Sunday, November 18, 2018

Turkey week.

Thanksgiving Turkey

As the actual turkey day approaches, I would like to take a look at the ten biggest turkeys in America as I write this post.

Here they are, and they are not necessarily in order of importance. They are all equal turkeys in my book.

1. Mitch McConnell: This guy looks more like a turtle than a turkey, but he earns a place on our top turkey list because of his refusal to bring a bill to the senate floor that would protect Bob Mueller.

2. Cindy Hyde-Smith: This turkey is running for a Mississippi senate seat and she is making jokes about lynchings. Seriously?!

3. Louis Kemp: This turkey is a county commissioner in Kansas, and he has no problems telling black folks that he is a member of the master race

4. Sarah Huckabee Sanders: This turkey in the White House will need not need pardoning this Thanksgiving. Her neck is safe, because she lies almost as much as the president.

5. Donald trump: He could be on this list for so many reasons. Today he is on it for his ridiculous statement about climate change and his lie that he talked to the Finnish president about it. 

6. Bernie Sanders: Making excuses for racists makes you a turkey this week. 

7. Baraboo School District:  Raising a new generation of racists in your school gets you turkey         status in my book.

8. Mark Zuckerberg: Pretending he didn't know all the nefarious crap going on at facebook gets him turkey mentions.

9. Mike Pence: This guy is a turkey every day of the year,

10. Brian Kemp  Overseeing an election you are in and making it hard for the other guy to get elected is a serious turkey move.


  1. I tend to like turkeys better than the turkeys on your list. "Turkey" used to be what we called a bad race bike back when I raced motorcycles, and my dad liked it as a put-down so much that he named one of his dogs "Turk" because of it.

    Maybe Fergus should pardon one to warm up for all of the pardoning he's gonna have to do starting next week...

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Crazy9:41 PM

    Wow, what a strange, scary world Field lives in. Every story, every day, concerning everyone, is exclusively and completely about racism.

  3. Ctrl+Halt+Del10:23 PM

    Neuropeons Affirmative Action

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Anonymous Crazy said...

    Wow, what a strange, scary world Field lives in. Every story, every day, concerning everyone, is exclusively and completely about racism.

    Welcome back to reality, Dude. White privilege pares you having to deal with racism every day, unless you perpetrate it.

    Anyone notice how stoopid fucking wingnuts have seemed to have dropped the alternate facts bullshit...finally?

    White house turkeys this year come from South Dakota and have been taught how to act and behave around people because they are headed for a petting zoo. Would that it were Drumpfuck the Incorrigible and his minions getting taught manners in a crowd.

  6. Anonymous8:53 AM

    The irony is that the Baraboo school district didn't "raise racists".

    Field and all his comrades-in-race-baiting did.  You kept telling those white kids, who'd done nothing to anyone, that they were guilty of racism and had to atone for it for the rest of their lives.  And guess what?  THEY STOOD UP FOR THEMSELVES AND TOLD YOU TO GET LOST!

    Maybe Baraboo should rename itself BFYTW, before several states beat it to the punch.

  7. Kansas Guv-elect says Kemp must resign his position. I hope he meant Georgia's thief in charge as well.

  8. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Brenda Snipes, Michelle Obongo, Jemelle Hill, Keith Ellison, Don Lemmon, Joy Reid, Michael Eric Dyson...Etc. Etc. The list of Black Racist Commies goes on and on.

  9. Insane10:02 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    White privilege pares you having to deal with racism every day, unless you perpetrate it.

    I’ll pass on “examining” the privilege of being a white man living in a country that was founded for and by white people and was supermajority white for most of its existence.

    A majority always has some advantage in a society built for that majority. That is as natural and unchangeable as any aspect of human society.

    No other country goes to lengths America does to try to counter this immutable fact of life.

    Do Chinese have "Asian privilege" in China? Do Yoruba have "African privilege" in Nigeria? They sure do, and if you go there they are not going to allow you live by your own rules.

    Blacks have been given a built-in excuse for everything. Any standard of behavior they fail to conform to - academic achievement, professional competence, obeying the law - is due to not to any actions of their own, but to the magic of white racism. Now that's some real privilege.

  10. Brenda Snipes has sent in her resignation. Drumpf should be next followed by all stoopid fucking wingnut pols that ever disgraced the Halls of Cobngress. That would be all of them.

  11. A majority always has some advantage in a society built for that majority. That is as natural and unchangeable as any aspect of human society.

    But, but whitey ain't a super majority, not even a majority in their own country. Times have changed and whitey ain';t gonna save whitey';s ass by passing racist laws and shit. They have done that from the beginning and kept the rabble at bay- even white women until the 1970's. You are a relic soon to be relegated to the dust bin of history while you whine and cry it isn't fair to treat white privilege like regular people.

  12. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Anonymous Crazy said...

    ""Wow, what a strange, scary world Field lives in. Every story, every day, concerning everyone, is exclusively and completely about racism.

    You must be a white person with no clue. Otherwise you would understand.

  13. "But, but whitey ain't a super majority, not even a majority in their own country. Times have changed and whitey ain';t gonna save whitey';s ass by passing racist laws and shit."

    Whites still are a supermajority in America.

    The only racist laws we have are those that provide special benefits for non-whites. Perhaps you can cite a law that that singles out whites for special treatment. And laws that apply equally to everyone don't meet that criteria. So don't try this:

    Paying for your subway ticket = "racist law"

    Paying for your meal = "racist law"

    Behaving in class = "racist law"

    Complying with an arresting officer = "racist law"

    Producing basic documentation that show you can vote = "racist law"

  14. Paranoia10:31 AM

    "You must be a white person with no clue. Otherwise you would understand."

    I understand.


    Drumpfuck racist judge set for approval by wingnuts unless Flake keeps his vow and refuses to vote without a wingnut deal to protect Mueller.

    Appointing racist wasicu pigs with a proven track record of surgically removing Blacks from North Carolina voteing rolls makes Drumpf and everyone who votes for the racist a racist. The shoe fits wear it prowdly, racist sick fuckes.

  16. The only racist laws we have are those that provide special benefits for non-whites. Like equal protection under the law? Not even close. Like allowing Gay people to marry. Another equal right whitey claims is a special right.

    Like not forcing poor people to travel out of their way to vote by placing voting offices far from bus lines like Kansas and Wisconsin did? Like Wisconsin offering free voter ids and charging blacks $28 bucks a head for free id? How about Alabama closing all voting locations in districts at least 80% Black and call it a cost cutting measure? Moar equal rights, or special rights as wingnuts call them.

  17. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Tyrone Burns...Nuff said.

  18. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Mike the dreamer, so full of shit. If Negroes are ever in charge of America, in 6 months you all will be begging the U.N. to feed you and turn the lights back on. You hope everyday like hell that whitey goes away but when that time comes (if ever) the parasitic Negro will be doomed.

  19. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Funny how no Blacks ever have any problems with getting to Welfare offices to apply for bennies and ID for da programs...Hmmmm ????? But they just can't seem to get a voter ID????

  20. Anonymous1:25 PM

    CHICAGO: 70+ bullet casings found at scene where 3 were shot in East Garfield Park

  21. Anonymous1:27 PM

    White privilege does not exist; made up term by radical alt left types bent on destroying America.

  22. "I’ll pass on “examining” the privilege of being a white man living in a country that was founded for and by white people and was supermajority white for most of its existence."

    You mean stolen from the resident population in a cultural genocide that has destroyed most of the resources on the land they stole.
    And as for most of its existence, that's plainly bullshit. The continent had been inhabited for more than ten thousand years before the theft and genocide started five hundred years ago.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. But they just can't seem to get a voter ID????

    Because racist whitey wasicu wastey don't want them to vote. Understand? Let's try it this way, make all whiteys go into the inner city and register to vote in one or two locations that might or might not be open on any given day depending how superior inner city Blacks and Browns feel compared to racist honkys. Sounds like a good time, donut? Plus they may have to walk a mile or more if the streets are blocked-similar to bus stops being well away from the polling places. Now how many of you have gone downh there and registered?

  24. 'Most inhumane and vicious crime': No parole — ever — for dad who killed pregnant wife, 2 kids

    Another whitey bites the dust. Nice guy, what?


    This is a new one- being surrounded by armed police for reciting Jay-Z lyrics?

  26. Lordy, who knew wasicus were such comedians-

    Pull over, buddy, yer church lites are too brite.


    Wingnuts losing Orange County to Libs is gods punishment of wingnuts for being stoopid fucking inbred trailer trash.


    Told you so.

  29. Lance Cockstrong4:15 PM

    Notice how most of them are micro dick white boys? Enough said.

  30. History4:23 PM

    Confused in Oakland said...
    "You mean stolen from the resident population in a cultural genocide that has destroyed most of the resources on the land they stole."

    No, I mean a country that was founded for and by white people.

    There was no country in America before white people arrived, just a collection of thousands of tribes engaged in constant warfare, who killed and enslaved each other and "stole" each other's land routinely.

    This land was legitimately won, through conquest and purchase, just like every other piece of land on earth.

  31. Fact of the Day4:30 PM

    "Mediocre white male" is redundant.

  32. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Chris Watts. Nuff said.

  33. I'm a 6'2 Chinese-American and can think of many blacks that are turkeys. What about all those ghetto hood rats running around raping and shooting innocent people? Not a word from the allegedly intelligent field negroes. Typical.

  34. Lt. Commander Johnson5:43 PM

    Speaking of turkeys...just got back from New Orleans a couple of hours ago, after watching my Saints massacre your Iggles in the dome.

    To put icing on the cake, my opponent in fantasy football this week started Wentz as his QB this week, guaranteeing me a spot in the playoffs.

    Happy Pelosi!

  35. Gun286:04 PM

    I'm a 7'2 Japanese-American and can think of many whites that are turkeys. What about all those redneck hillbillies running around raping and shooting innocent people? Not a word from the allegedly intelligent white supremacists. Typical.

  36. Lt. Commander is a Pussy6:06 PM

    Hey, Lt. Commander no serving ass Pussy is still around. Has he volunteered to serve or does he just still pretend to be a military officer? Bwahahahahaha! We all know the answer to that question. Pussies don't serve.

  37. Commandered Queenie- your Jessica Chambers is still murdered and the guy you framed still hasn't been convicted of killing her. That is twice. Are we gonna go for a threepeat or is someone finally gonna go find the Eric guy that killed her?

    1. Sean Hannity6:17 PM

      No, Lt. Commander need her killer to be a negro if not he'll drop her name faster than the rest of the wingnuts dropped the caravan and the knockout game.

  38. Sleep well tonight, comrades. The well mannered Turkeys from South Dakota headed to the kremlin annex to shit on Drumpf's head have officially been named- Peas and Carrots.

  39. Drumpf can't do nothing right. Last year's 2 pardons are dead already. Drumpof probably threw a tantrum when he found out he couldn't pardon himself and snuck out of the kremlin annex and poisoned the turkeys- Putie style.

  40. Anonymous7:29 PM

    One waits for a glimmer of sentience from mike from iowa. A hint of self-awareness or rational thought.

    But instead there is only a dull, mulish stupidity boundless and the lone and level sands stretch far away.

  41. "There was no country in America before white people arrived, just a collection of thousands of tribes engaged in constant warfare, who killed and enslaved each other and "stole" each other's land routinely.

    This land was legitimately won, through conquest and purchase, just like every other piece of land on earth."

    OK, then, that car in your driveway? I don't like the way you drive or maintain it, and it's just sitting there most of the time anyway, undefended, so me and ten of my friends will walk up to you the next time you try and get in it and kill you and take the keys, after we take you back into your house at gunpoint and make you sign the title over to us.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Anyfuckingmoose- See Spot run. There is your perfect sentence. Now go phuck yerself or play with a loaded gun.

  43. Anonymous8:32 PM

    "Narcissistic negro" is redundant.  So is "narcissistic social justice warrior."

    Drumpf can't do nothing right. Last year's 2 pardons are dead already.

    Turkeys die of old age.

    Mike from Iowa:  "ORANGE MAN BAD!"

  44. Civilization9:00 PM

    Brain damaged in Oakland said...
    "OK, then, that car in your driveway? I don't like the way you drive or maintain it, and it's just sitting there most of the time anyway, undefended, so me and ten of my friends will walk up to you the next time you try and get in it and kill you and take the keys, after we take you back into your house at gunpoint and make you sign the title over to us."

    You and your thuggish friends would do no such thing, because we live in a country called America, that enforces laws, including those guaranteeing property rights, and asserts a monopoly in the use of violence that prevents rule by criminal mobs and the anarchy that would prevail.

    The Native American ethos no longer prevails. The white man's ethos does. And you should be very glad of that.

  45. Sarcastro9:17 PM

    > The Native American ethos no longer prevails. The white man's ethos does.

    The Cherokee held Africans as slaves.  Maybe we should give all of our African-Americans to the Cherokee, and let them dispose of them as they will... as long as they don't let them off the rez ever again.

  46. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Active shooter in Chimpcongo:

    "The shooting began after the gunman confronted his girlfriend outside the hospital in Bronzeville...."  Was it PilotX?

    "What exactly unfolded at the South Side hospital about 3 p.m. Monday is still unclear, but one witness said a man shot a woman repeatedly in the parking lot of the hospital in the Bronzeville neighborhood on the South Side.

    Police scanner traffic indicated there was a man in the hospital parking lot threatening his ex-girlfriend with a gun. The gunman shot the woman repeatedly and then continued to shoot her on the ground, a witness said."

    Chances of shooter being white:  0%

    Chances of n1663rs accepting responsibility and the need to change:  0%

  47. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  48. "You and your thuggish friends would do no such thing, because we live in a country called America, that enforces laws, including those guaranteeing property rights, and asserts a monopoly in the use of violence that prevents rule by criminal mobs and the anarchy that would prevail."

    Dude, 28 cars are stolen every day here. You wouldn't be able to stop us and that's the fucking point. Just because you don't approve of the way someone lives gives you no right to kill them, displace them, destroy their culture and take their home.

    I think I could drive your car a better way than you do so I'm killing you and taking it, or more accurately, making you legally give it to me at gunpoint.

    Fuck you're a moron.

    -Doug in Oakland


  49. Turkeys die of old age. Prove it. They die much quicker with Putie poison. Anyfuckingmoose too dumb to understand. Thanksgiving turkeys are less than a year old and can live a decade or more in captivity unless Anymooses take their fucking heads.

    Anymoose and Drumpfuck are turkey murderers.

  50. The Truth11:41 PM

    The minds of white men are rife with mediocrity, retardation, and depravity.

  51. Is it time for the war on Christmas yet?

  52. Well, Megyn Kelly isn't doing anything else just now, so maybe?

    -Doug in Oakland

  53. Anonymous3:31 AM

    ”Is it time for the war on Christmas yet?”

    Gosh, doesn’t it seem like the War on Christmas gets earlier and earlier every year? I think people are forgetting the true spirit of the War on Christmas.

  54. Anonymous3:46 AM

    From Nate Silver on Twitter:

    “If you're one of those news organizations that treated Clinton's private emails like they were a national emergency, the solution isn't to treat Ivanka's private emails like they're also a national emergency—rather, it's to acknowledge that you kinda fucked up on Clinton.”

  55. Field,

    You have a wonderful collection of trolls. You could paint them all blue and be the Smurf King! I don't feel like arguing tonight. Some crazy music lover just convinced me to reinstall Spotify so I have been listening to Hendrix for the last hour.

    I just want to really wish you a happy Thanksgiving, Field. I hope it has all of the comfort and good food and family togetherness that you need, bro. Friends are family too. Life can be a beautiful community of like-minded souls.

    So I leave you with this one Thanksgiving thought. Take a look at these lyrics from my favorite Hendrix song, Field. And tell me if you think that it is possible that this was the song that inspired Barack Obama to go into politics? Happy turkey Day Everybody!

    Hello, my friend;
    So happy to see you again.
    I was so alone;
    All by my self;
    I just couldn't make it.

    Have you heard, baby;
    What the winds blowing round?
    Have you heard, baby;
    A whole lot of peoples coming right on down?

    Communication, yeah;
    Is coming on strong.
    And don't give a damn, baby;
    If your hair is shoulder long.

    I said, get out of your grave.
    Everybody is dancing in the street.
    Do what you know, don't be slow;
    You gotta practice what you preach.
    'Cause it's time for you and me;
    Time to face reality.
    Forget about the past, baby;
    Things ain't what they used to be.

    Keep on Straight Ahead.
    Keep on straight Ahead.
    Straight Ahead, baby.
    Straight Ahead, baby.

    We got to stand side by side.
    We got to stand together and organize.
    They say power to the people;
    That's what they're screamin';
    Freedom of the soul!
    Pass it on, pass it on to the young and old.

    You got to tell the children the truth.
    They don't need a whole lot of lies.
    Because one of these days, baby.
    They'll be running things.
    So when you give them love,
    You better give it right!
    Woman and child and man and wife;
    The best love to have is the Love Of Life.

    Keep on Straight Ahead!
    Straight Ahead, baby!

    Hello my friend.
    It's so good to see you again.
    And I've been all by myself.
    I don't think I can make it alone.
    I gotta keep on pushing ahead.

  56. And a happy Thanksgiving to all of Field's readers! Especially the nice people!

    Communication is coming on strong indeed. We got to stand side by side. We got to stand together and organize... Tell the children the truth...

    A special Thanksgiving to all of the right-wing trolls especially the Nazis and racists. You deserve a little happiness. Be excellent to each other. Maybe some day you will realize that we are all in this together. Do something nice for you mom!

  57. Thanks for that Hendrix moment FJ, it was on point.

  58. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Yet another Race hate hoax at K State, any comments on the hundreds of self hating negro hoaxes Field?

  59. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Dumb Mike, if Whitey did or doesn't want you all to vote don't you think he would just blatantly make Black voting illegal? If every whitey in America is a raving racist, wouldn't it be logical and feasible to be very open and upfront about Black disenfranchisement? Quit looking for problems that do not exist, and fix BLACK problems that do.

  60. The Black problem is stoopid fucking whitey wingnuts. Enuff said.

  61. Chances of n1663rs accepting responsibility and the need to change: 0%

    Chances the orange buffoon in the kremlin annex accepting responsiblity and the need to change: less than 0%

    Clean up your own garbage first.

  62. Anyfuckingmoose and criminal enterprise explained to a T-

    They now knowingly elect officials to run the country and represent them who share in this willful denial of reality. And what they love most about it is that it allows them to never have to confront facts that conflict with their beliefs, they can just be fed an “alternative” set of facts instead. What they love the second most is how mad it makes the rest of the people – people, whom, they believe have taken something away from them. We have revenge elections now, an entirely new phenomenon in American politics and one that no one was prepared for [Joshua M. Brown, “Playing with Fire,” The Reformed Broker, 2018.11.09].

  63. Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas in America as a shining beacon for huddled masses-

    Drumpfuck the failed immigration lawyer gets bitch slapped by another Fed justice appointed by the GOAT Obama. Just in time for Thanksgiving.


    Yogurt shop scared of 9 year Air Force vet Black guy because he's....wait for it.....wait..... off color.

  65. Armed9:48 AM

    Cognitively impaired from Oakland said....
    "You wouldn't be able to stop us and that's the fucking point."

    The fucking point is you wouldn't do it, because you don't want the spend the rest of your miserable life in jail. You can try to assert your law, but you will almost certainly wind up having the law of the country you live in enforced on your actions.

    Europeans didn't colonize this land because they didn't "approve of the way someone lives", they did it because they could. The Natives tried to stop them but they couldn't. The conquest of North America took nearly 300 years and wasn't easy. The Bantus did the same thing to much of sub Saharan Africa over about 1,000 years. The Arabs did it to Christian North Africa and the Middle East. The Goths did it to the Western Roman Empire and the Turks did it to the Eastern Roman Empire. That's the way things go.

    So go for it dude. It won't be easy, and I promise I'll try to shoot you first.

  66. Oh my fucking gawd, lock the bitch up-

    Feed her ass to the wolves first. She prolly sold America's stock in lingerie to Putie illegally. Now she needs to hang.



    Another waste of millions of taxpayer bucks. Thanks stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts.

  69. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Diversity, liberty, and security are incompatible ideals.

    More of one means less of the other two.

  70. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Trump is withdrawing the military personnel he’d earlier sent to the border. In the words of Jon Favreau (the Obama speechwriter, not the movie director), also from Twitter:

    “Sort of gives the game away when you remove the troops after the election but before the caravan arrives.”

  71. Anonymous11:07 AM

    2 killed, 19 wounded in weekend negro violence

  72. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Another soft target shot up. Epic gun control fail. Bad guy didn't observe No Gun Sign,they provide ZERO physical protection, gets you killed:

  73. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Crook County Sheriff’s deputy shoots negro fugitive who stabbed fellow officer in Bronzeville:

  74. DeMarcus11:20 AM

    The white race is worthless.

  75. George Zimmerman11:36 AM

    Hispanic who is a victim of a crime = "Hispanic"

    Hispanic who perpetrates a crime = "White Hispanic"

  76. "Crook County Sheriff’s deputy shoots negro fugitive who stabbed fellow officer in Bronzeville"

    PilotX has finally gone postal.

    I knew this day would come.

  77. ""

    Of course. They were used as a mid-term prop and there would be hell to pay if they missed the holidays for bullshit. He's losing military support but that would have cost him big time.

  78. "PilotX has finally gone postal.

    I knew this day would come."


  79. Anonymous11:49 AM

    The caravan itself was a mid-term prop finance by George Soros.

  80. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Sounds like a white person's name to me.

    Spoken like an African, to whom all non-Africans are "white" even if they're not.

    Juan Lopez is a Mexican name.  Only the Mexican elite is white, and Mexican elites don't come to Chicago to shoot their girlfriends.  That a job for mestizos and indios.

  81. For stoopid fucking wingnuts- any Hispanic that shoots a negro and gets away with it is deified as white.

  82. George Zimmerman1:30 PM

    "any Hispanic that shoots a negro and gets away with it is deified as white."

    Yep, that's exactly what happened to me. I'm the most popular guy in the country.

  83. Fuck heroin.

    -Doug in Oakland



  86. Anonymous2:59 PM

    "Yep, that's exactly what happened to me. I'm the most popular guy in the country."

    Among white supremacists, Zimmerman might be the most popular guy in the country. He appears to be an honorary Caucasian among white guys who have swastika tattoos and consider murdering black people a recreational activity.

  87. "among white guys who have swastika tattoos and consider murdering black people a recreational activity"

    Both of them?

  88. Anonymous3:39 PM

    The NBA sucks ass.

  89. Dave Zirin = faggot kike4:01 PM

    Turkeys and white people smell the same. LOL

  90. The caravan itself was a mid-term prop finance by George Soros.

    Let's see yer proof, liar. That's right you are just repeating fake noize talking points. Wolf...wolf....wolf....

  91. Now we know what Mar-a Largeass means. Make america rake again.


    Feckless leader drumpfuck disagrees with US intel again. I guess he is smarter than they are-not.

    Drumpf will never know the facts because he chooses to disregard the facts. Wingnuts who have been screaming for penalties against Saudi Arabia have to pick a lane. Either they are for justice of they are pathological liars like Drumpf and the rest of the stoopid fucking wingnut party.


    Watch the office ladies get gloves on and wipe something off the desk and floor in a couple spots. From the violence involved I'm guessing what they are wiping up is evidence of serious cop wrong doing- 14 year old blood.


    Must be the season of love.


    Unhinged and ugleeee!


    You stoopid fucking wingnuts ain't none too smart, are you. And she will probably get just enough votes to validate everyone's racist fantasies in Confederat land.

  97. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Cordale Jefferson....Nuff Said.

  98. womp womp5:58 PM

    What a surprise. The Democrats are accusing their opponent of Racism!

  99. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I was raised under the we’re-all-equal-MLK-had-a-dream-colorblind regime and it was pretty hard to discard that programming and adjust to the new paradigm.

    I’m really curious to see how Gen-Z — raised as the target of near-constant anti-white rhetoric — react.

  100. Razor6:09 PM

    The Ivanka Trump email situation is EXACTLY like Hillary Clinton’s, except for the unsecured server, classified information, destruction of 30,000 subpoenaed records, bleaching the hard drives, then smashing them all with hammers.

  101. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  102. Aaron Hetfield6:31 PM

    Super Bowl 53 Prediction:

    Saints vs. Chiefs

  103. Another drumpf appointee is out after travel expenses scandals. Drumpf's pick for UN environment went bye-bye. That makes roughly everyone Drumpfuck has chosen to grift the government has been caught.

    But HRC's a crook.


  105. Fuck all you stoopid fucking wingnuts. I am out of here for the evening. Tomorrow will be on time, barring a miracle and the assault on yer mangy carcasses will recommense. Get used to it, bitches. And I don't take off for holidays.

  106. So do Proud Boys eat a lot of graham crackers, or was that a lot of bullshit also?

    -Doug in Oakland

  107. 2018 SPLC names the Proud Boys an official hate group. They have cells in Portland, Seattle and Charlottesville. This week the FBI names the Proud Boys as an extremist group with ties to White Nationalism. The FBI is not about regulating free speech. The FBI is interested because of violence and crime committed by members of this group.

  108. Testicle Sweat10:58 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  109. Testicle Sweat3:08 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  110. They're also anti-masturbation, which was the original purpose of the graham cracker.

    -Doug in Oakland

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