Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The "electability" question.

Image result for biden cool
Here is a great article from Jemele Hill that sheds light on a growing split within the democratic party. 

Progressives want the party to start focusing on women and people of color, while "traditional" middle of the road and blue dog democrats believe that the best way to beat trump is to go male and white. The reasoning is that there just isn't enough people of color and women voting out there to topple the "traditional" (see white male) vote.

"To former Vice President Joe Biden’s benefit, electability has become the unofficial buzzword of the 2020 presidential campaign.

Although it’s still early, most polls show Biden as the clear front-runner among Democrats. A CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll was just the latest to give him a solid lead. Among Iowa’s likely Democratic caucus-goers, 24 percent named Biden their first choice for president—a significant lead in a fractured field that has more than 20 candidates.

Biden’s early strength isn’t particularly surprising. He’s an experienced politician. And his service alongside former President Barack Obama has given him a priceless advantage. On Saturday, to celebrate “Best Friends Day,” Biden even tweeted a picture of bracelets entwining his first name and Obama’s—a not-so subtle reminder that the former vice president was a fixture of the good old days.
Nevertheless, Biden’s elevation to front-runner is a testament to how much President Donald Trump has shaken the faith of those who believe the White House could better reflect what America looked like.

This is perhaps Trump’s most crucial victory yet: successfully persuading Democrats—especially African American voters—not just to lower the bar, but to abandon the idea that inclusion and bold ideas matter more than appeasing the patriarchy.

More than likely, the Democratic nominee for president won’t be the person with the best and most progressive ideas, or the person most capable of galvanizing a fractured country. The nominee just has to beat Trump, even if the cost of that victory is reinforcing the idea that only an older white man is capable of getting this country back on track.

In a recent piece explaining Joe Biden’s early polling success, David Mark, a writer for NBC News’s digital site Think, wrote: “For starters, there’s Biden’s demographic edge in the primaries. Biden, 76 and white, broadly fits the profile of the Democratic electorate that will select the nominee.”

But older white Democrats aren’t the only ones who are bullish on the former vice president. In a Quinnipiac poll conducted in late April, 61 percent of nonwhite Democrats said Biden had the best chance of beating Trump.

Already many Democrats are cutting Biden much more slack than they’re giving other candidates. There is, for example, a double standard in how some African Americans judge the presidential candidate Kamala Harris—who was an Oakland prosecutor before becoming a U.S. senator from California—far more harshly than they judge Biden.

Harris has been criticized repeatedly by African Americans for her record as a prosecutor; many accused her of aiding a system that has disproportionately punished and targeted black people. There was even a hashtag created on Twitter, #KamalaHarrisIsACop, that her detractors employed to point out her failure to protect African Americans in the criminal-justice system.

Even though Biden wrote the 1994 crime bill whose mandatory-minimum sentencing rules sent many black men to prison, the former vice president’s support among African Americans remains significantly stronger than that of both black presidential candidates in the field—Harris and Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey. A poll released by BlackPAC last month showed that 72 percent of African Americans view Biden favorably, compared with 49 percent for Harris and 47 percent for Booker.

Remarkably, the negative energy directed toward Harris for serving as a prosecutor has not been aimed at Biden, who said recently that, although the “three strikes” provisions of the 1994 law were a mistake, the bill “had a lot of other good things.” While the explosion of mass incarceration was already in progress before the crime bill was signed, the legislation was still devastating for black and brown people. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, the black incarceration rate rose from 1,200 per 100,000 in 1985 to 2,450 per 100,000 in 2000. For black men in 2000, the rate was 3,457 per 100,000.

For many African Americans, who understandably feel particularly vulnerable in Trump’s administration, prioritizing a defeat of Trump over progress is a means of survival. Biden’s treatment of Anita Hill, questions about his handsy behavior with women, his opposition to marijuana legalization, the accusations of plagiarism, his flip-flop on supporting the Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funds for abortion services—none of it has weakened Biden’s position.
Unfortunately, the lesson even Democrats have learned from Trump’s election is that certain voters are willing to tolerate anything if they believe in a candidate. Especially if that candidate is an older white man." [Source]

To some people this all doesn't even matter. They will vote for Bugs Bunny if he led the democratic ticket before they vote for Mr. trump. 

*Pic from demoraticunderground.com


  1. Lt. Commander Johnson7:54 PM

    Oh, yeah...you Dems just bring Harris and Booker on. For the slaughter.

    Better yet, Mayor Pete Butt plug.

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:06 PM

    Field said....

    "To some people this all doesn't even matter. They will vote for Bugs Bunny if he led the democratic ticket before they vote for Mr. trump."

    It does matter to me, but defeating Donald Trump matters more. We simply cannot tolerate another four years of this monster. And I would vote for Bugs if he could defeat Trump.

    I will be working for and donating to the candidate that wins the Democratic nomination.

  3. Lance Cockstrong8:10 PM

    If the Democrats put up yet another micro dick white boy they will probably lose to that micro dick retard Butt Trumpet and his whore wife. No Biden, and hell no to that micro dick queer ButtGag. The Dems need either well endowed Corey Booker or he beautiful, strong Kamala Harris.

  4. Dave Zirin = faggot kike8:24 PM

    White people are ugly AND bland. Your race is a joke.

  5. No matter who is at the top of the ticket, they will be better and more qualified than trump but the focus needs to be on local elections and the House and the Senate. If trump is re-elected and the Dems take the senate and keep the house trump has been neutered and can't do much harm. He would likely quit than have to put up with two hostile chambers. 2020 is also a census year so we need every swinging, uh, bat on deck to get the numbers up.
    As far as which demographic group to focus on why not all of the above? White males are generally reasonable and don't mind voting in unison with women and POC. This should be a good year for the Dems if they play it right and it could be even better if we start getting some of these candidates out of the race and running for state offices and/or senate.

  6. Lt. Commander Johnson8:53 PM

    I see you Dems constantly demonizing Trump. BUT, you can never explain WHY, personally. All you offer is some links.

    Explain why he is a "monster", Queenie. In "your own words", please.

  7. Love scratching my asshole9:02 PM

    This whole cult/Klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980’s puked out.

  8. Lt. Commander Johnson9:28 PM

    1. First avoiding the question with insults.

  9. The safe candidate whose time for the nomination has come ALWAYS loses the general. Always.

    The Republicans seem to have learned this with Trump (you can't get much less qualified than the current President). The Dems seem really set on running on their resumes, which, again, NEVER WORKS.

  10. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:47 PM

    Trump Would Probably Lose Election If Held Today https://politicalwire.com/

    Trump Trails Most Democrats

    In a new poll, Trump trails all of the top Democratic contenders.

  11. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  12. Amerikaner1:17 AM

    Joe Biden says President Trump is "literally an existential threat to America"

    The people who elected Trump think the open-border globalist Democrats are "literally an existential threat to America"

    The less of a nation America is, the more of a proposition it becomes, and the more of a proposition it becomes, the more that disagreements about what the proposition actually is will become bitter and fanatical.

    We are not countrymen debating the merits of policies anymore. We’re priests excommunicating each other from the Church of Americanism.

  13. Biden is better than your garden variety old white guy because he at least wants to do the right thing, so would most likely respond to pressure from the left on policy.

    The same could have been said about Clinton in 2016, and her three million vote advantage wasn't enough to overcome the cheating they did.

    That cheating, after years of Republican controlled government and the zillions of fucked-in-the-head right wing judges they appointed is going to be an order of magnitude worse this time, so we need someone who can not just win, as Clinton did, but actually inflame voters to come out and stomp them into the dirt.

    Yes, Biden has the widest lead over Fergus now, but that may change.

    Polling this far out is not that reliable, and just because the polling respondents skew old, white, and male, that doesn't mean the election will be decided by old white men (see also: 2018 election).

    Warren seems like the closest thing to a broadly appealing candidate we have, and she certainly has a flair for the chops of the actual job, but again, so did Clinton last time. She would be giving a policy speech and the media would be running a shot of the empty podium before Fergus arrived.

    Warren is, of course, white and old.

    She may be the best candidate for the job even so.

    All of the top Democratic candidates beat Fergus in recent polling, and his internal polling shows him losing to (at least) Biden "brutally" so he's on the war path against Joe now.

    Biden has chosen to distance himself from the primary by running against Fergus instead of the Democrats, so now he seems to be cued up for a mudslinging contest with the Republicans before any delegates have been awarded, and that might take him down a notch while using up Republican resources on a candidate who doesn't become the nominee.

    Any of the credible Democratic candidates would be way way better than any Republican, much less Fergus. The reduction in corruption alone would make them an improvement, even if they prove somewhat ineffective as president, which, let's face it, is going to be the case no matter who wins.

    So the Democrats are set to pass the reauthorization of the benefits for the 9-11 first responders after Jon Stewart reminded them what the meaning of the word shame is. So my question is whether Mitch McConnell, who is constitutionally immune to the concept of shame, will block it or not.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. trump is a conman, a New York conman which makes it even worse. It's not so much a hatred of trump but a party that prides itself on family values and support for business this just shows extreme hypocrisy. He has bankrupted several small business because he hires people to do a job and then refuses to pay them for the work. That is a thief. Inhate thieves. I would provide a link but you stated you didn't want links. He is a racist, he began his campaign by appealing to racists, then again so did Reagan. He has no interest in uniting the country and only reaches out to his base. He is uncouth and has brought the dignity of the WH down several notches.

  15. What Harry Hamid said.
    'Electibility' is not electable.

  16. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/447972-biden-leads-trump-by-landslide-proportions-in-new-national-poll

    Commandeered Queensland explain, in yer own words, why Drumpf isn't a racist, lying, woman hating, xenophobic, homophobic, scum of the Earth.

  17. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I am not supporting Joe Biden in the primary due to his age and generational mindset that has lead this country to this horrible situation it finds itself today where the RNC and numerous Republican Senators are being financed by a Russian oligarch through a US donor. The boys club which Joe Biden has been a leading powerbroker has create this atmosphere where a political party is being financed by this America's number one adversary. Unless Biden flips on host of serious issues many supported by Progressive Democrats I will not support him, America can't afford more of the same. The white male racist cry of we are moving to fast and their support of government sanctioned white privilege has to stop immediately. Either we want real Democracy or we don't, I'm no longer interested in a white male version of Capitalism and Democracy. Elizabeth Warren/Kamala Harris are right, it's time for big ideals not a return to the past which has resulted in immoral wealth, millions of Americans without health-care, Minorities including women being treated like second class citizens, and the exit of greedy US corporations overseas who are under cutting America at placing this country at risk due to their products being manufactured by US adversaries. As an African American male I have no interest in moving backwards or being slow walked to equal rights under this nations Constitution, I am not interest in having by vote taken away by the now Russian financed-GOP. So I'm voting choice comes down to Warren or Harris.

  18. Too soon to choose. let the field narrow bigly and then see what is left.


    Chinese show more concern for mental health than do wingnuts show about Drumpfuck's insanity.

  19. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Once again, Plagiarist Negro copy-pastes someone else's writing with no mention of their byline and hiding the link down at the end.

    How much of this blog would disappear if someone started making DMCA claims?

    It would be interesting to start searching the source (allegedly authored by Jemele Hill) to see how much of THAT was taken from other sources.  Going back to MLK and even earlier, plagiarism is a habit of black people.

    Maybe that's why they love Joe Biden.  He plagiarizes just like they do.

  20. Anonymous10:34 AM

    "The white male racist cry of we are moving to fast and their support of government sanctioned white privilege has to stop immediately. Either we want real Democracy or we don't, I'm no longer interested in a white male version of Capitalism and Democracy."

    All politics is racial.

    There are no common human values.

    I oppose white males because I am not one.


  21. Anonymous10:38 AM

    "Chinese show more concern for mental health than do wingnuts show about Drumpfuck's insanity"

    Smashing an effigy of the symbol of my opposition is good for my mental health.

    But they're the ones consumed with hate.

  22. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Warren is, of course, white and old.

    Warren doesn't have a well-documented video history of obvious pedophilic creeping on pre-pubescent girls.

    The lamestream media have mostly ignored the massive roll-ups of pedophile and child-porn rings the past 2 years.  That's not going to be possible when it starts being prominent Dem pols, hard-lefty judges and billionaire political contributors doing the perp-walks.  It would be utterly hilarious for the Dems to nominate Creepy Uncle Joe, and then have his already-written indictment unsealed just as the 2020 filing deadline in the last state passes.

  23. Affirmative Action Jackson10:40 AM

    "The white male racist cry of we are moving to fast and their support of government sanctioned white privilege has to stop immediately.

    Name one example of government sanctioned white privilege.

    I bet you can't.

    1. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/the-gilded-age/south-after-civil-war/v/jim-crow-part-2

    2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.history.com/.amp/topics/black-history/black-codes

    3. https://www.msnbc.com/melissa-harris-perry/watch/the-history-of-sundown-towns-318926915949


  24. "Name one example of government sanctioned white privilege.

    I bet you can't."

    Why yes I can. Almost too easy☝🏾️

  25. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/freedom-riders-jim-crow-laws/

  26. Anonymous11:18 AM

    “Name one example of government sanctioned white privilege.”

    Not getting hassled by the cops for “driving while white.”

  27. Anonymous11:26 AM

    PoseurX lists things that have been gone for 50, 60, even 70 years already.

    Try finding one that exists TODAY.  Find one that has anything close to the effect of "affirmative action", "diversity quotas" and "disparate impact".

    If anything, the effects of criminal blacks moving into formerly safe neighborhoods proves that Jim Crow, sundown towns and Black codes were absolutely the right and proper thing to do.  Banning them was a crime against the American nation... of which Africans-in-America claim they are not a part, so we should take them at their word.

  28. Affirmative Action Jackson11:41 AM

    PilotX said...

    "Name one example of government sanctioned white privilege.

    I bet you can't."

    Why yes I can. Almost too easy☝��️

    From Reconstruction? Are you fucking kidding?

    The assertion was that the government was still sanctioning white privilege today.

    "The white male racist cry of we are moving to fast and their support of government sanctioned white privilege has to stop immediately.

    This is utter horseshit. There is no government sanctioned white privilege. Quite the opposite, actually.

  29. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Biden=Trump 2020!!

  30. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Dave Zirin = faggot kike said...
    White people are ugly AND bland. Your race is a joke.
    8:24 PM

    They invented most everything.....

  31. Maybe that's why they love Joe Biden. He plagiarizes just like they do.

    But, not as bad as illegal alien Melanoma Drumpfuck, the lady who graduated from architecture school in one year and then came to America to work illegally.

    Gubmint sanctioned white privilege? Paul Ryan fast tracking 10k Irish immigrants for visas while denying POC their rights to enter America.

  32. From Quora....

    That is a tricky question; it depends very much on what your definition of “invention” is. Currently, Switzerland is considered the world leader in innovation, which is generally a much broader term than “invention.” Moreover, the United States, nevertheless, has the most scientific journals, patents issued, etc., in recent years. But these, again, may not add up to your definition of “invention,” if strictly interpreted.

    On the other end of the scale, historically, it is believed that well over 50 percent of the world’s most important inventions have been British, with the United States contributing about half that number, and Japan a distant third. On the other hand, just because they have produced the most inventions, as many in business can tell you, it is not always the first creator that provides the longest lasting contribution. The first MP3 player was created in Britain, but who would dispute that it was probably Steve Jobs and Apple that made them ubiquitous? Remember the Betamax video recorder? Sony of Japan came up with this first home videotape recorder (VCR), but not only were they eventually swamped by rivals with a more readily adopted format VCR machine, that machine itself was replaced, first by DVDs, then by TiVO and first digital recorders, and since then, by streaming digital content that can be viewed then forgotten, rented, or owned. Just as McDonalds would not be world famous without its second owner, Ray Kroc, McDonalds itself overtook, at least for a time, all of the mom & pop inventors and innovators of the modern fast food hamburger, including White Castle, which beat McDonalds to the market by over 30 years, but that has, until its recent foray into the grocery market, remained mostly a regional US brand.

  33. It is now official..... stoopid fucking wingnuts really Are this stoopid-

    from Crooks and Liars....Do people on Fox News realize they look and sound ridiculous and stupid? Do they just not care? Here's this morning's submission to the Fox News Idiot's Hall Of Fame: Justin Haskins asking the question, "How does giving poor people money help them?" and asserting that the goal of this would be to destroy capitalism.

    This is what conservative arts education does to stoopid fucking wingnuts. Makes them dumber than rocks. No offense to rocks.

  34. "Find one that has anything close to the effect of "affirmative action", "diversity quotas" and "disparate impact".

    Really? Damn near 300 years of white male affirmative action has no effect on the modern era huh? There's no arguing with that type of willful ignorance.

  35. "From Reconstruction? Are you fucking kidding?

    The assertion was that the government was still sanctioning white privilege today. "

    No, starting at reconstruction and continuing through the20th century. No, your question did not imply anything about today , you asked if I could find any government sanctioned white affirmative action programs and I did. Don't move the goal posts now.

  36. And if we follow the logic if 300 years of white male AA had no detrimental effects then there's no way 60 years will have any.

  37. Affirmative Action Jackson3:04 PM

    "Don't move the goal posts now."


    1. No what's pathetic is your argument.

  38. https://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/03/28/redlining-was-banned-50-years-ago-its-still-hurting-minorities-today/%3foutputType=amp

  39. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-modern-day-redlining-20180215-story,amp.html

  40. http://newjimcrow.comthe

  41. If you're white and you don't want to see discrimination, you won't.
    Which is, on it's face, an example of the privilege white people have in this society, or more accurately, non-poor white people, that is to not even have to acknowledge the problems they don't face because of their whiteness.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Redlining is what Drumpfuck and his dad did, admitted it, paid a fine and promised not to do it again, until next time. Then Drumpf lied about ever having done so to begin with.

  43. Way to fucking go, Drum0pfuck. You led the US to its highest rates of suicides and drug overdoses ever.

    U.S. death rates from suicides, alcohol and drug overdoses reach all-time high

  44. Anonymous7:39 PM

    If you're white and you don't want to see discrimination, you won't.

    If you're a lefturd and don't want to see victim-blaming, you won't.  You won't see the white men unable to get jobs they are perfectly qualified to take but are passed over for in favor of "diversity" to meet quotas; you'll blame them for living in their parent's basement.  You won't see the whites who are underemployed for the same reason.  Neither will you see the millions of minorities receiving public benefits they don't qualify for, but are getting because the welfare bureaucracy treats them as sacrosanct even while the people paying for those benefits are turned away.

    If you're a lefturd you'll be protesting your righteousness until the moment the noose closes off your windpipe for the last time.

  45. If you are a stoopid fucking wingnut you won't see welfare cascading up to the koch bros and other billionaires because you have been brainwashed into believing everything given to the wealthy is naturally their's anyway.

    Then you make up stories about all these immigrants automatically showing up and being handed money and food stamps because you are told what to believe by fake noize.

    And then you can't pass a kindergarten quiz because you are a stoopid fucking wingnut.

  46. "You won't see the white men unable to get jobs they are perfectly qualified to take but are passed over for in favor of "diversity" to meet quotas"

    This is a common meme but rarely does it occur. Can you provide examples of this?

  47. "until the moment the noose closes off your windpipe for the last time."

    Such violent fantasies. You may want to get some therapy.

  48. Trump’s federal budget deficit skyrocketed to $207.8 billion in the month of May

  49. https://wjla.com/news/nation-world/dc-street-renamed-to-hidden-figures-way-in-honor-of-black-female-nasa-mathematicians?fbclid=IwAR1wvRylMCTrgk9yZQnbnEkeqoTSf1G3Xh8t6dPHeiYMaLZgwSE094I2zvw

  50. "Trump’s federal budget deficit skyrocketed to $207.8 billion in the month of May"

    Deficits only matter when the Dems are in control of the WH. You should know that Mike.

  51. This is for Mike and Doug.


  52. "You won't see the white men unable to get jobs they are perfectly qualified to take but are passed over for in favor of "diversity" to meet quotas"

    And the problem with this argument is assuming the person hired for the job isn't more qualified. There are many women and POC who have advanced degrees and are well versed in many advocations so yes occasionally a white man will be passed over for a job, it happens. Gone are the days when only white males need apply.

    1. “When I came on with United, United was hiring white male pilots with 175 hours on Cessna 172," adds Norwood. He had been in the Air Force for six years, flying B-52 Bombers and had more than 1,100 hours of flight time. However, even qualified black pilots couldn't get hired by commercial airlines until the Civil Rights Act of 1964."

    2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox26houston.com/amp/news/first-black-united-airlines-pilot-overcame-odds-against-him

  53. Great link, PilotX. Thanks and fuck Ronnie Raygun.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.
