Thursday, February 07, 2019

Freudian slips and blackface.

Now this is what I call a Freudian slip.

"WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Thursday outlined the importance of faith in American society in a speech that at times mirrored his State of the Union address from earlier this week.

"I will never let you down, I can say that," Trump told the crowd at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington. 

The president proceeded to list his administration's accomplishments and goals. 
But those words were quickly overshadowed on social media when, in the midst of praising religion's role in U.S. history, Trump made an apparent gaffe and celebrated the "abolition of civil rights." 

"Since the founding of our nation, many of our greatest strides – from gaining our independence to abolition of civil rights to extending the vote for women – have been led by people of faith," Trump said."

I am still amazed that America elected this man to lead the country. The thing is, if you ask him about his "ironic misspeak" he will say that it's fake news, and he never spoke those words. He would say it, and his cult like followers would believe him.

I wouldn't mind the fact that the guy can't read a full sentence, or that he has the attention span of a two year old, if he would just practice a little intellectual curiosity. Is that too much to ask from  the president of the United States? We recently heard about all the "executive time" and the constant television watching, and we are all left to wonder who is running the country.

Finally, what the hell is going on in Virginia?!  I mean was black face just the norm among white folks of a certain age back in the day? Now it turns out that the number three man in charge of that state did a little black- facing himself in years gone by. This is crazy. The three top democrats in the state are all engulfed in their own personal scandals. 

Of course a scandal about race wouldn't be complete without a republican involved. And, sure enough, the powerful state senate majority leader in Virginia was editor of a VMI  yearbook that was full of racist images and blackface back in the day. 

"Norment added that he is "not surprised that those wanting to engulf Republican leaders in the current situations involving the governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general would highlight the yearbook from my graduation a half-century ago."'

I wish I could say that black face is now heading for the garbage heap of history, but we all know that isn't true. Just look at all the young college kids still dressing up in blackface. It's seems like the more things change is the more they stay the same.

Let's face it folks, Americans just can't leave their blackface alone.




  1. Drifthlass said that it's blackface all the way down out there.
    And there were organized protests against the exploitative "native American" costumes they sold for Halloween, and when a white lady complained about a "Handmaid's Tale" costume, they pulled it right away, but 10,000 signatures on a petition against the native American costumes got them thrown out of the store and the cops called on them.
    We do have some growing up to do as a society.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. It doesn't surprise me at all. Back in the day at a college fair VMI was there and since I had dreams of becoming a fighter pilot a military school was right up my alley. Anyhoo I went to the VMI booth and the guy there just kept reading his paper and ignored me. My dad had to school me about VMI and why I wouldn't want to go there. Just wait til Republican akeletons start dancing out of the closets😂😂 That shit will be epic.

  3. "We do have some growing up to do as a society"

    We just elected a 10 year old as president. Good luck with that.

  4. PilotX you do some serious thinking and retract your last statement. You are giving the 2 yer old waaaaaaay too much credit for growing in the job. If anything he has regressed.

  5. Anonymous9:24 AM

    You people really need to educate yourself. Critique what you learned in high school, college; what you read in the NY Times, WAPO; what you watch on The History Channel, etc.

    I (the n-word slinger in here) could post all these links; you'd just blow them off.

    Consider the black writer, Dontell Jackson, someone I consider truthful, did an enormous amount of research and gets it right.

    I really urge you do read should take no more than 10 minutes of your time instead of making the same inane Orange Man comments. On the 4th page, he covers blackface.

    Hello and welcome to my website We Thought They Were White. My name is Dontell Jackson, and like many African-Americans, I was brought up in a culture deeply infused with propaganda designed to lay the blame for all of the black race's ills on the white man. It was not until I began looking into the actual history of blacks, whites, and other races in America, that I came to realize that many if not most of the resentment that African-Americans harbor regarding our long history of abuse and exploitation has been intentionally misdirected by those who are most responsible for it, to shift the blame away from themselves as a people onto the white race who they regard as their enemies.

    The reality is that the white race had little to do with the slave trade that took our ancestors away from Africa and sold them into bondage in the New World. That crime was committed not by White Europeans, but by Jews who were engaged in transatlantic commerce between the Old World and the Americas where they hoped to establish a New Jerusalem from which to rule the world by way of exploiting all races who were not members of their tribe of "chosen people." In their efforts to accomplish that goal, the white race has been hoodwinked and manipulated as unsuspecting pawns almost as much as the black race has been.

    Good luck on your new journey should you decide to take a peek.

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:45 AM

    Anonymous said:

    The reality is that the white race had little to do with the slave trade that took our ancestors away from Africa and sold them into bondage in the New World. That crime was committed not by White Europeans, but by Jews who were engaged in transatlantic commerce between the Old World and the Americas....."
    WTF? What a crock of crap. Without buyers, sellers have no market, so I guess all the men in America who bought the slaves were Jews! Wow! all this time I've been thinking that the plantation owners were Christians.

    What is this, Drunk History?

    1. See Gambler, as if right on que. We're moving from the "nigger nigger nigger" bottom of the barrel phase into the (((the Jews))) with help from unsuspecting blah people phase. The trolls have some kind of lunar cycle they follow.

  7. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:39 AM

    PilotX said...

    "See Gambler, as if right on que. We're moving from the "nigger nigger nigger" bottom of the barrel phase into the (((the Jews))) with help from unsuspecting blah people phase. The trolls have some kind of lunar cycle they follow."

    10:15 AM
    Yes, I guess you're right. For me the most troubling aspect of dealing with them here is their inability to think logically. I sometimes think there must be lead in their drinking water.

    By-the-way, my grandson is finishing up his training and will soon be in the cockpit. His first assignment will be on the east coast.
    Have a great day.


    Yup. looks like wearer is in blackface mode. What dumbfuck fashion designer decided this would be a good thing? Probably Drumpfuck's favorite grope toy- lily white Ivanka.

  9. A Clockwork Watermelon11:10 AM

    It is best not to bother placing facts in front of Granny Mudshark and the rest of (((THE))) Regular shill posters here. They have an agenda and a narrative that must be stood by. Like almost all servants of Satan, Fraud Negro and his crew are loyal up to and including their own spiritual demise. It is futile to try and reason with them, they are and will be forever lost and ensnared in Evil.

  10. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:46 AM

    A Clockwork Watermelon said...

    "It is best not to bother placing facts in front of Granny Mudshark and the rest of (((THE))) Regular shill posters here. They have an agenda and a narrative that must be stood by. Like almost all servants of Satan, Fraud Negro and his crew are loyal up to and including their own spiritual demise. It is futile to try and reason with them, they are and will be forever lost and ensnared in Evil.

    If you white supremacists ever posted a "fact," I'd fall of my chair in surprise. But you are right about one thing, it is best not to come here and post your bogus "facts." How about you all go away? You will not be missed.
    BTW, you people represent less than two percent of the U.S. population.

  11. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Maybe it's just a little envy from melanin challenged people.

  12. A black friend in Virginia thinks the Democrats' new "zero tolerance" policy has come back to bite them. He says "I want media to ask Republicans how many attended a Klan rally or lynching or had sisters who cried rape when caught in consensual sex with black guy (who’s now dead), but no one was ever held accountable? You’ll get crickets because they’re 3/4 guilty."

    He later emended that to read "90% guilty."

    I can't argue--he's Virginian.

  13. Anonymous A Clockwork Watermelon said...another white privilege beneficiary whose sole desire is to see his name posted on a black liberal blog for his klan relatives to see and admire.

    Thinks he is getting away with murder of blacks through his nit-witty comments.

  14. A Clockwork Watermelon1:30 PM

    Facts do not now nor ever have mattered to Satan and his followers. Numerous times facts contrary to the narratives pushed on this site have been given to no avail. They are dismissed straight away, and yes Granny M. I have known for many decades that facts are indeed racist in the minds of Satan's minions. But do not fret, Kamala Harris, Barack with breasts, if elected will use the Tech. Demons to hunt posters like me down and publicly execute us to feed you and yours evil anti truth bloodlust.

  15. A Clockwork Watermelon1:39 PM

    Child of the Corn Mike, lying and twisting things as usual but that's what evil commies do now isn't it? I do not belong to the Klan, never did never will nor do i advocate for them, I desire results not tilting at windmills. You may be the only person in America that is more Evil and More stupid than AOC?

  16. Right on cue white privilege denier gets his name on FN blog for his klan relatives to see.

    Neither time did I insinuate, claim, or make any statement that you belonged to the Klan. Lying is a large part of stoopid fucking white privilege deniers game.

    Kavernmouth's DC circuit replacement pig is worse than Kavernmouth was, although that didn't seem possible. And pussy pansy Pence will probably break the tie to get her skankt ass a loifetime cushy job derstroying minority, women's and Gay people's rights.

  17. Anonymous3:06 PM

    “He says ‘I want media to ask Republicans how many attended a Klan rally or lynching or had sisters who cried rape when caught in consensual sex with black guy (who’s now dead), but no one was ever held accountable? You’ll get crickets because they’re 3/4 guilty.’"

    Alright, this is a bit over the top. You’re not likely to find too many present-day Southern politicians who were once involved in lynchings. That’s a little before their time. You’d have to look to their grandparents for that.

    But there’s little doubt that if you checked out the youthful histories of Southern Republicans, you’d find a ton of offensive, bigoted comments and activities.

    Hell, some of them are still openly associating with white supremacist groups. Many GOP politicians, until very recently, thought there was nothing wrong with speaking engagements at the Council of Conservative Citizens — a hate group. And then there was high-ranking Republican Steve Scalise‘s visit to the Euro-American Unity and Rights Organization, another hate group. Scalise called that “a mistake.” Sure, Steve. There was no way to guess what that group was about, such as by, I dunno, looking at its name?

  18. " the white race who they regard as their enemies."

    Who, exactly are you speaking of here? I don't know anyone who fits that description. It sounds to me like just another mentally lazy attempt to understand how things work without really examining them.
    Like the lyrics to that old Who song, "But things ain't quite that simple"

    -Doug in Oakland

  19. Anonymous3:09 PM

    What is the problem with black face again???

  20. Anonymous3:10 PM

    White privilege is a made up term by violent alt left types.

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:46 PM

    Anonymous A Clockwork Watermelon said...

    "Facts do not now nor ever have mattered to Satan and his followers. Numerous times facts contrary to the narratives pushed on this site have been given to no avail. They are dismissed straight away, and yes Granny M. I have known for many decades that facts are indeed racist in the minds of Satan's minions. But do not fret, Kamala Harris, Barack with breasts, if elected will use the Tech. Demons to hunt posters like me down and publicly execute us to feed you and yours evil anti truth bloodlust."

    A few points here,
    1. Most people with half a brain do not believe in Satan. Only people who believe in Satan can be one of his followers. I don't put much credence in a mythical character invented by goat herders thousands of years ago, so count me out.

    2. If you had any facts, maybe we would believe you. But instead of facts, you peddle illogical garbage by attributing the behavior of some onto all members of his/her group. This is illogical.

    3. So please enlighten us as to how you came to the above conclusions. Show us some evidence to support it. For example,how many demons were sent to hunt you or other posters down down during the Obama Administration? And how many posters were publicly executed? So why do you fear Ms. Harris?

    4. In my view, you people whine just like little children.

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:50 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "White privilege is a made up term by violent alt left types."


    How about you post a couple examples of violence by "alt left types." Support your opinion with some evidence - reliable sources - whatever?

  23. A Clockwork Watermelon4:07 PM

    You are correct Granny G. Folks who do not believe in a Satan's existence do indeed only have at best, a half of a brain. Satan is far more real, and far more substantiated than the 24/7 Commie drone of White Priv. Is there white priv abundant on the four corners of the continent of Africa? I think not. So what is the excuse(s) for their realities? Granny very hypocritical to accuse me of whole attribution when you and all the other shills here do it 24/7 but you all are serving your masters ((( )))

  24. White privilege is real and palpable. It is present in every wasicu from the moment they are born. It manifests itself readily in whites with a conscience.If white privilege didn't exist every white ever born would have received the same treatment as POC in America. Fuck you whitey!

  25. A Clockwork Watermelon4:22 PM

    During the Obama admin he sent many demons after white folks, they were called the Dept. of Justice and The Attorney General. "Hands up don't shoot" ring a bell? Instead of talking nonsense do some research. All 8 years of Halfrican Jesus was fraught with anti white programs. His illegal treatment of Press people and whistle blowers alone should scare intellectual lightweights such as you. But it won't, The Commie Kool Aid is far too tasty sweet.

  26. A Clockwork Watermelon4:28 PM

    If you weren't willfully ignorant Child of the Corn, you would know that at times during U.S.History many Whites did exist in circumstances worse than people of color.

  27. A Clockwork Watermelon4:34 PM

    Child of the Corn, you need to shove all that Frances Cress Welsing material up your ass. Yaqub in 2020 Lmao

  28. @anonymous at 3:06 and others:

    Yes, I thought his remark was a little "over the top" too, but the general sentiment was accurate.

    A look at the Virginia Military Academy's yearbook from the 60s revealed that the "n" word was included in a lot of entries. In a goddam yearbook? Even in a "sundown town" in 1960 we knew the word was obscene, like the "c" word for women, and would never have written it down. So, in a yearbook? That's gotta be hard-core racist.

  29. Anonymous5:05 PM

    A 1-year-old negro child shot by other negroes in the head Chicago:

  30. Anonymous5:07 PM

    The out of control nigger violence continues in Chicago:

  31. Anonymous5:09 PM

    5 negroes shot in Chicago on Thursday, including 1-year-old boy

  32. A Clockwork Watermelon exactkly like Drumpf and gets nothing. Shit goes right over his head nd then he pretends to be n intellectual wasicu wastey bully.

    You have white privilege tattooed all over your pastey white hide. Embrace it.
    I'll bet you didn't know many trees that were here before whitey had hard lives.

  33. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I feel pretty safe saying that the National Enquirer are not long for this world. They are going to be sued into bankruptcy, and their execs should consider themselves lucky if they do not land in jail.

    First, Jeff Bezos accused them of making blackmail threats, and now Ronan Farrow has claimed to have been on the end of similar threats if he didn't stop talking about the Enquirer's efforts to bury stories about all the women Trump has boned while married to Melania.

    As ever, Trump sure does have some classy friends.

  34. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:54 PM

    A Clockwork Watermelon said...

    "You are correct Granny G. Folks who do not believe in a Satan's existence do indeed only have at best, a half of a brain. Satan is far more real, and far more substantiated than the 24/7 Commie drone of White Priv. Is there white priv abundant on the four corners of the continent of Africa? I think not. So what is the excuse(s) for their realities? Granny very hypocritical to accuse me of whole attribution when you and all the other shills here do it 24/7 but you all are serving your masters ((( )))"

    As usual for your ilk, you didn't answer any of my points because you can't. Instead you just continue your rant about "Satan" and ignore all logical discourse accompanied with calling me a hypocrite and mumbling something incoherent about Africa. WTF?

  35. Well Gambler we are in the (((Jewish conspiracy))) cycle but this is new because we also still have the bottom feeding nigger nigger nigger posters. Exciting times, we get to see the brilliant minds of white supremacists in action.

  36. A Clockwork Watermelon7:45 PM

    ...And you Child of the Corn, have an 80 IQ along with a lifetime subscription to The Bell Curve.

  37. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Great Newz...... Honorable Louie has called for a separate Black State on his Final Call webpage. Praise Allah

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:58 PM

    A Clockwork Watermelon said...

    "During the Obama admin he sent many demons after white folks, they were called the Dept. of Justice and The Attorney General. "Hands up don't shoot" ring a bell?"

    Nope! No bell ringing. Be more specific. Also specifically, what did the Dept. of Justice and the Attorney General do to you during the Obama presidency?

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:05 PM

    Anonymous A Clockwork Watermelon said...

    "Child of the Corn, you need to shove all that Frances Cress Welsing material up your ass. Yaqub in 2020 Lmao"

    So what's with this "Child of the Corn crap? And you have no idea what I think about Weising's theories. If you have nothing intelligent to say, why post to me? Maybe because I challenged you idiotic theory?

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:24 PM

    Anonymous A Clockwork Watermelon said...

    "...And you Child of the Corn, have an 80 IQ along with a lifetime subscription to The Bell Curve."

    7:45 PM

    Give it up, Watermellon. Im ROTF LMAO now. Speaking of the bell curve, I do know what percentage of scores will fall between two standard deviations of the mean of whatever you are measuring. I've done a great deal of research using statistical tests looking for significant results. Most of my work involved T-tests and correlation coefficients. I did do some multivariate analysis, and I have some small knowledge of causal modeling.

  41. A Clockwork Watermelon9:14 PM

    You post as Granny M. in Iowa? Then obviously these retorts were not meant for you. If you have done said research as you claim then your obtuseness of the NAPA is even more laughable than before. As i said before, i will not waste posting Facts about Halfrican Black Jesus or anything else because it is a waste of time when dealing with Commies. Let's Hope that Barack with breasts gets elected in 2020 and installs her commie antiwhite agendas very quickly so shit can get to where it needs to go. I'm out, have a goodnight and fuck the Green New Deal.

  42. Moonwalker9:18 PM

    The way the Democratic members of congress behaved toward toward Attorney General Whitaker was absolutely shameful. They staged a coordinated outrage tantrum full of raging idiocy. Anyone who watched those proceedings came away away with the impression that the Democrats are a bunch of rude, unhinged children with a tenuous grasp on reality.

    Combine that with the shitshow in Virginia and AOC calling to end air travel in ten years and the Dems really had themselves quite a week. They won't survive too many more.

  43. Putin is fucking Drum0pf, Clockwerk Watermelon and America in the ass but it is libs who are Commies. Typical fake noize conflagration of fiction and plain making shit up.Embrace yer white, honkey.

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:22 PM

    Anonymous A Clockwork Watermelon said...

    You post as Granny M. in Iowa?
    No, I post as Gambler2askawhite woman. However you or someone who posts as anonymous started call me Granny M. The "M" stands for mudshark, which is supposed by him/her to be an insult, which I find amusing. Have a nice night.

  45. Anonymous9:50 PM

    The customary arrogance of the Beltway Bubble runs strong. The city seems isolated from the rest of existence. It talks to itself about itself and isn’t particularly aware of the rest of the world. (“The Bubble” is shorthand for New York, DC, and Hollywood, the tripartite beating heart of political correctness.) The city obsesses over twaddle about Russian malignity, over who grabbed whose ass, and transgender bathrooms. I heard nothing of the roiling currents of growth and change in Asia, of the incipient onslaught of new Asian airliners, the BRI, and de-dollarization. The focus on trivia seemed almost adolescent. A disdain for the rest of the country, nonexistent twenty years ago, now flourishes. It is a virulent snobbishness of class and region. “Flyover land” is the most common name for the rest of America. Hillary made the scorn explicit with her Deplorables, but it shows in casual conversation in which people here speak of Mississippi and Arkansas as “the middle of nowhere.”

  46. One more time: There is no fucking "alt-left". The "alt-right" are just a bunch of goddamn Nazis who started calling themselves "alt-right" because "goddamn Nazis" wasn't working for their PR weasels.
    We didn't call you malignant fucks that, you did.
    I still call you "goddamn Nazis" because "alt-right" is lame, deceptive, and stupid.
    And another form of the rebranding you always use as lifeboats to escape the consequences for your latest atrocity.
    We're burning those motherfuckers this time. You will answer for your crimes.

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:53 PM

    A Clockwork Watermelon said,

    If you have done said research as you claim then your obtuseness of the NAPA is even more laughable than before.

    Hey, anybody out there know what NAPA stands for? If so, please inform me. Thanks.

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:10 AM
    Why Didn’t Cops Catch Toronto’s Gay Village Serial Killer Suspect Sooner?
    Activists are asking if race and class played a part in delaying Toronto police from apprehending Bruce McArthur, and charging him with five first-degree murders of men.

    Kelsey Berreth Murder Case: Nurse Pleads Guilty to Tampering With Evidence
    As part of her plea agreement, she’ll testify against missing Colorado mom Kelsey Berreth’s fiance, Patrick Frazee.

    Woodland Park police arrested Frazee in December. Authorities believe Frazee may have enlisted help in killing Kelsey and charged him with two counts of first-degree murder and three counts of solicitation to commit first-degree murder. Frazee likely murdered Kelsey at her Woodland Park townhouse, investigators say.

    Both of the killers here are white. But the trolls that come here want me to believe that black men are much more dangerous than white men. Good luck with that.

  49. Anonymous12:20 AM

    north American pavement ape

  50. Anonymous12:21 AM

    "Hey, anybody out there know what NAPA stands for? If so, please inform me. Thanks."

    North American Pavement Ape. Yet another slur for black people.

    If you really want to spend time conversing with this blog's repulsive trolls, you're going to need a Nazi-to-English dictionary to decipher their hateforum gibberish. They're not capable of talking like normal people.

  51. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Ut Ohhh

  52. "Also specifically, what did the Dept. of Justice and the Attorney General do to you during the Obama presidency?"

    He had the temerity to president while blah.😂


  54. National Automotive Parts Association (NAPA),

  55. Anonymous10:23 AM

    When oh when will we see justice for Jussie? My heart breaks.....

  56. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Queens, NY White or Hispanic Nigger-Fucking Slut Gets Converted Into Fish Bait

  57. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Well Negroes, what's more damaging to you all, Northam's Black Face or Fairfax's Black Dick raping your women? Liberals, no matter what race, no matter what Gender(s) are some mentally Ill folks. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha P.S. Orange Man bad, very bad.

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:58 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Hey, anybody out there know what NAPA stands for? If so, please inform me. Thanks."

    North American Pavement Ape. Yet another slur for black people.

    If you really want to spend time conversing with this blog's repulsive trolls, you're going to need a Nazi-to-English dictionary to decipher their hateforum gibberish. They're not capable of talking like normal people.
    Thanks, my friend. Seems there is no end to their childish taunts. They remind me of some of the boys in my third-grade class who made vulgar remakes of other people's names.

  59. Anystoopidfuckingmoose is a long way from proving rape or sexual assault for that matter. We know the pathological lying POS in the kremlin annex has lied repeatedly about assaulting women while he openly bragged about it. Has he stepped down or resigned?

    We know wasicu wasteys enjoy sex with children. It is in the news regularly. We know whitey is racist because they openly spout their racism to the world and then lie to cover it up. White privilege, doncha know.

  60. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Hey Anonymous Gambler2 ASKA White Woman AKA Mudshark, You let any new brudahs bukake that dried up face of yours?

  61. Why haven't I heard Drumpfuckers bragging about their tax refunds this year, so far? At least three million are paying moar taxes and none of those names start with billionaire such and such.

    Another thing- why haven't businesses repatriated. including Drumpfuck the tax cheat? Because stoopid fucking gifted them with even lower taxes on foreign profits held offshore or made overseas. That rate is around 10% instead of the 21% corporate rate give away.

    Why are revenues so short this year the gubmint has to borrow at least a trillion moar bucks? Must be HRC's emails.

  62. Gambler, don't fall for anystoopidfuckingmosse's insults. He knows gobs of bukkake cum works on his face. He has been known to beg BBCs to shower him early and often to keep the zits down, so rumour has it.

  63. Anonymous11:21 AM

    More 80 IQ Wizdumb from the intellectual drive thru window in Iowa. A village in Haiti is looking for it's idiot, you better phone home.

  64. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Two negroe men shot today in Chicago, again:

  65. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Police alert: negroe group robs people of cellphones in Streeterville

  66. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Rapist token negroe:

  67. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Old Town: Woman robbed at Sedgwick station, black suspect sought:

  68. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Maybe it was Fairfux that raped Dr. Ballzy Fraud? or, he may be one of the Maga guys in Chicago that assaulted that Shakespearean actor that licks pickles in his spare time. Better call EZ Rawlins fo sure.

  69. Amirite, anystoopidfuckingmoose? Of course I'm right.

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:07 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "that dried up face of yours?"

    My face ain't dried up, honey. What does yours look like with all that hate in your heart? Must be a mess.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:15 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    "Gambler, don't fall for anystoopidfuckingmosse's insults. He knows gobs of bukkake cum works on his face. He has been known to beg BBCs to shower him early and often to keep the zits down, so rumour has it."

    Good morning Mike,
    No worries. I'm tough as nails. No way can the Nazis on this blog or any other insult me. I don't care what they think of me because they are less than nothing. They are sorry, sad little boys who are so lost in hate that they can't find the sun. They remind me of the bullies I had to confront in grade school.

    Have a great day, and please keep posting here. I really enjoy reading what you write!

  72. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Anonymous said:

    "that dried up face of yours?"

    My face ain't dried up, honey. What does yours look like with all that hate in your heart? Must be a mess.

    12:07 PM

    Hey! I just like funnin' ya. You actually got a got wit and are probably a very nice lady, maybe a little dumb though.

    As far as my heart, you probably won't believe this but I don't actually hate anyone, just the things they do. I'll be the first to admit, there's a surplus of white POS that should have a rope around their neck and hung from a tree.

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:58 PM

    Anonymous said:
    Hey! I just like funnin' ya. You actually got a got wit and are probably a very nice lady, maybe a little dumb though.
    OK, nice to know you were just funnin'. I can take a joke. But I'm mildly amused that you think I'm a "little dumb."

    Would you believe me if I told you that for twenty-seven years I worked at a large public university developing and evaluating programs to help students succeed in college? Would you believe me if I told you I hold a Masters Degree in experimental psychology with emphasis in learning theory and statistical analysis? Well, it's all true, so believe it or not. That's up to you. Have a good day!


    Must be related to anymoose and watermelon.

  75. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Tar baby, so what, do you even know the real definition of Tar baby? Of course you don't because Negroes refuse to learn and use proper english. Everything is racist to 80 IQ outdated farm equipment.

  76. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Granny coalburner said...

    "I really enjoy reading what you write!"

    Everything Mike post is pornographic. You really like porn?

  77. Anyfuckingstoopidmoose just tripped all over his white privilege some moar What a maroon.

  78. Anonymous9:05 AM

    White privilege is a hoax.

  79. White anystoopidfuckingmoose is a hoax. White privilege is real and you have it to spare.

  80. Wasicu cops finally caught on video tasing wasicu man and this is brutal. Fortunate white privilege spared whitey a trip to the morgue. Had he been black.........

    Last charge went right to the testicles after cops had him pinned to the ground and pulled his shorts down to administer first aid to his tiny micro dick via the nuts.


    Be nice if he can restrict what the FBI investigates like Drumpf did to save Kavernmouth's ass and scotus seat

  82. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Be nice if Farrakoon can get all nogs to move to Africa.

  83. White privileged cop calls black man boy, on tape filled with anyfuckingstoopidmoosie's favorite langwidge.

  84. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Sure...Another Pyramid Builder who can't cooperate with police and just show I.D. Farrakoon is right, time for the UFO Pilots to segregate to their own space. Outdated Farm equipment can't function in western society. The Hammite plague continues.


    Homes with guns kill more than nuts with guns.
