Saturday, June 08, 2019

Caption Saturday.

Image result for image of  trump tuxedo

I need a caption for this pic.


  1. Waistcoats are not meant to contain so much and a shrapnel situation seems likely.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Chicago Democrats Created the most Corrupt, Violent & Self-Segregated City in the Country

  3. Anymoose, is that what Drumpf's corpulent, uncontained gut tells you?

    2 years in a row Drumpf has groped the Queen.

  4. Lt. Commander Johnson9:31 PM

    I'm back! Just in time to watch the MS State Bulldogs whoop some California ass.

    Yes, Queenie, we put a hole in your fish sisters this evening.

    "Trilene" Bwhaaaaaaaa. Good try.

    BTW....good Photoshop pic, field.

  5. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Queen: "And here we have a portrait of one of my predecessors, King Charles I. Sadly, the man was beheaded because he abused his authority as ruler of his country. You wouldn't happen to know anyone like that, Mr. Trump?"

  6. Queenie, you tools never learn. For real entertainment watch iowa whop SMU on the gridiron and you can ;earn about efficiency without worrying about padded stats. Trilene and other fine Berkley products were invented about 40 miles North and East of me by fine upstanding iowa businessman and congressman Berkley Bedell.

    Southern South Dakota is best known for inbred alligators and the least of the dumbest wasicu wasteys.

  7. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Donald Trump has just met his next wife.

    What a lovely couple they make!

  8. Trump is as repulsive as your average negro buck.

  9. Hey, who is this old chick? Whatsay we go find some quality ass?

  10. Trump's Tax returns3:02 AM

    Her royal imperial majesty meets this spoiled empirical travesty

  11. Made it back from Santa Rosa with a load of real quality beef raised right by family and cooked on an outdoor grill to perfection.
    Tomorrow, though, it will be a hundred degrees, near zero humidity, and dry winds blowing down from the East.
    PG&E is running blackouts in areas where their equipment might start fires in the heat of the day.
    Luckily, my friends' neighborhood has the electricity underground, so they won't be getting blacked out.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Surprised that a straight black man would post a pic of a decrepit old white hag. Aren’t you guys usually cumming in your pants over young, nubile white “bitches?” That’s probably why you harass and even rape so many of them.

  13. My vote for Trump's Tax Returns, for wordplay alone.

    Alongside Trump's ballooning gut, Queen tries to shrink herself out of the picture.

  14. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "how do you control your negroe population"

  15. Proof that Drumpfuck can multitask...

    Rumour has it Marco wants a threesome with Drumpf and a gilt, a black gilt.

    You see, Marco likes his bacon burnt if you get my meaning.

  16. The Queen looks ashamed to be seen with that fat, nefarious slob.

  17. Anonymous10:41 AM

    This 'pig' brought his whole tacky, classless family with him. More damage control to deal with. OMG.

  18. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The Queen: I hate to say it but I think its looking increasingly likely that nihilistic rainbow flag-slathered industrial consumerism and materialism will dominate our ever more brown, favelafied and overcrowded planet until the oceans completely fill with plastic and the last sparrow is roasted over a garbage can.

    The President: Not if I can help it.

    The Queen: Fuck those motherfuckers.

  19. Lt. Commander Johnson10:50 AM

    One of the most beautiful ball fields in the entire country:,_Polk%E2%80%93DeMent_Stadium

    Watch my Bulldogs tonight, when they whoop some more California ass, and punch their ticket to the College World Series.

  20. Trump's tax returns10:56 AM

    The royals stand aghast as the queen mother unceremoniously removes Ronald McDonald Trump after he is caught double dipping his biscuit at dinner.

    A fact which trump later denied. Commoner!

  21. The Queen c an proudly say she was seen in the company of common trash, an oafish. boor to be looked down upon because of inheritance and not noble birth.

  22. The Queen needs an acid bath to get the stink and cooties of peasant Drumpfuck the dumbfuck off her Royal hide.

  23. I think Marco is a trump fan and we hurt its feelings. 😏

  24. Anonymous12:48 PM

    The Queen: Dealing with these lying snakes never ends.

    The President: Never play cards with a man named "Doc", don't sit with your back to the door, and never accept a "no" from a person who doesn't have the authority to say 'yes'.

    The Queen: Yes, and never buy ganja from a Jew or legal advice from a Jamaican.

    The President: Goes without saying, LOL.

    The Queen: Motherfuckers.

  25. Acting DHS secretary praises White House deal with Mexico on immigration, defends Trump's tariff threat

    The entire population of stoopid fucking wingnuts are totally delusional and living in a fantasy land where everything Drumpf does, no matter how criminal, is praise and worship worthy.

    The deal with Mexico on immigration was agreed to months before Drumpfuck started new tariff threats. Drumpf and his followers need to be institutionalized and in prison and both for some.

  26. Moar lies from Pathological Liar in chief....And then Bloomberg reported this:

    President Donald Trump boasted of “large” agricultural sales to Mexico as part of a deal reached Friday on border security and illegal immigration that averted the threat of U.S. tariffs, but the deal as released had none, and three Mexico officials say they’re not aware of any side deal.

    Keep fucking over Farmers, Drumpfuck.


    Gov has paid over a hundred million for Drumpf's property visits.

  28. Why Americans are so damn ignorant, in one 53-second clip3:10 PM

    Hahaha, laugh of the day.

    Gigantic fool Tucker Carlson and some other epic buffoon bravely fight the metric system. I can’t put into words how dumb this is. You really have to watch.

    Man, I despise these people. They are a self-parody.

  29. Anonymous3:18 PM

    You only like the metric system because you're a Eurofag and your dick sounds bigger in centimeters than inches.

  30. Anonymous3:29 PM

    “You only like the metric system because you're a Eurofag and your dick sounds bigger in centimeters than inches.”

    An ignorant American shares his very important thoughts.

  31. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Trump wasn’t wrong when he said, “I love the poorly educated.” This is probably his only honest statement ever. You can take it as a variation on P.T. Barnum’s “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

  32. Nope. Not a fan of Trump. But I have more than enough pride in myself to know not to kowtow to black people’s every whiny demand. Unlike losers Doug in Oakland and that Gambler cunt, I’m not full of self-hate and bullshit white guilt. I will never kiss black ass.

  33. Do blacks froth at the mouth during Pride Month? You people are pretty homophobic so you probably do. Plus, gay men are so much more respectable towards women than (straight) black men are.

  34. "I think Marco is a trump fan and we hurt its feelings. 😏"

    Wait,what happened to the "Fuck Your Feelings" shirts that they sell at Trump rallies?

    And no, I don't hate myself, and I am proud of my accomplishments, which has fuck-all to do with my opinions about the behavior of others who may look like me a little.

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. Anonymous4:37 PM

    “Wait,what happened to the ‘Fuck Your Feelings’ shirts that they sell at Trump rallies?”

    The “your” only refers to the feelings of lefties and/or people of color. White wingnuts’ feelings must always be protected; they are major-league snowflakes. How else to explain them losing their shit over seeing football players kneel for the national anthem?

  36. Marco, not unlike other Drumphistas doesn't have a clew about white privilege and how it benefits the majority of whites everyday without having to think about it.

    Drumpfuck and Betty DeVos are perfect examples. They either inherited or married their fortunes and then claim they did it all with hard work and savvy.

    DeVos, btw, as Secretary of the dumb fucks raked in a cool 45 million in income even though she should have divested her busuinesses while in Grifter Gross Drumpfuck's cabinet.

  37. Life gets better. Drumpf crime family being looked at for insider trading from Drumpf's tweets about corporations and businesses.

    You have seen the market swings when Drumpf opens his pie hole and declares tariffs and trade wars everywhere.

  38. Anonymous5:07 PM

    The incels have arrived @4:54. Hooray.

  39. The Deplorables5:14 PM

    Trump wasn’t wrong when he said, “I love the poorly educated.”

    And Hillary's only honest moment came when she said she hated them (the white ones, anyway).

  40. Anonymous5:35 PM

    “And Hillary's only honest moment came when she said she hated them (the white ones, anyway).”

    Pretty sure “deplorables” referred to bigots who wouldn’t vote for her because she wouldn’t indulge their bigotry, not merely ignorant people.

    Although I’ll admit there’s some cross-over between the two groups, since a lot of people who are bigoted are also extremely ignorant.

  41. The Deplorables6:02 PM

    "Pretty sure “deplorables” referred to bigots who wouldn’t vote for her because she wouldn’t indulge their bigotry"

    Pretty sure you voted for her because she indulged your bigotry.

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:45 PM

    The Deplorables said...

    "And Hillary's only honest moment came when she said she hated them (the white ones, anyway)."

    5:14 PM
    Gee, that's really off the wall. When did Hillary say she hated anyone? Can you find a source for this claim?

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Join the "Don't Marry Movement". There are 3 main points:"
    I hope all you incels take this turkey's advice and join his movement. You aren't fit to be any woman's husband.

  44. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Trump is always on his worst behavior. Always. Even in the tiniest ways.

    At the D-Day ceremony in France, world leaders were asked to sign a proclamation declaring they would honor the sacrifices of those involved in the battle by promoting peace and harmony in the world.

    Look where Trump signed. And then look where everyone else signed.

  45. The Deplorables7:31 PM

    "Gee, that's really off the wall. When did Hillary say she hated anyone? Can you find a source for this claim?"

    Merriam Webster dictionary definition of deplorable: "deserving censure or contempt"

  46. "Merriam Webster dictionary definition of deplorable: 'deserving censure or contempt'"

    What does that have to do with hating anyone?

    And if you listen to what she actually said, she spelled out who she was talking about in enough detail to be clear about who they are and why they are deplorable.

    I probably wouldn't have used "deplorable" myself, as they are more pitiful than deplorable, but I'm not a speechwriter, and whoever wrote that line most likely had their reasons for using that specific word.

    What you don't like is that it's you she was describing, and that you are, in fact, "deserving censure or contempt" fifteen ways from Sunday.

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:49 AM

    The Deplorables said...

    "Gee, that's really off the wall. When did Hillary say she hated anyone? Can you find a source for this claim?"

    Merriam Webster dictionary definition of deplorable: "deserving censure or contempt"

    7:31 PM
    So you admit that your dictionary doesn't allude to hatred when defining deplorable and neither does mine. For example, I think that some right wingers are deplorable, but I don't hate them.

  48. "Wanted: Men's Tailor. Must be able to accommodate special needs clients."
