Thursday, October 11, 2018

Night off.

I'm off tonight field hands, but think about this for a minute: An almost cat 5 storm just destroyed portions of the Southwest United States, there is an international crises brewing with the Saudis, the Dow dropped over 1,000 points, and trump decides to meet with...wait for it....Kanye West.😊


  1. A meeting of men, married to buck naked ho's.

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:36 PM

    No surprise here. It's what we get for electing an idiot.

  3. Lance Cockstrong10:01 PM

    Butt Trumpet needed some help from a well endowed black men on how to not have such a pathetic micro dick.

  4. Dave Zirin = faggot kike10:13 PM

    White people are pretty ugly...with annoying voices...and they smell really bad.

  5. Anonymous10:19 PM

    It was a “pinhead summit meeting.”

    The orange pinhead and the black pinhead got together to discuss very important pinhead matters. Non-pinheads were not invited.

  6. On the plus side, however he fucks up his Kanye meeting, it's not likely to damage things as much as when he tries to do "real" stuff.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt10:38 PM

    Trump supporters HATE the idea of their God and Emperor being on good terms with a black person. It kills them inside.

  8. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  9. Whites don’t have to work for food stamps in Ohio but the Blacks do:

    You whooteemoos need to get your cousins/siblings..

  10. Anonymous1:21 AM

    When will the San Francisco 49ers change their name to the San Francisco Streetshitters?

  11. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Texas has been wiped out by Michael. Southwest? Thanks for staying on top of it feelz.

  12. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Kanye does speak for the Africans.

  13. Anonymous6:16 AM

    "Southwest United States" ... LOL.

    I guess kneegrows can't into geography.

  14. Drumpfuck takes credit for price declines in Obamacare Silver plans for next year while shutting down gubmint website during sign up period for Obamacare.

  15. I have it on wingnut authority that George Soros paid millions to Hurricane Michael to devastate Florida and other states to show how fucking incompetent Drumpfuck the dumbfuck really is.


    He pussed me by the grabby. probably pocketed her picket.

  17. Anonymous9:58 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  18. Anonymous10:26 AM

    TRUMP 2020!

    Jesus Walks With Me (Kanye West)

  19. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Trading My Sorrows (Wake-up) - Israel & New Breed

    Woke--- a phrase adopted by worldly people; however; many Christians have been 'AWOKE' (AWAKE) for quite some time. It's called seeing the light or in biblical terms:

    ...weeping may endure for a night, but joy [cometh] in the morning.
    Psalms 30:5 KJV:

  20. Fuck ya'll stoopid fucking wingnuts. It is spitting snow in NW flyover country.

  21. Stoopid fucking cowardly Dems gave wingnuts 15 free extreme right wing judges so the Dems could have a couple weeks to campaign. Fucking cowards!

  22. Anonymous12:00 PM

    mike from iowa said...Lucifer doing what his does best with his imps!

  23. Anonymous12:02 PM

    A miracle is on the way! TRUMP 2020!

  24. Anonymous12:06 PM

    “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”
    declares the Lord.

    “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

    Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV)

  25. Drumpfuck bent over backward to get a "Kristian' minister released from Turkey, but, does not appear to care that a Muslim reporter may have and probably was murdered by Drumpf's Saudi buddies.

  26. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  27. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Emancipation from traditional thought (control) results in increase human power. Blacks democrat conditioners exercise power to make descendants what conditioners pleases.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Black democratic naysayer wants to remain relevant in a post Obama era where Obama made it seem as if black Democrats help power which was just an illusion

  28. Right-wingnut trolls, you are right. It should have been Southeast and not Southwest.

    I feel like Sarah Palin and Donald trump.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      ... interesting

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      You should thank trolls keep your low class blog relevant!

  29. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Not about black or white is all about green... Democrats using you Negroes to empower and enrich their agenda

  30. Armadillo2:00 PM

    I'm Japanese-American and think whites need to look in the mirror to see who needs to be fixing your problems instead of whining to the government. Then just maybe your high crime rates and low education standards will be improved if your supposedly smaller brains can handle those issues. That's a big "if" though.

  31. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Stay woke don't sleep on the powers-that-be

  32. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Not about black or white is all about green... Republicans using you poor white crackers to empower and enrich their agenda

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      If Democratic blacks and poor whites are dumb enough to allow themselves to be used in that way well ... stay poor and asleep

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      There you go problem solved!


  34. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Politics --- It's a money thing some just don't understand... don't hate the player hate the game!

  35. Anonymous2:30 PM

    "It's what we get for electing an idiot."

    Yes, that's what Americans said after the mistakes of 2008 and 2012.  But we found that cucking did not result in reconciliation, but more demands and more violence.  This is how you got Trump.

    You doubled down for the last 2 years.  This is how you get MORE Trump.

    "Whites don’t have to work for food stamps in Ohio but the Blacks do:"

    The article says "African-American families are overrepresented."  In other words, even after the "discrimination" they leech more than the majority.

    "Ohio counties exempt from SNAP work requirements are disproportionately white. Ohio’s minority populations are much more concentrated in urban areas that are not granted this hardship exemption, despite municipal unemployment rates that are equally high or higher than those in the exempt counties."

    In other words, the white unemployed largely live where the jobs have fled.  The black unemployed live where there are jobs, but they are too stupid, lazy or criminal to get hired.

  36. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Don't be mad because you have to defend your master in all forms of media to get your coins...keep working like a Hebrew slave ;one day it might pay off

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      That is your Democratic masters

  37. And for the umpteenth year in a row, Africans-in-America WIN THE MURDER OLYMPICS!

    Out of 9468 total arrests for M/NNM, 5025 (an outright majority) were Africans-in-America.  Note that this does NOT include all the gang killings in Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis and elsewhere where "no snitch" culture results in nobody being arrested despite the bodies assuming ambient temperature on the "mean streets"; that alone adds probably a thousand to the black column.

    Note also that there is no "Hispanic" column.  Hispanic perps are lumped in with whites.  But from this we can calculate that blacks are at least

    (5025 / 12.4% ) / (4188 / 65%) = 6.3 times as murderous as the white and "white" population of the USA.  (The number is low because Hispanics are counted in the arrest totals but not the 65% population number.)

    Maybe Americans would take BLM seriously if they'd descend on street corners in Kansas City and Newark to rail at the gang-bangers selling drugs and shooting the places up and tell them to mend THEIR ways, but we all (especially black people) know that's not gonna happen.  And that's why Americans are done with you.

  38. Anonymous2:57 PM

    GOP taught loyal black conservatives how to maneuver and position oneself in the political arena they created.

  39. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Name one Democratic President( including Obama) invited a black rapper to sit and speak in the Oval Office

  40. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Neither Jay-Z nor Beyonce EVER sat in the office Oval Office and conversed with Obama.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Why one might ask ; Obama was nothing more than a puppet on a string.

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Obama knew it; he fooled Democratic Negroes fool into believing he had power. Obama did as he was told.

  41. Bruce Jenner5:09 PM

    And for the umpteenth year in a row white hillbillies win the overdose on meth, lose teeth from meth and pimping their babies for meth olympics.

  42. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Thanks for sharing hater! Obviously the truth really hurts!

  43. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Yeah. Thanks for sharing hater! Obviously the truth really hurts!

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      We love to share with ignorant ass trailer dwellers. No prob.

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:20 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Why one might ask ; Obama was nothing more than a puppet on a string."


    Nobody cares about your stupid remarks about Obama. He is a hundred times more a man and a leader than the orange idiot in the White House.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Exactly and don't forget it.


  45. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why one might ask ; Obama was nothing more than a puppet on a string.

    What was the question?

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Obedient Dem house Negro


    Really, he seemed nice.

  47. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Snow is raciss yo !

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Anonymous at 1:24 a.m.

    Texas can take care of herself. Hurricanes are not new.

  50. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Nothing worse than Old, Deluded Mudsharks.

  51. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Nothing epitomizes the insanity of the libs on this blog than this comment and its sequel:

    "Kill white men, fuck white women said...

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.
    10:58 PM
    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Anonymous said...

    "This blog ought to be renamed gamble to ask a white woman/ Mike from Iowa/
    y wakanda forever/pilotx/dinthebeast doug op ed blog"

    Sorry you don't like it. However, there is nothing stopping you from inventing a screen name and joining in the discussions. Most who post as "anonymous" are just here to denigrate Black people and insult everyone who disagrees with them.

    Have nice night."

    Gambler2 (who appears to be accurately tagged above) COMPLETELY IGNORES a call for genocide of the white race... while always going off about "racism" and how people should leave if they don't like it.  Field obviously agrees with the sentiment too, or he'd delete it as he often does to another oft-posted crass remark.  But he never does.

    There's no purer expression of hate, and it has implicit approval here.

    I'm sure Gambler2 also calls for de-platforming, de-financing and purging from the Internet everyone who is a "hater", meaning everyone who isn't 100% on board with her radical left agenda.  And she can't see the irony.

  52. Anymoose, wah fucking wah. Go put yer big boy pants on and paint yerself orange and you can be whiny Drumopfuck Jr for Halloween.

    If there is a real white genocide you have only brought it upon yerselves and the rest of us that want no part of yer racism.

  53. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:06 AM

    Anonymous said:

    "Gambler2 (who appears to be accurately tagged above) COMPLETELY IGNORES a call for genocide of the white race... while always going off about "racism" and how people should leave if they don't like it. Field obviously agrees with the sentiment too, or he'd delete it as he often does to another oft-posted crass remark. But he never does.

    There's no purer expression of hate, and it has implicit approval here.

    I'm sure Gambler2 also calls for de-platforming, de-financing and purging from the Internet everyone who is a "hater", meaning everyone who isn't 100% on board with her radical left agenda. And she can't see the irony.

    Oh, please get a grip. First, you argue like all racist wingnuts. You use Trump's trick of trying to put words in my mouth by attributing opinions to me that I don't advocate nor hold. I simply stated that if you don't like the conditions on this blog, then try another one or pick a name so I could communicate with you directly here. Your speculation that I call for, "de-platforming, de-financing and purging from the Internet" everyone an obvious ploy to discredit me.

    The post that you say is a call for genocide, is an expression of frustration that you might understand if you walked a mile in a black man's shoes. I have read that some people are not capable of empathy. Perhaps you are one of them?

    As for my "radical, left agenda, please answer me this - My agenda comes from Jesus: He called on us to love our neighbor, to feed the hungry, and heal the sick. Is that too radical for you?

  54. "When they go low, WE KICK THEM".

    - President Eric Holder

    1. White supremacy is envy of the Black man's penis12:26 PM

      "When they go low, we should kick them in their acorns"

  55. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Once you go black you won't go back. She loves the way her Mandingo gives her temporary pleasure. White women with low self-esteem loves and will protect their Mandingo. Unable she to get attention elsewhere is why she spend all of her time here

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      That is the wannabe black( when it's convenient) @ ASS a white woman

    2. White supremacy is envy of the Black man's penis12:30 PM

      Once you go tiny pecker, you'll crave Black men. She hates the way her tiny pecker man tickles her belly button, unable to provide her real sexual pleasure. Unable to get satisfaction from her tiny pecker man, she spends all her time begging for Mandingo.

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:06 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    " Once you go black you won't go back. She loves the way her Mandingo gives her temporary pleasure. White women with low self-esteem loves and will protect their Mandingo. Unable she to get attention elsewhere is why she spend all of her time here"
    Well, where do you spend your time, Shit for Brains? Seems like Anonymous has by far the most posts here - Many more than I do. ROTF LMAO

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      So you're just following Democratic house Negro President(NO) Eric holder's approach 'they go low we kick em' ASA a white woman-- congratulations you passed the white house niggardly test

    2. Anonymous1:28 PM

      White nigga woman

    3. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Now go Google the word niggardly and learn something new today

  57. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Oh my somebody got up under your skin you seems a little heated

  58. Eric Hold these nuts1:45 PM

    Damn right, when you goofy ass sister fucking tornado bait assed trailer dwelling fuck boys go low we'll kick you silly mother fuckers.

  59. White supremacists are basement dwelling losers2:00 PM

    Well, where do you spend your time, Shit for Brains? Seems like Anonymous has by far the most posts here - Many more than I do. ROTF LMAO
    As if these jobless, toothless losers have anything to do all day other than watch fox news and type "nigger" on a blog all day long. It's not like they have a job or a college degree. Typical hating assed cheap beer swilling basement dweller incel.

  60. Testicle Sweat2:17 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. Love scratching my asshole2:37 PM

    This cult of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.

  62. As if these jobless, toothless losers have anything to do all day other than watch fox news and type "nigger" on a blog all day long. It's not like they have a job or a college degree. Typical hating assed cheap beer swilling basement dweller incel.

    I believe this is what you get from Drumpfuck U, Bob Jones U or Liberty fucks them all U. Basically they fill yer head with useless right wing bullshit and send you out to compete in a world where you are already behind the 8 ball because yer educators only care how much money hey can rip you off for.

  63. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:48 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Oh my somebody got up under your skin you seems a little heated"

    1:21 PM
    Nope. I'm amused that white supremacists are so foolish as to think I might care about their opinions of whom I chose to love or marry.

  64. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Actually not white pecan tan ; and I'm black am I'm proud --imagine that!

  65. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:56 PM

    Mob of white nationalist ‘Proud Boys’ brutally beat several men: ‘Are you brave now, faggot?!’

    Meanwhile, Fox News is still trying to paint liberals as the violent mob.


  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:04 PM

    Disgusted black Republican gives up trying to defend party when confronted with Georgia GOP’s voter suppression efforts



    May not have paid income taxes in years. May not have actually violated the law. Must be white privilege at work.

  68. Anonymous4:46 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    As if these jobless, toothless losers have anything to do all day other than watch fox news and type "nigger" on a blog all day long

    It's much better to be a jobless, toothless loser who doesn't have anything to do all day other than watch msnbc news and type "waiscu" on a blog all day long.

  69. Lowered expectations4:48 PM

    "when confronted with Georgia GOP’s voter suppression efforts"

    Because it's racist to expect black people to be as competent as everyone else when it it comes to obtaining a free ID.

  70. You are clueless4:52 PM

    Mob of white nationalist ‘Proud Boys’ brutally beat several men: ‘Are you brave now, faggot?!’

    Funny group of "white nationalists", seeing as the photos of them that night show a significant percentage of black, Asian, and Middle-Eastern looking Proud Boys.

    BTW, the faggot antifa types are the ones who started the shit. And they are almost 100% white.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:54 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Actually not white pecan tan ; and I'm black am I'm proud --imagine that!"

    OK, then obviously my comment about white supremacists was not aimed at you.
    And yes, I can imagine that you are proud. My husband was a very proud tan man too.

  72. Anonymous5:52 PM

    And Jim Brown needs slapped for being there too!!!!!!


    So where the fuck is Drumpfuck and the FEMA fucking cavalry?

  74. Maybe no one told Drumpfuck the dumbfuck there was a hurricane in Florida or more likely drumpfuck thought Florida was part of Puerto Rico. That, at least, makes a kinda sense.

    Time for the stable genius to act like horse shit and hit the trail. And take despicable deplorables with him.


    The head elf at Justice got his shit handed to him by Sun Times.

  76. My bad it was the Tribune that handed elf hos shit. No elves were hurt by my mistake.

  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:18 PM

    The Fearless Rise of the Black Southern Progressive
    How grassroots get-out-the-vote operations are changing the face of Democratic politics in a deep-red bastion—and across the country.
    By Bob Moser

    October 10, 2018

  78. Anonymous8:32 PM

    > My agenda comes from Jesus: He called on us to love our neighbor, to feed the hungry, and heal the sick. Is that too radical for you?

    Per the parable of the good Samaritan, who is your neighbor?  It is the one who will clothe you when robbers leave you naked, bind your wounds, and take you to where you can mend.

    The number of black people who would do that for me is a lot smaller than the number who would sucker-punch me from behind, rob me if I collapsed, and stomp on my head out of sadistic glee.  These aren't neighbors, they're enemies.  Per the Bible I have not just the right but the duty to save myself and my family from them by any means necessary.

    Let them live with each other and kill over the last chicken wing if they want to.  If it's not in my country and not affecting me, it's none of my business.

  79. Anonymous10:14 PM

    "OK, then obviously my comment about white supremacists was not aimed at you.
    And yes, I can imagine that you are proud. My husband was a very proud tan man too."

    I'm tan too. Can I get some love?

  80. "These aren't neighbors, they're enemies."

    And they only exist inside of your diseased imagination.

    Never thought I would do this, but here's a link to a Barbra Streisand video, and it's fucking awesome:

    -Doug in Oakland

  81. Doug, whatever it takes to cure the small racist mind.☺


    Wasicu admits making vulgar gesture atcrowd before they touched his vehicle. Obama's fault, right?

  83. In other news, Des Moines register tells its subscribers to advance the nation vote for all Dems in iowa's election. Then they named Cantaloupe Calves King a white supremacist and fascist because they are who he consorts with. He has sponsored 1 piece of legislation in 16 years and that was to rename a post office. Worthless as tits on a boar.

  84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:26 AM

    Anonymous Lowered expectations said...

    "when confronted with Georgia GOP’s voter suppression efforts"

    Because it's racist to expect black people to be as competent as everyone else when it it comes to obtaining a free ID."

    4:48 PM
    You should have read the article before posting. This is not about getting IDs. The Georgia Secretary of State is sitting on and refusing to process at least fifty thousand correctly filled out voter registration applications from mostly black voters. And he is running for governor in the November 6 election.

    You really should read before you post, otherwise you just look stupid.

  85. Anonymous12:31 PM

    >> "These aren't neighbors, they're enemies."

    > And they only exist inside of your diseased imagination.

    Oh, really?  Colin Ferguson (Field's fellow countryman) made national headlines for shooting 25, killing 6.  He only exists in my imagination?

    There were 5 fatalities from the Wichita massacre of 2000.  Jonathon and Reginald Carr only exist in my imagination?

    Autumn Pasquale was strangled for her BMX bike in 2012.  Justin and Dante Robinson only exist in my imagination?

    A StartPage search for "man killed by single punch in new york" returns just shy of 18 million results.  If I dug into it I could separate out the more public cases to find e.g. the one where the rageaholic African killed a guy just minding his own business because he thought he'd brushed into his girlfriend.  Does THAT only exist in my imagination?

    The people who did this, and everyone who makes excuses for it, are enemies.  That includes you.

  86. Funny, I've been living around and with black people for 35 years, and neither I, nor anyone I know has ever witnessed any of the kind of shit you dig up out of a country of 325 million people to justify your irrational hatred.
    Lots of people do crimes. My mother worked for criminal defense attorneys for 30 years in a place where there were few minorities at the time, and I could list hundreds of heinous, barbaric crimes perpetrated by small city/small town/rural white folks, out of a far smaller population sample than 325 million.
    Paranoia is a disease, and you may have it.
    This is a choice you make, in the same sense as getting high is a choice an addict makes.
    Like the addict, your choice directly and negatively affects your life, in that it makes you irrationally afraid of your fellow citizens of color, who are no more likely to do harm to you than any other people.
    But like the addict, you would rather suffer than change your habits, so have fun being a coward all your life, I guess. Just don't say that nobody tried to tell you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  87. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Doug is funny in his own S and M kind of way.

  88. Pocohontas rears her ugly head and this time it is in wingnut, next SOH mcCarthy's backyard where his bro lied about being Native American and got millions in a no bid contract.

    Not even Elizabeth Warren used her native ancestry to screw the public like wingnuts do.

  89. Speaking of Native Ancestry, Senator Warren told the truth according to DNA tests.

    Fuck Drumpf and his Drumpfucking followers!


    Wingnuts can't drop the racist aspects of their lives. It must be in their DNA.

    Speaking of Warren's DNA, Drumpfuck the Liar said he would donate 1 mil to a charity if Warren could prove her DNA. Guess who won't keep his promise, like usual?


    Who knew he would deny this?

  92. Newest camera can shoot 10 trillion frames per second- about half the speed with which Drumpfuck can shit out lies.


    Well, at least that's one less mudshark though she did leave niglets behind.  What are they odds that the males will follow the path of their sperm donor?  Probably about as good as the offspring of Louis Till.

  94. Anon above, don't worry, i am pretty sure that you could never be my neighbor. 😏

  95. Random killings of white people are "no known motivation", but flyers put out with rice are a "hate crime".  Is rice hateful against Chinese or something?

    Everyone knows there is no actual KKK anymore.  Nonsense like this is always false-flag by government informants or psyops to dehumanize white people and delegitimize their defense of their own interests and even existence.

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