Bwahahahahahahahahaha! No one ever said Drumpfuck the dumbfuck was smart, except Drumpf, and we know he is a pathological liar.

  3. Fake news. You can see his suit collar, and they don't let you wear expensive, ill fitting suits where he is going.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Amonymus10:14 PM

    I know why the caged turd sings

  5. Bloviating Ignoramus10:52 PM

    Butt Trumpet ... Get over here and suck your wife's cock ...

  6. The new Trump Hotel. Plenty of room for Jr and Jarod.

  7. Anonymous12:09 AM

    What Doug sees when he closes his eyes and touches himself.

  8. "Nothing can be said to be certain in this world except death, taxes, and nooglers looting after a natural disaster."

  9. It was a perjury trap!

  10. What happens when your lawyer goes to trump U.

  11. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Same old shit. Different day. But I'm sure you got'em. Dead to RIGHTS.

    Doug will have to re-double his efforts to hold each Trump supporter and voter responsible for anything and everything. I hope he does not hit people with a bike lock or fling pooh or urine at the police. We must consider that Doug is a radicalized pansy and treat him accordingly.

  12. Lance Cockstrong8:12 AM

    There gonna need another prison cell just for Butt Trumpet's micro dick.

  13. Conway8:36 AM

    Reminds me a lot of Yisheng's father.

  14. Same old shit. Different day. But I'm sure you got'em. Dead to RIGHTS.

    A whole lot deader than stoopid fucking wingnuts like you ever had HRC by the short hairs after 30 plus years of lying/trying/fact denying dumbfuckery.

  15. The only charge against Drumpfuck that has no basis in truth was the one where he referred to China's President as Eleven Jinping instead of X1 JinPing.

    Just substitute two Corinthians instead.

  16. OMFG, the gubmintis spying on progressives. Blame

  17. Now ain't this a thang of beauty?:

    Suck IT, BITCHES!!!

  18. Ben Guerrero10:21 AM

    Finally something Trump wears well!

  19. Amonymus10:37 AM

    Spots the Diazepam from the front part of the Wal-Mart kiddie cart

  20. Bloviating Ignoramus11:52 AM

    What happens when you operate a scam "university"

  21. Bloviating Ignoramus11:54 AM

    Anonymouse get over your Doug obsession ... Butt Trumpet is dead meat

  22. Do these stripes make my fat ass look fat?

  23. Bets are on that Don Jr. is next.

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. Stoopid fucking wingnuts-we can't investigate an anymoose claim against our wonder boy. Who do we question?

    She came forward on her own and outed herself. Now what will the lying liars come up with as an excuse. Grassley already said he is pushing the vote next Thursday because they are afraid if it gets left to the next congress, wingnuts will lose and rightly so.

    There is not a shred of honor in a wingnut anymore. Scumbags all. Party first and fuck the country.


  25. Anonymous Conway said...
    Reminds me a lot of Yisheng's father.


    My father was an MBA from UC Berkeley, that served in the Marines during the Vietnam war and was buried with FULL military honors almost 20 years ago.

    Mr. MAGAt’s shin splints kept the coward away from ‘Nam which worked out for the REAL men he would have had to serve with.

    OOH-RAH BABY!!😁😁

  26. Anonymous5:19 PM

    “Mr. MAGAt’s shin splints kept the coward away from ‘Nam which worked out for the REAL men he would have had to serve with.”

    Bone spurs.

    The troops in Vietnam wouldn’t have wanted Trump over there anyway. He’d have shot the members of his own unit in the back over pettiest of grievances. The dude is fundamentally untrustworthy. The very opposite of a team player.

  27. So Florence has inundated some of the same coal ash storage "facilities" that were overrun by Matthew.

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. Shin splints, bone spurs == dumb ass excuses for cowards avoiding military service.

  29. So Florence has inundated some of the same coal ash storage "facilities" that were overrun by Matthew.

    -Doug in Oakland

    Never forget, Obama was trying to clean the coal ash mess up and Drumpf rescinded that order so coal companies could pollute even more.

    If memory serves, that was the first thing Drumpfuck did in keeping with his promise to bring coal jobs back.

  30. "We must consider that Doug is a radicalized pansy and treat him accordingly."

    Doug is a guitarist so that right there makes him cool as Freddy Jackson sipping a milkshake in the winter. Plus he's funny.

  31. New congressional spending bill contains zero dollars for Drumpf's boondoggle on the border. Congress won't even talk about it until after the midterms. How many meters of Drumpf's folly has been built?


  32. Josh Marshall


    FEMA Chief notes many of the deaths post-Hurricane Maria may have been because of spousal abuse the President is not responsible for.
    11:06 AM - Sep 16, 2018

    At least one coal ash repository has been breached and officials don't have a clue if the shit reached Cape Fear River. More are threatened. Thanks anti-environmental wingnuts.

  33. "I know why the caged turd sings" Anon@10:4 PM, the winner.

    "It was a perjury trap!" HM to Flying Junior.

    "What happens when your lawyer goes to trump U." HM to Pilot X

  34. Committee Republicans also released a statement Sunday dismissing the new revelations as “uncorroborated allegations from more than 35 years ago.”

    about Kavanaugh's accuser, but this is the same shit they throw at HRC over and over again.

  35. Jack Ketch7:19 PM

    "Comfy in there, Hillary?"

  36. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Doug is as cool as a turd at the bottom of the well.

  37. Doug is as cool as a turd at the bottom of the well.

    And you know this for a fact because you drank the well empty to measure the temp, right?

    You'd eat shit sandwiches if ever you get over your fear of "Dark" bread.

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:17 PM

    Anonymous Said: " We must consider that Doug is a radicalized pansy and treat him accordingly."

    I see by this statement that you have no idea what a radical sounds like. Doug a radical????? I'm probably more radical than Doug. ROTF LMAO

  39. Anonymous12:12 PM

    How do you like it in there HRC?

  40. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I told you I would put you in jail......
