Sunday, December 09, 2018

Caption Sunday.

    Image result for image trump bush funreal

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: If only I had learned to read, I could kill time like that Clinton guy is doing. 


  1. Ctrl+Halt+Del12:53 PM

    The Clodfather...It's not business, it's strictly personal.

  2. Ctrl+Halt+Del1:01 PM

    Trump is upset because:

    A. They took his phone and he can't tweet
    B. They aren't serving snacks
    C. The dead guy in the box is getting all the attention
    D. All of the above

  3. Ctrl+Halt+Del1:12 PM

    Trump is upset because:

    A. They took his phone and he can't tweet
    B. They aren't serving snacks
    C. The dead guy in the box is getting all the attention
    D. He'll be in jail before Hillary
    E. All of the above

  4. Fergus: They didn't tell me I'd have to sit through shit like this if I won the election. Oh, did I mention that I won the election? They said it couldn't be done, but here I am... oh yeah, here I am, god this is boring.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Bloviating Ignoramus1:53 PM

    Nice to see you again Butt Trumpet ... hope it's you next time

  6. Whattaya mean I can't sing "Saturday Night Fever"? They said to sing.

  7. As the Demonrat party becomes the African-American party, it's going to bleed voters like crazy because of things like this:

    You can't keep a coalition together when one part of it is at war with the rest of it, and you're not going to.

    1. Why are Republicans so stupid?3:54 PM

      As the Rethuglican Party becomes the trump white racist party they're going to bleed college educated and non-racist voters. You can't keep a coalition together when stupid people are running it and you're not going to.

  8. One of these is not like the others.

  9. Lance Cockstrong4:59 PM

    Butt Trumpet upset that he was sat near big dick Barack.

  10. Ctrl+Halt+Del5:09 PM

    The white elephant in the room, both literally and figuratively

  11. Bloviating Ignoramus5:22 PM

    Butt Trumpet is pissed because his whore wife is sitting next to the well endowed Obama.

  12. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Why did you cut Jimmy Carter out of the pic?

  13. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Damn it,I told her I shudda'put them Depends on!!!!

  14. I'm missing Paw Patrol.

  15. Reason #74925 why you want to STAY AWAY FROM AFRICANS12:23 PM

    Immediately upon his release from jail, African beats up a 65-yr-old woman in the jail parking lot and steals her vehicle with her 1-yr-old grandchild inside:

    Jamaica's issue with rape of tourists is much bigger than reported just 2 months ago, and of course the (African) staff and management are complicit:

  16. Barack is wishing he had the woman on his right instead of the mannish negress on his left.

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:07 PM

    YellowMONEY said...

    "Barack is wishing he had the woman on his right instead of the mannish negress on his left."
    I don't think Barack wants the woman on his right. He wouldn't be interested in a woman who sold her soul for money.

  18. Anonymous5:37 PM

    2,200 more troops are being removed from the border and sent home to enjoy their holidays because, erm, well, the Houduran migrant caravan never really was any kind of real crisis.

    And with the midterm elections over and badly lost for the Republicans, we are now officially in "who gives a shit?" mode -- at least until Trump needs another distraction from bad news (Mueller indictiments of him, probably), at which point the White House will announce another "OMG THE SCARY BROWN PEOPLE!" emergency.

  19. Michael-er, I mean Michelle, is not an attractive woman. Most black women aren't. That's why a lot of black men (most of whom are also ugly) go for bland, mediocre white women.

  20. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Not looking so good for Hillary!

    Court Excoriates Obama State Department/Justice Department for Possibly Acting in ‘Bad Faith’ and Colluding ‘to Scuttle Public Scrutiny’ of Clinton Private Email Server

    Court Criticizes Current Justice Department for ‘Chicanery’

    District Court Judge Lamberth Orders ‘Proposed Plan and Schedule for Discovery Within Ten Days’

    Discovery Must Also Explore Whether Clinton Intentionally Used Private Email Server to ‘skirt FOIA’

    (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that, in a ruling excoriating both the U.S. Departments of State and Justice, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth has ordered both agencies to join Judicial Watch in submitting a proposed schedule for discovery into whether Hillary Clinton sought to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a private email system and whether the State Department acted in “bad faith” by failing to disclose knowledge of the email system. The decision comes in a FOIA lawsuit related to the Benghazi terrorist attack.


    Hey, you wanted Kamala Harris anyway, so getting Hillary out of the way is a GOOD thing right?  Right?

  21. Anonymous8:40 PM

    “Hey, you wanted Kamala Harris anyway, so getting Hillary out of the way is a GOOD thing right? Right?”

    LOL, you realize Hillary Clinton lost not one but two presidential races and there’s zero chance she’d ever run again, right?

    Of course, you might be misled if you listen to Trump, who endlessly rants about her at his rallies (and why is he still holding rallies, anyway, instead of doing his damn job?) like he’s still running against her and the 2016 campaign never ended.

  22. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Ooops, Democrat communications director busted for distributing child porn!

  23. Anonymous9:55 PM


    Hmmm. Camelot Daily ... a reputable information source? A quick glance suggests this is like the QAnon Gazette: a cornucopia of unsubstantiated pedophile conspiracies

    A sample headline is “Jewish Sex Cult Doctor Forced Women To Watch Gang Rape And Dismemberment Of Women By Machetes.”

    Gosh, that couldn’t possibly be sensationalistic or made-up or anything.

  24. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Not only is Fag Negro a hack, but he is also a lazy bastard.

  25. Anonymous12:18 AM

    "Hmmm. Camelot Daily ... a reputable information source? A quick glance suggests this is like the QAnon Gazette: a cornucopia of unsubstantiated pedophile conspiraciesHmmm. Camelot Daily ... a reputable information source? A quick glance suggests this is like the QAnon Gazette: a cornucopia of unsubstantiated pedophile conspiraciesHmmm. Camelot Daily ... a reputable information source? A quick glance suggests this is like the QAnon Gazette: a cornucopia of unsubstantiated pedophile conspiracies"

    Here's the ultimate source:

    Just goes to prove that Africans and their sympathizers not only can't handle the truth, they wouldn't know truth if it bit them.  Along with Jews, they are people of the lie.

  26. Mandingo12:42 AM

    Michael-er, I mean Michelle, is not an attractive woman. Most black women aren't. That's why a lot of black men (most of whom are also ugly) go for bland, mediocre white women.
    White guys have little.....well.....that's why white women go after negro men. Better put the GPS app on your woman's phone bro.

  27. Ctrl+Halt+Del6:11 AM

    Trump builds wall around himself...

  28. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:01 AM

    Anonymous said:
    "(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that, in a ruling excoriating both the U.S. Departments of State and Justice....."

    Judicial Watch? LOL! That's the largest "Witch Hunting" group in the country. They make the old Salem gang look like amateurs.

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:12 AM

    Anonymous Why can't we all just get along? said...

    "As the Demonrat party becomes the African-American party, it's going to bleed voters like crazy because of things like this:"
    History says otherwise. Since the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights act, the Democratic party has become more and more diverse as many white southerners left the party and POC joined with the Democrats. We in this coalition have won the popular vote in the last six presidential elections.

    Currently, it's the Republican Party that is bleeding voters, as the party turns farther and farther to the right.

  30. Anonymous1:06 PM

    "Currently, it's the Republican Party that is bleeding voters, as the party turns farther and farther to the right."

    Yes, Republicans are a shrinking minority in this country. They can't win free and fair elections anymore, which is why they cheat constantly.

    Check out all the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and now attempts to strip incoming elected Democratic officials of power during legislative lame duck sessions (why do legislatures have lame duck sessions, again?).

    At this point, Republicans are barely even pretending to believe in democracy.

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:45 PM

    Anonymous girdleofvenus said...

    "Michael-er, I mean Michelle, is not an attractive woman. Most black women aren't. That's why a lot of black men (most of whom are also ugly) go for bland, mediocre white women."
    Speaking from personal experience, many black men are quite beautiful, and the ones I have known intimately were very good lovers. The one I married was the nicest man I ever knew.

    BTW, I am neither bland nor mediocre.

  32. 11 December 2018. Meters of wall built = 0.

  33. Nancy Pelosi discusses the recent, ill-advised train wreck of a televised meeting between her, Schumer, and the big orange baby POTUS in the Oval Office:

    “It’s like a manhood thing with him — as if manhood can be associated with him.”

    Ooooh, snap!

    Everything about our national government has sunk to the level of a reality show now.

  34. Lt. Commander Johnson2:51 AM

    Well hey, Purple Bovine! Nice to see you again. Tho, I would like some facts to back-up yoru claim that no wall has been built, either in meters or feet.

    However, I have changed my opinion about the "wall". Them folks can climb, or tunnel.

    Instead, I think we should relocate all/most of our National Guard bases to the Mex Border. They rotate in and out regularly, and the training would be great. What is the purpose of the NG? To defend the borders of the US?

    What do you think?

  35. Anonymous2:57 AM

    POTUS: "Not only is my wife a babbling idiot that can't speak clear English...but she could never look as
    good or be as intelligent as Michelle Obama."
