Sunday, March 17, 2019

Caption Sunday.


I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from Buzzfeed News by Andrew Whitaker / AP


  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Larry David explains how it was all a terrible, yet hilarious, misunderstanding and he was definitely NOT talking about the breasts of the woman who punched him out.

  2. Let's see if I can fuck up the Democratic primary again. I'm not a Democrat, so why should I care?

    P.S. A Google image search of this picture returns the result: "senior citizen"...

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. The had on red hats and said "this is MAGA country".

  4. "Somebody hurry get the defibrillator,it's over there on that wall!"

    (Jes kiddin folks)

  5. All of a sudden they've conveniently put a black face on the school admissions scandal! Mr. Lynn Swan! Just like they pulled out R.Kelly and may he rest in peace Michael Jackson, to divert attention from the Weinstein, Spacey, white Hollywood bigshot scandal! Wow!

  6. "Can you believe that schmuck?"

  7. Blame wingnuts for deregulating safety measures when taking a shower.

    On a moar sinister note-

    At least six Ferguson,MO activists have died since riots. Two burned in cars and others thought to be suicides. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

  8. That MAGA guy had to worse!

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    PilotX at 7:02 and Anon at 6:44 are unbeatable. Kudos.

  10. "Mr. Lynn Swan!"

    Don't worry, he was traded from team Black long ago😂 He's a Republican.

  11. Slavecatcher2:49 PM

    Lynn Swan is a House Negro.

    There is no room for any deviation from a very narrow set of opinions for black people. Anyone who fails to conform is not even black.

  12. Legendary guitar masher Dick Dale passed at 81.

  13. Anonymous3:46 PM

    "Legendary guitar masher Dick Dale passed at 81."

    Good. One less white person.

  14. Anonymous4:03 PM

    “There is no room for any deviation from a very narrow set of opinions for black people. Anyone who fails to conform is not even black.”

    Not that narrow. All you really have to do is avoid voting for racist political parties.

    Unfortunately, the United States only has two major political parties, and one of them is racist. You can easily tell which is which, because the racist one is headed up by a fat orange guy who says Muslims must be banned from entering our borders, Mexicans are rapists, and black countries are “shitholes.”

  15. Anonymous5:31 PM

    "I am a communist"

  16. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Legendary guitar masher Dick Dale passed at 81."

    Good. One less white person.
    3:46 PM

    Alt left/progressive hate speach

  17. Internet Fact Police5:38 PM

    "who says Muslims must be banned from entering our borders, Mexicans are rapists, and black countries are “shitholes.”"

    Actually he said SOME Muslims, SOME Mexicans, and MOST black countries.

    Where's the lie?

    Facts aren't racist.

  18. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Field Negro won't live in a black country, not even the one he was born in.

  19. Dale was born Richard Anthony Monsour in Boston, Massachusetts, on May 4, 1937. He was of Lebanese descent from his father and Polish-Belarusian descent from his mother.[

    As un-AmericaN as you can be and still be American. He was a self taught guitarist. Didn't have shit handed to him and no white privilege for buoyancy.


    Wingnuts Kermit Gosnell. Kismet is a BITCH, boys.

  21. "There is no room for any deviation from a very narrow set of opinions for black people. Anyone who fails to conform is not even black."

    Just like anyone who disagrees with trump is a leftist extremist.

  22. An example of how countries handle gun violence differently. New Zealenders are voluntarily turning their guns into police stations, gun ranges are closing to mourn the victims and the PM is proposing new laws. In America the nra goes full throttle to push against any iota of legislation to help prevent the next gun massacre. Wow, we are one special country.

  23. Dear leader is attacking a dead man. You just can't make this shit up.


  25. "The(y) had on red hats and said "this is MAGA country".

    Folks, we might have a winner.

  26. Anonymous8:34 PM

    "I was trained in Russia"

  27. Anonymous8:40 PM

    "I will provide free health care and college by taxing the shit out the real working class and give it to the have nots"

  28. Fuck the commie scum8:49 PM

    PilotX said...
    "New Zealenders are voluntarily turning their guns into police stations, gun ranges are closing to mourn the victims and the PM is proposing new laws. In America the nra goes full throttle to push against any iota of legislation to help prevent the next gun massacre."

    New Zealand is silly country run by a woman, and hence legislates on emotional reaction.

    America is a fairly silly country, albeit one that still somewhat constrained by the rule of law.

    Both countries will eventually be destroyed by the progressive project to swamp them with third-world immigrants. The governments will have to become ever more powerful to mediate the existential disputes arising among their diverse populations. First and Second amendment freedoms will have to go in order to conform to the new reality.

    The difference will be Americans may still have their guns, and therefore may still have a say in their fate.

  29. Dick Dale had to tour constantly over the last few years as his health deteriorated to come up with medical expenses, despite the fact that he had insurance.

    He was a genuine monster guitar player on par with any of the greats you could name.

    This is how we treat art and culture in modern America.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Dick Dale was a cracker. Good riddance.

  31. Anonymous9:26 PM

    America will never be great until all the crackers are gone.

  32. Saint Slow Joe9:27 PM

    Joe Biden says that he stopped his driver on the way to tonight's state Democratic dinner to give a homeless woman "whatever was in my pocket" — stops sparking applause by saying "no, no, no, it's not about me."

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:19 AM

    Anonymous said:

    "I will provide free health care and college by taxing the shit out the real working class and give it to the have nots"

    8:40 PM

    You almost got it right. Here's the correction:

    "I will provide free health care and college by taxing the super wealthy class and give it to everyone else."

  34. Anonymous4:50 PM

    "I will provide free health care and college by taxing the super wealthy class and give it to everyone else."
    12:19 AM

    Yeah right,like the Clintons and other elites wood give a dime for the real working man or women. The wealthy elite will never give up their money, who are you trying to bullshit.

  35. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dick Dale was a cracker. Good riddance.
    9:25 PM

    Field Negroe promotes hate.

  36. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Anonymous said...
    America will never be great until all the crackers are gone.
    9:26 PM

    Giggle....just look to sub Saharan Africa......

  37. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Giggle....just look to sub Saharan Africa......
    Giggle? What are you a 5 year old girl?

  38. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Brahahah (like a man).......just look at West Virginia.

  39. A few centuries ago, Europe was a benighted shithole, while Arabia was revolutionizing medicine, optics, chemistry, navigation, and mathematics. Skin tint is a false god.

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