Saturday, December 29, 2018

Caption Saturday.

Image result for walmart santa arrested images

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: *How would I know that the chimney belonged to a bank?*

*Pic from


  1. Bloviating Ignoramus10:38 PM

    St. Nick: Child molester

  2. Arrested for being a Socialist and redistributing toys to non-job creators.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Field and his blog cheerleaders wet dream..... It's illegal to be white. Not out of the realm of possibility in 2019 under a Pelosi run Congress full of commies who hate white america.

  4. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Megyn Kelly (off-camera): “Okay, boys, I’ll take it from here. I’m the Santa police!”

  5. Santa arrested for the greatest crime in this country: Not giving special treatment to entitled blacks.

  6. Lance Cockstrong2:01 PM

    That Santa is way too skinny. He can actually see his own tiny dick.

  7. Ctrl+Halt+Del3:45 PM

    Police tend to the Jolly Green Giant after he was assaulted by white Santa for appropriation of the the phrase Ho! Ho! Ho!

  8. Ctrl+Halt+Del3:48 PM

    Lighten up officer! It was just a joke! Melania! Melania! Melania! Merry Christmas...get it?

  9. See, I told you Barack Obama made it illegal to say Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Taken from delusional koo koo libtard website. No the tards want to destroy xmas because they feel parents are lying to children....

  11. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Black Man Shoots Himself In Penis During West Pullman Robbery, Prosecutors Say

  12. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Pistol Whipping of Sisters In Chinatown Part Of Larger Negro Crime Spree: Police

  13. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Black Carjackers Strike 5 Times In Park Manor, South Shore, Police Say

  14. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Welp, it was fun til the racist asshole fuckboys show up.

  15. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Come to Chicago folks!!!

  16. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Christian fundie wingnut police arrest Santa for stealing the spotlight away from baby Jesus every year. And also because his name is too close to “Satan.”

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:30 PM

    *Anonymous said...

    "Taken from delusional koo koo libtard website. No the tards want to destroy xmas because they feel parents are lying to children...."


    Seems you are a bit confused. It was Trump who tried to do that - to a seven-year-old no less.

  18. Ctrl+Halt+Del8:35 PM

    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
    but a pasty pale geezer sipping on a cold beer,
    with a little old script pad so lively and quick,
    I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.

    More rapid than Walgreens their prescription he filled,
    With over the counter illicit pain pills,
    And he whistled, and shouted, and call'd them by name,
    the addicts and junkies like zombies they came:
    "Now, Oxy! Now, Xanax! Now,fentanyl
    "On, Ambian! Vicodin! and Adderall

    "From the trailer park gate to the back of the mall!
    "Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!
    "And I heard him exclaim
    as he rode out of sight!
    Happy Christmas to all. And to all a goodnight

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:51 PM

    Let's play 'Can you guess the race.'
    Report: Alabama Sheriff Pocketed $1.5 Million for Jailing ICE Detainees
    The Daily Beast· 18 minutes ago

    Citing public records and interviews with county officials, reports that Etowah County...

  20. Organizers in my hometown of Eureka, CA, have cancelled their planned women's march on January 19 over concerns that the participants would be "overwhelmingly white".
    I'll have to say that "overwhelmingly white" does in fact describe the population of Eureka.
    When I was growing up there, there were maybe six black families there, and as of the 2010 census black people were still less than 2% of the population, but that's not how you do it, folks.
    Hold the rally anyway, you morons.
    I realize how embarrassed you are afraid of feeling in front of the media; nothing ever happens there and any attention at all is a big deal for you, but inclusiveness is what the goddamn rally is about, and that fucking INCLUDES your backwoods, lily white asses up there behind the Redwood Curtain.
    There were a lot of reasons I moved to Oakland as soon as I could pull it off, and behavior like that was one of them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Woo-hoo! Liz Warren has announced she’s gonna run against Trump.

    On the downside, this means we will have to hear his inane “Pocohontas” jokes from now until the orange asshat is removed. Honestly, I don’t think he even understands why these are supposed to be funny. He appears to have heard some other wingnut morons laughing about “Pocohontas” and, like a toddler trying to join in on the adult fun, started repeating it.

  22. Anonymous10:37 AM

    New Nation News is the website you need to peruse everyday Granny Mudshark. Then your brainwashed commie ass can see how your sweet Angels of color behave.

  23. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:27 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "New Nation News is the website you need to peruse everyday Granny Mudshark. Then your brainwashed commie ass can see how your sweet Angels of color behave."

    Hey, why not be a brave adult and pick a screen name? Then I can address you personally and try to educate you properly?

    Why should I go to a web site full of lies and varying degrees of distortion? And why would I ever think that the behavior of some should apply to the many?

  25. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Canvasser in Chicago records himself getting shot (almost certainly by a "teen"):

    You can't "educate" anyone because your response to rampant black criminality and other misbehavior is to blame white people.  Trying to spread your mental illness might work in a few cases, but an increasing number of people are having enough of your lies and are speaking out about it.

  26. I'd like to say so many beautiful things, but above all I'm so very grateful to have friends and family to love. In this life it's important to be loved, but I feel it's way more important to be able give love. Without God Who Is love, life has neither meaning nor purpose. Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year is my wish to all.


    1. Hey Desert! Just flew with a fellow Island Girl. She grew up just outside San Juan. Good pilot and even better person.😄

  27. Anonymous4:45 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  28. Anonymous4:51 PM

    JC black man arrested on murder charge following Christmas morning shooting

  29. PilotX said...

    Hey Desert! Just flew with a fellow Island Girl. She grew up just outside San Juan. Good pilot and even better person.😄

    2:03 PM

    Hey Pilot, Blessings and Happy, happy New Year to you and the family!

  30. "Hey Pilot, Blessings and Happy, happy New Year to you and the family!"

    Thank you! Also to you and yours!

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:28 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "You can't "educate" anyone.........

    Well, certainly not you because your mind is closed tightly shut to logic and common sense.

  32. Anonymous6:34 PM

    JC black man arrested on murder charge following Christmas morning shooting
    What's the point? Why do you post only Black crimes?

  33. I'll see your holiday homicide and raise you the Iraq war.

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  35. Anonymous8:44 PM

  36. Great post.thank you so much.

  37. Anonymous9:45 AM

    What's the point? Why do you post only Black crimes?
    6:34 PM

    13% of the population commits 75% of the violent crime of America. Think there is a problem??

  38. "13% of the population commits 75% of the violent crime of America. Think there is a problem??"

    A problem with the numbers you pulled out of your butthole.

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. "Scandinavian Sleigh Driver Arrested for Illegally Crossing the Border."

  40. Pilot Rex12:52 AM

    If I tell you that there are powerful people who are oppressing you to defend their own interests, you’ll call me a liberal.

    If I tell you who those people are, you’ll call me a Nazi.

  41. Anonymous7:13 AM

    A problem with the numbers you pulled out of your butthole.
    nazis aren't good at math.

  42. Anonymous7:14 AM

    If I tell you who those people are, you’ll call me a Nazi.
    Give it a whirl. Speak your truth as you see it.

  43. The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations11:37 AM

    Nobel secretary regrets Obama peace prize:

    Obama’s receiving the Peace Prize diminished the award forever.

  44. President Upgrade11:42 AM

    So far Trump hasn’t bowed to any third world savages, or given billions in cash to apocalyptic madmen, or abandoned an ambassador to be tortured to death by jihadis. That’s an improvement on the last guy.

    1. President Super Duper Downgrade11:49 AM

      But he does have several of his staff indicted or in jail, accused of stealing money from his charitable organization, destroying relations with our strongest allies, constantly lying and having a weird obsession with dating his own daughter. Give us the other guy back, this old orange guy with the wig is kinda creepy.

  45. President Upgrade12:40 PM

    None of this is true.

    Have a nice day.

    1. President Super Duper Downgrade4:50 PM

      All of it is 100% true.
      Have an even better day.

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