Sunday, December 23, 2018

Caption Sunday.

Image result for trump arms folded image

I need a caption for this pic.


  1. Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I'll go eat worms.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  3. Vini Vidi Futuit Sursum

  4. Anonymous7:41 PM

    No I won't and you can't make me!

  5. Ctrl+Halt+Del8:07 PM

    Proof that you can have a high IQ and still be an idiot.

  6. I will not eat my peas!

  7. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Trump: “I am going to hold my breath and turn blue until Congress funds my wall.”

    Reporter: “Well, you’re already orange, and orange and blue make brown, so ...”

    Trump: “I am going to hold my breath and turn brown until Congress funds my wall.”

  8. GrannyStandingforTruth3:41 AM

    UNFIT - new film being made. Leading mental health pros FINALLY go on the record - and on camera - about Trump, his behavior, disorder, instability. Important film. Let's change the public narrative. Support this. Click and watch trailer.

  9. Drumpf 20 to life. No parole.

  10. Boardroom here,” said host Elisabeth Hasselbeck, referring to Trump’s reality TV show “The Apprentice,” in which he summarily fired people. “Who’s getting fired? Who’s going to bear the brunt of the responsibility if indeed there is a government shutdown?” she asked Trump, who had called in to the program.

    “If you say who gets fired it always has to be the top,” Trump responded. “Problems start from the top and they have to get solved from the top. And the president’s the leader. He’s got to get everyone in a room and he’s gotta lead. But he doesn’t do that,” Trump added, referring to Obama.

    “And that’s why you have this horrible situation going on in Washington. It’s a very, very bad thing and it’s very embarrassing worldwide.

  11. Srumpfuck the dumbfuck was never really legally elected so we can't legally fire his ass. I know, let's impeach the mofo and then throw his skanky orange ass in prison for crimes to numerous to enumerate.

    And fuck you wingnuts.

  12. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:27 AM

    Anonymous said...

    " TRUMP 2020!!"

    7:04 PM

    Didn't you learn anything from the 2018 midterm election? Trump will be lucky if he isn't impeached and thrown out of office before 2020.

  13. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Incompetent Incontinent mad no one wants to play with him.

  14. Looks like someone finally explsined Mattis' letter to him.

  15. Gambler- South Carolina wingnuts have started a process to protect Drumpfuck from being primaried in 2020. They and a few other red shitholes want him to be the only wingnut candidate while they hope Dems kill each other off in the primaries.

  16. Obama made America great again- When Obama left office, Jan 20, 2017, the Dow closed at 19,827. When he entered office, Jan 20, 2009, the Dow closed at 7,949. In other words, in his 8 years in office the Dow went up roughly 250%. If Trump stays in office 8 years, the Dow would have to be 49,369 for his term in office to equal Obama’s as it relates to the stock market and the Dow Jones Industrial average.

    Furthermore, private sector job growth was up 2.2 million in 2016, Obama’s last year in office while job growth in 2017, Trump’s first year, was up 2.1 million. First quarter 2018, job growth was 605,000. Job growth in the first quarter of 2016 was 606,000. Again, job growth under Obama was marginally better than under Trump.

    Here is Drumpfuck all sad and weepy. Dow dropped under 22k and he can't blame Obama the Great for his lack of leadershit. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  17. Anonymous11:15 AM

    "Leading mental health pros FINALLY go on the record - and on camera - about Trump"

    Won't be pros for long; it's a gross violation of ethics to attempt to diagnose a patient that the "pro" has not examined personally and cause for loss of license.  If there aren't a whole bunch of ethics complaints already filed, it won't be long.

    "in his 8 years in office the Dow went up roughly 250%."

    Because of the asset bubble being blown by the Fed; most people do not own stocks and got no benefit whatsoever.  Those people were suffering increased joblessness from offshoring and immigration, both legal and illegal.  This is WHY YOU GOT TRUMP.

    "Here is Drumpfuck all sad and weepy. Dow dropped under 22k"

    Less profits for the Dow converted into bigger paychecks for Joe Average means Trumpslide 2020.  Black unemployment is at a RECORD LOW.  Black people are ingrates so that won't convert into votes, but when people see what fucking ingrates Black people are their chronic Negro Fatigue will turn acute.  Know what that means?  It means a Republican Congress in 2020 too.

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:17 AM

    Mike from Iowa said:
    "Gambler- South Carolina wingnuts have started a process to protect Drumpfuck from being primaried in 2020. They and a few other red shitholes want him to be the only wingnut candidate while they hope Dems kill each other off in the primaries."

    Yes, I read about that and I think it's funny. How do the South Carolina wingnuts think this will help Trump get elected? He has no chance to win in 2020. The GOP's only hope is to dump Trump.

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:04 PM

    Anonymous said:
    "Because of the asset bubble being blown by the Fed; most people do not own stocks and got no benefit whatsoever. Those people were suffering increased joblessness from offshoring and immigration, both legal and illegal. This is WHY YOU GOT TRUMP."
    1. Millions of Americans own interest in stocks through their 401K Plans, you can't make the claim that "most people don't own stocks."

    2. Increased joblessness can't be attributed to immigration or else
    the jobless rate would not have dropped so dramatically under Obama. His economic policies are what brought down the jobless rate.

    3. Can you cite anything Trump has done to curtail off shoring?

    4. We got Trump because he cheated, Hillery ran a lousy campaign, and the repressive, undemocratic Electoral College. Remember, Trump did not win the popular vote.

  20. Anonymous2:09 PM

    A stupid old woman wrote:

    1. Millions of Americans own interest in stocks through their 401K Plans, you can't make the claim that "most people don't own stocks."

    Millions, schmillions; there are approximately 327 million US residents (maybe 65% are "Americans").  "In fact, the vast majority of Americans have under $1,000 saved and half of all Americans have nothing at all put away for retirement.... Even older workers who can see retirement on the horizon aren't prepared for it. The median savings for families whose wage earners are between 50 and 55 years old is only $8,000"

    Rating:  pants on fire.

    3. Can you cite anything Trump has done to curtail off shoring?

    What, you didn't hear all the whining about steel tariffs?

    4. We got Trump because he cheated

    So when a Republican plays by DNC rules, that's "cheating", and when the DNC uses the nation's spies to try to take down the opponent, that's "fair".  Gotcha!

    Christopher Steele admits he was working with Hillary's campaign!  Everyone associated with the FISA warrants on Carter Page should be in prison already.

  21. Stock Market has no faith in the orange heart attack in waiting. He does not inspire confidence in anyone except our enemies Putie, Erdogan, ISIS, etc.

    Name me a single job creating policy from Drumpfuck designed specifically for Blacks? Can't do it can you. Like the rest of your bogus brags about Drumpf.


    John McCain was involved with the DNC to take Drumpf down. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. What fucking made up horse shit.

    And you are a fucking moron for falling for such obvious lies.

  23. Anonymous2:24 PM

    >> Stock Market has no faith in the orange heart attack in waiting.

    Iowatard feints away from the elephant in the rooom, the Fed's interest-rate hikes.

  24. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The Negro and Mudshark Mind is a very simple one.

  25. Anonymous2:55 PM

    McCain Knee deep in the fake Steele dossier. Try to pay attention commies.

  26. "Won't be pros for long; it's a gross violation of ethics to attempt to diagnose a patient that the "pro" has not examined personally and cause for loss of license. If there aren't a whole bunch of ethics complaints already filed, it won't be long."

    The board repealed that rule last year because they found Fergus' mental problems too dangerous and important to continue barring knowledgeable professionals from writing about them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Progressives are so annoying.....

  28. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Didn't you learn anything from the 2018 midterm election? Trump will be lucky if he isn't impeached and thrown out of office before 2020.
    9:27 AM

    Yeah right,just like you libtards said he would never be elected. Keep crying wolf.

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:56 PM

    Anonymous said:
    "A stupid old woman wrote:

    1. Millions of Americans own interest in stocks through their 401K Plans, you can't make the claim that "most people don't own stocks."

    Millions, schmillions; there are approximately 327 million US residents (maybe 65% are "Americans"). "In fact, the vast majority of Americans have under $1,000 saved and half of all Americans have nothing at all put away for retirement.... Even older workers who can see retirement on the horizon aren't prepared for it. The median savings for families whose wage earners are between 50 and 55 years old is only $8,000"

    Rating: pants on fire.

    3. Can you cite anything Trump has done to curtail off shoring?

    What, you didn't hear all the whining about steel tariffs?

    4. We got Trump because he cheated

    So when a Republican plays by DNC rules, that's "cheating", and when the DNC uses the nation's spies to try to take down the opponent, that's "fair". Gotcha!

    Christopher Steele admits he was working with Hillary's campaign! Everyone associated with the FISA warrants on Carter Page should be in prison already."
    1. You really really don't understand. Don't you know that pension funds, municipal budget monies etc, etc, as well as 401K's are invested in the stock market?
    3. All the steel tariff has done is cause prices to rise. We are the ones paying for Trump's tariffs. Small business are going broke because they can no longer export foreign markets due to retaliatory tariffs against the U.S
    4. Christopher Steele may have admitted he was working with Hillary's campaign, but so far everything except the existence of the 'pee tape' in his report has been verified by other sources. As for Carter Page, the FBI had a right to investigate his activities.

    And by calling me a "stupid old woman,"you make yourself look bad. Only people who can't prove their arguments with facts resort to name calling. It's called argumentum ad hominem.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:07 PM

    Hey Mike in Iowa,,

    FYI, if you don't already know this, is a right-wing rag with headquarters in the UK


    The data in the graph stems from a peer-reviewed academic paper. However, when we took a closer look, we found the data in the graph doesn’t directly support the claim that "most Americans don’t own stocks." In fact, the actual data on that question shows that a small majority of Americans do have a stake in the stock market

    Rating Anymoose- bottomless Pants on Fire

  32. Thanks Gambler. I could tell from the content it was a furriner rag. If any of this was even close to being true, wingnuts in America would have been all over it and still would have been made out to be fools.

  33. Offshoring has increased under the Drumpfuck. Take your pick of bad news, Anymoose.

    There are literally dozens of articles to choose from.


    Justice wingnut style.

  35. Dow down 650 points- worst Christmas EVER!!! How much of this is fake news, Anymoose?

  36. The photo that comes up when you search idiot or dolt or moron or orange asshat or orangutan or worst president or worst mistake.........

  37. Anonymous6:39 PM

    And by calling me a "stupid old woman,"you make yourself look bad.

    That's not name-calling.  That's a conclusion supported by piles of evidence of your total cluelessness, and you just heaped on more.

    1. You really really don't understand. Don't you know that pension funds, municipal budget monies etc, etc, as well as 401K's are invested in the stock market?

    You really really can't read.  Here's something you quoted, but obviously could not understand:

    The median savings for families whose wage earners are between 50 and 55 years old is only $8,000

    Even if ALL of that was from gains and not principle, HALF of US families with wage-earners age 50-55 have made $8000 OR LESS from the gains of the stock market.  Most non-government workers don't have pensions any more, they have savings plans... and their IRAs and 401ks are part of that $8000 median.

    Unlike stupid old women like you, I can do arithmetic.  How long is $8000 going to support them in retirement?  About one wrecked car, maybe half a moderately serious medical episode, perhaps 2-3 years of heating bills in a drafty house, a few months of normal total expenses.  The Fed has blown that enormous bubble in the stock market, and those people have essentially nothing to show for it.

    Only people who can't prove their arguments with facts resort to name calling.

    People who have proven their arguments but can't get them through the heads of dense people have every right to call the dense ones by their proper label:  stupid.

  38. Poor little Fergus is stuck in the white house on Christmas with no-one to blow him or tell him how big and powerful he is.
    Perhaps he should have thought about that before he threw a fit and shut down a big chunk of the government.
    And really, what difference does it make whether he's there or at Mar-a-Lago? It's not like he's gonna spontaneously grow tiny little thumbs and climb down out of the stupid tree and re-open the government. Congress isn't even around to hear any attempts at negotiation he could try to make.
    So it's just another distraction from the obviousness of the wheels coming off of his pathetic presidency.
    It's not working. Even the Pig People think it's pathetic, and that's not good for him.
    You'd think that with all of that money and power, he could be less pathetic, but apparently not.

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:19 AM

    Anonymous Said:
    You really really can't read. Here's something you quoted, but obviously could not understand:

    The median savings for families whose wage earners are between 50 and 55 years old is only $8,000

    Even if ALL of that was from gains and not principle, HALF of US families with wage-earners age 50-55 have made $8000 OR LESS from the gains of the stock market. Most non-government workers don't have pensions any more, they have savings plans... and their IRAs and 401ks are part of that $8000 median.

    Yes, my friend, I can read. And I'm sure you can too. So please read below. You are just plain wrong on this issue and all the others you post about.

    The Federal Reserve Board study found that about one-third of families in the lower half of the income scale had stock holdings. In the next 40 percent of the income scale, about 70 percent of households held stocks, while households in the top 10 percent of the income scale had stock ownership rates above 90 percent.

    You owe me an apology for calling me stupid and denying that I can't read.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:49 AM

    Anonymous said:
    "Unlike stupid old women like you, I can do arithmetic. How long is $8000 going to support them in retirement? About one wrecked car, maybe half a moderately serious medical episode, perhaps 2-3 years of heating bills in a drafty house, a few months of normal total expenses. The Fed has blown that enormous bubble in the stock market, and those people have essentially nothing to show for it."
    Please enlighten me and tell me where this grotesque argument came from. In my first post to you I said nothing about how long $8000 is going to support people in retirement. Why did you introduce this issue in you post to me? I stated the following in my post: "Millions of Americans own interest in stocks through their 401K Plans. This statement true, so you can't make the claim that "most people don't own stocks." See

    Please go to the web site and read the article. Then get down off your high horse and argue like a mature person.

  41. Melanoma and her spawn flew back to spend another day of misery with the orange nothing.

  42. Number ONE President in the history of America.
