Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Covington Catholic spin, and America's willingness to buy into it.

I am not sure who little Ted Cruz and his friends hired for their PR campaign and damage control tour, but whoever it is deserves a bonus.

There he was on NBC with Samantha Guthrie, trying to play the hero, and looking just like the boy next door. His MAGA hat no doubt tucked away with all his baseball cards and Boy Scout awards.

Now, because of a video showing four crazed Black Israelites (more on them in a minute) shouting at these school boys, we are supposed to believe that THEY were threatened, and that THEY were the ones who had to stand their ground against racism and intimidation. Poor little Ted Cruz was taunting that Native American, but he was merely standing HIS ground.   And America is buying it. Folks have deleted tweets, news outlets have retracted stories, and talking heads are saying that we owe the boys an apology for "jumping to conclusions".  I beg to differ.

We all saw the video, and every person of color who has lived on this earth longer than 24 hours knows what was going on. We know now who those kids were. We have seen them all before. Just look at some of those old Jim Crow era pictures of racists taunting and harassing civil rights workers and freedom riders, and you will see them again.

It's not like these kids and this school didn't have a history. Listen to some of the things they were saying on the tape, watch their behavior again as they circled around those Native Americans and mocked their tribal dance. Tell me again if you think that they were just poor little kids being heckled by those evil Black Israelites. And as for those Black Israelites; they are in every major city in America, and they hassle and harass  black folks and damn near everyone else on a regular basis. I have been harassed by them for simply walking by with a white co-worker. I was called a Tom and a Coon along with some other choice words. It's par for the course with those folks. They might yell and scream, but they are harmless. Most white and black folks who have lived in places with more than one stoplight would know this.  For the Covington Catholic kids to say that they turned on this group of Native Americans because they were being harassed by four Black Israelites is ludicrous. And what's sad is that a lot of folks have bought into the spin. (I see you CNN.)

Now, not surprisingly, they are being invited to the White House for a sit down with their grand leader. This is America in 2019. Act like a racist ignorant boor in the nation's capital, and you get invited to meet the Boor In Chief. Mr. trump says that the kids were treated "unfairly" by the media. But the media was simply reporting (before all the spin) what actually happened.

Of course, if you believe David French, this is what's happening as well:

"Last year, conservative wives looked at the furious attack on Kavanaugh and thought, "That could be my husband." Now conservative moms look at the wild attempt to destroy the Covington kids and think, "That could be my son.". 

Well mother, maybe if you didn't raise your son to be a bigot and a misogynistic asshole, things like this wouldn't be happening to him. 

*Pic from huffingtonpost.com


  1. Pot meet Kettle10:50 PM

    "I was called a Tom and a Coon along with some other choice words"

    Wow. At least they didn't call you a House Negro.

  2. Anonymous10:52 PM

    A media lie campaign against children was totally discredited by video evidence, and you call it "spin".


  3. Anonymous11:18 PM

    I mean, it’s not implausible that they were responding to the Israelite fools’ taunts. Those guys are crazy, racist assholes.

    And for what it’s worth, some of the Native American protesters who tried to intervene between the two groups may not have their heads screwed on too tight, either, if they’re still trying to hold present-day white folks accountable over “stolen land.” That’s only about a 400-year-old grievance that will always be responded to with eye rolls. Do they expect the other 323 million Americans to pack up and move to another continent so they can have their ancestors’ land back or ...?

    Anyway, none of that can justify the MAGA boys responding to hate with more hate. Chanting “build the wall” and taunting the Native protesters with mock indigenous rituals is real classy. Even if they didn’t start it, they still behaved like racist bullies.

    It seems like there were assholes of all colors in DC that day. I’m going to pull a reverse Donald Trump and say that there were “bad people on both sides.” A pox on all their houses.

  4. Little Ted Cruz hired a Louisville PR firm to try and make this sound like they were just minding their own business and those scary brown people interrupted them from their bible study.
    They were attending the march for life, an event worshiped by American terrorists of several stripes.
    A who's who of bombers and assassins attends it every year.
    Perhaps they weren't aware of the history of the event, and just wanted to protest the baby-killing like their church tells them to.
    So they 1) had the resources to hire a PR firm and 2) felt they had fucked this up bad enough to warrant spending those resources to make it go away.
    MAGA indeed, motherfuckers.


    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous11:29 PM

    "Chanting “build the wall” and taunting the Native protesters with mock indigenous rituals is real classy. Even if they didn’t start it, they still behaved like racist bullies."

    They behaved like high school kids when faced with adults who were acting like ass-hats.

    Amd btw, none of the videos include chants of "build the wall". That apparently was another lie.

  6. Anonymous11:31 PM

    "They were attending the march for life, an event worshiped by American terrorists of several stripes."

    You are a sad little man.

    Tell me how you would have reacted if this were black kids being harassed by white adults.

  7. http://www.fox32chicago.com/news/man-27-arrested-after-allegedly-threatening-to-kill-women-because-hes-a-virgin-report?fbclid=IwAR3okq4d7RwlDXW2nSQzvrJKzJVn_C2A4Oh7QMqlugx2nBOhsdaGjdtOMd4

  8. "Tell me how you would have reacted if this were black kids being harassed by white adults."

    Seeing that blah "kids" are never viewed as kids we'll never know.

  9. Anonymous12:41 AM

    “Tell me how you would have reacted if this were black kids being harassed by white adults.”

    Well, I’d personally react less sympathetically if I found they were black kids who were attending the I Want To Control Your Uterus March.

    My attitude would be: Great, some sexists ran into some racists. Fuck all of them.

  10. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Seeing that groups of white adults never insult and threaten groups of black kids we'll never know.

  11. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Dear 80 IQ Commies, fret not for your master Satan knows your heart and will grant your wish to lead you to the confrontation you desire. Sadly, God knows you not now and surely will not then. Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am GOD: I will be exalted among the heathen,I will be exalted in the Earth."

  12. Anonymous12:45 AM

    New Nation News

  13. Anonymous12:45 AM

    There is no scenario where these kids are actually likable. They’re wearing MAGA hats and attending an anti-women’s rights march. They’ve got two strikes against them before evaluating whether they actually said and did a bunch of racist junk.

  14. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Well the one thing that is certain, Field Heebro will never be called Honest.

  15. Anonymous12:59 AM

    These kids are religious, love the President, and feel killing babies is wrong. They're the absolute worst! Let's ruin their lives and burn down their schools! Yay, Progressives!

  16. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Nathan Phillips:

    *Tried to disrupt a Catholic mass
    *bangs his drum in kids faces
    *wants to punish kids for not moving out of his way
    *Appears to have exaggerated his military service
    *Isn't honest

    Can we stop claiming he's a good guy?

  17. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Late term abortion is now legal in New York. Right up to the moment of birth. Capital punishment is illegal. Which means it is only okay to give lethal injections to infants. If that seems rational or moral to you, you're a psychopath.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      I'll be a psychopath then.

  18. Anonymous1:05 AM

    You'd think that if Whites were so awful, everyone else would be trying to get away from us. But they don't. They either follow us wherever we go, or they look for an opportunity to claim we microaggressed them so they can be showered with attention for a week.

  19. That old degenerate with the tom-tom thought he could just show up and force the white kids to submit. Instead, they stared the old crook down, refusing to play the role of conquered men. The smirks and MAGA hats are a great touch, but the mere act of rebellion among young people is the inspiring part. It says all the anti-white rhetoric and the endless assault on white men is having the opposite of the intended effect.

  20. Anonymous1:43 AM

    I think you should rename this blog "We Should Have Picked Our Own Cotton"

  21. 2020 Dem primary will be about who hates white people the most while also claiming there is no such thing as white people.

  22. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Other than maybe the Black Israelites, there were no particular villains at the scene.

    Phillip's villainy came when he lied after the fact about the kids.

    The press are far more villainous though, for not doing basic journalism before starting a lynch mob.


  23. Gizmodo


    President Trump's official Facebook account has been posting photoshopped images that make his fingers look longer. Seriously. http://gizmo.do/9U1PNBY

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. '...If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were rising against me, I could hide. But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship at the house of God, as we walked about among the worshipers....'

    '...My companion attacks his friends; he violates his covenant. His talk is smooth as butter, yet war is in his heart; his words are more soothing than oil, yet they are drawn swords...'

    '...But you, God, will bring down the wicked into the pit of decay; the bloodthirsty and deceitful will not live out half their days. But as for me, I trust in you.'

    -- Flav Aetius 451AD

  25. Here are four typical FOX News viewers weighing in on the controversy.

    From WriterBeat.Com

    I did not personally hear the kids chanting "Build the Wall", although, some of them may have. By all reports, the kids were chanting school cheers and chants, waiting for their school bus, before being set upon. Any number of statements have been made in support of that claim.

    Those Black Hebrew Jews (???) are a curious bunch. I've seen videos of them on the streets of NYC, as they harass and insult everyone that happens by. They seem to be a group of maladjusted individuals who are so smug in their belief that they hold superior positions to well, just everyone, that they can act as they do. BTW, some members are clearly not Black.

  26. I remember Charlottesville. Trump never endorsed the White Supremacists, he condemned EVERYONE who went there to fight it out, and I do believe there were people on both sides who went hoping to get in a fight. The folks who went there to get in a fight with the White Supremacists are not innocents. I also remember that when Martin Luther King was making speeches all over the US, many seemed to be followed by riots. Would you also call him a bigot or racist too, because his talks often seem to have inspired violence? See for yourselves that the kids were waiting in a tight group and chanting school chants when they were confronted by the drummer. They were already beset by a group of Black activist adults who were intimidating the hell out of those kids… Listen to the interviews of all sides. Read the calls for violence against the kids, their school, their families and businesses. Hear a family member of a child who was misidentified as being at the event, as he describes the threats and intimidation which his family has already suffered… Listen to the American Indian cohort of the drumming man explain that yes, they heard the racist chants and homophobic slurs of the Black Hebrew Jewish whatever group against those kids, but then decided to throw in with them and hold their protest of drums against the kids and their MAGA hats… Hear the Democratic Congressman from Kentucky state that children should be forbidden to wear MAGA hats. No 1st Amendment Rights, except for party- liners, is that it? Watch as celebrities call for not only the doxxing of those kids and calls for physical violence against them, but calls to ruin their lives and futures, as well… Then, come back here and rationalize some more of your "holier- than- thou" politically correct, self- righteous bullshit, while you call those kids, punks.

    These children (it appeared they were 10 -14 years old) were minding their own business when the NA's came up to THEM, and got in their faces! i watched several of the videos, and they only show close shots, never a long shot, nor what led up to it. When the vids began, it appeared to me that several were bouncing up and down, applauding in time to the drum beats - and most of them were simply standing there, smiling. After all, the NA's were singing in a language completely unknown to them, and it is quite unlikely they had any idea why they were being confronted by much older men… Curious, the way media spins things to make any and all Trump supporters look bad, don't you think?

    You got suckered by the fake news once again. Did you watch the full video? I did. No way the kids are responsible. Who is responsible? I know it is not politically correct to say this, but it was the group of blacks hurling racial slurs at the kids. The kids didn't react as far as I can tell… The kid who just stood there and smirked while being assaulted by Phillips deserves a medal. He maintained his composure... The white apologists are threatening the kid's family… Phillips may have been trying to intervene, but he lied and changed the story to portray himself as a victim… The blame should squarely be placed on the group of black agitators. But no. The white apologists will continue to attack these kids who behaved admirably under the assault that took place. They should be extolled as examples of how to behave under pressure. Phillips is a joke. There is nothing noble about him.

  27. Disclaimer:

    In no way do I endorse these comments whatsoever. I merely cite them as examples of intelligent people who are willing to believe just about anything to fit their tortured logic and twisted ideology. they kept wanting the liberals to throw them a bone. One guy had the nerve to suggest that I look at the bottom of the glass after I finished drinking the Kool-Aid.


  28. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Those kids crime is being White in America 2019. How long will this last? Where does it all end?

    This certainly has to make communist cringe. Your whole narrative is that the honkeys will just die off or younger White people will be color blind. Problem is honkeys aren't dying fast enough and these incidents make White people racially conscious.

    Never the less, Injun Joe was a tank paratrooper in the marines. He fought on San Juan hill during the Vietnam War time thingy. It's true!

  29. Anonymous7:14 AM

    The one hour 46 minute video on You Tube titled "Mirror of Shar Yaqataz" shows quite a bit of the interaction between Sandman and Phillips. Forward to 1:12:10 and see that, contrary to the many early posts that the kids approached Phillips, it is very clearly Phillips who approached the kids. So much for all the claims that Phillips was 'intimidated' by the kids and fearful of them. He was so intimidated and afraid that he walked right up to them (with more than one cameraman in tow, of course).

    Then there are the videos showing Phillips with his drum 3 or 4 inches from Sandman's face beating it non-stop for who knows how many minutes. Look at those videos. Phillips's drum is literally inches from Sandman's face. I wonder what Field Negro's response to a stranger walking up to him and banging a drum in is face would be?

    As far as the kids mockingly dancing to the drum beat, look again at around 1:12:10 of the Mirror of Shar video. The folks with Phillip's and clearly not with the kids are dancing to the beat too. What quality is it that makes the kids dancing mocking, but the other folks dancing not? There is subjective interpretation of the dancing to make it "mocking". Same with Sandman's "smirk'. Is it a smirk or is he feeling uncomfortable because a stranger walked up to him shoved a drum in his face? To what extent is the "smirk a product of manipulative editing? There is lots of video of Sandman's face and if you want to put up screen shot or brief video clip you can find some of each where Sandman smiles, has a neutral expression, or looks confused.

    Phillp's says he walked up to the kids to defuse the situation between the Black Hebrews and the kids, and then when he got near the kids he described something along the lines of how he could feel their hate. Huh? Watch the Mirror of Shar video and find me one, just one, example of the kids being hateful to anyone. The Black Hebrews on the other hand dispense dozens of hateful comments to both the kids and the Native Americans. And yes, I agree Field Negro, the Black Herbrews jerks, dispensing hate is what they do. But Phillp's rationale for why he approached the kids was because he was trying to defuse the situation and the kids were full of hate. OK, if that is your rationale, why not approach the Black Hebrews instead? After all, they are the ones being hateful.

    There are so many issues with the way Phillips behaved in this situation. yet, he is given a free pass by so many while this kid Sandman, who did nothing more than stand there while a complete stranger banged a drum inches from his face, is being made out to be a racist.

  30. The CoatesvilleExPat8:21 AM

    Calling you on your bigotry Judge.

  31. Well the one thing that is certain, Field Heebro will never be called Honest.

    Field is Honest. I guess that makes Anymoose a fucking liar again, donut?

    Little McRacistfuckface with his klan hat and smirk got called out for being a racist. He should be a proud lad and admit he is a fuckface racist and Drumpf will hire him as UN Dumbassador or something.

  32. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Here's the video of the filthy nigger monkeys starting it:


    Field negro is just your garden variety lying coon that's just a useful idiot of the jew.

  33. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Field is honest? hell you may be a bigger liar than him now? Bwaahhahahaha

  34. Anonymous9:16 AM

    MAGA....Make Africans Go Away


  35. The Catholic School is a haven for hate, from the Bishop on down the line. Fits right into the chatter on the subject here. This is from a Pastor, so go ahead trumpists, get with it.


    I’ve seen a lot of chatter about the disgraceful incident involving students from Covington Catholic High School and an Indigenous American and Veteran in Washington, DC this weekend. This morning, as news of the “full video” began to break, people started hedging, saying that there were “multiple perspectives.” Here’s my perspective.

    I served an Episcopal parish in Northern Kentucky, approximately 15 minutes from Covington Catholic High School. It’s a prestigious all-male school with a reputation for strong academics and strong athletics. You can learn that much from the website.

    What you won’t learn from the website is that there is a sinister pattern of similar behavior within the Diocese. While the Bishop there concerns himself with bizarre pronouncements (such as admonishing the faithful not to hold hands during the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer) and quashing “unorthodox hymns” that are otherwise approved for use in the Catholic church, he also has created a culture that is not only anti-LGBT, but also actively seeking out teachers and other administrators who might even hold sympathetic views toward people who are LGBT.

    As a (retired) soccer referee, I dreaded officiating matches where Covington Catholic was involved. The fans were always among the rudest, most disrespectful, and mean-spirited that I’ve encountered–and I’ve refereed for a long time at almost every level of the game! Student after student has come forward over the years to try and shed light on the abuses that not just LGBT students faced, but students of color. Racial epithets and slurs were commonplace in the halls.

    My point is that what we’re seeing on the (many) videos circulating should not come as a shock. It is a continuation of a long and disgusting pattern of toxicity and abuse that has been allowed and even encouraged at all levels of the school and, as far as I can tell, from the diocese.

    While we might be concerning ourselves with “who moved first” or “who moved toward whom” in the video, I encourage you to reflect on this: notice the posture and demeanor of the young man. There is a troubling display of xenophobia embedded here. It’s the kind that says that white bodies (read: white, cis, straight, male bodies) can be anywhere they choose at any time, but that non-white bodies (read: non-cis, straight, male bodies) must first seek permission to exist outside of their “place.” This is a window into a perverse system that thrives on toxic, fragile masculinity embedded with xenophobia. And it’s not pretty. Let those who have ears to hear, listen.”

    Those in the know, know what racism and privilege are. Think of the lying liar Brett Kavanaugh and you can see the same in this brats smug mug.

  36. A whole herd of naive racist nazi kids saunter forth in DC wearing the new klan hood and get set upon and claim to have not provoked anyone.

    Typical right wing rubbish and they had to hire a right wing PR firm to assuage their hurt feelers and make the other side the villains. What a 0phucking surprise!!

  37. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Flying Junior said...
    In no way do I endorse these comments whatsoever.

    Of course you don't, they are all much too balanced and accurate for you to accept.

    Everybody sees what they want to see out of this event. You want to see Saintly Minorities protesting for Goodness suffering the horrifyingly intimidating smirk of a teenager, whose Evil is apparent in his profession of faith and by the red hat on his head. The fault lies not with the adults who forced this encounter, nor with the media who lied about it, but with some kids in town for the purpose of protesting what they believe is murder of babies. You are so vested in your worldview you'll join a mob of adults of dubious character as they gleefully trash the lives of children in order to grasp 15 minutes of fame and score a point in the Culture War.

    The Left really stepped in it here. The increasing inability to control these outbursts of hate and lunacy will be your undoing. You just redpilled millions of more normal Americans. Millions more will be harder to fool next time. Score this one as a loss.

  38. Fagocracy11:10 AM

    "I served an Episcopal parish "


  39. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Feelz, I understand how you feelz teenage white boys are more mature than wacky grievance industry specialist. But good grief this is ridiculous.

    I really don't mind though. More of this will guarantee Trump's re-election.

    So carry on degenerates.

  40. Cleansing fire now11:19 AM

    >While we might be concerning ourselves with “who moved first” or “who moved toward whom” in the video, I encourage you to reflect on this: notice the posture and demeanor of the young man. There is a troubling display of xenophobia embedded here. It’s the kind that says that white bodies (read: white, cis, straight, male bodies) can be anywhere they choose at any time, but that non-white bodies (read: non-cis, straight, male bodies) must first seek permission to exist outside of their “place.” This is a window into a perverse system that thrives on toxic, fragile masculinity embedded with xenophobia. And it’s not pretty. Let those who have ears to hear, listen.”<

    What a bunch whiny nothingness.

    "While the facts may discount the narrative, blah blah faggotry blah".

    His point is that a white male not retreating or cowering in the face of unprovoked and unjustified non-white aggression is a hate crime.

    The modern core premise of liberalism is hatred of white men. There is nothing else.

  41. Newspeak Dictionary11:27 AM

    Goodthink: Diversity is our strength!

    Doublethink: Hate is bad and I hate whites.

    Oldthink: There are two distinct sexes.

    Thoughtcrime: Americans built America.

    Prolefeed: This is CNN.

    Facecrime: Smirking while white.

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:31 AM

    I hope all of you who voted for Trump will realize someday that you voted against your own self-interest.

    The real source of the rise of repressive authoritarianism, nativism and xenophobia in the United States Hint - it's all about the money!


  43. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Robert Reich is a Jewish Supremacist.

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:43 AM

    Anonymous said:

    "I really don't mind though. More of this will guarantee Trump's re-election."

    Poll: Only 7% of Voters Back Wall Funding to End Shutdown from today's Daily Beast.

    From Political Wire: You are here: Home / 2020 Campaign / New Poll Finds Every Democrat Would Beat Trump

    January 22, 2019 at 7:09 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 472 Comments

    A new Public Policy Polling survey found that every potential Democratic candidate in the 2020 presidential election — announced and unannounced — would beat President Trump in a head-to-head contest.

    Biden 53%, Trump 41%
    Sanders 51%, Trump 41%
    Harris 48%, Trump 41%
    O’Rourke 47%, Trump 41%
    Warren 48%, Trump 42%
    Booker 47%, Trump 42%
    Gillibrand 47%, Trump 42%
    Trump’s approval rate was a dismal 40% to 57%.

    Please read and lose your delusions.

  45. Anonymous11:43 AM

    This is what Yuri Bezmenov was talking about when he spoke about demoralization.  The "progressives" here literally cannot see the truth even when it is right in front of their faces.  They are unable to perceive it, let alone comprehend it.  They are, to coin a phrase, "narrative-broke".  Demoralized.

    If you watch the Bezmenov interview you will see the explanation of what's happening right in front of us.


  46. Anonymous11:44 AM

    "I hope all of you who voted for Trump will realize someday that you voted against your own self-interest."

    If you are a tax paying American citizen, and not a billionaire who benefits from cheap labor and the destruction of the middle class, voting for Trump was the best thing you could have done to advance your self-interest.

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:44 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Robert Reich is a Jewish Supremacist.

    11:40 AM

    Bull Sh*t

  48. Womp womp11:46 AM

    Granny NPC believes fake polls.

    Go figure.

  49. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Voting for Trump will not change the current dystopian path this country is on. We will have to ride it out until the very end, Hell scape and all.

    The only thing voting for Trump accomplishes is making communist heads explode. That's good enough for me.

    These incidents increase the rolls of new Trump voters, so please carry on with the insanity.

  50. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Granny mudshark,

    All the polls showed Hillary winning in a landslide. Something went wrong there huh?

    Confirmation bias is a strong drug.

  51. https://www.takimag.com/article/identity-stalinism/#.XEiG02AN4C0.twitter

    The least inappropriate way for a white male to respond to being berated by his racial superiors is like that Starbucks barista who got shouted at with a megaphone from three feet away. And even his stoicism seemed suspiciously dignified.

    Or, to be precise, the roar of racist rage from the great and good directed at an innocent Kentucky boy is all about implementing the Democrats’ grand strategy, which is to assemble a coalition of the margins of American society: immigrants, welfare mothers, tech billionaires, transgenders, hedge-fund guys, black church ladies, gays, Jews, the unmarried, movie stars, felons, and so forth and so on.

    In contrast, the more similar you are to a Minuteman of 1776, the more likely you are to vote Republican. The GOP appeals to Core Americans, the Democrats to Fringe Americans.

    Mass immigration offers the Democrats good reason to hope to overwhelm their foes in the long run.

    But merely listing the Democrats’ constituent interest groups points out the main problem with their master plan: Their various fringes can’t stand one another.


    The progressive stack is purposefully kept vague, other than that white Christian males are at rock bottom. But it’s clear to Indians these days that they are lower than blacks on the intersectional totem pole.

    Standing up to blacks can turn you into another “BBQ Becky” on social media, or get you killed. So eventually the Indians tried to regain some dignity, in a “cheese stands alone” maneuver, by trying to humiliate the even lower-ranking white boys, who were hardly likely to respond violently. Bullying those you aren’t afraid of has recently been renamed Punching Up.

    As these examples from the weekend suggest, the only way the Democratic Party can hold together is by constantly ginning up excuses for Fringe Americans to hate Core Americans even more than they hate each other.

    Because the Democrats’ fundamental problem is all the hate roiling their own constituents, they project onto Republicans their own tendency toward hatred. Freud came up with a lot of bad ideas, but one of his better ones is “projection”: Human beings defend themselves by attributing their own bad traits to others.

    Thus, the Democrats constantly claim that the reason they hate their enemies is not because they are inconveniently in their way, but because they are hateful. And the reason they are hateful is because they are hate-filled. Thus, a high school junior waiting for his bus becomes a Symbol of Hate.

  52. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Nathan Sutherland is the latest oppressed black person. That vegetative Indian abused him and used him. Someone should set up a GoFundMe for him. He'll never be the same.

  53. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:02 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Granny mudshark,

    All the polls showed Hillary winning in a landslide. Something went wrong there huh?

    Confirmation bias is a strong drug.

    Yes, something went wrong alright. They cooked the computers in the three states. You know which ones.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:05 PM

    anonymous said:
    "The only thing voting for Trump accomplishes is making communist heads explode. That's good enough for me."

    11:47 AM
    The only thing voting for Trump accomplishes is screwing yourself, unless of course you are a billionaire.

  55. "I was called a Tom and a Coon along with some other choice words"

    Wow. At least they didn't call you a House Negro. You have no earthly phucking way of knowing what all he was called, shit fer brains. Gawd you stoopid fucking wingnuts are bottom of the barrel stoopid.

  56. All the polls showed Hillary winning in a landslide. Something went wrong there huh?

    Yup and it all leads to Putin and Drumpf's campaign conspiring to ri9g the election, just like Drumpfuck prophesied.

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:09 PM

    These incidents increase the rolls of new Trump voters, so please carry on with the insanity.

    11:47 AM

    Trump has been losing voters, not gaining them. Why do you think the Dems won 40 seats in the November election?

  58. Nathn Phillip's sincerely held beliefs say he can get in front of offending wasicu racist catholic, xenophobic trash and sing songs o9f peace and togetherness all the while knowing he will be pilloried for upsetting snowflake's tiny feelers.

  59. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Unreflective Granny said...
    "The only thing voting for Trump accomplishes is screwing yourself, unless of course you are a billionaire."

    Why then is there such a large majority of billionaires working so hard to remove Trump from office and stymie his agenda?

    Tom Steyer, George Soros, Charles Koch, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg, Seth Klarman, Meg Whitman, Stan Druckenmiller, and Mark Cuban.

  60. Why then is there such a large majority of billionaires working so hard to remove Trump from office and stymie his agenda?

    Unlike you, they see the long and short twerm damage stoopid fucking wingnuts have done and are continuing to do to American Democracy, its economy, its citizenry and its standing in the world as a fourth rate power now.

  61. https://nypost.com/2019/01/23/white-supremacist-pleads-guilty-to-murdering-black-man-with-sword/

    Yeah, Magat, Magat,Magat,Magat,Magat,Magat,Magat,Magat,Magat,Magat!

  62. moron from iowa2:24 PM

    Let's just put our faith in those good-hearted billionaires. They know what's best for us.

  63. moron from iowa2:26 PM

    Billionaires are known for putting the interests of the country and its citizens ahead of their own interests.

  64. moron from iowa2:28 PM

    Putting the interests of other countries ahead of our own, and putting the interests of foreigners ahead of our citizens is what makes America powerful.

  65. moron from iowa2:29 PM

    Hating white people is anti-racist.

  66. Anonymous2:34 PM

    80 IQ Just won't do.

  67. Uh, because he sucks so bad? Even some billionaires can see that.

    One of my favorite bloggers grew up in Covington, and suggests that we not paint the whole town, or by extension, the whole state with the brush of these twerps, no matter how much they make you want to hit them, if we ever want to get rid of Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul.

    She's right in one sense, there are good, decent, people in every state and every town or society couldn't continue to function, and they have to be rallied into participation in much larger numbers if we want to get some of the more odious and damaging choices the voters have made reversed.

    But I still feel like we can't let those voters off of the hook for having made those odious, damaging, choices.

    Or maybe I just want Mitch to stick around long enough to get to see the look on his hideous face when he loses the majority again.

    -Doug in Oakland


  68. Fact Checker Analysis
    President Trump made 8,158 false or misleading claims in his first two years

    He can beat that this week if he would actually work at it.

  69. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Name just one, mikey.

  70. Unthinking leftist hive mind mob3:07 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "One of my favorite bloggers grew up in Covington, and suggests that we not paint the whole town, or by extension, the whole state with the brush of these twerps, no matter how much they make you want to hit them"

    Is she suggesting that we shouldn't hate everyone in Kentucky and beat high school kids to a pulp for the crime of existing? What a buzzkill!

  71. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Just when you start to think niggers can't sink any lower:


  72. Michael Dean Miller3:32 PM


  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:33 PM

    New documents poke more holes in Giuliani’s story about Trump Tower Moscow
    Giuliani claimed "no plans were ever made."
    Joshua Eaton

    See Think Progress for this one. It's their top story.

  74. Fnunk3:36 PM

    Is Think Progress as reliable as alt.net, The Root or rude pundit?

  75. Anonymous3:36 PM

    The most typical trick of liberals is always accusing people of exactly what they themselves are!

  76. mebia3:37 PM

    "How can these evil boys surround and bully this elder Native American Vietnam Vet?"

    "Actually he approached them"

    "Well why didn't they just respect the elder Vietnam vet and step aside?"

    "Turns out he's not even a Vietnam vet..."

    "............Look I hate White people ok?!"

  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:41 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Unreflective Granny said...
    "The only thing voting for Trump accomplishes is screwing yourself, unless of course you are a billionaire."

    "Why then is there such a large majority of billionaires working so hard to remove Trump from office and stymie his agenda?

    Tom Steyer, George Soros, Charles Koch, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg, Seth Klarman, Meg Whitman, Stan Druckenmiller, and Mark Cuban."

    Wow! You really jumped to a strange and illogical conclusion from my post. Yes, there are billionaires that don't support Trump, but that has no bearing on my statement that if you aren't a billionaire, it's self-destructive to vote for Trump. Hell, it's self-destructive for anyone to vote for that ass hole.

  78. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:00 PM

    Anonymous Fnunk said...

    Is Think Progress as reliable as alt.net, The Root or rude pundit?

    3:36 PM

    Yes, I think so. I've been reading the site for years.

  79. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Democrats are now the party of Wall Street and mega corporations.

    Trump is the first President in my lifetime to work for the interests of working class Americans rather than against them. He has my vote in 2020.

  80. Fnunk4:02 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Anonymous Fnunk said...

    Is Think Progress as reliable as alt.net, The Root or rude pundit?

    3:36 PM

    Yes, I think so. I've been reading the site for years.


    Jesus Christ, no wonder you're so confused.

  81. Think Progress tends left but not batshit crazy extreme like right wing sites.

  82. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The most typical trick of liberals is always accusing people of exactly what they themselves are!

    Anymoose is nt only a stoopid fucking wingnut, he is a stoopid fucking wingnut plagiarizer and repeats verbatim stuff libs have said about stoopid fucking wingnuts for years.

  83. So Michael Cohen has cancelled his congressional testimony because of threats to his family by Fergus and Rudy.
    Witness tempering is obstruction of justice, which Fergus is under investigation for already.
    Are they just dumb?
    Are they so afraid of what Cohen will say that they're willing to obstruct justice to pressure him into not saying it?
    It makes sense that he would know where the bodies are buried, but shouldn't they have thought of that before Fergus ran for president?

    -Doug in Oakland

  84. Drumpf is less popular than crabs. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/426495-poll-shows-36-percent-support-trumps-reelection-43-percent-would-vote-for

    37-38% approval. That is way too high.

  85. Sherlock Homie4:47 PM

    "So Michael Cohen has cancelled his congressional testimony because of threats to his family by Fergus and Rudy."

    Te President actually committed the very crime he is being falsely accused of right in front of the whole country so he won't get caught!

  86. The KY PR firm that wrote the letter for the little creep:
    (from Crooks and Liars)

    "The letter was disseminated by RunSwitch, a Kentucky-based PR firm. One of the three founding partners of RunSwitch is Scott Jennings, a conservative commentator, and a former political operative who worked for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, George W. Bush, and other Republican politicians."

    -Doug in Oakland

  87. Anonymous5:14 PM

    “Trump is the first President in my lifetime to work for the [prejudices] of [white, racist] working class Americans rather than against them. He has my vote in 2020.”


  88. Anonymous5:44 PM

    "ADL report"

    The ADL is a radical anti-white group.

  89. Anonymous5:49 PM

    New Nation News

  90. Rollie Fingers5:53 PM

    Doug will believe anything that gives him good feelz.

  91. The ADL6:12 PM

    The ADL is a radical anti-white group.
    Anything short of the klan is anti-white to you.

  92. Anonymous6:21 PM

    The klan is less anti-black than the ADL is anti-white.

  93. A Clockwork Watermelon6:26 PM

    Dem boyz from dat Cathaholic skewl dindu nuffinz, dey beeezzz turnin dey life's around.

  94. Steve Harvey6:27 PM

    The klan is less anti-black than the ADL is anti-white.
    I nominate this here as the dumbest post on the internets ever!

  95. From Taegan Goddard:

    “Are you fucking serious, Mikey?! What about my family? You gave zero shits about my baby. In all serious though, this is why you shouldn’t back down! This is your chance to be a hero! I’ll loan you some of my balls, hold your hand, or whatever else you need to do the right thing.”

    — Stormy Daniels, excoriating Michael Cohen on Twitter, for postponing his testimony before the House Oversight Committee because of threats from President Trump

    -Doug in Oakland

  96. If you can't trust a whore or a convicted shyster, who can you trust?

  97. Porter7:54 PM

    Always remember the lifecycle of a leftist lie.

    1) No one wants open borders, Mr. Strawman.

    2) Open borders are the only moral option, you monster.

    3) We’ve always had open borders, you idiot.

    4) Honey, I think the electricity just flickered on!


  98. weyodi is at work on a novel
    ‏ @weyodi
    18h18 hours ago

    Remember, this is how some shitty private school boys, derailed us from having a conversation about Sovereignty, Murdered and Missing Native Women, and attacks on the Indian Child Welfare Act. As long as we focus on them their counter-protest worked.

    -Doug in Oakland

  99. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:12 PM

    Dinthebeast said:

    "So Michael Cohen has cancelled his congressional testimony because of threats to his family by Fergus and Rudy.
    Witness tempering is obstruction of justice, which Fergus is under investigation for already.
    Are they just dumb?
    Are they so afraid of what Cohen will say that they're willing to obstruct justice to pressure him into not saying it?
    It makes sense that he would know where the bodies are buried, but shouldn't they have thought of that before Fergus ran for president?"
    Good questions, Doug. I've asked myself the same things. My only guess is that they may be planning a coup, thinking that the twenty percent who truly support Trump will rise up and kill the eighty percent of us who oppose him. Then Trump will be king or emperor or what ever. Maybe they don't know that we have guns?

  100. Anonymous8:23 PM

    "Remember, this is how some shitty private school boys, derailed us from having a conversation about Sovereignty, Murdered and Missing Native Women, and attacks on the Indian Child Welfare Act. As long as we focus on them their counter-protest worked."

    Got to be honest, Doug, I don't think we were going to have much of a conversation about those things anyway, worthy though those Native American issues may be.

    Trump, however, is probably very happy that the "Are The MAGA Boys Racist?" dispute distracted everyone from talking about the 800,000 federal workers Trump is financially ruining, the federal services that aren't being delivered, or the damage to the economy the shutdown is causing with each passing week.

    That is the conversation he really, really doesn't want to have.

  101. Anonymous8:27 PM


  102. What about Drumpf's threats to Cohen if he testifies?

  103. ADL is anti-Magat racists.

  104. Anonymous8:43 PM

    "What about Drumpf's threats to Cohen if he testifies?"

    Rest assured, if this really happened, Robert Mueller will be taking Cohen's testimony on it, to be placed in his file labeled: Trump Obstruction of Justice.

  105. Cohen better watch his back or he'll end up like Seth Rich!

  106. Anonymous8:47 PM

    "Cohen better watch his back or he'll end up like Seth Rich!"

    He'll be murdered in a mugging and then Republicans will tell lies about him?

  107. You people are too much8:50 PM

    Leftist media attempts to run false smear campaign on a group of high school kids.

    Fake news narrative blows up in their face.

    Leftists blame kids for distracting country from real issues.

  108. Fake News Update8:52 PM

    BuzzFeed is laying off 15% of its workforce.

    Crime doesn't pay.

  109. https://verysmartbrothas.theroot.com/it-was-always-going-to-end-like-this-1831988877#amp-ERjatNHnu-BLikR32BfF4fDZg8BjjQt11JouSDEY5pz_xyAnWZ-ZGrEBZ1pOiaM9

  110. Bout time. Elections have consequences. No more crosscheck in Illinois.


  111. Anonymous9:24 PM

    "Leftist media attempts to run false smear campaign on a group of high school kids."

    There was no organized "leftist media smear campaign."

    Social media users got carried away with condemning a short video clip that went viral, but that did not show the full picture of events when two sets of protesters collided in DC.

    The spread of the story got so big that the news media had to report on it, and unfortunately, they did not do enough research before weighing in, and were forced to issue retractions.

    And even then, their retractions went too far. Contrary to what Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump are saying, these kids are still assholes, just not quite as gigantic assholes as had been initially believed.

  112. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Fighting to correct a false story concocted by the most powerful media operations in the world that is designed to smear you for being white is an example of white supremacy, right Pilot X?

  113. "Maybe they don't know that we have guns?"

    "What, you think I sold 'em all?"

    "Got to be honest, Doug, I don't think we were going to have much of a conversation about those things anyway, worthy though those Native American issues may be."

    I think you are right about that, and that Fergus will take any distraction he can get about now as the walls begin to close in.

    But there are places online, especially on Twitter where these issues are widely discussed and disseminated and the building awareness was most likely what got the first ever indigenous people's march at the mall, where this happened, to happen in the first place.

    I grew up in a town of 25,000 that was and is more than 75% white, but had presences of five or six tribes, one of which, the Hupa, are maybe the only tribe still on their ancestral lands.
    Let's see, off of the top of my head: Hupa, Yurok, Karok, Wiyot, Wintun and a host of others I can't remember just now.

    They were pretty much the only minority groups I had any exposure to before I moved to Oakland in '84.

    Like they say themselves, they are invisible, even though their issues are extreme enough to warrant attention.

    Also, they have been fucked over by the US government so many times that they are wary of even the best intended attention from our leaders.

    -Doug in Oakland

  114. https://www.theroot.com/who-broke-a-record-for-extremist-killings-in-2018-spo-1831987223

  115. "Fighting to correct a false story concocted by the most powerful media operations in the world that is designed to smear you for being white is an example of white supremacy, right Pilot X?"

    Well, not necessarily but the entire system is built on the idea of white supremacy so I'm sure if we dig deep enough we can find some evidence of such I guess. Not a good question.

    1. I mean I'm sure a bunch of teens wearing MAGA hats are perfectly innocent bystanders and those evil darkies are 100% at fault. We know.

    2. https://www.theroot.com/covington-catholic-wins-racist-bingo-blackface-as-sch-1831985603

  116. "Bout time. Elections have consequences. No more crosscheck in Illinois."

    Buh bye governor hedgefund.

    -Doug in Oakland

  117. "Buh bye governor hedgefund."

    Now if we can get rid of President trustfund baby we'd be alright.

  118. I love the right wing. Defend the shit out of the "kids" who were so oppressed and damaged by being dragged by social media but demonize the kids who watched in horror as their fellow classmates were torn to pieces by an assault rifle. Oh no, those kids just need to shut up but let's give Smirky McSmirkface a national platform and an invitation to the fucking White House. Dear god, you really have to stretch to find white conservative oppression😂 It's soooooooooooo hard to be a white guy nowadays. Even if that is true all I can say is welcome to the party and what took you so long to get here?😄

  119. Clock boy10:14 PM

    Self-awareness is not PilotX's strong point.

  120. Anyone know when the PR firm was hired by the Covington kids? Hmmmmmmm.

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. "Self-awareness is not PilotX's strong point."

    Brilliant retort. Way to add to the discussion.😄

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:51 PM

    Clock boy said...

    "Self-awareness is not PilotX's strong point."

    PilotX has more self-awareness in his big tow than you have in your entire brain. Add to that, he's much smarter than you are.

  124. "Anyone know when the PR firm was hired by the Covington kids? Hmmmmmmm."

    I couldn't find a specific date for the hire in a 15 second Google search, but my guess is ten seconds after their parents saw the video.

    -Doug in Oakland

  125. Anonymous8:12 AM


  126. Anonymous8:20 AM

    2 Negroes in Custody After Cops Chase Black Man Holding Rifle in Oak Park, Police Say:


  127. Anonymous8:22 AM

    19-year-old negroe in custody in connection to fatal Orland Square Mall shooting:


  128. Rude Pundit linked me to another video, that shows more of the deportment of these Covington scholars:


    The war hoops, mocking was on the same mob-mentality wavelength.

    But nothing is so telling as kids wearing MAGA hats two years into the most corrupt and inept administration in our nation's history. After you see that, there is no surprise.

  129. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Two Negroes rob man of Canada Goose coats in South Loop; one incident caught on video:


  130. But since Monday even more videos have surfaced that purportedly show the Covington boys hurling misogynistic insults at women passersby after the March for Life rally in the nation’s capital.

    They seemed nice.

  131. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Another lie, mike.

    She is an activist who had blown them shit as she walked by, then videoed their response.

    Also, newsflash, 17 year old boys hoot at girls every day somewhere in America.

    You are pathetic in trying to salvage something from this fiasco.

  132. Doug, I reported the hire on Sunday's FN post. So it was a quick hire.

    Anymoose, I didn't name a source for the story so how can you be sure it was a she and you know her name? You are full of shit.

  133. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nathan-phillips-vietnam-veteran/

    Mr Nathan Phillips has never claimed tom be a VietNam vet. You lie. You die, Swine.

  134. Freon Ranger10:22 AM

    Phillips claimed to be a "recon ranger". Maybe he meant "refrig-eranger".

    He's a fake Vietnam vet participating in a fake news story.

  135. Enemy of the People10:28 AM

    Fake News Update said...
    "BuzzFeed is laying off 15% of its workforce."

    Journos dedicate their lives to ruining people over old tweets and holding the wrong views.

    No one should mourn when they lose their jobs.

  136. Nathan Phillips, January 3, 2018:

    "I'm a Vietnam Vet. I served in Marine Corps 72 to 76. I got discharged May 5, 1976. I got honorable discharge and one of the boxes shows peacetime or, what my box says is that I was **in theater**. I don't talk much about my Vietnam times."


  137. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Nathan Phillips is a liar.


  138. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/01/rudy-giuliani-trump-lawyer-inept.html

    Screwd6y Rudy, like all stoopid fucking wingnuts, is a fool and a tool.

  139. Anonymous Fake News Update said...


  140. http://www.the-immoral-minority.com/man-uses-drone-to-fly-methamphetamine-over-the-southern-border-into-america/

    Let's see yer wall stop this stoopid fucking losers.

  141. Anonymous10:50 AM

    mike wants to save drug runners the cost of a drone.

  142. Anonymous11:10 AM

    “mike wants to save drug runners the cost of a drone.”

    Anon wants to piss away $5 billion of the taxpayers’ money on a wall that can be defeated for the cost of a drone.

  143. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Anon wants to pretend a wall isn't a vital piece of border security to own Trump.

  144. Resist we much12:17 PM

    This nation has endured two years of hell, all because some drunken old hag didn’t get “her turn.”

  145. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Amazing hearing Pilot Xcrement tell children to get thicker skinned, when Negro adults go into convulsions over hats, flags, statues etc. The Negro 80 IQ brain and DNA connection to the DEVIL himself as their original Father is why you all need deported.

  146. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Nathan Philips claims about Vietnam and his accusations against the Children are as false as Negros built the Pyramids. Bwahhaahahahahahahaha

  147. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Negroe Nurse arrested in sex assault of woman in vegetative state who gave birth at nursing home:


  148. A vital security wall easily breached, flown over, shipped around, cut through is neither vital nor secure.SFW are racist to the core.

  149. Nathan Phillips pegged Magat hat wearing white privileged, fucki9ng racist as what he is and wingnuts get the panties in a wad.

  150. The only sites pushing Nathan Phillip's is a violent criminal are the usual right wing outfits that make stuff up.

  151. https://www.vox.com/2019/1/24/18195782/wilbur-ross-shutdown-workers-loans-food-banks

    Billionaire can't imagine why fed works visit food banks during shutdown. Fucking brilliant.

  152. https://www.wptv.com/news/state/accused-bank-shooter-zephen-xaver-fascinated-with-violence-ex-girlfriend-says

    This Black boy done killed five hostages and surrendered. Lucky to be alive, says I. Wait. What? He's white. Can't be.

  153. Anonymous1:27 PM

    White woman allows white boyfriend to sexually assault daughter for years.


  154. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/426802-florida-official-formally-reprimanded-for-saying-tlaib-might-blow-up-capitol

    Wingnut pols hate for non-whiteys is appalling.

  155. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/01/23/opinions/america-mocks-dehumanizes-natives-at-every-turn/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&fbclid=IwAR3UOgap2PJzdsjFGjdqbg8htWOBdyUzFECIfFTSJseqg5bbhxhOQdtRsyQ

  156. "Wingnut pols hate for non-whiteys is appalling."

    But but but Covington.

  157. https://www.theroot.com/white-supremacist-who-vowed-to-start-race-war-pleads-gu-1832015547

    But Covington.

  158. Former KGB agent and current iowa junior sinator Ivana Kuturnutzov claims she was raped in college. Didn't say whether she enjoyed it or not and still voted for Kavernmouth. The R behind wingnut's names stands for raped, raper, rapist, raced, racer or racist. Or all of them, Katie?

  159. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/24/us-diplomats-venezuela-maduro-trump-1123369

    That effing Obama wants to Benghazi a bunch more 'mericans in Venezuela. Damn his hide.


  160. These terrorists planned to kill Americans but Covington.


  161. Anonymous2:11 PM


    Wingnut pols hate for non-whiteys is appalling.”

    State government GOP politicians are a trip. Like, it’s complete amateur hour when you get down to members of state legislatures, so you get lots of them who are so unpolished and think there’s nothing wrong with saying blatantly racist stuff out loud. There’s not only one or two Steve Kings at their level; there are hundreds.

    As for this chick, after she was rebuked for implying Congresswoman Tlaib was a terrorist, her response was to double down on the idea that Muslims are all dangerous, with the very dramatic pronouncement that they would now come after her and cause her “demise”:

    “In the heated meeting, Lima-Taub was unapologetic and accused her colleagues and reporters for leading to her ‘demise.’

    ‘Tonight might very well be my last night alive,’ she said.”


  162. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Sorry, one correction:

    I implied Ms. Lima-Taub was in state government. She’s actually in local government, which is even more amateurish and likely to contain unabashedly racist clowns.

  163. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Jew has problem with Muslim.

    It's called "Diversity".

  164. Anonymous2:29 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "The only sites pushing Nathan Phillip's is a violent criminal are the usual right wing outfits that make stuff up."

    No one is saying he's a violent criminal. You are making stuff up again.

    He is liar though, just like you.

  165. Anonymous2:51 PM

    “Jew has problem with Muslim.“

    Yes, Jews can be bigoted trash, too. Some can even be so bigoted and trashy, they become Republicans!

    Shocking, I know.

  166. No one is saying he's a violent criminal. You are making stuff up again.

    Yer lying and making stuff up at the same time. Look closer at the usual wingnut webs.

  167. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Psycho from Cryowa hasn't figured out 2 things yet:

    1. drones can't carry a Squatemalan over the border
    2. it's legal to shoot drones.

    Psycho from Cryowa has been crying that She Lost for 2 years now. Ha ha. Bitter stupid old liberal.

  168. Anonymous4:11 PM

    “1. drones can't carry a Squatemalan over the border
    2. it's legal to shoot drones.”

    1. Border crossers don’t need to be carried in on a drone. They have ladders. And shovels. And boats. All of which are fairly useful for going over/under/around walls.

    2. You can arrest border crossers.

    Although we know you would prefer to shoot them, because you are afraid of people with the “wrong” skin color.

  169. Anymoose can't cipher why he always has splinters in his mouth from sucking wooden dicks.

  170. I have never said HRC lost. I have also never said cheating Drumpf won. HRC was robbed by a mob of known gangsters from Russia and New York City.

  171. "1. drones can't carry a Squatemalan over the border"

    Wanna bet? Lightweight enough to carry in the back of a Toyota pickup, electric, so quiet enough to operate at night within a few hundred yards of a guard post undetected, with enough of a charge to make five trips over Fergus' imaginary wall and back. Which makes them financially feasible to make smuggler money with.
    Welcome to this world.

    -Doug in Oakland

  172. Anymoose lied again. The Griff 300 gets its name from the number of kilos it can lift and carry. Converted to U.S. measurements, the drone can lift up to 660 pounds, including the drone's own 165-pound weight. The drone can then fly with its cargo for 45 minutes, according to Griff Aviation.Jan 10, 2017

    Bad, Anymoose, bad!

  173. "Got to be honest, Doug, I don't think we were going to have much of a conversation about those things anyway, worthy though those Native American issues may be."

    The saddest thing about the Covington is that Nathan Philips has to resort to these kinds of stunts in order to get people to listen to problems of native american communities, because the media doesn't care about that unless its piggybaking on a story they can smear Trump with. Phillips had to tap into the prejudices of a media eager to go after some white kids with MAGA hats to get his story out.

    Why aren't reporters going out there and getting these real stories? Every good activist regardless of cause understands that without a viral angle or video the media isn't going to listen to them, even if their cause has legitimacy. So every activist has turned into an entertainer.

    Nathan Philips had a rough youth, he has a record, sure, but being a native child without a community? That’s really tough, his cause and pain is real. Why does it take a viral video for those with power and media influence to take notice?

  174. Anonymous5:02 PM

    “Wanna bet? Lightweight enough to carry in the back of a Toyota pickup, electric, so quiet enough to operate at night within a few hundred yards of a guard post undetected, with enough of a charge to make five trips over Fergus' imaginary wall and back.”

    Yeah, I almost made this exact comment. It seems like only a matter of time until coyotes start investing in these sorts of jumbo drones that can carry a person over a border fence.

    Trump’s dumb wall would only incentivize them to do it faster.

  175. What has Mitchie Poo McCTurtle fuckfaceracist been doing duuring the shutdown? Redesigning the judiciary with young right wing white male jnow nothing idealogues and lifetime appointments to ensure minority whites get to rule the rest until wingnuts figure out how to totally destroy the world.


  176. Racist fucking wasicu wingnuts are everywhere.


    Florida's SOS apparently thought a good time included black face and mocking Katrina victims. What the hell, the new Florida governor is a racist, too. Ran a racist campaign and got elected by racists.

  177. Mike's eloquence is only exceeded by his intellect.

  178. This is still relevant today.


  179. "Just as nobody loves locusts and grasshoppers when there is a plague of locusts, so nobody will be a "n1663r-lover" when there is a plague of "n1663rs"—not even the "n1663rs".  Negroes will then appear to be what they really are, a semi-wild form of half-human animal, unable to build or maintain a civilization, but capable, in vast numbers, of utterly and completely destroying all civilization." — George Lincoln Rockwell

  180. Anonymous10:05 PM

    The Griff 300 gets its name from the number of kilos it can lift and carry.

    How very interesting.

    "GRIFF 350

    The GRIFF 350 is built on the GRIFF 2.0 Master Design, the new modular design which enables rapid, easy swapping of payload and batteries in mere seconds.

    The GRIFF 350 can transport a 150kg (330 lb) payload for 20 minutes yet can lift a maximum of 200kg (441 lb). It comes ready to fly with a dual battery set that can be charged in just one hour. t With an optional second pack, you'll be able to fly continuously. Its compact folded dimensions make transportation a breeze - it measures just 90cm wide x 160cm long in this state, with a height of 50cm. The GRIFF 350 expands to ready-to-fly dimensions of 265cm x 280cm x 50cm."

    There's no price listed on the manufacturer's web page, but droneguru.net has this to say:

    "The price? If you have to ask, and aren’t a government department, it’s probably too much."

    Yeah, that's going to be the favorite tool of penniless Squatemalans trying to fence-hop.  LOL!

    1. Border crossers don’t need to be carried in on a drone. They have ladders. And shovels. And boats.

    All far more expensive and difficult/time consuming to use than just hopping over barbed wire.

    2. You can arrest border crossers.

    Much easier to arrest them if they've got a substantial delay to get over a barrier.  The ones dragging big ladders will be quite slow, but not as slow as the ones who need days or weeks to dig a tunnel.

    Although we know you would prefer to shoot them

    It's the strongest deterrent we've got.  We should use it.

    you are afraid of people with the “wrong” skin color.

    If I wanted to live among Squatemalans or Mexicans, I'd move to where they are.  But I'd have to get permission to do that.  If they come here without permission, they are breaking the law and deserve to be punished for it.  Shooting them is cheaper than jailing or deporting them.  Whatever it takes to make them stay home and deal with their own problems, we should do it.

    It seems like only a matter of time until coyotes start investing in these sorts of jumbo drones that can carry a person over a border fence.

    Little Border Patrol drone drops a net on it and grounds it, and just like that Border Patrol has a brand-new shiny heavy-lift drone of its own.  Sounds like they could make money by auctioning the things.

  181. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:00 AM

    Wisdom for the ages said...

    "Just as nobody loves locusts and grasshoppers when there is a plague of locusts, so nobody will be a "n1663r-lover" when there is a plague of "n1663rs"—not even the "n1663rs". Negroes will then appear to be what they really are, a semi-wild form of half-human animal, unable to build or maintain a civilization, but capable, in vast numbers, of utterly and completely destroying all civilization." — George Lincoln Rockwell"

    George Lincoln Rockwell who founded the American Nazi Party was murdered in 1967. Rockwell was at a laundromat washing his clothes when his Nazi protege shot and killed him. Rockwell was a white supremacists and an all around rotten human being.

    BTW - Not very many people are fond of Nazi White nationalists.

  182. PilotX,

    Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

    Democracy Today.

    I remember well the days of Democracy Today on Pacifica Radio. Without talking too much about their current economic status, I shall endeavor to listen a little bit tonight and a little bit tomorrow.

    ...The problems in the United States...

    The cadence of his voice was so moving. It's so hard to go back fifty-four years in time.



  183. Here is to Brother Goldwater and a change in all of our hearts.

  184. Speaking personally, I have a Grasshopper and I am unashamed to say I love my Grasshopper. If you had a back condition like mine, and had a large yard to take care of, you'd likely love your Grasshopper, too. Fuck you, whiteys.

  185. If they come here without permission, they are breaking the law and deserve to be punished for it.

    Anyfuckingstoopidmoose still does not get it. These immigrants seeking asylum are not law breakers unless and until their cases have been adjudicated legally. They have the right to seek asylum in America. They are under no obligation to enter only at designated ports of entry.

    The onus is on the country of asylum to provide humanitarian aid to these "legal' asylum seekers until it has been determined case by case they are not threatened with return.

    If only stoopid fucking moron wingnuts could only bother themselves to learn to read and comprehend something other than Fake Noize talking points.

  186. Anonymous10:31 AM

    These immigrants seeking asylum are not law breakers unless and until their cases have been adjudicated legally. They have the right to seek asylum in America. They are under no obligation to enter only at designated ports of entry.

    "Over the past decade, the United States has dramatically increased border security, and yet many people still enter the U.S. illegally without inspection each year. Entry without inspection (EWI) occurs any time a foreign national crosses into the U.S. without presenting themselves at a border checkpoint and obtaining permission to enter the country....

    Under federal law, a foreign national who enters the U.S. illegally commits the crime of improper entry. Improper entry can be punished by up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $250."

    You lie to each other, and you lie to yourselves.  Your entire existence is lies.  You tell them to pay fealty to your father, who is the Father of Lies.

    May you go to your Father soon, and cease bothering us.

  187. Anymoose, take your phony piety and shove it up yer phony piety hole.

  188. Testicle Sweat9:26 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt
