Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Call the Drop Squad.

Image result for lynne patton
Today, in Washington, Michael Cohen told America what every black person in America already knew: Donald trump is a racist. Of course, as is to be expected, an old white republican man in congress jumped to trump's defense. How did he do it? By embarrassingly parading a house Negro to congress as a silent prop and declaring that she is one of trump's black friends. (That old white man himself who side tracked the hearings today to declare that he himself is not a racist, might himself have some explaining to do.)

Now I don't know Lynne Patton personally, but if I did, I would try to hide her from the Drop Squad  , because I suspect that they are looking for her at this point. She is the worst kind of Negro. One who would sell out her people and sell her soul for a few dollars and a job.

 "Patton, a former party planner for the Trump Organization and old friend of Cohen’s who now oversees public housing in New York and New Jersey for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, stood silently as Representative Mark Meadows pointed to her, a black woman:

“Lynne Patton says she would not work for a man who is racist,” the Congressman said, after Cohen had referred to Trump in his prepared remarks as a racist. “She disagrees with you.”
“She says as a daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Ala., that there is no way that she would work for an individual who was a racist,” said Meadows. “How do you reconcile the two of those?” '   

This was sad and pathetic. As is always the case, the narrative goes something like this: How can he  be a racist?  He has a black friend.

Anyway, I watched some of the committee hearings today, and everything Michael Cohen said just confirms what I already knew. The only people who are living in a world of delusion when it comes to what Michael Cohen was saying are the trump sycophants who will believe everything and anything that Mr. trump says. Forgetting, of course, that he has already lied to us over eight thousand times.  

"''d like to say directly to the president: We honor our veterans — even in the rain. We tell the truth even when it doesn't aggrandize you. You respect the law and our incredible law enforcement agents. You don't villainize them.

You don't disparage generals, Gold Star families, prisoners of war and other heroes who had the courage to fight for this country. You don't attack the media and those who question what you don't like or what you don't want them to say and you take responsibility for your own dirty deeds.

You don't use your power of your bully pulpit to destroy the credibility of those who speak out against you. You don't separate families from one another or demonize those looking to American for a better life. You don't vilify people based on the god they pray to and you don't cuddle up to our adversaries at the expense of our allies. And finally you don't shut down the government before Christmas and New Year's just to simply appease your base.

This behavior is churlish, it denigrates the office of the president and it's un-American and it's not you."'

The last part of that statement above is the only thing that Cohen said today that I disagree with.

Sorry Michael, it is exactly who he is.


  1. Wesley R8:21 PM

    Screw The Chump,this is the week when The NFL Combine begins.

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:02 PM

    Michael Cohen did quite a job on Donnie Trump today. So we can imagine that Trump's future is not going to be pleasant with the Feds and the New York guys closing in on him. And now this. To use an old phrase:

    'It couldn't happen to a nicer guy!'

  3. Anonymous10:03 PM

    You should stick with reviewing movies nobody has seen.

  4. Don't know if you saw this. But check it out. Mark Meadows saying the Tea Party was going to send Obama back to Kenya or wherever it is he's from

  5. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "Don't know if you saw this. But check it out. Mark Meadows saying the Tea Party was going to send Obama back to Kenya or wherever it is he's from"

    Mark "I swear I am not racist, except for the go-back-to-Africa-Obama stuff I said" Meadows.

    These Republicans would be funny, if it weren't for the fact they are wrecking the country.

  6. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Speaking of both the Cohen testimony and totally not-racist Mark Meadows, I saw the following on Twitter today:

    from Jules Suzdaltsev @jules_su:

    "After finding out that Trump is guilty of literally everything he has accused other people of doing, I’m now 95% sure he was actually born in Kenya."

  7. Republican controlled house after Cohen testified the first time: "How dare you impugn this man's character by accusing him of not telling the truth?"

    Republicans responding to Democratic controlled house bringing Cohen back to testify again: "How dare you bring this liar back to lie to the US congress?"

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Republicans: People who lie a lot and cheat on their wives are untrustworthy! You can’t believe anything they say!

    Democrats: Is this a standard your party will be applying from now on? Because there is this guy we know, a shady real estate developer and former reality TV star ...

  9. "I am in constant contact with the SDNY" or something similar is what Cohen wanted Fergus to hear.
    They all behave as if they were mobbed up because they are, in fact, mobbed up, and Mueller and the DOJ don't frighten them like the Russian mob does.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. If you watch Fox you'd never know there was a hearing with Cohen. All day coverage of the Korean summit. It's like they keep their people in the dark purposely.

    1. Pilot, do u mean the summit that Mr Orange had to walk away from?

  11. ...Aaand the summit blew up early. I guess all of that flattery and sweet talk didn't convince Kim to give up all of the nukes that bought him the ticket to the world stage in the first place.
    Who could possibly have predicted that would happen?

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Anonymous7:03 AM

    What happened to Jussie Smollet?

  13. Anonymous7:06 AM

    You should stick with covering fake hate hoaxes. It be true, it do, it do, it really do.

  14. ...and yet he worked 10 years for the I believe it's called 'taking a plea deal' Mr.Bennett Esq.? ;)

  15. yes, that "it's not you" part took my breath away. If it ever wasn't Trump--and I think that Trump was a fiction in Cohen's sycophantic mind--it is now. He's not going to change. Everyone with any knowledge of human behavior knows that.

  16. Anonymous11:06 AM

    How do we know Trump is a racist? A disbarred convicted liar told us so.

  17. How do we know Trump is a racist? A disbarred convicted liar told us so.

    Any "normal" non-inbred, inbred with shit fer brains could assess Drumpfuck's records over the years and reasonably conclude Drumbfuck be a racist colluder.

    Like former racist Arizona racist sheriff racist Joe Arsepiehole andf has the court convictions to prove it.

  18. Anonymous11:57 AM

    “Pilot, do u mean the summit that Mr Orange had to walk away from?”

    Yet another instance in which Trump will realize he has no clue how to fulfill his promises, give up, and then declare victory.

    And his supporters won’t be bright enough to figure out he’s lied to them. Trump must be a yuuuge success because Trump says so.

  19. Via CBS Chicago:

    Red Line CTA Riders Punched By Group Of Unknown Males

    CHICAGO (CBS)–Red Line riders are getting punched while waiting on the CTA platform at some stations, Chicago police said in a community alert.

    During two incidents of random violence last week, multiple men were seen opening the side operator window of an L train and hitting people standing on the platform, according to Chicago police.

    Police hope these photos will help find the people responsible.


    Those photos look a lot more like Jussie Smollett than anyone who'd wear a MAGA hat.  Just sayin'.

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:01 PM

    "Those photos look a lot more like Jussie Smollett than anyone who'd wear a MAGA hat. Just sayin'."

    12:17 PM
    From today's Daily Brief:

    Feds Feared Alleged ‘Neo-Nazi’ Benjamin Bogard Could Be Next Mass Shooter

    An alleged member of the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division who made a video about hunting for minorities was taken into custody on child pornography charges after federal agents became worried he was “mobilizing to violence.”

    Benjamin Bogard wears a skull mask and holds a shotgun in front of a white van in the video reviewed by The Daily Beast. He advocates going across country looking for minorities, Mexicans, women—“anything that is shit,” he says.

    “Pull out your shotgun, get to the side of the road, pump that shit open, point it at them and pull that trigger,” he says in the video, which ends with a Nazi salute.

    Thank God the Feds got this frigging nut!

  21. Anonymous1:54 PM

    “An alleged member of the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division who made a video about hunting for minorities was taken into custody on child pornography charges after federal agents became worried he was ‘mobilizing to violence.’”

    It’s such an interesting coincidence how all of these advocate of “race realism” always turn out to be kiddie rapers. Or wife beaters.

    It’s almost like they’re not actually very nice people.

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:01 PM

    Anonymous said:
    "It’s almost like they’re not actually very nice people."

    1:54 PM

    Yup, I have concluded the same thing. BTW, this makes two the Feds have gotten in the last week.

  23. Cohen eviscerated Meadows with a simple statement: "Ask Ms. Patton how many people who are black are executives at the Trump Organization. The answer is zero."

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. lt. Commander Johnson2:24 PM

    "Blogger field negro said...
    Pilot, do u mean the summit that Mr Orange had to walk away from?

    6:58 AM"

    Trump didn't HAVE to walk away. He just damn did. He has more balls than Obama ever had on his chin in the "bath-houses" of Chicago.

  25. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Ask Mr. Cohen how many Blacks have an IQ of 80 or lower and how many Blacks are in Prison or on Parole? Kinda limits the executive gene pool?

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:58 PM

    To Field,

    Thanks for this great article!

    As I watched yesterday's hearing, I was reminded of Albert Speer, architect and author of 'Inside the Third Reich', who became a member of Hitler's inner circle. In his book, Speer describes the gradual corruption of his sense of right and wrong and of developing the attitude that the ends justify the means. He admits that his ambitions became the force that drove him to turn a bling eye to Hitler's crimes.

    Looks as if Cohen may have been saved by being caught this early. Three years is a small sentence when compared to the twenty years that Speer got.


    -Doug in Oakland

  28. From Steve Benen:

    I feel like there’s a perfectly good metaphor here: “A jackhammer reduced prototypes of President Donald Trump’s prized border wall into piles of rubble Wednesday, a quick ending to an experiment that turned into a spectacle at times.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  29. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with President Trumps policies, but what Cohen did is called snitching. E worked 10 years for the man, doing sll sorts of dirty deeds which he himself has admitted too, and now this??? C,mon now!!! When he gets out, who'll hire him? Maaaan!!!

  30. Anonymous7:34 PM

    “C,mon now!!! When he gets out, who'll hire him? Maaaan!!!”

    Nobody was going to hire him as an attorney anyway, snitching or no snitching. He’s been disbarred.

  31. I mean at anything else, at all, you know...

  32. Bloviating Ignoramus8:40 PM

    Wasn't Benny The Brain available? Trotting out Bronze Barbie to be seen and not heard amidst a sea of white faces is tantamount to blackface without the necessity of shoe polish. Democrats might have asked her thoughts on Butt Trumpet exonerating America's Racist Sheriff. Or how many "fine people" was she able to discern amongst the Nazis who descended on Charlottesville carrying torches and singing Nazi love songs. Alas she cannot talk. Or think.

  33. Lt. Commander Johnson9:11 PM

    Low-dollar Defense Lawyers always like lying-assed pieces of crap as witnesses.


  35. Michael Cohen was the deputy finance chair for the RNC until last June.

    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:13 PM

    Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    "Low-dollar Defense Lawyers always like lying-assed pieces of crap as witnesses."

    9:11 PM


    I don't think you can call Lanny Davis a low-dollar defense lawyer.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:17 PM

    Lilacpr said:

    I mean at anything else, at all, you know...

    8:00 PM

    Rumor has it Cohen has a book deal cooking. That should make him a mint.


  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Rumor has it Cohen has a book deal cooking. That should make him a mint.

    10:17 PM
    Cohens up there trying to look all contrite and sorry like, hahaha, and Elijah Cummings said "the President called you a rat, and that means a snitch, and in prison that's bad news"... LOLOL! Those people are all so out of touch with the reality of real life for the average citizen, one really has to laugh not to cry! xD

    They're up there making their cushy salaries, basically for doing nothing, living in la la land...maaan! What a life.

    Like the song says "It's a nice job if you can get it, and you can get it if you try"...I guess? Maaan, and here my brake master cylinder just gave up the ghost...smdh!

  39. Thanks for that link Pilot! You know I don't watch TV, but that was revealing! :)

  40. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Granny Mudshark quoted:

    "Those photos look a lot more like Jussie Smollett than anyone who'd wear a MAGA hat. Just sayin'."

    Then she quoted:

    "Benjamin Bogard wears a skull mask...."

    Too dumb to tell the difference between a supporter of the POTUS and a Nazi larper despite completely different headgear.  That's about par for today's libtards.

    At least the illegal alien from Brazil who attacked the guy wearing his MAGA hat is being deported.  Seriously, if you won't appreciate the restraint of the people who endured 8 years of attacks from the Mulatto Messiah and his minions and are only asking to show their allegiance peacefully in public, you deserve every bit of violence they are capable of dishing out to you.

    "C,mon now!!! When he gets out, who'll hire him?"

    When Eric Cantor was primaried, he got a cushy position as vice chairman of investment bank Moelis & Company.

    The swamp will take care of those who scratch its back.

  41. You just keep right on showing your allegiance peacefully in public. That way we know who you are so no embarrassing mistakes get made.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:30 PM

    Anonymous said: Granny Mudshark quoted:

    "Those photos look a lot more like Jussie Smollett than anyone who'd wear a MAGA hat. Just sayin'."

    Then she quoted:

    "Benjamin Bogard wears a skull mask...."

    Just tell us whom I quoted. Was it you?
    "Too dumb to tell the difference between a supporter of the POTUS and a Nazi larper despite completely different headgear. That's about par for today's libtards."
    Please enlighten me as to the difference between current Trump supporters and Nazis. I'd really like to know since Trump is following Hitler's blueprint.

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:35 PM

    No kidding folks, from the front page of tonight's Talking Point Memo!

  44. Does he think he can mess around in that sewer and not get any on him?

    -Doug in Oakland

  45. Anonymous1:43 AM

    “No kidding folks, from the front page of tonight's Talking Point Memo!”

    Not sure what happened here, but if I had to guess, maybe the black dude isn’t the real leader? Maybe he just forged the governmental paperwork to say he was the leader of the group, and then tried to plead guilty to the lawsuit on behalf of the group in order to screw them?

    The hint is in the same article. He’s previously forged paperwork saying 40 acres of a white supremacist’s land were deeded over to him (no indication if a mule was included).

  46. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Introducing Frederick Walker:

    "Chicago, IL — A 23-year-old caregiver has been ordered held without bond, charged with killing an elderly man under his care in south suburban Homewood.

    Frederick Walker, of Justice, was charged Monday with one count of first-degree murder in the death of 78-year-old James Kerrigan. He was denied bail at a bond hearing Tuesday afternoon in Markham.

    Homewood police said Walker was employed by a private home health care agency, and was working as a caregiver for Kerrigan, following a surgical procedure.

    Kerrigan was found dead in his home near 185th and Carpenter streets on Feb. 20, after a fire at his house. An autopsy determined he died of multiple sharp force injuries."

    Given that he stabbed a frail elderly man who he was being paid to care for to death in his own home and then set the house on fire as a coverup, Frederick Walker looks like what you'd expect:

    Two things from this:

    1.  If Walker was white and Kerrigan was black, we'd still be reading about this "horrific racist crime" all over the country 64 years later.  We're still reading about Emmett Till, after all.  Instead, this is "dog bites man" and will never get more than local news coverage that will only note his court dates.  Even black-on-black crime gets memory-holed; nobody remembers the black thug who assaulted and robbed Rosa Parks in HER own home.  Well, nobody except "racists".

    2.  We can at least hope that Kerrigan had similar attitudes to Gambler2 and only got what he wanted for others, and thus deserved.

  47. Anonymous8:10 AM

    >> Just tell us whom I quoted. Was it you?

    You quoted Anonymous @ 12:17 PM (comment link).

    >> Please enlighten me as to the difference between current Trump supporters and Nazis.

    You're that clueless?  For just ONE thing, Hitler blamed Germany's post-WWI condition on the Jews.  Trump has Jewish in-laws and grandchildren.

    >> I'd really like to know since Trump is following Hitler's blueprint.

    Where are Trump's legions of Brownshirts, then?  ALL the political violence is coming from the left, and you're even supporting it.  It was people fed up with the violence from communist thugs who gave Hitler his support.  Do you WANT Nazis, Gambler2?  Because this is how you get Nazis.  Yesterday's communists are today's "progressives" and "multi-culturalists" and "anti-racists", and Nazis are a natural and healthy reaction to them.  Nazis are an immune response to genocide.

  48. Anonymous9:38 AM

  49. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Global warming/climate change is a progressive hoax:

  50. Anonymous9:42 AM

    FN: "Today, in Washington, Michael Cohen told America what every black person in America already knew: Donald trump is a racist."

    I'm African-American and voted for Trump and I do not find him to be a racist.

  51. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Global warming is a left wing bullshit disinformation campaign:

  52. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:58 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    >> Just tell us whom I quoted. Was it you?

    You quoted Anonymous @ 12:17 PM (comment link).

    >> Please enlighten me as to the difference between current Trump supporters and Nazis.

    You're that clueless? For just ONE thing, Hitler blamed Germany's post-WWI condition on the Jews. Trump has Jewish in-laws and grandchildren.

    >> I'd really like to know since Trump is following Hitler's blueprint.

    Where are Trump's legions of Brownshirts, then? ALL the political violence is coming from the left, and you're even supporting it. It was people fed up with the violence from communist thugs who gave Hitler his support. Do you WANT Nazis, Gambler2? Because this is how you get Nazis. Yesterday's communists are today's "progressives" and "multi-culturalists" and "anti-racists", and Nazis are a natural and healthy reaction to them. Nazis are an immune response to genocide.
    So your attack on me was because I quoted someone else? or was it my rebuttal that got you so upset?

    Now to answer your question as to where are the Brown Shirts - open you eyes, they are all around the country marching as white supremacists, Nazis, Proud Boys, etc. These groups are not a "healthy reaction to progressives, multiculturalism or any other anti racism idea or group. Instead they are destructive and divisive, and a threat to all civilized people.

    Open your eyes; Whereas Hitler chose the Jews for his scapegoat, Trump has chosen Mexicans and Blacks to demonize. Look at Trump's playbook. He attacks the press just like Hitler did. Trump attacks people of color just as Hitler attacked the Jews. Trump encourages violence at his rallies just as Hitler did. The list goes on and on. Read "Berlin Diary, The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent 1934" and study the rise of Hitler.

  53. Anonymous11:07 AM

    “You're that clueless? For just ONE thing, Hitler blamed Germany's post-WWI condition on the Jews.”

    Trump blames all the country’s problems on Mexicans and Muslims and China. Obviously, that’s sooooo much more rational. LOL

    Also, many of Trump’s followers seem to be convinced that Jews are responsible for the U.S. “importing” Mexican immigrants and causing all the problems Trump rants about.

    So I am really not seeing a giant gulf between Hitler’s ideology and supporters and those of Trump. The main difference between the two appears to be one of execution — Trump is an incompetent con man who cares more about himself than the fascist ideology he has used to propel himself into office. He will go down as an asterisk in the history books, a boob who accomplished nothing with his time in office beyond making everybody much angrier than they had been before he was inaugurated.

    “Where are Trump's legions of Brownshirts, then? ALL the political violence is coming from the left, and you're even supporting it.”

    Not even close. Virtually ALL the domestic terrorist activity in this country the last couple decades has come from right-wingers.

  54. Negro News Network - your source for News of the Negro!12:14 PM

    NNN brings you this report from CNN about bashing spics with bricks:

    A California woman who attacked a 91-year-old Mexican man with a concrete brick last year has been sentenced to 15 years in prison.

    Laquisha Jones, of Los Angeles, had pleaded no contest in December to one count of elder abuse, infliction of injury. She also admitted to using a deadly weapon -- a brick -- and that she inflicted great bodily injury upon the victim, Rodolfo Rodriguez.

    On July 4, Rodriguez was walking to a park when he passed a woman and a girl, he said. The woman assaulted him without warning, hitting him with a concrete brick and enlisting a group of men to beat him, he said.


    NNN also brings you international news of negroes doing their best to stop doctors from treating Ebola patients and chasing them away to spread the disease further:

    Ebola HORROR as gunmen attack Congo health centre amid BRUTAL battle with security forces

    This is the second attack in a week where an MSF centre has been attacked (Image: MSF)

    GUNMEN stormed and burnt down an Ebola health centre amid a gun battle with security forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo yesterday.

    The armed assailants attacked the centre which is run by French charity Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF) in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo yesterday. The identity and motive of the attackers are unknown but it comes two days after a mob set fire to another centre which resulted in the death of one man. According to the country’s health ministry, none of the 40 patients within the centre were hurt but four of the patients did flee during in what MSF termed as a “deplorable” attack on the centre in Butembo.

    In a statement, MSF said: “This attack has not only put the lives of Ebola patients and their families in danger, but also those of MSF and Ministry of Health staff.

    “Our efforts are currently focused on the immediate safety of both staff and patients.”

    On Sunday, assailants set fire to a treatment centre in the city of Katwa in the Ebola-ravaged eastern region of the country.

    Currently locked in a Civil War, the country has been hit by its worst-ever Ebola outbreak which has killed 540 people according to MSF.

  55. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Is Black hysteria mumf officially over now?

  56. Ah, the trolls are back. So riddle me this:
    What is the difference between anonymous hate trolls and the undead?
    One is a howling, shambling mob of rotten mindless abominations, and the other is zombies.

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:57 PM

    Paradoctor said:"
    What is the difference between anonymous hate trolls and the undead?
    One is a howling, shambling mob of rotten mindless abominations, and the other is zombies."

    1:54 PM

    Hey Paradoctor,
    Thanks. I'm laughing so hard at your post, I nearly fell off my chair!

  58. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Chicago Final February 2019 Totals
    Shot & Killed: 22
    Shot & Wounded: 108
    Total Shot: 130
    Total Homicides: 26

  59. "Where are Trump's legions of Brownshirts, then?"

    Nobody said the damn fool was successful at it. He's repeatedly tried to turn the DOJ into his own personal protectorate, and the fact that he's largely failed doesn't excuse the attempt.
    Perhaps if Hitler had been a moron and faced a massive resistance in possession of today's technology, he wouldn't have been able to pull off a lot of what he did.
    We're not sitting still for it this time because we remember what that bought them back then.

    -Doug in Oakland

  60. Anonymous4:18 PM

    “Perhaps if Hitler had been a moron and faced a massive resistance in possession of today's technology, he wouldn't have been able to pull off a lot of what he did.”

    Germany also went through worse traumas than America did, which were major factors in the intense public anger and scapegoating of minorities that led to Hitler. (Although the Great Recession a decade ago helped lead to Trump, this was nowhere as bad as Germany’s experience in the ‘20s and ‘30s.)

    Germany lost WWI and had punitive war reparations imposed on it by the victors.

    Then its population experienced hyperinflation in the ‘20s and a massive depression in the ‘30s.

    And Germany had only been a democracy for a short while before that point, so its institutions were still fragile and especially vulnerable to attack by both democratic and terroristic tactics of the Nazi Party.

  61. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Trump Dindu Nuffin...

  62. "How do we know Trump is a racist? A disbarred convicted liar told us so."

    Yes, one who worked for him as his chief counsel for 10 years.

    This is too easy.

  63. I'm African-American and voted for Trump and I do not find him to be a racist.

    Now go to the back door of the kremlin annex so Massa Drumpf can pat you on the head and call you his "nice Negro"just before he claims you stole the silverware.

  64. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I'm a POC and support Trump as well.

  65. Anonymous10:40 PM

    "What is the difference between anonymous hate trolls and the undead?"

    The undead are fantasy and unbelieved, while "anonymous hate trolls" are fantasy but desperately believed by those who need them to exist.  Just like "structural racism", "institutional racism" and all the other fake forms of "racism" in that respect.

    Actual "racism" is Noticing the truth and speaking and acting accordingly.

  66. Anonymous5:50 AM

    "Germany had only been a democracy for a short while before that point, so its institutions were still fragile and especially vulnerable to attack by both democratic and terroristic tactics of the Nazi Party."

    Anonymous @ 4:18 PM forgets that Russia effectively NEVER had democracy, and the Nazis were not fighting against democracy but against Bolsheviks trying to do to Germans what they had already done to Ukrainians and Russians—meaning genocide a la the Holodomor.

    The Nazis were right.

  67. “ “Anonymous hate trolls” are a fantasy ... “
    Said the anonymous hate troll.
    The undead, also, lack self awareness.

  68. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Truth is not hate, no matter how much you need it to be to justify your untenable position.

  69. "Hate is not truth, no matter how much you need it to be to justify your untenable position."

    There, fixed it for you.
