Thursday, February 21, 2019

Lying about a hate crime as opposed to actually plotting one.

Image result for christopher hassons images               I am still trying to figure out why I am seeing more mug shots of Jussie Smollett    than I am of Christopher Hasson. I am also trying to figure out why the president of the United States chose to tweet about Smollett and not Hasson today.

In case you were wondering (and I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know), Hasson is the guy who was arrested  recently with enough artillery to overthrow a small Third World country. He is also the guy who wanted to start a race war and murder people in the name of Mr. trump. He is an "alleged" domestic terrorist who wanted to bring terror to Americans. (He was a fan of Anders Breivik for crying loud.) And yet, not a peep about him from the president.

As my fellow twitter family member Tea Pain said: 
  • "Trump steps over a white supremacist's plot to kill dozens of Trump's enemies in cold blood to clutch his pearls over a black feller that faked a hate crime."
Now, to be clear, what Smollett was wrong (I just blogged about it), and if he is found guilty he should face the consequences of his actions.  But let's not kid ourselves, what this white nationalist was plotting close to Washington D.C. was far more serious than Smollett lying about a racist attack. 
I hope that right-wing pundits like Tucker Carlson will now rethink their position that racism isn't a thing anymore.  

For the record, hate crimes are way up after trump took over the country. Hoaxes, on the other hand, are down. Unless of course you count the constant hoaxes coming from this White House. The biggest one of course being that we have a national emergency at the Southern boarder. I mean if we are going to rip Smollett for a big lie with serious implications, we must also hold the president of the United States accountable for his lies. 

 "@ Jussie Smollett-what about MAGA and the tens of millions of people you insulted with your racist and dangerous comments!? "

"Tens of millions" is a stretch. You actually got about 65 million votes. But let's not let facts get in the way of one of your tweets. Seriously, though, what about the millions of Americans you put in jeopardy with your racist rhetoric and actions every day? I dare say that what you do every day is far more dangerous to our way of life than any lie that Jussie Smollett ever told.  



  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    The purpose of this site is to compile a comprehensive database of the false reports of "hate crimes" committed in the USA. It builds on the work of Laird Wilcox, whose Crying Wolf (PDF) is the only book dedicated to this subject so far.

  2. Anonymous7:05 PM


    Great. And when the frequency of fake hate crimes turns out to be about 0.1% that of real hate crimes, then what?

    Wait, I'll answer my own question. I know what you "alt-righties" will do: lie about it.

  3. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Sorry, but Racism Baiting Inc. is closed for the week.

  4. And this US military officer was plotting to kill elected officials as well as federal judges. That's ok I guess as Roger Stone put crosshairs on the federal judge overseeing his case. But Jussie........

  5. TRANSLATION: Jussie is fine, because he is black, and as long as he's black any lie is perfectly okay.

  6. Another dumbass hillbilly7:36 PM

    TRANSLATION: Christopher Hasson can plot to kill as many people as he wants because he's white and as long as he's white his killing people is perfectly okay.

  7. Anonymous8:37 PM

    North Carolina finally made a decision. And the decision is that the congressional election for their 9th district has to be done over, because the Republican cheated.

    New election ordered in North Carolina House district after possible illegal activities

    Now, if only we could get Georgia to do over their election for governor. Because the Republican there also cheated.

  8. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Hasson didn't actually do anything. Your boy Jussie faked a hate crime and cost Chicago millions of dollars, plus he's a drug addict, and just wait until they look through his pictures. Stay tuned, 'cause your boy is going down for a long stretch.

    But it's okay, because he's black, and you have no problem with a lying drug addict and (fill in the blank) as long as he's in your tribe. #RaceChaseInc.

  9. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Jussie isn't my boy. Never met him and if he is guilty he should be punished. See how that works asshole?
    Now thank the gods they caught Hasson BEFORE he committed his crime. I guess when you're white and you stockpile an arsenal and plan mass murder it's okay. Must be nice to be white and actually get the presumption of innocence like the law requires. He's in your tribe so no harm no foul huh? #whiteisright

  10. A Clockwork Watermelon9:03 PM

    Two things you won't find, 1) Whites claiming that Hasson is a goot boi dat dindu nuffin and was turnin' he's life aroun'. and you will not see whites bitching and looting if Hasson receives justice due for his crimes. 2) NO MENTION AT ALL from the Fraud Negro or his idiot minions about Aurora Ill. racist, murderer, illegal gun toting, up and coming rapper Gary Martin. 4 of 5 victims he killed were white, was he motivated by the play Hamilton? Or, the numerous politicians of the CBC who espouse hates towards whites everyday? Or, Hollywood Black Idiots like Jeffrey Wright? The list of the guilty who push anti white hatred daily is immense, and Frauds like the Philly Negro Lawyer have much to account for in their culpability. Fuck You.... and Goodnight.

  11. A clock doesn't work9:10 PM

    Great, the village idiot weighs in. Take a look around dumbass, no negroes are supporting Jussie or haven't you noticed? Now if you wanna go mastrubate all night about that little boy have at it but the adults care more about assholes like you and Hasson trying to shoot straight. Hopefully they both end up in the same cell so Jussie can make him his bitch kinda like you princess.

  12. Anonymous9:11 PM

    "Hasson didn't actually do anything."

    Only because the FBI counter-terror unit busted him before he could carry out his murder spree.

    But nice job making excuses for a seriously evil dude.

  13. Anonymous9:14 PM

    "Only because the FBI counter-terror unit busted him before he could carry out his murder spree."

    And the Coast Guard's police. Got to give them credit, too.

  14. "But nice job making excuses for a seriously evil dude."

    But Jussie.........

  15. Remember back in 2009 when a report initiated by the Bush administration warned against the rise of right wing extremist violence and specifically mentioned active duty military and veterans as recruitment targets?
    And remember how Fox news and Drudge lost their damn minds and screamed bloody murder about how the Obama administration was trying to suppress conservative speech by branding them terrorists until the report was modified and the FBI was denied resources to try and counteract the things the report warned about?

    We got lucky this time, no help from those conservative assholes.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. Anonymous11:33 PM

    On a completely different topic, Kamala Harris' Jamaican dad is pissed off that she made a joke about Jamaicans smoking ganja.

    Is he being an oversensitive buzzkill? Or is he right to be offended by stereotypes about rastafarians with big spliffs?

    Maybe Field will weigh in.

    1. "Maybe Field will weigh in"

      Puff puff, pass.

  17. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Wanna hear about a hate crime? In Palestine, TX, a BLACK man duct taped a white convenience store clerk and lit her on fire yesterday. No national outrage, though.

    Fuck you all.

  18. Anonymous4:46 AM

    @1:35 a.m., Field Negro is for every murder, as long as the killer is black and the victim is white.

  19. StillaPanther25:36 AM

    What political wing own more weed stores in the new industry of legal weed. The Republican was speaking in disparaging ways about Mrs.Harrisdoing something legal in vast areas of USA.. Weed should now be seen as a negative. Oh yeah, when is President Trump tweettothe Russians about their veil threats to bomb DC. Trump and his crew constantly elevate third world countries as adversaries. Be a man and tell Putin than heis a ———————.

  20. To both Anons (or possibly the same bot) @1:35 & 4:46 AM..... Due to the outstanding efforts of the police officers who arrested the black male shown in the video, the citizens of Palestine, Texas have one less dangerous criminal off the streets.

    Though the local news item did not register on the national media, more than likely this was due to the crime being one of dozens or even hundreds of robberies comitted daily throughout the U.S.

    Contrary to the anons early morning posts, the Palestine Police Department cited the suspect was arrested for a robbery and assault with a weapon and lethal substance. None of the reporting even alleges a hate crime.

    Hoping the victims and all those impacted by such a heinous ordeal are able to heal in the days ahead.

    Finally, neither this blog or any decent human being irrespective of color have ever condoned the actions of anyone with a moral compass pointing in the direction of depraved criminality. Yet only trolls and bots further these over-the-top narratives.

  21. Anonymous8:59 AM

    White male, 17 shot to death in Overland Park, KS. 2 negro and a 17-year-old girl arrests made

  22. Anonymoids, despair. The name "Jussie Smollett" is off-beat, and so is too hard for the American public's mayfly attention-span to hold onto for much beyond a news cycle; whereas "Christopher Hasson" is an All-American name, and easily remembered, and will seep into the mass mind as his terrorism trial wears on.

  23. A Clockwork Watermelon12:51 PM

    Clock 9:10 pm... I worry most about Negroes shooting straight, that way my taxes don't have to cover ER and long term rehabilitation services, since 99% of hood rat goot bois are on medicaid. Better a Spoonie G on a permanent dirt nap than in my wallet all his days. Either teach yo keeds to use birf control or teach them how to shoot vital body mass. Just get them out of my taxes. Yall Negros and stupid commie white folks ever think that your 24/7 anti white bullshit is what creates the Hassons of the world? Nah, i didn't think so, yall too dumb to connect those dots.

  24. Anonymous1:19 PM

    “... whereas ‘Christopher Hasson’ is an All-American name, and easily remembered, and will seep into the mass mind as his terrorism trial wears on.”

    I’m fairly skeptical about that. Our national media tends to gloss over failed terrorist plots. We have too many successful mass shootings in this country to find much time in the 24/7 news cycle for schemes that didn’t manage to result in a body count.

  25. Pats owner, Bob "I talk funny" Kraft busted for solicitation of prostitution in Florida and there is tape.

    Of course HRC's emails made him do it.

  26. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Take a look around dumbass, no negroes are supporting Jussie or haven't you noticed?

    mike from iowa:  "anyfuckingm9oosemowrawn, how many named sources claim Smollet is a fake?"

    PilotX:  "Jesus, these righties are obsessed with Jussie."

    PilotX:  "Wanna share a link? Of course not."

    mike from iowa:  "Apparently anyracistmoosie's white cop buddies discovered the two Nigerian bros were not white like the assailants."  (there were no assailants, let alone white ones)

    mike from iowa:  "Jussie Smollett for Prez of all stoopid fucking white racist bitches named anyfuckingmoose."

    mike from iowa:  "Smollet was acting to diffuse the situation and everything after that was wasicu anyfuckingmoosie's lies and made up shit because anyfuckingmoosie's rabid festering brain is full blown racist POS."

    That's where I got tired of searching, I'm sure there's more.  So at least one black and one honorary black were 100% backing the Smollett hoax as truth, until he got his ass indicted.  Now you are all "nobody thought so", except you did.

  27. "Yet only trolls and bots further these over-the-top narratives."

    Interesting that outrageous stories are used to frame blah folks as criminals but this has been going on for centuries. Watched a doc about blah soldiers fighting for the French in WWI because they weren't allowed to fight for America and the US government seny the French all kinds of BS about blah folks but to their credit the French weren't a bunch of hillbillies and ignored the propaganda. Even allowed blah pilots to fly in the French Air Force.👍🏾

  28. Anonymous1:57 PM

    >> Only because the FBI counter-terror unit busted him before he could carry out his murder spree.

    Most FBI busts of late have been for schemes orchestrated by the FBI itself, with some patsy playing the fall guy.  They have been doing this with muslims for years (muslims tend to be dumb because of inbreeding) and it looks like they finally found a dumb enough white guy to help gin up some hate against white guys.

  29. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Interesting that outrageous stories are used to frame blah folks as criminals

    The stories are so outrageous that they wouldn't be believed if they weren't true.

    Instead of complaining about being made to look bad, how about not looking bad?

  30. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Muh dik!

    R. Kelly charged in Cook County with aggravated criminal sexual abuse

  31. So at least one black and one honorary black were 100% backing the Smollett hoax as truth, until he got his ass indicted. Now you are all "nobody thought so", except you did.

    Wah,fucking, wah, anymoosiepoosy. I still don't think it is a crime. Now yer orange fat ass buddy occupying the kremlin annex for Putie is a criminal. HRC is an angel compared to anymoosiepoosy's buddy Drumpf, but all any poosymoosie can do is come here and whine about Blacks are all bad people because Fake Noize tells him so.

    Anyfuckingmoosiepoosy is leass than 1% of the posters here and commits 99% of the hit jobs on POC.

  32. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Terrorist or Freedom Fighter???

  33. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Dissed negro thought his white trophy slut was seeing another mane so he hammers her to death

  34. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Kunyae gives Kenzie sets a fresh pair of mudshark sunglasses for her 18th birthday

  35. Anonymous4:06 PM

    “Most FBI busts of late have been for schemes orchestrated by the FBI itself, with some patsy playing the fall guy.”

    Oh good. More of the “ALL hate crimes are fake” routine. It never gets old.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "White male, 17 shot to death in Overland Park, KS. 2 negro and a 17-year-old girl arrests made"

    8:59 AM
    Yes, there is too much violent crime in our country. But in response to your biased posting of only Black crime, here are two recent examples of white crime just to let you know that there are white offenders too.

    "Chilling details of Jayme Closs kidnapping revealed."
    Suspect Jake Thomas Patterson, 21, Seems this creep killed her parents and took her, beating and raping her for 88days until she escaped.

    ‘House of Horrors’ Parents Plead Guilty to Torture Charges
    David and Louise Turpin shackled their 13 children to their beds in California.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:00 PM

    Anonymous said:
    "Most FBI busts of late have been for schemes orchestrated by the FBI itself, with some patsy playing the fall guy. They have been doing this with muslims for years (muslims tend to be dumb because of inbreeding) and it looks like they finally found a dumb enough white guy to help gin up some hate against white guys."

    1:57 PM
    Please cite some examples of your claim that "Most FBI busts of late have been for schemes orchestrated by the FBI itself, with some patsy playing the fall guy."
    I haven't seen any sign of that and I follow current event pretty closely. Thanks.

  38. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Most "hate crimes" turn out to be faked. The demand for white racism far outstrips the supply.

  39. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman

    Can you post the last instance of a white murdering a black person irrespective of a cop when threatened in the line of duty or a homeowner defending his family when the front door is being kicked in at 2am?

    The last I could find was 10/25/18. If you want the link I'll post.

    I haven't actually counted but blacks murdering whites since 1/1/19 exceed 20.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:06 PM

    Anonymous said:
    "Instead of complaining about being made to look bad, how about not looking bad?"

    2:01 PM

    How about you post some "outrageous stories" of crimes committed by whites along with the black crimes as I did at 5:00 PM above. That would provide some balance to the picture.

  41. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Leftist agenda:

    Racial preferences
    Open borders
    White demonization
    Repeal the 2nd amendment
    Perpetual war
    Destroyed monuments
    Race hoaxes
    Academic indoctrination
    “Hate speech” Laws
    Media propagandists
    Totalitarian tech monopolies

    Our future is so bright, we're going to blind.

  42. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Point to remember:

    When the CPD told Jussie Smollett that they had two suspects in custody, he was willing to sign a complaint - until he learneed that the suspects were the two Nigerian brothers.

    He was willing to send two random white guys to jail to further his career.

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Leftist agenda:

    Racial preferences
    Open borders Blah, Blah Blah! More lies from the Russian trolls trying to divide the country. Try posting something worth reading.

  44. Ivan Beatinov6:05 PM

    "More lies from the Russian trolls trying to divide the country."

    Deep take of the day.


    -Doug in Oakland

  46. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Halfrican Chicago Jesus tells the chillenz to lose the bling and the whores during a talk in Oakland Ca. Doug waz yu there? Are you upset that he is airing out Negro laundry in front of YT? Is he coonin? Is he Tommin? Next thing you know, he'll be telling da keedz to act more like YT. Damn....This gotta be House Negro behavior? Damn, i thought Barry Soetoro was down?

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:37 PM

    Ex-Dallas police officer indicted for murder after shooting black neighbor

    A grand jury indicted a fired white Dallas police officer on a murder charge Friday for fatally shooting her unarmed black neighbor after mistakenly entering his apartment, a killing that triggered national outrage and claims of police racial bias.

  48. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Modern left:

    ��Racial irredentism (Israel, Aztlan, Native land)
    ��Using government coercion to force subjective sexual identity on the world
    ��Redistribution programs that politically divide the working class (reparations)
    ��Protection rackets for the wealthy (feminism)

  49. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Hey Field, honest question!

    What is a bigger story, some white guy who allegedly wanted to commit an act of terrorism...

    Or this black guy caught on camera trying to burn two white women alive?

  50. Anonymous11:17 PM

    “What is a bigger story, some white guy who allegedly wanted to commit an act of terrorism...

    Or this black guy caught on camera trying to burn two white women alive?”

    To normal, non-white supremacist people? (In other words, not you.)

    The terrorist is the bigger deal, and it’s not even close. He had a list of people he wanted to kill that was longer than the tax code.

    The thug in the convenience store attacked a grand total of two people.

    This is pretty simple. It’s basic math.

  51. No, I didn't get to go, and that's too bad, because Fantastic Negrito played and made a presentation about gun violence.

    -Doug in Oakland

  52. Anonymous3:13 AM

    "He had a list"

  53. Anonymous3:15 AM


    Tried to burn alive.

  54. Anonymous8:51 AM

    New Nation News... Low IQ Kangz & Kweenz on parade daily.

  55. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Complete silence from the White House about the terrorist which says everything about comrade Trump and his fake emergency. Terrorist...okay? Moms, children and families crossing the border... Loins and tigers and bears oh-my!

  56. "Open borders Blah, Blah Blah! More lies from the Russian trolls trying to divide the country. Try posting something worth reading."

    Nah, 2020 elections coming up so have to sow discord.


  57. Or this black guy caught on camera trying to burn two white women alive?”

    Actually the women's passion for BBC caused both to spontaneous combust and only his savage fire hose quenched their fiery desires. Honkey's and their shortening micro dicks can only admire man meat of super size without having to pay an extra quarter.

    Smollett is only around 8ooo verifiable lies behind Drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

  58. Hate Fact™11:34 AM

    The reality is interracial crime is almost always black on white.

  59. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:44 AM

    The former chair of the Republican National Committee predicted that President Donald Trump was unhappy that the FBI arrested alleged white nationalist Christopher Hasson.

    Trump ‘probably not happy’ FBI arrested white nationalist terrorist Hasson — ‘These are his people’: Ex-RNC chair

    Trump is losing support among Republicans.

  60. Anonymous11:49 AM

    "Trump is losing support among Republicans."

    Michael Steele is not a "Republican".

    He is an idiot.

    What he said, and more importantly how the rest of the panel reacted, is an indication of just how deranged and divorced from reality the opponents of traditional America have become.

  61. 2009-2016: "Elections have consequences!"

    2017-2018: "Tyranny of the majority!"

  62. House Whitey12:03 PM

    Imagine being so ignorant that you'd ignore a person's gender, ethnicity or sexual preference and just treat them the same as everyone else.

  63. Jussie Smollett's character in "Empire" will be removed from the final two episodes of the fifth season:

    Welcome to Trump’s America, where TV producers feel emboldened to ERASE gay black men from their shows.

    This is exactly why Jussie Smollett felt he had to raise awareness by staging an attack.

  64. Zimbabwe faces bread shortage:

    Cautionary note: Don't kill the people that feed you.

  65. Anonymous12:54 PM

    mike from iowa is a down low nigger faggot that takes black cocks in his mouth and up his ass at the same time.

  66. Anonymous1:34 PM

    “2017-2018: ‘Tyranny of the majority!’

    Trumpkins are not the majority. Trump LOST the popular vote.

    And even the vote share he got was obtained through lots of cheating (Russian hacking, bogus investigations of Hillary Clinton’s non-criminal data-handling practices, racist vote suppression).

    This is “tyranny of the minority.” Or, if you like, just plain tyranny.

  67. Proglodyte1:48 PM

    "(Russian hacking, bogus investigations of Hillary Clinton’s non-criminal data-handling practices, racist vote suppression)"

    You're not deranged and divorced from reality. Not at all.

  68. "mike from iowa is a down low nigger faggot that takes black cocks in his mouth and up his ass at the same time."

    Just love the brilliant and insightful comments from the superior race.😂

  69. Look at all the snowflake billionaires and gubmint officials busted for prostitution charges.

  70. This is “tyranny of the minority.”

    It really is. This will continue to be a problem as long as each state gets two senators regardless of population. The only solution is to get moderates and liberals to move to Wyoming, Montana and other low population states and take over the political machinations. Could happen,I've been to both and they're pretty nice. Mrs. X is from Idaho so I'm sure she'd love to go back😂


    The plot, like anyfuckingmoosiepoosy's brain, thickens.

  72. Anonymous2:57 PM

    moron from iowa: The last person on earth who believes Jussie Smollet.

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:58 PM

    Anonymous House Whitey said...

    "Imagine being so ignorant that you'd ignore a person's gender, ethnicity or sexual preference and just treat them the same as everyone else."

    Where did that come from? I haven't seen a single post advocating that on this blog, nor Field writing anything like that either. I think the idea here is that we should treat all people as individuals. Hating all the people in a given group because of the actions of some members of that group is self-defeating.

  74. Democrats2:58 PM

    "The only solution is to get moderates and liberals to move to Wyoming, Montana and other low population states and take over the political machinations"

    Nah, we'll just use Mexicans and Somalians. It's going to be great.


  76. "Nah, we'll just use Mexicans and Somalians. It's going to be great."

    Sounds good to me. Tasty food.

  77. Democrats3:48 PM

    Tasty food, clitoridectomies, drug cartel beheadings, and an 85 IQ population incapable of creating or maintaining the civilization they are replacing.

    It really is going to be great.

  78. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:57 PM

    Democrats said...

    "The only solution is to get moderates and liberals to move to Wyoming, Montana and other low population states and take over the political machinations"
    Better scenario: All white nationalists move to Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah where you can fully take over the Republican Party there.

  79. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:00 PM

    Democrats said...

    "Tasty food, clitoridectomies, drug cartel beheadings, and an 85 IQ population incapable of creating or maintaining the civilization they are replacing."


    And just where is this taking place, Mars??? Jupiter?

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      “‘Tasty food, clitoridectomies, drug cartel beheadings, and an 85 IQ population incapable of creating or maintaining the civilization they are replacing.’


      And just where is this taking place, Mars??? Jupiter?”

      Clitoridectomies are taking place in North Africa, and beheadings by cartels are taking place in Mexico. But those are features of the laws and economies in those countries and regions and have virtually no bearing on what happens here. Unless you believe in the “foreigners won’t assimilate” myth, which is just some junk that racists made up to justify blocking immigration.

      And the part about an “85 IQ population incapable of creating or maintaining the civilization they are replacing” exists only in this troll’s warped little brain.

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:22 PM

    There's an interesting article on Politico today. Please take a look.

    Meet the Man Curbing Trump’s Power Without Anyone Noticing
    He’s a pioneering attorney and Haitian immigrant who’s leading the emoluments lawsuit. He engineered some of Dems’ biggest wins in 2018. So why haven’t you heard of Karl Racine?

  81. Weak 2 of tax return season and weak returns are down 16%. Fucking wingnuts had you again and lied about it c9oming and going.

  82. "It really is going to be great."

    Oh it is, I mean I'd rather geniuses like you fully populate the country but hey Mick Jagger told ya ya can't always get what you want.😆

  83. "Unless you believe in the “foreigners won’t assimilate” myth, which is just some junk that racists made up to justify blocking immigration."

    Yup, only the superior race can be trusted to keep the nation going even though almost every single one of us is a product of immigration.

  84. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Democrats said...
    "The only solution is to get moderates and liberals to move to Wyoming, Montana and other low population states and take over the political machinations"

    Nah, we'll just use Mexicans and Somalians. It's going to be great.
    2:58 PM

    For whom????????

  85. Anonymous6:23 PM

    "And the part about an “85 IQ population incapable of creating or maintaining the civilization they are replacing” exists only in this troll’s warped little brain."

    Refer to South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Haiti.

  86. Anonymous6:32 PM

    CreationistX said...
    "Yup, only the superior race can be trusted to keep the nation going even though almost every single one of us is a product of immigration."

    Because there is absolutely no difference at all in the ability of people to maintain an advanced technological society, right X?

    Without claiming any inherent overall superiority, the society built here by Europeans can only be maintained as long as there is a European majority.

    America is what it is because of the people that built it. Change the people and you change the country. There may still be an America, but it will be much more like the Third World countries that the New Americans are coming from.

  87. Democrats6:37 PM

    Having failed to achieve basic socialized services on a national scale, the pragmatic left is turning to more modest, achievable goals, like controlling the global climate and abolishing biological sex differences.

    It's going to be great!

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:09 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "America is what it is because of the people that built it. Change the people and you change the country. There may still be an America, but it will be much more like the Third World countries that the New Americans are coming from."
    Your problem is you have never read a history book. Try reading one involving United States history and you will find that immigrants and slaves helped to build this country. We are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Your claim above shows how ignorant you are.

  89. Anonymous8:11 PM

    We are not Somali or Mexican immigrants or descendants of Somali or Mexican immigrants.

  90. I always liked Michael Steele. Does anyone remember the RNC website when he was chair? He was the coolest. He had little bios of Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass. Taking the republican party back to its roots. But the old Dixiecrats turned republican weren't having it. John Böhner the cigaret-smoking country clubber dealt the death blow to poor Michael's tenure.

  91. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "He had little bios of Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass. Taking the republican party back to its roots. But the old Dixiecrats turned republican weren't having it."

    If that really was Steele's vision, he was on a hopeless suicide mission. The Southern racist wing of the old Democratic Party switched to the Republican Party and took it over long before Steele became chairman.

    If the U.S. ever wants a non-racist, economically right-wing party, it will have to burn the GOP to the ground and start over from scratch. (And such a party would win far fewer elections if it had to convince people to vote for elitist economic policies on their merits. Country club Republicans have been winning their capital gains tax cuts with the substantial help of racist redneck voters for several decades now.)



  93. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Flying Junior said...
    "I always liked Michael Steele."

    LOL. You are too much.

  94. I mean...

    Wasn't he the republican response to the election of Obama? Good guy. Conservative as all hell.

  95. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:29 AM

    Anonymous said...

    We are not Somali or Mexican immigrants or descendants of Somali or Mexican immigrants.

    8:11 PM


    Maybe not you, but some of us are. Get over it.

  96. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Paperwork-Americans are not part of "us".

    Get over it.  Stop identifying with not-us to the exclusion of us.

  97. Lt. Commander Johnson8:26 PM

    Hey. Shoot the guy. No complaints here. I don't see anyone defending him.

    Game over.
