Saturday, January 26, 2019

Caption Saturday.

Image result for trump cave to pelosi image

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: I swear she moved on me like a bitch

Pic from


  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Trump thought bubble: “She despises me and she’s about to publicly humiliate me! Why am I getting a boner?”

  2. Anonymous8:13 PM


  3. Is Trump Bitch Slaps trademarked?

  4. I'll open the government for some cofeve and handburgers.

  5. I wonder if she's figured out my next move in 4 D chess?

  6. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I'm as dumb as cat shit and she knows it.

  7. From Taegan Goddard:

    “Our diversity is our strength. But our unity is our power. And that is what maybe the president underestimated.”

    — Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), quoted by the Washington Post.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. A testament to stupidity.

  9. Anonymous8:16 AM

    "Nancy. why do you hate America so much?"

  10. Anonymous8:18 AM

    5 negroes wounded in Saturday shootings:

  11. Anonymous8:39 AM

    "See the hand? See it??"

  12. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:47 AM

    Anonymous said:


    8:18 AM

    5 Dead In Louisiana Shootings, Search For Suspected Gunman Underway
    Officials believe that Dakota Theriot, 21, killed his parents and three others. Shooter is a young white man.

  13. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Here Ms. Pelosi demonstrates the chopping motion with which she removed Cadet Bone Spur's testicles...

  14. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Gee, I can't believe i am sitting in the same room with this Satanic Bitch.

  15. Pelosi explaining how Putin controls Drumpf puppet with one hand.


    What a non-phucking surprise.

  17. "5 Dead In Louisiana Shootings"

    but but but Chicago

  18. Anonymous11:23 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. trump wonders why Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer aren't being frogmarched out with the rest of the Dems as promised by Qanon.

  20. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Can anyone on here, after watching this video, tell me that this feral nigger monkey is a human being?
    Can anyone tell me that after ignoring a story about an inbred cracker killing his parents and three others he posts some bullshit isn't also an inbred asshole? It's ok to be a white killer.

  21. Anonymous12:17 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Anonymous12:46 PM

    4 victims ID’d in deadly NW Georgia shooting; coon hunt continues

    Funny how all the ignorant coons and their coddlers on here will tell you about the inbred cracker killing 5 but conveniently overlook this one

  23. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Funny how all the ignorant coons and their coddlers on here will tell you about the inbred cracker killing 5 but conveniently overlook this one
    Funny how all the coon hunters can find a negro getting a parking ticket but overlook inbred crackers killing multiple people.

  24. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Leave it to inbred cracker. LOL

    Mom leaves baby in car takes meth with her.

  25. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Way to go you big bootlipped monkey. Victim a 12 year old girl. You a real playah! Nigger gotz swag and sheeit.

    Neighbors speak out after sexual assault suspect arrested in North Las Vegas

  26. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Way to go inbred sister fucker! You a true playah fucking your auntiemommy and all.

    And another white woman injecting her babies with meth and letting men have sex with them. That's some sick shit.

  27. Anonymous1:22 PM

    And here is some hilarious inbred cracker shit. Woman gives birth to an inbred meth baby in a moving car which she names Atom Bomb Sain and gets arrested selling meth out of the same car. She named the baby Atom Bomb not the car but ya never know with these hillbilly inbred types like our friend anon.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

  28. Anonymous1:24 PM

    It's ok to molest and give babies meth when you're white.

  29. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Dis Ookland nigger dun married his step mammy den proceeded to molest the children.

    Sordid Details In Trial Of Oakland Man Who Married Stepmom, Allegedly Molested Siblings

  30. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Yee haw! This rednecked,backwoods, inbred mother fucker from, you guessed it, West Virginia raped and murdered a 10 month old baby. But it's ok if you're white.

  31. Iraq war.

    -Doug in Oakland

  32. How me and my family look at any black person who gets near us.

  33. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Hey Nancy, how is your boyfriend Putin"


    Approached police in a vehicle in Virginia with a gun pointing out the window and the cops never fired a shot. Just let him surrender. Must be a honky.

  35. Anonymous6:54 PM

    How me and my family look at any black person who gets near us.
    How a baby should let ok at any white male who gets near it.

  36. Anonymous7:42 PM

    This is how an orange skinned albino orangutan looks at you when you deny him its banana.

  37. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Damn, I know all of those dummies voted for me because they thought I was smart, but this bitch is really blowing my cover.

    It's hard for me to admit it but Obama really IS much smarter than I am.
    And you know we hate to have niggers look smarter than us.

  38. Anonymous8:56 PM

    What we have here ladies and germs,is a total failure to communicate!!!

  39. Wesley R8:59 PM

    This reminds me of one of my all time favorite songs, Gamin on Ya-Parliament/Funkadelic.

  40. The look all master negotiators have after a master negotiation.😂

  41. The look you have after finishing trump u's negotiating course😂

  42. I wonder how the tattoo of Richard Nixon Roger Stone has on his back will go over in prison?

    -Doug in Oakland

  43. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Trump is a smelly turd.

  44. Anonymous10:54 PM

    " I wonder how the tattoo of Richard Nixon Roger Stone has on his back will go over in prison?"

    Lots of inmates making "I am not a crook" jokes at Stone's expense?

  45. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Trump dropping sanctions on Putin's buddy, Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, does not make him look at all collusion-y. Nope, nope, nope, totally normal. Absolutely nothing to see here, guys.

  46. Anonymous12:36 AM

    The total Western country aid to Africa from 1960-2013 comes up to over $5 trillion or the equivalent of about 50 Marshall Plans.

  47. Anonymous12:40 AM

    58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas, with 95,000 non-citizens registered to vote. These numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. All over the country, especially in California, voter fraud is rampant.

  48. Fake News12:58 AM

    58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas, with 95,000 non-citizens registered to vote.
    And Big Foot is real and trump is a stable genius.

  49. Anonymous12:59 AM

    All over the country, especially in California, voter fraud is rampant.
    All over this country stupidity is running rampant especially among Fox News viewers.

  50. What do you call those things again? Oh yeah, I remember, lies. They're called lies.

    -Doug in Oakland

  51. I am envision africa are cataclysm after China extraction mineral resource wealth.

  52. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Ruth Bader Gunsburg has not been seen alive for 18 days.

  53. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:44 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas, with 95,000 non-citizens registered to vote. These numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. All over the country, especially in California, voter fraud is rampant."

    12:40 AM

    And you can support this claim with what? Inquiring minds want to know.

  54. Fook Yu Tu2:23 AM

    I am envision rednecks are cataclysm after Mueller extraction Trump from White House.

  55. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Having failed to provide for the socioeconomic security of Americans, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez argues we should extend our failed state protections to non-Americans by effectively eliminating immigration control.

    Progressive immigration policy is just moral cover for Koch brothers' labor policies.

  56. 58,000 registered voters over a period of 22 years were supposedly, "flagged," by partisan republican operatives presumably in an attempt to satisfy Trump and the fascists.

    That's proof, isn't it? That's all it takes for these fucking dummies to believe every thing that they are told.

  57. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  59. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  60. AOC is in no position to halt immigration policies so quit getting yer panties in a bunch, racist bitch!

  61. Total wingnut aid to the koch bros just this past year is hundreds of trillions of dollars- countless Marshall plans.

  62. Let's start this week out right- fuck every one of you Drumpfuck supporters in yer right ears! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaaha fuckerz!

  63. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Koch brothers are huge anti-Trumpers. Why is that?

  64. Anonymous11:13 AM

    "58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas, with 95,000 non-citizens registered to vote."

    Imagine how many such people are in California, where they give illegal aliens driver's licenses and criminalize asking citizenship status. Millions.

  65. Anonymous11:33 AM

    “Imagine how many such people are in California, where they give illegal aliens driver's licenses and criminalize asking citizenship status. Millions.”

    Imagine how many lies about illegal immigrants voting there are in the Republican Party, where they spew endless racist bullshit and never provide evidence for any of it. Millions.

  66. Koch bros are anti-Drumpfuckers except for minor thing- billions in taxcuts for themselves.

    hen Donald Trump was running for president, billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch made it brutally obvious just how much they despised him. After spending hundreds of millions of dollars reshaping the G.O.P. in their image over the past decade, the brothers chose to keep their checkbooks closed during the 2016 election, with Charles likening the choice between the former reality-TV-show host and Hillary Clinton to choosing between a heart attack or cancer. Both brothers have condemned Trump’s travel ban, and in April, Charles wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post
    criticizing the administration’s “counterproductive” actions.

    But some things are bigger than personalities or politics. Some things transcend all that. Those things, obviously, are tax cuts and the terrifying possibility that—thanks to the president’s ill-conceived decision to ask the director of the F.B.I. to stop investigating Mike Flynn and then firing him for not laying off that whole “Russia thing”—tax cuts might not happen in 2017 or even 2018. And so no matter what the Kochs think of Trump—and to be clear, all accounts suggest they loathe him—this week they’ve decided to set aside their differences to get one of his campaign promises accomplished.

    The Associated Press reports that two of the brothers’ political organizations, Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners, will launch a “multimillion-dollar campaign through the summer to ensure their conservative tax plan is not forgotten,” with digital ads, town hall meetings, direct mail, and phone banks all part of the push. In a statement, spokesman James Davis said, “Now is the time. We’ve got to unite around these principles. The White House hopefully will see this as a jolt to support them in driving this forward.”

    Billions in taxcuts for billionaires makes for strange billionaire bedfellows.

  67. Globohomo, Inc.12:16 PM

    "Billions in taxcuts for billionaires makes for strange billionaire bedfellows"


    "Imagine how many such people are in California, where they give illegal aliens driver's licenses and criminalize asking citizenship status. Millions."

    Chamber of Commerce Republicans serve their donors, who want a continuous massive stream of illegal and legal immigrants to keep wages down and profits up. They will sacrifice their middle class base now, even though it means long term political destruction, for short term payoffs. They are that greedy.

    Democrats get a two-fer, open borders serve the interests of their Wall Street and Big Tech donors, who also want low wages and millions of more consumers, with money to spend from day one courtesy of US taxpayers. They also get millions of new voters, the poorer and more illiterate the better, who will reliably vote for more government control and redistributionist policies. This will lead to the Californiaization of America, with a one-party state composed of the mega rich ruling over a massive peasant class. Just like the Republicans, they are willing to sacrifice the middle class, and everything that made America the best place to live in the world, for power and profit. Unlike the Republicans, theirs is a strategy that offers long term success.

    This why, despite a large majority of Americans wanting something to be done about controlling the borders, nothing ever gets done. The result will be the replacement of the existing culture and ideas about individual liberty with a polyglot, divided populace ruled by an all powerful centralized state, with much higher limits on personal freedom and much higher wealth disparity than what we cling to today. GDP may soar, but most of us will be much poorer and isolated. You may hate heritage America, but the future they have planned for us is going to be way worse.

    But hey, at least whitey is going to get his due. So there's that.

  68. Exactly which Dems have said they want open borders? Let's see some proof.

    Let's see some proof that immigrants, who are condemned by wingnuts before they even get here, vote or choose to vote Democratic when they earn the right to vote.

  69. For that mAtter, why would any immigrant choose to vote for the party that calls them rapists and murderers and drug dealers and child kidnappers/sex slavers etc?


    Kinda shoots wingnut's theory in the ass, donut?

  71. Anonymous1:46 PM

    “This will lead to the Californiaization of America, with a one-party state composed of the mega rich ruling over a massive peasant class.”

    Except that the standard of living in California is far better than in Possum Holler, Mississippi, or Tumbleweed, Texas. The inhabitants of red states should be so lucky to live like the “peasants” of California.

    And, nationwide, wages aren’t being driven down by floods of excess immigrants. We are AT full employment now. There is no actual labor surplus. If you want real explanations for the unfair distribution of wealth in this country, they are out there. But none of them involve the U.S. having a “too many brown people” problem.

    Your economic theories are claptrap and I am beginning to suspect these are just rationalizations on your part. Why, it’s almost like you are irrationally afraid of people who don’t look like you, and you are trying to come up with false arguments that make you sound like less of a dick.

  72. Anonymous1:56 PM

    “Exactly which Dems have said they want open borders? Let's see some proof.”

    He’s going off the fact that AOC and a handful of other Dems have called for the abolition of ICE, on the grounds that ICE is full of thugs who abuse detainees and its culture is so corrupted that it can’t be reformed and the entire agency must be disbanded.

    Most, if not all, of these individuals want to start from scratch and replace it with an entirely new immigration enforcement service. I think this is wildly impractical and is basically “virtue signaling” to people that are mad at ICE.

    But anyway, predictably, wingnut media have spun this into the false idea that they want to replace ICE with nothing, and eliminate all immigration controls.

    It’s just more strawman scaremongering, like suggesting the Dems are Bolsheviks and communism is around the corner if they get elected.

  73. Globohomo, Inc.2:29 PM

    "Except that the standard of living in California is far better than in Possum Holler, Mississippi, or Tumbleweed, Texas. The inhabitants of red states should be so lucky to live like the “peasants” of California."

    The standard of living in California is far worse than it was 40 years ago. About 10 million middle class people moved out and were replaced with about 10 million immigrants, mostly poor Mexicans.

    California is perhaps the richest piece of real estate on the planet. It has an easy to live in climate, natural resources such as oil, gold, and timber, and a massive economic infrastructure bequeathed by previous generations. It is the port of of entry for the trillions in goods that have come from Asia. It had the best university system in the world. The good times have continued the last 30 years as it is the home of the tech industry, the richest and most dynamic industry in the world.

    California today is living off what yesterday's California left them. If it's large enough, you can live on your inheritance for a generation, maybe two, but eventually you've spent all the principle and eaten the last of your seed corn.

    Today, they have the worst performing schools in America (maybe Mississippi is still 50th, but California is not far behind). The Central Valley is starting to look like Mexico. The cities have the highest rate of homelessness, with vast tent cities a permanent feature. Watch your step on the sidewalk.

    Elections no longer matter, as they come down to which nearly indistinguishable Democrat you want to pick for the job.

    The GDP looks great, but is increasingly going to the top 1%.

    Anyone with any sense can see where this is headed. You either have no sense, or are fooling yourself.

  74. According to

    California is 35th. No wheres near bottom.

  75. Yeah, California is just horrible and getting worse all the time (which I guess is why so many people want to live here that you literally can't get a rental in many areas) so whatever you do, stay as far away from it as you possibly can.

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. Globohomo, Inc.2:51 PM

    "For that mAtter, why would any immigrant choose to vote for the party that calls them rapists and murderers and drug dealers and child kidnappers/sex slavers etc?"

    Why would a party not care about potentially importing any number rapists and murderers and drug dealers and child kidnappers/sex slavers just to get more voters?

    And why would a people want to radically and permanently change their country, in many ways for the worse, by allowing uncontrolled immigration at such an extreme level?

    Even if the people coming are better than you, if they are smarter, harder working, more moral, and more law abiding, don't the inhabitants here now have some right to maintain their culture, values and traditions that they inherited from their ancestors? Don't they have right to choose between passing their country intact down to their children versus and additional 0.7% GDP growth, the benefits of which go entirely to the 1%?

    Should the people of Kenya be forced to subsidize Chinese immigration and colonization because the Chinese will run it better? Sure Kenyan culture, traditions, and languages will fade from the earth, but just think of the Economy!

  77. Eighty-four percent of respondents in the the National Association for Business Economics (NABE) poll said the tax law hasn't caused their firm to make changes to hiring or investment. That figure is slightly higher than the 81 percent in the October survey.

    So much for the billions in tax breaks to spur hiring and uinvestment in machinery and jobs. You would have had to be a blind political partisan or a stoopid fucking wingnut not to know this would be the result of rewarding billionaires with even more billions.

  78. Globohomo, Inc.2:53 PM

    "Yeah, California is just horrible and getting worse all the time (which I guess is why so many people want to live here that you literally can't get a rental in many areas) so whatever you do, stay as far away from it as you possibly can.'

    This is the perspective of someone with no children. Things are great for me now personally, who cares about the future?

  79. The Central Valley is starting to look like Mexico.

    It was Mexico at one time. So9 was Texass and Nude Mexico and Arizona.

  80. I believe many of the people who left escaped the smog and the rat race of traffic jams for a simpler, quieter existence.

  81. Anonymous2:56 PM

    “California today is living off what yesterday's California left them.”

    How can this be while, simultaneously, “GDP looks great”?

    Utter hogwash.

    “Today, they have the worst performing schools in America (maybe Mississippi is still 50th, but California is not far behind).”

    Lol, no.

    Unless, by “bad schools,” you mean schools where white kids are “suffering the indignity” of being forced to be around brown kids. Which, I’m guessing, is what you did mean.

    “The cities have the highest rate of homelessness, with vast tent cities a permanent feature. Watch your step on the sidewalk.”

    Yes, there are homeless people on the streets. Partially this is because California is so successful that lots of people want to live there, which has driven real estate prices way up. Partially, this is because zoning/environmental regulations have limited real estate construction. A problem, but not an unfixable one.

    Also, you simply see the homeless people in California more than in other places, because their lefty government is less mean to them than in other places.

    In other regions of the country, you are less likely to run into them, because the cops abuse them until they’re driven to the fringes of town, so the rest of polite society won’t be inconvenienced by having to look at them and smell them.

    As for your complaints about income inequality, yes, there is a ton of it in America, courtesy of an excess of capitalism (driven by right-wing economic policies at the national level), not excessive immigration.

    And the only reason this effect isn’t as strong in places run by conservatives is that they’ve comprehensive Mia managed their states so badly, there’s less extremes of income inequality because everybody’s fuckin’ poor. That’s not the way I’d prefer to solve inequality, but different strokes for different folks, I guess.

  82. d

    Peace with the Taliban in Afghanistan appears closer than ever. What could that look like?

    Looks like Drumpfuck-the world's greatest negotiator could fuck it up in less than the time it takes him to tweet an insult towards the Taliban.

  83. Globohomo, Inc.3:05 PM

    “Exactly which Dems have said they want open borders? Let's see some proof.”

    Oppose border walls (They're immoral!)
    Oppose any border enforcement (Abolish ICE!)
    Oppose asylum reform (Anyone who says they need in must be let in!)
    Oppose restricting access to benefits for illegals (The world's poor are our responsibility!)
    Oppose reforming chain migration (If we let one in, we have to let everyone related to them in!)
    Oppose eliminating birthright citizenship (Manage to get across the river before you drop your kid and he's American. And because of chain migration, so are you!)
    Oppose E-Verify (Employers have the right to cheap labor!)
    Oppose Voter ID (Racist!)

  84. Tarawa Island will soon be underwater. It was the scene of one of the most important WW2 Pacific Ocean battles and there are still unacounted for Marine remains there.

  85. Globohomo, Inc. said.. I don't fully understand what “Exactly which Dems have said they want open borders? means.

    So far you listed possible fake noize talking points. Try harder.

  86. Anonymous3:10 PM

    “Even if the people coming are better than you, if they are smarter, harder working, more moral, and more law abiding, don't the inhabitants here now have some right to maintain their culture, values and traditions that they inherited from their ancestors? Don't they have right to choose between passing their country intact down to their children versus and additional 0.7% GDP growth, the benefits of which go entirely to the 1%?”

    In a word, no.

    Because the majority of the citizens of this country DON’T WANT THIS. The people who share your view are a minority of the population. In fact, they are probably a minority of the white population, let alone the overall population.

    Maintaining some kind of absolutely static, unchanging culture isn’t achievable in any case, and the rest of us certainly aren’t willing to trash the economy in a quixotic and hopeless attempt to do so by pulling up the drawbridges and halting immigration.

    And yet, somehow, you think your views are more important than the majority of Americans who want a different direction for the country, and you feel entitled to subvert democracy to get what you want!

    That is where you are truly delusional.

  87. Globohomo, Inc.3:13 PM

    "It was Mexico at one time. So9 was Texass and Nude Mexico and Arizona."

    California, New Mexico, and Arizona were part of Mexico for 27 years, from the creation of Mexico in 1821 to the Mexican American War in 1848.

    Texas was part of Mexico for only 15 years, from 1821 to Texan Independence in 1836.

    In all of those area, there were hardly any Mexicans living there. The Comanches had long before driven the Spanish (and all the other Native American tribes) out of most of Texas, which is why the Mexican government welcomed American settlers.

    Whatever these areas are now is the product of 170 years of American rule.

  88. Globohomo, Inc.3:22 PM

    Maintaining some kind of absolutely static, unchanging culture isn’t achievable in any case, and the rest of us certainly aren’t willing to trash the economy in a quixotic and hopeless attempt to do so by pulling up the drawbridges and halting immigration.

    And yet, somehow, you think your views are more important than the majority of Americans who want a different direction for the country, and you feel entitled to subvert democracy to get what you want!

    We were doing just fine evolving our culture on our own. Replacement and destruction of a culture over the space of a few generations is not a natural event, especially in the most powerful country in the world. This the result of explicit policy. The economy should serve the interests of the people, not the other way around.

    The vast majority of the country certainly do not want open borders and mass immigration, and have said so repeatedly with their votes. Democracy is being subverted alright, by the continued thwarting of the will of the people by an elite committed to their own interests.

  89. Anonymous3:38 PM

    “Democracy is being subverted alright, by the continued thwarting of the will of the people by an elite committed to their own interests.”

    Go on and keep telling yourself this, but it ain’t true.

    You don’t oppose “open borders,” because we don’t have those now, nor will we in the foreseeable future. You want entirely closed borders, and are angry because you can’t get them.

    And this didn’t happen through the dastardly conspiracy of a globalist elite. It mostly happened because Americans voted for it. We stopped having a race-driven immigration policy back in the ‘60s — by popular consensus.

    You cannot accept that your “team” lost the intellectual argument a long time ago, and so you engage in a rewriting of history and a mental erasure of the majority of people in this country who disagree with you.

  90. Globohomo, Inc.3:54 PM

    "Unless, by “bad schools,” you mean schools where white kids are “suffering the indignity” of being forced to be around brown kids. Which, I’m guessing, is what you did mean.

    No, I meant performance when it comes to educating students.

    California comes in 48th for elementary schools, ahead of only Louisiana and Missippi:

    They do a little better with middle schools, at 46th.

    California ranks 10th best in median household income but 35th worst in poverty level:

    California now has the 7th highest income disparity between the top 1% and everyone else (Texas is 8th):

    Caifornia is also 49th in housing supply

  91. Globohomo, Inc.3:57 PM

    "And this didn’t happen through the dastardly conspiracy of a globalist elite. It mostly happened because Americans voted for it."

    No people, including Americans, ever voted for their demographic and cultural replacement.

  92. Forbes lists California as the 37th best state.
    US news says 26th.
    USA Today says 35th.

  93. Any idea why there are so many people of Spanish descent in Mexico and California and elsewhere?

  94. Seems like Aztecs back before the Spanish arrived called Mexico Mexico.

  95. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Aztecs were never in California.

  96. Anonymous5:09 PM

    "Any idea why there are so many people of Spanish descent in Mexico and California and elsewhere?"

    Illegal immigration.

  97. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:11 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    “Imagine how many such people are in California, where they give illegal aliens driver's licenses and criminalize asking citizenship status. Millions.”

    Hey, Anonymous, Imagine how may absentee-ballot votes were stolen last November in North Carolina. Someone is going to jail for this debacle, but he won't be a Democrat nor an immigrant. And I do believe he is a white man.

  98. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  99. Never said Aztecs were in California. BTW Mexico is not Mexico's given name. People of Mexico want to vote to change name to Mexico officially.

  100. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:31 PM

    Anonymous Globohomo, Inc. said...

    "Yeah, California is just horrible and getting worse all the time (which I guess is why so many people want to live here that you literally can't get a rental in many areas) so whatever you do, stay as far away from it as you possibly can."
    Yes, California has a housing problem and traffic is bad in the major cities, but people are continuing to go there, so something must be attracting them. Could it be wonderful weather, miles and miles of beaches, mountains up and down the state for camping, hiking, and skiing, fabulous state and national parks, and entertainment venues every where?

  101. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:38 PM

    Anonymous Globohomo, Inc. said...

    “Exactly which Dems have said they want open borders? Let's see some proof.”

    "Oppose border walls (They're immoral!)
    Oppose any border enforcement (Abolish ICE!)
    Oppose asylum reform (Anyone who says they need in must be let in!)
    Oppose restricting access to benefits for illegals (The world's poor are our responsibility!)
    Oppose reforming chain migration (If we let one in, we have to let everyone related to them in!)
    Oppose eliminating birthright citizenship (Manage to get across the river before you drop your kid and he's American. And because of chain migration, so are you!)
    Oppose E-Verify (Employers have the right to cheap labor!)
    Oppose Voter ID (Racist!)"

    Not one of these statements supports your claim that Dems have said they want open borders. Try again if you have something real.

  102. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:46 PM

    For all Trump Trolls, from today's Talking Points Memo:

    5 Points On Trump’s Latest False Claims About Voter Fraud In Texas

  103. Kenny Rogers, AKA "The Gambler"6:05 PM

    "Not one of these statements supports your claim that Dems have said they want open borders"

    They certainly form a pattern. Try noticing something on your own.

    Actions speak louder than words.

  104. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Has Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recommended watering the crops with Brawndo yet?

  105. They certainly form a pattern. Try noticing something on your own.

    Looks like a pattern of lies to me. Never mind that, the deal was name specific Dems by name, not patterns. Get with the program and try to keep up.

  106. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:01 PM

    Anonymous Kenny Rogers, AKA "The Gambler" said...

    "Not one of these statements supports your claim that Dems have said they want open borders"

    "They certainly form a pattern. Try noticing something on your own.

    Actions speak louder than words."

    6:05 PM
    There is a pattern of Dems being reasonable and sane. Quote me one prominent Dems who advocate "open borders." All you got is GOP talking points.

  107. Like the song says, when will they ever learn? Wingnuts is incapable of learning anything but hate for POC.

  108. Anonymous9:48 PM


  109. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Hey elected officials using your tax dollars for illegal aliens and non-citizens. That's taxation without representation.

  110. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:04 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Hey elected officials using your tax dollars for illegal aliens and non-citizens. That's taxation without representation."
    I'm pretty sure that if you are an American citizen, you are represented in congress, both in the house and in the senate. They make tax law.

  111. I'm Californian by birth, by nature, and by choice. Been here 58 years, so I do in fact know a thing or two about it, and don't plan on moving anywhere else any time soon.
    We fuck ourselves up sometimes, but usually get around to fixing things sooner or later, like in 2020 when the partial repeal of prop 13 will be on the ballot to allow property taxes on commercial properties to be raised for the first time in 40 years so we can fund the schools the way we did when I attended them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  112. Anonymous10:22 AM

    It's not the schools Doug, it's the students. You can throw all the money you want at education, but demographics is destiny.

  113. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:55 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "It's not the schools Doug, it's the students. You can throw all the money you want at education, but demographics is destiny."

    No one "throws Money at education." This expression is a long-lived Republican talking point designed to discourage tax payers from favoring more money for schools. If you knew the traditional ways money for schools has been allocated, you would know that poor neighborhoods receive much less money for schools than do more affluent neighborhoods. This helps to perpetuate a cycle of poverty that is very difficult to overcome. This applies to white neighborhoods as well as others.

    This helps to partly explain the plight of poor people living in the rural south.

  114. Anonymous3:35 PM

    "poor neighborhoods receive much less money for schools than do more affluent neighborhoods."

    That's true for poor white neighborhoods, but per pupil spending is highest for poor black neighborhoods, in part due to the high security costs associated with large concentrations of young black people.

  115. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:48 PM

    Anonymous said:
    That's true for poor white neighborhoods, but per pupil spending is highest for poor black neighborhoods, in part due to the high security costs associated with large concentrations of young black people.

    3:35 PM
    And you have a source for this claim? Please post. Thanks.

  116. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:02 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "It's not money. Poorest white kids do same/better on SATs than richest blacks:"
    This is because standardized tests, such as the SAT contain cultural bias. They are developed by white people, and the bias is unconscious. Here are a few references for you. Or you can Google "bias in standard tests.

    Cultural Bias in Standardized Testing |
    Cultural bias is a term that means certain cultures do not have equal access to resources, particularly education. There have been arguments that standardized tests are culturally biased because they were written with non-minority children in mind.
    Cultural bias in testing refers to a situation in which a given test is inappropriate for a certain audience as it does not test the student's actual knowledge of a taught subject or includes details tied to a culture that the student is unfamiliar with.

    Cultural Bias in Testing - SAGE Journals
    by AJ Kruse - ‎2016 - ‎Cited by 6 - ‎Related articles
    All of these areas carry the potential for bias in favor of or against groups of test takers. Validity refers to whether a test measures what it intends to measure, which means that bias in testing is an issue of validity.
