Sunday, November 25, 2018

They have a lot to lose.

Roland Martin recently asked poor white people in Mississippi what they had to lose by voting for the democratic candidate. He was attempting to flip the script that trump uses on black folks by posing the same question to poor white people.

It's an interesting question, but it misses the point of why they (poor white people) don't vote for democratic candidates in the first place. There are a couple of reasons for that.

First, often times the democratic candidate is a person of color. ---That happens to be the case in Mississippi now--- Most of these people, regardless of what you hear from the main stream media, are just flat out racist, and there is no way in hell they are going to vote for a black man to be dog catcher let alone their senator. The Negro cannot represent them because he or she is not worthy. It must be someone who looks like they do, and  who"shares their values". It was racism not "economic anxiety" that drove all those poor white people to vote for trump.

Which leads me to the other reason. The republican candidates are smart enough to play on the racial fears and prejudices of these poor whites. (See Donald trump). They understand that these people would rather stay poor and uneducated than to change their way of life or thinking.  It works every time. Just promise them their god and guns, and they will do without proper health care, better paying jobs, or a proper education for their children.

When you ask these people what they have to lose they are thinking that they do in fact have a lot to lose. They are thinking that the power that comes from being white is more valuable than money and a  better quality of life for themselves and their families. So what, the thinking goes, if I am poor ; at least the people in charge and with power look like I do. That has to count for something.

This is why, even though we can objectively say that she is a racist, Cindy Hyde-Smith will more than likely be the next senator from Mississippi. All those poor white people down in Mississippi will not vote for  a black man to be their senator.

Vanity Fair posted an article recently and wanted to know if Smith is too racist, even for Mississippi. The answer to that question would be no. And every poor white person in Mississippi knows it.


  1. Lance Cockstrong6:51 PM

    White people are inherently racist. White boys especially so since their dicks are tiny, whereas white bitches can at least escape into the arms of a well endowed black man.

  2. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  3. Anonymous7:52 PM


    Last Wednesday President Trump endorsed bipartisan bill H.R. 5682, known as the "First Step; which changes mandatory minimum sentencing laws.

    Trump 2020!

  4. Anonymous7:53 PM

    President Donald Trump hailed the first major rewrite of the nation's criminal justice sentencing laws in a generation. Lawmakers reached agreement this week on the bipartisan First Step Act, but it still needs to be voted on by Congress. (Nov. 14) AP

  5. Bloviating Ignoramus8:03 PM

    I agree with Lance. Butt Trumpet's tiny pecker affects his retarded brain. The dumb faggot is married to a whore after all. His supporters all deserve to be sodomized with rusty crow bars.

  6. Dave Zirin = faggot kike8:11 PM

    White people in general, not just Trump supporters, are the dregs of society. Their food sucks ass, too.

  7. Racism is all they have in the Republican party, so of course they will exploit it wherever and whenever they can.

    Everyone hates their policies, and enacting policies is what they are elected to do, so they have to find things like racism that will gin up their base to the point where they forget how badly they are being buggered and vote for the buggerers anyway, and in this case since she is already a senator in the majority party, in mid-bugger.

    They are playing with fire, though, and the dangers of narrowing the focus of their propaganda addicted electorate are starting to show: Recent reports have noted some "unexplained" disillusionment among certain segments of Fergus' hard-core base.

    Unexplained, my ass: those MAGAts and Pig People woke up to the news that Fergus was siding with brown people in Khashoggi's killing, and even though there weren't really any white people to side with there, they still couldn't reconcile their obligatory hatred of brown people with Fergus' obvious affection for the Saudis, and MBS in particular.

    Occupational hazard of filling your party with imbeciles and bigots, and we told you so when you invited them in after they fled our party because we enacted civil rights legislation.

    But listening to advice or learning from mistakes are not in the skillset of the modern Republican, so this shit is likely to keep repeating until it stops working for them.

    We are now engaged in a campaign to make that happen, and the results of this month's election are the first tangible results of that campaign.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Mississippi has one of the largest black populations in the country. It is also one of the shittiest, fattest, and least educated states in America. Coincidence? I think not.

  9. Anonymous9:40 PM

    More bullshit from the Russian troll farm.

  10. So the "Camp Fire" has been declared 100% contained, with 85 confirmed dead so far and 249 still listed as missing.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  12. Anonymous10:10 PM

    This Blog has sunk to a all time low so sad!

  13. Piss colored money10:14 PM

    Mississippi has one of the largest poor white populations in the country and run by Republicans. It is also one of the shittiest, fattest, and least educated states in America. Coincidence? I think not.

  14. Anonymous10:18 PM

    "Mississippi has one of the largest poor white populations in the country and run by Republicans."

    MS used to be solid Democrat, as in they'd vote for a yellow dog before they'd vote for a Republican.

    What could POSSIBLY have changed that?  The Democrats becoming the party of their racial and cultural enemies?  Nah, couldn't be!

  15. We're Chinese-American lovers. Fuck BLM, and fuck Field Negro and all the dumbass blacks who post here.

  16. The Sip STILL has the confederate flag on its state flag. They have more issues to work on before they start worrying about senators😖

  17. Anonymous2:30 AM

    "When you ask these people what they have to lose they are thinking that they do in fact have a lot to lose. They are thinking that the power that comes from being white is more valuable than money and a better quality of life for themselves and their families. So what, the thinking goes, if I am poor , at least the people in charge and with power look like I do. That has to count for something."

    It's not just that, though. They aren't voting for Republicans only for the cozy feeling that comes from politicians looking like them.

    They have been conned into believing that non-white Americans are somehow actually causing their poverty. Many of them think Republicans are really addressing their poverty by trying to block immigration. If only the country is made whiter, economic prosperity for them will surely follow.

    Aditionally, Trump is stirring up ye olde racial fears of violence. Despite rates of crime having fallen to 1960s levels, Trump has fearmongered about MS-13 and "illegals" raping and murdering without limit, ISIS sleeper agents streaming over the border, etc.

    Stirring up fear and targeting scapegoats taps into irrational, emotional areas of some white voters' brains, and makes it harder to focus their attention on more realistic concerns like workers' rights or healthcare policy. I've personally seen some well-educated people -- with PhDs, even -- freaking out about Trump's manufactured migrant caravan "crisis" on the Mexican border, so I can only imagine the effect on less well-educated people, who have fewer critical thinking skills to apply in processing such inflammatory scare stories.

  18. Anonymous6:40 AM

    The odd thing about the minds of white men is that they are full of depravity and mediocrity. What a stupid race of men.

  19. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Many of them think Republicans are really addressing their poverty by trying to block immigration.

    Meatpacking used to be a unionized occupation whose workers were firmly middle-class Americans.

    Meatpacking is now mostly a minimum-wage occupation sited in the hinterlands.  When E-Verify made it difficult to hire illegals, corporations turned to "refugees" for their low-wage labor.  All alien in language, culture and appearance.  All very much not-American.

    Americans aren't stupid.  They're not buying your lies.  They can see that immigration is about rendering them unemployable, bankrupt and homeless, and they want none of it.  They also know that's why YOU want it.

  20. Mississippi- Overall Rank
    Out of 50


    Health Care










    Crime & Corrections


    Fiscal Stability


    Quality of Life


    Mississippi is the shitholist of the Red state shitholes.

  21. Quality of life ranking directly reflects on the ignorance of the population. They've never had it so bad and they love it. Typical inbred wingnuts.

  22. "They also know that's why YOU want it."

    Leadership starts at the top. How many Americans are employed at trump establishments? He employs foreigners at Mara Largo. As they say, you first. His hats and ties are made overseas as are Ivanka's.
    Oh yeah, GM to lay off up to 15% of its workforce. MAGA 😖

    1. We also know which party actively opposes unions.

  23. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Mississippi- Overall Rank
    Out of 50


    This is what happens when your state is full of low-IQ, high time preference, violent savages.  They hold everything and everyone else down.

    Where you have Africans, there you have Africa.

  24. Anonymous12:40 PM

    The south is vehemently racist trash,an thats everywhere south of the Canadian border!!

  25. When Smokey swings, Drumpf forgets everything
    When Smokey swings, Drumpf's bells start to ring

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. A cartoon bear is smarter than the stable genius.

  26. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "Leadership starts at the top. How many Americans are employed at trump establishments? He employs foreigners at Mara Largo. As they say, you first. His hats and ties are made overseas as are Ivanka's.
    Oh yeah, GM to lay off up to 15% of its workforce. MAGA 😖"

    MAGA, indeed. Trump's dumb steel tariffs really helping the white workin' man, there.

    Maybe we should also talk to the white soybean farmers who've been screwed since Trump's dumb tariffs made people not want to buy their crops.

    Anyone tired of all the "winning" yet?

  27. Drumpf illegally uses tear gas lobbing it over the border into Mexico to disperse asylum seekers who have the right to enter America and seek asylum? Last time I checked, Mexico was a sovereign nation we don't have a right to use for target practice.

  28. StillaPanther21:06 PM

    Pres T bill for penal reform only AFFECT FEDERAL PRISIONERS. LESS THAN 5 PERCENT OF PRISIONERS IN USA is FEDERAL. Most of these 5% is not people of color.

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:25 PM

    Right Wing Violence on the Rise

    November 26, 2018 at 7:58 am EST By Taegan Goddard 73 Comments

    “Over the past decade, attackers motivated by right-wing political ideologies have committed dozens of shootings, bombings and other acts of violence, far more than any other category of domestic extremist,” according to a Washington Post analysis of data on global terrorism.

    “While the data show a decades-long drop-off in violence by left-wing groups, violence by white supremacists and other far-right attackers has been on the rise since Barack Obama’s presidency — and has surged since President Trump took office.”

    Please, no more bull about "left wing violence" from trolls posting here.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:29 PM

    Anonymous Lance Cockstrong said...

    "White people are inherently racist."

    Ah, Lance, that's unfair. People have to be taught to be racist. Please don't paint everyone with the same broad brush!

  31. Retired Justice JPStevens reitertes three of the worst court rulings in his tenure, all in wingnuts favor and all were no-brainer deplorable.

    Giving individuals the right to own guns in Heller decision. Giving Korporations individual rights and unlimited campaign cash in Citizens United and giving dumbass dubya the potus job in dumbass dubya v Gore.

  32. Comey wants public hearings. Wingnuts want closed door meetings so they can selectively leak false info like they always do. Howdy Gowdy suggested videotaping as a comopromise except wingnuts excel at selectively editing videotapes to spread false info.

    Comey should get his public hearing so the truth gets out. But stoopid fucking wingnuts won't allow that. They can't afford truth to be the narrative.

  33. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Funny how the resident idiot on here can claim to see sovereignty for Mexico but disavows America's right for such. And as usual, you are incorrect, these INVADERS do not have the right to pick and choose what country to seek FREE SHIT in. Damn you commies are dumb....


    Hyde-Smith is a Wasicu Supremacyst of the infected kind, says white, female Rhodes Scholar.

  35. Anonymous1:51 PM

    "Giving individuals the right to own guns in Heller decision. Giving Korporations individual rights and unlimited campaign cash in Citizens United and giving dumbass dubya the potus job in dumbass dubya v Gore."

    Also, Shelby County v. Holder, which gutted the Voting Rights Act because "Southerners aren't racist anymore," and Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., which ludicrously decided that a religious business owner's civil rights are being violated if he can't force his religion onto his employees. (We'll see whether wingnuts still like this decision after Muslim business owners start punishing their employees for spending their wages on pork products and alcoholic beverages.)

    Those were terrible recent rulings, too, but I think they came after Stevens had already retired from the Supreme Court.

  36. And as usual, you are incorrect, these INVADERS do not have the right to pick and choose what country to seek FREE SHIT in. Damn you commies are dumb...Speaking of being stoopid, you are.

    Asylum seekers do not have to seek asylum in Mexico because it is not considered a safe third country. America is about to lose its status as a safe third country, as well because of Drumpf's illegal policies of denying asylum seekers the right to enter and apply for asylum. Instead he is either refusing entry of confining them with the illegal threat of returning them to dangerous countries they came from. Mexico is even worse. And you stoopid fucking wingnuts are worst of all- shit fer brains.

  37. Anonymous1:59 PM

    " Funny how the resident idiot on here can claim to see sovereignty for Mexico but disavows America's right for such. And as usual, you are incorrect, these INVADERS do not have the right to pick and choose what country to seek FREE SHIT in. Damn you commies are dumb...."

    The U.S. "sovereignly" signed up to an asylum treaty, which places certain obligations on our country to honor and evaluate requests from asylum-seekers who show up at our borders. This is, in effect, THE LAW.

    Trump, however, does not have "sovereignty" over the United States. He cannot simply rip up any treaties he does not like. The job of president entails enforcing the law, not rewriting it as he sees fit. Trump is not a dictator, even if he and his mindless followers wish he were.

    If Republicans want out of that treaty, they will have to win control of Congress and repeal our membership of it. That's how laws work.


    The whoppers keep getting bigger. Stoopid fucking wingnuts, this pathological lying POS is all yours. You own every stinking molecule of this fucking orange joke.

  39. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Why would these people want to come to a country that is run by the second coming of Hitler? Why would they want to live in a country where every minute of everyday is filled with White, Evil, Racists enslaving, abusing and killing all non whites 24/7? Is it not known that evil white America kills millions and millions of non white citizens every day as is written in the Constitution to do so? Why aren't they trying to get to Haiti or Africa where there are no Evil, murderous white folks and white racist laws? would they not be happier in those egalitarian Utopias?


    Black man with gun killed by cops- his fault. What happens had the black guy been a good guy with a gun? Coops shoot him. His fault. White privilege would save the lives of any honkys in similar situations. We know they run from live fire even when armed, but coops aren't likely to shoot them and then blame them.

  41. Oprah's Mother dead at 83. GWSTCA.

  42. Anonymous2:26 PM

    New Nation News.....Nuff Said.

  43. Anonymous said. @ 2:23 PM why not climb off yer racist high horse and ask them why they come? I doubt many will say because George Soros paid them.

  44. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Mike I Owe Ya....If stupidity were money, Jeff Bezos would envy your dumb commie ass.

  45. "Maybe we should also talk to the white soybean farmers who've been screwed since Trump's dumb tariffs made people not want to buy their crops."

    That's hitting Illinois hard because that's our #1 crop. We used to be the soybean capital of the world. Now Brasil and others are supplying China and once those supply chains are established they'll never come back to us out of spite and strategic logic.


  47. Anymoose, keep yer money. Yer problem is you overanalyze stuff:
    Black bad, whitey good. So much simpler to admit you are an idiot and leave it there.

  48. I'm a beautiful Chinese-American woman (redundant, I know), and I just have to laugh at all these bitter black women. Hey bitches, men don't want you because most men don't want women who carry themselves like dumbass gorillas. Your own men usually don't even want you; they are too busy getting boners over some bland white skank. Blacks are a laugh riot. Your BO is unbearable too.

    1. Girdleofstupidity4:48 PM

      Nah, you're a goofy teenaged white boy with a microweenie who has no life and spends his time trolling negro sites. Sad.

  49. No you're not. You are a bot.

  50. anon@2:22: Because people like me live here. Lots and lots of us. A majority, in fact. And we will prevail, and they know that.

    -Doug in Oakland

  51. Love scratching my asshole4:06 PM

    All these stale white people who are mentally and culturally stuck in the 1860's are almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.

  52. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration concluded in 1996 “that exposure to OC spray during training constituted an unacceptable health risk” for police officers and that some officers reported related injuries that lasted more than a week, including chest pain, loss of consciousness, and acute eye pain.

    Fake Noize guest sez you can eat it on nachos. It might kill you, but you won't be trying t gain asylum in slum lord 's America, would you?

  53. 38% of stoopid fucking wingnuts approve of Drumpf.

    54% of smart people hate his guts according to the latest poll.

  54. It's 'da rasis' again!7:09 PM

    Field Negro needs to renounce his US citizenship and head out to Liberia. Or maybe Haiti. But he won't because he is another whining 'n111gger' with nothing to contribute to American society. It's clear education was wasted on him. FN is no Frederick Douglas or a Booker T Washington.

  55. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:47 PM

    Anonymous It's 'da rasis' again! said...

    "Field Negro needs to renounce his US citizenship and head out to Liberia. Or maybe Haiti. But he won't because he is another whining 'n111gger' with nothing to contribute to American society. It's clear education was wasted on him. FN is no Frederick Douglas or a Booker T Washington."

    I disagree. All racists, white nationalists, Nazis, and whatever you call your selves should pool your money and buy an island somewhere. Make it for whites only and leave us normal people alone. Needless to say, we will not come there.

  57. Fact of the Day8:39 PM

    White men are the epitome of mediocrity.

  58. "Field Negro needs to renounce his US citizenship and head out to Liberia. Or maybe Haiti."

    Field probably has Jamaican citizenship or do you specifically need Liberia or Haiti for some weird reason?

  59. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Granny Mudshark believe me, you and these 80IQ outdated farm equipment types are not normal people.

  60. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Dominique C. Swopes....Nuff Said.

  61. Disrespectful ass peckerwood11:14 PM

    Granny Mudshark believe me, you and these 80IQ outdated farm equipment types are not normal people.
    Pussy ass anon who hides behind his keyboard is definitely a low IQ hillbilly. Watch who you insult ya inbred sisterfucker.

  62. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Felecia Beemer........nuff said

  63. Racist troll11:19 PM

    geez white couple rapes their own daughter. Just sick.

  64. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Mueller is revoking Paul Manafort's plea deal, on account of Manafort is a big old liar who only pretended to cooperate with Mueller's investigation, and asking the judge to throw him down a deep dark hole forever.

    Manafort must be convinced Trump will pardon him, because if not, he's gonna regret not ratting Trump out.


  65. Eugene Gu, MD
    ‏Verified account @eugenegu

    We have an outbreak of E. Coli O157:H7 which makes you vomit blood, have bloody diarrhea, and even pee blood as you lose your kidneys. It’s all because Trump overturned Obama-era rules to test our farm water. Farmers save $12 million so that we pay $108 million in medical costs.

    -Doug in Oakland

  66. What have blacks "contributed" to society besides crime and shitty music?

  67. peter, you might be a part of black "contribution" to society. Did u check your bloodline? ☺

  68. Three moar troops gave it up for the glory of Drumpf in Afghanistan. They had moar to lose and lost moar than stoopid fucking racist wingnuts.

    One was killed last week, as well. And Drumpf continues to lie about everything in sight. My, my, my!

  69. Doug we have an outbreak of food borne illness every week because stoopid fucking wingnuts under dumbass dubya decided we didn't need in plant, pro-active food inspectors. It cost korporate america too much money to throw infected products away. It was easier to allow shipments and then protect korporations from lawsuits from sick people.


    Border Patrol Agent caused 8 million dollar fire in Arizona last year. Blame the gun.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:38 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    " Granny Mudshark believe me, you and these 80IQ outdated farm equipment types are not normal people."
    Well, Honey, I may not be normal by your standards, but I bet you I'm a lot happier than you are. All that hate you have for people with a different skin color must be eating you up inside. Don't ya know, we are all God's children?

  72. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Cindy Hyde-Smith is the geriatric pin-up girl for MAGA-STAN in general.

    You can just imagine her in a bikini, with an AR-15 in one hand, a MAGA hat cocked on her head, posing in front of a trailer park somewhere deep in heart of MAGA-STAN.

    MAGA Babes Rule!


  73. Anonymous11:05 AM

    > Cindy Hyde-Smith is the geriatric pin-up girl for MAGA-STAN in general.

    This, from the people who think naked obese women with cards covering their naughty bits with the caption "GRAB THEM BY THE BALLOT" is a potent meme.

    You are beyond pathetic.


    Hyde-Smith is thee pinup trailer trash for wasicu wastey racists and suckpremacists and is uglier than 9 miles of rough road and even uglier inside.


    If they hjad hung this SOB's great grandpappy when he was robbing bancks as part of the James-Younger gang, the rest of them might not have been so peachy keen of continuing their bank/train robbery careers.


    This is getting fun. Wiki leaks bet some news agency a million bucks that Manafort and Assange never met and Manafort has already admitted they met. But Manafort may not have bothered to tell the FBI about the meetings. This makes 18 gazillion Drumpf campaign staff that had clandestine meetings to interfere in election.

    GM job losers are blaming GM for their jobs being lost. GM warned about this when Drumpf dumped tariffs on steel and alum, plus some of the Chevy cars were not selling and are discontinued.


    Milk em while you got 'em, whitey.

  78. Anonymous12:30 PM

    "This is getting fun. Wiki leaks bet some news agency a million bucks that Manafort and Assange never met and Manafort has already admitted they met. But Manafort may not have bothered to tell the FBI about the meetings. This makes 18 gazillion Drumpf campaign staff that had clandestine meetings to interfere in election."

    Huh. So Trump's campaign manager met numerous times with the guy who released Russia's hacked emails ... before they were released. Why, it's all a bit collusion-y, wouldn't you say?

    ♫ It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ♫


    Drumpf- climate change is fake news except when it comes to his property in Scotland.


    Bradford was legally licensed to carry a gun in Alabama and according to witnesses, did not pull his gun out and coops shot him anyway and basically lied about the reasons they shot him.

  81. Cops got one legal gun off the streets and probably erased one minority voiter from Whitey's voter suppression rolls. Not bad for a Thanksgiving in racist Alabama.


    Not an ounce of conceit in this guy's family. He has every last disgusting drop of it.


    GM warned you Magat fucking putas.

  84. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Trump is helping his dictator buddy out again. It's so nice how he is taking the side of a foreign thug over his own intelligence services.

    White House prevents Gina Haspel from briefing Senate on Khashoggi murder

  85. Anonymous2:12 PM

    The only thing dumber than Mike I Owe Ya is... The Huff Post. Don't you commie parasites ever do any real analysis?

  86. Manafort is in a heap of trouble, and Fergus may not pardon him if he thinks there'll be a political cost to doing so.
    So Randy Rainbow may end up being right about Manafort when he said "He'll probly rot in jail."

    -Doug in Oakland

  87. 2nd Fact of the Day4:20 PM

    White people and their food are bland af.

  88. Black Medicine4:31 PM

    The white race is a disease.

  89. The only ones dumber than mike from iowa are every single stoopid fucking white racist ever bors or ever will be born.

    Drumpf claims he has insider knowledge of Mueller's investigation. It appears Manafort was taking info from Mueller and feeding Drumpf's answers on questions written by Mueller and that info may have been a set up to get Drumpf to lie.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, stoopid fucking anymoose!

  90. Drumpf basically tells Customs spokesman he is a liar and claims three agents were seriously injured at border incident, after the report was no one on either side was seriously hurt. Drumpf making up moar shit. Orange fake news fucker.


    It is awful hard for the one and original blonde bimbo in the kremlin annex to follow the rules. She's a drumpfuck dumbfuck. That could explain a lot of it.

  92. What kids are taught in conservative arts schools-

  93. DeMarcus8:35 PM

    Hey white people: You suck ass.

  94. Hey black men: You're gross.

  95. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Hey Katelyn: no one care what your stank ass thinks.

  96. Lt. Commander Johnson10:00 PM

    You people don't know shit about Mississippi, especially you, field.

    I was born in MS, lived here all my life.

    I won't bother to interject comments with some of the inane comments made here. I don't like Hyde-Smith either, but she beats the crap out of the proven crook and tax-evading Espy.

  97. Lt. Commander Johnson10:03 PM

    Sounds like Espy is a piece of burnt toast, BTW.

  98. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Hey, Katelyn: You’re a white dude.

  99. Lt. Commander Johnson11:08 PM

    Yuk, yuk...with an overwhelming majority in the Senate now, the likelihood of Trump, (or a Republican), being the next President, the removal of Ginsburg and Breyer from SCOTUS, you Dems are screwed for the next two decades.

    Thanks, Hillary!

  100. Commandered Queenie- I'm still waiting for your insightful comment on Jessica Chambers murder still being unsolved. Strike two on no Eric. Are we going for strike three?

    As for Southern South Dakota racists electing a snowflake racist dumb bitch, what a fucking surprise. It isn't as knock against Espy so much as a condemnation of stoopid fucking racist whiteys voting for another of their own. Thank wasicu kristian devils you wasicu kristian devils can suppress minority votes or you'd be laughing out the other side of your two faced mouths. Your scumator elect said she approves of suppressing black votes. Can't win without cheating, can you?

  101. Drumpf's disapproval jumped from 54 to 60% this week. Must be doing something right.

    Moar white privilege on display-

    This guy has committed so many felonies, if he was Black or Hispanic he would be behind bars for life plus about 6 more life terms. Yet heha barely seen the inside of a jail and people keep making phony excuses for him.

  102. Lt. Commander Johnson11:19 AM

    As far as Tellis goes, looks like he got away with the murder of Chambers. Too bad.

    Hopefully, Louisiana will get him when he goes on trial for another murder he committed there.

    There is your comment.

  103. Lt. Commander Johnson11:25 AM

    Tellis is still going to "get his", one way or another:

  104. You just can't man up and admit you might have been too eager to convict Tellis of a crime he didn't commit.

    Someone like Zipperfuckerman will settle his hash for being innocent and claim his life was in danger.

  105. Whadda fucking surprise-

  106. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  107. Lt. Commander Johnson3:10 PM

    Hey "mikeie from Iowa", you want me to man-up about Tellis? Tellis is guilty as hell. It all came down to s stupid white girl's final word to a "emergency responders" word on what she said, after she was burnt to a crisp....any idea what that does to your lungs, mouth, espohagus?

    Tellis is bad news. You should "man-up" and admit that.

  108. Lt. Commander Johnson3:39 PM

    OK. Hopefully, this will be my last comment on Chambers/Tellis.

    The only reason I ever inserted a comment on this blog about Chambers horrific death, is because I noticed field, and all you negro posters had ignored it. If it had been a white man accused of burning to death a black girl, you folks would have been all over it, screaming for "justice". It has never made "national news". I don't think you had even heard about it, until I mentioned it.

    Two mistrials do not make a defendant innocent. I guess it's just a coincidence he stll has to stand trial for another horrific murder of a woman in LA.

    I would suggest MS send this deviant to Louisiana, and then let the chips fall where they may.

  109. Anonymous9:12 AM

    never vote for negros is a good rule of thumb. negros are a scourge and a blight...they are bad for society.
