Monday, February 18, 2019

Taking the pledge.

Image result for pledge of allegiance images   "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
American children are asked to learn this pledge and recite it every day in school. We make fun of countries like North Korea for doing this very same thing, and yet we don't seem to notice that we are no different than those countries that demand blind and unwavering loyalty from their citizens. 

I thought of how we as Americans view the pledge of allegiance when reading about the 6th grader in Florida who refused to stand and say the pledge of allegiance, and the clueless teacher who tried to deny him his right of not having to recite the pledge.  

"An 11-year-old was arrested for causing a disturbance and resisting arrest after he allegedly refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at a school in Lakeland earlier this month, police said. 
The incident occurred on Feb. 4 at Lawton Chiles Middle Academy, 400 N Florida Ave.
Police said a school resource officer removed the boy from the classroom after he created a disruption.

 "It all started when a substitute teacher asked the student to stand for the pledge. The 11-year-old reportedly refused, saying that he thought the U.S. flag was racist. Then an argument ensued. 
"The School Resource Officer and Dean of Students responded to the classroom and attempted to calm the student down. The student was asked over 20 times to leave the classroom by the Dean of Students," Lakeland police spokesman Gary B. Gross said in a news release. 

Police said the boy left the classroom and continued to make threats and cause a disturbance. 

"The student failed to comply with the officer and the school administrator interfering with the educational process," the release states. 

Police insist that students are not required to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance, per the Polk County School Board Code of Conduct for Students.

"To be clear, the student was NOT arrested for refusing to participate in the pledge," Goss said. 
The boy was ultimately charged with disrupting a school function and resisting arrest without violence. He was taken to a juvenile detention center."

OK, here is the thing. This child should have tried his very best to be calm in the situation, and he should have politely explained that he was not going to stand for the pledge and would gladly resume his school activities after the pledge was complete. Although I will acknowledge that given the circumstances (the teacher sounds like a jerk, and a clueless one to boot) it might have been tough, but the student should have tried. Having said that, we were not in that moment with that child, and  we can't really say exactly what we would have done.

Anyway, because he allegedly acted up, it was an excuse for the authorities to take action against him for his alleged behavior, and not, according to them, for him refusing to stand for the pledge.

You will note how the authorities were quick to stress that the student was "NOT arrested for refusing to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance". This is because unlike the school district in the India Landry story, they knew that they would have a lawsuit on their hands for forcing the child in this case to stand for the pledge.

For the record,  a school cannot force a child to say the Pledge of Allegiance. That is the law of the land. At least it is for now.  The way things are going in this country it won't be long before we are all forced to stand in the public square and say a pledge to our Supreme Orange Leader every morning. Don't laugh. He is stacking the courts with Judges who are loyal to him, and his recent rants and attacks on the First Amendment should have all of us worried; not just sixth graders in Tampa, Florida. 


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Strangely enough, the Pledge was written by a socialist, who initially wanted to base the whole thing off the French national motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

    He decided not to include the “equality” part, and went with “liberty” and “justice” instead, because he thought “equality” would prevent the Pledge from catching on, as his 19th century contemporaries were pretty major fans of racism and sexism.

    The “under God” part got added later, by wingnuts, as a jab at sinister communist subversives (“the commies are everywhere! impurifying our precious bodily fluids!“) during the mid-20th century Red Scare.

    The original intention of the pledge was to cultivate healthy patriotism and integrate new immigrants into American society. But it’s still a slightly weird and icky ritual that smacks of totalitarianism while promoting democracy.


    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Sounds like he has a career as a community leader. He's already checked off the political prisoner box. Keep fighting for your rights young man.

  4. Wow, Mr. Rogers had an episode where King Friday XIII built a wall because he didn't like change because he was on top of the social ladder. Interesting.

  5. Anonymous12:41 AM

    “Sounds like he has a career as a community leader.”

    I don’t know, man. Probably not a very good one.

    Fighting the racist oppression of ... the Pledge of Allegiance? While I respect his right to free speech if he does not want to say the Pledge, this does not really seem like the hill anyone should choose to die on.

    He sounds like he might grow up to be Nat X, that Black Power parody character Chris Rock used to play, who insisted everything was racist. Including White-Out, because it’s “a tricky substance that only eliminates black letters.”

  6. Anonymous12:47 AM

    “Wow, Mr. Rogers had an episode where King Friday XIII built a wall because he didn't like change because he was on top of the social ladder. Interesting.”

    There’s also this:

    1950s Western Predicted a Border Wall From a Fictional Con Man Named Trump

    1. I saw that๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. "While I respect his right to free speech if he does not want to say the Pledge, this does not really seem like the hill anyone should choose to die on."

    It takes a strong will to not follow the crowd and develop a skepticism of authority. It may seem like nothing to an adult but to an 11 year old it's huge. Even some adults would have a problem not standing for the anthem, eh hem Kap? It takes guts to stand up to authority or perceived authority.

  8. "He sounds like he might grow up to be Nat X"

    Or a highly successful civil rights attorney.

  9. Anonymous1:07 AM

    “Even some adults would have a problem not standing for the anthem, eh hem Kap? It takes guts to stand up to authority or perceived authority.”

    True, but Kaepernick isn’t protesting against the national anthem, though; it’s just the means he has chosen to highlight a serious social issue.

    If it were really just opposition to the anthem itself that Kaep was throwing his career away for, he’d be the butt of a lot more jokes and a hero to almost nobody.

    That’s all I’m saying.

  10. "True, but Kaepernick isn’t protesting against the national anthem, though; it’s just the means he has chosen to highlight a serious social issue."

    As did the kid. He was protesting a racist society. He was protesting what the anthem represented and this was that form. TomAto tomato. He's 11, he's got time to work on his form. Gutsy move for a kid.

  11. Anonymous1:36 AM


    “By the time you comprehend what’s in the Pledge of Allegiance, you don’t fucking have to say it anymore.”


  12. That 11 year old hero has already figured out the pledge means nothing to wingnuts. They worship the almighty greenback and want only the wealthiest to have said. greenbacks.

    He also knows that wingnuts hate POC and would send him away if they thought they could get away with it. Smart, feisty youngster, what?

  13. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Former CU Buffs football player, Aurora assistant principal, shot in TNB parking dispute dies:

  14. Anonymous10:01 AM

    More Anti-American drivel from progressives and dems.….

  15. You are ever-so-right about EVERY society having their trademark idiomatic rituals, beliefs, and customs. And that the U.S. is really no different than those countries we muse over, wondering "How can those people seriously take that kind of dogma so seriously?"
    This has always been the case with societies since the beginning of time, with the prominent ones thinking they somehow "have the edge over" all the other nations when they don't really.

    As for the 11-year-old: I'm guessing the teacher was strong-arming him into partaking in the pledge and in an antagonistic manner. I'm also guessing that he's most likely an outcast, one who's disdained by school staff and fellow students alike, someone routinely treated disparagingly and all-around bullied---which could explain his own militant reactions to his given situation.

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:24 AM

    Anonymous at 10:00 AM

    This is for the trolls who keep telling me how dangerous black men are while pretending it's "for my own good."

    Seems a white man shot and killed his wife. Seems black men aren't the only ones who kill their wives; white men do it too.

  17. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Jussie Smollet Sees ‘Empire’ Screen Time Slashed As Questions Mount:

  18. Anonymous10:52 AM

    It takes no guts for this kid or anybody else to protest the country or it's symbols, all it takes is an 80 IQ. You lefties want the reality of Mad dog white racists 24/7 that you all live lies to their fullest. One day you will have completed creating that which you desire, whites who are finished with Negro/commie fatigue and then you will be in a world of shit.

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:07 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "It takes no guts for this kid or anybody else to protest the country or it's symbols, all it takes is an 80 IQ. You lefties want the reality of Mad dog white racists 24/7 that you all live lies to their fullest. One day you will have completed creating that which you desire, whites who are finished with Negro/commie fatigue and then you will be in a world of shit."

    You have no idea what you are talking about. During the war, in 1943, I was a child in grade school. Because of our religion, my older sister and I didn't salute the flag, and we were persecuted mercilessly by other children. The teacher did little to stop them. So please don't tell me it takes no guts to stand up, or while at school refuse to participate in an activity contrary to your beliefs.

  20. No surprise this is Florida, the Special Needs State. With a substitute teacher recruited from a nearby Klanton or Trump rally, maybe. Jehovah's Witnesses don't salute either, nor should any excuse be necessary to bow out. "Under God" should do it for all atheist households, and given that the social penalty for non-conformity is steep for any kids not of college age, all demurrals should be taken seriously. But this presumes a teacher who knows basics about student rights, the Constitution, and school policy and that puts us deep in surreality already, and is too much to expect in most places that aren't Florida.

  21. Bullshit detector11:36 AM

    whites who are finished with Negro/commie fatigue and then you will be in a world of shit."

  22. teh stupid11:42 AM

  23. Trailer Park Charlie11:53 AM

    Seems a white man shot and killed his wife. Seems black men aren't the only ones who kill their wives; white men do it too.
    Marrying someone outside of your race is frowned upon but marrying your relatives is ok. No wonder we have so many inbreds posting here.

  24. Anonymous12:14 PM


    Aside from being racist, that article is badly written to the point of being basically incomprehensible.

    It’s some crappy little Alabama paper with a circulation of 3,000, so I wouldn’t necessarily expect it to be any good. But even given those circumstances, promoting the Klan is impressively awful.

  25. Wingnut bred teachers push their ideology on all students and then cry victimhood when kids reject their idiotic non-sense. Teacher started this debacle and should lose her teaching certificate for that reason. She started it, she escalated it and now she must pay the price.

    Black kid is lucky the bitch wasn't packing heat. He might not be alive today and anyfuckingmoose will claim the 11 year old was bigger than Trayvon and deserved to be shot for attempted rape or some such made up shit.

  26. Childish Gambino12:23 PM

    anyfuckingmoose will claim the 11 year old was bigger than Trayvon and deserved to be shot for attempted rape or some such made up shit.
    This is America

  27. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Trayvon was a thug and burglar.....

  28. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Once a white woman spreads for a BBC, she's dead. You don't just return the shaved ape back to the jungle.

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:30 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Trayvon was a thug and burglar.....

    12:30 PM


    Proof? Source? Reference?

  30. Thank you for these posts and links, I hope this will come in handy.

  31. Anonymous1:52 PM

    “Proof? Source? Reference?”

    The Grand Wizard told him all about Trayvon at the last cross-burning.

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:57 PM

    Anonymous said:

    1:08 PM

    A man accused of hacking a couple to death with a hatchet and dissolving their bodies in acid is claiming Scientology made him do it. His friends and family aren’t convinced.

    5 Dead In Louisiana Shootings, Search For Suspected Gunman Underway
    Officials believe that Dakota Theriot, 21, killed his parents and three others.

    Just wanted trolls to know that white men commit violent crimes.

  33. "Trayvon was a thug and burglar...."

    Thus it was ok to kill him.

  34. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Shaved ape, porch monkey oh you just gotta love the old school racists. Is this a thing now? I almost miss the teh blahs are stuck on the Democrat plantation trolls.

  35. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Masturbating monkey followed woman, young daughters around Phoenix Sprouts (chain similar to Whole Foods)

    Check the pic! Not sure if its a mugshot or if the filthy nigger caught on security cam blowing its load

  36. Snowflakes are white2:57 PM

    Check the pic! Not sure if its a mugshot or if the filthy nigger caught on security cam blowing its load
    Oh boo hoo hoo, there is so much anti-white hatred I don't know what to do.

  37. Mandingo3:57 PM

    Check the pic! Not sure if its a mugshot or if the filthy nigger caught on security cam blowing its load
    Sounds like you're into nigs blowing loads on white girls. You would love Lots of pretty white girls getting it on with lots of nigs. Your kind of thing man.

  38. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Hey mandingo, maybe you can explain it to a dumb white boy. WTF is it with these nigger monkeys exposing their muh diks constantly to women and kids? This story is < 3 hours old. This chimp needs to be put in a primate cage at the zoo.

  39. Kap was protesting cops treatment of Blacks and wingnuts changed the narrative to dishonoring the flag and veterans., Funny, Cadet Bone Spur's draft dodging and then wrapping himself in the flag, ala Theodore "I shit myself to get out of serving" Nugent disrespect for the flag isn't a negative for them.

  40. Anonymous6:23 PM

    50 AM
    Blogger PilotX said...

    "He sounds like he might grow up to be Nat X"

    Or a highly successful civil rights attorney.

    12:51 AM


    You could be right, however he sounds like he's right on track to follow in the footsteps of this shit flinging nigger monkey

  41. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Fuck Ted Nugent's pussy ass too. I'll call out White trash and hope the worst for them same as any other worthless piece of shit regardless of what they are. There are millions of useless motherfuckers in this country,from the board rooms down to the pool halls and all stops in between. Ain't no color or origin got the market cornered on worthless,I give no one a pass on being a detriment to society because of their paint. I would hope most right thinking folks feel the same, if not, IDGAF !

  42. Wesley Pipes7:20 PM

    WTF is it with these nigger monkeys exposing their muh diks constantly to women
    White woman all want to know what a BBC looks like. I guess they're tired of the teeny weeny you inbreds aren't packing. Dunno, ask your auntie/mommy.

  43. Chaifing yer yard was an acceptable practice and men who did were still trusted as teachers back in Puritan times.

    Fuck racist whitey.

  44. Typical troll7:23 PM

    Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.

  45. RBG back on the court hearing oral arguments. Anyfuckingmoose whacks off his micro dick and burns it in effigy. Has li'l smokie for breakkfast. Then he discovered he can no longer diddle the dog literally.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:36 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Once a white woman spreads for a BBC, she's dead....."


    Here are a few facts for you, Anonymous at 1:08 PM


    At home and in the context of family and intimate partner relationships, women are considerably more at risk than men
    Intimate partner/family-related homicide is one form of interpersonal homicide that affects every country, irrespective of affluence and level of development. It is more evenly distributed across regions than other types of homicides that mostly affects males and is, on average, remarkably stable at the global level.

    In homicides related to intimate partners or family members, the relationship between victim and perpetrator is characterized by an emotional attachment, as well as other links, often of an economic or legal nature, whereas the perpetrator and victim in other types of homicide may or may not know each other. Two thirds of the victims globally are female (43,600 in 2012) and one third (20,000) are male.
    So you can could take your biased nonsense elsewhere.

    Here's one done by a white male in Denver.
    60-year-old Lakewood man charged with first-degree murder in wife’s shooting death. Woman’s body discovered in couple’s apartment.

    So I guess we women should stay away from all men if we don't want to be murdered???

  47. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Anonymous Wesley Pipes said...

    WTF is it with these nigger monkeys exposing their muh diks constantly to women
    White woman all want to know what a BBC looks like. I guess they're tired of the teeny weeny you inbreds aren't packing. Dunno, ask your auntie/mommy.


    Hey Wesley, I'z hears yo nigger mammy ooking in the background dat she needs yo to pleasure her asshole wif yo muh dik. I'z knows dat it's a hard chore cuz de bitch iz always in heat and can't bees satisfied. Gnowatizsayin BOY?

  48. PilotX- way off topic. Here is a video of DC 10 flight 232 crash landing in Soo City thirty years ago. The pilots had no hydraulics and no way to slow down approach to a runway they had no business even coming close to. 111 of 295 people on board died. Amazing crash footage.

  49. Anonymous8:26 PM

    In school I noticed the Jehovah witnesses didnt say the pledge,so I asked my Dad why I had to.He told me you dont,so I never said it again after 4th grade!! In the spirit of Crazy Horse!!!!

  50. Yeah Mike, I was learning how to fly at Tuskegee when that happened. I met Capt. Al Haynes twice, he spoke at my college and he rode as a passenger on one of my flights and actually complimented me on my professionalism๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ When Al Haynes says you're doing a good job it means something!!!!!!
    Good post bro.

  51. GrannyStandingforTruth8:55 PM

    Trump is trying to transfer top secret nuclear technology information to Saudi Arabia. Does that imbecile know that they were responsible for 9/11? Jesus, take the wheel. Congress needs to hurry up and remove him from the White House.

    He's doing so much damage behind the scenes until we might not never recoup from it. Trump is selling this country out to the highest bidder. He might go down in history as the first president sent to the gallows when it does come out.

    I believe he sold those immigrant's children.

  52. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:36 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    "Trump is trying to transfer top secret nuclear technology information to Saudi Arabia. Does that imbecile know that they were responsible for 9/11? Jesus, take the wheel. Congress needs to hurry up and remove him from the White House.

    He's doing so much damage behind the scenes until we might not never recoup from it. Trump is selling this country out to the highest bidder. He might go down in history as the first president sent to the gallows when it does come out.

    I believe he sold those immigrant's children."

    8:55 PM

    OMG - I think you might be right! I sure wouldn't put it past him.

  53. I agree with the top commenter. The Pledge of Allegiance is a good oath of patriotism. Just a few weeks ago, I called out a RW crazy for their beliefs by quoting the last phrase, "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." I don't think that one has to be a hardcore right-wing Christian to have some sense of awe when thinking about the concept of a God. To me, it doesn't destroy the sentiment, it brings it into perspective. Yet the child had every right not to say the pledge for whatever reason. I was the same way when I was in fifth grade.

    What is at issue is how the teacher reacted to the child's reasons for not wishing to stand up or say the pledge. She has been quoted as telling him that perhaps he should think about living somewhere else. There is clear evidence that this child was attacked by some right-wing fathead. No doubt he probably became angry. Best guess, the kid was black. Everything needed was there. A black kid acting up. Mouthing off. Fucking po-po.

    Florida is the cracker state.

    But if the kid really was thinking that our flag or our national anthem was a racist symbol... Well, Jimi could have helped that boy understand that this was not true. I just checked out Hendrix in the West, from my local library. It blew my mind because I bought it in London in 1972. It had a live version of the Star-Spangled Banner. Jimi told everybody to sing along. Then he said, "Well, if you don't, then fuck you." May God continue to bless America. We need it.

    Hi Granny. Give us some more Bible truth before you go.

  54. Anonymous11:52 PM

    16 states are now suing Trump over his tyrant-emulating declaration of a national emergency to build his wall.

    His response:

    "'And we will have a national emergency, and we will then be sued, and they will sue us in the ninth circuit, even though it shouldn’t be there, and we will possibly get a bad ruling,' said Trump, 'and then we’ll get another bad ruling, and then we’ll end up in the supreme court, and hopefully we’ll get a fair shake and we’ll win in the supreme court.'”

    I have to disagree.

    Hopefully, this lawsuit ties his dumb wall plan up for the next two years, after which point President Liz Warren just cancels it, while now ex-President Trump, from inside his federal prison cell, wails impotently about how Pocahontas ruined everything.

  55. GrannyStandingforTruth1:35 AM

    Burberry knew this would offend. Their thinking is let's do it; we can give an apology later. Far as I'm concerned, they can keep their phony apologies. The bottom line is they celebrate our pain. Sick!

    As for my thoughts on the flag ordeal. I'm reminded of Ralph Ellison's poem.

    Let America Be America Again
    Langston Hughes, 1902 - 1967
    Let America be America again.
    Let it be the dream it used to be.
    Let it be the pioneer on the plain
    Seeking a home where he himself is free.

    (America never was America to me.)

    Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed—
    Let it be that great strong land of love
    Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme
    That any man be crushed by one above.

    (It never was America to me.)

    O, let my land be a land where Liberty
    Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath,
    But opportunity is real, and life is free,
    Equality is in the air we breathe.

    (There’s never been equality for me,
    Nor freedom in this “homeland of the free.”)

    Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark?
    And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?

    I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart,
    I am the Negro bearing slavery’s scars.
    I am the red man driven from the land,
    I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek—
    And finding only the same old stupid plan
    Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak.

    I am the young man, full of strength and hope,
    Tangled in that ancient endless chain
    Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land!
    Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need!
    Of work the men! Of take the pay!
    Of owning everything for one’s own greed!

    I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil.
    I am the worker sold to the machine.
    I am the Negro, servant to you all.
    I am the people, humble, hungry, mean—
    Hungry yet today despite the dream.
    Beaten yet today—O, Pioneers!
    I am the man who never got ahead,
    The poorest worker bartered through the years.

    Yet I’m the one who dreamt our basic dream
    In the Old World while still a serf of kings,
    Who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true,
    That even yet its mighty daring sings
    In every brick and stone, in every furrow turned
    That’s made America the land it has become.
    O, I’m the man who sailed those early seas
    In search of what I meant to be my home—
    For I’m the one who left dark Ireland’s shore,
    And Poland’s plain, and England’s grassy lea,
    And torn from Black Africa’s strand I came
    To build a “homeland of the free.”

    The free?

    Who said the free? Not me?
    Surely not me? The millions on relief today?
    The millions shot down when we strike?
    The millions who have nothing for our pay?
    For all the dreams we’ve dreamed
    And all the songs we’ve sung
    And all the hopes we’ve held
    And all the flags we’ve hung,
    The millions who have nothing for our pay—
    Except the dream that’s almost dead today.

    O, let America be America again—
    The land that never has been yet—
    And yet must be—the land where every man is free.
    The land that’s mine—the poor man’s, Indian’s, Negro’s, ME—
    Who made America,
    Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain,
    Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain,
    Must bring back our mighty dream again.

    Sure, call me any ugly name you choose—
    The steel of freedom does not stain.
    From those who live like leeches on the people’s lives,
    We must take back our land again,

    O, yes,
    I say it plain,
    America never was America to me,
    And yet I swear this oath—
    America will be!

    Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death,
    The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies,
    We, the people, must redeem
    The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers.
    The mountains and the endless plain—
    All, all the stretch of these great green states—
    And make America again!

  56. GrannyStandingforTruth1:43 AM

    I wrote this poem.


    My eyes are not blue
    My eyes are black
    My hair is not blond
    My hair is black
    My skin is not white
    My skin is black
    Am I American?

    If I am assertive
    They say I'm belligerent
    If I am persistent
    They say I'm pushy
    If I am confident
    They say I’m aggressive
    Am I American?

    Birthed in America
    Took my first baby steps
    Not on foreign soil
    But in America
    Buried my ancestors here
    Their blood stains from toil
    Am I American?

    I pledged allegiance to the flag
    And sung patriotic songs
    I baked and ate apple pie
    Yet my black brothers were hung
    My emotions suppressed
    My black soldier man died
    Am I American?

    Fought for freedom
    But confined to certain residents
    Paid my citizen debts to Uncle Sam
    I helped vote for Presidents
    Yet, suffered disparity throughout life
    But because I’m black
    Intelligence they say I lack
    Am I American?

    What others think or say I am
    I do not give a damn
    I am who I am
    An American

  57. Anonymous2:00 AM

    This is OT. I've always liked/enjoyed the song "People Get Ready". The Impressions made it a Classic for so many artist to follow. It's hard not to be moved when you hear it. Of course it has religious lyrics so the godless may not like it. What's your opinion?

  58. Thank you Granny Standing for Truth for blessing us all.

  59. GrannyStandingforTruth2:50 AM

    "Japan nominated Trump for Nobel Peace Prize after White House asked, newspaper reports
    Asahi Shimbun, one of Japan's largest national newspapers, cited multiple government sources as saying the U.S. "informally" asked Japan to nominate Trump."

    Oh Lord, where is my asthma inhaler? (Granny--> after gasping for air, giving major eye rollage). Dis tew much. The only reason he wants one is that President Obama got one. Trump is exceptionally jealous of him. It's eating him up on the inside that he's isn't admired and respected as President Obama is. Deep inside, Trump wants to be President Obama. He's a mentally sick man.

  60. GrannyStandingforTruth3:08 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    This is OT. I've always liked/enjoyed the song "People Get Ready". The Impressions made it a Classic for so many artist to follow. It's hard not to be moved when you hear it. Of course it has religious lyrics so the godless may not like it. What's your opinion?"


    I loved that song too. Most of the music back then was uplifting, a few were prophetic. Those songs had a message of hope and faith in them. However, Sam Cooke's song, "A Change Gone Come" was a masterpiece in my opinion.


  61. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Anonymous said...

    "Once a white woman spreads for a BBC, she's dead....."


    Here are a few facts for you, Anonymous at 1:08 PM


    At home and in the context of family and intimate partner relationships, women are considerably more at risk than men
    Intimate partner/family-related homicide is one form of interpersonal homicide that affects every country, irrespective of affluence and level of development. It is more evenly distributed across regions than other types of homicides that mostly affects males and is, on average, remarkably stable at the global level.

    In homicides related to intimate partners or family members, the relationship between victim and perpetrator is characterized by an emotional attachment, as well as other links, often of an economic or legal nature, whereas the perpetrator and victim in other types of homicide may or may not know each other. Two thirds of the victims globally are female (43,600 in 2012) and one third (20,000) are male.
    So you can could take your biased nonsense elsewhere.


    Consider this:

    Black on white femicide murders are exploding - Femicide is defined as he murder of a female victim, by a male who is a boyfriend, husband, ex-boyfriend, close friend, ect. Most female homicide victims are killed by a current or former boyfriend or husband.
    In the United States, black males commit femicide at 9 time the white rate. However, a major University study showed that black males are more likely to murder their girlfriend if she is white. This study found that white females involved with a black male are 12.4 times more likely to be murdered by that male, than a white female involved with a white male. �*Source:�*J A Mercy and L E Saltzman. Fatal violence among spouses in the United States, 1976-85.. American Journal of Public Health: May 1989, Vol. 79, No. 5, pp. 595-599.
    White females, involved with black males are the single highest risk category for femicide.

    Fatal violence among spouses in the United States, 1976-85.
    J A Mercy, and L E Saltzman
    Published Online: October 07, 2011

    In this paper we examine patterns and trends in homicides between marriage partners in the United States for 1976 through 1985 using data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Supplemental Homicide Reports (FBI-SHR). We identified 16,595 spouse homicides accounting for 8.8 per cent of all homicides reported to the FBI-SHR during this 10-year period. The rate of spouse homicide for this 10-year period was 1.6 per 100,000 married persons. The risk of being killed by one's spouse was 1.3 times greater for wives than for husbands. Black husbands were at greater risk of spouse homicide victimization than Black wives or White spouses of either sex. The risk of victimization was greater for spouses in interracial than in intraracial marriages and increased as age differences between spouses increased. From 1976 through 1985, the risk of spouse homicide declined by more than 45.0 per cent for both Black husbands and wives but remained relatively stable for White husbands and wives. Demographic patterns in the risk of spouse homicide were similar to those reported for nonfatal spouse abuse suggesting that the causes of spouse homicide and nonfatal spouse abuse may be similar.

    click on pdf for complete

  62. Anonymous8:45 AM

    pps to Gambler2 ASKA White Woman if you decide to mull over that pdf file, make sure to adjust those numbers for the new entrant:

    Business is brisk at the mudshark mortuary:

    Updated: Mon 6:37 PM, Feb 18, 2019

    Here's the buck making oogum boogum ooks on Facebook before he blows his brains out. Unfortunately, I can't understand the spook's ooks. Lassie was much better communicator IMHO.

  63. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:08 AM

    Anonymous at 8:14 and 8:45 said a bunch of their usual lies. Here are some web sites to educate your self or selves with.

    FROM ALTERNET, 9/29/18


    3 Florida Ex-Cops Sentenced In Scheme To Frame Innocent Black People
    The former Biscayne Park police officers had pleaded guilty in a department conspiracy to clear property crime cases by any means necessary.

    Here are 10 of the worst domestic terror attacks by extreme Christians and right-wing white men

    Experts warn of far-right threat as two separate violent plots are foiled in one week

    A new report reveals far-right individuals were responsible for every extremist-related murder committed in the United States in 2018.

    Please stop trying to tell us that black men are inherently more violent than white men because it's all bull. People must be evaluated as individuals.

  64. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Once again Gambler2 ASKA White Woman if full of it. This is the self-proclaimed genius with with her MS degree in psychology quoting HuffPo and AltNet while I provide a link to the American Journal of Public Health: May 1989, Vol. 79, No. 5, pp. 595-599. She probably didn't even read it. When I went to college, if I or someone wrote a paper and used those sources she did, you would have been embarrassed in front of the class, thrown out of the room and given a grade of F. Keep deluding yourself hon. At least remember the advice Dean Wormer gave Bluto or whatever his name was in Animal House: "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life."

  65. Meanwhile, racist wasicu bastards are helping orange mow rawn in kremlin annex divide the country on racial lines to keep wingnut base severely dumbed down and angry at POC instead of stoopid fucking wingnuts that are causing all our problems.

    Wasted whitey wingnut problems are self inflicted. Wasicus hide behind their white privilege and blame POC for the problems created by wingnut racist policies.

  66. Anonymous11:46 AM

    mike from iowa said...

    Meanwhile, racist wasicu bastards are helping orange mow rawn in kremlin annex divide the country on racial lines to keep wingnut base severely dumbed down and angry at POC instead of stoopid fucking wingnuts that are causing all our problems.

    Wasted whitey wingnut problems are self inflicted. Wasicus hide behind their white privilege and blame POC for the problems created by wingnut racist policies.

    11:10 AM


    Another moron that plays flunky to the affirmative action knee grow barrister. Reminds me of Ed McMahon that played flunky to Johnny Carson
    when he bombed on a bad joke. Stood in the corner and laughed like a hyena if I recall. At least he got compensated well for it.

    Tell me, did you mother accidentally drop you on your head jerk off?

  67. and your reasons to come here, wasicu wastey, is to disrupt, spread lies and insult POC because yer a racist like the orange mow rawn, amirite?

    ps no whitey blog would have you, not even Stormfront. I suggest you hit yer bony wasicu knees and kiss Field's ass for allowing you space to vent racist bullshit.

  68. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx Recuses Self From Jussie Smollett Investigation:

  69. In the Smollett case there was zero collusion with Russia. Drumpf and his pack of hyenas had beaucoup collusion contacts with Russian gubmint agents.

  70. Anonymous12:25 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    and your reasons to come here, wasicu wastey, is to disrupt, spread lies and insult POC because yer a racist like the orange mow rawn, amirite?

    ps no whitey blog would have you, not even S and a few other trollstormfront. I suggest you hit yer bony wasicu knees and kiss Field's ass for allowing you space to vent racist bullshit.


    Hey, thanks Mike, you just gave me an idea. Field needs to start compensating me for driving traffic to his site. If it wasn't for me and a few other trolls, the only visitors he'd have is you and 4 other fuck faces circle jerking each other off. LOL

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:29 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "When I went to college, if I or someone wrote a paper and used those sources she did, you would have been embarrassed in front of the class,..."


    Said by a person who quotes web sites himself and thinks his are better. The isn't collage, Honey. This is a place where ignorant white supremacists come to insult black people, So take you bull shit and shove it.

  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:37 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "If it wasn't for me and a few other trolls, the only visitors he'd have is you and 4 other fuck faces circle jerking each other off. LOL"

    Hey Anonymous, it you don't like Mike and "four other fuck faces circle jerking each other off," then don't come here. I promise you will not be missed.

  73. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Anonymous said:

    "If it wasn't for me and a few other trolls, the only visitors he'd have is you and 4 other fuck faces circle jerking each other off. LOL"

    Hey Anonymous, it you don't like Mike and "four other fuck faces circle jerking each other off," then don't come here. I promise you will not be missed.
    I don't quote websites, I link to them so the reader can verify, Their news sites not puff opinion pieces.

    What's the matter hon? The truth hurts?


    Sly and The Family Stone- If you want me to stay

  74. Still no collusion in Smollett case, losers.

  75. I love that Langston Hughes poem. I used to have it on the wall of my studio when I lived in East Oakland.

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:23 PM

    "...I link to them so the reader can verify, Their news sites not puff opinion pieces."

    So do I and you would know that if you bothered to read my posts. I never post "puff opinion pieces.' Nor do I post talking points as you do.

    And the truth may hurt me someday, but you don't have any truth.

    Have a nice day, Dear.

  77. For a circle jerk to work you need a pivotmooseman.

  78. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    And the truth may hurt me someday, but you don't have any truth.

    Cite ONE post I made which is false, erroneous, etc,

    Take your time.

  79. This is off-topic, but a friend just posted this on his FB page. It's so powerful, and its point so convincingly self-evident, that it packs quite a wallop. Only when I read about Dr. Kenneth Clark and his experiments with 5-year-olds' identifications of an "ugly doll" (the black one) and the "pretty doll" (the white one) was I so rocked by the power of social forces over self-image.

    maybe you knew and visited "TheUndefeated" website but you may have missed this.

  80. Is this upstanding wasicu racist anyfuckingmoosie's blood kin?


    Yeah, well at least he wasn't Black, right?

  82. 3:46:
    "Cite ONE post I made which is false..."
    Said the anonymoid! Cite one post which _who_ made? Real intellectual risk-taking there, O nameless one!

  83. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    And the truth may hurt me someday, but you don't have any truth.

    Cite ONE post I made which is false, erroneous, etc,

    Take your time.
    3:46 PM


  84. Anonymous3:04 PM

    My kind of black folk:

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