Sunday, April 21, 2019

Caption Sunday.

  • White House releases photos of Trump, Rush Limbaugh playing golf 
I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Tweedledum and Tweedledictator.

  2. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Wash my balls.

  3. Ah, a refreshing afternoon cheating at a meaningless game.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Trump's Tax returns10:32 PM

    Here is a Haiku poem I call, "I wanted to but..."

    Pilonidal cyst

    Military deferment

    Bone spurs in both heels

  5. Didn't I make fun of Obama for doing this? Nah.

  6. Trump's Tax returns11:19 PM

    Here is a Haiku poem I call, "Seven wives and counting or how money makes you irresistible."

    Man boobs, pot bellies

    Fat ass Rush and Donald Plump

    They're sexy, sexy, sexy

  7. Anonymous2:52 AM

    El Rushbo: "Structural racism" is a term used to abandon the proposition that individual racist attitudes are widespread and responsible for contemporary non-Asian minority dysfunction while simultaneously preserving the implication that all white people are racist and therefore bad.

    The President: Motherfuckers.

  8. Trump's Tax returns5:43 AM

    Here is a Haiku poem I call, "They took my history and replaced it with what?"

    Black codes and Jim Crow,

    Red Summer1919

    No reparations

  9. America's new "huddled masses" yearning to be investigation free.

  10. Anonymous10:41 AM

    No one else wants to be my BFF; I found a real liar to hang with.

  11. Anonymous12:06 PM

    El Rushbo: In the 21st Century, the mortality patterns of working class white Americans -- suicide, drug overdoses, and alcoholism -- are becoming similar to those that have long bedeviled American Indians.

    The President: One possible explanation: Both are defeated peoples.

    El Rushbo: One by actual warfare, the other through psychological warfare.

    The President: Tell a people they have no place in the future, and they cease to have anything to live for.

    El Rushbo: Saying "It's okay to be white" will get you thrown off the campus of an American university.

    The President: Motherfuckers.

  12. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The President: Has anybody been brought to justice yet for the murder of Seth Rich? He seemed like a good guy who died fighting.

    El Rushbo: I always presumed it was more likely that he was murdered by the Democratic Party's base than by the Democratic Party's elite.

    The President: But I just want to see justice done.

    El Rushbo: When they can’t even indict Smollett for concocting a lie and chase their tails for two years looking for Russians what makes you think they might be able to find justice for a murder victim? Especially one that was so politically connected. Surprised they haven’t blamed you!

    The President: Motherfuckers.

  13. Did anybody hear something between 12:06 and 12:15? I did and it sounded like a calf lost in the wilderness with nothing to suck on but its own tail. A stoopid fucking wingnut calf and probably has a pastey white hide.

  14. Racism gets a cop overtime pay.

  15. Here is these racist's wet dream of a third member for their outing-

    He is 0ld, heavy set, opinionated and fuckingb rude and crude.l

  16. Anonymous3:01 PM

    "He is 0ld, heavy set, opinionated and fuckingb rude and crude."

    does he live in iowa?

  17. It was funnier when I said it, anyfuckingmoose.

  18. The EPA has determined that if we eliminate these two gasbags global temperatures will plummet.

  19. MENSA has found the reason world IQ has been dropping. By eliminating these two we would all have 150 IQ's and become orbital engineers.😂


  20. Leader of militia detaining migrants allegedly said group trained to assassinate Soros, Clinton, Obama, complaint says

    Doesn't make them terrorists in wingnut vernacular.

  21. Anonymous6:29 PM

    “Doesn't make them terrorists in wingnut vernacular.”

    They prefer to be called freedumb fighters.

  22. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Racist white male lacrosse player at the University of Georgia attacks black man's bullets with his torso:

  23. Wesley R8:30 PM

    Race baiting, 10 wives having, no sit ups ever, buffet eating, dope fiends, shit talking, phony CONservatives, Fake...., blast from the past losers.

  24. Trump's Tax returns9:31 PM

    Must be a pony in there somewhere!

  25. A ditz and a dithering dittohead.

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Rush: I fucking love you man!

    The Monster: I love you man! I wanna be inside you, man!

    Rush: Fuck! When Obama was president, I was so hatin' it! Fuckin' Muslim bitch!

    The Monster: I have to thank you, man, for giving Congress its marching orders ten years ago. You're an American hero. Fuckin' genius. My sincerest thanks to a great American! God bless you, man.

    Rush: Seriously, man. You didn't line up any girls?

  27. Anonymous said...
    Racist white male lacrosse player at the University of Georgia attacks black man's bullets with his torso:

    White privilege on display.


    Duck anymoose et al. Flak headed yer way.

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:07 AM

    Mike from Iowa said....

    Duck anymoose et al. Flak headed yer way.

    9:19 AM

    Hey, great post, Mike. Thank you. I bookmarked the website.

  30. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Two peculiar specimens of the Caucazoid Americanus species in their natural habitat.

  31. Yer welcome, Gambler 2. Sheila covers all the hot topics and is absolutely a no fan of Pence, her former wingnut guv with a krist complex.

  32. Anonymous1:13 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Racist white male lacrosse player at the University of Georgia attacks black man's bullets with his torso:

    I have it from source that this happened over airpods; shooter was fighting white supremacy by wanting to redistribute the lacrosse player's airpods to himself.

  33. Stoopid wasicu believing his stuff belongs to him exclusively. There in lies the problem.

    Still time for Drumpf to pardon "good guy" for murdering James Byrd.

  35. One iowa state representative bailed ion the party of racist assholes and will vote with the good guy Dems in Des Moines.

    He is unhappy with his former party of 40 years on personal decisions and is disgusted with Drumpf as an example for youth, excluding Hitler's Youth, of course. They would dig the pathological lying POS in the kremlin annex.

  36. Anonymous1:41 PM

    What is your take as to the why the Democrats are fighting so hard to prevent the census bureau from including a citizenship question on the 2020 census?

  37. Because it would skew the results of the census and inappropriately allocate resources and representation.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I have it from source that this happened over airpods
    I have it from a source you're full of shit and have no idea what happened.

  39. Anonymous3:03 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "Because it would skew the results of the census and inappropriately allocate resources and representation"

    How does additional information "skew" the results?

    And resources and representation are supposed to be allocated based on the number of citizens. Or are you advocating another 3/5 compromise?

  40. Wingnuts see the citizenship question as a way to get rid of millions of potential Dem votes. The census counts 4 groups- citizens, non-citizen legal residents, non citizen long time visitors and undocumented immigrants.

    Wingnuts figure if they can eliminate three groups they will win every election and have all the spoils for the koch bros. That is all this amounts to.

  41. Key points on CO2:
    1. It is the basis of all carbon in all life and was declining to dangerously low levels before we began to burn fossil fuels.

    2. It is causing rapid greening of the Earth as it is restored to levels that do not stunt plants so severely.

    3. No proof it causes warming.

  42. Anonymous5:49 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Wingnuts see the citizenship question as a way to get rid of millions of potential Dem votes. The census counts 4 groups- citizens, non-citizen legal residents, non citizen long time visitors and undocumented immigrants.

    Well, shouldn't elections be decided by citizens? That is the law, not only in America, but in every democratic country.

    Where is the moral justification for bringing in illegal voters for the sole purpose of winning elections?

    Every illegal who casts a vote "disenfranchises" a citizen who voted the other way.

    If you want to pass a law that says everyone on the planet gets a say in how how America is run, make your case and get it done. Until then, American elections should be decided by American voters.

  43. "How does additional information "skew" the results?"

    By dissuading people from filling out the form and returning it, causing specifically targeted populations to be under counted.

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. Because federal aid and representation is based on total population in every state. How many immigrants, even legal residents do not fill out the forms because they fear Drumpf'[s heavy handed goons will deport them if they use that info to track them down.
    Now why do embarrassingly red states go out of their way to remove legal voters from voter rolls just because they have black or brown sounding names? Texas just tried to kick nearly 100k voters off the rolls and got caught and ordered to quit it.

    Why would any person in their right mind vote for a piece of shit who claims all immigrants are rapists, murderers and drug dealers? Drumpf has even called them animals at various times. Makes me want to run right out and vote his orange ass out of office and off the planet.

  45. Anonymous6:23 PM

    "Now why do embarrassingly red states go out of their way to remove legal voters from voter rolls just because they have black or brown sounding names?"

    "Why would any person in their right mind vote for a piece of shit who claims all immigrants are rapists, murderers and drug dealers?"

    You can file these questions under "Things that Never Happened". Refer to the 14th Amendment and the Voting Rights Act, as well as You Tube videos of Trump's speeches.

  46. Didn't happen? Trump strikes a Hitlerian note about immigrants: "You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals."

    2:49 PM - May 16, 2018

    Don't give me shit about he was referring to some other group bullshit.

  47. Didn't happen?
    Entirely made up list and no errors were found t9o back the attempt to purge legal voters from the rolls.

  48. Kobach's crosscheck probably purged more Jose Gonzalez's from the rolls for having similar names than the 80,000 votes that got Fergus into office.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Anonymous8:11 PM

    "I will be re-elected in 2020 and you know it"

  50. Anonymous8:56 PM

    "You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals."

    He was referring specifically to MS-13 members, not immigrants.

    And MS-13 are child-decapitating animals.

    Stop lying.

  51. Anonymous9:03 PM

    This is why the clown world meme has taken off: In a serious country it wouldn’t be illegitimate or controversial for said country to figure out how many citizens are within its borders.

    But you people are bad faith snakes. So here we are. Honk honk.

  52. Anonymous9:11 PM

    The citizenship question strikes at the heart of their treason.

  53. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    This is why the clown world meme has taken off: In a serious country it wouldn’t be illegitimate or controversial for said country to figure out how many citizens are within its borders.

    But you people are bad faith snakes. So here we are. Honk honk.

    9:03 PM

    Excuse me, the census is held every ten years in order to count the number of people residing in the country. It is not designed to measure only the number of citizens.

    THE ROLE OF THE CENSUS | Modernizing the U.S. Census | The ...

    The bedrock purpose of the census is to provide data for legislative reapportionment and redistricting.
    Over the last few decades, legislation and court rulings ...

  54. Anonymous11:40 AM

    The stupid, it burns:

    Excuse me, the census is held every ten years in order to count the number of people residing in the country. It is not designed to measure only the number of citizens.

    Stupid woman, the entire PURPOSE of the census is to count the residents and understand who they are.  The citizenship question does NOT come with a note saying "Do not return this form if you are not a citizen."  Neither do the questions on race and sex come with notes saying "throw this form out if you are female/black/Arab/Mexican".

    Counting the number of citizens and non-citizens is a legitimate and even essential function of the census.  The question of citizenship was part of the US census as recently as 2000.  The Obama administration took it off because flooding the USA with non-citizens was part of its agenda to destroy the country.  Of course, putting it back is opposed hysterically because, heaven forbid, some of those non-citizens might somehow get SENT BACK (horrors!).

  55. In an atmosphere of anti-immigrant policies and rhetoric from the president and his administration that so far has included kidnapping and losing thousands of migrant's children, families who may include or be associated with undocumented immigrants will rightfully fear what the government will do with information about citizenship and then choose to avoid responding to the census at all.
    Thus will the very communities the president has demonstrated so much animus toward be under counted and receive fewer resources and less representation than they would if the census were not being weaponized as a political tool against them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  56. Anonymous9:28 AM

    "I will be President again in 2020 and you know it"

  57. "I will be President again in 2020 and you know it"

    That's probably true. It's after January 2021 he won't be president.

    -Doug in Oakland
