Thursday, February 14, 2019

One man's emergency.....

Image result for national emergency images       Donald trump, while pulling the greatest political con game in history, declared over 20 times to his base that Mexico would pay for his stupid wall.

Well, as it turns out, it's not Mexico but us tax payers who will be paying for it. Mr. trump has staked his political career on this, and this is why he will do anything to have his way with this wall.

He shut down the government to try and get it, and now he is declaring a national emergency to get funding to build his wall. (Quick note: If this is such an emergency, why didn't he declare one as soon as he took office and his party controlled all branches of the government? What is making this an emergency now?) You could argue that the right-wing screaming heads have been in his ear, and they have told him in no uncertain terms that he is dead to them if he doesn't push for this wall. trump is not very smart, but he can do basic math, and if he doesn't have his base in his corner he is going to lose in 2020 big time. So this is why Mr. trump is doing this now.

All I have to say to republicans is this: Be careful what you wish for. When a democratic president declares that global warming is a national emergency, I don't want to hear the screaming from the right.

I am just wondering where trump is going to get the money from to build his wall. That money has to come from somewhere.

"White House aides have been working behind the scenes to identify unspent money that could be used for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border in the hopes of showing Trump's supporters he is delivering on a central promise from his 2016 campaign. 

Congress is set to vote Thursday on legislation that includes $1.375 billion to build about 55 miles of barrier, far short of the 234 miles of new wall the administration sought in January.

But acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney has said Trump has options that would not require congressional approval, nor would they require the president to declare a national emergency at the border – a step that is controversial among Republicans and Democrats alike.
Neither Trump nor Mulvaney have said where they would get the money or how much they believe could be freed up. Experts say the White House can move funds around – particularly at the Pentagon – but they cautioned those options carry risks and won't solve the president's need for billions more to build a wall. 

"You’re talking about going into the Department of Defense, because there's no other place to go," said James Dyer, a veteran former Appropriations Committee aide. "I can’t imagine the political disruption that this is going to cause."

Trump has said he is not happy with the measure but has stopped short of threatening to veto it. The legislation also provides the funding of government agencies needed to avert another government shutdown when current spending authority runs out Friday at midnight.

He has also made clear that he believes he can come up with more money without going to Congress.

"We have options that most people don’t really understand," Trump told reporters at the White House Wednesday." [Source]

No Mr. trump, we do understand, and that's what scares us.   



  1. I just wonder what the next "emergency" will be. Conservatives are a scary bunch and live in perpetual fear. The funny thing to me is they make their current fear as a huge deal but it just fizzles out and they forget it soonafter. Remember, transgender bathrooms, the knockout game, Muslims, the New Black Panthers, the Kenyan Socialist, the all we'll hear is Venezuela for the next 18 months🙄 But remember back in 2009 when the debt was so important because we couldn't leave the debt to out grandkids but now it doesn't get a mention. (We all know why, Republicans will run up the debt and when a Dem comes in to clean up the mess like an adult they will then go right back to the Repub who will promise everything for free and cut taxes and we go through the same cycle).

  2. Pen and a phone10:51 PM

    He's declaring an emergency because congress can't bring themselves to stop the flood of illegal immigrants, drugs, and sex-traffickers across the southern border. It's entirely within the rights of the President to do so, much more than say, granting amnesty to millions of illegals or arbitrarily not enforcing key provisions of your failing health care law.

  3. Anonymous10:53 PM

    If walls didn't work, Democrats wouldn't be going to the mat trying to stop one from being built.

  4. Let's see, whenever he needed money he couldn't get stateside he turned to Russia in the past, so maybe he'll ask Putin for an advance on his allowance?
    And this is such a load of bullshit to begin with.
    Conservative estimate for construction only, not the land beneath it runs $25 billion, so what is this $6 billion even for? So he can start the project and abandon it a quarter of the way there?
    And the land they wanted for the fence they built is still hung up in the courts more than a decade on, so his emergency wall could begin construction when? 2035?
    No, Fergus, this is even stupider than you or your idiot hordes of Pig People, and that's saying something.
    We already know why you picked a wall as your signature campaign slogan: your handlers were having trouble keeping you focused at your rallies and they decided that a wall would appeal to your narcissism and make you more likely to remember to mention "Brown people immigration bad" in your wandering verbal masturbation.
    And for that you want to subvert the constitution by abusing the declaration of an emergency to go around the appropriations process which the founders put in the hands of the house of representatives for a reason... And that reason was in case someone like you made it to the presidency.
    So fuck you, Fergus, and fuck your stupid, stupid lust for power that you hope will fill the yawning void at the center of your empty life. With the resources you were born with, you could have been and done almost anything, and it's your own damn fault that you made yourself into the despicable clown you have become, so stop trying to take it out on the rest of us who didn't fuck off such vast sums for nothing.
    All you have cared about for decades is your "brand" and you have just taken a massive dump on it that will never wash off, let alone in your lifetime.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Jussie lied about all of it, my oh my, how can it be? Black Folks have never lied about Hate crimes ever, not once. If this is true, and it was his boyfriend who beat him up, is he a Field Negro or House Negro? I still think it was Trump himself who was in Chicago and attacked poor Jussie.

  6. Anonymous11:31 PM

    So how is the illegal DACA Exec Order not held in the same hateful disregard as a potential LEGAL declaration of emergency? Oh.... That's right, DACA was issued by Half Black Chicago Jesus and we all know he was always perfect and on the up and up. I can't wait till the Uniparty Communists get full control and start dealing with you foot soldier idiots. You will beg the white, Pig people to come to your aid but you will perish wanting. The Uniparty is destroying your country right under your noses and your too dumb to even see it.

  7. Per capita11:44 PM

    All men are created equal. That’s why it’s pretty fucking impressive that 12% of them commit half of all murders.

  8. Anonymous11:51 PM

    So Jussie was beat up - by his African homosexual lovers, and then got the MSM to run a story about masked white MAGA men who put a noose around his neck.

    My dream is to one day live in a country where I never have to write such a sentence.

  9. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Trump is about to sign an appropriations bill that contains 140% more funding for Israel ($3.3 billion) than a Southern border barrier ($1.375 billion). Gee, I wonder if that reflects the influence of "pro-Israel" lobbyists in Washington. Nah, couldn't be.

  10. Anonymous12:42 AM

    “So how is the illegal DACA Exec Order not held in the same hateful disregard as a potential LEGAL declaration of emergency?”

    Maybe because DACA didn’t break any laws or violate the constitution?

    There are 11 million people in this country illegally. The federal government only ever has the resources to deport a small fraction of them at time. And, since everyone can’t be deported at once, the president has legal discretion to choose which people to prioritize first to deport. Obama simply prioritized everyone other than those brought into the country as children. Voila! DACA.

    This is not the same as what Trump is doing. The Constitution specifically gives Congress all the power over the federal government’s spending. The president has NO inherent powers in this arena.

    Congress did pass a law allowing the president to move a small amount of money around at his discretion to quickly deal with unanticipated national emergencies. Actual emergencies: natural disasters, terrorist attacks, disease epidemics. This does not mean “any old shit the president wants to do but Congress won’t approve the funds for.” Items like infrastructure (for example, WALLS) or basic law enforcement are NOT emergencies.

    So this is straightforwardly another instance of Trumpian contempt for the rule of law.

  11. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Where in the Constitution does it permit illegal aliens? Where in the Constitution does it give The President Legal Authority to grant Illegal Aliens protected status? Criminal, diseased, Indigent, Illegal Invaders who cost taxpayers Billions a month ARE an actual emergency. Half Black Chicago Jesus gets a pass of course.

  12. Jesus, these righties are obsessed with Jussie. Hmmmmmmm.🤔

  13. "Where in the Constitution does it permit illegal aliens?"

    Where in the Constitution does it allow the President to allocate money for pet projects?


    Moar right wing collusion.

  15. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Hey PilotX, weren't you and your muh dik pole smoking mudshark granny concerned about Jussie a few weeks ago? Go check the archives if your memory is failing you.

    ‘Empire’ Actor Jussie Smollett Orchestrated Attack, Source Says

    Brothers Detained In Connection With Alleged Staged Attack On Jussie Smollett Could Be Charged Friday, Attorney Says

  16. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Thank god we have a President with balls!!!

  17. Anonymous9:59 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:15 AM

    Pen and a phone said...

    "He's declaring an emergency because congress can't bring themselves to stop the flood of illegal immigrants, drugs, and sex-traffickers across the southern border. It's entirely within the rights of the President to do so, much more than say, granting amnesty to millions of illegals or arbitrarily not enforcing key provisions of your failing health care law."

    10:51 PM

    Please, try reading Article 1 of the US Constitution. And remember, there is no emergency unless you consider that the gun problem we have is this country an emergency. It sure ain't the southern border except in you mind.

    1. Plus it looks like he's taking money from the drug interdiction mission of the military. Um, and here I thought we were trying to stop drug from entering our nation. There is no "crisis" but hey if it passes judicial muster a Dem President can find guns and global warming are a "crisis" and move money without congressional oversight.

  19. "Thank god we have a President with balls!!!"

    We'd be better off with one with a brain.

  20. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The only emergency is commie and Negro plague.


    This guy is gonna try to do some damage.

  22. "The only emergency is commie and Negro plague."

    😂😂😂😂😂A Russian bot is complaining about commies!!!!!!!!😂 Aw, you can't buy this kind of comedy😂😂😂😂

  23. Anonymous10:38 AM

    PICTURED - Two Nigerian nigger actor brothers detained over Jussie Smollett attack, as it’s revealed they are FRIENDS with the Empire star amid claims the assault was staged to save his career

    Olabinjo and Abimbola Osundairo were picked up at Chicago O'Hare Airport on Wednesday
    The pair had just arrived back from Nigeria when they were taken into custody
    Both are actors and Ola appeared on Empire in 2015 as an extra
    They are friends with Smollett, who follows them on Instagram, and sometimes work out with them
    Both brothers shared photos and videos from their trip to Nigeria on Instagram
    Their lawyer says they are innocent and are 'baffled' by the allegations
    Chicago PD will not confirm source claims they are investigating the attack as a hoax
    They said on Friday that Smollett was still being treated 'as a victim and not a suspect'

  24. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Florida homeowner shoots, kills pair of armed black intruders holding his mom hostage:

  25. Anonymous11:13 AM

    And remember, there is no emergency unless you consider that the gun problem we have is this country an emergency. It sure ain't the southern border except in you mind.
    10:15 AM

    What gun problem???

    1. "What gun problem???"

      The thousands of shootings and accidental deaths caused by firearms.

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:49 AM

    Per capita said...

    " All men are created equal. That’s why it’s pretty fucking impressive that 12% of them commit half of all murders."

    About 49 percent of the US population are males, yet males commit about 88% of all homicides. That's pretty fucking impressive that's it's 49% of them that commit 88% of all murders.

  27. "About 49 percent of the US population are males, yet males commit about 88% of all homicides."


  28. Florida homeowner shoots, kills pair of armed black intruders holding his mom hostage:

    Actually the two men were wasicus standing in shadows when they were massacreed. Judge says all is well since shooter thought they be black brigands. No charges expect to be filed until a pair of innocent blacks can be identified as being in Florida at the time of the shooting and can be framed for it.


  29. There are less immigrants coming into America than are leaving every day. There are more Asians than Hispanics coming into America. Asians, btw, don't come across the southern border. By 2055 Asians will make up 38% of the immigrants and Hispanics will be 31%. There are currently more Indians immigrating than Hispanics.

    Wingnuts are fucking liars and dupes and believe everything pathological liar Drumpf feeds them. Because they are stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts with shit fer brains.

  30. Wingnut's worst fear has been realized- the Notorious RBG is back at the Scotus to bring much needed sanity and a much higher IQ than sewer dwelling, unqualified right wing bastards.

  31. Anonymous1:21 PM

    The thousands of shootings and accidental deaths caused by firearms.
    11:45 AM

    Firearms caused this, inanimate objects can do this????

  32. Anonymous1:23 PM

    We don't have a gun problem in this country we have a nigger problem. 13% of the population cause 75% of all violent crime.

  33. "Media reports anout the Empire incident being a hoax are unconfirmed by case detectives. Supt Eddie Johnson has contacted @ABC7Chicago to state on the record that we have no evidence to support their reporting and their supposed CPD sources are uninformed and inaccurate."

    No hoax. At least that what CDP detectives are reporting.

  34. "We don't have a gun problem in this country we have a nigger problem. 13% of the population cause 75% of all violent crime."

    Of course we have a gun problem. When a nation has more guns than people that's a problem. Mass shootings would be much more difficult without guns.

  35. "Firearms caused this, inanimate objects can do this????"

    Um yeah, kinda hard to shoot someone without a gun.🤔

  36. 😂😂😂😂 Woman who called Michelle Obama an ape on heels arrested for fraud.😂😂😂😂 MAGA! Don't drop the soap sweetie. She'll be doing time while Michelle will be doing book tours inspiring girls all over the world.

  37. An aggrieved white guy2:38 PM

    We don't have a gun problem in this country we have a nigger problem.
    But whites experience the most hate. Sure.

  38. Anonymous2:52 PM

    No hoax. At least that what CDP detectives are reporting.
    1:56 PM

    Um,no,the D boys say its bullshit because it never happened. Super. Ed is the one spouting nonsense. Ed hasn't done an ounce of real police work in his entire life.

  39. "Um,no,the D boys say its bullshit because it never happened. "

    No link to back that up huh? Ok. We'll take your word for it.

  40. Active shooter in Aurora, IL. Wanna bet a gun is being used?

  41. Anonymous3:55 PM

    The demise of 2 white nigger-fucking sluts was predictable. One dies from lead poisoning, the other gets carved like a Thanksgiving turkey.

    Police: Man shot and killed ex-girlfriend, wounded 1 other


    Little boy, 5, makes chilling call to 911 to report his mommy being killed inside their home: Report

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:19 PM

    PilotX said...

    "Media reports anout the Empire incident being a hoax are unconfirmed by case detectives. Supt Eddie Johnson has contacted @ABC7Chicago to state on the record that we have no evidence to support their reporting and their supposed CPD sources are uninformed and inaccurate."

    "No hoax. At least that what CDP detectives are reporting."
    The inaccurate information is coming from "The Daily Mail." It's a right-wing rag somewhat like the National Inquirer and is a staple for the Nazis and other hate groups.

  43. I'm a 6'2 Chinese-American and just have to say that perhaps blacks and non-blacks would be best served if they built a wall around your ghettos. That way your crime, diseases, obesity, and drugs won't poison normal societies. Chew on that thought for awhile (like you chew on fried chicken).

    See more at:

  44. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Nigger Child Abusers Who Beat 2-Year-Old With Belt Charged With Murder. Check out the mugs. They look like a couple of chimps that fell out of a tree in Apefrica.


    Shooter is in custody. 4 cops wounded and multiple civilians shot. No count and coroner is on site.

  46. NFL and Kaepernick/Reed reach confidetial settlement in NFL collusion case.


    If HRC can have emails, then why can't wasicu racist scum traffic drugs?

  48. "What gun problem???"

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Anonymous5:24 PM

    So CPD arrests the 2 expired work visa steroid brothers, then the CPD will interrogate until they fess up the entire Jussie scam. Over the weekend the truth about the Butt Squirrel menage will be buried by MSM and poor Jussie will go into rehab and psych counseling because the overwhelming white racism and privilege in America drove him to drugs, depression, Man Ass munching and ultimately...Lying about this whole thing. Perhaps, Netflix will give him and Tawana a talk show where they can interview the thousands of other hate crime hoaxers and stupid liberals in media and politics who continue to believe all this bullshit. Where is Booker T. Washington when you need him most?

  50. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I am a 9'11" Martian and I say that you Earthlings, who all look alike to me, should keep your stupid wars and tyrannies to your own planet. Perhaps you should build an orbital wall of high-speed trash to keep you planetbound. Oh wait, you are. Chew on that thought awhile.

  51. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    The inaccurate information is coming from "The Daily Mail." It's a right-wing rag somewhat like the National Inquirer and is a staple for the Nazis and other hate groups.

    Look Granny Mudshark, I don't care if you embarrass yourself in front of me but you really shouldn't embarrass yourself in front of yourself.

    Perhaps the only time you should open your mouth is when you devour a big, black cock or catch the dripping hot cum when some mandingo blows his load into the many nigger lover's cornhole that you'll find in here.

  52. Woe Unto Humanity6:17 PM

    Very inappropriate anon 6:00PM It's one thing to disagree with a person on facts or perspective(s) but lowering oneself to vulgar insult adds no light to any truthful point you may be trying to impart. I disagree with 99% of what i read on here but standards need to be raised not lowered when in discussion. You may now send the obligatory "Fuck You" to my post that i know is forthcoming.


    Drumpf lies like anyfuckingmoose and oftener.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:48 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Look Granny Mudshark, I don't care if you embarrass yourself in front of me but you really shouldn't embarrass yourself in front of yourself."
    LOL! I'm not the one who should be embarrassed;that would be you for being so obsessed with my love life. You seem to be extremely obsessed with sexual activities. Tell me, do you write pornographic novels for a living? If not, maybe you should give it a try.

    And you should stop trying to match wits with me because are an unarmed opponent.

  55. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  56. "So CPD arrests the 2 expired work visa steroid brothers, then the CPD will interrogate until they fess up the entire Jussie scam."

    Wanna share a link? Of course not.😂

  57. Anonymous7:27 PM

    There's an active gun in Aurora IL. I bet a shooter is involved.

  58. Dragonofyoursreams7:30 PM

    I'm a 7'2 Japanese-American and just have to say that perhaps white trailer trash and non-white trailer trash would be best served if they built a wall around your trailer parks. That way your crime, diseases, obesity, and drugs won't poison normal societies. Smoke on that thought for awhile (like you smoke meth).

    See more at

  59. There's an active gun in Aurora IL. I bet a shooter is involved.
    America has a gun problem.

  60. From Taegan Goddard:

    Special counsel prosecutors said for the first time that they have evidence of Roger Stone communicating with WikiLeaks, CNN reports.

    During its investigation of the Russian hack of the Democrats, “the government obtained and executed dozens of search warrants on various accounts used to facilitate the transfer of stolen documents for release, as well as to discuss the timing and promotion of their release.”

    There's your collusion.

    And Manafort's looking at 19 to 24, which at his age is a life sentence.

    No wonder Fergus is doing all these crazy things, he wants to knock the ever tightening noose of justice off of the front page.

    Sorry Ferg, you're going down anyway.

    -Doug in Oakland

  61. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Stewardess X, No link needed this info is all over Live Chicago News. Besides, nobody on here ever believes any proof to the contrary of the RACISM 24/7 Narrative.

  62. Say a brief prayer for Amazon, won't you? 11.2 billion in profit last year. Paid zero income tax and gets 129 million refund. That is more than I get for a refund (zero) and I paid zero income tax on zero earnings with no profit.

  63. 6 dead in Aurora shooting, including gunman. Laid off worker with access to a gun.

  64. Mueller requests Manafort spend 19 years in prison.

  65. Anonymous9:15 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    6 dead in Aurora shooting, including gunman. Laid off worker with access to a gun.

    it's your nigger that you worship, actually it's 5 + the neutralized nog that you'll cry for

  66. Anonymous9:24 PM

    PilotX said...
    Jesus, these righties are obsessed with Jussie. Hmmmmmmm

    If his story were true, you would be obsessed with it. Hmmmmmmm

  67. Anonymous9:58 PM

    About 49 percent of the US population are males, yet males commit about 88% of all homicides

    Black males 18-49 are about 4% of the US population, but commit 52.2% of all homicides.  The remaining 35.8% is ALL OTHER MALES.

    Of course we have a gun problem. When a nation has more guns than people that's a problem.

    The people with most of the guns aren't the ones doing the shootings.  White America (which is to say, America and not anti-America) isn't buying the BS that hood rats and psyops mean they must give up their guns.  Every black who has denied responsibility for black crime while blaming whites for "too many guns"—like you—is just another variety of hypocrite.

    Mass shootings would be much more difficult without guns.

    Genocides are much more difficult when the public has guns.

    kinda hard to shoot someone without a gun.

    Kinda hard to defend yourself against a hostile mob without a gun.  Most of the 800,000 killed in Rwanda were done in with machetes and fire.

  68. Anonymous10:00 PM

    News in the Junkie Smellitts case.  Two arrests have been made.  Their names are Olabinjo Osundairo and Abimbola Osundairo, both Nigerian immigrants.  One of them appeared on "Empire".

    The "this is MAGA country!" narrative is falling apart like week-old rotten roadkill.

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:12 PM

    Anonymous (o f course) said:
    "Every black who has denied responsibility for black crime while blaming whites for "too many guns"—like you—is just another variety of hypocrite."

    I happen to be white. Does that mean that I am responsible for all white crime? Your argument makes no sense at all. It also means that you are responsible for all white crime if you too are white. Duh!

  70. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Quoth Grannie Mudshark:

    I happen to be white. Does that mean that I am responsible for all white crime?

    Do you deny that whites commit it, or assign the responsibility to others?  Because that is what blacks do.

    Your argument makes no sense at all. It also means that you are responsible for all white crime if you too are white.

    No, you stupid cunt.  It means that when I have found the white malefactors and punished them properly (either myself or by proxy), my responsibilties have been fulfilled.  Black people protest "too many black men in prison" and won't even cooperate with police to catch murderers of their own!  They literally do not care about non-blacks that blacks murder, let alone assault or steal from.  This kind of home invasion gets NO CONDEMNATION FROM BLACKS because the victim is not black.

    If anyone deserved to be beaten by that black motherfucker, it isn't that oriental woman.  It's you, because you will never, ever admit that they can do wrong.

  71. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Donald Trump is a smelly turd.

  72. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Mike from Iowa is swallowing his Bezos. How strange...

  73. "It means that when I have found the white malefactors and punished them properly (either myself or by proxy), my responsibilties have been fulfilled."

    I know some white malefactors that you can try to come punish if you want. They wouldn't let me sell tickets to watch, but you know some money would still be changing hands.

    -Doug in Oakland

  74. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Mike from Iowa wishes he could have been a laid off worker. With or without a gun, you see he has never worked a day in his miserable life.

  75. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Doug from Oakland said...

    "They wouldn't let me sell tickets to watch, but you know some money would still be changing hands."

    Doug trying to pimp himself on feelz blog. I understand, I do, I do. But some people aren't with the whole weird alternative life style thingy.

  76. "It also means that you are responsible for all white crime if you too are white."

    Gambler, this is what it is.I am responsible for every action of every blah person on the planet. As illogical as it seems this is what not too bright people believe. It's best to just ignore them.

  77. "If his story were true, you would be obsessed with it."


  78. "No link needed this info"

    Of course.



  81. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Mike from Iowa wishes he could have been a laid off worker. With or without a gun, you see he has never worked a day in his miserable life.

    12:40 AM

    Yer a fucking liar. I worked on a Saturday in 1971 and got paid overtime, fucking liar.

  82. Speaking of miserable life, which one of us has to come to a liberal Black blog and piss and moan about Blacks being this or Blacks being that? I will give you one hint, it ain't me, lying loser.

  83. My deepest sympathies, anyfuckingracistfuckingstoopidracistmoose-

    Two arrested in connection with attack on 'Empire' star Jussie Smollett are released without charge.

    Apparently anyracistmoosie's white cop buddies discovered the two Nigerian bros were not white like the assailants. Better luck railroading innocents next time, racist. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  84. Anonymous9:28 AM

    No, what they are finding out is what YT knew all along, The Faggot made all this shit up. I guess it's ok when NAPA's lie about non existent assaults? How quickly the Negro echo chamber went silent about 7 year old Jazmine Barnes REAL killer, not a YT in a red truck, but a NAPA. Fuck all of you 80 IQ subhuman vermin.

  85. The Faggot made all this shit up. In yer racist dreams, racist mo0fo.

  86. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Now I admit I'm not the smartest person on earth or like the self-proclaimed geniuses that live on here dispensing their wisdom but 1 thing I can guarantee you: A well-hung nigger does not commit any more crimes.

    Aurora Shooting: Man Who Shot 5 Dead Had Criminal Record, Weary Neighbors 'Knew It Had To Be Him'

  87. And another white fuckboi10:30 AM

    Fuck all of you 80 IQ subhuman vermin.
    Because full human geniuses spend all day insulting people on the interwebs. Bwahahaha!

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:38 AM

    Anonymous said,

    "If anyone deserved to be beaten by that black motherfucker, it isn't that oriental woman. It's you, because you will never, ever admit that they can do wrong."
    And so I should be beaten because my opinion differs from yours? You peddle bull shit, my friend. Please quote to me anywhere in all my posts where I said Blacks could do any wrong? You can't because it never happened. I have repeatedly said that there is good and bad in every group, and therefore each person should be evaluated as an individual. Is that concept too difficult for you to understand? I guess it must be, because you don't seem to grasp it.

    Obviously you can't read properly. You seem to be a victim of faulty logic that includes hasty generalizations or jumping to conclusions. I would offer to give you lessons in reading comprehension and logic, but I'm afraid you are too violent for me to feel safe around you.

    Of what "black motherfucker"do you speak of that you want to beat me? Where did this come from?


    More Russian collusion. 🤔

  90. "Obviously you can't read properly. You seem to be a victim of faulty logic that includes hasty generalizations or jumping to conclusions."

    Sounds like someone with an IQ of around 80😂😂

    1. And that is why trump is president. He loves the poorly educated.

  91. Democracy11:17 AM

    It's easy to see how the CIA got away with killing JFK.

    Today the POTUS is under attack for directly defying the CIA and ending their wars.

    The CIA media has successfully demonized people that support him to the point they have to self-censor so they aren't violently attacked.

    And half of America cheers it on.

  92. "Today the POTUS is under attack for directly defying the CIA and ending their wars."

    Haven't seen him attacked for that. Now he should rightly be critized for other things but that may be ok.


  94. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:46 AM

    Woe Unto Humanity said...

    " Very inappropriate anon 6:00PM It's one thing to disagree with a person on facts or perspective(s) but lowering oneself to vulgar insult adds no light to any truthful point you may be trying to impart. I disagree with 99% of what i read on here but standards need to be raised not lowered when in discussion. You may now send the obligatory "Fuck You" to my post that i know is forthcoming."

    I agree with your statement that "standards need to be raised," and I tried to do that when I first started to post here. However it became impossible to do because a small group of Nazis calling themselves anonymous come to this blog just to hassle and try to intimidate black people. They have their own web sites, but they choose to come here and try to destroy all intelligent discussion.

    That being the case I choose to answer their most provocative posts some what in-kind, but with more logic and intelligence in my replies.

    Thanks for you comment!

  95. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:14 PM

    Anonymous said,

    It means that when I have found the white malefactors and punished them properly (either myself or by proxy), my responsibilties have been fulfilled."

    Well then please find the white malefactors that Trump appointed to his cabinet and punish them for stealing all that money from us taxpayers. We know who they are. You can start with a black malefactor, Ben Carson and his $35,000 table. Also there is former Secretary of the Interior, Scott Pruitt who took numerous vacation trips on our dime and had a 43,000 thousand dollar soundproof phone booth installed in his office. Then go on to that white congressman who committed fraud and insider trading crimes. After you do all that, there are plenty more if you choose to look for them.

  96. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:23 PM

    And another white fuckboi said...

    "Fuck all of you 80 IQ subhuman vermin"

    That would be you, son. Otherwise you would be spending you time doing good for someone else instead of devoting your rime to hate.

  97. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:34 PM

    PilotX said,

    "Gambler, this is what it is. I am responsible for every action of every blah person on the planet. As illogical as it seems this is what not too bright people believe. It's best to just ignore them."

    3:13 AM

    No worries, PilotX, I agree with your analysis, but since the love of my life died, I have lots of time on my hands, and I enjoy expressing truth in the face of Nazi lies. Their insults do not bother me at all. Have a great day, my friend.

  98. Trolls got a whole closet full of tinfoil hats.12:51 PM

    “It's easy to see how the CIA got away with killing JFK.”

    Are there any conspiracy theories you dunces DON’T subscribe to? Or is literally everything the fault of the Mossad/lizard people?

  99. Tinfoil Pussy Hat1:19 PM

    But Trump works for Putin, right?

  100. Anonymous1:43 PM

    From Ronald Klain on Twitter:

    “Do you remember the part of Trump 2016 rallies where he'd talk about the Wall, and then smile, and say, ‘And who will pay for it?’

    And the crowd would chant:

    ‘U.S. disaster victims and troops when Trump diverts funding from them as part of a faux national emergency!’”?

  101. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:51 PM

    Check out an amazing article about the accomplishment of Blacks in America entitled 'Iconic Black Trailblazers.' One thing that disappointed me was no mention of Jesse Owens, his winning four Olympic Gold Medals in 1936 or his many accomplishments after that.

  102. Anonymous1:53 PM

    “But Trump works for Putin, right?”

    All available evidence says Putin hates Hillary Clinton and did help him get elected. This is a demonstrably real conspiracy. One of many for Putin, who apparently believes the Cold War didn’t end.

    And all available evidence also says Trump routinely cheats whenever presented the opportunity. This is the nature of his awful personal character.

    So, while not yet proven, it is completely possible that Trump took part in Putin’s effort to undermine democracy.

    Don’t pretend you don’t believe it’s true. You don’t CARE if it’s true. You think anything is justifiable if it gets you the “vengeance” on “inferior” races that you desire.

  103. Anonymous2:04 PM

    In honor of tinpot dictator Generalissimo Trump, it is time again for the State of Emergency song.

  104. Magat hat brat was the second gunman on the grassy knoll in 63 Dallas smirking all the while, rumour has it.

  105. Vladimir Putin6:17 PM

    But Trump works for Putin, right?

  106. The president defended his national emergency by boasting that he’ll win at the Supreme Court because it’s full of his judges

    From Slate.

  107. The Achievers Club8:20 PM

    Check out an amazing article about the accomplishment of Blacks in America entitled 'Iconic Black Trailblazers.' One thing that disappointed me was no mention of Jesse Owens, his winning four Olympic Gold Medals in 1936 or his many accomplishments after that

    Or Sonny Lewis, the first Black American to pay all his taxes, water bills, and child support in the same year (2018).

  108. "So, while not yet proven, it is completely possible that Trump took part in Putin’s effort to undermine democracy."

    It is also completely possible that the people who run this country couldn't give a flying fuck about the future of the majority of its citizens.

    And you should ask yourself why all of your oh-so passionate beliefs about what is happening in America align perfectly with the narrative that advances the interests of the ruling class, mega-corporations, and the permanent government.

    "Democracy", LMAO.

  109. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Twana Brawley II

  110. Jeez what a surprise- wasicus smear another Gay Black man. Guess there aren't enough Gay wasicus to smear or maybe these racist scumbags are just racist scumbags.

  111. Anonymous8:45 PM

  112. Anonymous8:51 PM

    "wasicus smear another Gay Black man"

    Gay black man gets called out for sowing more racial animosity by lying about a fake hate crime that smears an entire class of people, solely for the purpose of bolstering his failing career.

    mike from iowa: "That's racist".

  113. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Juicy Smellit soon to be arrested for a total hoax? Naw, he half Negro and half Yid. Probably get his Lying mug put on a commemorative postage stamp. Will the thousands of liberal lemmings apologize for their hasty support of lying Juicy? Will they extend any apology to Whites, Prez Trump and his supporters? Hell No. Will Mike of Iowa, a child of the corn whose Devil DNA causes him to spew hate and bile 24/7 on this page have cause to reflect for one moment? Definitely Hell No. Will Juicy be treated the same as Roseann Barr? Will the cast of Empire denounce in the strongest terms the actions of Juicy? Will Sen. Cory Booker propose legislation to protect Whites from false hate crime scams? ......Never gonna happen.

  114. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Jussie Smollet announces a new movement....#StupidRacistMeToo

  115. Anonymous11:27 PM

    The entire ruling elite, corporate media and those carefully manufactured celebrities who are promoted to reinforce the egalitarian paradigm wanted the Jussie Smollett story to be true. Ruthlessly anti-white, 24/7/365.

  116. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:27 PM

    The Achievers Club said...

    "Or Sonny Lewis, the first Black American to pay all his taxes, water bills, and child support in the same year (2018)."


    Oh, Oh - Somebody has a bad case of sour Grapes, and that would by you.

  117. Anonymous11:47 PM

    America is so racist that a rich gay black Jewish man can fake a hate crime and get away with it.

  118. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Wow, it's almost like a small, rootless, international clique of the world wants to turn the people of the world against one another for their own personal gain, imagine that, huh?

  119. Anonymous1:16 AM

    “Wow, it's almost like a small, rootless, international clique of the world wants to turn the people of the world against one another for their own personal gain, imagine that, huh?”

    I don’t know about an international clique, but there definitely is a domestic one. It likes to turn white Americans against non-white Americans for its own personal gain. It scares the shit out of rednecks, drowning them in horror stories about Mexican rapists and black welfare cheats and Muslim jihadis, so that those rednecks will foolishly vote for tax cuts for the rich, and business deregulation, and union-busting.

    This clique is otherwise known as the leadership of the Republican Party.

  120. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Jussie Smollett Case: Brothers Questioned By Police Were Paid $3,500 To Stage Attack, Which Was Rehearsed Days Before, Sources Say

  121. Smollet was acting to diffuse the situation and everything after that was wasicu anyfuckingmoosie's lies and made up shit because anyfuckingmoosie's rabid festering brain is full blown racist POS.

  122. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Juicy Fruit Smellit.......House, Field, or Lying Negro behavior? Come on Philly Lawyer, tell us which one it is? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha

  123. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Mike from Iowa.........#StupidRacistMeToo

  124. Jussie Smollett for Prez of all stoopid fucking white racist bitches named anyfuckingmoose.

  125. Anonymous9:41 AM

    All due to un-secured borders:

  126. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:15 AM

    Anonymous said:
    This clique is otherwise known as the leadership of the Republican Party.

    1:16 AM

    True, and tax payers are finding out just how bad they are as they file their income taxes this year. I'm paying about $4000 more in income taxes than last year. My thanks to all you folks who voted for Trump and his gang of Republicans in 2016.

  127. States are looking to force parents to immunize their kids. Parents that don't should be branded with an anyfuckingstoopidmoose tattooed on their foreheads.

    Anystoopidfuckingmoosie's Russian bot buddies are responsible for anti-vax misinformation on the web.

  128. Anonymous10:55 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  129. Small, rootless, international clique11:06 AM

    Anonymous said:
    "This clique is otherwise known as the leadership of the Republican Party."

    Yes, those evil Republicans own all the media that ran with the Jussie Smollet story, and Nathan Phillips story, and "Hands up don't shoot".

    They're always pushing the narrative to keep minorities angry and divide men and women. Through their control of Hollywood and everything you see on TV, they are always pushing agendas that make everyone feel that they are the victims of everyone else.

    Meanwhile, they make sure that anyone who notices and speaks up about it is destroyed.

    We have a real GOP problem.

  130. MSNBCIA11:08 AM

    Don't worry everybody, the highest reaches of the federal law enforcement apparatus would only ever seek to overthrow a president for totally benevolent, altruistic reasons. You can trust them.

  131. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Nigger mammy, Myeisha abandons her sprog at parking lot of Waffle House at 3:30 am, then gets naked at another location

  132. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Juicy proves once again that February is indeed Black Hysteria Mumf. 80 IQ Just won't do.

  133. The Nigerian Nightmare11:29 AM

    Welcome to post-white America where politicians use obvious hoaxes to blood libel white Americans without even hesitating to ascertain the truth.

    There will be no apology, all of this is now the foundation of the Left.

  134. Anonymous11:40 AM

    “All due to un-secured borders:”

    Wrong again, you big dope.

    From the CDC report: “These outbreaks are linked to travelers who brought measles back from other countries such as Israel and Ukraine, where large measles outbreaks are occurring.”

    Are there large numbers of illegal immigrants coming from Ukraine and Israel? These are infected legal immigrants coming in through our airports, not fence-jumpers from south of the border.

    Europe, in particular, has a measles epidemic happening now, courtesy of all the anti-vaxxers who stubbornly refused to vaccinate their kids because they wrongly believe vaccines cause autism.

    Wingnuts, being kings of all conspiracy theories, had a big hand in spreading this medical misinformation.

  135. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Duke Lacrosse = Lie
    UVA frat rape = Lie
    Covington Kids = Lie
    Kavanaugh = Lie
    Every Muslim chick howling that someone snagged her headscarf = Lie
    Every campus noose = Lie
    Jussie Smollett = Lie

    Anyone sense a theme?

  136. Anonymous11:57 AM

    “Yes, those evil Republicans own all the media that ran with the Jussie Smollet story, and Nathan Phillips story, and ‘Hands up don't shoot.’”

    The “evil” mainstream media didn’t create any of those stories (unlike wingnut media, which does make up stories out of whole cloth).

    Those were all events that happened out there in the world. Sometimes people do lie to reporters, like it appears Jussie Smollett May have. And sometimes reporters fail to dig deep enough, and initially don’t get their facts straight.

    Neither of those things is the same as the hateful propaganda the Republican Party and its wingnut media allies churn out.

  137. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Nigger monkey out on bond for exposing muh dik to kids arrested a 2nd time for exposing muh dik to kids

  138. "Neither of those things is the same as the hateful propaganda the Republican Party and its wingnut media allies churn out."

    Paraphrased: "Facts don't matter, we know we are right and and our enemies are evil".

    The Jussie Smollett “attack” was obviously fake from the very beginning, but the media is so desperate to prop up their narrative of supposed white racial terror in “Trump’s America” that they are willing to run with literally anything.

    And true believers like yourself are so desperate for affirmation that you'll defend the premise regardless if it has any basis in reality.

    Oscar Wilde defined the sentimentalist as one “who desires to have the luxury of an emotion without paying for it.”

    A sentimental moralist is one who desires the luxury of a moral response—the undeniable pleasure of righteous indignation, the delectable horror at the evil of others—without paying the cost. He need not uphold a consistent morality in order to indulge in moral denunciation. He need not bother with ascertaining facts, because justice in any particular case is not the point. His censures exist to assure himself and others that he is a good and well-meaning person. Because he confuses feelings with morality, he invariably condemns others for their lack of feeling.

  139. For once I mostly agree with anyfuckingmoose.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Duke Lacrosse = Lied
    UVA frat rape = Lied
    Covington Kids = Lies and more lies.
    Kavanaugh = Lie upon lie to Senate
    Every Muslim chick howling that someone snagged her headscarf = made up
    Every campus noose = total exaggeration
    Jussie Smollett = Lie? Not proven

    Anyone sense a theme?

  140. Anonymous12:24 PM

    This is just another scene in the rich tapestry of fake hate crimes: Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, and now Jussie Smollett. under Obama it was the police and now it’s Donald Trump as the great, white boogeyman always tryna keep the black man down.

  141. Anonymous12:28 PM

    “The Jussie Smollett ‘attack’ was obviously fake from the very beginning, but the media is so desperate to prop up their narrative of supposed white racial terror in ‘Trump’s America’ that they are willing to run with literally anything.”

    Responsible media outlets don’t reflexively pronounce criminal accusations to be “obviously fake.” Because what if it turns out they’re wrong and it isn’t “fake”? Responsible media outlets wait until the police complete their investigations to make assertions about guilt or innocence, or to label those accusations a hoax.

    I understand that’s not what you want from your news programming. You want reporters to seize any available opportunity to dunk on black people. But that’s not real news; that’s hate propaganda.

  142. Drumpf/Russia collusion? Proven beyond a shadow of doubt
    Mueller's witch hunt? Drumpf surrounds himself with and is a witch.
    Drumpf lies? over 6000 proven and cataloged in 2 years.
    Collusion between wiki and Drumpf's campaign? Proven through emails.
    Drumpf cheating on wives? Proven through hush paymnents.
    Drumpf a racist? Proven too mny times to count.
    Stoopid fucking wingnuts gotta stoopid fucking wingnut? Oh Yeah!~

  143. The White Terror12:32 PM

    “This is MAGA country” I utter under my breath as I cut in front of 5 minorities in line at Olive Garden.

  144. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Do what you want, but your wasting your time trying to reason with the handful of morons that live on here. They don't want to hear any facts, everything is fake news, white man & Trump the boogeyman, a Nazi. etc.

    Another month from now, they'll be another lie and they'll spout the same drivel. Rinse, lather, repeat.


    Miss Lindsey Graham, toadstool, SC - wingnut sinator proves once and for all that once a wingnut forces a fetus be carried full term they don't care what happens to the child after it is forced to be born.

  146. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Old, worn out coalburner croaks...

    "I'm paying about $4000 more in income taxes than last year."

    Finally having to pay some taxes. The horror! The horror!

  147. Anonymous1:41 PM

    CPD has the magazine used in the fake hate letter Juicy claims he received threatening him. HaHaHaHa, This shit gets better everyday. Now Federal Postal Charges for Juicy? LMAO

  148. Why are wasicu wastey stoopid fucking wingnuts trolling a liberal black blog day in, day out? Must be getting paid by Drumpf and Putie. ActuALLy it is their white privilege that tells them it is okay to troll POC.


  150. Anonymous2:11 PM

    mike from iowa is Yisheng.

  151. Get used to it, whitey2:12 PM

    "I'm paying about $4000 more in income taxes than last year."

    Good. Tax the rich!

  152. It sounds like someone cut the heroin with Liquid Wrench again...

    -Doug in Oakland

  153. Anonymous2:18 PM

    “‘I'm paying about $4000 more in income taxes than last year.’

    Good. Tax the rich!”

    But Trump isn’t taxing the rich. He’s mostly taxing the middle class. Rich people overwhelmingly saw their taxes go down.

    The recent Republican tax revision was a triumph for greedy elites.

  154. Anonymous2:22 PM

    "Rich people overwhelmingly saw their taxes go down."

    This is not true.

  155. jesse2:23 PM

    When you understand how many people get their money and power from the idea that America is a racist, misogynistic, homophobic nation, then you’ll understand why so many are reluctant to admit the obvious truth: We’ve overcome those things in a way no country ever has.

    But saying that to a media that thrives on division and rage-clicks is pointless. They NEED it to be true. As do the race-grifters. Telling them “We’ve made it. We’re good now.” is the equivalent of telling them to “Learn to code”. You’re asking them to find a whole new career.

  156. JournoList2:26 PM

    We think the media’s job is to inform the public of the truth, and their performance is abysmal.

    But what if their employers think the media’s job is to promote a scripted narrative, and their performance is outstanding?

    That could explain the absence of terminations.

  157. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Black man accused in Aurora mass shooting had been convicted for beating girlfriend with baseball bat:

  158. "I'm paying about $4000 more in income taxes than last year. "

    Add into that many deductions are gone and many aspects are confusing and contradictory. There are also penalties for not paying a certain percentage of your taxes by a specific date which many people will be paying because the due date to avoid this was during the shutdown. All of these problems are due to rushing the tax bill to get it in for 2019. Good luck guys😬

  159. "Black man accused in Aurora mass shooting had been convicted for beating girlfriend with baseball bat"

    A definite case for stronger background checks and expanded gun control. We may see movement on these fronts after the 2020 elections if Dems take control of both houses of congress.

  160. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:27 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Do what you want, but your wasting your time trying to reason with the handful of morons that live on here. They don't want to hear any facts, everything is fake news, white man & Trump the boogeyman, a Nazi. etc.

    Another month from now, they'll be another lie and they'll spout the same drivel. Rinse, lather, repeat.

    Good idea. All you Russian trolls and Nazi troopers, just leave the blog. No one will miss you except maybe like you miss a tooth ache when it goes away.


  162. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:08 PM

    Mr. No Balls Anonymous said...

    ", worn out coalburner croaks...

    "I'm paying about $4000 more in income taxes than last year."

    Finally having to pay some taxes. The horror! The horror!"


    I've been paying taxes every year since I was sixteen years old,asshole. I'm eighty-two now. Do the math if you know how to subtract. OK, I'll do it for you; that's 66 years.

    The real horror is how stupid you are.

  163. Anonymous4:09 PM

    NPC Daily.

    How fitting for PilotX.

  164. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Stewardess X With more of that classic Negro logic. Bwahahahahahaha

  165. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:19 PM

    Anonymous Get used to it, whitey said...

    "I'm paying about $4000 more in income taxes than last year."

    Good. Tax the rich!

    2:12 PM
    Hey Get used to it, Whitey,
    I'm far from rich, never have been rich, don't care to be rich. I'm just a middle-class widow trying to get along.

    BTW, The rich got the big tax cut from the orange orangutan in the White House and his gangsters in the congress.

  166. Anonymous4:30 PM

    "BTW, The rich got the big tax cut from the orange orangutan in the White House and his gangsters in the congress."

    No, not true.


    except miopic stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  168. anyfuckingmoosie's amerikan gestapo arrest 11 year old for refusing to stand for pledge. Sieg Heil, anyfuckingmoose.

  169. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Quit lying Child of the Corn. This 11 yo. threatened to beat the teacher and gave administrators and police a bunch of shit as well. He spouted off a bunch of bullshit about the Flag is racist and i was brought here against my will. No little hood rat, your ancestors sold you on the western shores of Africa to slave traders from ALL over the world. Damn i wish you Pyramid Builders would take you parasite, whining asses somewhere else. This child is an 11 yo. protege of the lying Juicy Smellit.

  170. Nigerian brothers were paid $3500 to stage the Smollett "attack", with the promise of another $500 on their return.

    Smollett paid for the rope, which was purchased at the Crafty Beaver Hardware Store in the Ravenswood neighborhood the weekend of Jan. 25.

    Are you going to apologize for slandering Trump voters now?

  171. Anonymous7:06 PM

    “Are you going to apologize for slandering Trump voters now?”

    1) Who is “you,” exactly? Smollett is the one who made the claim about being attacked by MAGA maniacs. If you feel slandered, go get your apology from him.

    2) Regardless of the veracity of the attack on Smollett, Trump voters are still racist. Well, a lot of them are, anyway. The others are either utter morons or greedy, amoral rich bastards who will do anything for a tax cut. Personally, I won’t ever be apologizing for pointing that out.

  172. Anonymous7:13 PM

    80 IQ just won't do.

  173. anyfuckinbgraciststoopidfuckingracistmoose is a racist, stoopid, fucking racist, waste of white with a micro dick and even smaller racist brain ungulate.

  174. Japan's PM nominated drumpf for a Nobel Peace Prize at the request of the US gubmint. What a bunch of wasted wasicu mow rawns. Must be related to racist anyfuckingmoose.

  175. Moar racist NYPD cops-

    Inspector told officers to shoot 50 Cent on sight. anyfuckingmoose must be so prowd.

  176. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Nigger who pimped out sixth-grader gets 12 years in prison

  177. Anonymous7:53 PM

    "Japan's PM nominated drumpf for a Nobel Peace Prize at the request of the US gubmint. What a bunch of wasted wasicu mow rawns. Must be related to racist anyfuckingmoose."

    That sound you hear is everyone in Sweden laughing uproariously.

  178. Anonymous7:54 PM

    The world is a better place: Both the white nigger-fucking slut that committed bestiality with a shaved ape found dead in a murder-suicide on Valentine's Day

  179. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Ape not sell Ape.

  180. Anonymous8:32 PM

    A definite case for stronger background checks and expanded gun control. We may see movement on these fronts after the 2020 elections if Dems take control of both houses of congress.
    3:07 PM

    Definite case for expanded nigger control and getting rid of gun free zones that negroes target.

  181. "Definite case for expanded nigger control and getting rid of gun free zones that negroes target."

    Sure, if you forget that white males are responsible for the majority of mass shootings. Brilliant post anon.


  182. Anonymous said...

    80 IQ just won't do.

    7:13 PM
    With an IQ if 79, you didn't even make the cut.

  183. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:19 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The world is a better place: Both the white nigger-fucking slut that committed bestiality with a shaved ape found dead in a murder-suicide on Valentine's Day
    Ah! go peddle your shit somewhere else where you will be welcome.

  184. "Ah! go peddle your shit somewhere else where you will be welcome."

    Seems pretty welcomed here😳

  185. Speaking of slander, Magat hat brat has hired one of America's top libel/slander lawyers who has a habit of asking for enormous jury awards for his clients. Question is who is paying the hired gun's ginormous fees? Won't be magat hat brat or his family.
    This smells loke a political conspiracy since McCTurtle's aide's firm was involved in PR for magat brat the racist wannabe.
