Saturday, January 19, 2019

Caption Saturday.

  • Image result for maga jeer native american images 

I need a caption for this pic. 

Example: Little Ted Cruz and the MAGA Brigade show how to hate in 2019.  



  1. Any child that was there needs to be summarily dismissed from the school. Likewise any adult supervision who was with them. Given the rape that also took place concerning this school, obviously it's time to bring in federal oversight as well as a nice little check of the books.

  2. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Actual transcript:

    Native American protester: "You white people go back to Europe, this is not your land"

    Media Reaction:

    "Destroy these racist white kids lives!"

  3. "Actual transcript"? The native American veteran elder was beating a drum and singing a tribal song. Do you really have to lie to make your point?

  4. "I really wish that all the energy they have could be used to actually make America great."

    Actual quote (on video) from tribal elder.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. My ancestors told me long ago you will one day see the one face that needs the shit slapped out of it. That day has finally arrived.

  6. Anonymous12:51 AM

    “‘Actual transcript’? The native American veteran elder was beating a drum and singing a tribal song. Do you really have to lie to make your point?”

    It’s not a lie. Go watch the video. One of the Native protesters does say this to the white kids. (I’m assuming, of course, that the video isn’t doctored, which you can never 100% count on these days with James O'Keefe-style wingnut BS artists around.)

    Presumably, he said it in response to the white kids’ racist provocations. But it’s never smart to respond to bigotry with more bigotry. In this case, he’s given a soundbite to the Sean Hannitys and Tucker Carlsons of the world, so they can turn the MAGA hat bullies into the victims.

  7. Smug gums for red hat hatred.

  8. Hey fucking Geronimo?

    How about you and Sitting Bull sit on this and spin your brown asses the hell outta here?


    /dark humor/sarcasm

  9. Anonymous2:25 AM

    More Media Lies

    There was no MAGA mob hounding a Native American.

    Multiple Native Americans instigated an incident walking into a peaceful group of kids and taunting one, chanting and drumming inches from his face

    No one said "Build the Wall"

    The old hag creature is assaulting the kid. Kid had every right to push him away. Should look into pressing charges.

    The kid is very powerful, an image of strength. He reacted with haughty disdain for these antics wonder the verminoids of the left biomass are chimping.

  10. I’m no Trump fan and was as outraged as everyone else when I saw the first clip. But this video provides more context. I share truth when I find it. That kid was holding his ground. Conflict didn’t start with him. There are other videos floating around for more context as well.

  11. Nice try Chief. I'm not buying.

  12. Mick,

    What video? Link?


    This video shows the good guys didn't just walk across an empty space to confront whitey. They were surrounded by a mob and took a while to get to smug asshole.

  14. ps, even school officials have apologized for little shit's behavior and that of the rest of the students. Of course that is all fake news to people living in Drumpfuck's universe.


    The absurdity of thinking Drumpf is right about anything. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  16. Somewhere in the depths of Namibian desert sits an MP-3 player attached to solar panels blasting out an endless loop of Toto's pop hit "Africa". Just the place to send 60 million stoopid fucking Drumpfuck voters for eternity.

  17. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Don't worry Mike I owe ya, live long enough and you and all the other commie idiots in this country will be in Africa due to being thrown out.

  18. Anonymous11:37 AM

    R. Kelly in 2020 !

  19. Anonymous11:43 AM

    White high school kids on national mall accosted and surrounded by Native American and Black Israelite protesters. Kids stick up for themselves.

    Media and celebrities hysterically call for their lives to be ruined and their school discredited.

    To quote Sam Hyde:

    "When we win we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny."

  20. Anonymous11:45 AM

    According to current liberal race doctrine, what exactly is the white obligation when a belligerent POC barges into your face banging on a buffalo hide?

  21. Anonymous11:46 AM


  22. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Alt left propaganda piece...

  23. Whitey McPrivilege11:48 AM

    "According to current liberal race doctrine, what exactly is the white obligation when a belligerent POC barges into your face banging on a buffalo hide?"

    All I know is you can’t smile.

    Apparently the expectation is to form some expression between panting obedience and horror that you haven’t been deemed obedient enough.

    Now imagine if an old white man had started that with black teens.

  24. Anonymous11:53 AM

    This is Buzzfeed part 2 bullshit. These kids were waiting for a bus to go home when the Drum Beating Father of Liz Warren invaded this childs bodyspace and pounded his drum on purpose in the kids face. As always, the left and the whore media lie to push the anti whitey narrative. I pray, that someday Whites become the racist maniacs that the delusional left fabricates daily. Because then, and only then will this commie, 80 IQ, antiquated farm equipment, Parasitical Plague on White Americans conclude.

  25. Wreck_Tangle_12:02 PM

    I'll admit.. I saw one video and I was a little ticked at those kids. Then, I saw the full video and was like, wtf? The man taunted them and moved in on them singling out that one boy. People need to be better to others.

  26. Anonymous12:10 PM

    So a group of Black Hebrew Israelites called a bunch of white kids "f*gs" and the media feigns outrage over one of those white kids smiling at an American Indian? If there was any question about the media's anti-white agenda, this answered it.

  27. America has become a society so obsessed with white people being evil that a kid smiling at a native american man has members of the media openly fantasizing about hurting him.

  28. Porter12:28 PM

    The DC MAGA boys captured the entire spectrum of our social descent.

    The malice and lies of bolshevik blue check marks converging on a target.

    Media duplicity and its utter indifference to the truth.

    The sheer cowardice of broad instantaneous denunciations.

    Welcome to Hell.

  29. Washington Whiteskins12:35 PM

    I'm smiling because I'm white and no matter how much of an asshole I am I will be defended. How about you redskin?????


    Anymoose- here is yer stoopid fucking maroo9n fearless leader making a fool of himselof just like you.

  31. Anonymous1:12 PM

    "Welcome to Hell."

    The media jumping and pushing/assuming a narrative on everything - from Mike Brown to Trayvon to Russia to Coventry Catholic etc, is a feature — not a bug.

    The goal stated and endorsed by the owners and producers of those content hubs is purely genocidal hubris. They openly state this and will work in lockstep with political factions to alter public opinion. This is your reality.


  33. In its simplest form (so stoopid fucking wingnuts don't get lost) you have a sim0ple, Native American war vet being dissed by a preppy Bret Kavernmouth clone with aspirations of a seat on the high court as soon as Drumpfuck sees the video.

  34. "The media jumping and pushing/assuming a narrative on everything - from Mike Brown to Trayvon to Russia to Coventry Catholic etc, is a feature — not a bug."

    Yup, been going on for years. Dr. King is a commie, Barack is a secret Muslim with no birth certificate, New Black Panthers are intimidating white voters, knock out games, caravan is full of ISIS terrorists, MS-13 is in the caravan, ect.............

  35. It was the indigenous people's march. Everyone with two working neurons to rub together knew that, presumably including the MAGA punks who will hopefully at some point get some sense beat into them, for weeks ahead of time.
    They weren't innocently waiting at the goddamn bus stop in their MAGA hats.

    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Wreck Tangle, if you glommed on to Information Liberation's 2 hour video of the incident know that IL is an unreliable right wing extreme site with a wingnut narrative and agenda.

  37. Anonymous2:25 PM

    “It was the indigenous people's march. Everyone with two working neurons to rub together knew that, presumably including the MAGA punks who will hopefully at some point get some sense beat into them, for weeks ahead of time.
    They weren't innocently waiting at the goddamn bus stop in their MAGA hats.”

    There was also a nearby anti-abortion march, which the d-bag MAGA teens attended.

    That’s how this clusterfuck happened: A left-wing event and a right-wing event were held at the same time and place, and the participants ran into each other, with fairly predictable results.

  38. (((Obey)))2:43 PM

    "if you glommed on to Information Liberation's 2 hour video of the incident know that IL is an unreliable right wing extreme site "

    Don't believe your lying eyes, goy. Believe what (((we))) tell you to believe.

  39. Anonymous2:45 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "the MAGA punks who will hopefully at some point get some sense beat into them"

    "When we win we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny."

    We'll remember Doug.

  40. Anonymous2:48 PM

    "Native American war vet being dissed by a preppy Bret Kavernmouth clone"

    Both have to deal with a frenzied mocha mob made up of nihilists and brainless cattle for the sin of existing.

  41. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Fuck you lying mike:

  42. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Creating moral panics like this is how the left justifies to itself its ongoing inaction on economic equality and anti-war organizing. Its the "War on Terror" for progressives.

  43. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Creating fake "crisis" like the caravan is how the right deflects the attention from rich people like trump who are robbing us all blind.

  44. Sign the petition to close Cov-Catholic because they have gone off the rails trying to turn the joint into a right wing ass kissing haters hangout.

  45. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Having watched the entire unedited video - It backs up the students claims 100%.

    I truly can't recall a more shameful case of media misrepresentation in my life.

    These kids lives could be ruined based on provable falsehoods, but does that matter to the media/online mob? Nope.

  46. The more footage emerges, and the more we learn about the circumstances, the less culpable the kids appear — and the less clear-cut the equities of the whole incident.

  47. Thanks for the clarification, Mike. Man those little MAGA shits are some real dumb-as-rocks fucking assbite punks.

  48. Why them Magat hatted bastard wasicus are on tape secretly selling aborted live baby body parts to other Magat hatted fuckers. It is all on tape and so it must be true, right?

    Fuck you wingut fuckers and your alternative view of the real world.

  49. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Video footage is not an alternative view of the real world, it is the real world.

    You are a steaming pile of shit.

  50. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Watch the whole undedited video, commie scum.

  51. Without having both videos to compare side by side, most of us can't tell if a video has been edited except for the knowing of wingnuts delight in altering the original content to match their stoopid fucking miserable narrative. And then lying about it to your face.

    Oregon wasicu wastey hacked four people to death including 9 month old girl and was shot by cops as he attempted to kill a couple more people.

  52. Anonymous8:06 PM

    These kids lives could be ruined based on provable falsehoods, but does that matter to the media/online mob? Nope.
    You mean like ACORN or any other O'Keef video? Cry me a river.

  53. Anonymous8:08 PM

    was shot by cops as he attempted to kill a couple more people.
    Whaaaaaaaaa? You mean they didn't take him to Burger King because he was hungry?

  54. Anonymous8:12 PM

    "Oregon wasicu wastey hacked four people to death including 9 month old girl and was shot by cops as he attempted to kill a couple more people"

    If he was black there'd be big protests against the police.

  55. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Anyone even remotely familiar with race relations in America would understand that these boys had adult chaperones who could (at any time during this disrespectful behavior) put a stop to it.

    The fact of the matter is that the ADULTS that raised them and educated them and that were with them during this horrific display APPROVED OF THEIR BEHAVIOR.

    White folks teach their kids to hate the color brown from the time they can identify the brown crayon in the box.

    Case in point: While on her way to school on the school bus, the black daughter of a friend of mine was told by a group of little white kids, " We're not allowed to talk or play with any brown people."

    They work hard to make sure that their children NEVER embrace or fall in love with anything BROWN.

    Even in television commercials when sponsors have to force themselves to pick a black actor they make sure it's the whitest looking black person they can find. They're always afraid that if you show too much black that you may actually fall in love with it.

    No surprise at all.

  56. Black Snowflakes8:15 PM

    Black adults to white kids: "F*ggots, crackers, bigots, incest kids."
    White kids: [smiling, not responding]
    Everyone: "omg did you see that smile?! So disrespectful!"

  57. Anonymous8:25 PM

    "You mean like ACORN or any other O'Keef video? Cry me a river."

    Judge just dismissed Planned Parenthood's allegation that O'Keefe's video were "deceptively edited". Go blow me a donkey.

  58. Lügenpresse8:28 PM

    "Native American war vet being dissed by a preppy Bret Kavernmouth clone"

    Both have to deal with a frenzied mocha mob made up of nihilists and brainless cattle for the sin of existing.

    Give the lying press credit - they stick with their lies even after they’re proven wrong.

  59. Shirley Sherrod says thank you to dead Breitbart for making her a pariah in her own race for the length of time it took for the unedited video exonerating her to be made public.

  60. Anymoose is even dumber than I gave him credit for. The 5th circuit jerki is a whacky wingnut stronghold where wingnuts want all their major cases tossed without any hearings or reasons giving. They threw out Tom Delays felony sentence. They threw out Guv Goodhair Perry's case. They threw out Abbots case. They ruled in favor of Dan Sullivan without much due process.

  61. Wingnuts know if they can just get enough delays eventually they will get a favorable and dependable 2-3 wingnuts judges to set them free. That is why those judges were selected for that court. It is the oldest joke in judicial history.


    This is what Drum-pf and stoopid fucking partisan wingnuts are doing to the judiciary of the United States and they have not made a secret of it.Ask McCTurtle fuckface.

  63. Anonymous8:48 PM

    When did it become legal to discriminate against white people???

  64. Anonymous8:49 PM


  65. "When did it become legal to discriminate against white people???"

    Who cares?

    -Doug in Oakland

  66. I am feckless worm.

    -Doug in Oakland

  67. Anonymous9:13 PM

    We need a complete ban on journalism until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

  68. 9:13 p.m.

    Such an enlightened comment deserves a proper soundtrack.

  69. Caption:
    "Master Smuggums shows his mastery of baiting."


    I have no business dealings at all with Russia. I lied then I lied some more and then lied even more and told others to lie for me but, HRC had emails.

  71. Why did Drumpf pick Barr as new AG? Because he is expert at covering up stoopid fucking wingnut crimes.

    He saved dumbass dubya the first's ass as well as several other wingnuts who should have been imprisoned.

  72. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Progressive Center Lefts making things up again and pushing reverse racism.....

  73. Anonymous4:45 PM


  74. Anonymous11:06 AM

    The most typical trick of liberals is always accusing people of exactly what they themselves are!

  75. Anonymous5:50 PM


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