Sunday, October 14, 2018

The death of democracy?

The following essay is important, because no one in America (including the cowardly press) seems to understand what is happening at this point in our history.

"Usually, comparisons between Donald Trump’s America and Nazi Germany come from cranks and internet trolls. But a new essay in the New York Review of Books pointing out “troubling similarities” between the 1930s and today is different: It’s written by Christopher Browning, one of America’s most eminent and well-respected historians of the Holocaust. In it, he warns that democracy here is under serious threat, in the way that German democracy was prior to Hitler’s rise — and really could topple altogether.

Browning, a professor emeritus at the University of North Carolina, specializes in the origins and operation of Nazi genocide. His 1992 book Ordinary Men, a close examination of how an otherwise unremarkable German police battalion evolved into an instrument of mass slaughter, is widely seen as one of the defining works on how typical Germans became complicit in Nazi atrocities.

So when Browning makes comparisons between the rise of Hitler and our current historical period, this isn’t some keyboard warrior spouting off. It is one of the most knowledgeable people on Nazism alive using his expertise to sound the alarm as to what he sees as an existential threat to American democracy.

Browning’s essay covers many topics, ranging from Trump’s “America First” foreign policy — a phrase most closely associated with a group of prewar American Nazi sympathizers — to the role of Fox News as a kind of privatized state propaganda office. But the most interesting part of his argument is the comparison between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Paul von Hindenburg, the German leader who ultimately handed power over to Hitler. Here’s how Browning summarizes the history:
Paul von Hindenburg, elected president of Germany in 1925, was endowed by the Weimar Constitution with various emergency powers to defend German democracy should it be in dire peril. Instead of defending it, Hindenburg became its gravedigger, using these powers first to destroy democratic norms and then to ally with the Nazis to replace parliamentary government with authoritarian rule. Hindenburg began using his emergency powers in 1930, appointing a sequence of chancellors who ruled by decree rather than through parliamentary majorities, which had become increasingly impossible to obtain as a result of the Great Depression and the hyperpolarization of German politics.
Because an ever-shrinking base of support for traditional conservatism made it impossible to carry out their authoritarian revision of the constitution, Hindenburg and the old right ultimately made their deal with Hitler and installed him as chancellor. Thinking that they could ultimately control Hitler while enjoying the benefits of his popular support, the conservatives were initially gratified by the fulfillment of their agenda: intensified rearmament, the outlawing of the Communist Party, the suspension first of freedom of speech, the press, and assembly and then of parliamentary government itself, a purge of the civil service, and the abolition of independent labor unions. Needless to say, the Nazis then proceeded far beyond the goals they shared with their conservative allies, who were powerless to hinder them in any significant way.
McConnell, in Browning’s eyes, is doing something similar — taking whatever actions he can to attain power, including breaking the system for judicial nominations (cough cough, Merrick Garland) and empowering a dangerous demagogue under the delusion that he can be fully controlled:
If the US has someone whom historians will look back on as the gravedigger of American democracy, it is Mitch McConnell stoked the hyperpolarization of American politics to make the Obama presidency as dysfunctional and paralyzed as he possibly could. As with parliamentary gridlock in Weimar, congressional gridlock in the US has diminished respect for democratic norms, allowing McConnell to trample them even more. Nowhere is this vicious circle clearer than in the obliteration of traditional precedents concerning judicial appointments. Systematic obstruction of nominations in Obama’s first term provoked Democrats to scrap the filibuster for all but Supreme Court nominations. Then McConnell’s unprecedented blocking of the Merrick Garland nomination required him in turn to scrap the filibuster for Supreme Court nominations in order to complete the “steal” of Antonin Scalia’s seat and confirm Neil Gorsuch. The extreme politicization of the judicial nomination process is once again on display in the current Kavanaugh hearings. ...
Whatever secret reservations McConnell and other traditional Republican leaders have about Trump’s character, governing style, and possible criminality, they openly rejoice in the payoff they have received from their alliance with him and his base: huge tax cuts for the wealthy, financial and environmental deregulation, the nominations of two conservative Supreme Court justices (so far) and a host of other conservative judicial appointments, and a significant reduction in government-sponsored health care (though not yet the total abolition of Obamacare they hope for). Like Hitler’s conservative allies, McConnell and the Republicans have prided themselves on the early returns on their investment in Trump.
This is the key point that people often miss when talking about Hitler’s rise. The breakdown of German democracy started well before Hitler: Hyperpolarization led Hindenburg to strip away constraints on executive power as well as conclude that his left-wing opponents were a greater threat than fascism. The result, then, was a degradation of the everyday practice of democracy, to the point where the system was vulnerable to a Hitler-style figure.

Now, as Browning points out, “Trump is not Hitler and Trumpism is not Nazism.” The biggest and most important difference is that Hitler was an open and ideological opponent of the idea of democracy, whereas neither Trump nor the GOP wants to abolish elections.

What Browning worries about, instead, is a slow and quiet breakdown of American democracy — something more much like what you see in modern failed democracies like Turkey. Browning worries that Republicans have grown comfortable enough manipulating the rules of the democratic game to their advantage, with things like voter ID laws and gerrymandering, that they might go even further even after Trump is gone:
No matter how and when the Trump presidency ends, the specter of illiberalism will continue to haunt American politics. A highly politicized judiciary will remain, in which close Supreme Court decisions will be viewed by many as of dubious legitimacy, and future judicial appointments will be fiercely contested. The racial division, cultural conflict, and political polarization Trump has encouraged and intensified will be difficult to heal. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, and uncontrolled campaign spending will continue to result in elections skewed in an unrepresentative and undemocratic direction. Growing income disparity will be extremely difficult to halt, much less reverse.
I’ve observed this kind of modern authoritarianism firsthand in Hungary. In my dispatch after visiting there, I warned of the same thing as Browning does here: The threat to the United States isn’t so much Trump alone as it is the breakdown in the practice of American democracy, and the Republican Party’s commitment to extreme tactics in pursuit of its policy goals in particular.

We are living through a period of serious threat to American democracy. And Browning’s essay, a serious piece by a serious scholar, shows that it’s not at all alarmist to say so."  [Source]


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    national SOCIALISM is not conservative

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:36 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "national SOCIALISM is not conservative"

    Oh, but it is! You are a victim of revisionist history. I lived through WWII. The Germans and the Italians were extreme fascists. Fascism is defined as a system that advocates or exercises the merging of the state and business together with an ideology of belligerent nationalism.

    This definition totally fits Trump's ideology and his behavior. All you Trumpies better wake up.

  3. Anonymous9:49 PM

    So what happened to democracy in American black culture? What motives impels Conditioners to scorn descendants who disagree that we, and posterity, may do as we please? Conditioners impose on us the preservation of their corrupting influence of power. If we do not accept it, Conditioner are no longer the makers of conscience for American black culture

  4. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Democracy has really been on the skids in the U.S. ever since the ‘90s, when Rupert Murdoch created Faux News, a network entirely dedicated to spreading disinformation to the masses, and Newt Gingrich decided it was okay to use Congress as a weapon against Bill Clinton’s presidency.

    However, the undermining of democracy has now gotten so bad it can no longer be denied. “Both sides-ism” can’t cover up a disaster like Trump, and even the meekest mainstream media commentator is now panicking about the fascism of Trump and the horror of “fake news.”

    The grim reality is that it is possible to conduct regular elections, and not be a real democracy. This is how Russia and Iran work.

  5. Know your history10:38 PM

    Browning’s essay is misinformation aimed at manipulating a historically illiterate audience.

    The proper parallel is not Germany in the 1930's, but Germany in the 1920's.

    Weimar Germany was beset with Antifa-like mobs inciting violence in the streets and threatening a communist takeover of the country. As with America today, Germany's culture and finance were dominated by a hostile minority who promoted homosexuality and transgenderism while rapaciously exploiting the German people. The Nazis were an anti-communist reaction to this violence and decadence.

    Trump is Hindenburg, not Hitler. If Trump fails to stop the cultural Marxists, you will get your Hitler.

  6. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Gambler sez...

    "This definition totally fits Trump's ideology and his behavior."

    Of course it does. You are not worth the time. Keep paying the toll you old burner.

  7. Anonymous11:22 PM

    "I lived through WWII."

    Of course you did. LMFAO!

    Go back to mudsharkery.

  8. "The biggest and most important difference is that Hitler was an open and ideological opponent of the idea of democracy, whereas neither Trump nor the GOP wants to abolish elections."

    They don't want to "abolish" them, they need them in order to lend legitimacy to their crimes, so what they do is cheat.

    As anon @10:09 said, they use whatever power is handy to skew the process, tilt it in their favor, suppress the opposition with, as the judge in NC said "surgical precision" and dump a flood of right wing billionaire cash on the campaigns to make the process itself so ugly and repugnant that normal people shy away from participation.

    That's how they gain office.

    Look at Ted Cruz for example. He has wreaked havoc in congress since he showed up.
    He very nearly caused the US to default on its debt and spiral back into the depths of the great recession, which at its height destroyed 700,000 jobs per month, and was instrumental in shutting down the government, a political stunt which cost the taxpayers twenty four billion dollars.

    But I don't want to talk about what a dangerous asshole he is, as that is obvious. What I want to talk about is how he got into the senate in the first place.

    Texas is a prime example of the kind of election shenanigans mentioned above, and Ted Cruz won a statewide election in a state of more than 28 million people with less than 700.000 votes.

    And entered the senate, the upper chamber of our congress, where already the representation is insanely skewed and "In the new Senate, the 46 Democrats will have received 20 million more votes than the 54 Republicans." And that was after the 2014 election. It has gotten worse since then.

    Which is why if we manage to overcome their cheating and get a Democratic administration into power after the 2020 election, we have to deal with the cheating first, before we even begin to clean up the hideous mess they have made.

    There can be no fixing of anything until the will of the people is restored and the goddamn Republicans are deprived of their corrupt access to the ability to break it again.

    We win fair elections. We don't try to destroy the government when we are at its controls. We are the only sane choice.

    We fucked off our opportunity last time because, as I already said, when Obama took office there was an economic bloodbath in progress, and at the time, stopping the bleeding seemed more important than prosecuting them for their crimes, and as the article mentions, McConnell and his Caucus room conspiracy picked right up where the persecution of Bill Clinton left off the time before.

    But now we know we were wrong, and no matter how fucked up things are when we take over again, the fixing of them will have to wait until we remedy the underlying damage to our actual system of government.

    It will be a fucked up thing to have to do, and we will take a mountain of shit for it from the goddamn Republicans and the media in their service, but we didn't choose this course, we tried everything we could to avoid it and y'all necessitated it anyway, so we're gonna have to just grow a pair and do it anyway if the country is to survive.

    And you better just hope we succeed.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Right is Right11:59 PM

    With every passing day in this garbage world, it becomes ever more difficult to deny that Hitler was right about almost everything.

  10. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Doug sounds like Hitler.

    1. Jontavious Lamarcus Jenkins IV2:11 AM

      Doug is a political moron.

  11. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Democracy means mob rule, so yeah, let's hope so. As this country gets browner and browner - and, not surprisingly, dumber and dumber - the average citizen shouldn't be allowed to make any decisions more important than what stupid new tattoo to get or what brand of malt liquor to drink.

    Fascism forever!

  12. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Now see, that's some old weak-ass wh*te boi fuckshit their. Facsism killed over 100 Billion people in Word War III. Hilter was a monster. You weakass fagot wh*te bois think your playing with fire? Wel'l show you the fire your playing with when the revoltion come's!

    Waknada Forever!!

  13. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:58 AM

    Anonymous Right is Right said...

    "With every passing day in this garbage world, it becomes ever more difficult to deny that Hitler was right about almost everything."


    No , it is not difficult to deny that Hitler was right. He was a freakin, dope-head, by-polar, insane despot. The only thing Hitler was "right" about was killing himself when the Russians were closing in.

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:38 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Go back to mudsharkery."


    Night of the Long Knives

    In Germany, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler orders a bloody purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of Nazis whom he believed had the potential to become political enemies in the future. The leadership of the Nazi Storm Troopers (SA), whose four million members had helped bring Hitler to power in the early 1930s, was especially targeted. Hitler feared that some of his followers had taken his early “National Socialism” propaganda too seriously and thus might compromise his plan to suppress workers’ rights in exchange for German industry making the country war-ready.

    So all you "white nationalist" Trumpies out there, be careful.

    And by-the-way, if you think that you are insulting me by calling me childish names, forget it. There is nothing you can say to me that would insult me because I don't care about your opinion of me.

  15. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Almost everything we are taught about Hitler is a lie.

    I am not advocating Nazism. When things reach the point that you need a Hitler, things are very bad. World War II was a complete disaster, perhaps a fatal blow for Western civilization.

    But history is written by the winners, and the winners are lying.

  16. Reinforcing my own conclusion that the real obscenity here is Mitch McConnell. But he couldn't have done it alone. As Charley Pierce keeps repeating, Republicans ate the monkey brains decades ago, under Saint Ronnie, and the madness has spread from then on. We are in full plague mode, and the situation is out of control.

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:10 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "I am not advocating Nazism. When things reach the point that you need a Hitler, things are very bad. World War II was a complete disaster, perhaps a fatal blow for Western civilization.

    But history is written by the winners, and the winners are lying."

    And you know this because?
    Have you read "Inside the Third Reich" written by Hitler's architect, Albert Speer?

    I am amazed at your line, "When you reach the point that you need a Hitler..." I would argue that we never need a Hitler, no matter how bad things get. What could possibly be worse than Hitler in power? Stalin, maybe? Both were mentally ill despots who together murdered close to 40 million people. And you are hopelessly naive to think that any good came from either one of them.

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:18 AM

    anotherbozo said,

    "Reinforcing my own conclusion that the real obscenity here is Mitch McConnell. But he couldn't have done it alone. As Charley Pierce keeps repeating, Republicans ate the monkey brains decades ago, under Saint Ronnie, and the madness has spread from then on. We are in full plague mode, and the situation is out of control."

    Some historians argue that it started when Ford pardoned Nixon and showed the right-wing boys that they could break the law and get away with it. From then on it's been open season on liberals in general and liberal politicians in particular. The right has used lies, ridicule, violence and threats of violence ever since Nixon.

  19. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Check out the ridiculous painting that Trump has now got hanging in the White House.

    As if any previous president, living or dead, would want to hang out and share a few drinks and some laughs with Trump! His narcissistic fantasies are just sad. A realistic scene would show them all flipping him off in unison.

    The era we are living through seems like a very bad joke.

  20. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Progressive Center Left=Nazi

  21. Anonymous11:27 AM

    The violent alt left wants to disarm the American people....just like Hitler and the Nazis did.

  22. Fake News Update11:32 AM

    "Check out the ridiculous painting that Trump has now got hanging in the White House."

    That's a photoshop you dumbass.

  23. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Anon 6:49, Waknada...?#@%?? Before you show Whites somethin', Learn how to spell. Nigga Please.

  24. Anonymous11:35 AM

    HRC Lost, Get over it Commies.

  25. Anonymous11:44 AM

    “That's a photoshop you dumbass.”

    Nope. It’s an all-too-real, non-ironic painting called “The Republican Club” by an artist named Andy Thomas — probably one of Trump’s insane, MAGA-hatted fanboys.


  26. Perspective11:53 AM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Some historians argue that it started when Ford pardoned Nixon and showed the right-wing boys that they could break the law and get away with it."

    Nixon covered up a break-in to a Democratic party office perpetrated to steal presidential campaign documents in order to get an edge in the 1972 election. An FBI source leaked this crime to the press, who hounded Nixon relentlessly until he resigned in shame after he lost the support of his party. He did not get away with it.

    Obama had the FBI and CIA infiltrate and wiretap the Republican presidential candidate's campaign, justified by using disinformation purchased from Russian intelligence sources which they leaked to the press in order to throw the 2016 election to his party. When they lost anyway, they then used the FBI and CIA to accuse the people they spied on of being the ones who colluded with the Russians, kicking off an unprecedented special counsel investigation that has arrested people in the middle of the night on unrelated charges and even raided the office of the President's private attorney in a two-year and counting quest that has to date found nothing of substance. The press has dutifully protected this narrative and no one in his party has even criticized this historic abuse of power.

    Your ability for selective outrage is impressive.

  27. Fake News Update11:55 AM

    "Nope. It’s an all-too-real, non-ironic painting"

    It's not hanging in the White House - that image is a photoshop.

    Dumbass status: Confirmed.

  28. Anonymous12:00 PM

    “The violent alt left wants to disarm the American people....just like Hitler and the Nazis did.”

    Hitler didn’t disarm the German people. He re-armed them, so that they could invade their neighbors.

    It was the British and French who forced (limited) disarmament of the Germans as a consequence of Germany losing WWI.

    “Hitler took the Germans’ guns!” is a stupid lie that the NRA flogs, to try to create a justification for irresponsible redneck morons having access to military-grade weaponry, and gun manufacturers profiting by selling the weaponry to said redneck morons.

    But there is no justification.

  29. Fauxchahontas12:07 PM

    So Elizabeth Warren has released her DNA test and CNN and the rest of the lying liberal press are crowing that it proves she is a Native America.

    The actual results say there is "strong evidence" she had one Native American ancestor 6 to 10 generations ago. Which is to say, that the best you can say with any certainty is that maybe she is 1/1,024th Native American.

    That's less than 0.01%.

    She's 99.9% white, but these tests "prove" she is Native American and thus she deserved to be a minority hire at Harvard.

    If this is the standard going forward, then almost everyone in the country is eligible for Affirmative Action.

  30. Anonymous12:14 PM

    “She's 99.9% white, but these tests "prove" she is Native American and thus she deserved to be a minority hire at Harvard.”

    And that’s literally all she’s ever claimed to have: some tiny amount of Native ancestry, from many generations back.

    Harvard hiring her had zilch to do with her non-white ancestry. She was never a “minority hire.” That part was a lie made up by supporters of her opponent for the Senate, Scott Brown.

    One that did not work, I might add, since she is a senator and he is not.

  31. Drumpf and wingnuts are evil personified. America is the Hindenburg about to go up/down in flames.

  32. Anonymous12:21 PM

    "...deserved to be a minority hire at Harvard." just like immigrants of late taking advantage of Affirmative Action meant for enslaved descendants.

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:23 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "The violent alt left wants to disarm the American people....just like Hitler and the Nazis did."

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Good luck with getting anyone to believe this bull sh*t.

  34. Warren is extremely, extraordinarily, almost completely white. Way whiter than the average whitey. The real headline here is that her claim to being a Native American is confirmed as a joke.

  35. Obama had the FBI and CIA infiltrate and wiretap the Republican presidential candidate's campaign, justified by using disinformation purchased from Russian intelligence sources which they leaked to the press in order to throw the 2016 election to his party. When they lost anyway, they then used the FBI and CIA to accuse the people they spied on of being the ones who colluded with the Russians, kicking off an unprecedented special counsel investigation that has arrested people in the middle of the night on unrelated charges and even raided the office of the President's private attorney in a two-year and counting quest that has to date found nothing of substance. The press has dutifully protected this narrative and no one in his party has even criticized this historic abuse of power.

    This whole paragraph is bullshit from beginning to end. Right wing lies fed to moronic right wing nuts who wouldn't know truth if it bit them on their snowflake tushies.

  36. The real headline here is that her claim to being a Native American is confirmed as a joke.

    Warren never claimed to be 'Native American', tool. She has always said she had Native ancestry. A difference with a yooge distinction.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:29 PM

    Perspective said...

    " Obama had the FBI and CIA infiltrate and wiretap the Republican presidential candidate's campaign, justified by using disinformation purchased from Russian intelligence sources which they leaked to the press in order to throw the 2016 election to his party. When they lost anyway, they then used the FBI and CIA to accuse the people they spied on of being the ones who colluded with the Russians, kicking off an unprecedented special counsel investigation that has arrested people in the middle of the night on unrelated charges and even raided the office of the President's private attorney in a two-year and counting quest that has to date found nothing of substance. The press has dutifully protected this narrative and no one in his party has even criticized this historic abuse of power.

    Your ability for selective outrage is impressive."

    And your unbiased sources to confirm you opinions stated here are??? Meanwhile, your ability to prevaricate is impressive!

  38. Exactly how did dumbass dubya, kushner and kavernmouth get into Ivy league schools?

    White privilege is how.

  39. Fake News Update12:33 PM

    "Harvard hiring her had zilch to do with her non-white ancestry."

    As one would expect from our lying press, there are numerous stories out today coordinated with Warren releasing her DNA tests that assert the Harvard did not hire her because of her claim of Native American ancestry.

    However, the internet never forgets.

    She listed herself as a minority on a legal directory reviewed by deans and hiring committees.

    The University of Pennsylvania “listed her as a minority faculty member,” and she was touted after her hire at Harvard Law School as, yes, the school’s “first woman of color.”

  40. Anonymous12:41 PM

    “She listed herself as a minority on a legal directory reviewed by deans and hiring committees.”

    She did not. She joined a Harvard club related to Native American history and culture, because of her interest in learning about her Native ancestors. A lazy Harvard staffer erroneously used her membership in this club to list her in some publication as a minority-heritage staff member. This happened well after she was already working there.

    Harvard have publicly stated that they did not hire her based on any claims of her having non-white ancestry.

  41. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Randy Rainbow parodied Melania and her silly #BeBest campaign, after she made the farcical claim that she is the most bullied person in the entire world.

    His mockery of her martyrdom (and her husband’s half-assed, disposable, bargain-bin presidential administration) is exquisite.

    Just BE BEST! - Randy Rainbow Song Parody

  42. Perspective12:53 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    And your unbiased sources to confirm you opinions stated here are???

    All are established facts.

    1. The Obama DOJ/FBI did monitor communications of the Trump campaign and did use British intelligence personnel to develop relationships with people associated with the campaign, including George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn. This was done using a FISA warrant.

    2. They obtained the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign using the Steele dossier. Steele was a former British intelligence operative who was paid by the Clinton campaign to dig up dirt on Trump. The information in the dossier came from Russian intelligence sources who were paid by Steele. This information was thought to be suspect but was used anyway. The FISA judge was not informed of this fact.

    3. The Steele dossier was leaked to the press by Andrew McCabe of the FBI and John Brennan of the CIA for the purposes of influencing the election.

    4. After Trump won, the Obama White House implemented a plan to cover what they had done by setting the stage for accusing the Trump campaign of being the ones who colluded with the Russians to throw the election.

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:15 PM

    Perspective said:

    "4. After Trump won, the Obama White House implemented a plan to cover what they had done by setting the stage for accusing the Trump campaign of being the ones who colluded with the Russians to throw the election."

    The first three points you listed may be true, but the reason for them is that our security forces had evidence that Trump was conspiring with the Russians to defeat Hillery, which is a crime. When the Muller report comes out, you will see the truth. But of course you won't believe it. Your conditioning to lies is too strong.

  44. Perspective1:26 PM

    "our security forces had evidence that Trump was conspiring with the Russians to defeat Hillary"

    No, they did not.

    They had a story that they suspected of being disinformation that the Russians had compromising information on Trump regarding hookers in a Moscow hotel. They never had a shred of evidence that Trump was conspiring with the Russians to defeat Hillary

  45. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:49 PM

    Perspective said...

    "our security forces had evidence that Trump was conspiring with the Russians to defeat Hillary"

    " No, they did not."

    What is your source for this statement? My source is Rachael Madddow, so name yours.

  46. Perspective2:14 PM

    Rachael Madddow?

    Are you serious? She is less credible than Alex Jones.

    There has been no indication of any evidence of Trump conspiring with the Russians to defeat Hillary. Where does Maddow get this from?

  47. Someone must have cut the trolls' heroin with Liquid Wrench again, or is that just terror and desperation?

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Nothing dumber than the kike from Iowa.

  49. Anonymous3:00 PM

    ANTIFA/BLM=Nazi Brown Shirts

  50. Everyone who doubted her Native American ancestry owes Elizabeth Warren 1/1,024th of an apology.

  51. We are all Yisheng now3:16 PM

    EVERY SINGLE STUDENT applying for college should take advantage of this new Elizabeth Warren 0.01% standard for affirmative action benefits.

  52. Elizabeth Warren lying about being an Indian and then pushing a bogus DNA test to try and prove it is my favorite political story of all time. It perfectly encapsulates today’s Democrats. The absurd identity politics, the lies, the media’s lack of interest. All of it.

  53. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Liz Warren is whiter than Hitler.

  54. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Democrats: "Elizabeth Warren counts as Native American because her great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather might have been an Indian."

    Also Democrats: "If you are white you bear the guilt of slavery even if your ancestors didn't move to this country until the 20th century."

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:45 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Also Democrats: "If you are white you bear the guilt of slavery even if your ancestors didn't move to this country until the 20th century."
    Not me; no ancestor of mine ever held a slave and my grandfather fought for the union during the civil War. My guilt is that I have not done more to help the oppressed people of my country and of the world.

  56. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Violent alt left(Nazis)

  57. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Antifa aren't Nazis, they are something much worse: Communists.

  58. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Violent negroe attacks white women for no reason:

  59. Mr. Green Genes4:56 PM

    Now is the time for Cory Booker to release a DNA test that he is between 1/452nd to 1/9,648th Spartacus.

  60. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Muslim attacks Jew in the streets of Brooklyn caught on video

  61. Ballsey Ford4:59 PM

    Believe all Muslims.

  62. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Now these were crazy,mad,neanderthal,violent,white men that created all these systems,right?

  63. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Progressives are Godless and want to harm you.

  64. EVERY SINGLE STUDENT applying for college should take advantage of this new Elizabeth Warren 0.01% standard for affirmative action benefits.

    What affirmative action benefits did Sen Warrern receive, shit fer brains?

  65. They obtained the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign using the Steele dossier.


    It wasn't true then. It is not true now and it won't be true in the future. Pure Bullshit!

  66. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Reality hurts mike's brain.

  67. There has been no indication of any evidence of Trump conspiring with the Russians to defeat Hillary. Where does Maddow get this from?

    Mainstream news reports.

    Mueller's investigation into Drumpfuck/Russia collusion.

    Donny Drumpfuck Jr admitting he went to a meeting with the expectation of getting dirt on HRC.

    All US Intel agents said the meetings took place and Russia helped Drumpf steal the election.

    All the members of the campaign who have admitted meetings with Russian officials during the campaign, including half a million indictments for said.

  68. But, the investigation that has proven collusion has gone way beyond that minor lie and is into obstruction of justice and treason, money laundering, and who knows what other crimes Drumpf will be charged with. And let us not forget perjury by the dozens.

  69. Anyfuckingmoose's delusions of grandeur and his inability to find reality are annoying as hell. But, tha is his problem and he won't be equipped to handle the truth when his delusional little fucking screwed up wingnut world crashes and burns all around him. Drumpf is going down and not on Anyfuckingmoose.

  70. Drumpfuck said it didn't matter to him if Blasey Ford told the truth. Of course it didn't. He is a delusional stoopid fucking wingnut like the ones that troll this site. He doesn't know shit and his band of deplorable fucking goons know even less. And they like it that way. They like taking it in the ass from Drumpf and wingnuts. Reminds them of when they were kids just gaying around.

  71. Anonymous5:50 PM


  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:01 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    " wolf.....wolf......wolf...…."

    Pardon me, but what is the point of this post? Is Wolf....wolf supposed to be clever?

  73. So someone in Georgia glued googly eyes on a confederate monument and the confederacy lovers are losing (please note spelling) their shit, because THEY WILL NOT BE MOCKED.
    Except by their very existence in this century?
    And Sears is filing for bankruptcy, after being bled dry and loaded up with debt by the Ayn Rand worshiping hedge fund idiot who bought them more than a decade ago.
    No word on whether John Galt has begun doing his shopping online in symbolic protest to being so publicly embarrassed by the failure of his philosophy.
    I used to like Sears, my brother worked for them as a mechanic and their tools were quality and reasonable, and they had a store in Eureka when I was growing up.

    -Doug in Oakland

  74. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:11 PM

    Calling all Trump trolls:

    Budget Deficit Jumps Nearly 17% in 2018 from Isn't you orange child great?

  75. Anonymous6:16 PM

    "Democrats: 'Elizabeth Warren counts as Native American because her great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather might have been an Indian.'

    Also Democrats: 'If you are white you bear the guilt of slavery even if your ancestors didn't move to this country until the 20th century.'"

    No Democrats have been saying Elizabeth Warren "counts as Native American," though. This is an entirely wingnut-media-created narrative.

    She does have a tiny amount of Native heritage, however, and Trump said she made this up to look cool to SJWs or some stupid shit and -- on video -- bet her a million dollars she wouldn't get a DNA test to prove it. So she called his bluff.

    Now he is pretending he never made any such bet, because he is ... what's that word again? A LIAR.

  76. Drumpf also tried to dismiss Warren saying nobody cares. Drumpfuck sure did as he kept mocking her ancestral claims. He loses like he always does, but he can't ever lose gracefully because he is an orange piece of shit without an ounce of compassion for anyone not named Drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

  77. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Mud shark.....Your guilt is believing that 60 years of Negro plague and destruction is due to oppression. Octogenarian Mud Shark Commies are one of the problems, after Nov. 6TH, when the Demon Commies get crushed, hopefully they will start a conflict with normal Americans. I would love to see a nationwide Sherman March to the Pacific ocean.

  78. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:16 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Mud shark.....Your guilt is believing that 60 years of Negro plague and destruction is due to oppression. Octogenarian Mud Shark Commies are one of the problems, after Nov. 6TH, when the Demon Commies get crushed, hopefully they will start a conflict with normal Americans. I would love to see a nationwide Sherman March to the Pacific ocean."

    LOL! Thanks for the laugh, friend. Sorry, but I'm too old to march to the sea! LMAO!

  79. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Obama actually use any means necessary including the IRS to take down business owners by Tea Party activists and others... now that the pendulum has swung in the other direction ...well...

  80. A liberal with a gun says boo to Anyfuckingmoose and he pisses his pants and faints on the handiest fainting couch.

  81. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Chicago October 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 24
    Shot & Wounded: 82
    Total Shot: 106
    Total Homicides: 27


    Drumpfuck lied some more.

  83. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Sheriff David Clarke Breaks Down Antifa Violence


    Drumpf's a Fascist, too. And has a dead animal on his noggin.


    Read and take heed, lousy stoopid fucking wasicu wingnut parents. Eat noble mole rat shit and learn why you went wrong.

  86. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Your babbling again mike(Ivan)….

  87. Pesky facts8:21 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Donny Drumpfuck Jr admitting he went to a meeting with the expectation of getting dirt on HRC. "

    No dirt was offered and no payment was made.

    Also, the meeting was a set up. Obama's AG, Loretta Lynch, personally intervened to let the Russian lawyer (Natalia Veselnitskaya) into the country without a visa under "extraordinary circumstances". Veselnitskaya met with Glenn Simpson, head of Fusion GPS, immediately before and immediately after the meeting with Don Jr.

    Fusion GPS is the outfit that funneled the money from Hillary's campaigns through Christopher Steele who paid the Russians for the contents of the famous dossier.

    Fusion GPS also employed Nellie Ohr, wife of Bruce Ohr, senior Obama DOJ official who coincidentally continued to liason with Steele after the FBI had designated him no longer credible and off-limits.

    So there's that.

  88. Anonymous8:26 PM

    "She does have a tiny amount of Native heritage, however, and Trump said she made this up to look cool to SJWs or some stupid shit and -- on video -- bet her a million dollars she wouldn't get a DNA test to prove it."

    What Trump actually said is that he would donate a million dollars if she could prove she was an Indian.

    No tribe accepts 0.01% ancestry as proof you are an Indian.

    If he owes her anything, it's 1/1,024th of a million dollars, or $976.56.

  89. According to The New York Times, the average white person in America has nearly double the amount of American Indian DNA (0.18%) as Elizabeth Warren (0.098%), who claims to be Cherokee.

  90. Lynch had nothing to do with the Russian lawyer being in the country. That was handled by Homeland Security.

    I don't care if Drumpfuck Jr got what he was promised, he accepted the meeting with Russians (collusion) and attended it.

    But according to Rosenstein, Ohr has never worked on the Mueller investigation or the 2016 surveillance of Carter Page, the Trump foreign policy adviser. Even the Nunes memo doesn’t imply that Ohr knew anything about surveillance applications or any of the other fine-grain pieces of the investigation itself.

    As my colleague Andrew Prokop wrote in February:

    The memo reveals that Steele was in contact with Ohr and that in September 2016, Steele shared some of his negative opinions on Trump. ... Yet note what the memo does not claim: that Ohr had anything to do with the surveillance application on Carter Page. Yes, it tries to imply that, by saying Ohr “worked closely with Deputy Attorneys General Yates and later Rosenstein,” who were previously mentioned as approving the wiretap. ... But Yates and then Rosenstein were top justice officials overseeing basically everything in the department. Ohr was a subordinate of theirs, but his actual job was as the “Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces Director.” If he was involved in the Page wiretap specifically, Nunes sure doesn’t provide the evidence to show that.

  91. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  92. Testicle Sweat4:23 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  93. Anonymous12:33 PM

    "What Browning worries about, instead, is a slow and quiet breakdown of American democracy — something more much like what you see in modern failed democracies like Turkey."

    31 plebiscites coming out against homosexual marriage:  overturned by court fiat.

    Tranny access to bathrooms used by little girls:  imposed on states by corporate blackmail.

    Trannies invading women's sports:  imposed by court fiat, mostly.

    The suffocating blanket of political correctness and "sensitivity":  coming from the left.

    BLM terrorists shutting down city centers, freeways, etc.:  coming from the left.

    US electoral map:  totally skewed by tens of millions of non-citizens, many of them illegal aliens, who are nevertheless counted for representation in Congress and disenfranchise citizens.

    There's hyper-polarization, all right.  And it's 100% your fault.

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