Sunday, February 10, 2019

Mr. trump's Pecker problem.

My friends and I like to joke about f**k money and who has it. Having f**k you money is when you have so much money that you can pretty much do or say anything you want to and get away with it.
Image result for national inquirer bezos
Jeff Bezos has f**k you money. Which is why I am surprised that trump's friends at the National Enquirer chose to go after him in such a way.

I know that trump is jealous of the guy, and his hatred for the man he calls Jeff "Bozo" knows no bounds. This is no doubt primarily because he has more money than trump ever could dream of. Throw in the fact that he owns the Washington Post--- which has been one of the few journalistic outlets willing to look into trump's nefarious business dealings--- and you can see where the trump hatred for Bezos comes from. But to try to go after him in such a manner seems reckless, and it reeks of desperation.

I can just see him (trump) making a call to his little friend, the aptly named David Pecker, and telling him to get all the dirt that he can on Bezos, because the man, his newspaper, and all his billions, is a thorn in his side. Pecker, trump's partner in crime, was only too glad to comply. He and his team at the National Enquirer dug until they found something. (Or should I say someone) They thought that they could blackmail and extort him with threats of exposing his affair with his mistress-- and with certain embarrassing pics-- but it didn't quite work out the way they planed it. Bezos is fighting back. It's a twisted tale, but if what Bezos is alleging is true, someone in trump's catch and kill crew could go to jail. The fact that Mr. trump, the president of the United States, could be colluding with a sleazy tabloid magazine to go after a private citizen (albeit a wealthy one) is stunning. 

"Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos published an explosive letter Thursday accusing National Enquirer parent company American Media Inc. of extortion and blackmail.

In the letter, Bezos accuses the Enquirer and AMI of a plot to publish racy images of Bezos and love interest Lauren Sanchez in exchange for statements saying their investigation into the duo's relationship was not politically motivated.

"Rather than capitulate to extortion and blackmail, I’ve decided to publish exactly what they sent me, despite the personal cost and embarrassment they threaten," wrote Bezos in a blog post published on Medium." 

And that's exactly what he did. He put it all out there for us to see, and he pretty much implied that the stench of trump, Pecker, and the National Enquirer, leads all the way to the Saudis.  

Stay tuned. 


  1. Seems that Pecker made a deal when they caught him paying hush money to Fergus' mistress that this may run afoul of and bring all of those other charges back around to bite him on his ass.
    And Jeff Bezos? Pecker thought it was a good idea to blackmail Jeff Bezos. Kinda reminds me of a scene in "The Dark Knight"...

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous11:15 PM

    So far, this attempt by the Enquirer to cover up their (probable) hacking crime with an extortion crime has not been connected to Trump personally, so this story could turn out to be a nothingburger.

    However, Pecker has done all kinds of favors for Trump in the past, and our petty, vindictive reality show president does really, really hate Bezos for the reasons you listed, soooooo ... if Bezos' investigators, or the police, do trace this back to Trump, my sweet lord, this is going to blow up into the most outrageous story to break so far during this already extremely circus-like administration.

    There are so many salacious elements of the tale, the media feeding frenzy will be unending. Even the lowest-information voters, the ones who have to be hit over the head with a stick to make them pass even cursory attention to politics, will stop and rubber-neck at this horrendous multi-vehicle car crash.

  3. Anonymous11:23 PM

    "And Jeff Bezos? Pecker thought it was a good idea to blackmail Jeff Bezos. Kinda reminds me of a scene in 'The Dark Knight'..."

    I was thinking of a different comic book movie. Pecker versus Bezos will look a lot like Loki versus Hulk.

    The idiots who read the Enquirer better enjoy it while they can. It isn't going to be in business much longer.

  4. "...the Washington Post--- which has been one of the few journalistic outlets willing to look into trump's nefarious business dealings..."

    I wonder if it's just a matter of newspaper staffing problems and economics. The NY Times, the Post, the Boston Globe--what other papers have the money and staff to do serious work any more? The right-wing syndicates won't and don't. Other papers don't have the $$ any more for aggressive investigative reporting. The Philadelphia Inquirer? Dunno, I'm asking. The New Yorker has done some good work. But there aren't many, even speaking nationally.

    Thanks for this, Field--didn't know where to go for it, and Bezos' letter is worth reading. Bully for him.

  5. Pavlov10:00 AM

    What you want to defend as journalism is a newspaper bought by a billionaire for the purpose of advancing his business interests and pursuing political vendettas against his enemies. Bezos runs the Amazon Post just like Carlos Slim runs the New York Times, selling red meat fake news as a cover for raping the US economy.

    And when the genius cheats on his wife and gets caught sending dick picks to his girlfriend, it's Trump's fault.

    You are a pack of very well-trained dogs.

  6. Know who rules over you10:04 AM

    I hope you progs noticed what happened when Ilhan Omar took a break from punching down at average white Americans and focused on real power and privilege.

  7. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:22 AM

    Anonymous said,
    " What you want to defend as journalism is a newspaper bought by a billionaire for the purpose of advancing his business interests and pursuing political vendettas against his enemies."

    No, what you see is Pecker and Trump trying to bring down the opposition. In doing so, they stirred up a hornnet's nest. The unintended consequences are pretty funny.

  8. Bloviating Ignoramus11:05 AM

    All these "great legal minds" on TV are saying that this does not constitute extortion / blackmail. Alan Dershowitz dismisses it as nothing more than a "negotiation". Jeffrey Toobin says it can't be blackmail unless you are threatening to kill someone. Dan Abrams calls it "extortion-y" or "blackmail-y" whatever the fuck that means. Seems to me that if the "negotiation" involves one side holding something that otherwise has no intrinsic value to that side and using it as leverage to coerce something that it does value from the other side, then that constitutes extortion / blackmail full stop.

    Care to weigh in Field?

  9. Anonymous12:27 PM

    What about justice for Jussie? Have you all forgotten about the most heinous crime in history? Field will you represent Jussie Pro Boner?

  10. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Americas continuing negroe problem:

  11. Anonymous3:33 PM

    The fact that Mr. trump, the president of the United States, could be colluding with a sleazy tabloid magazine to go after a private citizen (albeit a wealthy one) is stunning.

    But the fact that Obama's FBI lied on multiple FISA warrant applications and renewals in order to go after a political candidate of the opposite party is just business as usual, right?  Right?

    You have the mentality of a thug in a banana republic.  You are not an American no matter what your paperwork says.

  12. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Orange Man Bad, Very Bad. Any non White good, very good.

  13. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I always say that the Republicans, and their cheerleaders at Fox News, are retrograde fools insanely determined to bring back all the hardships and injustices of the 19th century.

    But they’ve really outdone themselves this time. Fox just featured a host who wants to return, not to the 19th century, but to the NINTH. He’s going full-on medieval. Fuck climate change denial; this fool is a germ-denier. He’s boycotting soap.

    Just completely nasty. Louis Pasteur is rolling over in his grave.

    What the hell is wrong with the people who watch this network?

    Fox & Friends host says he hasn’t washed hands in 10 years: ‘Germs are not a real thing — I can’t see them’

  14. Since so many blacks hate America and apparently hate being American, why don't you peckerheads fuck off back to your shit continent? If it wasn't for America you people would be living in grass or mud huts and practicing voodoo. Ungrateful retards.

  15. Anonymous4:27 PM

    “Since so many blacks hate America and apparently hate being American, why don't you peckerheads fuck off back to your shit continent?”

    Is a peckerhead worse than a peckerwood? Because I’m guessing the latter is what you are.

    To wit:

    “A peckerwood is a rural white southerner, usually poor, undereducated or otherwise ignorant and bigoted, the term gained popularity in the deep south during the early twentieth century and was meant to be derogatory. It is a reversal of the name of the red bellied woodpecker which had a patch of red on the back of it’s head and neck, therefore a peckerwood is a redneck, terms that describe similar groups of people are trailer trash or white trash but neither of those have the same effect or ring to them as peckerwood does.”

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:31 PM

    Anonymous said'

    "Fox & Friends host says he hasn’t washed hands in 10 years: ‘Germs are not a real thing — I can’t see them."

    I bet he voted for Trump. He seems to be on the lower level intellectually as are many others who voted for the orange child."

  17. Bozo is corrupt as shit. I guess that's why you're carrying water for him.

  18. "why don't you peckerheads fuck off back to your shit continent?”

    Now the anons aren't even trying anymore. Go back to Africa? Geez how original. You've seriously got to do some house cleaning Field I mean c'mon.

  19. Since so many blacks hate America and apparently hate being American, why don't you peckerheads fuck off back to your shit continent?

    Not uyntil you stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys realize why certain groups of unwanted Americans are unwanted by the unwashed masses and apologize profusely for your bad manners and racism. Then you can all go back to Africa and share trees with your not so distant primate relatives- the ivory apes.

    The thing is there are virtually no ivory apes left. Their pastey white hides made them outcasts in trees at night and leopards and other predators ate you mofos.

  20. "He’s boycotting soap."
    Says he hasn't washed his hands in a decade.
    I wonder if he's masturbated in the last decade, or shaken anyone's hand?

    -Doug in Oakland


  22. "Since so many blacks hate America and apparently hate being American, why don't you peckerheads fuck off back to your shit continent?"

    Nope, gonna move next door to you.😂😂

  23. Anonymous8:48 PM

    “I wonder if he's masturbated in the last decade, or shaken anyone's hand?”

    Or wiped his ass?

    Yet another reason one should never accept an invitation to appear on Fox.

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:49 PM

    PilotX said:

    "Nope, gonna move next door to you.😂😂"

    ROTF LMAO! Good one Pilotx, but I know you are kidding. A civilized person such as you wouldn't wan't to live next door to this cretin. Neither would I.

  25. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Any news about poor Jussie? So sad no justice for him yet.

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:02 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "But the fact that Obama's (?) FBI lied on multiple FISA warrant applications and renewals in order to go after a political candidate of the opposite party is just business as usual, right? Right?"


    Of which political candidate do you speak? In what way was he/she pursued by the FBI and/or the FiSA Court?

    Oh, and by-the-way, The FBI is not a tool of any sitting president - a fact that your glorious leader doesn't seem to grasp. Trump is trying to make the FBI and the entire Department of Justice into his personal Gestapo just as Nixon tried to do. However Trump will not succeed either.

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:16 PM

    TheRoosel said...

    "Since so many blacks hate America and apparently hate being American, why don't you peckerheads fuck off back to your shit continent?"

    I have a better idea. Since you and you kind hate Blacks so much, why don't you all move to where your ancestors came from or to Sweden or Norway? (I've heard that not many Blacks live there)

    Better yet, buy an island and declare it for whites only. You can be a small country and run it as you please.

    1. They call it a shit continent without ever having been there. I went to Senegal and Gambia and had a great time.

  28. "Any news about poor Jussie? So sad no justice for him yet."

    Nope, not in this blog. Try another.

  29. PX: Looks like you called it:

    “Additionally, a source close to the governor said Northam is telling people privately that if the commonwealth’s legislature puts a bill on his desk that provides the authority to bring down Confederate statues that he would sign it.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. Prosecutors are asking the Illinois supreme court to review Jason Van Dykes sentence. They say it should be longer.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Wouldn't it make more sense to just remove Negros and keep the statues?

  32. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Not uyntil you stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys realize why certain groups of unwanted Americans are unwanted by the unwashed masses

    Africans are universally unwanted.  Literally EVERYONE wants them to be kept away from them, and the first thing blacks do when they get money is get out of Blackistan.  The "civil rights" people tolerate it when Mexicans drive them out (like from Compton and Harlem), but won't allow whites to do anything.

    Africans are unwanted because they are prone to be, in increasing order of offensiveness, loud, dirty, smelly, stupid, hostile, parasitic, bad and dangerous drivers, thieves, vandals, robbers, assailants, rapists and murderers.  Everyone from the Chinese to Indians (both dot and feather) to Guatemalans says more or less the same thing.

    apologize profusely for your bad manners and racism.

    There is nothing to apologize for.  We don't tolerate any of those offenses in ourselves, so there is no reason we should tolerate them from Africans.  Neither will we apologize for existing.  We'll vote "racists" into office and "oppress" the poor widdle Africans until they pipe down, wash up and stop stealing everything in sight if we feel like it.

    Nope, gonna move next door to you.😂😂

    Your new neighbors will find lots of ways to make you wish you were elsewhere.  Fair's fair, of course; that's what you've been doing to literally all of the rest of humanity from the beginning.

  33. Africans are unwanted because they are prone to be, in increasing order of offensiveness, loud, dirty, smelly, stupid, hostile, parasitic, bad and dangerous drivers, thieves, vandals, robbers, assailants, rapists and murderers.

    Good job, anyfuckingmoose. You just described Drumpf's family and cabinet in one sentence.

  34. Anonymous8:51 AM

    >> Any news about poor Jussie? So sad no justice for him yet.

    Yeah, the liar still hasn't been charged for filing a false police report and Chicago COP "special" Ed has nixed any subpoena of his phone.  Well, maybe Fox will cancel "Empire" and put the SOB out of work.  If he has to move to the west side because of lack of money he will be complaining about real gang-bangers instead of fake "racists".

  35. If you lie down with dogs you are honor bound to get fleas. Giant, saber-toothed crotch cricket type fleas whom will bit you.

  36. Smollet's injuries and swollen face look more authentic than George Zipperfuckerman's alleged injuries after tripping over his club feet and bumping his head on a sidewalk.

    Investigators found a bottle near the scene with a clear liquid that smelled like bleach and security video shows the real victim entering his building with what appears to be a noose around his neck.

    Yup, sounds like an elaborate hoax to me.

  37. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Senate has uncovered no direct evidence of conspiracy between Trump campaign and Russia:

  38. Anonymous1:29 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    >> Any news about poor Jussie? So sad no justice for him yet."

    Total joke, the whole incident is fabricated. The D boys know they have been handed a political hot potato, there is NO evidence because the whole thing is BS. Its another TNB Twana Brawley incident.

  39. "Your new neighbors will find lots of ways to make you wish you were elsewhere."

    Sounds like fun. Give me the neighborhood and I'll call my real estate agent and let's make this happen.👍🏾

  40. "Its another TNB Twana Brawley incident."

    Or it could be more like the false stories of blah men committing crimes. Didn't Scott Peterson blame blah men when it was him who killed his pregnant wife? I forget, there's so many of those stories.

  41. "Wouldn't it make more sense to just remove Negros and keep the statues?"

    Sure, let's give it a try.😂👍🏾 Lemme know how that turns out.

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:55 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Africans are universally unwanted. Literally EVERYONE wants them to be kept away from them..."

    Not so, but then I don't know very many "Africans." I do know some Americans of African descent. In fact some of them live in my integrated neighborhood. But none of them behave in the ways you suggested in your nonsensical post. You Nazis liars are pathetic.


    Marlon Green's story of his journey from Air Force bomber pilot to first blah airline pilot. Salute.

  44. Anonymous1:58 PM

    “Senate has uncovered no direct evidence of conspiracy between Trump campaign and Russia:”

    Oh, you mean the investigation of the Republican elected official-run Senate Intelligence Committee? That worthless investigation?

    Thanks, no. I’ll wait to hear what former Fed Mueller turns up.

  45. Anonymous3:18 PM

    >> Investigators found a bottle near the scene with a clear liquid that smelled like bleach

    2 weeks later.  Junkies use bleach to clean their syringes.  No bleach found on Smollett

    >> sounds like an elaborate hoax to me.

    Not elaborate at all.  TNB-grade stupid hoax.  The redacted phone records given by Smollet to the police are more of the same.  If there were 2 assailants on the loose, wouldn't he WANT them tracked down by syncing with camera time stamps and figuring out which other cameras caught pics of them?  But the assailants don't exist, the assault was a hoax:  Smollett is the criminal.

    >> security video shows the real victim entering his building with what appears to be a noose around his neck.

    Security video shows Smollett entering an alley with a Subway sandwich in hand, disappearing from sight for about a minute, and coming back out with the "noose" around his neck and Subway sandwich still in hand.  Obviously someone fleeing multiple assailants... NOT!

    You have to be a very special kind of stupid to believe Smollett.  Stupid, or just a bigot who hates white people and will manufacture crimes to attack them.

  46. So now farmers in the midwest are filing bankruptcy in higher numbers than after the 2008 recession.
    So much winning!

    -Doug in Oakland


    Interesting read.

  48. "You have to be a very special kind of stupid to believe Smollett. Stupid, or just a bigot who hates white people and will manufacture crimes to attack them."

    Or kind of not care.

  49. Anonymous5:01 PM

    >> Or kind of not care.

    I guess if you don't care about multiple murders within blocks of your nice condo just this year, you wouldn't care that the Smollett thing is a hoax either.

    But you'd be ready to take up torches and pitchforks if it was true, wouldn't you?

  50. Not just bankruptcies, Doug.

    Farmers are offing themselves at twice the rate of vets.

  51. Senate has uncovered no direct evidence of conspiracy between Trump campaign and Russia:

    Like a stoopidmosse stoopidmoose is leaving context out of his cherry picked statement.

    Burr said the Senate has not seen all the evidence and has not called all their witnesses.

  52. Incompetence + malevolence = Trumpism5:39 PM

    An op-ed column regarding the rather large number of migrant children whom the Trump administration now admit they separated from their parents and then completely lost track of.

    America, the kidnapper: ‘Likely thousands’ of children still separated


    Tip 'o' the hat to all you fiscal conservative rascals out there whining about the debt Obama had tom pay for dumbass dubya. 22 trill and climbing because stoopid fucking wingnuts haven't figured out cutting tax revenues means there is less to spend- not moar.

  54. Anonymous5:55 PM

    “22 trill and climbing because stoopid fucking wingnuts haven't figured out cutting tax revenues means there is less to spend- not moar.”

    Oh, they realize it alright. They cut taxes, thereby increasing the debt. Then they immediately turn around and cite the debt as if it were an immutable fact, as a reason to cut government spending on programs they hate (or, more accurately, programs that benefit people they hate).

    It is unbelievable tiresome watching the Republicans go through this dishonest routine over and over again.

  55. House minority leader has a Warren scandal of his own that has received little attention because Dems don't constantly dwell on these stories.

  56. New wingnut conspiracy- MLK killed himself a substitute teacher told students.

    What else is conservative arts schools indoctrinating their studentsn with.

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:57 PM

    PilotX said:


    Interesting read."

    4:16 PM

    Yes it's a very interesting read. I have known about these definitions of bigotry and racism since my university days. The problem with using these definitions lies with the fact that they are not very usable when confronting the ignorant right-wingers on this blog. It's just simpler to use the term racist because they don't understand more nuanced terms.

    1. Well it's not just ignoramouses on this blog. Conservatives have been waging a war on intellectualism for decades and we're seeing the fruit of their labor. I guess we have to lie in the bed we made or move to a more enlightened and progressive place.

  58. "New wingnut conspiracy- MLK killed himself a substitute teacher told students."

    Righties will believe anything. So he fired a rifle and ran across the street to intercept the bullet. 😖 And they allow these imbeciles to teach. MAGA.

  59. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!


  61. To an6yfuckingmoose and his retarded buddies, why did you not jump on the El Chapo gave millions to HRC, Schiff and Pelosi rumours? Right up yer alley, fella. Sounds exactly like something wingnuts would love to spread around unless it is too soon and there is no imminent election to fuck up.

  62. Wow, you have got some vicious trolls. Make America Gross Again.

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