Sunday, September 09, 2018

Female issues.

I saw the US Open women's final yesterday, and  I must say that it was full f excitement and drama. I was happy for the young Haitian American. (Yes, she is also Haitian. I know that the main stream media would like us to believe that she is only Japanese, but that's not the case.) But it was sad to see that sexism still exits in this sport. I play and watch a lot of tennis, and there is no way a male player on the tour would have been given a game penalty in the finals of a major like Serena was yesterday.

Serena is the greatest player of all time, and she is the least popular among a certain segment of the population, primarily because she is unapologetic about standing up for her race and sex, and this tends to drive some people crazy.  "Just shut up and play", and collect your money doing something that we all wish that we could do, is what those same folks who dislike her would tell her and athletes like LeBron James to do.

I felt bad for Naomi Osaka yesterday, because the truth is that she was on her way to beating Serena, and having this incident just took away from what was supposed to be the greatest moment of her life.

Finally, speaking of women, I watched some of the Brett Kavanaugh hearing, and it was terrifying. It was terrifying to me because I know that the man will be confirmed regardless of what he says. He  will be the swing vote in turning back the right of a woman to determine what to do with her own body, and ultimately send us back to the days of back room abortions.  And yes, he might have committed perjury, but one little act of perjury will not stop the right-wing agenda.

Forget all his daughters and the girls basketball team that he trotted out for the optics. If those little girls only knew that the man that they were helping to sit on the supreme court could have a negative impact on their lives in the coming years.

He claims that Roe V. Wade is settled law, implying that he will not rule to overturn it. But that's hogwash. Precedent does not prevent the court from overturning what we consider well settled law. Just remember, Plessy  v. Ferguson was the law of the land for sixty years before it was overturned. It can happen. And you heard it here first. If and when Kavanaugh gets on the Supreme Court, the days of women choosing what to do with their own bodies will be over in the not too distant future.

*Pic from 


  1. Love it when Kamalah asked him if he could think of any law the effects mens' bodies. Gotta love it.


  3. Anonymous10:21 PM

    “I play and watch a lot of tennis, and there is no way a male player on the tour would have been given a game penalty in the finals of a major like Serena was yesterday.”

    Maybe. But I’ve also heard that the umpire for this match has a history of being a real hardass about minor infractions. And Serena has a history of taking her anger out on the umps when she’s losing. It’s one of her personality flaws.

    Just saying.

  4. Anonymous10:36 PM

    “Forget all his daughters and the girls basketball team that he trotted out for the optics, if those little girls only knew that the man that they were helping to sit on the supreme court could have a negative impact on their lives in the coming years.”

    But it won’t, though. Because those are rich girls. They’ll always be able to afford to fly to a blue state or Canada to get their abortions. It’s poor women in red states who will be affected by a repeal of Roe v Wade.

    However, as I commented yesterday, I suspect such a repeal would, in the long run, lead to a huge electoral backlash from female voters that would result in federal legislation guaranteeing abortion rights.

    I am frankly more concerned about how an SC Justice Kavanaugh will affect labor rights and criminal justice. His past rulings indicate he hates labor unions and thinks racial profiling is A-OK. Those right-wing assaults will be harder to defend against than attempts to ban abortion.

  5. What anon@10:36 said.

    I'm actually more concerned about voting rights.

    They know they are in a demographic bind, and this is their chance to kill the rest of the VRA, allow even more unaccountable money in elections, and hand the running of the country over to their pet billionaires once and for all.

    We have to do what it takes to win the next two elections in the face of their cheating (like we did in 2012, when voters stood in lines all damn day to make sure their votes were cast when there weren't enough polling places or voting machines), only this time they are better at suppressing the vote at the state level, so it will be harder.

    Thankfully, the female backlash anon was referring to has already begun. Reproductive rights are indeed a powerful motivator, but so is access to healthcare for children, and they are already promising to get rid of that if they win.

    Then we have to push our candidates to make election reform first priority when they win. They will resist because there is already so much damage to repair before they even get started on their own agendas, but as we are seeing now, your agenda doesn't mean shit if you can't keep it, and we have to fix the campaign finance laws before anyone's agenda can survive long enough to see the light of day.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. PilotX's Boss11:49 PM

    PilotX said...
    Love it when Kamalah asked him if he could think of any law that effects mens' bodies.

    The Selective Service Act.

  7. Anonymous11:55 PM

    “I was happy for the young Haitian American. (Yes, she is also Haitian. I know that the main stream media would like us to believe that she is only Japanese, but that's not the case.)”

    Based on the news stories I have read, it sounds like Osaka is a citizen of Japan, where she was born and where her mother is from, Japan, but not a citizen of her father’s country of origin, Haiti.

    (Osaka is also a dual citizen of the United States, and actually has lived here for a long time, but that’s not too noteworthy, since it’s hardly a “first” for an American to win the US Open.)

    So I think that was the logic of the news media in describing her only as a Japanese player. Ethnically, of course, she is half Haitian, even if this is not her nationality, and I can see why people felt like it was a slight that this part of her heritage was not mentioned.

  8. "Serena has a history of taking her anger out on the umps when she’s losing. It’s one of her personality flaws."

    Are you implying that black people tend to be poor losers?

    GTFO with that shit.

  9. Barry Soetoro11:58 PM

    “I was happy for the young Haitian American. (Yes, she is also Haitian. I know that the main stream media would like us to believe that she is only Japanese, but that's not the case.)”

    You were happy with the main stream media pretending that Obama was only black. What's the difference?

  10. Anonymous12:05 AM

    “Are you implying that black people tend to be poor losers?”

    No, I am implying that Serena Williams is a poor loser.

    But she’s hardly the worst poor loser to have ever played pro tennis, and this category is definitely not confined to black people. As I recall Pilot X mentioning, John McEnroe, Jimmy Conners, and Ilie Năstase were not known for their genteel decorum on the court. McEnroe was famous for pitching ridiculous tantrums like a three-year-old at the slightest provocation.

  11. "The Selective Service Act."

    Not if your name is trump.

  12. So does anyone know how the "Mother of All Rallies" turned out?

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Anonymous1:19 AM

    “So does anyone know how the ‘Mother of All Rallies’ turned out?”

    I think it is safe to say, not great.

    You can tell from the title of the following video (which was produced by RT, so even Trump’s buddy Putin is apparently now having a laugh at his expense):

    USA: Dozens of Trump supporters attend 'Mother of All Rallies'

    Wow. “Dozens.” Very impressive.

    The acronym for the event is, ironically, MOAR. Whatever they had MOAR of, it wasn’t people attending.

  14. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Long story short...field was terrified.

  15. "Long story short...field was terrified."

    He is literally hiding in his closet, wearing his pussy hat, shaking and trembling, imagining the remote possibility that someday Brett Kavanaugh, despite his words and his record, may have a chance to vote on a ruling could possibly maybe result in a world where American women may not be completely free to kill their babies with utter impunity.

    The horror, the horror.

  16. may have a chance to vote on a ruling could possibly maybe result in a world where American women may not be completely free to kill their babies with utter impunity.

    Blatant, flat out, malicious fucking lie and yer side is known for vicious lies.

    It is far easier to buy and handgun and get a permit to carry than it is to get an abortion.

    Just another delusional, despicable, desperate deplorable.


    Someone else had his twitter account suspended. Suspend 50 million more like this and I would agree that would be a fair trade for Field's suspension.

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:41 AM

    Anonymous Colonel Kurtz said...

    "Long story short...field was terrified."

    " He is literally hiding in his closet, wearing his pussy hat, shaking and trembling, imagining the remote possibility that someday Brett Kavanaugh, despite his words and his record, may have a chance to vote on a ruling could possibly maybe result in a world where American women may not be completely free to kill their babies with utter impunity."

    Three points, Colonel Kurtz:

    1. First, you have no idea regarding Field's emotional condition. Why not be quiet about it?

    2. Second, a fetus is not a baby, and no matter how much you deny this truth, it is still reality.

    3. It is obvious from you ignorant remarks that you have never been pregnant against your will. Come back and talk to us after the first law controlling your male body passes the the house and senate and is affirmed by the Supreme court.

  19. Anonymous10:56 AM

    "It is far easier to buy and handgun and get a permit to carry than it is to get an abortion."

    Lefturds are completely divorced from reality.  To get a CWP where I live requires submitting an application (with an application fee) which includes a set of fingerprints, and passing a shooting test (which is not cheap either).  This process takes weeks at the fastest.  If you have a crook after you who may pounce on you in the next few hours, even one week is an eternity.

    The most time you have to wait for an abortion is what, 24 hours?  You shouldn't have to wait at all, but that's not comparable.


    Hey Winning, where you at you rascal. Explain this to me. I want to know if this is yer idea of America winning under Drumpfuck.

  21. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Negroe issues:

  22. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Dakeitha Andrews, Mitchell Brinson, Keith Williams.... More Black murderers of whites that the "Institution of Racism" does not report. Fuck diversity!

  23. Anonymous12:08 PM

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:24 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    " Dakeitha Andrews, Mitchell Brinson, Keith Williams.... More Black murderers of whites that the "Institution of Racism" does not report. Fuck diversity!"

    Hey Anonymous, Alaska is the state with the highest number of gun deaths per capita . Last time I looked, Alaska didn't have a large black population. Google 'states with the highest number of gun deaths.'

    You anti diversity folks are living in fear born of ignorance of the facts.

  25. Anonymous1:07 PM


    > Hey Winning, where you at you rascal. Explain this to me. I want to know if this is yer idea of America winning under Drumpfuck.

    Explain to us how Amazon got away with this for 8 years of "the people's president" Obama.  Because it SAF is nothing new.

    Lefturd logic:

    1.  Condition festers under 8 years of Obama presidency.

    2.  Situation doesn't immediately change when Trump becomes president.

    3.  That makes it Trump's fault.

  26. Google 'states with the highest number of gun deaths.'

    States like Wyoming, Montana ect. Very interesting.

  27. Drumpf and his lying economists promised a 4000 dollar pay raise that the majority of workers clearly didn't get, because, just as sane people knew the majority of the taxcuts for the koch bros went to the koch bros and it has not and will,not trickle down.

    The only possible excuse you stoopid fucking wingnuts have for Drumpf's lies is that us Libs shoud have known Drumpf was a pathological liar and shouldn't believe him.

    The fallcy is us Libs did know that. That is why few if any Dems went along with this wingnut handout of moar welfare to the billionaires.

  28. Peckerwoodrow Wilson1:46 PM

    Clueless old lady said....
    "Come back and talk to us after the first law controlling your male body passes the the house and senate and is affirmed by the Supreme court."

    The Selective Service Act authorizing compulsory military service for male bodies passed in 1917.


  29. Lefturds are completely divorced from reality. To get a CWP where I live requires submitting an application (with an application fee) which includes a set of fingerprints, and passing a shooting test (which is not cheap either). This process takes weeks at the fastest. If you have a crook after you who may pounce on you in the next few hours, even one week is an eternity.

    The most time you have to wait for an abortion is what, 24 hours? You shouldn't have to wait at all, but that's not comparable.

    You poor snowflake being made to jump a few hurdles to get something you'll wind using to murder a black person or it will be used against you by a family member.

    States have so many different undue burdens on a woman to exercise her constitutional right, including 72 hour waits, they have to be consecutive, weekends aren't allowed. They have to get unnecessary ultrasounds, they are forced to sit through mandatory screaming sessions perfor4med by uneducated liars from crisis pregnancy centers (hint anti-abortion extremists). Then they may have to make two or more trips out of state to get the abortion. The abortion facilities were charged with having to be within 30 miles of a hospital and have admitting privileges at said hospitals (which could easily be denied if the hospital didn't want any abortions performed). Abortion providers were at various times susceptible to murder charges for performing abortions. The constitutional required age of viability ( 24 weeks) at which an abortion was legal only in rare circumstances has been dropped down to a matter of days. Women can't get abortion pills because wingnuts decided doctors weren't qualified to hand out the pills but decisions by untrained stoopid fucking wingnuts were sufficient to prevent a constitutional protected procedure.

    There are all kinds of restrictions in all red states made without the benefit of science and medicine to back them up. Your just worried about getting killed by a gun. Poor snowflake.

  30. You used to be able to get Medi-Cal to cover an abortion, and maybe they still do, but I have known women who had to come up with $400 to terminate a pregnancy, because when you're pregnant and don't want to be, jumping through bureaucratic hoops is not usually your first priority.
    I've never gotten anyone pregnant myself, but I've been the one to drive the woman to the clinic on many occasions.
    Unwanted children born desperately poor are not a good thing, and preventing someone from making one always seemed like a worthwhile endeavor to me, even beyond the whole "this is gonna ruin your life" aspect.
    And, again, if men could get pregnant, there would be more abortion clinics than Starbucks, and abortion pills would cost a quarter and come in six different flavors.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. Serena DARES to dominate a sport some Whites feel they own.

    Well I guess that’s ALL OVER , the next generation of tennis superstars are ALL BLACK, Naomi, Keys, and Stephens!!👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿

  32. Elena2:37 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "I have known women who had to come up with $400 to terminate a pregnancy"

    What kind of fascist, oppressive society forces women to be responsible for paying for the consequences of their irresponsible behavior?

    Women aren't supposed to have responsibilities, just rights.

  33. Anonymous2:39 PM

    "I've never gotten anyone pregnant myself, but I've been the one to drive the woman to the clinic on many occasions."

    How perfectly Doug-like.

  34. STFU already2:40 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    if men could get pregnant....

    ...they'd be women.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:52 PM

    Anonymous said:
    Clueless old lady said....

    "Come back and talk to us after the first law controlling your male body passes the the house and senate and is affirmed by the Supreme court."

    "The Selective Service Act authorizing compulsory military service for male bodies passed in 1917."

    Bad comparison. The draft is a civic duty. Controlling ones medical decisions is a different matter, and you know it. Instead, let's make a more accurate comparison. How about we pass a law forcing all men to have vasectomies after they father two children? If you don't like that comparison, how about we make vasectomies illegal? No man can ever get a vasectomy even if he needs it to save his life.

    BTW, thanks for calling me clueless old lady. It's the kindest insult I've had from a winger in a long time. LOL!


  36. What kind of fascist, oppressive society forces women to be responsible for paying for the consequences of their irresponsible behavior?

    Saying rape and incest is irresponsible behavior is a nice touch from a stoopid fucking Nazi cow.

  37. Peckerwoodrow Wilson3:04 PM

    Your analogies above are even more clueless than your original assertion.

    An abortion is more than a "medical decision" in that involves another life that has no say in the decision.

    While military service may be characterized as a "civic duty", ripping a man out of his life and sending him somewhere where he has a high chance of getting killed or maimed impacts his body more than a pregnancy does.

  38. Anonymous3:05 PM

    "Saying rape and incest is irresponsible behavior "


    Rape and incest cases are a tiny fraction of abortions.

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:16 PM

    Anonymous Elena said...

    dinthebeast said...
    "I have known women who had to come up with $400 to terminate a pregnancy"

    "What kind of fascist, oppressive society forces women to be responsible for paying for the consequences of their irresponsible behavior?

    Women aren't supposed to have responsibilities, just rights."

    Why should women pay for your idea of "irresponsible behavior" when frequently men do not?

    Who should pay for the abortion when a woman is raped and becomes pregnant? And most important, if a person irresponsibly becomes obese and has a heart attack, who pays the medical bills? His/her insurance plan? According to you, not if he/she acted irresponsibly by eating too much.

    Most issues are more complicated than most people think. You are not alone.

  40. Anonymous3:17 PM

    "Why should women pay for your idea of "irresponsible behavior" when frequently men do not?"

    Because they get pregnant.

  41. Anonymous3:34 PM

    "Alaska is the state with the highest number of gun deaths per capita ."

    Hey lying old woman, you are playing bait-and-switch with GUN DEATHS when the important thing is MURDERS.  People offing themselves don't WANT to live.  Murder victims do.

    Highest murder rate in the USA in 2016 was... Louisiana, with 11.8/100k.  This is more than 60% higher than Alaska's 7.0 and almost double my state's.

    Alaska has lots of Native American and mixed.  Louisiana has lots of blacks.  Guess what has few of either, and a 2016 murder rate of 1.3/100k?  New Hampshire.

  42. "The Selective Service Act authorizing compulsory military service for male bodies passed in 1917."

    Unless your name is trump and then youse get 5 deferments.

  43. "What kind of fascist, oppressive society forces women to be responsible for paying for the consequences of their irresponsible behavior?"

    Actually the reason a woman is having a medical procedure is none of your business. That was one of the main drivers of Roe being decided how it was,it was and is a privacy issue. I have no need or desire to know why you are going to a doctor and the same applies to you when any woman goes to a doctor or clinic. Conservatives need to mind their own business every once in a while, we don't need big gubment telling us what we can and can't do with our bodies.

  44. "An abortion is more than a "medical decision" in that involves another life that has no say in the decision."

    Not until the fetus is of a viable age. Before that it's a bunch of cells.

  45. Field, you always crush my hopes with realism.

    On Serena, first, my wife watched the match once live, then in TWO re-runs. She convinced me that Serena's double double-fault was solely because she was upset in the second set, and she could have come back to win that set. She's done it before and has won matches from that far down. Her trouble was created not by Naomi's great playing—not to take anything away from her—but from Serena's 40% first service percentage, lousy for her.

    And I thought it curious too that nobody on TV news mentioned that she's got a Haitian father.

    And we concluded as you did that it was mainly sexism that showed its ugly head in the game forfeit. Did you know that the same umpire had warned VENUS for "being coached" in another tournament? Coincidence, I think not. MAINLY sexism, but maybe something else, too.

    Kavanaugh--I thought there was some hope that a couple of Republicans would bolt on his nomination, given the perjury and refusal to call even the CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT wrongly decided. You're a lawyer and I bow to your pessimism, though.

  46. Also, Kavanaugh wouldn't rule on whether a law that prohibited entry to the U.S. based on RACE ALONE was constitutional?

    And Republicans are O.K. with that?

    Please tell me this is the suicide of the Republican Party. At least.

  47. Anonymous4:25 PM

  48. Anonymous4:28 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I have no need or desire to know why you are going to a doctor"

    But if I am made to pay for it, I have the right to know.


    If you don't want stoopid fucking wasicus to take over America because five stoopid fucking activist judges say they can, read this and weep. America is heading back to the past if Kavanaugh gets on the court.

    Any right thinking America should be scared to death of this court and never vote for another stoopid fucking wingnut ever again.

  50. Rape and incest is not a strawman. They are a fact of wasicu wastey life. The catholic church is arguing un Colo court that a fetus isn't a human until such time as it is born alive. Do much for sincerely held religious beliefs that change at a whim.

    And there are red states that don't make abortion exceptions for either.

  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:14 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Explain to us how Amazon got away with this for 8 years of "the people's president" Obama. Because it SAF is nothing new."

    The government does not tell private industries how much to pay their employees except for the minimum wage. Democrats have tried mightily to get that amount raised, but are continuously sabotaged by Republicans in congress and in the White House.

  52. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:34 PM

    001 Anonymous Anonymous said...

    PilotX said...
    "I have no need or desire to know why you are going to a doctor"

    "But if I am made to pay for it, I have the right to know.00"

    No you don't. You don't need to know that any more than you or I need to know what medical procedure anyone is undergoing. Most Americans have private insurance plans. You are not paying anything for their private medical procedures. Medicaid does pay for some abortions but this varies from state to state. Google it and see if you "are paying for it."

  53. "Rape and incest cases are a tiny fraction of abortions."

    Still amount to a bit more than 35,000 annually.

    "But if I am made to pay for it, I have the right to know."

    You're not unless you live in a state that funds them through Medicaid:

    "17 states have a policy that directs Medicaid to pay for all or most medically necessary abortions.

    5 of these states provide such funds voluntarily.
    12 of these states do so pursuant to a court order."

    The key phrase there being "medically necessary."

    It's called the Hyde amendment. Look it up.

    -Doug in Oakland


    Had to back off lies about GDP.

  55. "But if I am made to pay for it, I have the right to know."

    No you don't. Still none of your business.

  56. While military service may be characterized as a "civic duty", ripping a man out of his life and sending him somewhere where he has a high chance of getting killed or maimed impacts his body more than a pregnancy does.

    3:04 PM

    And selective service, just as with abortions, those who have the wherewithal to buy their way out of service (i.e. college or going to another country, National Guard, etc) can also afford tofly somewhere to rid one's self of unwanted burdens that poor folk are being forced to carry full term or find alternatives to safe legal abortions.And it is a medically true fact that abortions are safer than childbirth until stoopid fucking unqualified religious quack wingnuts start meddling.

  57. One simple quick question for wingnuts. How many of the edited O' Keefe Planned Parenthood videos withstood scrutiny over accuracy of content? Since you don't want to know the truth the answer is zero. They were edited to make it appear PP was selling baby parts and trying to keep aborted babies alive long enough to harvest organs. All fake. All right wing fucking lies!

    Your Mothers would be prowd of you animals.

  58. Anonymous7:32 PM

    "The CDC for 2016 ranks the highest 15 states in order for murder only as follows: Louisiana, Miss., Alabama, MD, Missouri, NM, Ill., SC, Tenn., Arkansas, Oklahoma, Georgia, Indiana, NC, Nevada, Alaska."

    Areas in bold were slave states/territories before 1861.  That's 12 of the 15.  The murder rate of Illinois is almost entirely due to Africans moving up from the deep South to the Chicago area in the 20th century.  Southern Indiana is pretty black too, and Gary is close to 85% black after ethnically cleansing the whites.

    Alaska is the only outlier, but it has a lot of non-whites too.  Just because they're not Africans doesn't mean they're white or act like whites.

    "Why is it that folks such as you are quick to insult others who do not agree with you?"

    Lies are a violation of good faith and decorum.  Liars deserve insults.

    Why is it that when someone brings up FACTS which undermine your position, you always accuse them of "hate"?  It's because of people like you that we had to create the term "hate facts", which are facts that you-who-would-be-our-overlords hate because they debunk your equalist religion.

  59. Anonymous7:50 PM

    > The government does not tell private industries how much to pay their employees except for the minimum wage.

    So why are you blaming Trump for the shitty pay again?

    You'd have a much better case for accusing Amazon of violating workplace condition rules on things like bathroom breaks, and the bait-and-switch tactic of dangling attractive stock options in front of people if they make the 2-year mark and then making them work under conditions which nobody can stand for that long.  So why didn't Obama do that?  He was supposed to be so great for the people and all, and Amazon such an easy target... why not?

  60. Fight for the rights of Billionaires!8:24 PM

    The Never Trumper, pro-mass immigration, GOP megadonor, billionaire Koch brothers are forming a new super PAC ahead of the 2018 midterm elections to back politicians who support their agenda of open borders, amnesty, and endless free trade.

    They're all yours now.

  61. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:28 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Areas in bold were slave states/territories before 1861. That's 12 of the 15. The murder rate of Illinois is almost entirely due to Africans moving up from the deep South to the Chicago area in the 20th century. Southern Indiana is pretty black too, and Gary is close to 85% black after ethnically cleansing the whites."

    I can see by this reply that an intelligent discussion about a complex topic is beyond your understanding. So I won't bother. Just post you source for your stunning claim that "The murder rate of Illinois is almost entirely due to Africans moving up from the deep South to the Chicago area in the 20th century. You are so bigoted you can't see beyond your nose.

    Furthermore, I did not lie. I clearly labeled the original data I posted here and have listed my sources. So show us your sources or you are just blowing smoke out your azz.

  62. Newly released text messages and documents obtained by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee reveal that senior members of the FBI and Department of Justice led a coordinated effort to leak unverified information to the press regarding alleged collusion with Russia to damage President Donald Trump’s administration, according to a letter sent by the committee to the DOJ Monday.

    The letter lists several examples:

    April 10, 2017: (former FBI Special Agent) Peter Strzok contacts (former FBI Attorney) Lisa Page to discuss a “media leak strategy.” Specifically, the text says: “I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go.”

    April 12, 2017: Peter Strzok congratulates Lisa Page on a job well done while referring to two derogatory articles about Carter Page. In the text, Strzok warns Page two articles are coming out, one which is “worse” than the other about Lisa’s “namesake”.” Strzok added: “Well done, Page.”

  63. These wingnuts couldn't find a criminal act if it pissed on their leg. Much ado about nothing. Moar Benghazi. Rinse. Repeat. Wingnuts flogging another dead horse. Going nowhere. Shut will hit the fan if Dems take the house because they will have subopoena power and every wingnut traitor will be thoroughly investigated and sent to prison along with the Russian asset in the Kremlin Annex.

    Unless Dems decide they need to bring the country out of the 18th century where stoopid fucking wingnuts are placing it.

  64. ps wingnuts are so desperate to get the heat off Drumpfuck and to cover u their un-American playing footsie with Pootie, they will attempt to blow every minor burp into a constitutional crisis.

  65. Anonymous9:06 PM

    You stupid, lying woman.  Did you think that I didn't look up the population stats for Gary before I posted that?  84.8% black way back in 2010.  It's got to be higher now.

    There were 1,054 murders recorded in all of Illinois in 2016.  CNN reports that a whopping 762 of them were in Chicago (HeyJackass has 808).  Much of the remainder were in cities like Rockford and E. St. Louis which have seen both black emigration from Chicago/St. Louis and non-white immigration from Mexico south.

    Wikipedia puts Chicago's population at 2.7 million, Illinois at 12.8 million.  21% of the state population accounts for almost 80% of the murders, and the same demographic is responsible for a large fraction of the remainder.  That demographic is largely black, the rest mostly hispanic.


  66. We’re really supposed to limit our no-no words on here so as not to offend the delicate sensibilities of exclusive brands that advertise with WWTDD like Cartier, Aston Martin, and Mexican Viagra ‘R’ Us, but I’m going to go wild and say that Serena Williams is a nasty fucking bitch. She’s truly a monster of a roided out human being who makes The Rock look like Natalie Portman. She also happens to be black. And, technically, hypothetically, a woman. It’s because of these last two facts that no one is allowed to make fun of her. Which, personally, seems racist and sexist. Nobody gets that I’m a champion for progress. And if this post doesn’t drive home that fact, then nothing will.

    The big news today is that a cartoonist for some trashy Australian publication – so, any Australian publication – depicted Williams during her mid-match meltdown that earned multiple fines during the US Open. After being accused of receiving instructions from her coach – a violation in tennis – Williams screamed at the umpire and smashed her racket. Also violations. She was an unsportsmanly bratty ogre, and detracted from her opponent’s eventual win with her childish antics.

    This is the reality depicted by cartoonist Mark Knight for the Herald Sun in the image. But as Williams is a woman, and black, the cartoon calling out a celeb on her bullshit is being interpreted as racist and sexist.

  67. "Liars deserve insults."

    OK, you suck.

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:38 PM

    Trump supporters HATE seeing black women succeed.

  69. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  70. mindfuck9:54 PM

    "But as Williams is a woman, and black, the cartoon calling out a celeb on her bullshit is being interpreted as racist and sexist."

    Everything is viewed through the lenses of race and gender.

    The Left hateframes every story.

  71. Slap you with d*ck on your dome9:58 PM

    Trump supporters HATE seeing black women succeed.

    Well aren't you a hypocritical DICK?????

  72. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Zambia is defaulting on it's loans with China and now China is set to take over the national power utility ZESCO. More Zambian national companies will have to be handed over to China if they continue defaulting. What I am saying is, Zambia is now an officially CHINESE PROPERTY.

  73. You're not successful10:00 PM

    Slap you with d*ck on your dome said...
    Trump supporters HATE seeing black women succeed.

    Everyone LOVES seeing Yisheng fail.


  75. "Everything is viewed through the lenses of race and gender."

    Not everything but funny how so called colorblind conservatives use race as an issue. If not why the strong arguments about Black on white or Black on Black crime ext instead of just crime? Let's stop the hypocisy and agree race and gender are still issues in America.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Yīshēng, WAKANDA FOREVER!!!������������ said...
    @10:00, I strenuously you get some d*ck and a job, paranoia isn't cute or becoming.

  78. Let's stop the hypocisy and agree race and gender are still issues in America.

    America was BUILT on that 'ish, between attempting to exterminate Native Americans, designating Black slaves as 3/5ths of a person, and denying women equals rights until the 20th century, they ensured America would ALWAYS be defined on racial/gender terms.

    The real question is why have White men historically been such pu**ies about competing with women and other races/cultures?

  79. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:54 PM


    I do deny it. White supremacists often jump to conclusions bases on hasty narrow interpretations of data. Why don't you go to and get educated? Murder rates are higher in some areas due do to many factors other than "race." But your mind is too small and closed to consider that you may be wrong. So you accuse me of lying. Have a nice night.

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:07 PM

    Yīshēng, WAKANDA FOREVER!!!������������ said...

    Let's stop the hypocisy and agree race and gender are still issues in America.

    "America was BUILT on that 'ish, between attempting to exterminate Native Americans, designating Black slaves as 3/5ths of a person, and denying women equals rights until the 20th century, they ensured America would ALWAYS be defined on racial/gender terms.

    The real question is why have White men historically been such pu**ies about
    competing with women and other races/cultures?"

    Good question, Yisheng, I asked myself the same thing hundreds of times during my long life. Maybe it's fear of losing??

  81. Power is never conceded.


    -Doug in Oakland


  84. As if it needed to be pointed out...

    Registering for the Selective Service really isn't all that dangerous considering there hasn't been any draft for over forty years. Just saying.

  85. Anonymous9:08 AM

    "Why don't you go to and get educated?"

    SPLC?  The investment fund which pretends to be a civil-rights organization and declares anyone to the right of Josef Stalin to be Literally Hitler?

    The organization that had NO actual condemnation for baseball shooter Hodgekinson... whose "anti-Trump anger" they had been stoking since before Trump even declared?  The SPLC ran a hit-piece on Scalise in 2014, playing the guilt-by-association card.

    Now we know why you're such an idiot.  You're getting your "education" from the SPLC, and you're not bright enough to see that you're being indoctrinated.


    Is this the Scalise hit piece you are referring to, Anymoose? You have strange definition of hit piece if it is.

  87. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  88. DeMarcus9:57 AM

    White boys are pussies and retards.

  89. Kill white men, fuck white women10:02 AM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  90. Fact of the Day10:37 AM

    "Mediocre white man" is redundant.

  91. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:37 AM

    Anonymous said:

    "The organization that had NO actual condemnation for baseball shooter Hodgekinson... whose "anti-Trump anger" they had been stoking since before Trump even declared? The SPLC ran a hit-piece on Scalise in 2014, playing the guilt-by-association card.

    Now we know why you're such an idiot. You're getting your "education" from the SPLC, and you're not bright enough to see that you're being indoctrinated."

    Now you made me laugh. I have supported (with money and sweat equity) the Southern Poverty Law Center for more than 40 years. I've met with Morris Dees on more than one occasion. So I know a little about what the organization stands for and what it does.

    No, I did not get my education from the SPLC. I got my education from my parents. As unlikely it may sound to you, my grandfather fought for the Union during the Civil War. My father raised all his children to hate slavery, bigotry and oppression.

    Have a nice day and please continue to call me an idiot. It makes me chuckle.

  92. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Standing bravely against all the pro-slavery, pro-bigotry, and pro-oppression people.


  93. Wakanda B. Real12:01 PM

    News Flash: Black Women Are Angry About Angry Black Women Stereotype

  94. Scalise, the pansy ass pussy, advocates for moar people being shot except when he is the target. Then it isn't a joke anymoar- like stoopid fucking wingnuts interpretation of the 2nd amendment. Hey Scalise- getting shot hurts donut? Imagine you didn't have Cadillac gubmint healthcare to protect your skanky ass from bankruptcy.

    If it had been your kid shot, would you shrug it off as the price one pays so all fucking nuts can have access to wmds?

  95. Scalise is right1:05 PM

    One election where the cattle ignores the media and elects a candidate unapproved by the establishment and now they are effectively shutting down free speech.

    Wake the fuck up cattle.

    Your censors slaughtered 60 million Europeans last century and they're coming for your guns.


    No prison time for 19 year old wasicu who tied up and raped 14 year old girl.

    Even Dems make mistakes in selecting judges. Not near as often as stoopid fucking wingnuts and Drumpf.

  97. President Upgrade1:10 PM

    Obama taking credit for Trump's economy is like Hillary taking credit for Monica’s BJ.

  98. Drumpfuck poo is the one shutting down speech. He wants to change libel laws so he can sue anyone without any money in court where they can't defend themselves. That is SOP for the wealthy. Drag it out in court until the other side has to quit for lack of funds. That is not how our judicial system is supposed to work.

  99. Obama taking credit for Trump's economy is like Hillary taking credit for Monica’s BJ.

    Drumpf taking credit for Obama's economic recovery is the best joke since Drumpf claims he was legally elected.

    I fixed it for you, President Upgrade. Can't stand to see you go through life retarded.


    It is a well known fact, no matter how wingnuts spin his, that Kavanaugh lied under oath. However, according to wingnut logic, when a conservative lies under oath it is HRC's fault and therefore the lying liar is not responsible for his lies. Sin with a clea....lack of consciousness, wingnuts will go ahead and put another perjured, right wing rubbarstamp on the Nation's highest and most right wing partisan court ever.

  101. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:30 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    " Standing bravely against all the pro-slavery, pro-bigotry, and pro-oppression people.


    Is that all you got? I was expecting something a little more scholarly or philosophical.

  102. Anonymous1:34 PM

    3rd black person charged in murder of North Carolina mayor, wife:


    Here comes some seriously twisted court logic telling Drumpf his calls to violence aren't calls to violence.


    Wasicu privilege on the warpath.

  105. It's ok to be right3:48 PM

    Thanks for the link, mike.

    "The same can be said of Trump’s speech in this case: not a single word encouraged violence or lawlessness, explicitly or implicitly," the judge wrote.

    The actual violence we have seen has come almost exclusively from the Left.

    It's time to come down hard on the criminal enterprise Antifa.


    I first saw this I thought it was Dee Schneider from Twisted Sister, the ugliest band in the world.

  107. This 9-11, go ahead and get that abortion. Your dad’s distracted watching the flag or whatever the fuck he’s doing over there. Besides it's free, and all the woke women are doing it.


    Drumpf begged for a life preserver and even wingnuts tossed him an anchor. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


    We need more taxcuts for the koch bros. The last ones have really run up the deficits and stoopid fucking wingnuts haven't been able to blame tax and spend liberals.

  110. The actual violence was perpetrated on the victims, but in wingnut lala land it is the other way around. Hey judge his nose ran into my fist. Wahhhh!!!

  111. ps didn't Cheap Justice Roberts claim racism was dead several years ago? Of course he did-

    Moar twisted logic from the courts.


    Don't bet on it. Be interesting to see how wingnuts define totally prepared. Drumpf will certainly not blame himself. That is a given. He will take credit for any piece of good luck that comes out.


    All of a sudden Drumpf develops fee fees for Muslims. What a fucking joke loser!

    BTW how's Drumpf's winning trade deals campaign coming along? Bwahahashahashahahahaha!



  116. Remington Steele4:34 PM

    The Steele Dossier is the most successful piece of Russian disinformation in modern history. It made fools of the FBI and CIA, has the US leadership chasing its tail, and has the American people tearing each other apart. And they got Hillary to pay for it!

  117. Not a Russian troll4:37 PM

    Absolutely. And it's the US media and the left who are really colluding with the Russian intelligence in propagating the Russian disinformation that has discredited, demoralized, divided and derailed the nation.

    Also, the Russians approaching Trump allies like Flynn and Don Jr. were setups

  118. Afrocentrism is an ugly (and dirty) thing. LOL. "Ugly and dirty." That is a perfect description for most blacks.

  119. Busted: Newly-revealed Google corporate emails discussing the social media giant’s efforts to help Hillary Clinton win the 2016 presidential election have been released.


    Drumpf lied? Say it ain't so.


    Georgia knows they are false and still distributes them. Typical right wing election fuckery. The only way they know how to win.


    Of course he denied it. Of course other officials at the group outed him.

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:48 PM

    YellowMONEY said...

    "Afrocentrism is an ugly (and dirty) thing. LOL. "Ugly and dirty." That is a perfect description for most blacks."

    Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinions, but why post such disgusting ideas on a
    Black blog? We regular readers are not interested in your hate speech. Try Stormfront. I'm sure you will be much more welcome there with you own kind.

  124. Stormfront probably wouldn't tolerate their boorish manners, Gambler2. That is if wingnuts can actually feel offended.

  125. Anonymous6:30 PM

    You could spell out the destiny of this generation in a handful of graphs about stagnant wages, declining union participation, declining labor share of income, rising costs for tuition and health care and housing.

    This can all be explained with two words: Open Borders.


    Drumpf is 100% wasicu wastey racist.

  127. This will surprise no one ever- the three judge panel that allows Drumpf's supporters to attack people with impunity were all Bush appointees. 1 by Hitler Weasel and the other 2 by weasel Bush.

  128. You could spell out the destiny of this generation in a handful of graphs about stagnant wages, declining union participation, declining labor share of income, rising costs for tuition and health care and housing.

    Or you could spell it out in one word stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  129. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  130. Anonymous9:11 PM

    "Now you made me laugh. I have supported (with money and sweat equity) the Southern Poverty Law Center for more than 40 years."

    Oh, so you're not stupid, you're actually evil; you stand behind the organization which had no shame about its hysterical claims fomenting a terrorist attack on the Family Research Council.  Glad you cleared that up.

    "No prison time for 19 year old wasicu who tied up and raped 14 year old girl."

    From the (lack of) description, it sounds like she wanted him to tie her up and then he went down on her.  Typical rape fantasy.

  131. @ 14 she couldn't consent to any kinky shit you dumb son of a bitch. But I understand where you are coming from since Drumpf was alleged to have liked to rape young girls.

  132. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:16 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Oh, so you're not stupid, you're actually evil; you stand behind the organization...."

    No, I'm not stupid in spite of your claims to the contrary. Yes I stand behind the SPLC, the organization that shines a light on right-wing terrorists; the organization that brought neo Nazis to court in Haden Lake, Idaho and shut down their reign of terror, the organization that sued Tom Metzger Because he sent group of cowardly followers after a cab driver in Portland whose only crime was being a black immigrant from Ethiopia. Metzger's men beat the cab driver to death. Morris Dees won a settlement for the man's wife and kids.

    And of course you have an unbiased source to support your claim that the SPLC fomented a terrorist attack on the Family Research Council? I guess you just forgot to post

    In my book, the Family Research Council is pretty terrifying. Seems to me they want to make their religion into law and restrict the rights of us who don't believe as they do.

    Have a nice night!

  133. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  134. Anonymous10:16 PM

    "And of course you have an unbiased source to support your claim that the SPLC fomented a terrorist attack on the Family Research Council?"

    The FRC shooter confessed that he picked his target from the SPLC's "hate map".  The SPLC has never apologized for putting the FRC on said map, and far from disavowing such terrorist tactics the map still exists.

    "the organization that brought neo Nazis to court in Haden Lake, Idaho and shut down their reign of terror"

    And after that, Islamic "refugee" CHILDREN sexually assaulted a mentally-impaired 5 yr old white girl in Twin Falls.  Who's really being terrorized?

    "In my book, the Family Research Council is pretty terrifying."

    I don't particularly like them, but I like you a hell of a lot less.

    "Seems to me they want to make their religion into law and restrict the rights of us who don't believe as they do."

    You support the terrorists.  You believe I should be terrorized into believing as you do.

    The SPLC is evil, and so are you.

  135. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "The FRC shooter confessed that he picked his target from the SPLC's "hate map". The SPLC has never apologized for putting the FRC on said map, and far from disavowing such terrorist tactics the map still exists."

    So the SPLC publishes a map of hate groups and some unhinged man tries to shoot up the place and you hold the SPLC responsible? Whatever happened to the conservative commandment about personal responsibility?

    It is quite clear from your series of posts that you are neither logical nor rational. Have a nice evening. And please don't confuse me with someone who gives a crap that you call me evil.

  136. Anonymous10:19 AM

    "So the SPLC publishes a map of hate groups and some unhinged man tries to shoot up the place and you hold the SPLC responsible?"

    Just applying leftist standards to the SPLC.  If "microaggressions" are responsible for black failure, then the SPLC is a full-fledged co-conspirator in terrorism.  If the "Sketch Factor" app had to be removed because it was "racist" to notice where crime occurs and thus who's committing it, the SPLC must remove its "hate map".

    "please don't confuse me with someone who gives a crap that you call me evil."

    If you cared, you wouldn't BE evil.  But maybe you'll care when you wind up listed on a map of the left's hate-mongers.
