Friday, October 05, 2018

Grumpy old (white) men.

There are a lot of angry women in America these days. (Mrs. Field is one of them.) They have watched these old white men in the republican party impose their will on them, and they are not happy.

Imagine being a woman and having to listen to the president of the United States (a man who himself has been accused of sexually assaulting women) tell you that it is more dangerous to be a man in modern day America than it is to be a woman. I don't know about you, but I am not aware of rampant acts of sexual assault being perpetrated on men by women. Or, for that matter, women just going around and randomly accusing men of sexual assault. The truth is that only about 5% of these types of cases end up being a situation where a woman lied about her accuser or fabricated a sexual assault claim. You know who will never have to worry about being accused of sexually assaulting a woman? Men who don't sexually assault women.

Anyway, the GOP and the old white men who control that party would have you believe that they are under siege. They want you to believe that the Dr. Fords of the world are a part of some globalist left- wing plot to weaken their masculinity and give super natural powers to the vagina.

Watching Hatch, Corn, Graham, and the rest of the usual suspects give a middle finger to the American women, was just another low point in American history. They had to put Kavanaugh on the court at all costs, and they made fools of themselves while doing it. They could have put another conservative Judge on the bench who would have also been the deciding vote in overturning Roe v. Wade. But, incredibly, they decided to stick with Kavanaugh, a man with more baggage than the bottom of a Greyhound bus. Clearly there had to be better conservative Judges waiting in the wings. Judges who do not have the cloud of sexual assault hanging over their heads. Neil Gorsuch is probably more conservative with his judicial philosophy than Brett Kavanaugh, and yet he didn't go through this.There is a reason for that.

But it's not only the men in the republican party who are complicit in this war on American women. Today, in a rambling, hypocritical, politically calculating speech, Susan Collins declared her support for the "alleged" sexual assaulter,  Brett Kavanaugh, while also declaring her support for the "alleged" victim,  Dr. Ford. She declared that Dr. Ford was sincere, and that she believed her one hundred percent. (How can she believe Dr. Ford, and Brett Kavanaugh at the same time? One of them is lying.) And yet, she read the political tea leaves, and she decided to side with trump and the boys.
I have always known that Susan Collins and the rest of the republicans in Washington are no different than trump. It's just a matter of style. They all have the same vision for America: An older, whiter, patriarchal society, where old white men rule, and women and people of color are relegated to second class citizenship status.

*Pic from


  1. No surprise about Collins:

    The Rude Pundit
    ‏ @rudepundit
    8h8 hours ago

    Susan Collins already voted "Yes" for Roberts, Alito, and Gorsuch, all staunchly anti-abortion. I think we can stop pretending she's pro-choice.

    Murkowski's vote was laudable, as was Heitkamp's, Manchin's was pure poltroonery and not only won't help him, but may end up doing him in if what is being written about him can be believed.

    This is the "stupid" aspect of not treating women as human beings (as opposed to the "douchebag" "slimeball" and "lacks maturity and human decency" aspects): Now that you've enraged them and attacked their lives and their children's lives, you've left them no other viable option besides beating you like a gong at the ballot box and running you out of government on a rail.
    By updating your concept of them to "human being" you could have avoided all of that, but given the other stinking mounds of horseshit you claim to believe, I guess you can't really be expected to understand basic concepts of civil society.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Chuck Grassley, on why there aren’t many women on the Senate Judiciary Committee: "It's a lot of work—maybe they don't want to do it."

    Soooo ... you’re casting a vote that is guaranteed to piss off a sizable number of women, Chuck, and you decided this was a good moment to make this sort of comment? Excellent timing, my man.

    Oh well. At least he’ll get a high-five from Trump, head of our government’s executive branch and professional troll.

  3. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Black enslave women were raped and not treated like human beings why are you not Democrats protesting and raising a fist about that.

    1. Anonymous12:33 AM

      Field-negro term emanated from the blacks picking cotton in the field

  4. I'm not worried about any men in my family being threatened by the #metoo movement. This includes my greater family of uncles and cousins, all of my wife's cousins and uncles and even the cousins of the men of the family into which my daughter married. All of my granddads and all of the future children of my kids.

    Sexual boldness can include some aggression. But men who use violence or a sense of entitlement to subjugate women into unwanted conquests have no place in a civilized society.

    If Donnie and Donnie Jr. fear for their sons it speaks volumes about the type of men that they really are. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard DJT's disgustingly maudlin fantasy about a young man who did well and got the job of his dreams, but had to tearfully tell his mother that it was all taken away from him by the false accusations of a woman he had never even met. What did he say in his worst actor in the world voice, "What will I do mother?"

    Bear in mind that this came in on the heels of his amygdala-driven mockery of Christine Blasey Ford. The man is insane. He is like a drug that makes people feel better about their misogyny, racism and just hatred in general.

  5. The best quote from the entire fiasco comes from one of the sixty-four women who vouched for Kavanaugh's character, a one Missy Bigelow Carr. Very precious indeed. Sometimes it's just better for a lady to submit to a powerful man.

    “A white patriarchy persists in part by making white women dependent on white men, and then ensuring that those women enjoy benefits in exchange for their support of those men’s continued dominance, at the purposeful expense of identification with, connection to, and support of other women,”

    I think Field said something about a white patriarchy which is what made me think of this classic quotation.

  6. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I am black and I support President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh. You all, however, are just George Soros' BITCHES.

    How does it feel to be a black man AND a bitch?


    -A West Philly MAGA Brother With Beautiful Mixed Race Kids

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Thank you I too am a black Christian conservative with (beautiful black offspring) support the GOP agenda and I'm from Maryland

    2. Bragging about "mixed race kids" is pretty pathetic especially since you obviously had to marry outside your race to GET beautiful kids.

      Signed, a genetically multiracial Black woman who doesn't need to brag about it and who would be beautiful due to her Black ancestors alone.

  7. It's a question of the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. The force being the changing complexion of America, the changing demographic, vs. the white patriarchy. The question is always how much force can be brought to bear at the polls, at the voting booth. I think we're reaching maximal force, finally, to knock over the dry, lifeless stuff that's in the way.

  8. Just a continuation of stoopid fucking wingnut war on women. The last wingnut woman on the wingnut judiciary committee quit when asked to hold Grassley's dick while he took a leak on her shoes, so I heard.

    She said she had to run her arm up his ass to push the dinky pinky out where she finally got hold of it with tweezers AND a microscope. What became the final straw was when Grassley started bragging about the size of his corn fed hawg.

    I told her when Grassley was growing up he slept in bed with 2 older brothers, one of whom turned out left handed, one turned out right handed and it took awhile before Grassley understood why his brothers called him needle dick.


    This law perfessor from Indiana understands yer anger at wasicu wastey wrinkled oldse wingnuts.

  10. Today we have wrinkled wasicu wasteys crying about being the victims of mob attacks and they apparently feel like they have done nothing wrong to get attacked.

    Count on wingnuts to play the victim card in the face of overwhelming evidence against them.

  11. Lance Cockstrong9:35 AM

    The vast majority of old white boys are just angry and bitter because they have gone through their entire miserable lives with micro dicks. Butt Trumpet is a prime example.


    Explains heartless stoopid fucking cruel bastard wingnuts to a T. Should be required reading, if only stoopid fucking cruel bastard wingnuts could read.

    Hey China boy, did you know your hero Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is trying to ban visas for Chinese students?

  13. Very good and astute observation, Lance.

  14. Anonymous9:43 AM

    So you are leaving? How soon?

  15. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:47 AM

    Trump supporters are just full of hate. It just comes naturally to them.

  16. What about ugly angry black men? Of course that's redundant.

  17. Dave Zirin = faggot kike10:11 AM

    The white race is a disease.

  18. Fact of the Day10:13 AM

    White people and their food are bland af.

  19. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  20. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Grumpy old negroe women:

    Mother of Bills DB arrested for allegedly stabbing man in chest:

  21. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Mike and Doug are leaving this country. And they mean it this time.

  22. Anonymous12:57 PM

    “Hey China boy, did you know your hero Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is trying to ban visas for Chinese students?”

    He’s not Chinese.

    As a rule of thumb for this blog’s trolls, here is the universal meaning of the following phrase:

    “As a black person / Asian person / woman” = I am a white, male, redneck sister-jumper.

  23. "He is like a drug that makes people feel better about their misogyny, racism and just hatred in general."

    That's been Fox News and hate radio's prime directive for decades: Tell the Pig People that their ignorance is noble and their bigotry is patriotic. They hear that and they are irredeemably hooked, and will support imbeciles and hobgoblins who openly advocate policies that harm, or even kill them, all for the sweet, sweet, get-out-of-responsibility-for-being-an-ignorant-Pig-Person lies that they sell them in exchange for their votes.

    Fergus just took advantage of the existing propaganda infrastructure.

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. Susan Rice may run against Susan Collins (who swore she would only serve two terms and is on her fourth) in 2020.

    -Doug in Oakland


    The way the senate is constructed we have rule by the minority. The 8 people in Wyoming have just as much say as the 30 billion in California.

  26. "Black enslave women were raped and not treated like human beings why are you not Democrats protesting and raising a fist about that."

    Damn, you seem to have strong feelings about this topic. What are YOU doing about this?

  27. Drumpf is a drug called the dopey butt of the asses.

  28. PilotX, Northern Mississippi (aka South Dakota) North Dakota, Alaska and at least one eastern state have similar populations in the 7-8 hundred thousand range.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mike and Doug are leaving this country. And they mean it this time.

    12:37 PM

    Liar! I have lived my entire life within 20 miles of the place I was born and I will never die here or anywhere for the nxt 935 years. Get over yourself and get used to me.

    The minute kavernmouth gets a seat on the scotus he is not fit for, wingnuts will show the entire world how bad cheaters they are. gracious they will never be.

  30. Anonymous3:07 PM

    as always....this blog is proof why blacks should have never been given the franchise.

  31. One good thing happened, NBC fired a reporter for wearing a Magat hat while doing a report. Fake Noize probably already signed that person to a deal.

    Couple of tools on Fake News had a beer toast when they learned the votes were there for confirmation and one fell off their seat and claimed it was intentional. Riiiiight!


    FBI never interviewed this guy.

  33. Mandingo3:35 PM

    "as always....this blog is proof why blacks should have never been given the franchise."

    Too late asshole! Now go get your mom, I need another white woman to service my massive......
    Checkout how we roll

  34. Bishop Magic Don Juan3:38 PM

    as always....this blog is proof why blacks should have never been given the franchise.
    I vote for your mom as my bottom bitch

  35. Vladimir Put it in trump3:42 PM

    why are you not Democrats protesting and raising a fist about that.
    Ok let's vote, is this a Russian bot or just an extremely stupid hillbilly cause that ain't a sentence that is understandable by English speakers.

  36. This just in and the whole story may be behind a paywall,but,

    DC circuit weighed in on kavernmouth's perjury.

  37. I doubt it will bother wingnuts in the least because they got what they begged, borrowed and stole for, but it has to hurt that the best judje of kavernmouth's character apparently turned against him to protect the integrity of the judicial system. Something wingnuts have shown they care nothing about except to use to pass their right wing kristian agenda.

  38. Anonymous5:09 PM

    More like grumpy young progressive center left types!!

    Kavanaugh WAS confirmed!!!!!

    as predicted.

    TRUMP 2020!! (you know its true)

  39. Anonymous5:14 PM

    As a black person / Asian person / woman” = I am a white, male, redneck sister-jumper.
    12:57 PM

    Don't give up the day job to be a profiler....if you even work.

  40. Anonymous5:14 PM

  41. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Lisa Murkowski just sealed her fate in Alaska. She will loose next time up to bat......

    1. LIES, NAs seem to LOVE her!

      But since she just sealed her fate as a viable candidate for the Presidency in 2020, I'm certain she'll be ok.

  42. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Coloring books and crayons anyone????

  43. Love scratching my asshole6:28 PM

    The whole Trump movement/cult is almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.

  44. girdleofvenus6:44 PM

    I'm Chinese-American and wonder about all the women that have been sexually harassed and abused by black men, who are probably too numerous to count. When do they get to share their stories about their unfortunate encounters with violent, impulsive blacks?

    See more at:

  45. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  46. Kill white men, fuck white women7:18 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. "Don't give up the day job to be a profiler..."
    "...his sister woildn't go for it this time..."

    Lisa Murkowski already got that primary challenge you're threatening back in the "Tea Party" wave of 2010, and she still won the election as a write in.

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. Thanks to stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts, today, America gave up any and all pretense as a great nation. It is being destroyed from within by minority mob rule.

    The poor, the elderly, all Gays, immigrants and those who have worked hard to become Americans were tossed under the bus by a bunch of bitchy, ugly, irascible, stoopid fucking white men whose time is past and they are desperatrely trying to hang on until our Democracy lay in ruins.

    No equality of rights. No voter protection, no relief for the elderly and disabled, no relief for newcomers unless we stand up and vote as if our lives depend on it because they do. And so do the lives of our children and their children. Wingnuts do not give a flying fuck about you or your family if you are not wealthy. Get that through yer heads.

  49. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!
    7:06 PM

    Kill white men, fuck white women said...
    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.
    7:18 PM

    Ah, the violent left. Hate crimes.

  50. Got an email from Sinate Jew dish e airy Gang leader Grassley patting himself on the back for making America the laughingstock of the world. That was quick.

  51. Anonymous9:32 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Got an email from Sinate Jew dish e airy Gang leader Grassley patting himself on the back for making America the laughingstock of the world. That was quick.
    8:11 PM

    Anti-Semitic left

  52. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Does anyone require a safe space or crying room??

  53. Bloviating Ignoramus10:15 PM

    Brett Kavanaugh made the quantum leap from nowhere to the top of Butt Trumpet's celebrated list for his predisposition that Butt Trumpet be held harmless from the witch hunt that plagues him. Having extracted the obligatory loyalty pledge, Butt Trumpet will in very short order be calling in that chit.

  54. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  55. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Fact of the Day said...
    White people and their food are bland af.
    10:13 AM

    so why do you people eat at that popular Scottish food joint??

  56. "...and women and people of color are relegated to second class citizenship status."

    Since when did they want them to have citizenship at all? To them they are livestock.

    -Doug in Oakland

  57. lt. Commander Johnson12:20 AM

    Yeah, show some Haitian balls, and show a pic of Maxine Waters and Fienstein huddled together, and say "frumpy-assed old bitches"

  58. Anti-Semitic left Fucking liar! I am anti-Israel.

  59. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Hey guys, Lt. Commander is a Pussy is back with his non serving ass. Still too much of a punk to serve? Of course, that's how little bitches roll.

  60. Anonymous3:00 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Anti-Semitic left Fucking liar! I am anti-Israel.
    9:59 AM

    Yes, the Russians(you) are, which also means anti-Semitic.

  61. Kavanaugh was part of the Brooks Brothers Riot.

    -Doug in Oakland

  62. True words! Keep it up! Greetings from Poland!

  63. Anyfuckingmoose hops into bed with Putie and Drumpf at a moment's notice. We know who the Russians are and they wear the same red as does Putie.

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:50 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...


    The way the senate is constructed we have rule by the minority. The 8 people in Wyoming have just as much say as the 30 billion in California."

    Yes, What you say is true. The total population of the six least populated states is about 1,342,000 and they have 12 senators in Washington DC. While California with 39,540 people have two senators. This is definitely rule by the minority. This is why the country is so fu*ked up. Just Google, "population of the 50 states."

  65. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Funny, it's not those 6 little states which have all the fucked-up ghettoes and stuff.  Several of them are fine places to live if you don't mind the weather.

    The fucked-up places are all where you have weather that lets you sleep rough year-round or government lets you live on welfare; in other words, places that attract lazy no-goodniks.  Like blacks.

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:34 PM


    Yes, What you say is true. The total population of the six least populated states is about 1,342,000 and they have 12 senators in Washington DC. While California with 39,540 people have two senators. This is definitely rule by the minority. This is why the country is so fu*ked up. Just Google, "population of the 50 states."

    California's population is 39,540,000, not 39,540. My bad!

  67. "Funny, it's not those 6 little states which have all the fucked-up ghettoes and stuff."

    You're so right. So, for your own good, remember to stay as far away from California as you can manage.

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Right from Bill Mahers mouth. Major Progressive center Left objective is to get rid of US Senate so they(libtards) can rule the USA. Those old slave owners sure were smart.

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