Wednesday, October 24, 2018

You've got mail. Just don't open it.

That old Gap Band song, You Dropped A Bomb On Me",  has been playing in my head  all day. Sadly, someone decided to get all literal with the song, and tried to drop some bombs on some prominent members of the democratic party. Or, as trump and his minions call them: The enemy. 

I don't mean to make light of what happened today. There was an assassination attempt on two former American presidents, a first lady, a former attorney general, and two congresswomen. That is some serious ass domestic terrorism right there. Throw in George Soros, and CNN and you pretty much have trump's enemies list covered.

I won't dwell too much on the obvious. Everyone with half of a brain knows that trump and his reckless rhetoric is responsible for this act of terror. We all saw it coming, and we all knew that it was just a matter of time. Frankly, I am sure that there will be more to come.

trump read from a script today about unity and coming together, but you just knew that he didn't mean it. He was reading that teleprompter like John Kelly was holding a gun to his head. It pained him to do it, because deep in his heart.....scratch that, he doesn't have one. He had to have known that his rhetoric and hate speech against his political opponents created whatever monster it takes to build homemade pipe bombs and try to kill people you disagree with politically. You could almost see him making the political calculation in his head.  How do I get this off the front page so that we can start talking about the terrorists coming with that migrant caravan again?

Over at FOX VIEWS and other right wing outlets, they are calling this a false flag operation. They are claiming that the dems did this to themselves to make it look like one of trump's white nationalist buddies did it. The scary thing is that there are millions of trump supporters right now in this country who actually believe that theory I just told you about. Let that sink in for a minute. 

"The full weight of our government is being deployed to conduct this investigation and bring those responsible for these despicable acts to justice. We will spare no resources or expense in this effort.”

Mr. President, they won't have to look far.



  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    False Flag Operation

  2. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Hateful president operation.

  3. LeonT9:01 PM

    Right wing terrorists lead by trump.

  4. Lone Star Democrat9:21 PM

    Beto 2020!

  5. Pussy Please9:21 PM

    Pussy Grabber Operation.

  6. Anonymous9:23 PM

    democrats getting desperate......

  7. Anonymous9:25 PM

  8. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Blacks projecting one’s own racist suppositions, (labeling whites -to include the President) as racist AND racist white supremist are twins.

    Both surrender object after object including oneself for power. What unites both while separating both? Conforming the soul to reality. The solution can only be found in knowledge, self-disciple, discernment, virtue and wisdom.

    Both men’s wishes ought to be subdued. How one might ask? No one can explain everything or ‘see through’ something. How can one see through a garden; everything is not a window. The point---the unmanifested world (invisible) is the ONLY transparent reality.

    Seeing through all things means not seeing at all.

  9. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Everyone with half a brain knows that an envelope with un-cancelled stamps and no other USPS ink on it was never sent through the mail.  And the so-called "bomb" is ridiculous.

    These "bombs" are the most incompetent of false-flag nonsense since 2016.  When Demonrats try to murder Republicans, they use rifles; when they fake attacks on their own, they use joke bombs.  "Pipe bombs" with no pipe?  You have to be pretty stupid to not even know what actual plumbing parts look like.

    Who buys such a joke at face value?  Someone who's not even up to halfwit level.

    Everyone with half of a brain knows that trump and his reckless rhetoric is responsible for this act of terror. We all saw it coming, and we all knew that it was just a matter of time.

    Qanon posted about false-flag crap to drive the news cycle ages ago.  Get with the program.  Oh, wait, I forgot that the chans are at least 30 IQ points above your comprehension level.  Hint, when your native country is literally part of the turd world you are in over your head in actual civilization.

    If only we could keep you and yours behind glass like a zoo exhibit, where you're not a danger to actual humans.  That is the only way you might be worth keeping around just for entertainment.  Unfortunately, when you're costing a million dollars a week in emergency medical care for shooting victims in Chicago alone and killing Utahn track runners because they found out you're a convicted sex offender and don't want to see you any more, you're far more trouble than you could EVER be worth.

  10. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Lolololol, QAnon.

    Anyone non-ironically quoting QAnon has no business commenting on other people’s intelligence.

    These trolls are something else ...

  11. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:53 PM

    We all knew that the Russian Trolls and the American-terrorist trolls would all be on this blog tonight with most of them posting as their favorite title,"Anonymous."
    And we weren't disappointed. They are here spreading their lies and threats. What else is new?

  12. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Honestly, if you think this is a pipe bomb you don't have the intelligence to be allowed to make any serious life decisions, let alone vote.

  13. As usual, the authoritarians project like an IMAX. A crime obviously done by a rightwinger is blamed, by the right wing, on the targets. The faithful believe the projection because it's convenient; everyone else sees yet more proof that they're the party of personal irresponsibility.

  14. Dear Anonymoids: After the midterms, Putin will have no more use for you. I recommend that you betray him before he betrays you.

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:26 PM

    FBI Arrests Leader, 2 Other Members of Violent California Neo-Nazi Gang

    After you read this article, you will laugh out loud when the trolls come here and declare that white nationalists are not violent.

  16. Anonymous10:40 PM

    “After you read this article, you will laugh out loud when the trolls come here and declare that white nationalists are not violent.”

    They’re just sweet, misunderstood young boys standing up for liberty and wholesomeness.


  17. This is what you can expect when the motherfucking president is a goddamn Alex "False Flag Forever" Jones fan.

    -Doug in Oakland


    -Doug in Oakland

  19. I am not sure. I thought that the reports about Kamala Harris' office in San Diego, the offices of the Union-Tribune and the offices of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz all proved to be false alarms.

    If it turned out to be the same guy who sent all three bombs to the Clintons, Obama and Soros, I say that we call him the MAGABOMBER.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous at 9:59 PM said...

    Honestly, if you think this is a pipe bomb you don't have the intelligence to be allowed to make any serious life decisions, let alone vote.

    Nice to hear from a terrorist. Yep. Nobody could make a pipe bomb like old Ted Kaczynski.

  21. Anonymous2:20 AM

    “This is what you can expect when the motherfucking president is a goddamn Alex ‘False Flag Forever’ Jones fan.”

    I’m waiting for the speech in which Trump announces that Obama can control the weather. Or that juice boxes are turning American children gay. Those are some Alex Jones classics.

    We probably won’t have to wait long. Trump has already said damn near every other insane thing there is to say.

  22. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Forget about the invisible ISIS members allegedly hidden amongst in the asylum-seekers caravan Trump is telling us to panic over. I’m going to have to say that Trump’s followers are a more pressing problem.

    I’ll happily take 7,000 broke Hondurans over delusional fucking rednecks with bombs.

  23. Anonymous5:52 AM

    When did bomb squads stop detonating suspicious packages?

    When did bomb squads allow "journalist" to handle suspicious packages?

    That's just two questions that should be answered first. Then there are dozens more after that.

    Try and answer the questions only. I know you hate Trump supporters and want them all to dies so don't bother with idle threats or insults. Just answer two simple questions.


  24. Anonymous5:55 AM

    -Trump’s followers are a more pressing problem.-

    So what's your solution to the problem?

  25. DeMarcus6:29 AM

    White boys are pussies and retards.

  26. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Mike Avenatti received a 50 megaton nuclear warhead in the mail. He put it under his bed for safe keeping.

  27. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Elizabeth Warren received 1/1024th of a bomb in the mail. She is keeping it to prove she's an Indian.

  28. Drumpf's minions have to be the dumbest, stoopidest, most disgusting/deplorable human filth ever created.

  29. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Classic false flag operation.

  30. Anonymous9:16 AM

    > Dear Anonymoids: After the midterms, Putin will have no more use for you.

    "Muh Russia!" is passé.  Try a new meme.  Oh, wait, NPCs can't meme.  You'll have to wait for your narrative to be updated so you know what to think this week.

    > A crime obviously done by a rightwinger is blamed, by the right wing, on the targets.

    Whereas a bomb disposal expert has this to say:

    "(THREAD) A few observations from a former bomb disposal officer (i.e. Me): 1. Proper pipe bombs don't have wires connected to both ends. That's dumb."

    "2. You can find timers / remote control receivers WAY smaller than whatever that white box is. A proper timer would best be stored inside the pipe, making it fully encapsulated. That thing is just silly looking."

    "3. Bottom Line: Whoever made that wanted it to be painfully obvious to anyone and everyone that it's a "bomb." This is nearly the same as a bundle of road flares wrapped together with an old-timey alarm clock ticking away."

    "4. "Hoax Devices" are FAR more common than real ones. In which case, we should ask ourselves what the motives of the "bomber" are and "who benefits?" Go ahead. Think deeply and critically."

    You can't follow that last because NPCs can only execute their programming.

    > After you read this article, you will laugh out loud when the trolls come here and declare that white nationalists are not violent.

    Let's see you spend a month in Englewood in Chicago and then come tell us about violence again.  (5 shot and killed so far this week.)

    > Nobody could make a pipe bomb like old Ted Kaczynski.

    His bombs weren't studies in laughable fakery; they actually blew up.

  31. Anonymous9:16 AM

  32. Anonymous9:20 AM

    > Drumpf's minions have to be the dumbest, stoopidest, most disgusting/deplorable human filth ever created.

    Democrats, to borrow a phrase, project like an IMAX.  They even steal phrases like "project like an IMAX" from truth-speakers they call "trolls", because they can't meme to save their lives.

  33. You have to be pretty stupid to not even know what actual plumbing parts look like.

    Who buys such a joke at face value? Someone who's not even up to halfwit level.

    Pot meet dumbfucker kettle.

    Whether there were actual bombs included is totally irrelevant. The aim was to strike fear in the recipients and, bomb or no bomb, it is still an act of terrorism you dumb son of a bitch! I cannot stress how fucking dumb you and yours are.

  34. Anonymous9:27 AM

    The aim of the fake bomb plot was to distract the President further and stretch his resources thin. Hence, the Democrats are trying to hurt the country.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:32 AM

    Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo tells us why it is so important to vote on November 6.

  36. Anonymous9:33 AM

    The aim of the fake bombs is to get the news cycle off of the invader column making its way through Mexico, which is really bad optics for "progressives".

    It's all "look, squirrel!"

  37. Politics: Whoever sent the pipe bombs to John Brennan and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz reportedly spelled their names wrong

    Solid proof that the perp(s) are stoopid fucking wingnuts....notoriously bad spellers. Check out tea party signage.

  38. Why didn't Jimmy Carter get a bomb?

  39. Mueller is about to drop another bomb in Drumpfuck, the pathological lying dumbfuck's, copious lap.

  40. Stoopid fucking wingnuts don't want to make a martyr out of Carter. He is already a major sore spot with the entire stoopid fucking wingnut party. He constantly reminds them, without ever mentioning himself or Rosalyn, just how scummy phony right wing kristians are.

  41. Someone set us up the bomb.

  42. Anonymous10:10 AM

    "Why didn't Jimmy Carter get a bomb?"

    ask Obama and Soros.

  43. Anonymous10:13 AM

  44. Fox & Friends’ Ainsley Earhardt panics after Brian Kilmeade points out bombs targeted Trump critics: ‘That’s all speculation’

    Kilmeade doesn't understand the use of the word speculation. Why does this not surprise anyone, ever?

  45. Anonymous10:16 AM

    The aim of Trump’s fake “scare-avan” lies is to get the news cycle off of his economic policies, which are really bad optics for everyone who isn’t rich.

    It's all "look, squirrel!"

  46. Anonymous10:22 AM

    The progressives cannot even stage a decent false flag operation. Not one of those "bombs" went off or reached the target. Who are they going to pin the tail on the donkey on???

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:32 AM

    Anonymous Said:
    "Let's see you spend a month in Englewood in Chicago and then come tell us about violence again. (5 shot and killed so far this week.)"

    Oh please, we are all tired of the anti-Chicago rhetoric. Chicago ranks 9th in homicides among the major American cities. New Orleans is one of the major cities with more homicides than Chicago. Please go pedal you poison somewhere else.

  48. "Oh please, we are all tired of the anti-Chicago rhetoric."

    Especially since I'm the only one here who lives in Chicago. I go to Englewood all the time and I've never seen a shooting. I get it, it's our turn because Barack lived here and we ran trump out of town like the whiny little bitch he is👍🏾

  49. Michael Dean Miller10:50 AM


    Go ahead and open it. You sent it.


  50. "Let's see you spend a month in Englewood in Chicago and then come tell us about violence again."

    Been there done that now what?

  51. Anonymous11:03 AM

    > New Orleans is one of the major cities with more homicides than Chicago.

    So you're saying the violence in New Orleans is from white supremacists?

    > Please go pedal you poison somewhere else.

    The word is "peddle", you philistine.  You pedal a bike.  You soft-pedal a piano.  You hit the gas pedal.  You peddle newspapers.

    > Been there done that now what?

    Count the ambulances taking the shooting victims to the ER.

  52. These "bombs" found in mailboxes yesterday?

    The model of clock used as a "timer" on them DOESN'T EVEN HAVE AN ALARM FUNCTION.

  53. Gamblert ASKA White Woman11:26 AM

    PilotX said...

    "Oh please, we are all tired of the anti-Chicago rhetoric."

    Especially since I'm the only one here who lives in Chicago. I go to Englewood all the time and I've never seen a shooting. I get it, it's our turn because Barack lived here and we ran trump out of town like the whiny little bitch he is👍🏾
    Way to go, PilotX! Give them back the truth. These days, the lies come at us so fast we need an umbrella to shield us from the splatter. The number of lies coming from the president and his disciples is just overwhelming.

  54. 2505 people shot in Chicago so far this year.

  55. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The Atlantic has a profile on one of the main figures who started the dismantling of democratic norms in this country, leading to the disaster of Trump:

    Newt Gingrich

    The Man Who Broke Politics

  56. And Anyfuckingmoose will soon remind us of all the bombs Obama sent to the Kremlin Annex after Putin got Drumpf installed. Of course the bombs never haoppened but making shit up is the right wing weapon of choice to cheat to win elections.

  57. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Apparently, Robert Deniro has received a suspicious mail package as well.



    So Georgia's cheating SOS is a fiscal disaster in sheep shit clothing.

  59. Me GYN ecologist Kelly may be out of her racist job at NBC. Aw shucky darn.


  60. Fact Checker Analysis
    Virginia lawmaker promises ‘honest truth’ in misleading ad

    Wouldn't you know the dumbfucker is a dumbfuckeriing wingnut dumbfucker?

  61. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Chicago October 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 36
    Shot & Wounded: 150
    Total Shot: 186
    Total Homicides: 41

  62. Lance Cockstrong4:20 PM

    Someone needs to send Butt Trumpet a dick enlarger, followed by a bomb.

  63. Lookee here- Drumpfuck must be running the Saudi gubmint, too-

    Saudis reportedly scrap coverup plan because Khashoggi 'body double' wore the wrong shoes

    Sounds like a Drumpfuckian Keystone Kops government operation.

    from CNBC


    Got their dirty little fingers in everybody's pie.

  65. the0clean0slate5:03 PM

    I'm a 6'3'' Chinese-American and find it odd that a black would criticize white right-wing losers for sending bombs (that never even went off) when blacks have caused more death and destruction in your own ghettos.

    See more at:

  66. MAGA!

    The Magabomber

    The FBI detonated the bomb sent to Soros. Isn't explosives shoved into a pipe the definition of a pipe bomb?

  67. If a darkie tried to send a bomb through the mail it would accidentally blow up in his/her face before they could even seal the envelope. LOL!

  68. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  69. The FBI detonated the bomb sent to Soros. Isn't explosives shoved into a pipe the definition of a pipe bomb?

    Too technical for stoopid fucking wingnuts, Flying Junior. Maybe if you had explained it to the tune of the Hokey Pokey, they might get it. With Drumpfuckians you really have to keep it simple.

  70. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Robert Mueller is going down, and HARD.  Bribery, extortion, felony violation of civil right and acting as an unregistered foreign agent, and it looks like conspiracy to commit murder may be on the table too.

    I get to watch all you "muh Russia!" bots have your heads asplode.

  71. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Hey, remember Royalty Marie Floyd?  The little black girl from Mississippi who was stabbed and then baked by her own grandmother?

    Of course you don't, because black lives only matter when it's politically convenient and blacks murdering their own children and grandchildren is just dirty laundry you want hidden.  But WE remember.

    New news is out:

    The kid was STILL BREATHING when Carolyn Jones shoved her in the oven.  And the child's mother says nothing to indicate she's angry or holds Jones to blame.

    Blacks. Are. Not. Human.

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      White man rapes and kills a 1year old baby. I guess baby rape is ok to you racist white assholes.


    2. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Another white man arrested for raping a baby. WTF is wrong with you assholes? And we're not human huh? Fuck you you baby rapist!

  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:19 PM

    the0clean0slate said...

    "I'm a 6'3'' Chinese-American and find it odd that......"

    Seems to me you start all of your posts with "I'm a 6'3" Chinese-American...." I wonder why. What's the deal here?

  73. Ocean's Eleven8:32 PM

    I'm a 6'3'' Japanese-American and find it odd that a white would criticize white right-wing losers for sending bombs (that never even went off) when whites have caused more death and destruction in your own trailer parks.

  74. Anonymous8:32 PM

    "Seems to me you start all of your posts with ‘I'm a 6'3" Chinese-American....’ I wonder why. What's the deal here?”

    The “deal” is that this white male racist troll seems to believe that his inane statements are somehow more credible or clever-sounding if he pretends they came from a woman or non-white person.

    They are not.

  75. Anonymous9:31 PM

    ANTIFA "joke" devices. This is how desperate the violent alt left is.

  76. Anonymous9:35 PM

    "The FBI detonated the bomb sent to Soros. Isn't explosives shoved into a pipe the definition of a pipe bomb?"

    Did they????? Bomb techs often use water cannons or a small explosive charge to disable a potential explosive device.

  77. Anonymous9:37 PM

    RAW: RCMP deploy water cannon at possible bomb

  78. Anonymous9:38 PM


  79. Fact of the Day10:01 PM

    White people have the worst BO.

  80. Go Red Sox!

  81. Kill white men, fuck white women11:36 PM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  82. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Antifa is to blame.

  83. An assassination attempt -- carried out with fake, joke bombs.

    I'll go through your archives here, but I'm assuming you didn't write a single word about the fake anthrax sent to Republicans.

    It only matters when your side are "victims." Bernie supporters literally shooting motherfuckers, but all y'all can babble about is some fat girl who died of a heart attack when some neo-Nazi drove his car into a crowd of people at 4 miles per hour.

    Bombs that were so dangerous that instead of getting the bomb squad in there, these potential victims are moving them onto the kitchen counter for the best lighting, and standing two feet away to take photos of them.

    JFC. ANYTHING y'all can do to blame something on Trump. Maxine Waters and your lot can go out there calling for violence, violence happens, but A doesn't equal B. But Trump calls CNN fake news, and this means he's solely responsible for Antifa liberal NPCs sending bombs to their liberal idols in order to own Blumpf.

    You people will never win power again until you wake the fuck up and exist in reality with the rest of us.

    Fake-ass hoax bombs. The only people in danger are you never-Trump morons whose hearts basically stop every time media breaks a fake story and tell you Blumpf is finished -- which he never is.

    All we do is win.

    I hated this orange fucker two years ago. Y'all have made me love Trump. I love defending him now. It gives us a sense of satisfaction to have his back against the low-IQ lunacy of you people. It really does.

    That's how entirely unhinged you people are. The only reason dead bodies aren't piled up on the right is because the left can't aim a fucking gun or swing a bike lock hard enough. Soyboys.

  84. Payback for two liars and seditionists, no doubt the first of many:

    "Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Thursday referred Julie Swetnick and her attorney Michael Avenatti to the Justice Department to be criminally investigated for making possible false statements during the confirmation process of now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh."

  85. Payback for two liars and seditionists, no doubt the first of many:

    Get in line. Kavernmouth, Sessions, Drumpf, Kushner, DeVos, and any other member of drumpf's cabinet and campaign have committed perjury and need to be indicted, charged, convicted and executed before we shit can all stoopid fucking wingnut pols. Then we will get America headed the right direction again without wingnut obfuscation, objections, obstructions and every ne will be happy except for stoopid fucking wingnuts and no one ever gave a shit about stoopid fucking wingnuts. Maybe Africa will take them as potential fondue meals for native campfires. Forget that. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are always bitter. That is why sharks won't touch them.

  86. Even if the bomb(s) don't detonate, it is still an act of terrorism. That is what stoopid fucking wingnuts can't get through to their heads shoved up their asses. It is still a federal crime just like Drumpfuck inciting riots and violence with his rhetoric.


    So the whooteemoo that killed these folks, tried to enter a predominately Black church minutes before.

    I’ve said this MANY times, I’m certain white folks are WELL represented in hell.

  88. Another whooteemoo with a “future flight” to hell:

  89. Anonymous9:42 AM

    'High probability' that two negro mass shootings in Chicago this week are related:

  90. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Kill white men, fuck white women said...
    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.
    11:36 PM

    Hate crime.....violent alt left

  91. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:09 AM

    Here Are 5 of the Worst Far-Right and White Supremacist Terrorist Attacks of Recent Years
    This problem is largely ignored.

  92. Anonymous10:52 AM

    23 black alleged members of Chicago Goonie Boss gang indicted in racketeering investigation:

  93. All democratic targets and now there's been an arrest.


    Watch the dumbfuck orange monster in the Kremlin Annex insult Black kids for free. This will go over like a lead balloon.

    Booker and Clapper latest bo,b intended targets.


    Moar wingnut war on women rears its ugl right wing Gargoyle ugly fucking head in Ewe Taw.

  96. Anonymous11:04 AM

    "Even if the bomb(s) don't detonate, it is still an act of terrorism."

    Unless it's a desperate Democrat trying to pin the "terrorist" label on MAGAmericans.  Then it's First Amendment protected political speech!

    Note that the "bombs" were inert and harmless, so nobody can get charged with sending hazardous substances through the mail.  Somebody had that angle covered.


    Stoopid fucking wingnut women need male Dems to make decisions for them because they have no clew what is good for them.


    Another Georgia voter suppression scandal brought to light.

  99. Anonymous11:16 AM

    If you are for Soros and Hillary Clinton,Obama and Merkel,YOU are the pervert because their goal is HUMAN CHILD TRAFFICKING and the FALL OF NATIONS!

  100. Anonymous11:28 AM

    False Flag Operation by top democratic/progressives.

  101. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:36 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "If you are for Soros and Hillary Clinton,Obama and Merkel,YOU are the pervert because their goal is HUMAN CHILD TRAFFICKING and the FALL OF NATIONS!"
    And you, my friend are stone-cold crazy. You need to see a shrink about your paranoia and you willingness to believe wild conspiracy garbage fed to you by Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, and the orange child with no brain.

  102. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Remember, one of the KEY elements to any False Flag Operation is to make a quick arrest(scapegoat).

  103. Anonymous11:46 AM

    "And you, my friend are stone-cold crazy. You need to see a shrink about your paranoia and you willingness to believe wild conspiracy garbage fed to you by Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, and the orange child with no brain."

    Easy there Gambler may get Russian brain freeze.....

  104. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Here's a pic of another one of the bombs:

  105. If you are for Soros and Hillary Clinton,Obama and Merkel,YOU are the pervert because their goal is HUMAN CHILD TRAFFICKING and the FALL OF NATIONS!

    Prove it pathological fucking liar!

  106. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Here's a pic of another one of the bombs:

    Dear shit fer brains, would it matter to you if someone shot you with a hollow point, spitzer, round nose or dum-dum or 30 extra quick follow up bullets? How about soft nose or FMJ?

    You don't get to see the bullet that kills you. Why worry what a bomb that is supposed to kill you looks like?


    Guys got a name and his van is covered with Drumpf stickers and right wing propaganda.

    False flag. False flag. Wolf....wolf....wolf....

  108. What really happened was HRC planted the stickers on the van and fingered Cesar Chavoc using Obama's time machine. HRC did a makeover on the guy made him look like a skin head almost.

  109. Dodge City is back in the voting suppression news again. Officials sent wrong polling information to new residents. Remember they just moved the polling place outside of town and Dodge City is aswarm with POC who work in the packing plants.

  110. Suspect's name is Cesar Sayoc, not Chavoc. My humblest apologies to all bomb recipients.

  111. And Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is not the victim of all this.


    Nothing racist about this wasicu wastey racist.


    I can't stress this enuf- he seemed nice.


    Who knew?


    Holy Fuckerino! This guy is another Drumpfucker.

  116. Anonymous2:02 PM

    only the 80 IQ/Mudshark Dullards would not be able to see the Fake Bomb/Maga lover hoax that this truly is. I can't wait till 11/6/18 to watch all of you commie idiots totally meltdown.

  117. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:25 PM

    According to "The Hill"
    Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection with the series of suspected explosive packages mailed to prominent Democrats this week.

    Multiple news organizations identified the suspect as Cesar Sayoc Jr., a man is in his 50s with an Aventura, Fla., address. He reportedly has a criminal history and ties to New York. He is a registered Republican with a criminal record that includes felony theft, drug and fraud charges dating back to 1991. Public records show he was also once arrested and accused of threatening to use a bomb.

  118. Isn't that a fucking kick in the pants. Turns out not only is he a hardcore liberal-hating Trumpie. He's also a Trump groupie like a little girl in love with one of the Monkees! Serious man crush. lolz

  119. Anonymous3:07 PM

  120. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Remember, watch out for those violent, dangerous leftists

  121. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:24 PM

    Anonymous Ocean's Eleven said...

    "..... find it odd that a white would criticize white right-wing losers for sending bombs (that never even went off) when whites have caused more death and destruction in your own trailer parks.

    I think you have fallen for the false notion that all white people like only other white people. Not true. My extended family is quite diverse; we have Blacks, Asians, and Latinos in our family, as well as whites. We get along fine, rejecting the concept of race as a divider of people.

    And BTW, I agree with you statement that "whites have caused more death and destruction..." One has only to look at the number of deaths from the first and second world wars to see that this is true.

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:30 PM

    Flying Junior said...

    "Isn't that a fucking kick in the pants. Turns out not only is he a hardcore liberal-hating Trumpie. He's also a Trump groupie like a little girl in love with one of the Monkees! Serious man crush. lolz"
    Didn't we all know that all along? There's no progressive in the world that would send a bomb, fake or not to President Obama. He is the most loved man in the entire world, and how Trump hates that.

  123. You are right about that!



    Apparently some serious trolls are lurking at The Field Negro.

    I got a notification yesterday from Googol that someone had tried to hack my blogspot account. I was told they had my password. I think it was someone in Viet Nam.

    1. Yisheng7:00 PM

      The troll that stalks me is half Vietnamese it was probably him.

      Of course if that little punk bitch had been banned 7 years ago......

  124. Sorry,

    It was hackers in Thailand and Brazil.

  125. Packages sent to Kamala Harris and Dem donor Steyer.

  126. 1. Sayoc has been accused of five federal crimes.

    Among the crimes he has been accused of is the Illegal mailing of explosives and threats to former presidents.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Even if the bomb(s) don't detonate, it is still an act of terrorism."

    Unless it's a desperate Democrat trying to pin the "terrorist" label on MAGAmericans. Then it's First Amendment protected political speech!

    Note that the "bombs" were inert and harmless, so nobody can get charged with sending hazardous substances through the mail. Somebody had that angle covered.

    Apparently not, Anymoose. False flag indeed. Sorry.


    The bombs were NOT hoaxes! That's gotta hurt.

  128. Tucker Fucker Carlson the Clewless.

    Wants to know how America got so divided we could suspect the other side of terrorism? Look in the proverbial mirror, bitch.

  129. Anonymous6:42 PM

    "Here's a pic of another one of the bombs:

    Dear shit fer brains, would it matter to you"

    Dear Mr. Projection, the "bombs" allegedly sent by Mr. Cesar Altieri Sayoc would have done exactly as much damage as the Pillsbury pizza crust container, electric screwdriver or whatever, kitchen timer and unconnected wire crudely lashed together with black electrical tape pictured here.

    As in, I would have split my sides from laughing so hard.

    "his van is covered with Drumpf stickers and right wing propaganda."

    His van is covered with BRAND NEW EXPENSIVE VINYL WRAPS.  Which not only haven't been weathered or vandalized, they don't even have any dirt on them.  Hmmm.

    "There's no progressive in the world that would send a bomb, fake or not to President Obama. He is the most loved man in the entire world"

    So "the most loved man in the entire world" couldn't even fill a high-school gymnasium the other day?  Whatever you're smoking, I WANT SOME!

    "The bombs were NOT hoaxes!"

    Says the FBI, which has run dozens of hoaxes according to the exact MO of this one.  The FBI has a long history of busting "terrorists" that it created and handed fake bombs to.  These people have no originality whatsoever.

    Just like you have no intelligence whatsoever.  You're both wondering why your tricks don't work anymore.

  130. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Classic false flag operation, complete with patsy and everything.


  131. Dear Mr. Projection, the "bombs" allegedly sent by Mr. Cesar Altieri Sayoc would have done exactly as much damage as the Pillsbury pizza crust container, electric screwdriver or whatever, kitchen timer and unconnected wire crudely lashed together with black electrical tape pictured here

    And you know this because you built them, right? You be one miserably dumb motherfucker, motherfucker.

  132. Classic false flag operation, complete with patsy and everything.

    Still living in Alternutz reality, Anymoose?

  133. Gotta tell you wasicu wastey wingnuts are more fun than a barrel of ivory apes. Not near as smart, though. Matter of fact, compared to them ivory apes you stoopid fucking wingnuts are pretty damn stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  134. Real false flag operations- anything to do with HRC being a crook and any claim that Soros money is behind anything.

  135. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:43 PM

    Anonymous said:
    "Just like you have no intelligence whatsoever. You're both wondering why your tricks don't work anymore."
    Thank you for the mild insult. LOL You make a lot of wild claims in your post, but I don't see much evidence to support your claims. Where did you get these delusions about reality?

    And BTW, why don't you use a screen name? Are you afraid? It's kinda difficult to take anyone seriously who posts as anonymous.

  136. "Classic false flag operation, complete with patsy and everything."

    The US political right is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Alex Jones.

    -Doug in Oakland

  137. Anonymous11:00 PM

    "And you know this because you built them, right?"

    I know this because I have an IQ above room temperature.

  138. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  139. JFC. The average IQ of this blog is lower than Somalia.

    Because, yea, former presidents and secretaries of state and billionaires always open their own mail. There's no security to ever check it.

    This shit isn't even worth the energy. Pure retardation.

  140. Anonymous5:29 PM

    "And BTW, why don't you use a screen name? Are you afraid? It's kinda difficult to take anyone seriously who posts as anonymous."

    and the difference is what between an anonymous post and a bullshit avatar screen name??
